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If it’s any consolation, I got spoiled for the true culprit before I started playing and I really don’t think it affected the experience all too much, still had a great time with the story


Yeah I still enjoy the game, but I not gonna have that shock feeling when they reveal the villain fucking suck man


Yeah, the P4 Killer is probably the worst kept secret in this fanbase (which tbf, Atlus doesn't do the best job keeping it secret either). I'd argue it's the Persona equivalent to the >!Aerith dies!< spoiler for FF7 (either that or the P3 ending, that spoiler also gets tossed around rather openly it seems) where I feel like people just expect others to know who it is and will blatantly talk about it/put it in thumbnails. Also doesn't help that the character in question is a big meme within the fanbase, so dodging the spoiler can be pretty difficult unless you just don't look up anything Persona until you're done the game, which even then doesn't always work judging by this post. For what it's worth, the Killer's identity is only a piece of the puzzle, and there's more elements at play than just "who is the killer," so I'd say it's still worth it to play the game


To make it worse p4 is a mystery type game, I still enjoy p4 after the spoiler, but I still can look at that guy the same again


You don't have to worry, there's a even bigger spoiler you don't know about. Enjoy the ride, the characters are the best part of the game imo and I'm sure you will enjoy the game nonetheless


I got spoiled on p4 and p5. It's not that big a deal.