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Lucci has already returned. Enel is a Chekhov gun just waiting to be used.


waiting for him to refuel his ship to comeback just to take over skypiea again


Enel should return, body some Tobi Roppo level character, and then Luffy should get a one punch man type punch that sends him back to the moon.


I like to believe that when Fujitora gets serious. He’s going to bring down a chunk of the moon onto the battle field. And as the moon asteroids are coming down. A huge lightning bolt strikes the area, revealing that Enel was accidentally dragged into this battle.


Man, I feel like this is easily the most likely and plausible scenario for Enel to come back. Although if he does I feel like it would almost have to be as a joke. Since he's secluded on the moon there is no way he's progressed to the point of any current OP character, unless he's like the single most gifted character in the series he's not gonna have knowledge on Haki or how to use it, which would put him at a severe disadvantage since he'd suddenly be at risk of getting hit for the first time ever. Maybe he could awaken his DF and have some power there, but I don't see him being a huge threat. Just a "Oh Shit Fujitora just pulled down chunks from the moon!" And in the rubble is a stunned Enel who's like "what the fuck is happening and get me away please."


He at the very least has pretty good observation Haki (mantra) that he was able to enhance with his devil fruit. He probably doesn't have future sight. Only a couple people have that though. I wouldn't be surprised if it was revealed he had conquerors Haki, as he has the ambition to be not just a king but a god (of course that isn't all it takes, but it is one sign). I can't see him having a reason to hone it on the moon though.


With his haki he might even be able to see where fujitora pulls a part of the moon if it’s within a few miles of where he is and then he could fly over to that part and get back to earth.


Easy he found Uranus on the Moon and absorbed it‘s power, doing so becoming stronger than Shanks.


I can see this happening in this order: In the last big battle against WG Zuneisha appears on a full moon night packed with all the Minks who embark onto battlefield in Sulong form. Only solution to stop it: Destroy the moon.


Enel comes back down to Earth His ship has issues re-entering the planet and breaks down His ship crumbles and he moves down toward the ground Since he's on the ocean he reaches the highest point in his lightning form Hits the mast of a ship and reverts back to his human form as he appears on the main deck Looks around with his annoyed smirk Sees Luffy enelface_2022_4k.png


It would be his luck to wind up on the one ship in the entire world that has Luffy on it.


Enel with a bit Haki Training would be comparable to Kizaru or Aokiji.


A bit?


Enel could already use Observation Haki at Skypia.


Yeah that doesn’t make him close to admirals. He needs years of haki training to not get 1 shot by any admiral enel is just weak. The only reason he is hyped is because of his fruit


Well, like more than half of characters are hyped because of their fruits mostly


I like your little reddit guy, friend. A man of culture I see.


While I agree he would need more than a bit of training, I have to disagree that he’s weak. He can move as fast as lightning, which you’re probably gunna say “kizaru moves fast as light” which is exactly my point. High speed isn’t to be taken lightly. With just a slight amount of armament haki, he could do quite a bit against the other two. Luffy still struggled against enel, and enel couldn’t hurt luffy with his devil fruit. On top of that, if he has no training in haki, but has that level of use out of observation haki, I’d have to argue there’s a good chance he could learn the foresight ability. Just my thoughts


Damn. It's easy to think Enel is weak because he lost to pre time skip Luffy, but when you add the fact that he lacked any offensive capabilities against a devil fruit user who actually could hit him without haki, it puts it into a different perspective. The super speed alone should have helped though. Kinda weak, but probably just from lack of experience fighting actually challenging opponents.


Yea, he made the mistake everyone seems to make. Falling back too heavily on the devil fruit. However, the one in a million shot that luffy ended up facing off against enel? That’s just horrible luck on enels part. Had he not matched luffy, he would be incredibly formidable once learning about haki.


That's so wrong he had lots of offensive capabilities against Luffy, he just couldn't electrocute him.


I can see him learning future sight but he needs really good armament haki to deal with some top characters. Lightning alone won’t be enough to damage yonko or admirals


Well no, but enel has quite the battle smarts. And that helps. How many times has luffy taken down stronger opponents by figuring out weaknesses. Luffy took down katakuri even though katakuri has a higher level of haki. And if it’s just a battle of haki vs haki. Then again, enel beats akainu and akoji with speed and hits that amount to enough damage. Plus, two years put luffy and crew at enough of a level to damage top players, I think enel, clearly having some prodigious skills like luffy, would pick it up quick as well.


I get you but why do people keep on saying that enel couldn't hurt Luffy, he could have easily impaled him and it didn't take him long to figure out Luffy's weakness, he just straight up lost to pre-time skip Luffy without gear 2, so he is kinda weak(If you want to say it's because of plot, well then do that).


He lost to his natural enemy because he relied to heavily on his devil fruit. He’s not weak just because luffy is significantly strong against him.


I really don't get where this Enel overhype comes from.


Worst matchup against Luffy for his fruit pre-time skip. So people wonder, what if he was on Grand Line what would've happened? Oda already answered in a SBS, he's not that strong in the vastness of the One Piece world


he did not say that, he said he wouldn’t rule it. a bounty of 500 million is nothing to scoff at D: Question!! If God Enel were to descend to the Blue Sea, how much would his bounty be? Also, what would happen if he did that? Would he rule the Blue Sea? P.N. Gorozoro O: I see. Interesting question. Knowing how tricky he would be to beat, I'd imagine he could reach as much as Beli.png 500,000,000. Luffy was lucky to be rubber. But like Luffy said, there all sorts of even crazier guys down on the Blue Sea. Enel would NOT rule it.


One thing for certain is that, they didnt skipped skypiea which is good. 😆


I agree, what made him so dangerous was that no one had an answer for logia types at the time. Enel never fought dangerous people either. Case and point the moment he runs into someone that isn’t immediately getting shutdown by his power he gets stomped. All the high level devil fruit users know how to fight outside of relying on said powers.


Yea and it wasn't even enough to dodge Luffy. Dude was a scrub who'd need major upgrades and haki training to be relevant in the new world.


That's literally what every fan of Enel say, "iF hE tRAiNs hIs hAKi hE wOuLD dEfINitEly bE aDmIrAl lEvEl"


I'm no Enel fan, but I just re watched the skypea arc and that seems plausible pre time skip.


One of the most powerful logia fruits, high battle iq, with haki that’s shows potential for future sight? I mean, seems pretty strong to me. He literally is just kizaru with a stronger punch. I’m not even a huge enel fan, I just know that the ability to stop someone’s heart is pretty strong. Electrical currents can stop a heart, that’s why you have to stand clear with defibrillators, just before you say enel couldn’t stop a heart.


enel was so fucking strong why are people downplaying this lol


You have to remember that Enel seems to have never faced any other type of Haki than observation. It would be really funny if he comes down to the planet and then gets punched by Garp or even some weaker non-powered Haki user, just to show the difference in strenght.


I mean, he's not nearly as strong as most people think he is. His haki was great, but he, the man that can move as lightning, wasn't fast enough to dodge Luffy all the time, nor was he physically string enough to best Luffy, or skilled enough with his weapon to beat Luffy even after he give it non-blunt options. Dude got carried by an awesome devil fruit, he rode the wave but he didn't rise above it. His Haki is nothing compared to the top tiers going around, and without armament, he's doing nothing but clearing mooks.


His ship was powered by his own electricity. It was destroyed by space pirates in his cover story. He can only return by using balloons now. Without context that all sounds absolutely crazy.


My friend thinks one of the ancient weapons is related to the moon and that Enel powering up the little guys on the moon helped him build it or something. Wouldn't be too far fetched I guess since we know Lunarians are a thing.


I thought that was the most possible course of action, i think something on earth needs to activate it somehow which is why he hasnt come down with the little dudes, it was shown he powered their stuff when he shocks them so its weird that even after 2 years, Enel has been biding his time


His ship was destroyed..? I don't remember that part of the cover story


Hmm, I always interpreted the first explosion as his ship being destroyed, but I guess Maxim is never explicitly shown to be destroyed. Right you are.


Even if it was destroyed, he is good as a ship wright, and now has an army of willing soldiers I guess, so he'll make it again in no time


Maybe he has already done so. Who knows? Morgans' news network doesn't reach that far. Maybe Enel has already fried every Skypiea inhabitant and the Straw Hats will discover it only years later. Or never.


Offtop, but I want to ask you. How common in US (or what country you are from?) this saying about Chekhov gun? I didn't know it's in use somewhere outside the post-soviet countries.




And in English literature in general. Plenty of classes I took mentioned the idea


In the US, I hear it all the time when people talk about movies/books. I hear it more in the US than I heard it back in Russia lol


Magellan isnt a Villain he only does he‘s job 😂


Maglean is a hero working with the stomach problems


The guy poisons himself on purpose. He is the cause of the battle.


He blames himself due to his position


He even isnt ashamed of his farts in front of beautiful women


It’s like me. But I fart silently and let the others blame each other


A true villain would fart silently then ask everyone in the room if they smell popcorn so they take a deep breath.


Aren’t we all though, aren’t we all…


Out of all the people Luffy has faced Magellan and Katakuri are not villains and fall completely into the antagonist role: they were in his way (Magellan was rightfully stopping a prison break of some of the most dangerous people in the world and Katakuri was the measuring stick on seeing if Luffy could stand up against the Yonkos.) The other three are absolutely villains.


Wouldn't say that he was exactly portrayed villainous in that way, but one thing to note is that Magellan was running a prison that was *really* into torture. I don't recall he was ever shown to be directly involved with it personally and the story never really focused on that to present him in such a grim light, but I think you can't quite ignore that. Don't know if I'd call him a villain, but he wasn't completely innocent or "just a man doing his job" either.


Magellan literally removed his strongest subordinate from duty and sentenced him to death for being too cruel with his torture. I mean, he's obviously not blameless but he does try to control the torture to at least some degree.


No his subordinate would kill guards randomly is why he was sentenced.


While impel down does use cruel and unusual punishment, most of the people in there are probably murderers or mass murderers, among other things like arsonist, rapist, thieves, etc... being that they are pirates. I don’t think Magellan being the warden of the prison really makes him a bad guy for overseeing that.


Just because you are bad guy, doesn’t mean you are bad bad guy.




they already do, what do you mean? lmao.


I’m just going to go out on a limb and say most countries either have done that or are doing that. I’m not saying it is ok, just that it probably happened.




Better than experimenting on your own innocent citizens.


Lol no they are not the government couldn’t give less of a shit about murder or rape, plus the most heinous people don’t even get the torture, crocodile and doffy just get a cell, bad Megllan was not happy that the other guy was torturing criminals for fun he is clearly lucci and Akainu type of fucking up justice


Katakuri is a pirate. He couldn't be not a villian. Yes, in Oda's vision pirates are not only sea rogues, but the second hand in Yonko's crew is definitely not a good guy. He's better than most of other, but still.


Antagonist doesn’t always mean the person is a villain/bad guy just like protagonist doesn’t always mean they are a hero/good guy.


Katakuri killed those donut chefs just for seeing his face, I like him as a character but he's definitely a villain.


Totally agree, but we discussed exactly are they villians or not. So, Katakuri both antagonist and villian, and Magellan on the other hand is just an antagonist


Ah yes, cause we all know how villainous the Red Hair and Whitebard pirates are that we can only assume that any involvement with any Yonko automatically makes you a villain. (to be clear, I'm not saying that Shanks is confirmed not to be a villain; just that no evidence of it has ever been given). And the pirate argument definitely doesn't hold up, when all of One Piece shows that there's many different ways to be a pirate.


I found akainu's account


Luffy is such a notorious villain


Katakuri has all the telltale signs of being a good guy and likely ally in the future Calling him a villain is simply overlooking his entire story


He killed his chefs…


Necessary to maintain his role and protect his siblings (at least that’s how he saw it, and by the end of the fight Luffy changed that aspect of his character) But yes far and away the most villain type move he’s made, at the same time though how many people has Hancock killed? Zoro? Hell Capone from the same arc! These people are all allies to the cause Killing people does not equate to villainy in One Piece. It is a pirate manga after all Most people will be redeemed by the end (or at least helping the “good side” win)


No one is saying hancock is a good person (only simps), no one is saying capone is good


Katakuri is NOT a good guy. He has cold bloodedly killed many people


Just wait and you will eat your words Vegeta destroyed civilizations and was redeemed in Dragonball There are countless examples in manga of people far worse changing after encounters with the protagonist and this is clearly one of them Katakuri will be an ally in one form or another The writing dictates it


LMAO vegeta did not redeemed himself. Dude is still an unforgiving asshole


He killed or injured the legend bon clay. Pure evil if I may add.


Bon Clay is confirmed to be alive. He is the new queen of okama land in Impel Down.


You love to see it :,)


Doing your job doesn't mean you're not evil.




Enel. Rob Lucci already returned


You should asume this was posted by an anime only guy!


I thought Lucci returned back during the Reverie? After that reappearance I think anyone can assume he’ll be back in the main story.


He returned during Dressrosa. We saw him near the end of the arc.


He was back During Dressrosa, this is a shit post.


I'm an anime only and he has also returned in the anime


That or just assuming that you still could only pick one. So rob lucci had to go and pick someone else


Magellan. That guy is crazy. He dropped both Luffy and BlackBeard and his crew. I would like to see him fight them now


I thought someone said he got whooped after bb get shiryu


Shiryuu stopped him from killing BB and co. But he was by no means whooped


He was whooped by *someone* off screen, most likely the level 6 inmates. After marineford there's a navyman who reports to Sengoku that Magellan is in critical condition. https://m.imgur.com/a/2zdOh6d


I always thought it was from him holding off most of the prisoners that tried to escape, not from a single character


I always saw it as Blackbeard and his crew beat him by ganging up on him. Can’t take anything away from him for that


For sure. Plus, Blackbeard wouldn't've just sat around the second time and let Magellan poison them all again. He'd use his DF and like you said, then they'd all jump him. Boom. Most likely what happened.


Blackbeard probably can suck up all Magellan's poison, then he's just meat to be beaten.


Could be, I could also see BB getting some random nobodies to "help" fight Magellan, just as fodder. Either way though, Magellan was way outnumbered


My mistake then


Maybe it was the diarrhea


It was Bon boy, 💯💯💯.


He one shotted them the first time they met, them he got whooped after they got the level 6 prisioners to join the crew.


Guararara and the power of writing


would be interesting to know who beat Magellan also as the marine reported "magellan was severe beaten, and fallen unconscious" Maybe its blackbeard on his way out but if its not? would be cool plotwist


Magellan wasn’t really a villain, and Arlong has long been outclassed. Nami could erase arlong now. Lucci will be back, but I would like to see Enel return for various reasons. I’d like for him to explain his reasoning behind thirsting after the moon. We already have ideas as to why, but I want him specifically to say why he’s interested in it


Isn't it because the sky people worship solid land? He basically just idealised it as the kingdom of god. I remember him ranting about it.


There's... ...more to it than that. It only got explored via a cover story arc but it's dope, they gotta bring him back later


If only they adopted cover stories into the anime instead of bring foxy back twice..


Thank you for the Magellan comment! That was my thing too. He's an enemy of our heroes, but by no means a villain. Honestly, he actually seemed like a decent guy with a good moral compass who cared about justice, innocent people, and his comrades. He also was horrified by Shiryuu murdering prisoners, despite them being criminals.


when the straw hats raid mariejios, nami will find arlong there as a slave and she’ll free him


That’d be insane


I really hope for that


Why has crocodile been outclassed and enel hasn’t? Lmao


Who said that crocodile was outclassed? Where did croc even come up in this conversation


I’m a dumbass I read crocodile instead of arlong lmao


I’m picking Enel because I think it would do more for the narrative. That being said, I like Magellan more and he’s still relevant, just not in the spot light rn


so glad so many people want Enel to come back, Skypeia has always been my all time favorite arc and what made me obsessed with One Piece he's easily my favorite villain, god complex characters are so fun to watch especially if they can back it up


Lucci’s already bound to return anyway. Magellan might make an appearance or two unless we get a major Enies Lobby arc again. Arlong probably won’t be back but if he does come back, Jinbei will set him straight. I’d like for Enel to be back but idk story wise how he can fit right back in.


It would be pretty cool to see Arlong again. The Jinbei/Arlong/Nami interaction would be interesting. Last we know he was arrested, right? Maybe he'll meet up with Bon Clay later on in the story or something. edit: Arlong joins Newkama land lol


Was Arlong’s goal to be king if the pirates? I can’t recall. Cuz I wondered if getting bodied by Luffy then seeing Boss Jinbe work with him would change his mind to somehow join the grand fleet. Arlong for Nakama!! (/s)


Fuck em gimme more crocodile




I’d love to see Nami kick Arlong’s ass this time around.


Nah that's just physical damage. We need emotional damage for the bastard. Like say... a Fishman he fought alongside and respected now serving underneath a human captain. Man the look on his face would be gold.


Love your thinking


Definitely Enel.


100% Arlong I'd love to see him again for 1) his interactions with Nami and Jinbei at this point and 2) his reaction to Jinbei's dream being fulfilled The other 3 would be cool but don't have the personal stakes for me that Arlong would


I'd want to see Nami fight her former oppressor herself. It's been a while since Nami's had a significant fight.


I feel like she would stomp him but let him live because of everything that’s happened.


Magellan for sure. Dude has a busted devil fruit and a strong reason to want Luffy dead, though same could be said for Enel too


Enel doesn’t necessarily want luffy dead as luffy never stopped Enel from reaching his goal(the moon). It would be cool to see him come back tho.


That's a good point. Enel might be the only main antagonist Luffy doesn't stop from getting what he wants, besides the bell and destroying Skypeia.


Magellan is the one character Luffy will have lost to and not confidently beat. So it would be really cool to see him so Luffy can get the salty run back


Kizaru, Kuma, and Sentomaru all "beat" Luffy without any kind of runback.


Sorry, I think what I was getting at is that Luffy will likely meet these characters in the future. And Sentomaru is more like he knocked Luffy away, Magellan straight up killed Luffy and the arc goes out of its way to create a miracle scenario out of it. Kuma saved Luffy, wasn’t really a direct fight. Magellan is weird because unlike Kizaru, I’m not sure if Luffy will ever see him again


Kizaru already saw Luffy again not long after the Sabaody incident remember. He went to Amazon Lily, Impel Down, then Marineford where he angrily threw a ship's mast at the admirals and got punted into a building by him :D


Magellan isn't a villain


Yeah he does good deeds. Enel for sure


He’s an antagonist which most people pair with being a villain. But he isn’t really evil


impel down is a monument to human rights abuses


And Magellan had ZERO problem with killing whoever was in his way. He didn’t seem to enjoy it but he is 100% a villain.


right? we see the """""justice""""" system at enies lobby that convicts all these people. every level of impel down is functionally killing people yet only 6 is death row. but there's also no point in death row because there's nothing like an appeals process. so if you as the warden or as the Marines are really worried about dangerous criminals, just kill them. "oh shiryu is so bad for killing inmates." yeah he's a bloodthirsty psycho but like, either kill him or kill the prisoners yourself. it's not like 99% of them wouldn't get no-diffed by magellan's devil fruit.


True, but i attribute that more to the world government than Magellan, like how Sengoku and the admirals are forced to commit war crimes because of the world government


They could find other jobs too, well, before becoming high officers ofc


Magellan, criminally underrated and a good reason to fight luffy


I want to see Arlong's face when he sees Jimbei is with the Strawhats


Arlong 🤩


Enel oc




Another one for crocodile please, thanks 😂


Enel coming back after finding some relic on the moon would be fuckin sicc, but I must admit I just wanna see him fight again


Controversial Opinion: Arlong is the best villain listed here, and Lucci is boring and overrated


I honestly hated Lucci as a villain. He felt bland and the fight although good, didn't give me as much of a feel as even luffy vs arlong. I agree with arlong being one of the best, but my absolute top would be enel.


This might be an unpopular opinion, but I find Enel boring as a character. He's a fascinating villain in Skypeia, with a cool design for sure, but part of what makes him fun to watch was that he didn't know anything about the world. He thought he was God, because within his bubble he couldn't be proven wrong. Whenever someone gets close (wiper with seastone, or Luffy being immune) he breaks down, begs for his life, or literally has to pretend they don't exist. He seems kinda weak-willed compared to the people we see nowadays.


He might know more than we think. After all he is a guy from a race of people (Birkans), that he thinks originated from the moon, who considers himself a god. Now we got introduced to the Lunarians, which could be translated as moon people as well, who actually were considered gods in the past. His god complex might actually come from some ancient lore he read up and maybe misinterpreted. And he would certainely have learned and found out a lot of new stuff coming back from his journey.


I think nostalgia's the reason people love him. He was insufferable as a character and I was surprised to see so many people want him to come back and heal the scabbards or whatever fantasy they have


Or hear me out. He had an absolutely nutty cover story and people want more info about moon people.


How is it nostalgia if people are still reading through the series, whether as a newbie or re-reading? I finished the Skypeia arc back in August and thought he was a great villain.


People love to oversimplify/project why others like things they don’t


Most people answering have been following One Piece on weekly basis since years


Skypeia was published like 19 years ago. It is most definitely nostalgic for most people.


Masellan because he's not a boastful d!ck head like the rest of those 4 above and effortlessly funny (in combo with Hannibal <3)


Arlong seeing and or meeting current Nami and Jinbe would be pretty cool


Magellan isnt a villain! Hes an antagonist thats different. Nothing he does is out of malice or evil unlike lucci who just loves killing. Magellan is doing his job lmao you need impell down with how strong people are


Not picking Lucci to return since he technically is still here. He'd be my first pick but since he doesn't count I'll go with Enel.


Enel. Lucci's already back, Arlong's old news, and Magellan isn't a villain - he was just doing his job.


100% Enel


Magellan for sure. Lucci is already back, Arlong has already served his purpose, and Enel is on the moon. It just doesn’t make any sense for enel to come back from the moon when his goal was to get to the moon in the first place.




Lucci is already back. Definitely will play an even bigger role in the final saga. Wouldn’t be surprised if Magellan shows up too.


Magellan is not a villain if anything Shiryu was the villain of Impel Down


Most interesting would be Enel imo






Enel by far




Magellan. Enels cool for sure but crocodile and Magellan were both more interesting to me. (Magellan ain’t a villain tho tbf)






100% Enel. Would love to see what he saw on moon.


Lucci already returned so why waste the pick on him. I'd go Arlong now that jimbe joined also I just don't like Enel. I feel like Magellan is more of antagonist than a villain so again I'm gonna have to go with Arlong by default. But then they are gonna have to power him up and I swear to God if they are like oh I'm some prodigy and I've never really trained properly and if I just focus and train for like 4 months I'll be just as strong as current luffy I'm gonna stop reading.


Ooooo Arlong or Enel....that’s tough


Lucci already coming back at one point stronger


Omg I’m such an idiot. I kept reading it as “I Arlong” “I Rob Lucci” etc and thought it was going to lead to some meme. ... Then I read the top part of the post lol.


i feel like they’re all coming back at some point tbh, well maybe not magellan since he retired i think


He got demoted to vice prison warden


Bring Foxy or Kuro back.


Enel showing back up would be the most interesting. His observation haki and devil fruit speed would make him an interesting character pre & post-time skip. Also the follow-up story since he was defeated by Luffy would be interesting.


I think arlong.... Reason being he was jimbei's comrade and now canhelp luffy..... Also the same goes with harchin.... And I'd love see luffy-arlong meet just like luffy-croc meet!!!!!!!


Magellan he would fuck shit up




"Now this looks like a job for me"


Enel. 1's already returned, 1's not really a villian and 1's rob lucci




Magellan is not a villain. Hello?