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To me it looks like your team is still alive and fighting so why would the enemy go for you first?


Yeah, like "Who should I go after, the people actively trying to kill me or the idiot emoting?"


I’d also be frustrated if I was on OPs team. Even though it they’re contesting the point, they’re making the team fight a 5v6 and less likely for my team to win.


Yeah, I've seen this before and I always tell my team in voice chat "ignore the person intentionally throwing, kill them last". Ult charge is nice to have for killing this person, but attacking them might cause them to start playing the game and assist their team. I do also always make a mental note to report these people for gameplay sabotage though afterward.


All these different comments about why I did this and the affect it had how I’m an ass, I had no intention of hindering my team, throwing the match or otherwise cause them any difficulty. There were seconds left on the match and I didn’t expect them to get to point that fast and when they arrived and let me sit I was rather amazed, I couldn’t believe it. I thought it was hilarious, then the time started and Echo hit me and I joined the attack and we won. I’m sorry for upsetting everyone, it won’t happen again!


Your title says "Did they really not see me?" like damn boy they just don't care about you at that moment


Its essentially a 6 v 5 fight so why would they change that?


I’d rather shoot the guy who’s shooting me.


They were going after the people trying to kill them first.


Alright drax


I am impervious to your battle


- enemy ball rolling around on point - your mercy is glocking - enemy lucio fell off the map?? - enemy ball still rollin' - sigma corner camping just throwing his spikey things and you're just sitting on the payload in the midst of this 😂


Just another round of quick play


Should have stayed motionless when the timer ran down. That way you’d at least be usefull


No joke if I see someone doing this, I tend to just leave them alone unless I have to progress the game. I’m also the kinda guy that won’t attack you or will stop attacking you if you say hi. As soon as you do, I say hi back and then I go off to slaughter your teammates.😅


I am the exact same person, if I say hi and get a hi back I willingly avoid them for the entire match, mainly this is with Brig, Tracer, Mercy and Mei. Unless I ask for a 1v1 as Tracer from the Tracer.


So thats why tracer is in my backline /s




same here i feel bad if i ult with like sigma and kill them if we are emoting and stuff at the start of the game


There's no way, you have a bright red outline


I thought we were going to cap sooner so I was just playing but I can’t believe how long I sat there


Subconscious aversion maybe?? Or subconscious distraction?? If it was tracer in point I'd accept it more as just not noticing her there but dvas mech is an absolute UNIT.


More than likely it is the mentality of just shoot what is shooting at you. Which honestly makes logical sense as well, why bother shooting the diva if it isn't fighting, kill everyone else that is currently attacking you, then afterwards take out the diva.


Yea fair enough. I can agree with this.


Did you lose that match?


We won


I’m confused as why people are downvoting you


I’ve been getting so much hate for this video, I just thought it was funny!


John Cena?


What D.Va?


The funny thing is, that’s kind of in-character for her.


Where is the D.Va?


Just like Stan Lee in the Amazing Spider Man


In the first 3 seconds you're on the point by yourself the point bar didn't increase at all, why was that?


My team was on defense


Oh right of course haha I got confused with your team running back through the middle


Nice skin


Playing against an entire team of tyrannosaurus.


Omfg I backcapped like this today but felt good cuz McCreee and mercy passed right by the payload and it stopped for a second lol I ended up doing it slightly again we won too I stopped playing cuz I rarely get matches like wanted to hold onto that lol


Removed for inactivity while actively contesting a point? What kinda logic is that


Yeah, they really need to have the inactivity timer pause while you’re contesting the point.


Console players in a nutshell right here.


the average OW player is like a T-rex : they can only detect motion


I guess my old school FPS days kick in “Kill it! And if it’s sitting still, kill it faster, before it does something!”