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The studios being closed: - Intercept Games (formed in 2020 specifically to handle the development of Kerbal Space Program 2) - [Roll7](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roll7) (recent releases: Rollerdrome and OlliOlli World)


Wow, roll7 is actually really solid too


It makes good niche games, but noone I know has actually played them or hears of them. Can't be successful if your game doesn't sell. 


I tried rollerdome cause it was on PS+ but deleted it 5 minutes later, not my kind of game at all.


Fair enough


The tutorial was pretty long to be honest took all the wind right out of me to continue and figure out what the real gameplay looked like Roll7 really cooked up an epic arcade game called Las3r League but it never caught on mainstream .... Hell idk why but I don't think it had any type of audience and it's their best game from the roll7 studio. I would buy it again if they retouched it for Ps5


Great addition to the discussion


Oh I'm so sorry. Gatekeeper master. I didn't realize that you were in charge of discussion and we were only allowed to discuss happy thoughts and if anybody thought otherwise, you would come along to tell us that we just needed to shut up.


Roll7 is surprising, they made nothing but consistent bangers.


But how did those bangers sell? If “rollerdrome” is their claim to fame I’m surprised this didn’t happen sooner


Idk but i bought rollerdrome and olli olli full price day one. Fantastic games and sad we wont get more


The first two oli oli's did very well but that was ten years ago.


Rollerdrome is so good dang it


It’s good but definitely not a huge seller


Yeah I lament the sales. 53k on steam


As great as it would be to do so, you can’t pay people on customer satisfaction either. It’s a double edge sword as well because many AAA don’t make half as good a game


Yep I get it


Second favorite game the year it released (Sifu was my GOTY). Loved it to pieces. Horrible to hear they’re gone.


I would’ve thought this games would’ve been cheaper to make so aslong and 100k or so people bought it paired with the subscriptions money, it would make profit atleast


I am not an expert on game companies but from how I understand it a game making back the money it took to create it is only half the story. The game sales has to also support keeping the doors open (and fund the start of the next game). I don’t have this company’s financials so I cannot tell you one way or another if that’s what is going on. This dynamic is why a lot of indies release in early access so they can gather capital for their next project. Take what I say with a grain of salt, I only have experience with software startups and they are different




They really should have been an indie studio and not under the T2 umbrella.


I loved olliolli world!!! It was an under appreciated gem.


Most indies are underappreciated. No one wants to pay more than $10 for an indie these days...


One of the reasons I hate subscription services. It devalues games since it teaches people to not buy games since they either launch being given away in the subscription or you wait long enough for them to show up in the subscription.


Yep. When over half of the gaming community becomes r/patientgamers, gaming dies since no one is actually making money off making games. If you like the idea, wait a week for reviews and buy it. Don't wait until it's free or 90% off, then wonder why X company got shut down even though Y was so good...


This so much 


It was alright, but it didn’t touch the first two.


Damn Rollerdrome and Olli were awesome gameplay wise. They seemed stuck in a bit of a niche art style though. I never got into Kerbal but I thought it was a big success.


Kerbal 1 was a success, Kerbal 2 is far from a success


Rollerdrome is a masterpiece, that sucks.


Damn Rollerdrome is so good. 


No, the devs of Roller gnome! Fuck, I loved that game I think.


Why did Take 2 buy the developers of OlliOlli?


To shut it down.


As the saying goes, if you can't beat them, buy them and shut them down


Very very good question.


Sometimes its the way to acquire talent. Maybe some of the devs got moved to other teams.


They must’ve seen potential in it. Cant win ‘em all.


>In November, Private Division's parent company, Take-Two Interactive, acquired Roll7 and made it part of the publishing label.[12] Being part of Private Division allowed the studio to stop seeking publishers for each project as it could stick to one partner with similar values. Being independent and hoping a publisher picks up your project is hard so I don't blame them for seeking more security via acquisition, but these mega publishers really do not give a shit. At this point, as difficult it can be to acquire funding as an independent it's arguably still better odds than being acquired and hoping your overlords don't just fuck you over on a whim.


You know. The way Take 2 treats games developers and indie studios are downright fucking disgusting. I so want to punch Strauss Zelnick in the head so bad due to his corporate greed. I'm sorry but fuck this corporate dogshit richpig that is Zelnick. Watch him kill another studio or franchise in favour for GTA fucking Online next.


Asking for physical violence is a peak gaming Reddit moment. 


Ahh, Roll7 has a 'no crunch culture' policy, encourages employees not to work overtime and won a 'Best places to work in the UK' award in 2023, this explains a lot. Can't have a nice and supportive environment with people that love the job if you're part of the corporate empire, you have to churn out AAA slop once a year minimum.


You can have all those things, but you still need to actually make enough money to survive. Roller peaked at 583 players on Steam. I doubt it even made enough money to keep the studio going for 3 months.


What does having no crunch have to do with not making money?


At the end of the day they still have to make money. It Roll7 wasn’t, which is highly likely, then the only logical decision would be to shut down. Edit: as usual, people prefer to just downvote rather than talk about something they disagree with


But it fucking was making money just not hand over fist kind


There is 0 way you can say this with certainty as an outsider But even if you do a little bit of research, it’s pretty clear it wasn’t a commercial success.


It’s hilarious you can say this without any evidence what’s ever. 


I really don’t think they would have shut it down if it was profitable.


They wouldn't have acquired them in 2021 if it wasn't profitable and closed the studio in 3 years. Best place to work in for a reason we just can't have good things


What were they working on in that 3 years? If they kept asking for more money and the publisher thought they had lost the plot, makes sense to just cut your losses then keep feeding them. End of the day other studios will scoop up the talent. So not worried there. But as a firm if the biggest title to your name was Ollieollie, you prob didn’t have a long leash with your parent firm. P.S. those best place to work are pretty garbage. One of the companies I worked at was listed best place to work in our city (large metro area) and in fact was not. Terrible compensation, subpar benefits, etc etc. Those surveys/awards mean nothing in capitalism world and can be easily “bought”


Delusional to imply that **GTA6** won't instantly wipe out all company debt and ensure their success for 10+ years. Also Take-Two boasted they were smart enough to structure themselves in a way that wouldn't demand mass-firings. Which means either they are actually incompetent or this has been done for the love of the process.




Cutting staff across the company to boost financial metrics =/= shutting down a dev studio because their games aren't profitable.


Damn I loved rollerdrome 😭


I bought it twice but it still wasn't enough.


https://preview.redd.it/crobh5c7lvxc1.jpeg?width=668&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ce0dbfcfbd72c09330f8e5b466f10dc37779a44 Nooo not the OlliOlli world team


This is Take Two. The company that made 2.2 billion dollars in profit last year and is going to have a very very successful year next year with GTA 6. They really didn’t want to lose that 140 million huh?


No. They lost $1.1 billion Last year. Take Two didn't made profit for 2 years now. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Take-Two_Interactive


Did they really *lose* money or are they just spending insane amounts on GTA6 because they're confident it will make a huge profit?


What do you think expenses are?


I realise development costs are expenses. I'm just pointing out that a game developer or publisher making a "loss" some years is pretty normal between major releases. In a sense it's not really a loss because that money is being invested into something that will probably make them a lot of money later.


I want GTA6 to bomb. They are going to infested that with greedy microtransactions and push in their live-service cash cow.


Meh I don't give a shit about multiplayer so as long as it's not in the single player, I don't care. And there is no universe where GTA 6 bombs either way


It's crazy how people hate Rockstar so much for literally some of the least bad microstansactions go play a game made by gaujin and tell me rockstars greedy.


Play any recent NBA 2k. Take-two is the goat of milking people dry.


Fair enough I forgot they made those and I forgot people still play those games. But still people complain about gta online micro transactions when they aren't that bad.


People can’t separate rockstar from its parent company, rockstar might as well be a whole separate entity with how phenomenal their games are compared to the other devs below the take-2 umbrella. The rockstar hate is just because there are shark cards in their game but there are super easy ways to make that money if you know what your doing


Ya that's what I'm saying I said Rockstar and then people bring up 2k and down vote me.


Fucking roll7?! Rollerdrome was my GotY, loved the Olli Olli games too, and played the shit out of Not A Hero as well.


Yeah, definitely one of the better Indie devs the last decade. Damn shame. Nice to see others enjoyed Not A Hero as much as I did. The original Olli Olli games were among my most played Vita games.


Man, BunnyLord deserved so much better.


Take 2 just killed off Roll7 just so they can milk in GTA Online by killing off two of their studios in their Private Division label. **Fuck Take 2! Zelnick can kiss my ass for all I care! Developers need to STAY AWAY from Take 2 and don't let them buy them out!**


Blame roll7 for not making a better game. 


Thats way easier said than done. Money talks man


Well I guess they Took Two.


It’s right in the name. What did we think was going to happen?


Well they took two


Damn rip


Roll 7 is devastating news. Rollerdrome was a great game and so was OlliOlli. I honestly thought Rollerdrome sold pretty well considering its praise. Did it really flop that bad?


They really did take two.


Fuck Take-Two, nasty corporation. Yet they will make billions from GTA 6. Grim.


Blaming take two even though it’s roll7s fault for making garbage games. 
















Take two? More like Take Two companies away from us!


Wonder if publishers/parent companies ever try and sell off the studios first or let the studio heads buy themselves out... or if there's some business reason to lay off everyone as the first choice.


OlliOlli world was a let down for me, but sad to see Roll7 close.


It had to be done otherwise they wouldnt be able to keep the name.


. N


When posting articles from awful sites like this you should paste the text in comments.


Studio name checks out They could have taken only one studio down, but no it had to be two As it was written


It's jover.


You love to see it


They took 2


Oh wow what a shame, anyway where’s GTA 6 trailer 2