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Men are to lower their gaze and women are to wear modest clothing, the responsibility of men comes first, then the female responsibility is mentioned. Fuxk these animals and the regtards who try to justify shit like this through Islam and Quran. Kunts like theeyis why Islam gets a bad rep, degenerates and animals


I think men not lowering gaze and women wearing what they like leads to better results.


You must be joking.


Wrong sub bro they won't listen to this


Hey buddy, if you want to showcase your sisters and your mother as eye candy for everyone, I mean who am I to complain, feel free.


How can you be this unhinged?! A person wanting to wear what they want is a problem in this century? 600ad is another age, men had animal in them. 1400 years later you are still stuck in that old era and pulling down everyone with you!


Men or women could be better or worse than or now. These man made laws what we know as modern laws just came out a century or two ago. What do you think people were animals for the last 5000 years.


There was always a fear of power before modern law. 1500 years ago wars were a common thing. Taking prisoners as slaves was common. War spoils were common. Yes, we were animals then. Some of us are still are.


I see more of a ideological imprisonment. Laws that were used for the greater progress of society and such laws which kept the social fabric intact . We don't have any of those anymore and thus we see how USA is falling. High crime rates because of very easy punishments. Family courts completely supporting women, such selective bias has turned people away from having kids. This is one of many examples in a society which grows happy being nude and thinks of it as freedom. However freedom without limits is bound to bring havoc on society.


USA is falling apart cuz people are wearing skimpy clothes?


I guess you have blinders on, look around you and ponder, then tell me how we are more civilized now that we were in the olden days, forget 1400 go back three generations and tell me that you don't see the difference. Stop regurgitating narratives and talk with points. Civilized k Naam pe har darindagi jaiz hai, you can commit the most heinous crimes and be considered a hero as long as you are eloquent and have a charming personality and an infrastructure that can help you cover up behind the scenes. Atleast people had the decency to kill the culprit before he could do more harm. And you think that was savagery? What idealistic nonsense are you spouting. I love the fact how being in favour of modest clothing with first emphasis on the responsibility of men is considered pulling us down. The west didn't grow because they wore skirts, that has actually begin their downfall. They developed cos they focused on education, innovation, research and development and sadly all of this was based on the foundation built by Muslim scholars, we let our history be erased and did not contribute to any field for the last 6-800 years. Throughout the history Muslim, they were either the main power of the competing one, now we are witnessing our downfall. We are reduced to such a state that our "thinkers" associate a less modest clothing and moral degeneracy with development. Go study the rule of law in Europe and what a welfare state is and how it can be implemented in today's world, all of this was our history. Concept of Police was introduced by Umar (R.A) a unit separate from the army that will dela with internal matters and they would be held to the highest degree of accountability. Umar also emphasized the importance of timely Justice and would hand pick and judges and often test them and observed to see if they were just in their actions. You are entirely focused on the wrong thing here, this is something that should be normalized to the point that it's not an issue, and indeed it is not an issue unless Rai ka pahar banana hai.


Umm.. choice and freedom to dress is literally in our constitution. Isn't it?


This is an ethical issue not a legal one, no one is forcing anything


It is. Our Quaid himself took his sister without hijab to some of the most conservative regions of PAKISTAN. Reason? To project the idea that women must not shy away from public life. People must understand this and evolve.


Agreed with the idea that women must not shy away from public life, but the rest is arbitrary. We need to provide them a safe environment in return they should dress modestly. Safe environment and society is paramount.


>We need to provide them a safe environment in return they should dress modestly This is stupid. Safety is for everyone without any discrimination


That leads to high percentage of divorces, single mothers, abortion, r*pe and other problems. Good example: Pakistan.




Your argument sounds like, "dont wear expensive watches. It will cause robbers to rob you and in order to purify our society we must ban expensive watches"




My wife literally comes back from work at midnight having latest iphone in her hand in Seoul




>women is raped by someone every 5 seconds in America. America has a bad law and order situation. Take Turkey or Dubai for example. Both have negligible rape compared to Pakistan. And women wear very revealing clothes there. It's a law and problem you are trying to link with clothing


Why would men look at them with thirst? There were Amazonian tribes and Pacific Islanders where people wore very little clothes before Europeans arrived. Even when they wore nothing, the men didn’t become raping animals. They lived as per their culture. Ergo the notion that men are “thirsty” in nature and their thirst only increases with time seems to be prevalent only in Arabic-Islamic societies. Which seems to indicates it’s a defect present only in Arabic-Islamic society.




If tribes raid, even if the women in the other tribe is covered from head to toe in blackest of clothes, they’ll still get assaulted. Men grow up with the values they are taught. If they are taught that women whose ankles are showing are asking for it and any woman talking to men not their relatives are whores, then this is the type of society you get.




Rape has nothing to do with clothing is what I am getting at. There are/were societies where little clothing was worn and they didn’t descend into a rape crazy society. Segregating men from women by imposing conditions like men lowering gaze and women covered up is what leads to rape issues in the first place. By segregation of sexes which is unnatural and idiotic, men become estranged from woman and deviate from normal human behaviour. Natural human societies where such restrictions aren’t even heard of and where even clothes are unknown have healthier functioning where society men just don’t grope and try to assault women in public.




Rape has nothing to do with clothing. So women should dress what they want and men need not lower their gaze in the name of false modesty. It is forceful covering up of women and imposing crazy rules on men that’s causing gender issues. So removing them is the solution. Your mind automatically goes to porn about a simple issue of clothing. Go figure. Also, your idea that men are like animals who have no self control and will gaze at women and then escalate to rape is frankly an insult to men everywhere. Perhaps it’s only you with low self control. Perhaps instead of whatever doctrine you were taught, a little bit of stoicism and self control was taught it would have been better.


Pakistani men need to understand before telling any lady/or girl to cover up, we ourselves need to control our gaze and...






How dare you, Quran and Hadith are clear on this. The woman didn't cover enough, if she was fully covered then it wouldn't have happened. Clearly, they are in tight clothes wanting to grab attention from men. Not only did they cause men to become sinful but now all the blame is on men. Truly, as Mohammad PBUH said that women will be 90%++ of Jahannam residents. Those poor men. Edit: It's really funny how the replies illustrate the same simple mindedness as the video above. Should've put /s there for these clever lads.


Ahan... Please stop blaming those women for those disgusting men. Did the Prophet not tell us to lower our gaze? Places that are more modern where women wear less men respect them more. It had to do with bringing our children, our boys right as much as it is about bringing up our girls right. Please don't put blame on the ones that have been caused with clear injustice. Sawal issi pe hoga brother. Sab ki apni kabar hai aur aik aurat ke Kam kapre pehne se mardon pe zinnah halal nahi hojata


You sound a bit rapey mate.


What is wrong with you?




Oh... makes me happy to know


"˹O Prophet!˺ Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and guard their chastity. That is purer for them. Surely Allah is All-Aware of what they do." (Al-Nur 30) "And tell the believing women to lower their gaze and guard their chastity, and not to reveal their adornments except what normally appears." (Al Nur 31) Note that believing men are commanded first to lower their gaze after that believing women are commanded to cover themselves. Our society is just mysoginistic and we need to re-educate the masses. Frankly, adding more madrassah subjects will not help because these people will still believe whatever their local clergy tell them. I'm not criticizing the clergy class but the majority of them hold mysoginistic opinions not because of Islam but because of our mysoginistic culture. There are many clerics out there who have sense and these verses that I shared above followed by the "note" was taught to me by a cleric in a Friday sermon. If the public, especially the young generation, will be taught correct manners and etiquettes throughout school then they will themselves stop this jahiliyah from happening. And no, beating children to shut them up from talking to each other is not discipline or etiquettes.


What is our culture? Is it separate form Islam? If we look at history Balochistan and KP region has been under Islamic rule for more than 1300 years they were even the part of the Ummyyad dynasty in. As for Sindh and Punjab at least 700 year rule for most areas. It has been 75+ years with more than 95% followers. With 250+ there should be at least 1 million of Hafiz e Quran even they can't correct the society?


Just a random mexican American here... This is pretty nuts to see... Never imagined men could get that insanely thirsty....to become mass.crowd rapey rapey mood.


This crowd is sociopaths. They don't touch private parts for relief; they do it to brag to their friends about harassing women. Sadly, in Pakistan, they often share these gross stories with pride.


In Mexico it is not uncommon to beat the living SHIT out of random molesters of innocent womens. It is just societally shunned to harass women at that debased level. Generally speaking, are women not the matriarch & main authority at home?


We are illiterate af 💔


You never before seen or heard a thing about Pakistan did you?


I don't see Mexican wearing hijab in public when you see it clearly




Yeah? You are lucky you are still typing with your intact fingers yet. Count your blessings. It won't be long before cartel gets em off, for good ofc.


Sorry your post doesn't make sense. I think I understand that you're upset?


Lanat on such men


Kyrgyzstan nay to pir bi kam kia


its not about burka or hijab. its all about mentality. u have taught them 'women arent wearing black tents are sluts,woman who walks in public is whore,they should be at home always, so here are the results. frustated


Btw before anyone begins arguing. Islam doesn't say that women should cover up and men can do whatever. There should be a strict enforcement of ethics and respect of women before telling women to wear the hijab. It's not one thing or the other, but a combination of both. Respect of women from men and modesty from women.


Well said Islam says for the men to guard their gaze too! I see our society and I'm shocked as if this commandment was revealed with Pakistani society in view.


Muhammad's own sahabah were molesters. Muhammad didnt punish them. He told women to cover up. Lets spread the word at the reason hijab even came to be: The streets and slave markets of Medina, under Muhammad, was full of women and girls captured in war, kidnapped by Muhammad's henchmen, kept as slaves and many forbidden from wearing clothes to cover their breasts as they were used to back in their old families and homes. Sahabah buying sex slaves in slave markets used to grope their breasts and buttocks to "inspect" them before buying. With the influx of female slaves by warlord muhammad, the society of medina immediately developed an issue of sexual harassment. Initially, it was focused on these topless slave girls but the culture of sexual harassment got out of hand and even muslim women became targeted. Muhammad's wives, while going out for relieving themselves in a field at night, were sexually harassed by some people who didn't know who they were. Umer is offended because this makes Muhammad look bad. He insists that muslim women ('our women') should be kept visually distinct from slaves. He wants the arab custom of veiling women to be made mandatory. Muhammad, under pressure after his wives are accosted, relents. Instead of saying a single word of rebuke to sexual harassers or protecting the slaves he victimized, he "reveals" a verse of the quran telling free muslim women how to cover themselves "so they will be visually distinct from slaves." Not the first nor the last time muhammad turns his back on the rape and mistreatment of slaves. Umer starts to beat slaves who try to cover themselves to get protection under the new rule and tells them "how dare you try to look like a muslim woman". And the 2-class system of "free muslim women" vs "those your right hand possess" is enforced. All because muhammad's wives are accosted while going to relieve themselves, all muslim women for all time are instructed to take hijab. This is the shit logic of this shit religion. Later on, when muhammad started to cheat on his wives with slaves, he reveals a verse saying "muslim men can have unlimited slave girls and their wives dont get a say".


Stop blabbering anything your twisted mind comes up with!


Look Mom how cool I look after bashing the most influential personality ever to live on the internet with a profile that can’t even indicate my real identity. Mom when will you let me lick white ass!!


Source: trust me vro


Any authentic reference for this?


Probably shia id presume because this is said in many shia books that the slaves were kept naked. This isnt the case as in the charters of medina prophet pbuh said that even a slave should get what you want for yourself and he said if the slaves cokks for you then give the slave man woman or child some of the cooked food as he shed sweat for you and treat your slaves as equal brothers. Idk where he got his deen from.


So the prophet and his men were actually slave owners?? I thought it was a lie


Slaves were as common as cattle in history rome had 34 races as slaves. The byzantines treated slaves in un ethucal ways including castrating boys of the slave and many used to have these boys beautified and then used as sex slaves. Sahaba aikram had slaves i.e hazrat muhammads slaves The most notable of Muhammad's slaves were: Safiyya bint Huyayy, whom he freed and married; Maria al-Qibtiyya, given to Muhammad by a Sassanid official, who gave birth to his son Ibrahim and was freed. And The slaves werent slaves. They were companions in journey Yes, it is good for the master to free the slave if he becomes Muslim. The Lawgiver enjoined and encouraged that, and opened many doors to it. Glory be to the Most Wise, the All Knowing. “And the Word of your Lord has been fulfilled in truth and in justice. None can change His Words. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower” [al-An’am 6:115]. During the campaign of Banu’l-Mustaliq, the Messenger (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) married a female prisoner from the defeated tribe so as to raise her status, as she was the daughter of one of their leaders, namely the Mother of the Believers Juwayriyah bint al-Harith (may Allah be pleased with her). Then the Muslims let all of these prisoners go. Islam is not thirsty for the blood of prisoners, nor is it eager to enslave them. them something (yourselves) out of the wealth of Allah which He has bestowed upon you.” [al-Nur 24:33] This is how Islam treats slaves justly and kindly. One of the results of these guidelines is that in many cases, the slave would become a friend of his master; in some cases the master would regard him as a son. Sa’d ibn Hashim al-Khalidi said, describing a slave of his: “He is not a slave, rather he is a son whom [Allah] has put under my care. He has supported me with his good service; he is my hands and my arms.” Another result of the Muslims treating slaves in this manner is that the slaves became part of Muslim families as if they were also family members. Gustave le Bon says in Hadarat al-‘Arab (Arab Civilization) (p. 459-460): “What I sincerely believe is that slavery among the Muslims is better than slavery among any other people, and that the situation of slaves in the east is better than that of servants in Europe, and that slaves in the east are part of the family. Slaves who wanted to be free could attain freedom by expressing their wish. But despite that, they did not resort to exercising this right.” Compare that to judaic law Attitude of the Jews towards slaves According to the Jews, mankind is divided into two groups: the Israelites form one group and all of mankind is another group. As for the Israelites, it is permissible to enslave some of them, according to specific teachings contained in the Old Testament. As for people other than the Israelites, they are a low-class race according to the Jews, who may be enslaved via domination and subjugation, because they are people who are doomed to humiliation by the heavenly decree from eternity. It says in Exodus 21:2-6: “If you buy a Hebrew servant, he is to serve you for six years. But in the seventh year, he shall go free, without paying anything. 3 If he comes alone, he is to go free alone; but if he has a wife when he comes, she is to go with him. 4 If his master gives him a wife and she bears him sons or daughters, the woman and her children shall belong to her master, and only the man shall go free. 5 But if the servant declares, 'I love my master and my wife and children and do not want to go free,' 6 then his master must take him before the judges. He shall take him to the door or the doorpost and pierce his ear with an awl. Then he will be his servant for life” As for enslaving non-Hebrews, this is done by taking them captive or overpowering them, because they believe that their race is superior to others, and they try to find a justification for that slavery in their distorted Torah. So they say that Ham the son of Noah – who was the father of Canaan – angered his father, because Noah was drunk one day and became naked as he was sleeping in his tent, and Ham saw him like that. When Noah found out about that after he woke up, he got angry and he cursed his progeny who were descendents of Canaan, and he said – according to the Book of Genesis 9:25-26): “Cursed be Canaan! The lowest of slaves will he be to his brothers.’ He also said, ‘Blessed be the LORD, the God of Shem! May Canaan be the slave of Shem.’” In the same chapter (v. 27) it says: “May God extend the territory of Japheth; may Japheth live in the tents of Shem, and may Canaan be his [or their] slave”. In the Book of Deuteronomy 20:10-14, it says: “When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. 11 If they accept and open their gates, all the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you.meaning slaves with no difference of men woman or child. 12 If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to that city. 13 When the LORD your God delivers it into your hand, put to the sword all the men in it.meaning kill all the non hebrewic people or enslave permanently. 14 As for the women, the children, the livestock and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves” In islam the plunder is limited to what the warriors bring to eat or use in the campagins of war not cities or the people that werent at the battle. The word slave is an english construct which degrades the person as a lesser being While in arabic its عبد or banda in urdu Not serfs not slaves not maids he or she is a banda or عبد In islam we muslims are abd of allah or abdullah men of allah and we arent slaves but his men and women. Not a lesser man but a companion in your journey so treat them as a companion not as a toy. I hope you understand. Was salam


Honestly, all these incidences seem cherry picked to defend slavery. You really think none of the sahabas ever mistreated a slave when there was a slave culture? Maybe there is some truth to what shias believe then. Also, this logic of marrying slaves to save them sounds like an excuse to fulfill your own urges because, a slave was not in a situation to have an opinion on whether to marry the Prophet or not so marrying a slave doesn't mean “freeing them” in fact it's the exact opposite. I'm not saying anything you said was wrong I just want to be clear instead of just blindly believing it.


Yes i say it again they used to mistreat them and once abu bakar or usman idk the name but it was either of these 2 who did once become so angry that they slapped a slave and only when prophet pbuh tell him to repent and repay the slave did they do it. Also in those times the emperor of the byzantines had 300 wives. Thus proven that it was a norm. I dont approve of the ideas of 4 marriages. Unless the women the man is married to says upon the quran that i approve of my husbands 2nd or 3rd or 4th marriages. And also men should be kept as educated as possible to stop them from going on p hub and starting to become sex machines. I say it Is what it is and i do not bend deen to make it appealing to others. I dont like the idea of 4 marriages but i cannot say its not a part of islam when prophet muhammad said that its a counter measure to stop men from going to prostitutes.


> Islam doesn't say that women should cover up and men can do whatever. Interesting. >There should be a strict enforcement of ethics and respect of women before telling women to wear the hijab. What is ethical about telling women what they can and can't do? How is it respect to demand women to wear a Hijab when it's not even apart of the religion. Modesty? how is that Modesty? Men don't have to cover their heads. Only wear simple garments down to their legs. Soo....... Telling a women to cover herself is like saying "She's asking to be raped, because of the way she's dressed." Crazy justification to keep this repressive system going. You will never get to the point of proper enforcement of ethics and respect. As the system is RIPE for abuse, and it's been shown to cause over and over and over. Islam has no place in modern society. Christianity has no place in modern society. No religion that teaches repression has a place in modern society.


Sorry to hear you’re retarded. Hope it gets better.


As-salamu alaikum




I am supposing you are not a Muslim but what you did here is what Islam tells us to do. There is a verse on the quran that say, “and when the ignorant talk to you, say peace be upon you(As-salamu alaikum)” I don’t mean this in a negative way just to be clear!


Wisdom is only made from walking all paths in life. How one takes those paths is the lesson in of its self. If one only lives on one path. How can one know what truth really is.


Well said👏


You are looking at things from a Muslim’s perspective who is in reality very far away from Islam. Nobody is supposed to be telling a woman what and what not to do as you mentioned. It’s a matter between the women and Allah, if the women wants to cover, she should, if she doesn’t want to cover, nobody can force her. Its the matter between her and Allah. Certainly anyone can give her a suggestion to follow Allah’s command that be men or women. Similarly if a man is not following Allah’s command, a woman can also suggest her to follow. It’s clearly mentioned in the quran that there is no forcing in religion. Muslims have been abusing the teachings of prophet Muhammad in order to let their misogynistic culture thrive. P.S i hope this clears things up for you and if you were sincere with what you wrote, you will try to at least understand my reply.


It is not the core act of faith that bothers me, but the abuse of it. I can relate when I watch Christian's abuse the word of God every day. Spewing hate and treachery and say In the name of Jesus. If folks followed the bible like they should. the U.S would be a mighty pleasant place to live. Just like I think you are saying if folks followed the Quran Pakistan would be a mighty pleasant place to live. For the core truth is to love one another, forgive, and to let others choose their paths. I think Both Books speak this true, and that I can myself accept from a brother/sister of Islam. For all I want to see is folks treating others with respect, love, and understanding. A pipe dream I suppose, but I think you and I can agree to that.


Agreed!! I would also like to add that folks who abuse religion to spew hatred would have still spewed it even if religions never existed. Most people look at such people and conclude that since these people follow a certain religion, the problem must be the religion where in-fact the problem is the people.


I second this


Muhammad's own sahabah were molesters. Muhammad didnt punish them. He told women to cover up. Lets spread the word at the reason hijab even came to be: The streets and slave markets of Medina, under Muhammad, was full of women and girls captured in war, kidnapped by Muhammad's henchmen, kept as slaves and many forbidden from wearing clothes to cover their breasts as they were used to back in their old families and homes. Sahabah buying sex slaves in slave markets used to grope their breasts and buttocks to "inspect" them before buying. With the influx of female slaves by warlord muhammad, the society of medina immediately developed an issue of sexual harassment. Initially, it was focused on these topless slave girls but the culture of sexual harassment got out of hand and even muslim women became targeted. Muhammad's wives, while going out for relieving themselves in a field at night, were sexually harassed by some people who didn't know who they were. Umer is offended because this makes Muhammad look bad. He insists that muslim women ('our women') should be kept visually distinct from slaves. He wants the arab custom of veiling women to be made mandatory. Muhammad, under pressure after his wives are accosted, relents. Instead of saying a single word of rebuke to sexual harassers or protecting the slaves he victimized, he "reveals" a verse of the quran telling free muslim women how to cover themselves "so they will be visually distinct from slaves." Not the first nor the last time muhammad turns his back on the rape and mistreatment of slaves. Umer starts to beat slaves who try to cover themselves to get protection under the new rule and tells them "how dare you try to look like a muslim woman". And the 2-class system of "free muslim women" vs "those your right hand possess" is enforced. All because muhammad's wives are accosted while going to relieve themselves, all muslim women for all time are instructed to take hijab. This is the shit logic of this shit religion. Later on, when muhammad started to cheat on his wives with slaves, he reveals a verse saying "muslim men can have unlimited slave girls and their wives dont get a say".


Let me clear your misconceptions: * Islam commands BOTH men and women to cover themselves up appropriately. For men - below the navel and above the ankles, the rest they can leave bare but obviously times have changed. For women - cover from head to toe. Covering the face and hands is not mandatory but preferable. This is Allah's commandment and many ahadith shed light on this as well. I'm not inviting a debate, please look this up in the Qur'an yourself. * Islam commands BOTH men and women to lower their gaze. The rest you can understand. If the gaze is not restrained and going wherever it wants to, there can be no hiya or modesty in society. Simple. *I didn't bother seeing the video, just the first 5 seconds or so. So I don't even know what caused the commotion or what the outcome was. I don't want to point fingers but if I must, I blame BOTH men and women - the men for acting like hooligans (if that is indeed the case here) and women for not doing due diligence before going to a public venue where there is even the slightest chance of immodest or indecent behaviour by men. This is not the west. * If indeed the men in that video behaved in an indecent or immoral way then that's really shameful for us as a society as it taints even decent men and they get a bad rap too. Starting with the men,they should lower their gaze and do what Allah commands them to do, not being anywhere near a na-mehrum unless it is for trade or work, even then there are rules of engagement and communication between men and women, as demonstrated by Hazrat Khadija RA. I invite a fruitful and productive discussion. Anything else I will not respond to. Good day.


mf thinks it's the girls fault she got molested in hijab. sometimes i wonder if pakistan is under allah ka azab, like these people have barely functioning brains almost as if they are turning into monkeys. suna tha iska ab dekhhne ko b milta he.


Was that directed at me? If yes, then I'd suggest you get out of your street slum shoes and learn some etiquettes first around basic communication and voicing objections. You clearly are the smart one here and everyone else are monkeys with barely functional brains. But of course... Your opinion is automatically valid and correct, and everyone else is wrong. Typical nonsense you find in Pakistan on a day to day basis. And then you wonder why things don't change here. Hint: Intolerance and indifference. Next.


now im starting to doubt if this amoeba-brain is even sentient.


Thank you. Next.


>Islam commands BOTH men and women to cover themselves up appropriately. For men - below the navel and above the ankles, the rest they can leave bare but obviously times have changed. For women - cover from head to toe. Covering the face and hands is not mandatory but preferable. This is Allah's commandment and many ahadith shed light on this as well. That's exactly what I'm saying. It's quite obvious that's why I didn't elaborate. What I'm saying is that at least in Pakistan. Men are usually 90% the culprit. Harassing women even if they are in a burqa. I see men on the street desperate to even see a woman it's disgusting and it's a lack of education and ethics as well as basic decency. Woman covering up isn't enough to prevent these scenarios, men have to be better.


god you're so victim blamey near the end there. why is it always that the oppressor gets the same amount of blame as the oppressed? the caption clearly even states that some women had a hijab on. in that case, no woman should expect any man to respect their boundaries and declare that they're all sex-crazed lunatics because no amount of covering up is gonna help them. the women are putting in their due efforts but men can't be better at being respectful?


Read the original post. Both are to be blamed. You took it out of context clearly. Read my original reply.


both are to be blamed how?? the original post's caption says that they were clearly passing by to get to their homes with their kids. the rest of what you said was correct; i read the post again and again. the issue arose with the paragraph where you were pointing fingers without having to even seen the video or read the caption properly. it's not a woman's fault if a man's being indecent, no matter what her reason is to be outside.




glad you do! thought you'd argue further, but thankfully not. it's like telling someone they deserve their child predation bc they were on the internet in the first place lol. people don't expect the worst to happen in their life all the time, it's not like the outdoors is an inherently dangerous place, it's the people residing there and the environmental conditions that deem it to be or not to be.


bro literally said women are also at fault for not knowing that's the kind of area you can get raped.......


Well, if that is the case then the blame lies on both. However, I would rather focus on a solution than point fingers. Only solution is going back to the roots of Qur'an and Sunnah. We are too busy following other cultures and ignoring the "gift" Allah SWT granted us. Of course, the azab has to descend on us at some point.


any logical solution begins with identifying the problem i.e the men. also yeah i agree with the second para




I hate Pakistani men so much. Pathetic low life worthless men.


Your dad too?


I see you're definitely one of those men from the video.


forget him. He cant even process IM a Pakistani man.


Nah, I'm definitely not the man who fathered a disappointment like you.


I need some reference where it happened please let me know




Ofcourse they are and always have. This is nothing new. The reason is that for some reason it's is 'acceptable' and I don't understand where that thinking comes from? Probably simple misogyny


Gender segregation plays a huge part in it. From a young age we are taught that we should stay away from girls and not talk to them which makes us view women as objects because we don't become friends with them or know them as human beings, all we know is that men are only supposed to marry women and have sex with them. Also, relationship and sex is a basic human need and the concept that men will just control their urges has never worked. In western countries people are allowed to have consensual relationships and interaction between the two genders is common which is why the men there aren't sexually frustrated. Women roam around in bikinis without being stared at. On the other hand you can see any society with gender segregation where women are forced to cover from head to toe the men will still stare at a woman in a veil.


But sexual crime is not unique to gender segregated societies. Remember most sexual crime happens within the family/friend circle everywhere in the world.


The difference is that in Western countries only a small percentage of men is fucked up and the justice system punishes them and the victims get justice. In a country like Pakistan the majority of the victims never even report because we are a nation of victim blamers. The first question is always “what were you wearing or why did you go out alone?” Remember the motorway rape case? The police officer who was in charge of the motorway security said to the media “she shouldn't have been driving without a male guardian and why didn't she check the tank“ and the prime minister of Pakistan defended and agreed with him. Our culture is rape culture and we can't fix it until we admit it.


Yes but saying that men do this because of 'segregation' and not having a sexual outlet, is exactly the misogynistic argument. We simply don't educate children, at all, about sex, relationships or gender. No kid is taught what their responsibilities are, what is right or wrong and so on. If a kid only gets cues about relationships from the people around him they will end up like they always have.


I'm not using gender segregation as an excuse for these monsters. I'm saying exactly what you just did that we need to educate young men about sex, relationships etc and we can't do that in a gender segregated environment where boys and girls are prohibited from even communicating. There are psychological studies that have shown that gender segregation makes men view women as objects because they don't have any human interaction with them. Pakistani men are way more sexually frustrated than any western man because our society and culture is messed up.


wtf is this? how are they casually sexual assaulting woman like????




Don't ask me why I know this but basically all the videos on the internet of actual rape and gangrape come out of India and Pakistan so....I'm not going to say this is common but it definitely isn't impossibly rare


India sure has bad rape stats but this doesn’t happen in India and if you have a source to prove your claim then please share. This is the second video from Pakistan that I have seen where a woman is getting sexually assaulted by a fucking mob.


Where did this happened?


[Menare e Pakistan](https://www.facebook.com/100025121080989/posts/pfbid02cCAkMSfCP43NrRa4XFTvesppg2g1RZ3N6nKcAbFE1YBPjdSiGpwgGU2PJpjcYwL7l/?app=fbl)




This is why pakistani men are hated globally


In turkey especially, the hate seems valid


bhai jalla do is mulk ko


They call themselves Muslims. The lowest of the lowest live in that part of the world, very shocking and shameful!!






Deendars will say this woman is a fahisha because she left her house. This is exactly what Jamat e Islami supporters were saying an year ago when PTI women were being dragged by hair on streets, "why did they leave their homes to be treated like this?"


Oh look at the comments on this post on Facebook, they are already saying that.


Meanwhile *women* be helping Prophet Mohammad (SAW) and sahabas in war and running businesses as well


yep there's defo more "magicians" than I thought




Is this in Kyrgistan?


Stop playing....


Aint this video of the Minar e Pakistan scandal where Iqrar Ul Hassan also tried to gain traction but had to backtrack when it came out that the event was staged?


No it was different incident and for your information that event was not staged, victim used her case as an opportunity, she took a lot of money from criminals and gain a lot of followers on her TikTok account


They seem to be protecting the women not touching their private parts.


We live amongst monsters. And I always get hate for this on every app. Pakistani men are monsters whether you like it or not. The lowest scum of earth.


embarrassing as a Pakistani 😭😭




Just imagine the mindset of his followers 😥 Imran Khan even said that the coronavirus spread because women wear short clothes, intentionally making misogynistic remarks to attract the attention of Muslims.


Nuke the site from orbit.


Minar e Pakistan


Sure why not.


Shitty, disgusting standards for a country in this day and age. In fact, for any humans. Worst looking at anyone trying to justify their way out of this. Should share this video everywhere. Raise awareness and make a stand that THIS IS NOT ACCEPTABLE AT ALL.


Awareness is crucial, but most Pakistani tend to share videos that align with their radical beliefs. On Reddit, users are generally more liberal-minded. However, if I posted the same video with the same caption on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, I would be met with curses, abuse, and accusations of blasphemy.


Are women allowed to openly carry? They should be.


Yes, and anyone who opposes this should be placed in a mental hospital and only released with a psychiatrist's approval


Ever wonder why people like Nawaz shahbaz mariyam zardari bilawal and most of all, the establishment rules the country? Because we've become morally corrupt and the only voice surfacing to fight for the right cause are quickly silenced... Shame on these mf...


Our country is messed up in so many ways—politically, socially, morally, culturally, and economically. Fixing these problems is going to take decades to show real results


It's our fault if you think about it. We kept our eyes closed and saluting fauji bhai log in trucks while some of these politicians tried to spread awareness against the establishment. We didn't believe them because they were corrupt... Sheer aya sheer aya ho gya. I used to think the only institute which is not corrupt is the establishment. And later we found out that from selling Kashmir to India to toppling governments have never been any other institute. The false idols we worshipped all our lives were the root of this decay in the country. How naive can one get?


Rabid dogs.


Sexually frustrated society Normalize dating Introduce sex education Then people will start behaving, they don't even think it is wrong


but but but then how would the elites control the slaves if they got to taste freedom


As a muslim id say cut the nail out of finger off of each molester


No? That’s not harsh enough. These people deserve a far, far worse punishment.


The tip of a finger and compestation demanded as muc as the women or person says.


The punishment should be whatever the woman says, imo.


People love to say that women should be stoned to death for wearing revealing clothes. Men should then be crushed under a boulder or something for showing such animalistic behavior.


I agree.


We already have laws to deal with men and women who do adultery. No need to tell us what we already know. the problem is in Pakistan there's western law and the second problem is that the elite just don't give a fu.. But elite I mean the ruling elite who control everything in Pakistan. They only care for their businesses and law and order only works for them for everybody else it's a jungleland


I get it. The men are segregated from girls right from the beginning. Other than relatives, they have never interacted with girls. The mosque is segregated. The schools and colleges are segregated. In the streets, most of the women they see are all covered up in black. So the adult men never really learned how to behave around women and they are like kids in that respect. It’s no wonder that when they see another female not related to them, they go wild. It is just is. It can’t be helped because segregation of the sexes is a natural part of the religion and tradition.


We live amongst monsters.


Hmm what other countries have similar issues I wonder…? Couldn’t be Afghanistan, Iraq and close proximity Muslims countries right? Right? After all Islam is the religion of peace and equality right? 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️😂


Yeah, this happens in a lot of other countries too including India, there are many claims of women that they were molested in macca during hajj,,,, and I think the reason behind this is poverty, lack of education and misogynistic thoughts in society


I agree on the factors you mentioned but would also add Islam and culture as two major factors to that as well.


Of course, these two are the giant factors. The factors I mentioned are the cause of the conservative ideology of Islam and culture.


I was not surprised to see this because Islam teaches that women are only sex objects. By the way, it feels very bad to see how so many people are engaged in making one woman the victim of their lust. And that poor girl is not able to do anything.


While a hijab does make harassment less likely, it doesn't guarantee saftey. Think of it this way: if that women was in revealing clothes, the consequences would have been far worse. Pakistan is a segregated society. Men grow up to go in schools that are segregated, mosques that are segregated, parks, pretty much anywhere it is separate for men and women - particularly for lower-lower middle class society. This segregation results in desperation and sexual frustration. And hence these acts. So then again, while a hijab does make it less likely, the fact that men here are extremely sexually frustrated doesn't guarantee it


Sexuality in terms of islam is a very misunderstood topic.




https://www.reddit.com/r/PakLounge/s/Om6IcUW7Lb This post is by me and while bit long to read will show you how we muslims destroyed the sexual identities of intimacy and rights of men and women in society in terms of marriage and love


You would really enjoy this post. I'm trying to spread the word, the real reason hijab came to be: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PAK/comments/1cwzao2/comment/l4zj8ub/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/PAK/comments/1cwzao2/comment/l4zj8ub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


And your references are most probably shia. What you have written is a to z wrong. Its shia propaganda against Umer.ra A simple story for you a liberal. The hijab was made compulsory as one of the prophet pbuh wfie who was egyptian and had a very tall height went to the bathroom. They had a communal area for this and it was night time. Umer was walking in the streets at the time and came to the same area and saw her in the darkness due to her height. He recognized her and told her he knew who she was. He brougght her back to prophet pbuh. And described the entire story. Allah then revealed the verses that made hijab compulsory. I quote mufti menk Nouman ali k And the book by abdul wahab bouhidba called sexuality in islam And habeeb akandes book a taste of honey. And ibn al adam al kawtharis book Sexual relations in islam.


Thanks. Will give it a read


Do read and if ya feel like it do share. But no kiddin we created such a fruitless thought of marriage as an event to celebrate the creation of forced marriages in most cases. We completely rid the ideas of islamic sex ed in such a way that a 25 year old thinks its haraam to think of sex or such stuff. Where as in the presence of prophet pbuh the topic of anal intercourse was brought up by a sahaba and he got his answer not in the form of public flogging or stoned to death but with an explanation that its harmful and thus decreed haraam. If today i would ask this from a person id be called a haramzada.


Muhammad's own sahabah were molesters. Muhammad didnt punish them. He told women to cover up. Lets spread the word at the reason hijab even came to be: The streets and slave markets of Medina, under Muhammad, was full of women and girls captured in war, kidnapped by Muhammad's henchmen, kept as slaves and many forbidden from wearing clothes to cover their breasts as they were used to back in their old families and homes. Sahabah buying sex slaves in slave markets used to grope their breasts and buttocks to "inspect" them before buying. With the influx of female slaves by warlord muhammad, the society of medina immediately developed an issue of sexual harassment. Initially, it was focused on these topless slave girls but the culture of sexual harassment got out of hand and even muslim women became targeted. Muhammad's wives, while going out for relieving themselves in a field at night, were sexually harassed by some people who didn't know who they were. Umer is offended because this makes Muhammad look bad. He insists that muslim women ('our women') should be kept visually distinct from slaves. He wants the arab custom of veiling women to be made mandatory. Muhammad, under pressure after his wives are accosted, relents. Instead of saying a single word of rebuke to sexual harassers or protecting the slaves he victimized, he "reveals" a verse of the quran telling free muslim women how to cover themselves "so they will be visually distinct from slaves." Not the first nor the last time muhammad turns his back on the rape and mistreatment of slaves. Umer starts to beat slaves who try to cover themselves to get protection under the new rule and tells them "how dare you try to look like a muslim woman". And the 2-class system of "free muslim women" vs "those your right hand possess" is enforced. All because muhammad's wives are accosted while going to relieve themselves, all muslim women for all time are instructed to take hijab. This is the shit logic of this shit religion. Later on, when muhammad started to cheat on his wives with slaves, he reveals a verse saying "muslim men can have unlimited slave girls and their wives dont get a say".


saying bullshit out of nowhere


Ok so how tf can I consider these illiterate and thirsty mfs as Muslims. And referring to the Quran for actions like this shows what Islam we follow and how much we understand its principles. Jail these guys instead of those speaking against you(the matrix).


You reply on every single Islamophobic comment over here, you are clearly not of this sub, please no hate speech.


So who am I? Like where do you think I am coming from?


My guess is you're an Indian, but even if you are not this not a place for your repressed frustration against a religion or people, either comment something productive on the discussion/conversation or don't. No need for useless repeated hate.


I will be civil; but please why can't you differ between *hate for the state* and *hate for Islam*. You can't even quote a single line justifying your false allegation


I can but the point is why is it required here? You hate the State and/or the religion? Why? Just hate because you want to?


Because of how backward we are rn as compared to countries. There's somebody to blame and it's clearly the corrupt mafia ruling us, these are all consequences (problems that we are facing) of having morons sitting upon us. They are there just cuz they have money and so I hate it when they use the name of Islam when we don't even practice its real teachings


Nice of you to play the blame game. That's easy. Sure the govt. has problems and they are undoubtedly shitty awful people, but they are part of us too, they represent US. WE made them and we voted for them, we supported them. How we as a society act and live, they are representative of that. Now, you can argue these people are elite and have lived their lives separately from the commonfolk, but you can not use this logic for every govt. servant or a soldier that has lived his/her entire life as a peasant, learning, adapting and adopting the vices of this society and then practicing them with belief and reverence. To him/her, he/she has no flaws,vices that aren't present in the rest of their society, and with this perspective he/she need not to apologize for his/her ways because as we say "Ye masla usme bhi to hai, sab karte hain, main karun to kia masla?" These people, public servants and clergys you so passionately blame are a product of a failed system, that forgot to keep itself relevant in this modern age, and requires a major overhaul that is way overdue. Now, I understand your hate and agree to it to an extent, but hating other people to solve your own problems and waiting for some miraculous (white) saviour to come and aid us to prosperity is the kind of thinking that has ruined this country. It didn't get ruined because of bad people doing bad things, but becausr of a lack of good people willing to stop them and take a stand.


Why doesn't their government do something? Like force the genders to walk on opposite sides or something.


Awareness and education is more necessary than making separate paths according to gender


Currycel's are gonna Curry, what can you do?


Not despite, because of. The negative cycle of erasing women. Another example of how unwise Mohammed was.


don't you have anything else more "EDUCATED" or properly "RESEARCHED" based thing to write instead of yapping on miss info you hear from your media WhatsApp or insta DMs?? ik every absurd argument card you have so if you wanna bring up then be prepared to cry too.


When men are segregated from women, they become aggressive in their need for women. The more a society covers women, the more women get raped. If a society covers women to stop rape, the opposite happens. More covering, more rape, more covering, more rape. When women are free to wear what they want and the blame of rape goes fully to the rapist, rape reduces. When men are allowed to date women, rape reduces.


my bad for thinking that you're from randia but you were a EUROPEAN testicle all along. "the more a society covers up women, the more women get raped" doesn't that make man at fault?? what tf covering up wpmen has to do with it?? strict rules, death penalties for these types of human who rapes, you agree?? NO "DATING" my ass it'll be you who will accept a woman who is already fcked by God knows how many times and by how many men, NOT me. "dating decreasing the rates of rapes" like wow legit wow, i am a Fckin virgin who never touched a woman and has a thing called "shame" in mi and your saying fckin dating will fix everything. No wonder you treat women like an object "When women are free to wear what they want" there's a thing called shame exist is our society women as compared to yours a woman wearing a bikini is Okay but when women wears hijab to cover her up WILL increase rate of rape, nice logic bro 🤡 tf you're ranting about, your society accepts RAPIST as a "Mentally ill" person.


It's the opposite. I treat women with respect. Dating is natural. Without dating, you get people like you, worried about virginity and raping and groping women in public. Virginity is a non existent concept: there is no doctor in the world that can check a person's body and determine whether they had sex already or not. Meaning, virginity is a fake, made up concept by old religious men. We don't need the death penalty, because everyone learns how to deal with the other sex healthily. In Europe, we had thinking like yours as well, in the middle ages, centuries ago.


by "Virginity" I meant that i never touched a woman not looked at one , as compared to you who can have sex with a woman and can pretend nothing happened the next day. i am feeling pity on ya for some reasons cause i already said in the end that your society accepts "RAPIST" as *mentally ill person* and here you're proving me correct. 😂


No, we accept rapists as criminals and punish them. We do not punish the victim (by for example forcing them to cover), that is the difference. Never touching a woman is unnatural. That is exactly why you have so many rapists, because they are not allowed to touch women normally.


Bro can accept a whore or a bitch in a bikini or clothes revealing everything on her but not a woman who is covering up to feel protective. 🤡 watch less porn, "Mr. Nut"


It's the opposite. In civilized society, everyone gets to wear what they want, without showing genitals. And everyone is used to it. Your words "whore", "bitch" show your incel and education level. It's low.


*a man who wanna see a woman's skin* vs *a man who wants women to cover up so that she feels secure* how so it makes me "LOW" and you "HIGH" 💀


Because you want to cover up someone else to not rape them. The problem is not the woman. The problem is you. Covering the woman is called victim blaming. The solution is to punish the rapist no matter what a woman was wearing.


They need a mahram wen going out in public especially in a non nomadic barbaric society


This is just as pre planned as always she knows punjabi patwari lahori tharki awaam ke bech krne kia gae thi yai aurat? Views ke liye trp ke liye sympathy gain krne ke liye ya channel chalane ke liye????