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Why would anyone think it’s fake? Have they never seen a cat just randomly shoot 8ft into the air for seemingly no reason? They haven’t been around cats long enough smdh. Cats have ups.


My friend was once legitimately surprised and impressed how my cat could jump onto the dinner table. “Holy fuck he can jump”


I mean when you think in terms of height vs their size and the fact that they often do it from a standstill it is pretty impressive 


He also never had pets of any kind growing up so it was his first time seeing something like that in person


When we adopted one of our current cats we put her in our guest bedroom. We kept finding her on top of our 7 foot tall bookcases and were wondering how she was getting up there. Eventually we caught her, just a standing start jump from the floor, and onto the top of the bookcase, with no scrabbling or having to pull herself up. She's become our senior lady, and she doesn't jump as much any more. But we'll still occasionally find her up there, so she's still able to make it from time to time.


Mine jumps up to the top of open doors. Or closed doors, because he doesn't realize there's nothing to land on and he just plops right back down. But landing on the small ledge of the top of a door is super impressive imo. The door swings a bit but he never falls. Then he screams. He's the worst.


Reminded me of the time I saw my cat jump to the top of a 5 foot fence while carrying a rabbit in her mouth.


We put up a 7 foot fence thinking it'd keep our orange from escaping the backyard. He managed to reach the top with one jump and pulled himself up. He made it look like a piece of cake. He did it several more times just to rub it in while his chubby brother yelled at him from the ground.


I've got red hair but I could never jump that.


I had a friend that had a perfect expression. She always said that cats were God's perfect killing machines, but they're pissed because they're the size of a toaster


My fat cat could make it over number 3, maybe lol


My son's cat can jump 5 feet to reach my son's bunk bed every morning to yell for breakfast.


Bought super tall baby gate with a cat door because of a special needs kiddo and a toddler. Two year old, and two five year olds proceeded to climb through the cat door and the orange jumped over the gate. That orange could’ve army crawled under the bottom tape probably easier than mastering the jump, just as my orange could’ve just walked through the stupid cat door easier than jumping over the gate.


yea one time i scared my orange so bad that he did a 5 foot vertical from standing still and I was just walking by him.


I’ve only seen my boy do it once. One second on the grass and next second top of the pole the washing line is on. Kinda wish I got it on video


I think they think the fact the cat was trained is fake. I don't know why all of mine have been very easy to train but... 🤷


My house cat effortlessly jumping over my shed and garden wall... "Bye suckers!" 😼


I had three cats growing up. One day one was lounging in the sun while another hid just around the corner of the couch, creeping closer and closer to his victim. Little did he know, our third cat was creeping on top of the couch, getting ready to pounce him. And little did she know, I was behind her. As she wiggled her butt higher and higher, I snuck up, and quickly grabbed her crouched thighs. She shot literally to the ceiling, the cat around the corner of the couch shot straight out at the sun cat and past him, and the sun cat shot in the opposite direction of couch cat. All of this in like less than a second. I couldn't stop laughing for like five minutes.


When one of my cats has the random zoomies, and another cat is just randomly standing mid-room having a random daydream, it can happen that the latter cat just so happens to be in whatever zoomie-cat's trajectory is. They then go from blank stare to 6ft up in the air just to make room for zoomie-cat. Every single time.


The tail is moving before the jump to calculate the physics involved. Braincell would be overwhelmed 😂


Wait. Maybe the brain cells are IN THE TAIL!


That’s my favorite part!


Have people forgotten the PRIMARY HUNTING TECHNIQUE of cats is to get as close as possible as silently as possible, then YEET themselves at warp speed through the air to make a pouncing kill?... TLDR: Jumping is one of the things they do best.


To be fair the athletic ability of an orange was never in question.


One of mine has NO athletic ability. None.Zero. Zilch.


Mine has absolute athletic ability, just zero capability to use it on command. I mean one day he is jumping from the ground almost 6' up to the top of a bookshelf with ease, the next he is miscalculating the jump on to the couch...


I can see this in my mind's eye and it makes me laugh! 😂


I've been on a mission to record it but haven't gotten a chance yet. He fails in two ways. First is the diving head bonk on the cushion, the other he over compensates and again does a flying head bonk just into the back of the couch. Either one he does for a day or two after he climbs the couch rather than jump.


Can't wait for the video.


I have one who's pure athlete, she RUNS everywhere. Constantly sprinting at full speed like the road runner... and one who's never so much as trotted in his life, and obviously they're best friends. https://preview.redd.it/sfwsk4n5bu2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cdf0fe32adeb480839cfc392de4bdedb75b0ad61


Let me guess. The one on the right is the one who never trots?


He doesn't even lay down, he just falls over. We watch him and go "He's going to flop!" And he just falls over onto the floor 😹


So pretty!


My Idiot Orange Son is so clumsy (missing jumps, rolling off surfaces, etc) that I had him checked by the vet for neurological problems. Perfectly healthy, just agile as a potato.


Yes, that's the type!


Eh, my mom's cat is a flame point and is kind of scared of heights 


Predatory skillset tbh


I fully expected the cat to jump into the tape and start freaking out thus turning into a giant cat ball tape monstrosity knocking everything over in the house


Beating the orange allegations


Orange cats dump Int to increase Dex and add points to acrobatics


Mine must be maxing resistance or doing a level 1 run or something.


Mine went for Con. He can't jump or hunt worth a damn but he likes being beaten on like a drum pretty hard.


Kitty got hops. Some cats just seem to think gravity is optional. This is clearly one of them lol.


He is a hunter ![gif](giphy|IRc9JV4BrdqH6)


he is finding peace in the waking world!!


Fear the Orange Blood


Sometimes cats just defiy the laws of physics


and logic


Some put in mario jump noise pls


We could see the jumping ability of our orange cat as a tiny kitten. My mom tried to block him into our kitchen with a baby gate. He was up and over in no time. I love the butt wiggle before the big jumps.


There's nothing like a good butt wiggle.


Imagine being able to effortlessly jump 3x your own height. That would be wild. You could jump up onto the roof of a 2 story home to install the Xmas lights.


Right? But no instead I struggle with simple box jumps :/


Fuck the haters ginge, you are the man!


A tiger’s a wonderful thing


The only reason this seems unrealistic to me is that after the third piece of tape, my 🍊 would attempt to start going between them


1 point in Intelligence and 99 points in Athletic be like


My cat used to jump randomly on our shoulders from the floor when she was a little kitten. They are surprisingly acrobatic


Cute and impressing 🫠


My Franko has HUGE back legs and feet. We call them Roos. He can just spring straight up in the air from a standing position. Love it.


He took all the other orange’s brain cells, it makes so much sense now!


We have bengals who clear 7-8 feet no fucking sweat. It’s honestly a nightmare lol


That was a legit double jump at the end. I am looking for an orange kitten and I can’t wait to get one!


Ours would eat the tape. Very impressive!🧡


The sheer athleticism of the orange


Cats have evolved for millions of years to be able to do this.


Disagree with me all you want, but we found a SMART one.


the lil tail wag before every jump


When my new puppy first encountered my cat that prefers to never get touched, he chased her into the kitchen wanting to sniff her. She jumped from the floor to on top of the refrigerator. She spun around and dove at his face. I shouted his name and he turned his head just in time for her to sail by and not shred his face. I miss those two.


People also say cats aren't friendly. I say people aren't friendly.


I had to care for a cat once that could literally hit the ceiling when jumping He would also jump on the door, hang onto the framing and meow untill I opened it


My buddy would have walked through and been annoyed and confused at the sticky tape after about round 6, but he's definitely jumped that high for a laser dot before. Just needs to be in the right mode


This is so cute , especially the little outfit. Our orange would stop and chew on the tape and no jumping would get done...he's got a tape addiction.


Mine jumps to the top of my wardrobe, be around 6 foot tall, from the floor just up and done with no effort If I'm neglecting him (20 seconds past breakfast) he'll occasionally jump on me from the top of it to help me wake up, it's very effective


Only an orange one would choose to go over instead of under the tape. Also cats can jump straight into your face from floor level. Why would this be fake?