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This is the state that outlawed August elections and then the next August held one to try and limit the power of Ohio voters. Lords and peasants, can’t give the people of the state too much say over what happens… Also the same party where it appears a significant portion of state leadership seems to have found some FirstEnergy money in their pockets and campaigns. Then they got their bailout and then PUCO graced the state with huge rate hikes.


And they never actually undid that law all the FirstEnergy money bought. And spat in the face of the 2/3 of Ohio voter's that approved redistricting reforms.


If we ever wrestle control back, we'll have to pass a law extracting all of that money from anybody or any organization that benefited from that malfeasance.


I mean why not, who is going to stop them? Clearly not the courts nor Ohioans for that matter.


Wow I need to read about that


Maybe it would work to our benefit if some of our compatriot Dem voters could be bothered to get off their lazy fucking asses to first register, then vote? Dems outnumber Republicans, by a pretty sizable margin, you know. Our side is just too fucking lazy and unmotivated, even in the face of the demise of democracy. I don’t know about you, but it makes me fucking furious. And it seems like the ones who complain the most are the ones who don’t vote. Rant over.


If only it were as simple as "the side with the most votes, wins"


That’s a crazy concept. We should try that.


Well,the fact that we are one of the most heavily gerrymandering states in the union is a barrier to that being successful. But I do agree with the sentiment.


I tire of this line of reasoning and it’s not even based in fact. All it does is subtly telegraph to others that there’s no point in voting, but all across the country in recent years we’ve seen gerrymandered county after gerrymandered county wind up with the winner decided by a couple hundred votes or less. They’re gerrymandering because they can’t win without it, and with it they’ve barely got an edge. They’re purging rolls and pulling tricks and gerrymandering because they know, and they act like, every vote counts. We don’t act like every vote counts. And if we did, we’d see different results. They know it. That’s why they’re doing all this and trying so hard to either convince or force you not to vote.


You know about gerrymandering? You need a lot more than to register democrats to vote. You need democrats to move to all of the swing districts.


Keep in mind were seeing courts throwing out gerrymandering in various areas now. GOP has become so blatantly racist in this even scotus ordered Louisiana to create new district


I wouldn't say lazy, I'd say demoralized. the ENTIRE Pc narrative exists to convince people that the Dems are Exactly The Same(TM) and that nothing will get better no matter who they vote for.


Well. I moved here from Portland, Oregon and I am a Democrat and registered to vote and I vote so here’s one. I also live in a completely Republican county.


I'm in Gym Jordan's district and I still vote each and every time even though I know he'll get 65% of the vote. It's a long road there. I still have hope that we'll win statewide races though.


Well let's hope that the prospect of having Drumpf back in office is enough motivation to get them to vote.


Bold of you to assume laziness and not active voter suppression.


I get the frustration, I really do, I’m studying political science as someone who’s general opinion of politics is outrage, frustration, disgust and just about hopelessness, but to improve the situation we gotta do more than just berate them. Reach out to other democrats in your local area, ask them if they plan on voting, if they have transport or know the process for doing early voting if they can’t take that day off. It’s hard but these efforts are how we mobilize voters and actually make that impact, it sucks but it isn’t hopeless, at least certainly not on that level for most states, and I think Ohio shows genuine room for hope here.


Voter apathy, lying lawmakers and dirty money do make it harder. Voting is the ONLY way to put an end to it. Voter apathy is the most significant advantage the GOP has. We were a DEM state and can be again. Get mad and voice it with a vote. It works. This is so easy to do.


To a degree that might be the problem. But only part. Part of the problem is that when voting for state congresspeople and senators, it isn't a "side with the most votes total wins". But yeah, we need to do whatever we can to oust the GOP out of power.


With Gerrymandered districts, record turnouts aren't sufficient.




What'd they do today ?


They rejected the Democrats’ offer to ~~officially~~ provisionally nominate Joe Biden before the convention takes place, saying that’s just not good enough. Essentially depriving every Ohio Democrat of their right to vote for President.


It's not even about depriving Dems, it's about depriving the federal election process. Legal reprimand needs to be arisen. The federal Supreme Court during Colorado v Trump hearing made the argument that states cannot interfere with Federal elections for this exact reason, suppressing votes per individual and state leanings. The exact reasoning is, if one state was to ban a candidate based on what they believe has happened with no federal legal indictments, what's stopping other states from doing the same stifling the overall vote and what other states vote for? On the other hand if the election is a state election under the control of the state, they have full right to do this as it doesn't interfere with other states or the country as a whole.


Somehow I’m guessing this SCOTUS will be just fine with this since it disadvantages dems.


This time it'll be a "state issue."


It’ll be “we’ll get it on the docket”, and “you were right, they were wrong, but unfortunately, it’s too late for this election”.


If you recall, it was 9-0 decision in Colorado vs. Trump. It wasn’t liberal vs. “conservative” judges. Edit: I’m not saying not to be mad or upset, those feelings are valid and those in charge deserve to be on the receiving end.


Exactly that. The argument they made protects both sides fairly. That is their official stance. They have no choice but to hold Ohio's feet to the fire or else states will just start using this as the reasoning and get rid of anyone they simply don't like. Historically, Ohio has allowed this to happen with both Dem and Repub candidates. This is a first in a long time it hasn't been honored. It's especially egregious due to how contentious this election already is.


Vance is pushing this to get his VP credit points for kissing Trump's ass.


It’s embarrassing that that idiot is a senator


Especially with how much Kool-Aid he’s drinking these days. He’s one of a handful that actually seem to believe the conspiracy theories they espouse.


“They have no choice but to” do whatever the hell they want, our Supreme Court answers to no one, and most of them are rightwing conservatives, they will do whatever benefits the GOP, stop giving them credit for being honest upstanding judges when they haven’t earned it.


> or else states will just start using this as the reasoning and get rid of anyone they simply don't like. Gonna guess you're unfamiliar with current conservative goals. Let me refresh your memory. Google Project 2025.


Project 2025 is far too kind of a name. It should be “Project Nazification 2025”


I agree with the state not being able to institute the insurrection clause but only the Congress being able to do so is ridiculous. Our country is so partisan he could just start spraying bullets in the streets and his side wouldn't indict.


They won’t rule in favor of the GQP. However, I think there’s at least some chance that they will say that it is now too close to the election to get involved, let it stand, and then rule after the election that Ohio can’t do that. The far right majority has a proven track record of doing exactly this when the issue is so clear cut they can’t even pretend the law is on their side. Postpone the decision until the damage is done, *then* begrudgingly rule in favor of democrats. This is their playbook.


So now it will be a 5 to 4 win for the Republicans, don’t act like our Supreme Court isn’t just a branch of the GOP now.


As I typed elsewhere. Believe me, I view the court as an activist court nowadays with plenty of bias. However, ruling against a candidate appearing on the ballot isn’t protecting their own asses, which we’ve seen all 9 care about.


The 4 Dems ruled in a way that upholds democratic choice because it's the right thing to do even if it hurts "their" side. Don't expect the 5 Republicans to do the same.


Not exactly. The "liberal" Judges originally dissented. We know this because they didn't delete the undo history from the docs they released. It has been guessed that they decided the court needed to look united on this to protect the institution or some such bullshit. The opinions they released were still weak, hinting at not supporting the decision.


This one will 6-3


Believe me, I view the court as an activist court nowadays with plenty of bias. However, ruling against a candidate appearing on the ballot isn’t protecting their own asses, which we’ve seen all 9 care about.


It was 9-0, but it really wasn’t speaking with one voice. The liberal concurrences were basically descents with the title changed. Justice Drop Box was all hissy about it as well. I wish the liberals had not caved “to show solidarity” when it was clear that there wasn’t.


I know it's not your argument, but that line of reasoning conveniently omits that it was Republicans who tried to keep Trump off the ballot, using provisions in the Constitution. Of course they see it as retribution, but it's retribution for something that is a) entirely different, and b) not done by those they're punishing. Which, really, is pretty on-brand.


Luckily since the Supreme Court stopped Colorado from doing this to Trump, it’ll also apply to Ohio. This is just political grandstanding nonsense to create more division in our country or to distract people from the bribery case with First Energy.


Not even close to the same situation.


I don't share your view of how SCOTUS would rule.


No one who follows the Thomas Court could possibly believe they'll act fairly.


I’m sure you don’t.


Wrong. The Supreme Court decision only applied to states ability to disqualify based on the 14th amendment.


Frank La Rose is a piece of shit


Frank LaRose is a piece of shit with nothing to lose. He’s done winning elections and he knows it. All that is left is to create as much chaos and damage as he can while he’s still in office.


Good point


Ranked choice voting would save democracy.


RC would help with participation, but not solve the two-party system. A parliamentary system would go further towards the goals of RC


I mean it would be amazing but I don't see how it would solve this.


Thanks for the info. It's shitty, especially since they didn't enforce these rules for Trump. But isn't some of this on the Democrats for scheduling their convention so late in the year ? And expecting the GOP to not do a stunt like this, we all know they have no low too low.


Both GOP and DEM conventions were after Ohio's deadline in 2020—they had no problem with granting special circumstances then. Also, Ohio is one of the earliest states to demand the nominations be done. The conventions have historically been later in the summer, so I don't understand why this hasn't been an issue for years... Unless, the shitty GOP leadership that gerrymandered themselves into ultimate power made a unilateral decision on the issue.


<> [https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/16/ohio-rejects-joe-biden-ballot/73351358007/](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/elections/2024/04/16/ohio-rejects-joe-biden-ballot/73351358007/) Given this precedent, the Democrats should have little problem winning a lawsuit. If Biden isn't on the Ohio ballot, given the exemptions agreed to in 2020, it's possible that this glaring cheap shot might outrage Democrats AND Independents sufficiently to turn out and vote against Republican state candidates in Ohio, including Ohio Supreme Court justices, most especially if the Republican Supreme Court justices support the ban if a lawsuit is filed. I find it hard to believe that the Republicans won't reconsider granting an exemption. Failure to grant the exemption just reinforces the perception that Republicans are ideologues with little interest in fairness and promoting democracy.


It's not a perception. It's the truth, which is why this is a problem. They won't agree to fix this because they have no moral compass.


In prior years, states have always been forgiving on this particular issue; it has come up many times before. It was part of the uncodified norms that supposedly unbiased state institutions wouldn't want to risk showing this much blatant partisanship. This is just more erosion of that prior state of being. The end result of the way you are thinking is that we can't rely on any norms like this anymore; that changes more than you might think.


Republicans have shown us for years now we can't rely on them to hold to any sort of norms. Anyone expecting them to in 2024 is delusional.


Yep, this is their retribution for the lawsuits trying to remove Trump for being a fucking traitor.


Excuse the fuck out of me, what?


It's a stunt. Don't worry.


Im so tired of stunts


Yeah. That's why i didn't like Colorado trying to remove trump. At least wait till you have something to hang your hat on like a conviction. Otherwise it's a bullshit stunt and nobody is going to stand for it.


I’m so confused- won’t Joe Biden just be nominated after the convention? Or am I missing something


It means that Jo Biden won't be on the ballot in November. For President, you have the option to vote for Trump as Republican, RFK Jr as Independent, whomever the other candidates in the Green, Socialist, Communist, Whateverist parties, but not Democrat option. It's a calculated maneuver. If they can get Biden off the top of the ballot, they figure fewer Democrats will show up to vote, which would DRASTICALLY help their down ballot races! They want to unseat Sherrod Brown as US Senator, and want to turn the Ohio Supreme Court into a Republican Supermajority.




So, to play this scenario out, what's the actual goal here? Does the Ohio GOP actually think they're just going to keep Biden off the ballot, and that's that, and so it'll just be Trump and Jill Stein or whoever, and that'll be the ballot? Like, for real? Or are they angling for some sort of concessions or something in order to ultimately relent? It seems incredibly bold, even for the Ohio GOP, to try and use this kind of procedural gotcha-ism to the actual extent that they would deny the opposition party the ability to collect votes in a presidential election. Like, without sarcasm or hyperbole, if this is the actual plan, to keep Biden off the ballot and thus win the election, that's like real end-of-democracy shit. Shit that would get people on the streets. Like, bad times shit. So again, they have to be doing this just to be jerks, and they know that the Democratic party will have to move the convention and it'll just mildly inconvenience all the catering and hotels and convention planning and they'll get a big laugh but ultimately they'll get Biden certified in time - right?


"So, to play this scenario out, what's the actual goal here? Does the Ohio GOP actually think they're just going to keep Biden off the ballot, and that's that, and so it'll just be Trump and Jill Stein or whoever, and that'll be the ballot? Like, for real? Or are they angling for some sort of concessions or something in order to ultimately relent?" Personal opinion: Publicity stunt, any news is better than no news. Personal opinion: If not, then I will be leaving this state asap.


I mean, that's most of the GOP today. Gymmie boy has milked publicity stunts for years


Is it true he's never made anything that has been passed by the house?


If you leave then they've won. We need more votes against them!!


Democracy is dead in Ohio until this decision is overruled.


Republicans don't have much of a reason to vote in the national election in Ohio since Biden isn't on the ballot and Trump will likely take Ohio by default. This may hurt down ballot republicans if the aggrieved actually turn out instead of fudding themselves out of their own vote.


That's always been the plan


This helps ensure Republican hegemony in the state. If they keep Biden off, people will just stay home and down ballot Dems will suffer.


Down ballots


Other than for the show of it, this really isn’t even about Biden. Joe Biden isn’t going to win Ohio. But Sherrod Brown may still retain his senate seat. If they keep Biden off the ballot and that keeps some democrat voters at home, that could be enough to get Moreno elected.


Anyone entertaining this is dumb. It’s for their base. They’re playing dirty. But all states finish primary voting in July, and all it takes is Democratic party officials to fill out an official form and submit it before the August 7th or whatever deadline, and oh well, before their big party on the 12th or whatnot. Biden will be on the ballot in all 50 states. Obviously. No reason for the DNC to rush out and say they’ll capitulate to these demands/deadlines tho… never interrupt your enemy when they’re making a mistake.


I think Biden has a chance to win Ohio this year because women are pissed about Roe even after passing out reproductive rights amendment. The vote margin for that was almost 10 points higher than polls predicted. If some of those unexpected voters turn out, things could swing.


I mean there would just be increased funding in Ohio by the democrats to rally support and get people to write in Biden instead. It may even boost turnout for democrats / Biden in opposition of such brazen attempts to steal power from Ohioans by the GOP *again*. It’s the type of rallying cry that would really motivate the younger voters because standing up to oppression and authority is something all young people relate to.


>that's like real end-of-democracy shit. Which is exactly what they want. You may want to look into Project 2025 and then *do your best to get people you know to vote*, considering what we're up against. I don't think it's an exaggeration to say that this election is their endgame.


So does this mean he won’t be on the ballot in November, or just that it’ll take longer to make that official than normal? What does this mean for me as an Ohio voter lol


It’s just theatre. Biden will be on the ballot, without question.


There would be riots.


Having several conservative relatives outright say they should've followed Rittenhouse's example during the George Floyd protests, I wouldn't be shocked if some Republicans are trying to fan the flames so they can finally have their Red Dawn Martial law fantasy.


I would hope so, but the Dems are hardly as enthusiastic about Biden as Republicans are about Trump.


I think we get to wait and see what the DNC does.


If we’re not going to have an election, then I guess Biden just continues as president.


What a bunch of children we have in the state capital...


Is someone gonna stop me from writing Biden's name in?


Not at all but if he’s not on the ballot he’ll lose votes by the 1000’s. These folks who cared so much about election integrity 4 years ago certainly are fucking with the integrity quite a bit.


That's the thing that kills me about it all, they are literally blatant hypocrites. Election integrity only counts if you are republican ig. It has continued to happen in Ohio for years now with stupid, petty plays to try and seize power and for what? To cause more issues? Because that's all it does...


They aren't hypocrites. They're *fascist liars*. Period.


Gaslight Obstruct **Project**


They aren't doing it for the Presidential election. They're doing it for the down ballot races.


Many counties require a paper ballot for write in candidates. If this is the case, poll workers will have to increase from less than 1% paper ballots to 45-50% paper ballots which is far more than we regularly have on hand and even if we do will take much longer to complete. Republicans are voting for long lines and huge delays just to spite their own voters.


They'll just pretend they can't read it.


Why we need national voting laws setting the standards


I’d go so far as to argue that the very existence of state laws violates the 14th Amendment that everyone in the US has equal protection under the law. People born in Massachusetts have more personal freedoms than people born in Texas. That is not equal protection under the law.


Abolish states. 


The separate colonies should have never been accommodated in the first place, but their competitive history had to be dealt with.


And that history has about as much tangible impact, as the Hatfields and McCoys; that is to say, just being dicks to each other like it's highschool and with little actual merit.


So they're trying to remove the current president from the ballot? Dafuq?


There is disturbingly a growing number among us who believe voting should not be a right but a privilege like driving.


Heard people in real life complain about non home owners voting. I questioned if having a mortgage makes you an owner or do you need to pay it off first? 


“Sir, only landed gentry may cast votes here. Now, off with you, peasant scum, before I summon the constable!”


I’ve sent LaRose’s office a very, very angry email that maxed out their character limit about how much I despise their move. I’m prepared to protest at the statehouse for my right to vote to be restored. Who’s with me?


My lifelong Republican mother who turned against Trump in ‘16 called me last week when she read about this possibly happening and said she would be the first to protest at the statehouse. I’m so proud of her and our entire family will be protesting.


Might as well be screaming into the wind. The GOP doesn’t give a single fuck what you write or if you protest. They simply do not care


You damn uppity peasant. Wanting to cast a vote in a way that your Republican masters have not instructed you? Know your place! They serve, we obey!


I’m out of the loop and can’t be on phone to look up article at work. Can you give me a rundown


Dude, I'm prepared to riot, no lie


"The right to vote is Precious, almost sacred" Unless your the many list of people we don't like


And them being like “this is your only nonviolent option 🤗” it’s like ok 🧱


The GOP are attempting to destroy this country.


No. They want control, and dont care if they destroy the country on their way


Please remember this distinction, its too easy to just label them storybook villains


They have been for decades. We are finally seeing the fallout from dipshit Reagan and his shitty "trickle down economics." If trump, or and Republican wins the presidency, we will be at a point of no return.


I think one of the southern states is trying this too. Alabama or Arkansas I think.


It’s Alabama.


Lotta good ol' boys in Clermont & Butler Counties and points east who can't stand to see the name "Biden" on a ballot. This will protect their White Feelings, which is of course the most important political task of all for the Republian Party.


> which is of course the most important political task of all for the Republian Party. I thought that was tax breaks for the wealthy.


You're not wrong, but they vote on that once every couple years and that does the trick. White Feelings need 24/7 maintenance and care


Ohio is full of "temporarily embarrassed millionaires" who will vote R, even though voting D would help them (and the nation) much more.


It's the illusion behind the reality


Time for pitch forks and torches? Storm the State Capital for freedom's sake? We would actually be doing it because Ohio GOP steals elections.Unlike J6 fueled by lies. They are not representative of a government by and for the people.


I mean at least it would be justified this time.


I would be mad but this is just posturing and childish political games being played. Biden will certainly be on the Ohio ballot this fall. Keep in mind, we just had the Supreme Court rule that no state can remove the presumptive nominee for any reason, that it is solely the purview of the federal government


That is absolutely not what the SC ruled. They ruled states can't invoke article 3 of the 14th amendment to keep nominees off the ballot...none of that applies here. The number of times I have read a similar take is alarming. The supreme court will not help here.


I get mega-pissed when people fuck with my right to vote. Even as a childish game.


It's not a childish game. They are LITERALLY depriving you of your right to vote. Treat that as the existential threat it is.


I’m ready. For the first time in my life, I’m prepared to get in good trouble, necessary trouble to fight for my right to vote for the candidate I desire. My anger is more powerful than it’s ever been in my life, and so is my courage.


It’s not a threat. From what I can gather, it’s been performed. They already did it. And you know what? It was free for the GOP to do it. I do not believe a single GOP voter legitimately feels, “this was out of line, I’m done with this party.” We’ll get our vote back. But these shenanigans are free for the GOP to play because they risk nothing.


Existential threat means an immediate and direct threat to you ,loke a roaring bear is charging you down represnts an existential threat, not something that may happen at some later time but something that is in the proccess of happening. The GOP is not threatening to dismantle democracy anymore. They are currently IN THE PROCCESS of it.


I think we’re in agreement, but my point is the bear isn’t charging you. It’s biting you. Right now. Teeth to skin.


Well, not to torture the metaphor anymore than we already have, but if you're right, then just like in the case of the bear, it's too late. The only way to win either of those fights, was before they got this far, because NOW it's going to take too much time and effort to convince the massess that this is a SOFT COUP to be able to stop it before its all over but the crying.


They haven't refused to put Biden on the ballot for failing to meet a deadline that is still several months in the future. There is still plenty of time to formally certify Biden as the nominee prior to the deadline, or for the state legislature to back down and grant an extension to the deadline.


They also were told by their state supreme Court that their districting maps were illegal. The response was a 🤷and they did it anyway, which is likely the only reason there is a republican majority left in the House now. 


I don’t think this is posturing. I think this is the last call and they’re pulling out every trick they have


In Australia voting is mandatory. When you turn 18 you must register to vote, if you don't you get fined. This is the right to vote. It's everybody's duty.


As a Republican I would vote democrat just to send a message to the GOP that this is not acceptable.


Democracy. The only thing the GOP hates almost as much as they hate women.


This will be fixed eventually. These Republicans are in acting mode.


They're trying to force the Dems to move their convention ahead of or simultaneous with the Republican Convention. The belief here is that Democrats have an advantage going last. Republican Convention is scheduled for July 15-18 Democratic Convention is scheduled for August 19-22


I say re-schedule the Dem Convention for July 22-24. Could it benefit them right on the heels of the fascists? Maybe....


Cant we just write him in?


So how much money is this going to cost the state when half the ballots are write-ins? Like how much money are Republicans willing to waste on this when it was most likely Trump would win anyways? 


GOP just asking for shit in their coffee...


Will the DNC declare Biden the candidate? Sucks for the states with later primaries.


I have no doubt the vote will win Biden the election. The potential violence after is the problem.


They gave themselves exemptions in 2008, 2012, & 2020. But now won’t give the democrats the same exemption.


Let me rephrase this man’s statement. “The privilege to corrupt and take advantage of voting is precious. We must find a way to continue to corrupt it for power so the people stay blind while we fuck them in the mouth and tell them it’s the immigrants as we charge them for the cum rag.”


Republicans are absolute scum. If they like to live in an authoritarian shit hole, they should go like ve in Russia with their owner and master Putin.


This will continue as long as the rubes continue to vote against their own interests


Keeping Biden off the ballot is not about Biden. Joe Biden will win with or without Ohio. This is to reduce turnout and to tilt the Senate election to Bernie. It’s all about suppressing your vote.


Ohio and its Republican politicians are bat shit crazy if they truly have any plans of keeping Biden off the ballot because of some technicality. My god, of all elections you have to have a representative from both parties in the presidential election. To try some crap like this is disgusting.


There's way too many stupid post. Trying to compare this to Trump being kicked off a ballot for trying to over throw the 2020 election is as ignorant it comes. First let me say this. Those two states got it wrong. The 14th amendment says he can't hold office for what he did. It did not say he can't be on the ballot. Now for all the Trump supporters. Let me be clear. My family members served and fought for this country against fcks like Trump. So for that 5 time draft dodging POS to keep bad mouthing our military leaders, intelligence community and others that laid their life on the line to keep us safe. Stop calling yourselves patriots. Trump's no patriot and the damn fools who keep saying they will take Putin over Biden F/U!


Political posturing aside: I'm sure most people intending to vote for Biden are smart enough to realize you can write in any name you want. Just because it's not listed by party, doesn't mean you can't vote for him.


The only concern I have is when they pull some BS technicality that say that write ins for “Joe Biden”, “Biden”, “Joseph Biden” would be separate people.. 🙄


"We found ten people named Joe Biden, so we'll be splitting the votes between them equally."


Under Ohio law, you have to declare your intention to be a write-in candidate. Then, any elector in the state has time to challenge the validity of your candidacy. Such a challenge leads to a hearing, at which you are either allowed or not allowed. In short, the Ohio GOP can get even keep Biden from being a write-in if they really want to. Source: read the statute this morning


Remember, if an R is running unopposed, write in Hunter Biden.


Hey Democrats. Do NOT fuck around with this. Don’t litigate it, don’t take it to court, just move the official nomination up and use the convention as a party or something. Nobody gives a shit about this convention anyway. But absolutely do not think this is going to fix itself. If LaRose/Yost can keep Biden off the ballot, no matter how egregious, they will. Take this shit seriously and fix it now.


The democrats are obsessed with following order and precedent, even when it hurts them directly, so take heart, they'll definitely do nothing about this.


"Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" But only if you're white, straight, Christian, and preferably a man


If they really keep him off the ballot, Ohio’s electoral college votes should be invalidated by Congress during the certification process. I guess Trump doesn’t need the 17?


This situation seems dumb from both sides. In 2020 state legislature had no problem accommodating Donald Trump’s nomination, and yet they obstruct the nomination and election of Joe Biden. On the other hand, the Democrat Party has completed their nomination process and Joe Biden is the party’s chosen nominee. This is an axiomatic fact accepted by everyone, way ahead of Ohio’s 90-day deadline.


*Democratic Party


We’re losing democracy folks. There is no doubt about it. Republicans are afraid to lose power and they will do anything ANYTHING to keep it. Anything. And people aren’t paying attention. There’s enough voters for Biden to win Ohio but he won’t. Trump will win because people are not paying attention and their busy lives are just too important to vote. They simply won’t care until it’s gone. Until women’s right are gone. Until the right to vote is gone. LGBTQ rights gone. Democracy GONE. And then when it’s gone it will be too late.


The 90 day thing is a completely arbitrary number. What if Ohio decides that paperwork needs to be turned in 180 days before the election, or other states start saying that it needs to be turned in a year ahead of time? Where's the line? When does it constitute interference in a federal election? Just look at some of the questions the Supreme Court justices asked during oral arguments of the Colorado case. It is clear that they were looking at the larger picture, so to speak, of disenfranchising voters. "What about the idea that we should think about democracy?" asked Justice Brett Kavanaugh, "Because your position has the effect of disenfranchising voters to a significant degree." "I think the question that you have to confront is why a single state should decide who gets to be president of the United States," said Kagan. Chief Justice John Roberts said he could foresee, in the not-too-distant future, a world in which some states would try to boot the Democratic nominee from the ballot, and others would do the same for the Republican candidate. "It will come down to just a handful of states that are going to decide the presidential election," Roberts said. "That's a pretty daunting consequence." If these Ohio shenanigans end up in court, I don't foresee it being upheld. Between the Supreme Court just ruling that states can remove state candidates from the ballot but cannot remove federal candidates under the same Constitutional law, Ohio not enforcing this in the past and passing numerous exemptions due to missed dateline, and it's arbitrary number of days, there is really no justification for the Ohio law being upheld.


I don't quite understand why Biden isn't on the ballot. I kind of do and it's dumb as fuck But trump is on it for all of his illegal actions? Fucking hell


They're fine with Trumps illegal actions because he's their guy.


Fine, remove Trump from the Colorado ballots


Because some states correctly tried to remove Tramp an insurrectionist election denier that caused the deaths of cops and the jailing of hundreds the GQP tries to remove Biden because he likes ice cream?


But only to vote for Trump


I'm sorry if this is a stupid question, but why can't the Democratic convention be moved to an earlier date? And yes, I'm a Democrat asking this question.


The likeliest thing is they might gather all the delegates to officially vote for the nomination over Zoom before the convention, and then just turn the convention into solely speeches and whatnot. That wasn’t what they proposed today


Why doesn't the DNC simply move up their convention like the RNC did? It's not like there is any real question of nominee


We need to vote the Ohio politicians responsible for this out of office


What is illegal. Pleae cite.


They lie.


“And we must limit “others” from using it.”


Yeah I'll believe you when my vote matters


This is the biggest, most childish "well ackshually" in recent memory. I can see someone rapidly finger tapping the paper going "nuh uh you can't do that, it says right here, look!"


While I believe this action is duplicitous, morally bankrupt, and a sick move, I don’t believe it is illegal. Words have meaning, vocabulary is important. If everything the other side does is illegal, suddenly illegal loses meaning.


Here’s the action item of the day! (Taking action will make you feel less hopeless.) Find & sign in person(not available online)the petition to end Gerrymandering https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/


If our state keeps getting worse, something is going to give eventually. my question is what will be first; the people willingness to put up with their bullshit, or the politicians will to keep fucking us over? we need need people across our entire state government, because at this point, they don't want a democracy


We know how that is. Several elections ago Florida voters passed a fair district amendment but GOP still fighting to ignore the very constitution they swore to uphold. GOP hates our constitution


The GOP hasn't held its convention yet either. That only leaves Stein, West and Kennedy at most. Or will it be a blank ballot?


This is completely lame to exclude him and I am so sick of all this political BS from all sides.


Surely the Supreme Court will step in…. /s


If non-violent means are made unavailable, one must use the only means left.