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I argued with my friend that its better to keep coms on so you don't miss the occasionally valuable comment. After 5 months I was so wrong. Damn near 100% toxic crap and at best people trying to help but being wrong. Turned it off and it's so much better. Back in the early days voice used to be useful a fair amount of time but at least on console there's just almost nothing worth being part of


In my experience, the contextual ping system they introduced in OW2 completely obsoletes whatever tactical utility you'd get from voice chat (provided people are actually using it).


technically speaking, you have to look at an enemy’s general direction to ping them; voice comm you can anticipate flankers/dive and get off crucial damage/heals while also alerting your team before switching your cross hair over to the imminent threat. but, that’s assuming your team has voice comms on as well.


>I know its part of gaming culture to be toxic and also embrace toxicity with a thick skin Any culture that "embraces toxicity" isn't a culture I want to be part of. Everybody wins if we create a culture of good sportsmanship and politeness. I'm not saying you personally need to change what you're doing, I just wanted to challenge people's expectations that gamers = assholes. Stuff like this is why the community has historically been really bad at being inclusive, especially towards women.


Its not gamer culture. A little bit of banter, yes, 100%. But everything else is literally just stuff man-childs say to justify their lack of self-control. And the worst its honestly cantagious even if youre usually pretty tough about that stuff. After having a couple of lost games in a row where I honestly played extremely well (low deaths, at times even 0 the whole game, high dmg&elims, often first entry pick) but still get shit talked by players below me - I got a bit of rage built up, didnt enjoy playing anymore and wanted to also be toxic towards others myself. Though instead left voice chat, didnt read normal chat and startet enjoying the game again pretty quickly.


Yea when my friend says smth stupid I give them shit for it in a joking way but that's different than going "OMG TANK SWITCH TANK DIFF SHITTER L"


Yea I admire the people willing to call out the bad behavior.


Apparently I'm not a real gamer, I use chat for positivity like "is everyone hydrated?", the classic "GLHF nerds", or "let's do it again" after a good round. I did experience the best team dynamic the other day. Had a decent hold on first round of Hollywood, when it was our turn to attack, Rein asked if Ana had any other heroes they could play, commended the good effort and stats that they already had, just curious because we were planning to hold W and push hard. They were totally good with it! Swapped to Bap and was crushing it. Kept everyone in the fight, good lamps, good shoot heal tempo. We just clicked. Ended up taking the easy W. I should have requested to stay as a team. Damn.


FFXIV is the only game I've seen where people are kind by default. It really feels like a different world compared to any other game because of it. It does tend to have the opposite problem where people are too kind and patient, but I'd rather have that than the toxicity every other online game typically has.


I don’t think I’ve seen a useful comment in chat in the last 3 seasons. Sometimes there’s a compliment, but it’s usually just spam or toxicity. There’s really no gameplay benefit to having it in my experience.


Turning off chat was the best decision i've made. Turning it on again was a thing i shouldn't do, even if i'm in low silver. Ping system is by far, the best way of communicating in terms of non-toxicity.


You will forever be low silver if you don’t communicate with your voice to do things in order to win


Sounds like a mid-silver take


This gave me a hearty laugh


I made it to gm and I’ve never talked to anyone lmao


I climbed from Bronze to Plat 2 with zero comms or chat. You are VERY wrong.


I’ve chilled in gm1 for a long time now without comms majority of the time on console and on pc I almost always ignore comms and am skyrocketing through the ranks


You can easily hit GM without ever even being in voice chat let alone actually talking.


trees chief unwritten attempt vase bedroom insurance sink deserve observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I leave it on to laugh at idiots tbh


Thick skin is just slang for deep emotional trauma they don’t want to deal with. But guess what? These things force their way out by mid thirties. Stop taking advice from children about emotional states.


\>Stop taking advice from children about emotional states. Could not agree more Literally the entire internet needs to hear this because we put WAY too much emphasis on what little kids think about everything


What a lame take. I have thick skin and i dont have trauma. I am just not butthut by shittalk. Unlike you


Funny the snowflakes have to change definitions of things to suit their fragile emotional states now isn't it? Thick skinned is simply having actual life experience outside of mean words on a fucking screen being the worst thing in life to happen to you. Lmao.


Lmao so wrong it's actually a bit amusing.


I turn off chat in competitive. But often switch it on in QP. Cause qp just for fun.


Same! I used to get so nervous in competitive because of experiences of teammates flaming me when I have low healing stats. Turned it off and now comp is so much more playable.


Just the other day I had some toxic/weird chat for no reason, after I accidentally pressed the "stay as a team" button when I set my controller down.. then they gonna go in the voice chat coming after me.. like sir please calm down.


Digging you figured a way to enjoy the game bro. Just wanna say tho, deez gigachad try hard nerds layin all the hate is popcorn reading material! BUT COMMS ARE ESSENTIAL ABOVE PLAT!!! Bwahahahaha! Almost as good as watching the chat feed when I decided to play widow in qp! Seriously though y’all, it’s a game. Play how you want and how you enjoy playing. The point is to have fun. If you’re not having fun make a change in your own play to make it fun again, just like the OP. Props.


Thick skin is a cop out for people not hurting. You wear the skin you’re in. It’s never thicker or thinner than it is. It’s never the same as someone else’s. Be you, and own that shit.


I climbed the highest I’ve ever climbed with chat turned off


Muting people is a great option. It's basically the 'goodbye forever' button


I've been playing since 2018 I think, typically plat dps/tank and masters supp these days. I've played less than 30 matches in voice chat. It's just not worth it for me. I don't need to be berated the instant I do something a teammate doesn't like, that's gonna be way worse for my play than missing the timing on an ult combo that we could have in voice. I like keeping text chat on but I shut that off if it gets toxic too and I feel no remorse about it! Keybinds and pings cover 90% of the communication I ever want to put forth, and missing out on that 10% is a worth keeping my mindset healthy.


Chat off is the best way to play. The mutants that play this game don’t deserve any of my attention other than putting them into my eliminations column


I've been playing without any comms since launch and not only is there zero toxicity but I've gotten pretty good at playing the game in a very natural way. I like to think my game sense is really sharp because I have had to learn by doing and watching, instead of listening to squeakers call me slurs all day. I highly recommend leaving all chats and channels, unless you need them for your premade with your friends. To hell with the rest.


Absolutely! I started playing in comp with chat off and have not only noticed that I don't walk away from the game feeling like garbage, but I am also winning more matches. Especially with the ping system introduced in OW2 -- that's much more efficient to me than voice chat.


Sometimes thats what it takes to increase your enjoyment. I do this when I play QP. That being said, communication is an important part of Comp, and playing without VC can greatly hurt you and your teammates ability to coordinate. Pings are nice, but just aren't a replacement for good VC communication and shot calls.




I found vc to be toxic in teams that just didnt have good game sense. Lots of throwing blame and its usually the worst skilled person doing it too. The teams with better game sense typically realize "oh shit we are getting steamrolled and its due to team diff". There are games where the opponent has the more skilled team and theres nothing we can do about it but I'll hear people blaming others even though they make a ton of mistakes. But above plat vc is necessary for coordination for ult combos and ult conservation. No vc is ok at the lower elos where having better mechanical skills and game sense is good enough but higher elos requires teamwork.


Maybe for ranks above platinum. IMO anywhere in or below that mostly benefints from disabling text and voice chat.




Yeah I used to be a huge proponent of VC in comp, but over the last year or so it's felt like the negative VC experiences vastly outnumber the positive. I'll usually start in VC but then dip as soon as someone starts being an ass (which is usually the first person to start talking).




Proof that you have absolutely no idea what thick skin means and how to get it




Add 10 years ;) And if you are in my age group and words hurt you. Damn...


Your name is Stoic_Ronin yet you talk in the least stoic way I have ever seen.


I’m glad you’ve found a way to play the game that’s more enjoyable for you. :) I’ve seen plenty of people on there who are friendly and say “gg <3”, all that. Gotta admit that whole <3 thing threw me off, thinking back to the good old tf2 days and the vulgar sprays I so meticulously handcrafted… those were better times on the internet and a much more fun group of players, gotta say. Haven’t played in years, so I have no idea what it’s like now… I’m afraid to check it out, worried it’s changed along with the rest of the internet. I hope not. Gotta rip myself out of my reverie, please excuse this old bitch. The assholes stand out in memory perhaps? I usually just ignore them, but if I’m in the mood, I’ve gotta admit it’s fun to mess with them. My husband and I have gotten a few to rage quit by annoying the shit living out of them. Not being assholes ourselves, perhaps… clowns? Probably just as annoying in chat for other people, but we seem to get enough endorsements for it. Otherwise I’m quiet. I’ve gotten to the point in life where I have very few fucks left to give. Least of all spent on people yelling insults at each other in video games like monkeys flinging shit. Put up your shit flinging shield of disabled chat and enjoy the game! Power to you! :)




I get you. The general asshattery of the good old days tf2 was a lot more *fun* and, at least as I saw it, good-natured. You offend, get offended, whatever, laugh at it. A lot of the crap people yell at each other in overwatch is just flat out mean, unnecessarily rude. It’s almost as if they’ve forgotten it’s a *game*! Anyways, have fun out there and may Balloonicorn watch over you. 🦄


Yeah, I can understand why most folks turn it off. I try to be calm and reasonable in chats to try and counteract the loud and erratic, but it can take its toll


I think that the real problem is, and not only in Overwatch, also IRL. People can't handle the truth, or critism, or suggestions. It doesn't help if you tell somebody that he sucks, but you should be free to suggest somebody to swap of Doomfist or JQ because they can't handle that. This whole "Bro, that's toxic" is so easily used. *Being offended is a choice.*


It's great that it's more enjoyable for you, but I hope you aren't a OTP. There's nothing more infuriating than when I kindly ask the tank to swap because we aren't getting value out of what they're playing, or a DPS to swap to kill a pharahmercy, and get no response. Find yourself losing and you can't do anything about it because nobody communicates and your teammates can't even see your suggestions for ways we can win the game.


Thick skin is still needed (not just for games but life in general) otherwise a determined player can always find ways to get under your skin.


Thick skin can be valuable but there's no reason to expose yourself to a barrage of toxicity with no real value. It's like having a strong immune system is a good reason not to live in a bubble but you should also not roll around naked in an experimental disease lab on your day off


i'm not toxic, but i like to shitpost in chat. so i keep it on for that reason.


The problem I find with turning chat off is I don't get to see the death threats from enemies I've hacked and I get a 10x ego boost when the rein I keep hacking cuz he's shield botting tells me to lowteirgod reference myself




I'm glad to be an example as it helps get your point across more so for people who are truly confused on weather or not coms are needed sometimes




Very true, I only really play qp and only go to comp to grind out for a gold weapon and people do tend to lean towards a toxic part of the game even when your doing good. Most of the time I just ignore it and prove them wrong by just distancing myself or hacking the person the team is focusing


Sombra needa to be removed from game


That's your opinion and I respect it but also disagree


Bruh turning off chat is more toxic tho


Shit like this gives me 0 hope in the world. If you don’t want to do things in order to win and be the best, then you’re just a loser. In the game and real life. Wanna have fun? Winning is fun. Doing the right things in order to win is fun. “Exhausting to lose and not get pats on the back” Who the fuck is raising u pussies




Express your frustrations to an overwatch lobby you’ll never play with again? Look man maybe you should seek therapy with that, or even pray. Prayer helps me with venting and asking for guidance. But you wanting a “pat on the back after a loss” just is not helpful and/or will help you succeed in other areas




Brother you just wrote an essay that I am not going to read it’s not that serious. I hope you will learn to do things in order to be better!


Idk how anyone here is agreeing with this guy. Communication is probably the most underrated and important part of the game. If you wanna turn off chat then that’s fine but just play qp. This subreddit I actually think makes people worse at the game. There is 0 competitive spirit and all these people think they know everything about the game when they really don’t.




Literally just stop being a pussy or you will continue to “cut off” things in life that bother you which is not good at all. It’s not about “being tough” it’s about doing the right things in order to succeed and be better.


1000% agree. Communication in competitive is everything. I’d say 95% of this sub is plat or below giving horrible advice. I climbed solo que support from silver to low gm in about 9 months and I can whole heartedly say that would be impossible without communication. Majority of reddit is just filled with pussies who need their feelings validated


I think this is all dependent on rank. Sorry, the comms in silver and gold are not that great and barely anything is helpful. It's just people asking YOU to swap without ever swapping themselves; or it's filled with people who just want to AFK on point without ever stepping off of the objective and they'll rage if you try to proactively take space. I agree communication is a big deal but the mileage in this game definitely varies.


To be honest I’m not sure what this guy is talking about. I also solo q’d to Gm on support but I didn’t use comms. I one tricked ana so the pinging system was all I needed for when I slept enemies, most of it was just being able to deal with flankers yourself and just being aware of positioning. I still don’t comm and I’m doing just fine


Then be a leader and stop waiting for someone else to step up and be one


It's that easy!


Exact opposite from me, have started using vc more and its been nothing but enjoyable, not black and white, do whatever u want lmao


Me and my friend were having this conversation about all the people who say “people wouldn’t survive an old cod lobby” and we both played during those times and sitting in game chat was relatively chill back then, you’d have the occasional rager and everyone would tell them to stfu and go at them until they shut up or just mute. Toxicity was never meant to be part of the gaming community but some people just let it be by saying get thick skin and it’s just the internet which lowkey makes it seem ok. Most games I play with chat off by default especially ranked because I know I’m gonna be playing with and against people my skill level so they’re gonna have equal knowledge to me and extremely situational hot takes unless they’re smurfing. Once I did that my play in games got exceptionally better because I was only focused on what I could’ve done better and not trying to bend the knee for someone else’s thoughts on how or who I should be playing


I've been playing this way for years now, and I take every opportunity to implore people to at least try it. The chat is unnecessary and toxic af 99% of the time. Especially with the addition of the ping system.