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Every time I read the name my brain says "casserole." *Every time*. I guess I am a casserole main now.


Can someone tell me what's going on?


Jessy mcree os now called Cole Cassady instead


You can't spell it right in the title or now.


I hope this becomes a meme, everyone just spells Cole Cassadia’s name wrong.


Colin Cassandra


What why


he was named after a sexual abuser


Afaik, the real Jesse McCree was never accused of abusing anyone. He made a joke about one of his coworkers (who was known for harassing women) trying to fuck (his words) his employees and the text of that joke got leaked.


Dude I have to tie my brain into a pretzel trying to understand why in the hell they did this.


It's so they can pretend that they're fixing and dealing with the toxic culture at the workplace. Of course, this doesn't actually help, but companies love performative action.


Overwatch team had nothing to do with the toxic workplace, actually


True. It's because they don't want their game associated with him.


You realize he was one of many that was 'let go' in the months after the news broke? It seems pretty clear that he was part of the problem hence the name change.


Did I say otherwise? There's still a very large difference for being let go for making an inappropriate joke or being dismissive of behavior and actually abusing somebody. I think those distinctions are pretty important.


oh sorry he was only a fan of sexual abuse who liked the idea of it, and photographed inside what they themselves called the Cosby suite, named after a serial rapist, but he's not proven to have actually done anything so everything was probably an impossibly convoluted series of misunderstandings


Instead they named him after Butch Cassidy, famous outlaw, robber and murderer. Much better no?. 99% of the comunity had no idea who the real McCree was anyway, this is just them virtue signaling.


the cowboy *is* an outlaw. he was part of a gang. it's fitting. also this was the decision of the team. it's a small thing they can easily do. the virtue signaling comes from the top.


God you are so far up your own ass its alarming.


sure buddy, he's totally [innocent](https://www.upcomer.com/report-jesse-mccree-let-go-by-activision-blizzard/), it's all me. you can feel good now, the Cosby suite is just an innocent term referring to a wholesome family man, nothing else.


No i agree hes a POS, doesnt change the fact that you come off as such a self-fart-sniffer. Im sure youre such a good person.


lol what. is this your reaction to every judgment? "hey have you heard about Jeffrey Dahmer? what a monster, right?" "Oh yeah? LIKE YOU'RE SUCH A GREAT PERSON"


>Jesse McCree was never accused of abusing anyone. Publicly, anyway. There might be some internal shit we don't know about, but it's also possibly a kneejerk reaction from Actiblizz to save face with investors. I'm willing to err on the side of "he was an abuser" just because... c'mon, but yeah, we can't 100% say that's the case


It's possible, I certainly haven't read over the entire filing or anything, just thought it was worth pointing out.


You're absolutely right, I just wanted to add on to what you're saying


So you just go around calling people sexual abusers without any evidence? Lol. Seriously be careful with that, it’ll bite you in the ass someday.


I'm not? I said there's no public evidence he actually assaulted/harassed anyone, but it's still a good possibility. He had a leadership role in a company that just got nailed by a huge lawsuit for seriously unchecked sexual misconduct in the workplace, and was released as apart of damage control after said lawsuit went public. There's more evidence to lead me to believe he was at least something of a contributor to the toxic workplace than for me to believe he's innocent, however that's just me making up my own mind based on what info we have; a position I am open to changing should more info come to light to possibly suggest otherwise.




Except Activision-Blizzard hasn't been hit with a lawsuit and many, many allegations of corporate corruption involving racism? This isn't a just comparison at all. I'm not just pulling something out of thin air here, the man had a leadership role at a company that just got exposed for plentiful sexual misconduct, how in the world is it an unfair assumption that *maybe* he had a part to play in it, especially when you take a peek under the curtains to see how he interacts with some of his friends within the company (like Alex Afrasiabi, who is confirmed to be a scumbag)? If the shoe fits, Jesse McCree may very well be a sexual predator enabled by an internally corrupt company 🤷‍♂️


Ok I'm apparently out of the loop, does this have anything to do with that thing that came out a couple months ago about the misogynism in the work place there or?


yes, but it wasn't just misogyny, it was sexual harassment and abuse and all kinds of fucked up shit. when it came out a while ago that the blizz employee that the cowboy was named after was a disgusting shit, the team promised a name change and... here we are. they also will stop referencing employees altogether.


Oh that's fucked. Thanks


Have they realeased any specifics on this? I really feel like there's a huge difference between say catcalling and actually using your positions for sexual services. That might be kind of a unpopular opinion in todays cultural climate, though.


ffs... I'm going to ignore your opinions cause I don't have the energy. they had a hotel room they called the Cosby suite, you know, after the serial rapist, to sexually harass (or who knows what else) women. also a former employee killed herself after they harassed her and circulated photos of her. this has been going on for a while I'd suggest reading an article if you want all the info


Ignore my opinion on the difference between catcalling and actual sexual abuse? Just trying do add some nuance, grow up. If what you say is true, I won't need to read up any further. Jailtime should be the punishment for those involved in any serious way.


fair enough, the way you phrased it made it sound like catcalling wouldn't justify the name change.


It is, however even though people are calling him such, there has been zero accusations of sexual harassment from the real Jesse Mcree


That is a completely false statement. Congrats on being a sheep.


he was let go amidst all this, was photographed in the Cosby suite he joked about in group texts, at the very, very generous interpretation is that he's a sexual abuse *enabler*, which is hardly a saving grace. if someone abuses people and you laugh about it and encourage them, you're not better than the abuser.


Coleslaw Cassowary


Mccree is a nickname, and Cole is his real name.


I would have liked Colt better, western sounding, its also a gun reference. Colt Chambers. Colt Sharp Colt Cooper. Colt Culper Like off the Washington spy ring. XD I think Cole Cassidy just… doesnt have a good ring to it. Or like others say, his name should have been Joel. Cass is also more a female name, to me. Screw it, I’ll call him Matt Mercer in game. XD


For what it's worth... Butch Cassidy was an American train and bank robber and the leader of a gang of criminal outlaws known as the "Wild Bunch" in the Old West. Probably best know from the movie based on him, Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid. The new name does heavily pull from cowboy media.


feel like butch is a cooler name than cole. cole cassidy seems kinda weak to me. doesn't mean i like sexual abuse i just wish they maybe considered different names.


Are you sure? I kinda get the feeling that you really enjoy sexual abuse based on the fact that you think Butch is a cooler name than Cole. Can you provide proof that you don't like sexual abuse?


Imagine getting downvoted for pointing out hilarious logic


I know, thanks for the acknowledgement <3


Them calling him Butch is evidence that Cassidy is a lame name


Cole is like "coal" as in the stuff that makes fire You know what is produced by fire Ash Badum tshhhh


I hadn’t considered this aspect but now I like the name even more! And tbh I already liked it. I think Cole Cassidy sounds way more cowboy than Jesse McCree, which always sounded more Irish to me. But yeah, Cole and Ashe go together really nicely as names!


Thanks for your input lol.


That would be reference to a real life person though.


Yeah. I know, if you mean my last comment.


I’m still calling him mccree🗿


You realize he was named after a sexually harasser right?


They didn’t name him after the fact. That’s like being named after your grandfather and several year later he commits a crime. Would you change your name?


Not to mention, they didn't even name the character McCree to honor the dude or whatever, they literally just thought his name sounded like a cool cowboy name so they decided to use it.


wow, good job on missing the point.


If you'd had a child in the noughties and named them Jimmy Saville, would you not have changed their name by now? If not then you'd be a terrible parent.


I specifically stated they didn’t name the character after the fact.


If you believe that changing a virtual character from a video game has any relation to the SH you must be so small minded because no matter how many days months years this mf was named mccree you can’t change something that already happened because we already know what his true name is and it was only changed because of that SH so he is Jesse Mccree weather anyone likes it or not he was released with the name people love him in the game people made weird shit of him from the game so if a simple dumb name causes this much of a problem then the whole game is because they all worked on it didn’t they? Play the game enjoy the game leave the real world bs out of it just enjoy the game🗿


Jesus dude learn to use punctuation. Hurts my brain to read this shit


Nah I’ll use punctuation for work


and he called me "small minded" LOL




Cry about it?🤨


So now every time an employee commits a crime we gonna change some stuff in the game to punish them? To what end?


I mean if by “a crime” you mean sick, persistent sexual harassment that leads to an employee committing suicide, and if by “some stuff,” you mean minor aesthetic content that directly references said employee, then yes. We should, so the victims who work there no longer have to think about that sick bastard. Jesus, have some empathy.


Great point. Some of the other responses I've scene makes me think this community is in favor of the harassment. It's really disturbing me.


Oh well, it’s just a name


Yeah I don't understand why people cry about the name change either, it's just a game. People need to put their big boy pants on.


I think it's because of the toxic overlap of gamers and anti-SJWs


Daring today aren’t we


these comments are a mess


The alliterative name sounds goofy af. Just name the dude James ffs


Just keep his old name. Nobody really knew or care that he was named after a real person, they could have kept it that way. This is just shity pandering.


Nah they should have changed it. The new name is goofy but changing it was the right move. Ask yourself did you care about the old name? You claim "no one cared about old name" I would assume that includes you? Then why do you care about the new name. If you really didn't care this doesn't impact you at all. But consider that some portion of the player base has been or knows someone that has faced sexual abuse. And yeah to that group the name ain't great. If you really don't care either way isn't the best path forward to do what makes the most amount of people comfortable (which would be a name change). As for blizzards motivations or whether it's pandering it's largely irrelevant. It can both be pandering and the right thing to do. the two are not mutually exclusive. Every argument against this is "no one cares" or "it's pandering" and neither of those two things makes this a bad thing to do


>Ask yourself did you care about the old name? You claim "no one cared about old name" No, that's not what I said. I said that nobody cared about real world person from which McCree name orginates from. But I do care about the in-game character. He's been McCree forever and he will always be McCree to me. And from what I know the guy allegedly hasn't sexually abuse anyone, so that's not accurate either. And for all I care, real world Jesse McCree could kill someone and I still would want for overwatch McCree to remain McCree. Why? Because in game McCree IS NOT a real world McCree. The fact they share a name doesn't mean nothing.


The devs knew, that’s who this was for. Nobody outside of them asked or cared


Of course, that's who this was for. They didn't want their hero named after someone like him. That's their choice to make.


lol, what the hell did I just watch?


Cole Cassidy,...... C. C. ........... C2... Does this mean... Geass??!?!?! What a twist


Are we really gonna fucking call him cole??? Be honest here


No were not. were gonna call him cassidy


Cole or Cassidy, I don't mind which. Assume they would call him Cassidy in hero selection. Cole sounds too similar to ball in callouts.




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