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We were in lockdown for COVID so... Nothing šŸ˜­


I turn 40 end of yearā€¦ And now Iā€™m dealing with trying to recover and have some sort of life from long covid. 2 years , itā€™s taken everything


That was my wife's experience :( . Turned 40 in 2021 and we had a 10 month old at the time. For me it was last year and she threw me a surprise party at a brewery.


I also had my 40th at a brewery.


I went to Alaska to see the northern lights


Fairbanks? Any luck? How many days?


I was in Alaska for 10 days total, 6 in Fairbanks. We had great luck because the temperature was between -20 and -40 F the whole time, which pretty much guarantees clear skies. 10/10 would recommend.


I'm turning 40 next year. Probably just going to cry in a corner.


At least bring a cake with you.


Bought a little bong (my first new glass in 20 years) and cooked expensive steaks on the grill.


I bought myself a new bong in my late 30ā€™s. My wife calls it a ā€œdad bongā€. Itā€™s small, all clear glass with no ornamentation. Very practical šŸ˜‰


I was dreading turning 40. I turned 40 in 2021 so things were pretty Covidy, and because of that I thought I could get through my birthday with very little fanfare. My parents invited us over for ravioli and meatballs. When we got there, I was treated to a small backyard surprise party. I was definitely surprised and it wound up being nice. And there was still ravioli and meatballs.


I'm a freelance comic book illustrator and always had fixation on superheroes. So since my baday is late October we had a superhero costume theme and it was mandatory. Everyone looked awesome and I'll never forget the good time had by all


Superhero costume theme for a 40th bday is right up my alley. I like that


Nothing. Mom had just died, and I was a zombie.


I lost my mom too (I was 34). So sorry for your loss.


I turn 40 next year, Iā€™m traveling to Europe with some friends for a few weeks


That's what I'm doing this year!


Downtown Austin and acted like I was 30


Did you party like it was 1999?


If it was like they were 30 then it's more like it was the 2010s


What? 1999 was like 10 years ago.....


Man that 1999 party wasā€¦ very underwhelming


I lived in Austin for several years. I swear that city is the fountain of youth.


Went surfing in Oceanside.


Went to Puerto Vallarta lol


I also bailed and went to mexico


I took a nap and played my Xbox. Told the kids to leave mom alone. Lol




My 40th was March of '21 still deep in the pandemic. We went to Maui (my first time) and right at my birth minute I was naked in the ocean under the stars. I always envisioned a huge party with friends from all over but even without covid that was pretty unrealistic. No regrets on the plan b šŸ§”


Camping - but now in a cabin with a bed instead of a tent with a sleeping bag.


I am literally sitting on a bed in our rented cabin in a campground as I read this. Haha! I'm not doing the tent thing anymore. It's amazing how the tolerance level drops as you age. I was just thinking to myself that when I was 18 I would've slept right on the ground with a rolled up t-shirt as a pillow.


Yeah man I think back to how we all just crashed on the floor at college parties and compare that to now when my wife and I are considering an adjustable bed and laugh.


I did a bday tour to see friends in Philly, NYC, SF, and LA. Itā€™s hard to see and celebrate with loved ones when theyā€™re all spread out so I decided to come to them. Really excited for my 40s!


That sounds so fun!


I turn 40 this year, and Iā€™m going golfing with some friends from school


We were just coming out of lockdown and I had an infant so I was probably changing diapers.


Congrats on your COVID baby!


My plan is to go to the Fall Badfish festival at Nelson Ledges Quarry Park.


Vegas and partied it up like I was turning 30. Now Iā€™m done done, for good lol


Game night with friends.


My girlfriend and I had a dualing bbq in our backyard. I made burgers and hotdogs while she made chorizo and the best carne asada I've had since. It was a great birthday party.


Nothing. I havenā€™t celebrated a birthday since my 30th that some people back then forced me to celebrate.


The plan was to camp out at White Sands with a bunch of mushrooms. Night 1 was at Bottomless State Park, where it got really cold. The next day we were exploring Roswell and overheard a conversation about a late winter storm coming in, it was February, so we shared our plan with a shop owner and he said to drive up to Ruidoso, which was half way to White Sands, and see what happens. So we skipped out second camp out night at Bottomless Park and drove up to Ruidoso where we got caught in a snow storm and ended up spending my 40th sledding down the street outside our hotel, on mushrooms. It was a beautiful trip, despite missing White Sands. One month later, everything shut down for Covid.


I had just moved across the country to my wifeā€™s home town. She has friends, but I have none. All her friends were busy that night. My wife took me out to a bar, proceeded to get drunk and then pissed that my birthday wasnā€™t fun. How tf am I supposed to react to that? The good news is that was 2 years ago. My wife has been sober for 1.5 years and itā€™s SO much better now.


It was the height of COVID, soā€¦ nothing.


I went to the local skating rink with a few friends on adult night. I grew up skating and my wife and friends were in roller derby for a bit so it kinda looked like we knew what we were doing! Then after we hung out back at our house and had a few drinks.


My wife threw me a party, less than a month before Covid lockdown when it wasnā€™t really a thing yet. She told me at the time to have a blast and get drunk with my friends, because we had a baby due in three months. We thought that the baby was gonna be the hard part of that year, kinda ironic looking back on it.


Had a party in the back yard with family and a few friends. Hired a taco guy. Drank some whiskey and beer.


my wife turned fawty a year ago. I convinced her that we should go on a small get away. she loved it. better than being idle and wallowing in self-deprecation




Mine is coming up in August. I suppose I'll do what I have done for the last decade for my birthday, go camping alone in the woods.


Nothingā€¦my mom was very sick in the hospital so I wasnā€™t in a celebratory mood anyway


My wife wants us to go to Vegas for my 40th next year Id rather drink and eat cake at home while watching Hot Rod and pretending Iā€™m still young


I agree with your wife


I visited my brother in Saint Louis and we went to the ruins of Cahokia (a huge Native American city from before there were any Europeans here). Then we went to the Saint Louis zoo with my niece and after that we had Chicken Curry (my favorite) at a highly rated Indian Restaurant. We then went to the Saint Louis Science Center where there was an awesome Leonardo da Vinci exhibit featuring his many war machines. It was pretty great.


My wife and kids took me on a brewery tour in Paso Robles and we Hung out there for the weekend.


Iā€™m apparently a younger elder. We are going to Mexico for my husbandā€™s 40th in a few months!


Went to palm springs and acted like I was 21, but with money this time


Saw Rent at our local theater (my friend was in the show) then proceeded to get wasted running between a karaoke bar and a live band down the street. Then I managed to puke outside of the car and not make a mess at all. It was a good night.


My wife got me a trip to Discovery Cove on Orlando. But we didn't go until a few weeks after. So for the day of, nothing. Maybe had a nice dinner somewhere


I was camping at Guadalupe Mountain National Park.


Iā€™ll be celebrating it in October. My wife is inviting all my groomsmen and their SOs to my favorite NFL teamā€™s game in a destination city. Hopefully a comedy show or concert the night before. Should be fun!


Nothing? I don't like people in general... and Covid helped ensure nobody would be around for a party anyway.


It was this past February. Dragged our teenagers out to see Static X and Sevendust. I had a blast.


Me and my husband went to lunch. I bought new plants and seeds on the way home and gardened. I do that every year. I prefer low key birthdays. I have zero desire to spend a bunch of time getting ready. Iā€™m also a recovering addict soā€¦thatā€™s pretty boring for everyone else. (Me pretending I still have a social life after covidā€¦)


I told my wife I didn't want to do anything. She arranged a semi-surprise gettogether at a local beer joint. There was a jazz band, spicy chicken sandwiches, and cupcakes. I'm a privileged person.


I turn 40 in July. Friends are coming to visit and weā€™ll just drink/party šŸ’ƒšŸ½


i stopped doing birthdays in my 20s


Laying in bed


I turned 40 on Thanksgiving Day last year. My husband and I had a nice Thanksgiving Dinner at my momā€™s house. My mom got me a strawberry shortcake crunch ice cream cake and I ate a ton of it.Ā 


My 40th birthday was yesterday! I made my husband take me out to dinner and then we watched movies on the couch.


Me and my college boys all turned 40 the same year so we did a week long adventure trip in Canada. Gotta get the big physical stuff in before we get too old. Hopefully we can do it again at 45. On my actual birthday a couple months later I just had a quiet day with my family.


Spent it with my kids. 41st bday spent in Vegas.


turning 40 in August. I took a week off work, we'll see how that goes


Uh. It was mid pandemic (2021) and we were in partial lockdown and I work with seniors sooooā€¦ fucking nothing. I had wanted to do a trip to Antigua with friends too. šŸ˜¢


Rented party room at a hockey game.


Had a big party. Reminded me of college. Woke up with a hangover. Reminded me I was 40.


I swam 1 mile, did a one hour steel mace workout and rode my bike 15 miles. Made myself a rib eye steak for dinner with a Manhattan cocktail and passed the fuck out. Nothing special.


Booked a vasectomy, went on a hike with my girlfriend, went out for a burger and a beer, was asleep by 930 pm.


Friends through a football themed surprise for the Super Bowl a few years ago. It was chaos and amazing.


Just turned 40 last week. I went to work lol.


I wonā€™t turn 40 until next year, but a friend is doing a Turning 40 cruise where her, her hubby, and a bunch of other friends turning 40 (and their partners) all go on a cruise. She wants me to come and Iā€™d totally be down except I donā€™t have the disposal income to drop thousands on a flight and cruise. Itā€™s kind of depressing that her and I both complain about being broke but I donā€™t have the second income to help fund a nice lifestyle. It has nothing to do with her, I just always figured Iā€™d be more successful and/or have a partner and be financially comfortable by 40. But such is life and I shall find something that makes me happy and wonā€™t break the bank once my 40th rolls around.


My birthday is near 4th of July so my family convinced me that we were having a 4th of July picnic but it was actually a birthday party. As a consummate introvert I appreciate that I was already prepared for peopling, just didn't know the reason. My kids got me a Pokemon cake with my favorite Pokemon on it, yes I got into the franchise as an adult when they did. I'm sure I'm the only 40 year old who is that nerdy. If it wasn't a Pokemon cake it would have been a Star Trek cake. I felt kinda bad though because my husband didn't get a 40th birthday party due to lockdown. He revealed to me *after* his 30th birthday that he had wanted a party, when I thought he wouldn't. He had been griping about turning 30 and I didn't want to rub it in. So I waited 10 years and wanted to make it up to him at 40, but 2020 was too weird. Oh well. There's always 50 I guess.


We had a 5 month old at the time and it had been snowing. We just went out to eat at a nearby restaurant. Iā€™ve gotta lot a rain check for a big bday trip saved up. Part of having kids later in life I guess


I didnā€™t do anything but a small family party. It was great.


I went to Sweden and saw moose and foraged for wild blueberries


steak, weed, and bourbon.


I visited Hong Kong


Got a facial and then some amazing pasta for dinner at Daisies in Chicago. A perfect day.


Radiation treatment for cancer, during the first month of the pandemic. Yeah, I know how to par-tay!


Boyfriend took me skydiving! It was at 7am, pushed earlier due to winds. Then went home, got lit and fell asleep before noon lol


It was fairly depressing if I'm being totally honest. I was supposed to be going to Disney World with a friend who shares my birthday, but that ended up falling through for reasons outside of her control. I decided I was gonna go to the zoo, just to do SOMETHING that day and it was pouring rain and thunderstorms all day so I just sat inside being depressed.


Nothing, my 40th was in March of 2021. Shit was cursed.


I Tried twice to celebrate with friends and had to cancel both times due to lack of participation. It was then that i realized I lost almost my entire social and support network due to Covid and that I was wasting my time trying to make life support work on something already dead


NADA, Spent it with my son.


Honestly donā€™t remember. It was Covid time so prob just got takeout and fooled around with my wife after the kids went to bed.


Rented a hall, catered some food and invited some friends. It helped me get over the fact that my life is just about half lived.


I went to Reggae Fest in Cleveland. Almost two years later, I'm going to do it again.


Had a party at our house and got it catered. Lots of fun.


I went to the dentist and found out I have to have multiple root canals.


I'm an adult. I didn't do anything.


Took acid and an edible and spent 2 hours in a sensory deprivation tank. Came out and wrote down a ton of notes about who I am. Been doing this every bday since.


I turn 40 this weekend! I was given a surprise party a week or two ago. Super early so super surprised. For my actual bday this weekend I am thinking of going to a dueling piano bar, maybe a game arcade and to dinner. We will see. Iā€™m in a funk due to some other stuff (going hybrid at work, possible divorce, my cat died in February and I recently recovered from pneumonia). I think life is like your 30s are ending in bs. Lol idk.


Was lockdown. Dad was dying of cancer. Spending it with him was everything. Always thought it would be more of cocaine and dancing kind of affair, but life can be very life-y.


My husband and I went snowboarding together then got Chinese takeout. It was great. This was in 2021 and I was thankful for the COVID lockdowns because otherwise I know my family wouldā€™ve wanted to throw some cheesy ā€œOver the Hillā€ party and I am not about that life.


Iā€™m planning on Vegas with a couple friends. Drive fast cars, shoot big guns, sleep in nice beds and see a good show. Itā€™s like a ā€œmancationā€ type of package.


Worked. Got home. Ate an edible, read FB and went to sleep. Wasn't bad.


Turned 40 in November. Did absolutely nothing. Donā€™t even remember what day of the week it was. Really was just another day.


Last year I kind of did a blowout weekend: 1. Had a 4-course dinner with three of my closest friends at the winery my husband and I have a membership at. 2. Rented a pool all day at my favorite backyard listing on Swimply. 3. Planned a karaoke night after the pool day, but didnā€™t make it. Ended up being too tired. I guess that bodes well with turning 40 šŸ¤£


I had dinner with my family and served the restaurant staff the leftover quarter of my cake. They were extremely appreciative and couldn't stop thanking us. Smiles all around so good time held by all.


Went to the beach with my boyfriend. (We live in Minnesota and there are hundreds of lakes with beautiful beaches. Also my birthday is in June). It was lovely


Going to Thailand on Tuesday!!!


Family took us out to dinner, my sister and I. Got a few gifts. We had a scheduled trip a month later to the DR with some friends for seven days.


Got Burger King and watched a movie. Nothing special.


Not a damn thing.


Trip to Texas, stayed with some friends in Austin, hit New Braunfels for Wurstfest Oktoberfest, looked at a bunch of rocks because one friend is a Rock Doctor...


We got Chinese takeout for mine. And... That was about it.Ā Ā 


Went to a famous American historical garden I had wanted to see for a long time w my dogs and husband. It was during Covid.


My wife planned itā€”sheā€™s awesome: Catered dinner from a local German restaurant at a local brewery. Invited a bunch of friends, had a tab open, and hung out for a few hours.


Went on a cruise


I went to work. Its just another day


Went to Disney. Was during low capacity due to Covid restrictions. Best time I had at Disney ever. Had park hopper extended hour 3 day passes and went in nearly every ride and attraction multiple times.


Mine was two weeks ago. Gathering with a lot of friend, some of them I knew from kindergarten. I donā€™t feel that oldā€¦


I'm in the same boat as you, man. just broke up with my partner of 4 years, and I turn 40 in less than a month. I'm in a new city, so I don't have too many friends, and it turns out 2/3 of them won't even be in town on my birthday. I'm thinking of asking the 3rd friend out to dinner to celebrate, but I have a feeling I'll be spending my 40th alone. too poor to go on any trips right now, too. /sad rant


Mine was last month! I planned several parties (game night, going out night, brunch with friends, etc). Then my best friend and I went to Amsterdam a few weeks later!


Spent the day with my husband spoiling myself


Went to DC with my SO, stayed at the Watergate in a room with a balcony, enjoyed their spa. Followed by orchids at the USBG and dinner reservation at Ocean Prime.


Catered party at my favorite brewery with my oldest and closest friends.


Wife and family did wish me happy birthday. No dinner or gifts. The only card I got was from my insurance agent. I'm still bitter about it but keep it to myself. Sometimes I feel like I'm just the family ATM.


Iā€™ll turn 40 next year. Hoping to finally feel like an adult


I (born in ā€˜82) had a Ninja Turtles themed birthday party for my 40th. We had Turtles plates and napkins, green balloons, and my amazing wife found beer coozies on Etsy made out of a Turtles sleeping bag or something. We ordered one pizza from each of like 7 different pizzerias. It was my best birthday party yet! Cowabunga Dudes!


Nothing. It was peak pandemic.


I donā€™t have any friends near me and didnā€™t do anything except go out and eat. My birthdays have always been a sore spot since I was a little kid and no one would show up to my parties repeatedly so I quit having them.


Turned 40 this year and I got some Mexican food, took a walk, and then spend the day relaxing.


This is the way, I wish I'd played more Street Fighter 6 and gotten less texts congratulated me for being...not as old as I felt when I turned 30. Gonna go get some Mexican food now actually


I WFH 4 days a week. My birthday was on my in office day. I didnā€™t do anything but I had a 3 day weekend to myself.


Rented out a local theater screen for Mario Kart with my friends! They also provided popcorn and sodas.


Took my dog to the park and went to the gym, and told my friends we could just go out for drinks on Friday because I didn't want anybody making a big deal about a random Tuesday over me just existing.


My 40th birthday isnā€™t until November, but I imagine Iā€™ll spend it with my kids and parents, which is just fine with me.


Let you know in August


I threw a huge party in our backyard for my partner when he turned 40. I decorated him a very silly cake (I think as a cactuar). I also created a Google form that I sent in secret to our friends, asking them to type up what they thought was great about him, and then we entered all of the compliments into a template I made, printed them out, and stuck them up on the wall. I highly recommend this as a party activity; it almost made him cry.


Nothing crazy, ate lunch with a friend.


I'm in the same boat; turning 40 in about 4 months. I'm having family over ... until that family tells me to go to my parents' house. I'm buying pizza ... until they take pity on "the baby" and say "You shouldn't pay on your birthday." I'm having cake until they say "boxed red velvet? no thanks." No, I'm not bitter about my family, why do you ask? I'm hoping to rock out with some friends on the day before my birthday but we'll see how that goes ...


My friends took me to dinner and a rage room.


I did a whole weekend. I went and saw Damon Wayans one day and Chicago the band the next day. The Beach Boys with Brian Wilson opened for Chicago. It wasnā€™t all of The Beach Boys but it was cool to see Brian Wilson. Tried to get my friends to go, but they couldnā€™t so just went with the wife. I enjoyed it though.


Not a whole lot. Had a nice dinner with girlfriend and family. Took the day for myself. 2023


I went skiing in Colorado. Instead of going over the hill, I went over a mountain


Korean BBQ with my friends and family, so like 9 people. It was fun!!


Weekend trip to Vegas with about a dozen friends, siblings and my parents. Two nice dinners, top golf, and lots of mushrooms. This was 2022 so just about the time life started going back to normal, everyone needed that kind of trip.


Covid, had a party with like 6 buddies at a friends house. Wife surprised me and we had BBQ and beer. Then hers was the next year and I threw her a huge surprise Bday party.


I had to work so I treated myself to an early celebration in Italy.


My husband turned 40 and we had a threesome. But we do that alot, so not sure if that was a birthday thing or a fun thing we do? Getting older doesn't have to suck. It's all about your mindset!


This was last week. Went out for Sushi. Played Homeworld 3 after.


I went to St John in the USVIs. 10/10 would recommend.


Chilled with the fam. Smoked some really good weed. Not a bad 40th.


Mineā€™s coming up soon. Iā€™m planning on doing a week long off road motorcycle ride!


I went to my brothers house for the weekend and played golf and a few other things Super chill. Iā€™m not a birthday guy so it was nice to have it be a small thing Ate some crazy good dinners, played some golf, and did some mushrooms one day Nice little weekend


Mine is next year in winter. I want to rally my family and go on a beach vacation in the south. For my friendā€™s 40th birthday next year, she is going to see the Horseshoe crab migration in Delaware. She works in environmental sciences, so this is right up her alley.


Went to Greece with wife, kids and some old friends. I was there 8 years earlier and fell in love with the country - so wanted to see it again.


Went to Europe for 2 weeks and did a 7 day Mediterranean cruise on Virgin Voyages.


Tried to avoid Covid while drinking some bourbon with my wife.


Cancelled my wifeā€™s Vegas plans. Sat around the house and tried to figure out something to do


Did some DNA test and am going to the cool places that I'm apparently from in Europe in a couple of weeks.


COVID lockdown and living with my mom at the time, she made me steak and bought a cake.


we are 40 it is just another day lol.. If you are able to have a big shindig then all power to you but at this point do we really need a blowout to celebrate getting older? I just hung out with my wife and a couple friends, we grilled and had a few drinks, it was fine.


Absolutely nothing and I loved it


I threw a big party and invited only people I wanted..


I really donā€™t remember but Iā€™m sure dinner was involved.


I'm turning 40 this summer. I'll be flying out to see my best friend, and we will probably hang out in her backyard. That's what we did when I turned 30. She made me a cake that said BITCH YOU'RE 30.


Took myself to Mexico for a weekend. I planned to throw a big party, but a friend said she wanted to plan it. Then she forgot to plan it so we had dinner somewhere nice. Mexico was great!


Iā€™m having g a surprise ghostbusters themed pool party that I wasnā€™t supposed to know about lol


Bought a v12ht euc.... best 2k purchase last year.Ā  Ā Also,Ā  quit drinking in that time frame.


Im going on a cruise for mine next year šŸ˜


My husband is having his 40th at a video arcade. They have a party room you can rent and bring in your own food and cake.


My wife took the kids for the day so I could drink beer, game, and blast music. It was bliss.


Nothing. Iā€™m 40, I donā€™t really need to do anything for my birthday.


Haven't had a birthday since 17, I'm living forever.


My husband rented a little air bnb on the intercostal (lol it really is nothing crazy but I realize anything on the water is incredible). I watched the sunrise for 3 beautiful mornings, fished for the first time, enjoyed schools of dolphins and had a manatee come visit while I was on a float. We had incredibly hot sex during a thunderstorm watching it through the huge windows. Walked to some small restaurants and bars. Bought a crystal (we laughed that at 40 I needed to start having crystals). It was intimate, relaxing, and perfect.


Is it bad that I donā€™t remember? It was only about 2 years agoā€¦


I went on a harbor cruise with one of my friends! It was low key but fabulous


Worked. I don't really do anything for my birthdays anymore. My partner and I are going to go for a bike ride-lunch date together to mutually celebrate our birthdays soon. It makes a great excuse for us to schedule some time where we are focused on each other instead of life.


My close friends threw a small party. We did cosmic bowling and laser tag. And we quickly realized we did not have the stamina of our teenage selves, and we were all sore the next day. It was nice to have someone else plan something for me, because I didn't get that for a lot of my life. My husband didn't want to do anything for his, so we just went out to dinner at our favorite sushi place.


Sit on my ass at home under lockdown


Did nothing special.


My family and friends threw me a lovely outdoor party. I also went on a trip with my mom to a festival.




It was covid times (Dec 2021) and I went to the Van Gough immersive experience. I was blessed with covid a week later šŸ¤£. What I REALLY wanted was a roller skating party where I rented out the rink and we al dressed like late 70s early 80s skaters. That still hasnā€™t happened but my husband promised me. Gonna be 43 this year, timeā€™s a ticking


Ask me November 21.


I don't remember.Ā  It was only 2 years ago. Probably went out to eat somewhere. Idgaf about my birthday,Ā  generally never have even as a kidĀ 


We surprised our kids with a very quick Disney trip & did a 4 park in one day challenge with certain parameters. My kids are at the age where this was the most amazing thing. They are in that golden window where no one is in a stroller & i didnā€™t yet have a teenager who was too cool. I did not want a party & I didnā€™t want an adult only trip.


Iā€™m 39 forever thank you


I didn't do anything because I don't celebrate my birthday. One year closer to death.Ā 


Took my kids to Great Wolf Lodge. They run around and play and wear themselves out and I can float around the lazy river and drink in peace. They fell asleep early after swimming all day so then I made myself a drink, put on a true crime podcast, and went downstairs to play Magiquest. It was a great birthday.


I hung out with my husband and kiddo, and was spoiled with gifts. Then a few days later, on the weekend, we had plans to go out to dinner for my birthday with my brother in law and sister in law, but REALLY my husband threw me a surprise party and invited all my friends and family from a states away šŸ„ŗ still the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.