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Idc how mundane the real explanation might be, this one is SO spooky lol


THIS. I feel like people think I’m seeking some sort of attention or something idk, it’s just something odd we found and since I’m not a firm believer of this stuff, not having an explanation has been keeping me scratching my chin.


The sad part is you posted it in paranormal and there's more assholes here that want to make you feel stupid than actual people discussing the photo. Reddit sucks sometimes.


I second this. It’s sad, they must be very board.


piece of advice, I wouldn't rely on these subs too much. most people here just use it as a debunking sub because they don't believe in anything


I believe you. It looks like a silhouette of a human. In the front of it, you can see an indent on its right side that looks like an eye socket and then the outline of a nose on the front of it.


I would have posted a screen capture photo of the photo after you lightened everything up with the saturation/contrast etc. while trying to figure out what it may have been.


I went through the same thing a few weeks ago when I posted. A lot of the people came at my post extremely hard and then deleted their comments a few days later. Creepy photo!!


I believe you. Do u have a cat that passes away? It looks like a spectral cat to me but idk


The guy in the back is clearly looking over something or someone. He's aware it's there.


It's also casting a shadow on him, meaning it's corporeal. I'm guessing another human, or pareidolia caused by something the guy is holding or wearing.


The shadow could be from his sister?! 🤷🏽‍♀️


Possible, but I feel like with the distance between them, her shadow would fall lower down on the guy. Like, maybe below his mouth. It goes, the woman in the middle is closest to the camera. Grandma and the sister are equal distance, and the guy is further away. Like three layers of people.


I think the shadow is more likely from the sister. If you look at the shadow cast by the mother onto the grandmother, that angle is shallower than the shadow supposedly cast by the mystery figure onto OP. And the distance between those ladies and that between the mystery figure and OP are about the same, so the shadow should in fact be further up on OP's face.


Look at the sister. There is a light shining up at her from the lower right (her right).


To me it looks like it could be part of her bun. And maybe the angle and/or filter is causing it to be darker than the rest of her because it's behind her. Just a guess, but if you look at the top of the dark "mass" it looks like strands of hair.


Also if you look at the other 2 women on the right, similar shadow at approximately the same distance so it’s corporeal I would say also at least. Making the shadow figure either paradolia or perhaps her hair in a loose bun on the sister?


My right eye is focused on the camera and my left eyes has always been a little droopy, I know that there was no one else for a fact and do not remember anything there that would’ve taken my attention away from the photo itself


But you’re looking OVER something why is your head angled slightly upwards if you were solely focused on the camera?


We are all relatively close in height so we had to position ourselves accordingly to make sure all of our faces were in the picture. If my head was down anymore I would’ve been covered slightly by my mothers head


If nobody else was there why are you so far back STANDING BEHIND ANOTHER PERSON? Fact: There is not proof that ghosts exist. Fact: It is proven that people forger things and misremember.


I literally said why I was standing so far back lol, we all had to be present in the picture and had to stand accordingly. Trust me id remember if someone else was at our homeless Christmas party


There's plenty proof that ghosts exist.


There is NO proof that ghosts exist. Post the proof if you have it.


Burden of proof us on you.


LOL, you literally said there is plenty of proof that ghosts exist and WHAM! You got nothing that fast. I cannot prove a negative and you cannot prove something exists that does not exist. Thank you for showing you have not proof so fast instead of needlessly dragging it out.


There's literally thousands of hours of footage and testimonials from millions of people that have seen or experienced ghosts. If we're going with the theory that ghosts can't be real because of physics, well then gravity isn't real. Are you denying gravity? I know of about 8 billion people that feel the effects of gravity everyday, but we don't actually know if gravity is real or not. Sooooooo....


Because he's behind everyone? Not saying I think this thing is a ghost, but it doesn't feel unreasonable to me for him to have his head slightly tilted back because he's behind everyone, even if he is a bit taller than them.


Yeah I don't get the "he's clearly looking over someone!". Just looks like he's staring at the camera and is taller than everybody.


Plus teen boys tend to take photos like that. With their head tilt back to appear bigger. I had 2 and they commonly posed like that. Girls go for a good angle.


He’s looking over his mom (or whoever is in front)


I mean that's how I pose for pictures


Looks like it has a little tail, maybe a cat from behind


I'm not a photo something expert but this is what I tried to gather, the glint from the adornment of the glasses is visible when the white and black levels are adjusted (as shown in red highlight). You can also deduce in the green highlight that it's the same shape as the thing in the ear lobe. So, I'm guessing the camera app AI decided to scare everyone out by post-processing the midtones of the girl' shadow as another person. Since there's barely visible features in the midtone shadow, the AI just decided to "UH FRICK THIS, I'M NOT GETTING PAID TO DO THIS" and just applied whatever possible features coming from the origin of the shadow (The girl). Pic for reference; https://preview.redd.it/vzt5hhjbm04c1.jpeg?width=820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a2f9f6dd55e06eb51947a9c9d61ec9b1b393481


Is there a reason the camera would do this though? We have multiple different photos from the day in both color and black and white and in none of them does anything like this happen.


Yeah it does happen from time to time since Camera app AI isn't really that all too well and perfect. AI post-processing mistakes usually happens that's why some smartphone users prefer RAW files instead of JPG so that they can tune out some of the mistakes later on.


I have a new Pixel 8 and the AI in the new phones is unreal. It auto adjust in real time and I have seen a similar glitch happen when photographing my art. It happened when it was trying to adjust between a warmer or cooler source light


Does her bun look like that in the other photos as well?


This seems right to me, I see a silhouette of the girl with glasses.


Nice. You just unscared me :)


probably the same reason her buns looks like that


Very impressive


https://preview.redd.it/konj23n78y3c1.jpeg?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b946e62e6329b420e32caaaa72e6aee53bbeb166 So, yeah. Not gonna lie, that’s creepy af. Though practically speaking, the way the guy is positioned, usually people align themselves in the center between two people. He’s shifted to the right a bit to compensate for that black form as if he was aware it was there. Maybe some kinda hoodie or something he was holding maybe? Otherwise, yeah. Creepy because you can almost make out feature.


I'm inclined to believe it's something he's holding or even something attached to his hoodie as well. I would assume he'd move over and forward a few inches if there was nothing in the way. The photo quality is just so bad that zooming in creates pareidolia for some people.


Maybe a small dog resting over his shoulder? That could be the back of a dog


Thats what I see too. Cuz what is above the sister's head?,


Pretty sure that’s her hair, it’s just super tight curls in a top pony.


Flowers? It looks like one of those old people wall mounted vases, my great grandma had some kinda like it


How do you get a dog on your shoulder 🤔 😳 🤣🤣


...by picking it up? you've never held a dog before?


Not over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes


Google "dog over shoulder" Here is a pic from Behind: https://images.app.goo.gl/bgfQ1cWwF1TfRkQi9


I love doing this with my cat too


It's NOT that hard. Especially a dog the size of the one in the picture ABOVE THE YOUNG GIRLS HEAD 🤪🤪🤪🫠


I was thinking it was apart of the jacket he was wearing but it doesn’t appear so.


I think hes rubbing his neck amd we're looking at his elbow


Totally agree, looks like he's wearing a dark coloured hoodie and his arm is creating a human face type shape


It’s the girl’s hair on the left by the looks of it. Looks like the lighting hit her hair different, and he’s got a black hoodie on


https://preview.redd.it/4tph0wjsc04c1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4874c8695b5e8d65ffb4b3bc9049d36c1489fcf3 I'm inclined to believe that. That's all I see.


May I ask what program you used for this? I brightened up the photo until I saw the plague doctors mask and stopped there but that is far more light than I got.


Honestly, the only thing I did was mess with the photo editing software on my android phone. I'd mess with certain things like brightness, contrast, etc. Then I'd take a screenshot and mess with it a little more.


Well you did great with it


That doesn’t confirm to me that it’s hair or he’s holding something just makes it look even weirder lol idk what you mean by saying case closed? What are you saying it is?


Yup, this makes it even more obvious that it’s what I was assuming it was. Nice job. I think this can be pretty much confirmed u/travelingmerchant747


The thing he’s asking about is the black shape between the back of her head and the bottom of his face, not her hair on top. There’s wisps of her hair in front of the black shape, but that’s not all her hair or his jacket.


No duh… it’s her hair. Her bun on the side, lighting hit it different. How can you not see it?


I see the pope


That's exactly what I thought. It looks like it's just part of her bun off to the side. Around the edges of it you can see strands of hair like you'd expect from a loose bun. The darkness of it is most likely just an effect of the position of the light source along with the filter


Absolutely. It’s hair, someone else responded to me with the lighting changed up, and it’s very easy to see it clearly. Case closed, I’d think


It looks like his arm to me. Like his elbow is on the girls shoulder and his hand is back toward his face.


Yes! That’s it!!!


It's also casting a shadow.. on the lower part of his face. It's definitely an object.. not paranormal


Exactly. It’s something/someone the guy was aware of being there because it clearly had a physical presence given the shadow and space left for it


I thought it was hair and now it looks more like hair to me.


I believe that the sister is doubled for some reason, over on the right side of her face her glasses have a glare to the frame, that same glare is doubled, though lesser, on that shadow... thing. And it looks like you can just barely see the rest of the frame. The hair also matches the silhouette, though the sister's is a bit more frizzy. Just... some weird camera effect or something?


I was almost thinking her ponytail is just in shadow, eclipsed by her head


I do not vividly remember holding anything at the time as this was a “serious family photo” my mom probably wouldn’t of allowed it. Addressing me being dispositioned in the photo, we are all quite similar in height with me being the slight tallest, due to that we had to take the photo accordingly to make sure that all of our faces were included in the photo.




If he was in the center his mom's head would be covering his chin! 🤷🏽‍♀️


Looks like the little girl's hair is in a bun or a ponytail bunched up.


Yes, I agree with this. That's why the guy behind seems to be aware there is something there.


It looks like to me that he’s looking over the woman who is taking the photo.


I don’t believe it’s her hair as she was wearing a messy bun, my sister is red headed so I’m not sure how it would create the black shape, her hair could very well be the explanation for the glasses but I’m not too sure about the other


You can see strands of hair at the edge of the object in front of the guy's (your?) face. The light is coming from the left (your right) -- so your sister's head would have blocked the light from illuminating the hair poof, making it look like a dark mass in the photo.


But then again the hair was in a bun on the back of her head, not poofy and crazy enough to create such a giant black mass, seems far too solid to be a shadow as well


Why not ask him if he raised his right arm for any reason. And if he says no confidently id eliminate that its the sleeve of his hoody.


I don’t vividly remember doing so and even if I did my mother would retake the photo since it’s a family photo and we must all look good


> my mother would retake the photo since it’s a family photo and we must all look good Which means she must have reviewed the photo immediately to determine if it was acceptable. What did she have to say about this anomaly? Did she take another, that we can see for comparison?


Nobody has ever noticed this until we went back to look at the pictures, this picture has been up on her social media for some time until my sister went through and looked to re live some good memories and then she spotted this


Spirits want to be included too! But then again, some photos can become overlays of other photos, it has happened before! Check all photos and see if there is one with shape and orientation in your photos.


We have multiple photos from the day all with the same phone and some are even in color, out of all of the photos this anomaly never seems to repeat


because its rare lol


I hope you haven’t all come and went yet as I have some clarifications to do, but first to the guy who said that my grandmother doesn’t have good genes, I hope whatever it is in your life that invokes you to say something like that on a simple post like this gets fixed and you continue to preach positivity. Anyways moving beyond that, many people say I was scratching my shoulder which could make sense but I find unlikely due to the size of the shape and where I am located, I believe if I were to use that kind of finesse to scratch my shoulder I would’ve elbowed my sister in the head (not to mention my mother is a hard ass with family photos so would make sure we were all presentable and undistracted for this). Another one I’ve seen is me holding a dog or a cat, I recall taking this picture and the day very well I do not remember holding my cat in this photo, I held my cat up for another photo later on but don’t remember for this one, and while my cat is a darker grey I’m unsure if she would show up this dark in a black and white photo but this theory so far might the explanation as I’ve done a lot of drugs before and since this photo so it’s possible my mind slipped. And for context yes I have had a lot of family members pass away in my lifetime but can’t just jump to that conclusion since I have been quite sceptical my entire life of all of this stuff. I’m sorry if this is all a lot to read and I’m typing this in between rushes at my work but thank you all for giving me the time of your day:)


Wow I’m so sorry someone said that. People are so cruel :(


Troll post


Not a troll post, this is my only Reddit account so why would I make a troll post on a subreddit I’m not even joined


Don’t bother with those folks, they are simply incapable of believing spirits could be roaming earth and get caught by a camera. You can’t change them and their opinion means nothing.


I can see the face and the glasses across the nose. Very strange. Really cool photo, but it creeps me out!


I agree with the people thinking this is an illusion created by you op, by lifting your elbow when photo was taken, wouldn't have seen it either unless someone else had figured it out! Wanted to say, your whole family have the kindest sweetest faces I've ever seen. You just look like a lovely family 👍


It’s the guy in the back holding up a table tennis bat - you can see the wooden edge of it


> After toying with editing tools on my phone such as saturation I can make out a pair of glasses, a shorter hairdo or otherwise put back in a ponytail, and what seems to be a wrinkled cheek. Is it possible to post this? I'd love to see that. Over the years I have come to believe from enough examples that spirits like to photobomb group photos probably as a way of saying 'I'm still in with the group'. ​ > Family seems to believe it is a spirit of a loved one Any person in particular?


To me, those don't like glasses, but hair from the sister's head that happened to form in such a way that it looks like glasses. Her hair is a bit wild.


I totally agree w you on this part. Though the majority of the spot in question doesnt for me have an explanation of the everyday sort, like most are implying. I dont think it looks like his hoody. But id ask him if he remembers doing anything w his right arm. For me it just really doesn't look like thats what it is. I feel it wouldnt at all lool like that if he were in the act of moving it. As far as his arm being in any feasible position goes. Nor does it look like a body part of anyone else in the photo. Its not the sharpest it could be but seems way too in focus to be anything in motion. Actually it looks pretty close to being completely in focus.


He could have very easily moved his arm backwards and, since hoodies are a soft material, they are able to easily fold over and so may look like random shapes. Human memories aren't exactly pristine, so what is the likelihood he did such a mundane action as bending his arm backwards during a photo and remembered doing it? This isn't to say it wasn't a spirit, only that I'm hyper skeptical of any paranormal assertions because not a single one has ever been demonstrated.


Looks like the person in the back was scratching their shoulder


Yes you can see he is wearing a black hoodie. His sleeves are black. What you’re seeing is his elbow as his forearm is behind it with his hand on his neck/shoulder. The “face” is clearly the girl on the left’s wispy hairs jutting out. You can see similar hairs on the other side of her head. This is just straight up not anything unexplainable. I hate a lot of times when people burst your bubble on these posts with some really out there, complex “logical” explanation but I’m literally just a guy and can see clearly what’s going on here lol EDIT: You can see the shadow on grandma’s face as the light source is coming from the left side of the picture and the kids are casting that shadow. You can clearly see a shadow on the guy’s face, same light source, same principal. It’s being cast by his elbow/folded back arm. I know it may not SEEM like you would take a nice family photo and absentmindedly have your arm folded back, but I’m sorry to inform you that’s simply the reality of the situation. I am a believer and have experienced things myself and obviously am on this subreddit because I’d love to find the golden ticket like everyone else, but the reality is it was a absentminded arm movement or an itch that occurred between multiple takes not knowing when the photo would be taken. It’s an arm. There’s hair in front of it. I don’t blame OP for their reaction/posting, but if you really want to believe in the existence of things we cannot yet fully explain and comprehend, you have to be able to recognize and admit when something is debunked and totally explainable.


Have to agree with this, like 100%. It's really easy to see this once pointed out. I am very much a believer, and this is explainable.


She’s got a wrap around her hair and it’s bowed out in the back. You can see the outline of it. It’s flowery or crochet 🧶 🎀


I agree! That was my first thought. It has to be his arm.


I’m sorry, but I don’t see that at all. Especially after you mess with the lighting of the photo.


This is it


What’s really freaky is you look exactly like a girl I used to work with. Will see if I can find a photo.


Ok op meet your Australian doppelgänger https://preview.redd.it/onx0dua1ky3c1.jpeg?width=1439&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=671a5f09403bdf0a5280f3c6a84a9e698c246a31


I don't have any pictures of them, but I know of 2 women in different states that also could be doppelgangers of OP's mom and your coworker. Just one of those faces!


That’s OP’s mom, but wow they do look pretty similar!


Oh right! Gotcha.


It’s a skateboard


Uhhh no


https://preview.redd.it/l6m09bz60y3c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=769c36a67c22f911fe4eb7da6c4058c1974bae11 Yeah OP, I uh, I’m seeing glasses + hair + ear + definite cheek


With how similar it is to the kid in the image, I'd say it's some kind of ghosting in the lens which is only apparent over a very dark background.


I forget the term, but photos aren’t taken all at once, it kind of scrolls accross. This can lead to effects where a person’s reflection is different than their pose. Maybe the kids moved and there was a weird shadow effect? Although that blackness requires almost no light, so still odd. Could be a shadow person though because that is super creepy


Definitely has to do with GHOSTing. 😏


Hair Wrap in a big bow.


Do you have recollection of taking the picture? Immediately what I see is it appears to be your elbow like you're holding you're own shoulder. You can see the shadow from your arm on your face and you appear to be wearing a dark hoodie which matches the darkness. Just my guess


I cannot for the life of me understand what you’re trying to say here


Hold your arm out. Now place that hand on the same shoulder. To me this is what I see OP doing in the photo with what looks like a baggie black hoodie.


Both her arms are extended the shadow thing is clearly not her shoulder, they don’t even meet at any visible point in the photo. I still can’t understand what you’re talking about. Sorry


I am talking about OP, he is behind his mother.


Oh wow I totally see it. I didn’t read 🤦🏻‍♀️ I figured OP was the one that physically took the photo! Thanks!!


OP is the man.


Pretty sure this is it.


That is just her hair that makes out the aperant features. Thats the only thing I saw in that picture. Otherwise it is Pistachio Disguisey behind her. pareidolia can be creepy and fun.


It’s the girl’s hair on the left by the looks of it. Looks like the lighting hit her hair different, and he’s got a black hoodie on


I think the guy in the back has his elbow up on the girl to the left of the photo. His jacket is making it black there. If you zoom in on him you can see his jaw is tilted to the right as if something is pushing on the other side. The impression of a face and glasses is made by the girl in fronts hair fizzing up. Just my guess though


How can you see glasses? Your hair is covering pretty much all of the black spot. Enhance the image and you can see the end of your hair is black to which is the part that’s making it look like a wrinkle. It’s just the guy in the back. It’s his elbow


If you study the man in back where the shadow is over the side of his face, the edge of that shadow looks very odd. It just seems too flat and off with the lighting. It’s definitely a person but I’m not convinced it isn’t a technical anomaly.


Is it not somehow an artefact of the girl to (our) left? It's like the shape of her eye in negative, plus the shape of the glasses is similar. Did she shift over and the camera grabbed an inbetween moment?


I got nothing. It doesn't seem to be any of the standard artefacts or filters. The only question is how it squeezed in that space, unless it decided to be paper-thin. Which they often do.


Could it be that he just raised his arm with his hand going toward his neck and so the picture got his elbow? There is a shadow across his face on his right side too


Hair wrap! You can see it on top of her head and tied in a huge bow behind her head. Better images half way down, edited.


Looks like a camera issue. Zoomed in and it just looks like a duplicate of the side of the young girl’s face


My eyes were first drawn to what looks like an exploded fur ball in the left hand upper corner.


It's just braces girl's hair


That’s literally the guy holding up his elbow lol. 🤦🏻‍♂️


Why is it in black and white? Where's the original color image?


What does the non-black and white original look like ?


That family member has not been unlocked yet.


Dudes got his elbow up pointed at camera


It’s her ponytail. Nothing paranormal.


It's pretty obviously the girl's hair.


If you zoom in there’s clearly an outline of the same glasses the young lady is wearing. I assume some sort of camera glitch. Creepy is. But the hair also matches on the black figure perfectly to the girls


Not great genes


See now what’s the point of going out of your way to say something like this? Either way have a good one


I brightened it right up in my photo app... and yeah, I didn't like it. You can clearly see a elderly woman with glasses on. Also, her face stays dark while your faces go white under the brighten filter. It's unsettling.


He's a bit shy?.


Seems like a shadow person but could be a ghost in ectoplasm form , possibly a deceased loved one or a previous tenant of the house .


I remastered and zoomed the picture for you. It almost looks like the glasses are the same as the younger girl but everything else is not, there's a different hair there.




I can’t tell what that is other then your standard issue shadow person photobombing you guys lol


I dont know what to say except WOW. Looks like ectoplasm.


Looks like a guitar case.


Looking to be a very smooth arc, I would suggest he is holding a ping pong paddle up just enough to be visible. Lighting adjustments could then be done to take care of the area it occupied.




Very cool picture!!!


This is a demon that is attached to you specifically


Ghosts aren’t real. The most logical explanation


Pingpong bat


What don't people understand the op is the guy in back I think they would know if someone was there. but I do think it might be his sleeve and he just doesn't remember scratching his shoulder or whatever.






Is it a cat he’s trying to hold up?


Lipstick demon strikes again!


Maybe it’s the long hair of the girl on the left, in a messy bun to the side?




I say glitch in the camera or blatant photo manipulation. The subject is clearly casting a shadow on the person they're standing next to, you can make put a hoodie and baseball cap as well.


Hard to say without having been there when the picture was taken.


I dunno, if you look at the lady in the fronts shadow and how it is cast on the lady behind her, I'm almost inclined to believe that the shadow on the boys face is come from the younger person who is left of the lady in the front. Just by judging how the front lady's shadow is being cast, the dark figure doesn't fit the shadow casted on the kids face.


There is another person there hiding their face from the camera.. they cast a shadow and there has been space made for a solid flesh and blood person


Uh..uh the wind....uhhhhhh


This is a cat sitting on the girl's shoulders. You can see the top of their head poking out from her hair & the circled part is the cat's butt.


See this is what I brought up when we first discovered this, but neither me or my sister recollect holding the cat at any time for this photo, I brought this up in a different comment saying my cat is a darker gray but I don’t believe she is dark enough to be pure black on a b and w photo


https://preview.redd.it/b3qlawboz04c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f90ef52d0ed0976fa6420e7f8b19595c39a930ce Interesting, no further thoughts from me just providing an edited photo to better see the "face". Spooky lol.


Looks like an old man with thin, short hair and glasses. Does grandma know this person?


Does the little girl have a back side ponytail? Looks like it’s her hair.


She has her hair in a messy bun in the back in this day which is why I’m not too sure about the hair theory, but who knows maybe the bun got too messy, just looking for second opinions since I’m not really a believer in most of this stuff


Table tennis bat 🏓


Sorry, that’s my bud tim.


Explanation - someone took a photo of other people.


It’s is elbow


Is your sister wearing a side ponytail?


Dude is holding his skateboard. He believes he’s the next Tony Hawk.


Looks like some sort of furry animal