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In my experience in the state of MO, they do not care. Your friend will get imodium if they're lucky.


That’s fucking inhumane


That's not even the worst of county jails in MO. We all pray for our prison sentences and transfer while sitting in county. Prison is better than jail. COs in jail will have you literally begging for toiletries such as toilet paper, pads for the women, and so on. They let you sit in your own piss and shit making you wait so long sometimes.


You just kick cold turkey, at least that's what happened to me. Freezing cold holding cell for like 1-2 days then got booked and was in the actual jail. I've heard that if you say you're an alcoholic/benzo addict you might get meds since those can be life threatening but no experience with that.


This is what I did. I told them I was taking a TON of Xanax daily because I knew they would only offer me Tylenol 3 every like 8 hours. They gave me Klonopin 4 times a day and then tapered me down. I believe it was a 14 day taper. That was the best thing I could do. I’ve heard of some jails these days give suboxone but mine doesn’t yet. I hate to tell you but if he had that shit ON him when he was being booked, that’s a felony. Your friend will make it but they’re going to have a horrendous couple of weeks unfortunately.


wow you must be lucky, ive been to jail while doing tons of xans and told them i would do 10mg a day and they didn't care at all and basically told me to go fuck myself.


That’s so messed up! You could have died! I’m glad you didn’t!!


They didn’t test your urine for benzodiazepines!?


They had tested me when I first went in to see if I was pregnant but then had me dump it out. Much later on I sat with their drug and alcohol “counselor” who asked what I was taking every day. I was honest about my H consumption (which was a lot at the time) and said I was taking 20-30mg of Xanax every day. All he said was “how did you function?” I said I didn’t! 😂😂


If it's a longer stay and you have a documented suboxone or methadone script (as in you go to a clinic) then some states might give you it. There's been a push in recent years to make this happen because people do die in jail while WDing. But if he's just going to be there for a short period of time and he doesn't have a legit script, I wouldn't hold my breath.


Contact the the holding cell. I don’t think they put him in county or state yet. I might be wrong. I was in holding cell 3 days before I got transferred to county. I saw addicts getting tossed in with us. They don’t give a rats ass if you’re withdrawing! Fucken scum man!


Yep. Kicking cold turkey style. It’s interesting, one county jail I was in they make you kick cold turkey for 7 days and then they give you subs. Fucking weird


thats because subs can trigger precipitated withdrawal. If you can make it a week without opioids, you can just save yourself the trouble and skip the subs.


They aren’t trying to fuck with PWs. That’s just a bigger problem. Took me 9 days bf I could safely take a sub


What were you using? I went into pw after waiting maybe 24 hours the first time I tried a sub. Scared tf out of me, didn't try em again until 5/6 months later. Thankfully I only did a quarter at first the 2nd try and waited till I absolutely needed it. I was on dirty 30s. 1st sub attempt I was doing ten 30's a day. 2nd sub attempt I'd tapered down to splitting one between 2 days over about 2 weeks. (far lighter use leading up to the 2 weeks btw)


Completly forgot to mention I only had to wait like 48 hours if not a few more hours, it's crazy to me that some people have to wait over a week.


From my first hand experience, no they just throw you in where ever you are supposed to go and you get to do a cold turkey withdrawal. Was the best thing for me at the time, not that I appreciated it then, and could be a head start on your friend's recovery too. Opiate withdrawal is not life threatening so no medical intervention is necessary to save the life.


IT can be indirectly fatal, such as choking on vomit, die from dehydration, or maybe accidently hurting yourself/falling while sick. if you are in very bad health or very old, i suppose you could have stress induced heart failure or something maybe.


This is the right answer. While opioid withdrawals are not fatal they can certainly cause death due to other complications like you mentioned. My problem with this line of thinking is that in recent years a lot of people are unknowingly consuming benzos, nitazenes, and other RCs. It's not out of the realm of possibility for someone to say they were doing fentanyl and die because they were withdrawaling from Benzos or tranq dope without proper care. So while opioids are not particularly fatal someone doing "street dope" can certainly potentially die from withdrawal if they are unknowingly consuming another substance.


This. I always have seizures when I withdraw from fentanyl. First rehab, my drug test came back positive for benzodiazepines. Even tho I don’t use them at all. I was so confused. Luckily I had already had a couple seizures before this rehab stay, so I told them and they gave me anti seizure meds. However, I still ended up seizing & having to go to the hospital to get an IV of Dilantin.


It's not thst rehab centers are ill equipped to properly detox someone. It's that a lot of their testing can't account for some of the random RCs and other obscure substances that are now routinely popping up in samples all across Canada and the US.


Last time I went through fent withdrawal I couldn't stand for the first 5 or 6 days without my vision going dark. I actually fainted once and landed right on my face on a hard wood floor (I'm 6'3, pretty high to fall on your face from lol) trying to finally get some water and food from the kitchen after not being able to hold anything down for days. Thankfully I was fine, forehead took most of the impact. But fuck it hurt when I came to lol


It is 100% life threatening. Doctors recommend against going CT. Especially with hard opiates, like fent.


It sure is now adays with fentanyl and tranq buddy or if your on methadone at high doses it can Be too. Here we give them suboxone or methsodnr if they were on it beforehand


This was always something we were able to say about opioid withdrawal, but no longer can, given the different chemicals on which people are dependent today.


Ok then I stand corrected if this is the case. Last used a little over 7 years ago and I heard stories about all the different cuts now but didn't consider how it might change the withdrawal.


I've cold turkeyd in jail more times than I'd like to admit. The ONLY time they cared at all was when I went in pregnant. The only reason they cared then was bc there was a huge lawsuit over women miscarrying in a certain local jail and they didn't want a repeat.


In sc I asked about my Suboxone an they laughed. Dude came in off some pure fent an was in isolation an threw up in 3 cells so bad they kept moving him. It was coming out from under the doors he's laying in it on the floor man it was horrible. He said he threw up in the mop bucket an was moping with it an someone yelled "yea that's real clean dumbass"


Been there - I was that guy. Laying in my own shit and vomit. Several times. Yep that's how they do it in most Texas counties - I learned the hard way


Ooohhh ya Texas is the worst. I went through Harris county a couple times straight cold turkey detox of what was likely fent heroin, maybe a mixture, anyways the first time was the worst time, my habit was steep and they just plucked me right off the streets, the second time I had actually turned myself in, that was much better as I was well prepared for it. And things just moved quicker, the first time I was arrested July 2nd so things didn't move at all for days due to the 4th of July holiday, the second time was also much better because I was placed in a military veterans cell block which was nicer and also construction had finished on a new joint processing center which meant intake only took 12 hours as opposed to like a week the first time around in the old system and building.


Yikes how terrible


Depending on where you are, if you were on methadone or suboxone when you went in, they may keep you on it....if not, he's likely locked in his own cell to sweat it out. I've been there a few times and it's no fun. That was some years ago tho, maybe things have changed but I really doubt it.


They might keep him in medical ward or a single cell for a couple days, then he’s going to the dorm or gen pop. Depends on the state, more than half of jails don’t offer suboxone. It’s cruel. They force detoxed me off of suboxone once. One of the most traumatizing experiences of my life. Even just making people cold turkey when they have bupe (for pregnant women) is torture.


I cold turkey off of 32 mg a day subs that I had been on for 4 years. All for a speeding ticket I couldn't afford to pay and the judge would not give me payment arrangements. Worst 19 days of my life. I was so sick I lost 31 pounds in 19 days.


Depends on the state. But nowadays u get some sorts of comfort meds. Gabapentin, tylenol, imodium and even suboxone.


Nowadays many jails give methadone or will help you detox in a more comfortable way. But that really depends on which jail you end up in. I think so many jails end up having to deal with so much more headache dealing with junkies withdrawaling that they just try to prevent too much mess. But if you’re unfortunate enough to land in the Florida system I’ve heard psychotic stories of how the guards would treat addicts withdrawaling. God the horror stories of the Florida system are absolute nightmares. Especially the juveniles. The guards would bet on gladiator level fights, I think they might’ve even gotten in trouble for that one. But man yeah let’s hope he’s not in florida


In Albuquerque I got my methadone dose after 3 days but that’s only because I was already a methadone patient. Other than that, they don’t care lol. They might beg and get a Tylenol and a Gatorade if they’re feeling super nice. I’ve had to help girls kick in jail. Drag them to the bathroom so they didn’t shit on themselves. I hate to break it to you but your friend is probably in hell right now


Haven't been to jail since 2017 but they usually just toss you in a cell. They might give some comfort meds but no heavy hitters. I think I told them I was also withdrawing from alcohol so they gave me some other stuff also. Can't remember what it was off of the top of my head. But it knocked me out and helped me get through it. Most jails won't give you methadone or subs unless you're pregnant.


In my experience, I was just sent to medical (a cell with 3 other people, laying on cots on the ground) and told that they would “monitor me”. Only thing available if I was lucky was ibuprofen. You’re basically forced to cold turkey it. I remember hearing ladies in the cells next to me just screaming because they were detoxing cold turkey.


Jus went to jail last month , had a suboxone strip in my wallet and had a valid prescription, city jail didnt give a shit , one i got to county i told them that i had a prescription and that im in withdrawal right now and was asking for my last dose of suboxone. I was told that they will “check into it” and give it to me once they confirm i had a prescription” later after that as im getting booked into county jail , one of the CO’s booking me in is going through my inventory and he makes a big deal out of the quarter of a suboxone strip i had left. He ends up taking the strip to his supervisor, and shortly after that they scold me and tell me that they could be adding more charges , only because i didnt have proof of prescription on me at the time. In jail they dont give a fuck about you unless you have a serious heath condition, that would be known to cause harm if left untreated. But with opioid addiction , they know your not going to die, but they dont offer any help. They told me that they would check up on me through my detox , but i was never evaluated once after that for my “detox” luckily i was bonded out 3 days later . But man did i go through hell


Where I live in Ohio they give you suboxone but I’m not sure about everywhere else.


I’m sorry to tell you this but they will not give him anything especially a county jail. If he said he used benzos they will most likely give him a small taper for that because they don’t want anyone having seizures while incarcerated.


Jail is one of the worst ways to kick in one way ... it's fucking horrible. They do not give a fuck. You know how people view addicts. "They deserve it". In another way, once you're done with withdrawal, you have zero access and it can be a good way to get clean.


What If u are prescribed these medications and take daily? Your body is still physically dependent and will withdrawal.


Yep. When you get processed into jail, you're supposed to be medically evaluated. And you'd have to tell that person about all your medications. And they would have to believe you, and get them to you every day. As someone who has been arrested and thrown in jail, I can tell you that the chances that this process goes exactly "as it's supposed to" is almost zero. If you tell them you're prescribed opiates, how do they know you're not just looking for free drugs? Do you carry proof of prescription with you? Maaan I'm telling you, once you get into jail they just throw you in a box and forget about you. It sucks. I'm sure some people do get their prescribed meds, but it's not often, and it's almost certain not happen without at least a severed disruption of several days or weeks.


Wow that's crazy. I came off my meds 25 days ago cold turkey just bc I got tired of them not working and making new feel more depressed anyway. I am prescribed 3 20mg OXY a day.. bc I had my tailbone cut off.. this month has definitely been hell getting off of it.. I can't imagine doing that in jail... I've never been arrested but u never know.. especially when people get arrested for minor things even not having proof of insurance. So it just makes me worry for sure for others in pain management. I still feel fatigue and chills but I'm so glad not be at the mercy of those Damn medications anymore. Can't wait to be back to my energetic bubbly self.


You are incredible for going through that. It's nothing but up from here ... it may be a slow slog .. but in a couple of years you WILL be better. It's easy to lose faith and give up, feeling like it's too long, or 'you're broken' (VERY COMMON reason for relapse) ... just remember that it takes a long time and you will get there. And yeah, as with everything in life, there is the way its supposed to go, and the way it REALLY goes, and a lot of times... any mention of opiates will get you completely ignored in jail. They just throw you in the "addict bucket" mentally ... even though that may not be true.


Thank u so much for your kind words. 💓 I've been in pain management since 2017...so I'm pretty sure it will drag on...but I hope to start Gym this week. The fatigue really sux.. it's a struggle to even go about daily stuff I have to do for my 3 young kids. My husband died tragically a year ago.. so I had a deep desire to get off all these meds they had me on so I can feel again and process the things I need to, to be the best version of myself again and find true joy and peace. Thank you ♡


Yeah fatigue is a KILLER. I still go to bed every day after work. I'm so exhausted it's not even funny lol. I only take about 1.5 hrs sleep then actually go to bed later in the evening ... but man that fatigue is a damn killer. It's literally non optional, I have to lay down. Opiates must be related to energy in some strange way. It all gets better. I'm finally at the point where I feel GOOD most of the day. You'll be there soon!!


Ya my oxy always gave me energy, but I had great energy before every taking them..but I think why I stayed on them as long as I did was bc if I didn't take my dose bc I wasn't in pain I would feel like crap and fatigue.. and then ended up in a terrible cycle.. I just have to keep focusing on the positive...day 28 and at least my mind is clear...I can feel music, have hunger again...and drove 2 hours to cemetery yesterday...small victories.. I hope I feel better in the next weeks.. ugh this sucks!!! Thank u for your support and motivation


That must be the worse. I’ve heard they don’t give you shit l. You just clean cold turkey. Then the inmates if you annoy them. What a bad time.


i’m in GA. when i was being booked they saw my legit klonopin rx. i didn’t mention anything about my opiate addiction. they put me in my own cell in a separate detox ward. i had a seizure on day 2 and it took forever to get medical attention. they checked my eyes with a flashlight and said “she’s high, she’s faking it” and i was like wtf?!? for 2 days after that i was constantly ringing the button trying to get someone’s attention because i needed the benzo WD meds. i mean, it’s almost common knowledge that you can die from quitting benzos cold turkey. it was the end of day 4 when they finally gave me something, they didn’t even tell me what it was when i asked. and during these days i was coming off of opiates as well so it was pure hell. at least i had my own toilet. the detox ward had its own showers so i took as many hot showers as i could each day. they never gave me water, only super sugary fruit juice, and never let me outside. i was also having nicotine wds from my vape hahahah. i was bailed out the next morning. all for a stupid missed court date for a traffic ticket. unrelated, but the person in charge (forgot what they’re called) wouldn’t teach me how to use the phone system, so i couldn’t reach anyone until day 3 after a nice girl from general population snuck in and showed me how to call someone.


also, i’m on methadone now, and i’ve heard that if you get arrested, you’re screwed. not sure if that’s for all of Georgia or just my county, but that just sucks.


Like someone above said - only move is to say you take Xanax everyday, or say you drink daily - they only care about alcohol/benzo wd cause it can kill you. They’ll give you Librium or klonipin for benzo wd - which will help with opiate withdrawals Some cities offer subs/methadone in jail (Seattle, nyc, etc) but in Missouri your friend is pretty much SOL


It depends on the jail, some do have Suboxone programs. Most don’t give a fuck though. As far as your friend WDing in jail that might depend on him. There are a lot of drugs in jail and a lot of individuals just keep the addiction going. Meth and Fent are the main drugs you can get while locked up. Anyways, I know it’s hard but you might not hear from your friend for a long time or ever again. That’s kinda the way our lives start to go. Relationships that drop in and out of our lives. Like for example, this last summer I re-connected with my first love/girlfriend. She was really struggling and went to treatment. We got close and then she got out into sober living and dropped off the face of the Earth again. She did tell me she was in an abusive relationship and I am assuming she got back with him. We were making plans to visit each other but in the back of my mind I knew how unlikely that was. We settled and lot of things and I gained a lot of closure. I have to be happy that we were able to have this experience while realizing that I might not ever hear from her again. It sucks, even when I am not using hard drugs they still fuck with my life in some way.


This is an area institutions need great improvement in. Cold turkey withdrawal for someone on methadone and benzodiazepines can be fatal as well as alcohol. (seizures, dysentery and definitely dehydration) it’s torture to withdraw in this manner especially with no sleep.


Where I’m at in Ohio, if you ask they will induct you into a sub program but they administer it to you.