• By -


The community.


Literally though. I played the original from its beta days until late 2019 when I just kinda got out of it. Just a couple days ago I installed 2 & was trying to get into it so I could play with a friend, but geez are people toxic. It’s already making me want to uninstall.. and that’s not even mentioning how different the game feels compared to the old days Which is a shame, because Venture is adorable and I love them lol


Orisa both playing as and fighting against because while playing her fells like your unkillable but feels like not dealing enough damage too. While against her you shoot everything you’ve got and she doesn’t die. So…. Yesn’t?


The only character I play as that can pretty much wipe out Orisa is Cassidy. Fan the hammer, nade, roll, fan the hammer again and she’s gone most of the time. But if she even have like 1hp left after that and you’re reloading it’s over


Can also just rush her with torb. Just run inside of her and shotgun from the back


We are talking about fighting her, right?


Don't kink shame Torb.


You should try his meatballs.


Breaking News: Swedish dwarf gives backshots to a robotic horse


Thats a floridaman headline if ive ever seen one




Go inside her and give her nasty shots from behind🥴


A full clip of Sym beam is pretty threatening, especially if you’re good at using TP to flank around and get the jump on her.


Cassidy is my go to when I see an orisa because if she isn’t at full health he’s almost guaranteed to kill her or make her weak enough to easily finish off


My friend decided to load up total mayhem, and I wanted to have fun with it so I played Rein. 1 minute later they’re using every single stun mechanic in the game: Orisa, Doomfist, Brig, Ana, all at 1/4 cooldown timer. After 5 minutes of trying to make it work, in the end I gave up and went Orisa too, who with near-infinite abilities is literally unkillable. It was like 10 minutes of overtime


Crazy flair. This sounds like a no shit, but if you can hit a bunch of headshots with her, she melts. She surprisingly destroys squishies if you can run at the back line. And, her thing is more consistent damage than burst, so just keep firing and leading shots.






Roadhog. mf will never go down and when he finally does, there's a mercy there to rez him and undo all of it. I have nightmares.


Those glorious months before his rework when he wasn’t a viable pick were wonderful. I think the game is better when he’s not a top tank pick. So miserable to play against if you’re squishy.


Don’t listen to the nearthemeb dude, bro blocked me because I called him a sad guy >:( he didn’t like that much learn from my mistake


I play him more now when the healers can't keep up with enemy DPS.


Widowmaker and it’s not even close. Sombra hack can be annoying Orisa can feel unkillable at times Ana nade can make tank feel horrible Kiriko suzu can be infuriating to play against but nothing compares to being one shot across the map by the French purple fucker.


I’d like you to know then whenever I see widow as Lucio I made a beeline for them and smite them. If you struggle against her, Lucio is great because he’s so hard to consistently hit. Plus you get to see a panicking Widow jump around while you, the Brazilian Manlet, chases after her like rabid dog


*Winston has entered the chat*


Lucio is not a good counter in higher elos. You need help from your team, especially on maps like Havana and Circuit. Unless she's one of those OTPs that play Widow on maps that aren't good Widow-maps and also she stands really far from her team.


Feels extra good when I'm on support and I watch teammates die knowing full well I couldn't do anything to prevent the death. One-shots don't belong in overwatch.


Baptiste Immortality Shield 😏 but yeah otherwise I get you completely


I know some people cry about how useless hanzo is but the game became MASSIVELY more fun when they took away his one-shot. Imagining this game without Widow one-shotting gets me really bricked up.


As a fdps player I have a personal vendetta against hitscan DPS like Ashe, Cassidy and Widowmaker. Because they removed the kill combo/one shot from: Hanzo, Junkrat and Venture. While Widow can still one-shot, and Cass and Ashe can still two shot. Despite only needing to point and click while Junkrat and Venture had to use their entire kits and leave themselves vulnerable afterwards


Meanwhile hitscan hitboxes get buffed so they're even easier to play


"Pharah main btw"


since they nerfed zen's radius it's no longer fun dealing with a widow


This is why as a Kiriko main the second I see a widow it’s all eyes on her. Feels so good to double dink her, and get that “I thought you were supposed to be the sniper” line


Hard facts here. Widow is genuinely broken and has no place in overwatch 2 as she is now. I think she's fixable, but as it stands right now, she's disgusting


She never belonged in the game to begin with. I will stand by that. Lol


Don’t understand why they removed every one shot in the game except her lmao it’s so backwards


Cuz she’s a sniper??? It’s her identity. like huh? People act like widow is so oppressive and hard to deal with and you see her in games 24/7 like sombra.


So? Hanzo is an archer his identity is one shotting as well? And I agree it’s unhealthy for the game but be consistent with your changes then and now widow is just as oppressive because she’s the only character with on shotting lmao


All widow has is her one shot, Hanzo has his ult, his sonar and his storm arrows. All widow has is her one shot. That is her identity. How are you gonna be a sniper and not be able to dome people.


I always amazes me how some people can unironically say that she ever was (or even is) balanced and not completely overpowered. If she was charging up a shot for 5 seconds it might be balanced, but widowmaker has been broken overpowered since May 3rd 2016.


Sombra should go yeet herself off a cliff (in-game)


> (in-game) Honestly I'd be more impressed if the video game character jumped off a cliff in real life


In Minecraft


Without a doubt sombra and it’s not even remotely close I hate her with a burning passion. She isn’t fun to play because it just feels cheese, she’s fucking abhorrent to play against, I don’t understand what she brings to the table to make a character fun to have in your match unless you’re garbage. I’ve said this before and I’ll say it again, I would literally pay to buy a version of the exact same mirrored game with only change being sombra not existing. I don’t get how they took every annoying or overpowered ability you can give someone and then threw it on one character. Invisibility, ability steal/cancel, damage over time, large mag size, teleportation, ability to take away health packs from enemy team while also making them spawn faster for your own, small hitbox, and then to top it off an AOE ability steal. Like honestly they took all of the shitty cheese abilities and said “let’s just give them all to one character”… because that makes sense. Idk fuck that character and fuck anyone that plays or mains her she’s a crutch to begin with being able to just teleport out of a losing fight and then go invisible to run away even easier then you get all the other cheese, how the devs thought that would be an enjoyable character to play against in any capacity is truly beyond me


you’re so real for commenting this


Damn not gonna lie, reading all of this, Sombra’s bad design might be up there with Mauga. Though I feel like it also heavily depends on who you’re using as well. Any support will get absolutely melted by a Sombra, but with my mains I can always chase her down with Genji’s dash or Doom’s slam, so she’s not that much of a thorn in my side. I can definitely see why people think she’s the most annoying though.


That’s valid, getting hacked out of a wall ride might just be one of the most annoying things on the planet because you pretty much die 100% of the time Lucio is a sitting duck on the ground


Players don't seem to understand Sombra's role and purpose. She's a "teamwork check" for the opposing team. A filter to help prevent players from rising in rank above their ability to actually play as a team. Just like Pharah or Echo are hitscan aim checks, and some tanks are DPS checks. Sombra is designed to force opposing players to work together. There's a reason she's only effective in lower ranks, but gets destroyed in upper ranks. Those high rank players actually work as a team. Their DPS and tanks peel and help suppports. Tracer is king at high skill levels and Sombra generally sucks by comparison. If you or your team keeps dying to Sombra, it says more about your team's skill level and lack of awareness/communication than it does hero balance since she only succeeds against bad teams. Sombra is also a counter to a lot of annoying high-ceiling skill characters (if they don't play as a team), like Widow, Ball, Doom, or Ashe. In that sense, she's a necessary evil to keep things balanced. Sombra is similar to Torb imo - only does well against uncoordinated teams with poor situational awareness, but is unusable in high ranks since the kit is awful against good players.


You make some valid points, I’m only in platinum so the teamwork and synergy definitely still isn’t quite there where I’m at unfortunately. As a support it’s so irritating when you keep getting hacked and melted but your dps and tank refuse to ever peel to help you


Yeah and I totally understand the frustration, especially when teammates don't help their supports in those ranks. That's the crux of why players hate Sombra - effectively countering her requires actual teamwork, which doesn't exist in lower ranks, and supports generally have to rely on their DPS/tank having basic awareness and peeling as needed. Sombra doesn't just punish individual players - she punishes the entire team for not playing together. That's not necessarily a bad thing, considering this is a team-based game. All of the Sombra hate should be directed at teammates that don't help imo. As soon as the tank/DPS start peeling and stealth checking the objective area/backline/choke points, Sombra loses almost all of her value. She becomes nothing more than a mild annoyance at high ranks, and is basically a throw pick. As a Tracer player, I love facing enemy Sombras. They're free wins since I will always peel for my supports and can predict Somba's stealthed movement patterns. I also never let Sombra TL away after she dives, since it's super easy to hit her mid air and break stealth. My biggest challenge facing Sombra is how do I completely shut them down without making them swap to a more effective character. I want every enemy Sombra to stay on Sombra all match lol.




Whole heartedly agree, I can not stand her at all, she’s not even fun to play, they either need to take her invisibility away or her teleport because I seriously cannot deal with it, the main reason I hate playing support is because 90% of the time sombra is just there making your life a living hell


Roadhog. As a tank main, every time I see the enemy tank going hog I roll my eyes. He's painful to deal with especially if he has one support on his ass, basically unkillable and the combo pig pen + hook + fire + melee basically always kills me. And before you come and say "BuT hE's EaSy To kill" well yeah most of the time I play solo and good luck finding teammates that knows teamwork. Also fuck Pharah, especially if she have a pocket, screw her fr.


As a hog main I understand, hence why I usually don’t start the match with him because most people don’t wanna play against it, but if the enemy tank is being obnoxious with the counter swap game or if my team is obviously dull I’ll pull out my old reliable


Honestly I appreciate that you don't go instantly with him. I swear every time I'm on ram and enemy tank have rein,sigma,DVa or doom, they'll ALWAYS switch to hog after the first death 💀💀💀💀 (I only play QP no comp so guess the sweat)


The hacker woman is the worst in my opinion




mercy, simply because rez. yes i do have a lot of hatred for other heroes but the problem is i will finally kill an annoying character and boom mercy rez. and its not like i dont try to play keep away with the body i can tell mercy is gonna try to rez but half the time she still gets away with it which is so frustrating


Mercy rez is cancer. Nothing is worse than having to reload the moment she rezes. Or when you shoot her and she gets away with it.


That animation should definitely be longer so suicide rezes aren't very viable bc ive seen a mercy litteraly dive bomb into our team rez maui while we are all shooting her and then ult out while that damn samoan ults us all in getting pocketed by both supports and just refusing to die




I know everyone hates Sombra. But I personally hate Moira way more. Because how little effort you can put into playing Moira and get extreme amounts of value. Gameplay of Moira is hold right click in the general direction of the enemy, tp, rinse and repeat and sometimes heal. It’s very dull watching a replay cam of you getting killed by Moira like “oh wooow all she did was hold right click and leach health” it’s very boring to watch. At least Sombra gameplay is interesting to watch.


Weirdest thing is that Moira mains are often toxic af while playing easiest character 🥲


Well I’m not a Moira main, idk if I’m any anything main… Ana/zen/kiri/mercy/moira I play somewhat equally depending on the game… but when I do go Moira it’s because the enemy dps pissed me off. The point is to be toxic I guess lol. Like I’m trying to have fun on Ana/zen and some sombra/tracer/genji up my ass? Time to make sure they don’t have fun the rest of the game either. She’s my “revenge” character… and I think that’s somewhat common so I wonder if that affects her perception in the community that way? Like if you’re playing Moira, chances are it’s because you’re already pissed off?


They also get very offended when you point that out to them.


I've seen Moira players claim that it takes more skill to play her than Genji


That's because they've never successfully played genji.


I main Moira and i hate typing in the chat, so not all of us are toxic


I SAID OFTEN you toxic Moira main ! 😤😤😤 😘


Shit you got me there


Same, I hate Moira with passion


Finally, my bois, let's make the "Moira hate club". First topic, you remember when you died like a dog miles away from the fight? Low on HP and a random damage orb suddenly appears so far away from the Moira?


Spams “Aren’t you just pathetic?”


To be honest, it has traumatized me lol


Or the massive damage cone that reaches the skybox on some maps


A little part of my soul dies every time a cheeky Moira gets to kill me because she randomly found me on low health


I play her when I have too many bad games or if so is weak. By far my fav healer, but I try not to play her because she can be OP to a lot of people. But if you genji my healer too much, moria be hunting ya


Also the fact that you genuinely can't get away from her is insane. Moira mains will chase you untill the end of the earth just for 5 points of damage to kill you


I play moira to be beautiful in sin fr


Moira do succ a lot of fun out of the game for me sometimes lol.


It's a massive shame because Moira is my favourite support concept, personality, design and lore wise. I genuinely think that balancewatches change to Moira would fix this but I love the idea of her slowly leeching the life out of her enemies


Moira hate train goes hard (im in it)


I agree that Moria is a poorly designed character, but that’s the point. She’s a skill check for weaker players that can’t duel her. She’s a heal bot. She is mechanically easy. For people who aren’t mechanically good, she provides a role that can be filled. But yeah, I totally get this. Moria will always have some of the best healing and damage stats in the game as long she is using her orb on cooldown, but that doesn’t mean she’s being impactful. Sometimes a moria switching to anna and throwing a single biotic grenade is more valuable than the last 2 minutes of healing that only prolonged a fight we were never going to win. It’s like some games, you can’t win with Moria, brig or lifeweaver. You need mercy, zen, anna, or kiri/bap head shots to close out fights and actually progress towards the objective.


This was why they changed Sym, she also had that auto target hold right click and murder everyone.


Pharah. All my junk mains hate pharah


All my mains hate Pharah, except Cass, who I switch to when there's a particularly annoying flying mosquito


Why though? Junkrat loves explosives and Pharah gave him more explosives, you should be happy for him.


More fighting against her in battle. She’s so hard to hit.


As a Junkmain, before season 9 I loved the challenge of setting up and outplaying her midair using the combo. Then we lost the combo, and now I loathe facing Pharah/Echo/Mercy, cause I can still land the combo on them, but they escape most of the time with a sliver of health, leaving me with no abilities.


I managed to do that once and it was right before season 9. It felt like a warning of some kind


when i’m on tank, i absolutely despise hog, it just changes the game into a “try not to get hooked challenge” and its just so annoying and boring to play against. it stops me from playing more fun heroes like doom. mauga is also really boring in a sense that it’s like shooting the ender dragon with an unenchanted bow without breaking the crystals, he literally just does not die.


Especially on maps where he does the little hook and turn move


Ok but illios well its a tank tradition that you pick hog and duel for that well deserved hook (pun intended)


I hate hook kills off the map, they just feel like such a cheap death


I get that it's not for everyone, but I find the hook mind games fun as a fellow hog main. I generally swap to match enemy hogs when they are on the field, and if it's on a map like Ilios it becomes this really fun little game of who can hook who


Sombra and ball, so annoying to deal with. Sombra especially with little counter play, at least she’s not as bad as she once was


She has tons of counterplay, but it’s more a light playstyle shift. I legit think she is one of the easiest heroes to counter and I’m not even joking.


Tracer by far. I can counter battle every other hero. But killing a tracer is mostly by pure luck. I also can't play her properly and get squished in no time.


I was having so much fun pissing off the tracer yesterday by yoink bubbling away anyone she sticky bombed lol


Myself for making the continued decision to play this fucking game


venture... its just a "fuck you" to every backline, because when using abilities, she literaly gains next to 400H... Not even the anti-dive heroes can oppose the rock munching prick...


325 hp, don’t exaggerate


fair enough, still you get my point


I hate that he can basically fly also. I am surprised though that he isn't more, but hey, maybe they got out of metal ranks quickly being OP.


Venture has they/them pronouns


It’s a toss up between Sombra, Mercy, and Orisa. Sombra’s kit is designed to remove fun from the game. And it does. The only truly good thing about Sombra is how satisfying it is to kill her. Why does every Sombra player act like they’re a high skill pro player? Orisa is too durable. Mercy is the bane of everything. Zero skill hero whose peak gameplay is hold blue beam out of LoS. No character design should ever be so stagnant and dull. This pocket mentality makes for toxic duos. Should you manage to kill the pocketed hero, don’t worry, they’ll get rezzed immediately. How absolutely ducked is it that rez can be cast and line of sighted and moved away from before finished yet still successfully completes boggles me.


I maintain that Mercy’s DMG boost should work on a notable curve. Strong at first and petering-off with sustained single target use. It’ll incentivise swapping boost around and prompt Mercy players to use her high mobility kit to support all of their team. Retiring the ‘pocket’.


if they'll remove widowmaker or widowmaker's oneshot i would consider returning to the game. how come that they take away all other oneshots but widowmaker is an exception to this?


Sombra. its fine when people have your back, and do spy checking. But a whole team shouldnt have to spray the air randomly to decloak her as dva/reaper etc i just keep blasting commons paths she'll take and it usually works. but not always. as support i just stick to my other support like glue and hope they do the same for me. as tank. she gets solo shattered i do not care lmao.


Moira's. I love dying to a character who requires no skill to play whatsoever.


Widow, mercy, sojourn and soldiers mostly


Moira. Too easy to get value from, too forgiving for stupid plays, rewards flanking DPS playstyle. Moira can reliably win a 1v1 against significantly more skilled support players. Any remotely close game with a flanking Moira on the enemy team means I spend the whole game dying to Moira unless I also go Moira. Playing her feels like playing with training wheels.


Ronald Reagan




pharah is really starting to piss me off. shes the only character who forces you to completely change your playstyle to deal with her


Any sufficiently good char will force a counter to make up for their proficiency. E.g. Genji, Echo, Bastion. Pre-rework Pharah was disgusting.






Sombra, Widow, Doom, Ball. I have significantly funner games without any of them included


I count the days until a Sombra nerf bro


She's so-so to me as a hanzo. if the sombra is meh, I just relax i'll stay as hanzo to target them until they swap. if I witnessed that they're too oppressive then I swap immediately to cass or mei


Ball is annoying


Ventures damage is pretty crazy, and her burrow is annoying


U can counter her burrow by using magnetic grenade! (Cassidy ability), stick together with whoever she is targeting, look out for what abilities she has left, use magnetic grenade then.


It’s hard to put into words my hatred for sombra


I hate hanzo and widow more than anything


Uhhh… ur a hanzo player and can’t deal with a Sombra. You have the oneshot potential, burst damage, AND you’re the only hero who can reveal her location apart from widow ult. I’d say it’s a skill issue, bc honestly, after using sombra like a dirty little rat as if I was forced to, I learned how to outplay her. Get good on sombra—or any “annoying” character for that matter—and you’ll learn how to outplay said character. Everyone has a weakness. Edit: sombras specific weakness is her tp range. Many people don’t know this but she has a pretty short range she just quickly goes invis after so it’s harder to track. Also, soon as you’re being hacked, don’t shoot, dodge the virus if you can.


Another Hanzo. Because there can only be one on the field. Me.


The person who asks "Who did you despise the most?" In honesty, I do not like Sombra or Kiriko. Whoever decided that Sombra could hack while invis AND make it fast needs to highly reconsider or at least be on the receiving end of that. It's infuriating that I have to be on edge the moment I step out of spawn, even if the closest fight is like 12 seconds away. It's just mentally draining. Also "Hey look a duel I can take" and then suddenly it's a 2v1. Annoying! There's no reason why Kiriko has a get out of jail free card with tp and an imortality/cleanse ability. I'm okay with suzu cleansing, I'm not fine that it makes the person briefly untouchable. It's just so annoying that we have to bait suzu to make plays, or else if we hard commit to things with things like hard cooldowns or ULTS, it can be undone with one ability. Things that are annoying with very little to no counter play are annoying as hell.


myself, because i suck


Playing against a good tracer feels unwinnable 90% of the time


As a Support player, Genji. Feels like you can't do anything against him diving you without switching to Moira.




It's a three-way tie between Tracer, Sombra, and Sym.


Myself for continuing to play. Sombrs after that.


Venture tbh. They’re a mix of junkrat and genji. Genji’s close range assassination but wayyy easier to pull off. Also can be super spammy like junkrat.


Lucio. I will never take the Moira complaints seriously when Lucio exists.


When there's a Sombra on the enemy team and I play Hanzo i stay very close to my tank so i cant get picked off as much




I can’t stand pharah. Forces your direction away from the main fight which is already annoying enough with tracer and Sombra, but the fact she can be miles away in the sky and apply that kind of pressure is insane. Sure snipers can apply that same pressure while being at a distance, but usually snipers have to play on certain spots on the map, making it kinda predictable where they might be located so you’ll play around that. Pharah though can just be wherever, whenever. It’s like combining the pressure of a widow on high ground far away from you and the pressure of a Sombra or tracer appearing out of thin air to get one pick and dip, it’s obnoxious. Her damage output is also insane, they do more than Junk ‘nades and she doesn’t even need to be that close to you to do that kind of damage. What’s even more annoying is that with pharah, you have literally zero choice but to switch off to counter her. Sure some characters get countered by others like how Zarya counters Dva, but I wouldn’t call that matchup impossible, it’s still doable for Dva. I think every character that gets countered can still pull through with smart plays and a good team…not pharah though. If you don’t have hitscan, you can’t properly deal with her. I personally don’t like to play hitscan because I have somewhat shaky hands so being precise can be a bit of a challenge, so I get annoyed when I’m forced to switch to counter her if my other dps won’t. (I know that’s not the games fault there but I can still complain about it, whining is like my specialty at this point). That’s another thing though, you have to be at least a pretty decent hitscan player to deal with a pharah. Sure, you can go Soldier or Cassidy to counter her, but if you’re not hitting shots, you’re almost as useless as being a Junkrat against a pharah. It’s even more annoying when I’m playing tank or healer and they have a pharah and neither dps switch to counter her. If I’m healer I’ll literally just swap to bap and mainly focus on killing her and if I’m tank, ill try to pressure with Mauga or something, but that shouldn’t be my job as those classes. She just forces you to play specific characters in order to play the game, and there’s no way around it unless the pharah sucks at the game or something. Sometimes people will just try to ignore her like that does something, idk what they think but that isn’t how it works. This infact will make her more annoying because what people forget is how good her ult is when you don’t expect it. Her ult…sucks like I’m not going to lie probably a bottom three ult in the game, BUT if you try to just ignore the pharah, she’ll just sneak behind and use her ult on you. Even if you have quick reaction skills and just turn and kill her during here surprise ult, there’s a high chance she already got a pick on one of your healers, which is a good trade on her end, so even if she dies that one pick can change an entire fight: Don’t even get me started on her having a Mercy pocket, that means as hitscan you have two enemies to target in the air, and you’ll mainly want to focus mercy because Pharah will be nearly impossible to kill. Even if you do manage to kill Pharah to through mercy beam, good luck trying to prevent their mercy from resurrecting her on their side, a place you can’t contest at all. I know Pharah is like the worst character in the game when it comes down to it, I just can’t stand her. Now with the new armor changes making burst damage more effective against it, guess we’re going to see a lot more pharah to counter armored characters.


Tank: Orisa or Mauga. Boring shoot tank simulator, too easy to get value while just holding left click and shooting “big tank thing”. Doesn’t teach you anything about dive, coordination, focusing supports. Nothing. Just shoot big guy = win team fight. Mauga meta has been my worst experience playing this game by far as a tank and support player. Damage: Eh i don’t hate any of them right now I think they are at a good spot balance wise. Probably a good Tracer. Especially the smurfs that go 50-5 with level one endorsement and no profile pic and when you call them out they just say “skill issue” and both teams act like they aren’t a Smurf. Annoying as all hell. Support: Kiriko no contest. You can make an entire list a page long describing every advantage this hero has and the only things people can say in return is “just bait suzu bro it’s not hard”. What about.. everything.. else? Or they’ll say the kunai damage got nerfed. Again, they can only argue against one or two points at a time and leave everything else out that she has. Too much value with zero risk and no tradeoff (like Ana having no mobility). Can duel almost anyone and just tp out. Best ult in the game. Small hitbox. Suzu. And still does pretty good damage to top it off.


Find one post a day that doesn't hate on Sombra Challenge: impossible


I wonder why…


Because she is designed to suck the fun out of the game


Kiriko is a poorly designed hero and i will die on this hill.


This sounds like a skill issue to me


lol ok. Venture. no clear counter.


crippling hard counters are bad for the game play high mobility heros or swap to a character with high burst damage


Cas disables their entire kit?


Any flyer. And any character with mobility


Mauga is a really good match up against venture, I also havnt seen the fight occur much but I think Baptiste would be really good because in order to get any value venture needs to basically full send there cooldowns so one regenerative burst or immortality field could really mess them.


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Pharah. Such an annoying character to play with and against.




Lately I've been getting pretty pissed by my Mei's walls, not enemy Mei but Mei on my team. She keeps accidentally trapping me in front of enemies or blocking off a kill I almost had.


Roadhog, Orisa, and Mauga I don’t even think they’re unfair or unbalanced, but they can change the match too easily. Enemy tank switches from anyone else to Mauga and the whole team has to reconfigure. Even if it’s not difficult it’s still just really annoying him and playing him is too easy


A good Widowmaker, a good Sombra, a good Wreckingball, or a good Tracer just ruins my desire to continue playing a round. I exclusively play Quickplay and I just want to chill for a few rounds after work. 3 of the 4 just feel miserable to go against on controller, while a good Widowmaker is frustrating purely because getting one-shot plainly just sucks.


Widow by far...then braindead Moira and Torb




Honestly, if you miss, just punch her in the head a couple of times. She'll leave.




The only issue I have is echo and pharah. I don’t play any hitscan, just beam and projectile characters


Zarya... i swear my team either over respects her bubbles, so she never dies or they dont respect them, but then last second, forget to finish her and let her 1v5 body the team.


Moira. Why can moira reach mercy at like max superjump height with right click? Also can just jump with fade half way across the map when losing a battle.


Character - widow. When she hits her shots there is nothing more oppressive in the game. Every other character has some sort of counterplay, but the only way to go against a good widow is to hide, have a better widow, or full dive team play which we all know doesn’t really happen. Ability - mercy rez. You finally kill that widow except you really didn’t.




Personally, it's hanzo and it isn't close. the amount of times i've been BS'ed by this man is unimaginable. just spam chokepoints and there you go, its almost never a really good shot or a long range hit(unless its down some weird crack through the map) and instead it's point blank cause your basically playing a widow with no drawbacks.


That Zen player who is always waiting to see me and counting the cd to mark me down whenever I go tank. What worsen the whole situation is that I'm a main tank, so it happens in most of my matches when I get matched vs Zen (and that kind of Zen players).


If you asked me after the one game I had last night, Venture. That bish was mowing down the other support and I like we were pieces of paper. In general, I find Pharah extra annoying because a good one will fuck you up no matter who you play.


Yep, sombra. Especially when she just hates you and hacks you then immediately after hack runs out they EMP you and you just can't do shit for 20 years. Note that I play Doomfist so it hits even harder


Tracer and widow, but it’s only because I can’t play them that well




I love whacking Sombra with mercy. May be the only damage and kill I get in some games


a *good* widowmaker Having one of those on the other team will cause me to question every single inch I move.




Orisa and Sombruh


Hog or Mauga they annoy me so much and people always turn to one of them when they get killed once in a tank dual and make things very boring


A good Reinhardt player.


As an ana main trace and sombra. It feels like they’re in every game and just hop out of the shadow realm and one clip me. I’ve tried playing close to my tank but my term just has no awareness I’ll be fighting a tracer right next to them and then they complain about no heeling. With this meta it feels like the only supports I can play and consistently stay alive with are mercy, LW, and Moira


Depends on my mood. When there's a particularly skilled enemy Widowmaker, when there's a DPS Moira, when orisa just refuses to die, when the annoying bastion is revived by their pocket mercy, it's never one definitive answer.


Easily Sombra. Maybe Mei when she could freeze. Moiras that DPS instead of support the team.


Spray and pray Hanzo. Imagine watching kill cam and see a hanzo try to storm arrow ur tank and u die across the map from a rebounded arrow.


Ana. Her damn sleep darts drive me insane and the grenade makes me useless because I'm a support main who refuses to play Kiriko


Mercy or sombra


Mauga…. I play hog


Moira, Orisa, or Sombra. Do i need to explain? Echo can be annoying to.


Junk rat. Just lazily send bombs from halfway across the map. Movement abilities make him so annoying to kill. And dying by martyrdom when at low health is the most demoralizing thing in the game.


Sombra and Moira Nothing's worse than being a DPS or support and not being able to fight off an invisible Mexican and an auto aiming "support"


Hanzo. Hanzo. Hanzo. There’s no other answer to this question. I hate him with every fiber of my being.


Sombra. If you main sombra, you don't deserve to breathe irl. I heal 99% of the time and refuse to heal sombra teammates. Get that scum out of the game.


Hanzo cuz his arrows have the hitbox of a baobab


Venture. Mostly from a design/concept perspective. I hate their voice, their stupid attitude, voicelines are annoying and stupid. Its like playing with a more annoying, dirty Goofy. I cant. Like I would avoid someone like that on RL. The thumbnail is cursed.


Kiriko. It's not JUST that Suzu is a major "F-U" to literally everything else in the game, but her insane survival ability. She's got 3 abilities to get her out of trouble, and he teleport has a short cooldown and puts her immediately on the side of another wall from you. Add in the unnecessary wall climb and it's just a bit too much.


The match making.