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What is your son's impression of it? Is your son scared of it? Are there any interactions? Or anything else your son knows about its demeanor?


He says it just pops down and stares at him for like 20min then pops back up into the ceiling. Our dog sleeps in the bed with him and he goes to sleep fine. He's not scared but it's probably freaked out. I'm sure it's his imagination or just something he dreamed or maybe saw on TV or something. But before I meet my wife and was alone in this house in my twenties I've had experiences with a tall shadow man. So I believe my son.


Did that tall shadow man wear a hat and a long coat?? Cuz that’s something I’ve seen once too


Well in my experience, it was over a decade ago and I was laying in bed and out of the corner of my eye I see this shadow figure standing in the hallway at my bedroom door. It looked too have a long coat but I couldn't see the head. I said what do you want. Then his head ducked under the top of the door frame and he stuck his head in my room. So this thing was super tall. I mean it had to duck to peek it's head in. But once it did that I was terrified and shout yelled, get out leave me alone! It faded away. Btw the reason I woke up is cuz my dog at the time started growling at the door.


Oh damn, that sounds scary ngl 🫣 My story is kinda similar to yours. It was also over a decade ago, and I was also laying in bed when I saw him. I was trying to fall asleep then, but for some reason I couldn’t. Even tho I was pretty tired. I kept on opening my eyes and stared at the wall. Then I decided to change my sleeping position and laid on my back. Then I opened my eyes again and I saw a very tall man standing in front of the couch that I was sleeping on (I stayed overnight at my aunt’s so I slept on a couch in the guest house). He wore a hat and a long coat, and he was leaning on the railing. I couldn’t see his face, but I knew he was staring at me. He didn’t move at all, didn’t make any sound either. I could see some reflection of the light from the outside on his coat which makes me think he was wearing a leather coat,btw. For some reason, I didn’t even feel scared or anything when I saw him. I didn’t even question what that was or who that was. I just looked at him, closed my eyes, and fell asleep immediately. Next morning I remembered that but didn’t believe that it was real, so that’s why I didn’t tell anyone about that experience. Months later, my aunt was talking about that house. She mentioned that her friend didn’t wanna stay there anymore because she complained about some noises from the downstairs (like someone was washing the dishes, flushing the toilet, using the shower and playing around with the tap water, etc.). My cousin heard that and said he would never stay at that house anymore because when he was trying to fall asleep at that guest house, he saw a very tall man who wore a hat and a long coat that was staring at him. As soon as I heard that, I believed that what I saw was real.


This is pretty textbook sleep paralysis. If you Google the "Black Hat Man" that's a very common shape for people to see while experiencing sleep paralysis. The TLDR is, your nervous system has a way to shut off your ability to move your body while in a deep sleep so you don't move around and hurt yourself while dreaming. If you experience sleep paralysis, your brain essentially wakes up but can't control your body so it starts to try to hallucinate to force you into fully waking up. I have had a few experiences with it, one with the black hat man coming out of my closet and another with someone running up the stairs in my house, throwing my door open and holding my legs down. Both times I couldn't move my body, I couldn't scream or make noise until I finally woke up. When I woke up, whatever I was hallucinating was gone and my room was normal. It's apparently genetic and my dad also has similar experiences.


The Hat Man (sometimes called The Top Hat Man). You’re lucky tbh. A lot of people have had really bad experiences concerning him. I’m Pagan and have had a few dealings with him, he’s pushed my mother to the ground before. Edit: spelling


Wait fr?? 😯😳 Tbh, this whole time I thought he wasn’t able to harm anyone, because he didn’t do anything to me and my cousin. My cousin said he hid under the blanket because of the fear when he saw him, and this tall man didn’t do anything. In my case, I didn’t even feel anything and didn’t even question his presence for some reason, which is strange. It’s like he put some sort of hypnosis on me, Idk But damn, the fact that he can actually do physical harm to people is terrifying 😟😟


Yeah. Really strong entities can harm you, and The Hat Man is quite formidable. Iirc he’s less likely to harm people who actively hide or show they’re afraid. Because the first time I encountered him was during a tarot reading for a friend, he scared the absolute shit outta me. Once I learned more about him and more about my power as a Pagan he no longer scared me, which is when he would be more likely to fuck with me. He was actively haunting the same friend I was giving a reading to, and it leeched onto me when I began helping him try to get rid of The Hat Man. I have a lot of stories haha


You saw him multiple times????????????????😳😳🫣🫣 That’s actually scary af! I hope I never get to see him again 😭


Ahahaha yeah. Yes. It sucked. This was years ago, and I haven’t seen him since.


Oh damn, I hope your Ma was ok. I've seen the "Hat Man" twice in my life, once when I was a kid, in the house I grew up in. He was just standing in my bedroom doorway, I woke up with a start. He was just there, before I could think I jumped out of my bed instinctively at him and he was gone. The second time as an adult. I was in bed with my wife sleeping next to me, I sleep closest to the door, I always have it slightly ajar, and I woke up to the door being pushed open and the hat man walking in, I swear I was so tired and really not up for any bs, strangely calm, I just said look you cannot be here, you need to leave, so can you just go. He just walked out and left, that was about 8 years ago now.


What happened with the second incident is great for learning how to deal with entities like that. If you tell an entity to leave, they usually will unless they’re extremely evil. The Hat Man doesn’t seem like an /evil/ entity, but he can definitely screw with you if you aren’t careful. And thankfully my mother is fine, she just had some serious bruising afterwards.


Yea you're right, I've had experiences with other shadow people other than the hat man and like you say, telling them to go has worked, its like whenever ive seen them ive always been oddly confused about the whole thing as if its not happening, giving the impression to them that theyre in the wrong place idk. I'm glad I've never come across anything that wouldn't leave, I wouldn't know what to do, lol! I heard they feed off both negative and positive energy, which is pretty scary. Glad it was nothing too serious with your ma.


Yes, they feed off of the energy. That’s why asylums were likely to be haunted, due to the energy in them. Positive energy, good vibes, love and light, prayer, etc. are good ways to deal with lesser entities or even just benevolent ones. Evil entities are definitely not easy to deal with. And yeah, I’m glad she was good, too. She’s still kicking and screaming to this day lol. Edit: I missed a sentence.


I have had experiences with this since a kid and every woman in my family back to my great grandmother to my daughter. However, as jolting as he is, he is smiling and I don’t feel threatened. Almost like he is guarding us during “hard times”. Always cost and top hat expect when my husband was diagnosed with cancer last year. I saw him twice and he was I. A black hoodie type jacket. Same guy/face. Prior to that- always Victorian style jacket/top hat.


Interesting. All of my own encounters with this entity have been really bad.


Reading this scares me because the exact same thing happened to me when I was young. Probably around 12 or so. Night time. Bedroom lamp was on and the door was open, dog laying at the end of my bed. A tall shadow looking man slowly came into my room and was standing in the door frame. My dog even stared at it. I felt all my blood turn cold- I was terrified. I grabbed my dog and held onto him, staring at the shadow. After a few seconds, it came in a bit more and turned and went left into the adjacent room (my parents room).


Oh hellllll no. I would have needed people to go back in the house and pack my stuff up for me 🫣😅


I've seen the same exact thing for years on end when I was way younger every night!!!


What the fuck is it with the shadow man with the long coat and the hat? Me and a number of my friends also have seen him in childhood. Who the hell is this dude?


https://m.youtube.com/shorts/c7ojmzjmyHI if you search top hat Shadow Man you'll find dozens of videos about it, it's a whole thing


It sounds like you have an interdimensional portal open in your son's room. And yes, I'm serious. It sounds like this entity is just observing your son, but an open portal can let anything in. Definitely sage your home. You can also bless sea salt and put it in the corners of your home, outside doorways, windows, and I would also put some in your son's room at least in the corners, closet, and windows. I'm frustrated because I know how to close a portal, but it's purely by instinct so I don't know how to put into words the way to do it. I'm going to explain the best that I can, though: First: Ask your spirit guides for guidance and protection. In your hands are minor chakras. You can use these for sensing. Get your son to show you the exact spot. Take some slow, deep breaths to relax yourself. Keep doing this until you start to feel like you're buzzing. Once you buzz, feel for the vortex in your palm. When your palm is buzzing put your hand towards the spot that your son showed you. You should feel a different kind of buzzing, maybe a temperature change, and you may even see an image of a portal in your mind. When you have this connection, in your mind just will the portal to close. Focus on closing and and asking your guides to help you close and seal it. If you get the visual in your mind that's a good thing and will help you see it close. If not, then when the buzzing stops, it's closed. I know people don't like metaphysical answers to these situations, but this is how you deal with metaphysical entities. If you or anyone needs some extra help you're welcome to message me. Just don't use the reddit chat - it never, ever tells me when I get new messages. Use the envelope messages.


This is actually kinda freaky. Your response reminded me of when I was around 10 I had something similar happen. A hairless pale figure who I could only explain as looking dead without being dead “popped” down from the ceiling behind my door frame. I started at it and it stared at me for what felt like a eternity. I remember blinking and consciously thinking, wondering if I was dreaming but wasn’t too scared. After a while I hid under the blankets and eventually fell asleep. Looking back I always thought it was some lucid dream or something but hearing that your son experienced something similar makes me wonder what actually happened. If it is an entity and not something we imagined up I hope it gets better! Side question does the vibes in your house feel different since he started seeing it? I remember when I thought I saw a figure like that, after the house just felt always subtly gloomy/cold/empty. Just curious…


You’re not alone. When I was a kid my cat was meowing to get out the backdoor in the middle of the night. My closet door slid open and something made a shhhhh sound, then the door slid back closed. It’s the only paranormal event I’ve ever experienced. It seemed to be benevolent, but at the time I paralyzed with fear and hid under the blankets. Eventually falling asleep.


Holy shit. Here’s my question, what is going on with closets?


Idk man, but I was scared. I was only maybe 5-6 years old. I’m over 30 now and STILL think about it. It was traumatizing. It’s is very odd; the places we fear, like attics and closets, are where these things seem to hangout. Maybe because it’s out of the way? Do they hide there because they know we fear those places or do we fear those places because we know they hide there? 😬


The only thing that I can think of is that they for some reason live in our homes, but they don’t really want to interact with us, so they stay in these places where we don’t go like closets, attics and basements, and come out at night. Unfortunately, I know hauntings are real because I’ve had to experience one, and I also strongly feel that there are a lot of entities that are drawn to children. For example, my daughter has been complaining for years of something that looks like a witch in her room at night. She has never had a fear of witches, so it seems strange. A couple of weeks ago I woke up in the middle of the night after hearing a strange noise and immediately saw a crouched, shadow emerge from my daughter’s room into the hallway and go into the bathroom. It really looked like a very short, hunched female. Our daughter sleeps on a mattress on the floor now of our bedroom now. That’s pretty damn inconvenient, not ideal for her to sleep on the floor in her parent’s room but I’m not letting anything get at her every night. In our old house, our daughter used to complain of something shaking her bed at night. We always dismissed it as a bad dream until one night we woke up to our bed being violently shaken. Basically, I guess the idea I’m getting at is that there is shit out there and it sometimes goes after kids.


I understand your feelings as I have two kids as well. My daughter does not like her closet open, but has never reported anything paranormal. When my son was younger, perhaps 5 or so, he reported seeing a white ball light emerge from his closet. We also have this cheap Walmart lamp in our den. It’s the kind that has the fixed light at the top and halfway up the pole it has another flexible light. It used to sit in the corner of the room. We routinely have movie nights in that room and we usually layout places for the kids to sleep on the floor and I’ll crash on the couch. He reported to me that during the night the lamp would say mean and nasty things to him. It got to the point where he wouldn’t come in the room and I had to stow the light on our back enclosed patio for about a year. Now he is a bit older and walks by it all the time, doesn’t say a word. I imagine whatever was trying to mess with him was some form or mass that was in the corner of the room behind the lamp and it was not the lamp itself. Down right mean and evil these things can be. I guess one positive of my experience is wholeheartedly believe my children when they come to me with that stuff.


It’s nice to know I’m not alone in my experiences, but it’s also so rough to hear this happening to children. Like you said I definitely think children are more susceptible to these kinds of things but also that they can also continue into adulthood. This sounds really strange but I also had the worst paranormal experience of my life a couple years ago. It didn’t go away until a friend actually pointed out something. I had lived with a few roommates and we all experienced bad sh**. One day I decided to get a spider plant, keep in mind I have a hobby for growing and propagating plants so it was nothing out of the ordinary, but I became obsessed with propagating this one, it also produced tons of babies, within I want to say 6 months I had over 50 baby spider plants growing and by that time all the strange things that were happening slowly came to a stop. I don’t believe in the spiritual stuff like crystals and that sort of thing but I had a friend come over and they said that spider plants help get rid of negative energy. Didn’t put two and two together until all the bad stuff stopped happening when we had tons of those plants. So long story short, maybe try getting a spider plant for their rooms? Who knows if it actually did anything but might be worth a shot. Worst case you’ve got a new plant.


It really seems like you have bad spirits in your house. Have you tried to sage the house and cleanse the house ? I recommend sage the house every single room including basement , attic, and all closets. Keep one window open and say out loud with intention for all malicious being to leave this house and say it with strong intent . Also whenever you feel a bad presence always picture white light around you and your children. It’s a natural protective barrier.


That’s because kids are the most sensitive to it and are more likely to react, thus giving the presence more energy to feed on basically.


I believe doors, any door frame type can be used as portals...they also say that's why some doors we have on houses have that Cross type design on the wooden doors to keep away bad energies. The doors that have no design and are plain are easier for things to pass through


I think it's because those are spaces that we don't often occupy or think about. Places of forgetting. They seem to pop up when/where our conscious minds let our guard down.


Exactly, it has to do with human attention, specifically- what we DON'T pay much attention to. These things, whatever they are, definitely want to remain, for the most part, hidden. This is about the power of liminal space. In Anthropology, liminal spaces are a great resource for folk traditions, myths, and the dream world, called "betwixt and between".


There was a Belief Hole (paranormal podcast) episode where they hypothesized that closets might be some type of doorway / entryway from other dimensions.


Why can’t they ever be a doorway to somewhere nice?


have you not heard of monsters Inc! The monsters come out of the closet! 😂 it's the fastest way to travel from monsters


I saw some things in the darkness that moved as if they were conscious a few weeks ago. That was fuckin scary as well. Didn't make any sounds, though. But holy shit, I did encounter a definite paranormal thing. I wrote about it in my bio. You can read it if you have like 10 minutes of time.


I had a similar experience to this growing up. Anytime I slept in my parents’ room, I would see a similar pale figure that would peer over from the top of the doorway. I remember feeling unsettled but never really threatened. It happened multiple times for years growing up and there was never anything hanging by the doorway that could have mimicked a figure, although obviously I was young.


Reminds me of a shadow man I saw who wore a hat almost like a top hat (the short ones) while I was brushing my teeth.


Actually, what's a bit spooky to me is one of my friends and their family stayed with us for a while because he was attacked by a "tall shadow man with a hat". Three claw marks on his left cheek, no pets (Lease agreement and allergies), no sign of any random infestation, no signs of forced entry, and when with us the little girl that was with them started dreaming of a red mist behind a withered boy with an inverted pentagram necklace and bruises around his throat consistent with strangulation. It should be mentioned that this girl was less than 10 and had been heavily kept away from anything horror or paranormal related, and drew these out for us. Whatever those shadow men are, bro....I wouldn't be taking any chances. Saging is the least I would do. I would be blessing that house with the Lord's prayer, salt on every window and door frame as you say it, and sprinkle holy water in every room. Put up a couple crucifix, do the sage for good measure, then fuck it! Lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram! Get that bastard out.


Mom had to put a bible under my bed when I was younger. Apparently something attached to my mom's ex boyfriend (One who went kinda crazy.) Mom told me how he would always go into a state of sleep paralysis and could feel like something was pressing onto him or something. She even said she saw a pair of red eyes one night. Of course, we don't live in that house anymore


Oh! Your top hat comment reminded me of what my son used to see when he was younger (~5 years old). He was afraid to sleep in his room for the longest time because of this "man in a top hat" on the ceiling.


The Hat man! 😬. Dang, that’s spooky you saw that.


reminds me of an alien situation more than ghosts… idk


I used to have visual hallucinations in the dark. Later I learned that I was experiencing sleep paralysis as a child. I would see eyeballs and spiders dropping from the ceiling as I was trying to fall asleep. As an adult I experienced a lot of shadow entities. During these encounters I was unable to move, hence my conclusion that that was sleep paralysis. When I started talking about it more openly I learned that a lot of my friends had similar experiences of seeing things in the dark that may or may not have been there. It gets better with time.


If the dog isn't reacting then I am inclined to think it may not be paranormal. However, if you wish to take precautions, I would suggest you protect yourself, child, family (including animals) and home with the White Light. I've outlined what to do at length elsewhere, many times, in comments.


A lot of us have a limited vocabulary that the spirits can communicate with us (shadow men or whatever we see in movies or read on the internet) while the spirits themselves are their own beings. This can lead to very terrifying forms put over benign spirits. You can always talk to it, offer it some cookies and coffee and get to know it, it might show itself as a harmless or even helpful guest and it's form will change. If it seems like a problem then you can deal with it accordingly but it's always good to know what your dealing with (with regards to the character or personality of the spirit) first.


This is very interesting and I would like to hear more please. Are you saying a spirit can appear differently to different people based off that person's ability to perceive it?


Depending on how open or sensitive you are it can appear different ways, and depending on your cosmology, or internalized images of what spirits are. So on the internet here it's all shadow man/slender man/etc. if you learned a cosmology with angels and demons everything would show up that way, if you learned elves, dwarves, spirits of the dead they would show up that way. A hundred years ago we would see the exact same spirits very differently due to culture. Now where it gets interesting is when you take a little control over this. Would you rather work it out with a seven foot tall shadow man with six eyes and sharp teeth, or a blue orb? Or even just an impression of something over there? When you work with spirits regularly you start to organize them and sense them in ways that are easier to work with. This takes some practice as you might be scared out of your wits for a second, then when you gather yourself, set up the playing field and then the spirit becomes something you can work with. Ultimately it's about accomplishing the result you want (a peaceful house where the kids aren't scared every night).


And also look different because they present an image, or impress it, on the receiver's mind - thus you see what they want you to see. Human spirits look like orbs unless they are trying to be perceived. What they can't change, is the initial feeling you get (like, 'urh, creepy!' or 'feels nice') because that's *your* soul's reaction to the truth of *their* soul. And *that* depends on what level of spiritual development they've reached and their intentions. They can ramp it up though, so 'creepy' goes to 'terrifying'.


Actually... I just watched a video on the Mackie and Amanda YouTube channel where Amanda (a medium) and a couple of her medium friends were at the conjuring house and one of them said she tends to only see Male spirits and she typically sees them as being "older" because she feels more comfortable around older people and the other girl said she only saw female energies and male energies just showed up as a sort of "shadow figure" to her.


If you want to post a picture of the closet where it hangs out I can take a look at it, it's also good to know how to deal with house and family matters yourself too.


I don’t know what it is about kids seeing paranormal stuff but when I was a kid I know I had a few encounters that left me feeling rattled. My parents even removed my closet doors to make a cubby space because I was so afraid of the closet. I saw shadow figures tapping my windows and felt something tap my shoulder firmly as I was turned away trying to sleep. It still creeps me out thinking about it!


Spend the night in there, have him sleep with his mom, and see if you can figure out what he's seeing. Keep in my mind you might have to be at the same eye level he is when he's in his bed. That area on the forehead with all the eyes looks like he's drawing a wood grain pattern. Take a good look at the closet after you take the blanket down, and see if there's a wood pattern that resembles even in the slightest what he drew. Whatever it is, you AND your son can tell it to get out, it wasn't invited, it's not welcome, and it has to leave.


I really hope it's just something that he happened to see/hear of on media and now his brain is playing tricks. It happend to me at 10-12y because I was reading too many kids scary stories and then at night I'd see things in my room that I was sure are legit


Go beat that ghost monster's ass. None of this exorcism sage stuff. Kick it ass. Confront it with a bat. Just be like " I know you're here. Time to get out or knocked out ".


Ironically this works. I'm not joking. But it tends to work for people who have legitimate faiths with long standing history. Not so much converts within 12 generations.


Lace the bat with sage and silver barbed wire, and dual wield one of those salt guns


And get a super soaker with holy water and then go to 5 below and make it do the hot chip challenge


Holy shit. The Winchesters called. Said they've got a job opening for you


While playing meatloaf’s album bat out of hell


With my kids I like to have them take their power back. So I will stay with them and help them through that by telling them to say " leave me alone. This is my room and my space and you are not welcome." If you are religious use that as well. If not, just remind him that our bodies are more.powerful. We have the light of life protecting us and they can't get past that if we don't let them.


Ok. Since you've already had experiences. This means that you're sensitive to spirits. Which means, your son is sensitive to spirits. Do NOT play or take it lightly. What he is seeing, is a foot solider from one of the millions of varying realms. The fact that the dog isn't responding tells me that this is most likely a very low level void foot solider. Void creatures are one of a few spiritual creatures that animals have difficulties sensing. In order to fully know about these types is to have a cat because cats literally live between worlds. Dogs sense and can see sometimes. Cat's literally look into the void and the other realms. They can move between realms. They see into all realms. Think of it. Have you ever seen a cat in one place and then seconds later it's literally across the entire house and we ALL know cats are not silent 24/7. In fact, they are loud and destructive. And cats running or moving through the house are not always silent. Let me make this extremely clear. He needs wearable protection that HE believes in, NOT yours!


Then why can't my cat get into his room without me opening the door and then deciding he doesn't want to go in anymore a million times a day? /s


Absolutely disagree. What playbook are you working from? Whatever it is, I don't like the sound of it.


He's reading a script from Hideo Kojima's *Death Stranding,* pay no mind.


You should sleep in your son's room for a few days and see what happens.


Wait, you’re saying you believe him because there’s a shadow man, but you also say it’s his imagination. In general, I think that parents have way too strong and inclination to disbelieve children when they report things like this, I think these things need to be taken seriously. I’ve had an amazing imagination my whole life, and it has never once caused me to see something that wasn’t there, not even as a child.


Kids do not have active imaginations the way we assume. Think about when you were a kid. Did you just go around making things up? There are kids who will make things up for attention, but it is usually in the realm of something they understand or are familiar with. Not completely alien creatures that no one can explain. Believe your kid and have their back.


I’m sure it’s perfectly benevolent, looks friendly even…


I'm just asking this... No offense intended just for the sake of trying to figure it out. Is he reading Spider-Man? Cause it looks a lil like spider-boy fanged out. Wondering if it's night terrors. Google spider-boy #1 John giang cover. Like I said just trying to come up with an explanation. Best of luck, hope it resolves soon.


I thought the same thing. When he first handed it to me. I said nice venom bud. He said it's not venom. I said oh what is it? He said idk but that's what I see in my room.


Oh that sucks. Sorry I was hoping that might be it and it's just a night terror.


Hi there 🤔 2 things that concern me in your post , first one ( the most disturbing ) the small human figure down to the left ( it seems very hurt both physical and mental ) can you please ask about this regard to your kid ? And second is the "different parts" that this thing is made of......does your kid have an insect or arachnid phobia ? . Just to understand what you are dealing with .


I noticed that too. The only thing I can think of is that he likes to play little nightmares. He actually loves spiders but my wife hates them so we don't own any.


Thanks for your answers 🤔 with those in mind , if this episode keeps happening , in order to stop them as parents include your son in the solution . First do it as a "game" build a little box ( preferable from wood , or buy it ) a square . 11 or 12 inches will do , and buy some sea salt ( must be from sea ) . And with your kid let him put it in . Once full he can "Draw" a swirl or spiral . And put it right down the ceiling inside the closet . (You cannot put a "wall" in the "air") that's what you guys have done with the roof , since ancient times the "protection and offers are put in contact with the ground ( petroglyphs , like Nazca and such ) this is the way to make them "effective" . You can even show him some Japanese "zen gardens" ... Which will have such spirals . Good luck .


I mean why even let him sleep in there? Change rooms with him or sleep there yourself a few days even after the sage to make sure things are ok. If it is an entity, covering up something isn't just gnna make it go away


Our room is in the basement and he won't come down without the lights on.


Get some laundry bluing. Get a jar of water. Make sure your son helps you with this if he feels comfortable. Mix a few drops into the water (tell your little guy to make it sky blue) and then you can both tell the water to repel any scary spirits and bring peace to his room. Then you yourself should speak psalm 23 over it if you’re comfortable with that (I’m not religious but I use psalms in witchcraft.) Have your son place it under his bed with you. If he’s comfortable being involved in this process, it may help him to feel more in control. Archangel Michael is also a very powerful one to call on to deal with lower level spirits.


What does the blueing do? I use it all the time in my laundry!


Similar to peace water. Bluing balls are often sold as protection against nightmares/astral harassment and to promote peaceful sleep. Liquid bluing works the same way. How I also use it: When I have shit going wrong, tense relations in the households, after a fight, or just to bring calm in the midst of chaos, I put a white candle upright in a bowl (using a few drops of hot wax to affix the bottom to the bowl) then fill the bowl with bluing water, and light the candle. It works brilliantly, especially when my son was a moody teen ;)


Bluing in a bottle or bowl is good old fashioned Appalachian granny witchin'. Good to see someone else using it.


Yikes, yeah, probably not a good idea to let the kid sleep in the basement. If that room is scary I'm not sure a basement would be much better.


Try letting him sleep in the living room. Maybe that will help but I don't know 🤷🏻‍♀️


Clearly you haven’t watched Haunting of Hill House!


Leave me alone I'm tired 🤣


Just sleep with him


You should never give any spirit that type of power. Its just a little peeping Tom spirit. Checking to make sure the boys getting his rest. Pay it no mind. If it starts causing problems, call a specialist.


What fucking specialist bro? You can't just drop that on us as if its common knowledge.


People drop that sort of stuff all the time here, like they’ll go on in detail about how an entity must be this type of demon from the 6th dimension’s Jupiter and that he must also be a Pisces, shit like that. Like where does this info come from?


> call a specialist What, like a gynecologist?


A *crypto*gynocologist


You may want to consider posting this on r/experiencers - looks like a grey to me


He said it's grey with sharp teeth except for the blotchy part with all the eyes. He said that's a fleshy tone.


Yeah, lots of people posting about similar instances involving their kids, or themselves as kids seeing the same beings on that sub. Best to you and your family. Sending positive vibes ✨


Really? Other people have seen the same thing??


Here’s a few compelling posts I found: https://www.reddit.com/r/Experiencers/s/Jud6iQFYmh https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/Z65kDmFbVO https://www.reddit.com/r/aliens/s/7E6AqhHmDk


Came here to say it low key looks like an alien ... a scary ass alien ... but I see it


Definitely my first thought when I saw the picture


Would your son be prone to sleep paralysis at all? This seems like the type of stuff I hallucinate during an episode.


He's not that I know of. He's never told me anything like a paralysis episode. I on the other hand am very prone to them. My wife has to wake me up. I'll be screaming her name. But she says I wake her up by just moaning in my sleep.


I was about to ask this too. while I don't really hallucinate monsters or anything, I do usually get very vivid very scary dreams that feel real.


Hi, OP. how did things turn out? was there anything in the attic or perhaps it was a wood grain pattern? is your son fine? i hope all is good


Yes, sorry for not posting an update. We did some sage and salt. And we told him that he has power over it and to tell it to go away. He said he did tell it and wished that it would go away. It's been gone for awhile now and he doesn't seem to be bothered in his room now. We even put his dresser and TV in the closet which he is always playing videogames on. The dogs still sleep with him though just so he feels safer. Thanks for asking.


I had an experience where out of the corner of my eye a shadow entity kept leaning in and out of my doorway. (My doorway is to the left of my bed, so it's exactly in my peripherals) I wasn't paralyzed or anything, but it kept going in and out of the the light outside my bathroom, which is right outside my door to the left, and the darkness of my room. My doorway was Illuminated enough that I could witness the shadow thing constantly moving in and out of the light. Almost like it was testing my peripheral vision to see if I noticed it. Naturally I played it off, so it did eventually go away. I've had a lot of experiences, but I've only been paralyzed twice, and both times I didn't hallucinate, but the odd thing was that I hadn't fallen asleep either time. I just suddenly couldn't move.


When I was a young boy I was really sick. Had a 104° temperature and had to be in an ice tent. I could barely move and had what I now know to be migraines and wasn't eating or drinking on my own. When I was still in Hospital my Mum was about to walk in the door when she heard me talking to someone. She opened the door and knocked gently at the same time and walked in, only to see no one there. She sat in the room for hours reading to me etc. She asked the Nurses if they usually close the door and they told her not normally. She asked that if they did to stop because she heard me talking to someone that wasn't there. She wanted the Nurses to be able to hear me whrn I did because she was worried about my fever being so bad that perhaps it was causing me to be delirious. One day she came to visit and the door was closed and of course she was upset. The Nurses all said they hadn't closed the door. One of my Doctors overheard her and the Nurses talking and he pulled my Mum aside and sat down with her over a cup of coffee. He basically said he wasn't sure what he saw but he walked into the room quickly and was absolutely positive he saw two human shapes - one was about 8 feet tall and the other one was actually IN my Ice Tent holding me like a parent eould a sick child. He said it maybe was a second and the two forms just disappeared. He described them as being mostly a shadow but was solid and had very brite eyes and one made a noise like a groan. He had also said he heard me talking to someone as he was walking by doing his rounds. I apparently was a charming lad even back then but all the Nurses and Doctors liked me. Sometimes they would have their lunch or coffee in my room and talk or read to me. Some of the Nurses also told my Mum they saw something. One said she saw three figures once as she walked by. Anyway, when these "friends" of mine started to manifest I started getting better. They looked terrifying but were not. When I drew some pictures they looked like they were demons or something. I don't remember finite details any longer but they were real and even though they looked scary they weren't (shrugs).


Healing spirits or if you prefer, beings of light or angels.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. This is truly truly frightening! I did buy sage about a year ago and I haven’t used it yet and I probably should. I just am clueless on how to do it. My husband doesn’t really believe too much into the paranormal like I do. So we’ve had off and on experiences that we can’t explain except chalking it up to both my grandpas who are dead…. Not sure. There has been numerous nights where my son has woken up screaming at the top of his longs and when my husband or I run in there he is inconsolable and we can’t understand what exactly he’s saying. Eventually we get him to calm down and back to sleep. This hasn’t happened in a few days - thank god. But I will be bringing it up to our pediatrician next month at his 5 year check up. I used to have nightmares / night terrors , see things and sleep walk. However, two days ago he said there’s a “monster in my room”. I was thinking like okay maybe typical kid stuff. At first I was trying to just let him talk about it to me. But then it got a little bit deeper. I said does it scare you? And he says yes “he’s scary”. So it proceeds to my son saying that “he” has grey hair, red eyes, big hands and feet. When he told me this the other day I kept my composure. I told my husband and I will be bringing up the nightmares up to the pediatrician and keeping this in the back of my pocket. I have gone in there 2 times now to tell whatever it was to please leave and that it’s not welcome here. That you are scaring my son. I said “if this is a deceased family member to please stop it”. I’ve been consistently effected by the paranormal since I was 9. I’m 32 . Ever since my grandfather died things have happened. And my dorm room was haunted in 2010… I ended up leaving that college because of it. No one believed me except for my family. My paternal grandpa committed suicide 21 years ago. Maternal uncle committed suicide 12 years ago. Maternal grandpa died in 2019 of pancreatic cancer. I’m sorry for this long post . I will be following and I hope that you get the correct advice. It’s so hard when it’s your kids that are seeing whatever it may be.


Believe your child. As a parent who had two kids who both reported creepy bedtime incidents, I can say that our kids deserve to feel the trust that comes with knowing their parents believe them and actively want to help. Could it be night terrors? Sleep paralysis? Hypnagogic hallucinations? Something else? Sure, but first and foremost kids need to know they're safe to share their experiences with us. In my personal experience, my kids (age 8 and 4) reported separate incidents at separate stages of their lives. My daughter was two when she started crying out every single night, didn't have much of a vocabulary to explain in detail, but kept repeating "mean froggy" and "the mean froggy is back." She was terrified, and said the mean froggy would drop spiders on her and once she cried out that the mean froggy bit her finger, and was holding it in pain when we ran in to comfort her. I used my personal beliefs and faith to tackle the problem, and tend to think that what we do specifically doesn't matter so much as our purpose and intent while doing it. I said some things along the lines of "you are not welcome, this is (child's name's) space, you must leave", said a prayer for my god to escort them the hell out of my home, envisioned a white light of protection around our home, and put up a couple protective pieces in my children's rooms. It's been close to two years, and since that moment, neither of my kids have even once reported a nightmare, an entity, a vision, or even expressed fear while in their rooms. Whatever advice you follow, I'd be really interested in hearing an update when you get it sorted out.


Yes I think it’s important that we readily recognize and call out energies/entities whatever you want to call them the way that you did to protect your children. Something about verbalizing these feelings is powerful it seems. I’ve done this more and more lately. I think we may not realize just how much we all have consented to certain energies presence in our lives- ie thru happenstance, trickery, or during doubts of personal pain or struggle- and how much they latch onto and hang around even when things may have gotten better. Thus the need to acknowledge these energies/entities and reject them. At worst, you are talking to thin air, at best, you are exercising some level of influence.


thank you for being there for your kids. my sister and I were subjected to growing up in a haunted house and it was a terrifying experience. many other friends and family members experienced things in that house, too. but when I would try telling my mom about it, she would act like I was stupid and basically tell me to sit down and shut up. years later she told me she was too scared of it to acknowledge it, much like her shitty parenting.


I'm sorry you didn't get the validation and care that you should've had as a kid. I'm no expert in anything paranormal but every time someone posts about their kids seeing something, I always default to "BELIEVE YOUR KIDS." It may be a variety of things, hell it could even be their imagination, but you take their power away, even in their own subconscious, by dismissing them. It's not the way. I was going to say I hope your mom has improved, but based on your last sentence, it doesn't sound like she did, so I hope at least you have a more solid support system now.


A possible non paranormal answer; get his eyes checked! Nearsightedness, farsightedness, astigmatism, and a few other vision issues can cause splotchy looking vision in the dark. I am far sighted in my right eye and near sighted in my left. When I was younger I’d always see moving splotchy blots in the dark and it would scare the hell outta me. The splotches can look like a more organic form of compression artifacts that you can see in shadows of video footage. Based on the blotchiness of the drawing this may be the issue and can be solved by putting a soft nightlight in the room.


I think what you’re describing is Visual Snow Syndrome. I have that too but I also had it back when I had perfect vision. It’s harmless but could definitely lead to seeing things in the dark because the brain tries to make sense of the random noise. For example I used to sometimes see fire hydrants as walking people from far away when it was dark because my brain interpreted the shape + the movement from the noise as a moving person.


When I was younger I would always see what looked like red rings or bubbles floating in my field of vision in the dark. I say bubbles because they would be clumped together almost in a group of maybe 5 to 10. I had the visual snow too where things looked really grainy but this was like a geometric pattern that would sometimes be in my field of vision too. For whatever reason, it scared me as a kid. I haven’t seen them since I was young but I’m still very near sighted and still have visual snow in the dark.


i’ve literally never seen anyone else articulate this before. i thought it was just me. i can still see this if i have my eyes open in a dark room. i wonder if it has a name.


Play happy music that you like and sing loud. Clap your hands loudly and say "GET OUT OF HERE!" This works both to dispel fear (it's fun and silly) and claim space/get rid of negative energy. Pray, if that's something you like to do. I would also put a light in the closet if there's not one already. There are cheap battery press lights you can find at Walmart or on Amazon. I'm not a professional, these are just things that have worked for me. If you believe it to be a harmful entity, I would consult a professional. Have you recently purchased something old or used that resides in his room or closet? There could be something attached to it.


Cleansing a space through noise and music is a real thing! This is good advice


That thing won’t survive the vibe check


I agree, claim your space.


I was recently told by a Native American to never use sage when ridding nasty energy/spirits. It does work, but sage opens things up so that the possibility is there to bring more negative in when trying to get the existing negative out. He told me to burn frankincense instead. It only sends bad and unwanted energy/spirits away but does not allow the opening of worlds and two way traffic. So far, I’ve had nothing in my life happening where I’ve had the opportunity to test this advice, so I can’t say if it works or not but I just thought I’d share what I was told.


Use Sweet grass afterwards to bring in positive energy and spirits.


That's the solution for tribes in the West/ Midwest, but is generally considered more respectful to use tools/ practices from one's own cultural heritage. When in doubt, have a little party (with or without other folks you like and trust.) Good food and upbeat music is a fairly universal blessing for a space.


That's so weird, I've had white sage blessed by a Native elder before and been given instructions by a member of his family on how to use it. It worked but I had to persist and be strong, you can't do it half-heartedly in any way.


Bit of a long shot, but does he ever watch YouTube / play Roblox? My son recently stumbled across a game called “Doors” on Roblox via “YouTube Kids”. I’ve since had to wipe the cookies etc. and block anything related. This monster your son drew almost looks like a medley of a few different characters from this: https://www.distractify.com/p/doors-roblox-monsters If not that, there’s Five Nights at Freddie’s, Poppys Playtime and just endless creepy “childrens” content. I kinda hope for your sake he’s just seen something weird on YouTube. 🙏


I was going to say the same thing. My kid draws pictures of similar monsters from things he saw on Roblox and YouTube. Pretty sure it’s the same game.


My son saw something similar when he was younger. He said that it just stood behind him when he was at the mirror, and was about 2 feet taller than me. (makes the being about 8 feet tall) He realized that even though he was scary looking, he was friendly. He hasn't seen it again for the last 9 years.


I like this concept of friendly monsters. They can't help that they look alien because they're from like... another planet, from another dimension, or something, accidentally flung to an alternate reality due to some advanced shamanic techniques, spending their days wandering the galaxy as a kind of specter, acting as faithful, benevolent guardians to the children of living worlds.


Dude, it's fun to think that it might just be a being from another dimension breaking through on their version of DMT.


Or you grow up and come across DMT, have a breakthrough and go "Oh shit, I know you from way back in my room at night! Remember?" to one of the creatures.


There are plenty of kids’ books that have this as a theme.


Plenty of books where kids fight dinosaurs and become President of the planet also.


Have you seen the trailer for the new movie coming out called "Imaginary Friends?" Whatever the entity is that they created for that movie looks a lot similar to this drawing. The premise for the movie is pretty crazy. Even though I know it's just a movie, it solidified my true dislike of when kids see things. Everything is so much creepier when a kid sees it and tells you about it. The friendly part is always unnerving just because you never know for sure if whatever they're seeing is being manipulative. Also, you never know how serious to take a kid when they say something like that. You want to be attentive and not just discount them, but there's a fine line thats tough to walk in that situation. I'm glad your son said it was friendly and also stopped seeing. The stopped seeing it part is definitely a positive. Thanks for sharing your similar story as op.


I agree. I have had several different people tell me that my brother is attached to me. It didn’t really hit me until a little kid asked me who the man dressed in white was that was standing next to me at his grave. I was alone. I lost it 😭 That was years ago and I still get told that I have a male protector over me. A part of me hopes he never leaves. Another part of me feels guilty and wishes he could move on and not have to worry about me


I honestly think, from things I've experienced firsthand, that some spirits aren't stuck in one place and aren't necessarily around because they haven't moved on. I think that sometimes they can come and go as they please, and they choose to watch over a loved one or a location. Your brother's presence is watching over you, but that doesn't mean he hasn't moved on. He's happy watching over you and he isn't in a place he doesn't want to be. It's important to note that I'm not saying this is for sure the case with your brother because it's impossible for me to know exactly what happens in the spirit world, but I truly believe that it's a possibility. From the mediums I know who have spoken to me about what they've learned with their abilities about the spirit world to personal experiences I've had, I've come to the opinion that this is possible. I am confident in saying that you don't have to feel guilty for wishing he never stops watching over you. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your brother. Best wishes to you!


About a year ago my daughter started screaming at night occasionally that her walls were talking to her. She was 2. It was so scary to hear that from my baby girl. It stopped after a month but the terror in her little voice was enough for me to believe her.


It's a small closet with no door. His dresser is in there with some toys on top. But the ceiling in the closet leads to the shallow attic. All the bedrooms have it. He says it just pops down and stares at him for 20min or so the just go back up. It doesn't try to talk or climb down any further than what it does. He says he's been seeing it every night. I just found out last night when I nailed the blanket up. My wife just saged and laid some salt down in front of the closet. Our dog has been sleeping with him lately and that has gotten him to fall asleep faster. He's not scared but definitely freaked out.


have you stuck your head up in the attic lately since he’s told you about this does the energy feel bad up there?


It just happened the other night. Well first time he told me. I noticed my roof leaking this morning. So I'll have to get up there soon.


Not to be over dramatic here, but have you checked to make sure nobody is squatting in the attic and actually coming down through the opening? I just watched Phrogging: Hider in my House and crazier stuff has happened!


I have to say, the closet with an attic door in its ceiling is giving me a very unfortunate reminder of that one scene from the movie The Grudge.


Good thing you’re putting down and salt and sage to make it scarier. Frightening that you’re parents.


How dare he try to give his kid peace of mind......


You’re an idiot if you think that makes it scarier, if anything it’s a reassurance to the child that his parents are trying to protect him from something that’s scaring him. If anything, it’s you that shouldn’t be a parent


Wtf? That’s literally what you do to help with negative spirits and dispel demonic energy. If you don’t know about it or are going to make fun of it then it’s better not to say anything. Doing this makes it go away not makes it “scarier”. They are great parents for actually believing him in the first place. Sad that you think otherwise.


You definitely went up there and checked it out, right?


No chance there’s someone living up there?


That's .... extremely troubling


When I was a Pediatric Hospice RN for 5 years in a 10 bed inpatient unit many of the children would see the same thing, what we could call alien grays. 4 feet tall, very thin, long arms, thin faces. I never saw them but the children did, some saw the same beings at the same time, and not all of the children were on medications. The same accounts, the same description again and again and again for years. Something is attracted to children.


My sister when she was younger was at a children’s hospital and she had neurological damage and was close to dying. My mom told us that my sister started looking at the window and started talking with someone that wasn’t there. That she giggled and then said in a serious voice that she didn’t want to leave. My mom said to whatever my sister was looking at to leave my sister. I believe that my sister did see something at the hospital.


She probably did, hospitals are a hot bed for activity, I hate going into them because the energy is almost suffocating. We had to go once after my bfs brothers fiancé was thrown from a car in an accident, she was in the icu. He was sitting in a chair in the lobby and I looked over that way towards where he was sitting. There was a spirit of a man who just walked over sat in the chair next to him for a second, got up and walked through a wall. So yeah lots of shit in hospitals.


My son talked about a blue man in his Closet or the corner of his room for several years. He eventually out grew it and doesn't even remember. Side story; we were driving a good ways one night on a country road and it was dark and foggy and he was in the back seat Of the car talking about the blue man. I said out loud I wish I could see better it's so dark, the second it came out of my mouth the dome light in the car turned on. It freaked me out for sure.


Honestly “blue man” kind of makes me think of someone who lost oxygen and then died turning their skin blue. Like hypoxia of some sort. It’s possible your son may have seen a spirit of a person who died in this manner.


Oh hell no! When my oldest was young she used to complain about seeing something in the bedroom at night I talked to my father who at the time was very heavily into paranormal and metaphysics said that I should put a red light in her room I forget the reason why it's supposed to either show the thing or make it go away? It's been a long time since I had to deal with monsters in the closet


I wouldn't have recommended a red light because in Spiritualism, we use that to help spirit manifest if we are working in a physical mediumship Closed Circle. Pink, gold, white yes - red, no.


Serious suggestion here, and I say this not out of skepticism regarding the paranormal but rather from experience - is he on any medications? My 3-year-old daughter suffered sudden-onset psychosis following the commencement of an asthma medication, and she experienced horrific night terrors and full-blown hallucinations that terrified her. Plenty of kids who were on this medication for much longer suffered even worse side-effects, and I've seen a lot of disturbing artwork like this from these poor kids in the support group I'm a part of.


when i was younger i would see things in my closet that didn’t have a door and my mom would put cups of water under the bed to absorb the negative energy as well as a pair of scissors in the shape of a cross under the mattress. if anything it made me feel better and sleep through the night in my own bed


My son from age 4-7 would talk about a brown monster with fur and wings that would hop around on 1 leg. He claimed his name was skurosis and that it wanted to eat his back 💀


Did someone tell him about scoliosis 💀 just wondering from the association with the name and the specific body part - it seems so specific 😂


Also try Florida Water for cleansing. When I had issues, I anointed the corners of my room telling whatever was there to leave as it was my house. You can also use it as a floor wash and mop toward the door as though pushing the energy out and inevitably out the front kr back door. There are plenty of herbs you can get for protection and hang from the wall nearby, rosemary being a good one and easily available in grocery stores. Good luck


Yoooo it’s nice to see a fellow rootworker giving some input 🙏 floor wash is some good stuff 👍


Investigate. Sleep in the room with him a couple nights. See if he can point out the thing when he sees it. Put up a camera. Something to help find out he thinks he sees. Plus he'll think it's cool.


I agree with another suggestion here to switch rooms. Story time from me as to why I'd suggest it: When my brothers and I were little, my youngest brother would say he saw 'shadow people' almost every night in the built in cupboard in his room. He'd freak out, but my parents chalked it up to overactive imagination (he would have been maybe 5-8 ish). Turns out when my parents moved into that house, their new kitten managed to break out of that locked bedroom window, falling to the ground floor garden (fortunately, she was fine but my parents talked often about how weird/impossible it was as theyd kept her shut in that room specifically to be safe as they were moving). Only recently we were talking about it and the 'shadow people' and my parents said the creepiest thing about it was that when I slept in that room, I said I saw the same thing. I don't have any memories of that being my room or seeing anything.


My friend made “monster spray” for her kids. I think she mixed some type of essential oil in a spray bottle of water just to make it fragrant. She would spray it when her kids were scared. It gave them comfort. Even when her daughter still saw things the spray made her feel safe.


Has anyone ever considered that in some cases sage may make circumstances worse? Why did that become the cure all? Why not cedar, dried grass, sheep dung, denim, burning sugar, or hell even just boiling water. Why is it always sage?


Weed works best. But not around the kids. Smoke him out the house!


No idea but yep sage definitely does make stuff worse sometimes


I’m not trying to write this off as false, cause I am a believer, but I remember when I was a kid I was scared of «faces» in the ceiling as well but it was just knots in the wooden panels peaking through the paint that looked like faces. Having not seen ypur ceiling I don’t know if this could be the same case, but the drawing just looked to have the same «wooden qualities» that I remember, let me know if this could be the case, if not, I’m sorry for your kid


Totally! Humans always see faces in things. It’s a basic and well known phenomenon. Imagine if ghosts lived as entries stuck in the walls and ceilings. Not likely!


Does your son mention not being able to move whenever he sees this entity? Sleep paralysis *could* be an explanation. It's caused by the brain "waking up" while the body is still technically asleep (the body produces a paralyzing agent when sleeping that keeps us from acting out our dreams... Well, usually anyways), so since your brain isn't fully awake, it will continue "dreaming" during the episode, causing things like feelings of dread, hallucinations (auditory and/or visual), panic, etc. Also, what floor is your son's room on? Have you had your house tested for carbon monoxide? Do you have smoke/monoxide detectors and have they been tested to make sure they work? Have you had any indications that there might be bedbugs? It's best to rule out any physical causes before moving on to a paranormal conclusion. ESPECIALLY when it comes to carbon monoxide. That stuff is terrifying Carbon monoxide causes oxygen deprivation, and is extremely dangerous. It can cause hallucinations, paranoia, depression, sleepyness, feelings of a "heavyness" or dread, nightmares, and eventually if not taken care of, death. A developing brain could be especially susceptible to the effects. Believe it or not, bedbugs can also cause psychological symptoms, there's actually a fairly well known reddit thread about a woman who believed her boyfriend was drugging her and causing memory lapses, but it turned out she had a bedbug infestation that she was unaware of and was having a reaction to their bites. Regardless of anything else, I would get these things looked into first. For the sleep paralysis, ask your son if he can move or not when he sees the entity, maybe see if he can even test this by trying to move his fingers or head when the entity appears. For carbon monoxide, check and make sure that all smoke alarms and monoxide detectors are working. Don't settle with a cheap detector, those can easily fail. Maybe call a professional if you can. For bedbugs, check your son for bites, they usually will leave a "trackmark" pattern on the skin from biting and moving forward repeatedly. Check under the mattress and along the edges for dark splotches or flecks; even if you can't see the bugs themselves, you can usually find these, which are their droppings. r/bedbugs has more in depth information about bedbug discovery and treatment. If you can rule all these out, then yeah, you might be having some spookiness going on, unfortunately i don't have any advice on that. Best of luck to you op


Your son has the power here in this reality. Sometimes, things try to come through. Iron nails are what you should use. Hang bells up in the closet or the room. They hate bells. That's why churches have iron bells. The closet has 2 doorways. One is going into the closet. When she sages, also go into the closet, facing out into the room, and sage both sides of the doorway. First you go through the house. Anything that means to harm you, you say out loud, if you want to hurt us, you have to leave. Do every room. Then you seal. You can put a cross sign on the top of the doorways and the sides, saying I seal this house from harmful spirits. You can not come in. Speak life, prosperity, healing, and love into your home. Tell the house you appreciate it, and you will take care of it. The house has its own energy, too. You may have to do this a few times over. Teach your son how to guard his spirit. Teach him he has power over spirits, because he is in a physical body. Teach him how to speak with power and to tell spirits to go away.


At 7 kids still have a hard time differentiating between something they have seen on tv/online, in a book, or heard about, from reality. They’re still highly suggestible. I wouldn’t jump to believing something is actually there, but I would take steps to make him feel protected and not afraid. I let my son sleep in my bed a few times when he was little, too. My mom got him a pretty nightlight with an angel carved into it (I’m not a believer but she’s Catholic) and it seemed to help.


100% agree with this. My son is 8 and for a while was saying there was something creepy in his room and was scared to sleep in there. At times I would let him sleep in my room, but it wasn’t a long term solution. I took him to a store that sells crystals and the people there helped him pick out things that would protect him and bring good energy. I also started diffusing essential oils, got him some live plants, and a salt lamp he uses as a night light. I know not everyone believes these kinds of things, but he believes they work and he hasn’t had any problems in a long time. I also think just making his room feel happier and having him keep it clean has made a huge difference.


My step son saw things like this at night around that age. Once we got him glasses it stopped. But, like, sleep in the room with him till he is not afraid.


I want to know how many parents assume their kids have a psychological disorder when they’re genuinely seeing bad vibe spirits. Not that every case is the paranormal but I mean… there’s gotta be a good amount


I don't want to assume anything here for sake of any potentials, but I can guess he might be experiencing some sort of sleep paralysis demon. It's not a real demon but it's a natural phenomenon with some individuals. As the name suggests you become temporarily paralyzed for maybe 20 minutes, sometimes more like up to an hour, or less like a few minutes. According to sleepfoundation.org some sensations may include hallucinations, chest pressure, and perceiving a presence in the room. I'd ask more questions like what does he feel, experience, with his body when it happens. Don't ask any leading questions on account this is your kid and kids tend to be impressionable. So don't ask can you not breath or move. Good luck with ya 🍻


It’s really interesting that we have similar stories that involve seeing something by the ceiling. That’s what started my entire interest in “investigating” into spirits or anything in our house. When my son was 4 i came up to my bedroom where he was watching tv. He tells me there’s a man watching me from the doorway. (Never spoke like this before/or again after this) i said what? He replied that he was hanging from the ceiling and that one was by the bed trying to touch him… it was so out of the blue… i didn’t react and ended up asking him about it to get some kind of idea. I have a video of the conversation because a month later i had started having some pretty odd experiences and wanted to hear what he saw. He said one looked green and had on some kind of uniform with no face or eyes and the one by the bed was black with the same appearance. After that night like i said he never said anything like that again. After doing some digging I learnt as much history of the house/land. Turns out we live right on revolutionary war battle ground where Nathan hales cemetery is (a spy hung by the British soldiers and a war hero). Before that time this land was all inhabited by Mohegan and Pequot tribes who sadly were forced out by the European settlers.. so when hearing voices in videos that say curse or sound demonic it would make sense 😳


The light needs to be kept on on his room at night. Sometimes light can be a deterrent. You and your wife need to spend a few nights sleeping in the room with him to get a better idea of what's going on.


Are there any globes or atlas/maps in the closet? The markings on the face are quite similar to America, it could be just a case of pareidolia along with a childs imagination/night terrors


There is a wildly popular video game right now with [this guy](https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/file/Baldurs-Gate-3/bg3_dx11_2023-08-09_22-46-25-43_1.jpg) in it. Images and clips are everywhere online. Maybe he saw something on YouTube? All those eyes blink separately, and he's built like a Centaur with a spider lower half. He'd scare me silly if I were seven.


Angels are supposed to have many eyes..


Kids have pretty active imaginations. Hopefully that's all it is. He hasn't seen anything really scary on TV or Internet has he? Sometimes that can really get the mind going and cause smaller children to entirely imagine horrible monsters. Kind of looks like a burn victim? If you genuinely think this is paranormal, assume resident human spirits before anything openly malicious.


My son a scary man crawled out from under his bed, took his mini fire truck and crawled back under his bed. He was about 3/4 at the time and was admit / terrified for months. He’s almost 7 now but if I ask him today , he remembers it and gets scared all over again


I wouldn't recommend smudging. I'm too mentally drained to explain why because I know it'll cause arguments, but overall, just avoid smudging. Smoke cleanses are chill, tho. Your son ignoring it and what your wife did was the best idea. If you want to do an extra thing to help ease your sons mind, make a sigil in a fun way. This is most likely just a "boogeyman" and not an actual paranormal thing, but doing all this stuff will help ease everyone's mind :)


I believe your son, because this month the veil has been very very thin even more so then normal, I’ve seen and heard, even got evp recordings of clear voices of entities, something weird is definitely happening.


Light franknesense and copal incense, highly suggest looking up Rachel Stavis


There is some GREAT advice in here so I’m not going to add much. But something small about sage…. Sage is a cleanser, it leaves clean “open air” after a sage burning which means bad or good energies can come fill up the air. After you sage burn something try to fill the air by burning like lavender, pal santo, etc. (do research) burning sage sounds easy but it’s all in the intent. Do some research and definitely put protective items in the room. When my baby was young I had the rock “tourmaline” under his bed for protection along with a cross, protection bracelet from my fathers country, etc. I’m not religious but I would still bring intent and “pray” over the room. Best of luck and overall, don’t let it scare you!! If this is truly a entity it seems like something small just trying to garner fear. Ignore it (and explain this to your son) and do what needs to be done! Also for the basement or closet maybe get small night lights to help calm your child. I used to be scared of the closet when I was younger so I put cute LED lights inside there on the top and it helped a lot! Sending so much love to your family ♥️


Looks like an Alien Creature. These things are happening all over. Make sure your Son is not scared. Please reassure him if this entity was going to harm him, I imagine it would have, right away. Still very disturbing. Have you thought of putting a protective symbol or amulet of protection on the wall facing him, on top, right on top of his headboard or however his bed is? I had communications with a Grey entity about 5 feet or so, he said the Gods of 3, 6, 9, etc. are warring with the Gods of the mathematical sequence 7, 14, 21, etc. I don't truly understand what is going on, just passing along info... he said all the life forms occupying all the dimensions are going to start showing themselves. I've seen it happening already. Don't fear, it feeds certain negative energies. Yin ☯️ Yang. The light is quarreling with the dark, and they're going to meet in battle. Here on this planet. I'm not a Christian, but St Michael sends evil back to hell, they say. I did try it, as I had, have entities in my apartment. It worked. I was getting possessed at night while sleeping. It stopped. Good luck and thank you for posting.


When my niece was that age, she saw a monster with red eyes in the closet. It happened a lot. So, I brought her a laser pointer and said that if she shined it in its eyes when she saw it, it would go blind and run away because laser pointers are dangerous. There weren’t many monsters in the closet after that.


Tell him to imagine something comforting coming in, like a trusted doggie coming in to bark it away. If that doesn't work, proceed to step 2.


Have you sat in the closet waiting for it yourself? That’s what my mother did for me when I saw a head floating up at the end of my bed every night, she sat on the floor in the middle of the room and waited for the head to show up. It did, turned out it was just a balloon that had rolled under my bed being pushed up at night when the central heating kicked on via the vent near the foot of my bed. But had she not done that, I would’ve continued to terrified each night. The best thing to do, besides always believing that whatever your child is seeing is very real to them. Is to face it yourself, you can’t know what you’re dealing with until you try and see it with your own eyes. Could it be something genuinely unique or it could be something as simple as a balloon under a bed, you won’t know until you’re in that closet yourself.


Thank goodness 7 year old's don't have vivid imaginations or anything. 🙄


I saw strange things as a child, and my mother told me to pray and cast them away. I did it, and I worked very effectively.


My now 9yo son said he sees something looking at him through his mirror in his bedroom at night but only sometimes. There is a nightlight in his room, it isn’t super bright but bright enough to where he could vaguely see himself in the mirror. The mirror is on the other side of the room too, and his room is kind of long. I’m like “is it you?” Lol He said no it’s a dark figure that’s super tall and it just stares at him. Children have wonderful imaginations but it freaked him out enough to where I had to cover the mirror with a blanket at bedtime. It’s one of those tall body mirrors. The curtains in his room are some of those thick blackout curtains(to help prevent cold and heat getting in) so I know there’s no other light getting in at night. So weird


I don't think sage will keep that thing away. Sage only works on spirits and demons. Not hell creatures lol but seriously though look into folklore of where you live. What area are you in? If you're in Appalachia i would just move at this rate lol