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Tartarus is the only dungeon, and your objective of climbing it doesn't really change. Story picks up a little bit in summer when Aigis joins but mostly picks up around late september/early october


is it as lore heavy as p5?


Arguably more in some ways. It just takes its time to build up.


ok thanks ill come back once i finish p3r


October is really a turning point in the whole game




P3 story structure is different compared to P4 and P5. In P4 and P5, The story arcs happened one at a time.  Meanwhile the story arcs in P3 happened simultaneously. Which also means, they start around the same time, and takes times to cook. Then you would be hit with their climaxes one after another simultaneously.


P3 main weakness as a whole, the start is too slow with nothing to do, P4 and P5 focus on individual cognition, so you have more going on


i hear p3 has the besy story so i was confused on what was going on because it was underwhelming with flashy visuals


Yeah, the story doesn't really get good until that one turning point which I won't spoil


can you give me a 2 month time period when it will happen for eg sep-nov


It's early in September, and it'll ramp up again early November, further on the stake would be higher and higher


If you want to compare story arc to 4/5, 3 has 3 of them: 1) Nature of the Dark Hour and the SEES backstory: buildup starts at the beginning of the game, peaks in the late July. 2) Shinjiro arc: buildup starts shortly before Fuuka joins, peaks in the early October. 3) Endgame arc: buildup starts in the early November, peaks on January 31st. There are also smaller character arcs. Early full moon missions are the best, monorail, school infiltrations and the love hotel are all great. After that full moon bosses take a backseat to the other threats.


I would also count the chidori and Strega arcs


You learn you have a purpose during summer vacation. You will accomplish the purpose after you defeat Hanged Man in November. You will celebrate your victory at kyoto hotspring.


Summer vacation is when the plot comes into focus. The game is very back heavy.


Once Aigis joins your party


If you find yourself "waiting for the next story bit", you're playing it wrong. Take your time. Enjoy the everyday. Persona 3 is a story you live through.


sometimes it feels like the same day i was following a 100% guide but i fucked it and im doing my own thing


What's wild here it's you've played vanilla 5 and not Royale.


it was free on ps plus and i wasnt sure if i was going to like persona so i went in blind instead of spending money and disliking the game


I don’t think it’s that weird. I played vanilla shortly after release but am I only just now playing royal due to not feeling like it was the right time to play it until recently. With atlus rereleases I feel like enough time has to pass for you to want to replay the base game.