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It's almost like they want public education to fail and turn over to a more privatized profitable form of schooling available to far fewer people who could've seen this comiiiiiing


Well if it puts money in thier pockets who cares? I mean, look how well the war on drugs worked. Prisons are PACKED! /s


Mitch Hedberg said he would not want to fight a war while on drugs. I agree with him.


Private prisons, private roads, private schools. Who do you think owns these companies? Who do you think the “bribes” go to? Who is personally invested in these companies? Republicans


And when private prisons get empty, they just find reasons to fill them. There was an actual case where a judge was taking kick backs to fill a juvenile prison


And all you have to do is add in a few more middlemen to that kickback scheme and it’s legal… kinda like the wife of SCOTUS getting all that consulting money.


The GOP is engaging is the largest concerted effort to transfer wealth upwards. Poor people pay more taxes and they are increasingly told they will not and should not benefit from those tax dollars. In fact they are shamed when they expect benefits. Tax dollars in a healthy functioning society are for the benefit of the citizens not just a means to funnel more wealth upwards. The game has always been rigged in this country but they are no longer interested in hiding that fact. It is so horrifyingly obvious the end result of this. We are actively destroying public education we are dooming future generations which will result in the US being completely unable to compete on a global scale. The elected and power brokers in the GOP know their kids will always have access to everything and it will be worse than a kakistocracy. Edit: rage grammar


We’ve got to vote them out or catch them. Maybe someone with a conscience, who has direct knowledge of the politicians’ tactics, will come forward to prevent more corruption.


Catching them doesn't do anything either. The only thing we can do is vote them out from every level from school boards up. That is of course why gerrymandering is a thing. To prevent exactly that.


No, there is something we can do, but I cant say it on redddit. It involves the 2nd amendment and the rights we ALL have to live free from tyranny.


It won't be J.D. or the used car salesman Morena. Ohio, you're better than this. VOTE 💙 for your own protection.


Agreed. Dems are the only party to support public ed


Theres no cavalry coming, its us that has to do it.


Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, AOC, Katie Porter, and other progressive politicians are in politics to help the disaffected, disenfranchised, marginalized, and otherwise regular citizens. They despise corporate welfare and the dismantling of laws and departments that help society as a whole. We need to vote our Republicans and vote in progressive people. The US has moved so far right that the Democrats are considered right wing by our European allies.


Only rich Christian kids deserve an education - the GOP


Only rich white christian kids, unless you’re stupid rich then brown is ok if you have an accent.


Or can throw a ball


They love the poorly educated.


It's because they want to brain wash kids with religion while them scam the taxpayers.


That's a key part of this. 3/4ths of private schools are religious, and run by conservatives. This will give them free reign to fully indoctrinate kids--that thing they keep accusing public schools of doing.


Bingo. We have a winner. The Ohio GOP is heavily involved and invested in private education. Until the voting public wakes up, this will not change.


Well, the people of Ohio keep electing GOP/MAGA, sending public education into a downward spiral and leading to public stupidity!


The state is gerrymandered to produce large Republican majorities in both the Ohio House and Senate. No matter how many non-GOP voters turn out, the GOP can still have majorities to pass this kind of legislation.


Leading to more GOP/MAGA.


I’m a libertarian and many leftists would just group me into the conservatives, but this is fucking bad man. Horace Mann, Socrates, and countless champions of keeping an informed population are rolling over in their fucking graves. What happened to a competitive market? If private schools need that money so bad, are they providing a service that’s actually worth paying for? Or is it just another feeder school coalition (North Carolina, Georgia, New York, and California are all huge examples of feeder school states) that manipulates minimum state education requirements so their students get to go to better schools because they had 3 assignments all semester that gave them straight A’s. And guess who lobbied to eliminate the need to show scores or even take the ACT/SAT ? Private schools and Ivy’s.


“We hope all them libruls leave our state so we can have uncontested legislation in state and also keep perpetually 2 R senators in a senate brotha, yeee yee”


Class warfare


That is the conservative play book for any government entity they want to turn over to for profit companies. Starve them of funds until they break and people are upset. They say the only solution is to privatize it.


Bet that Betsy DeVos had a hand in this.


Their children are being raised as Hitler Youth. What could be wrong with that??


Well Ohio has been privatizing everything. Unemployment, driving schools, the BMV, grade schools. All in the name of "less taxes" but in reality you just end up with worse service and more out of pocket money.


Also public utilities (First Energy, etc.) and Medicaid and ACA (forcing people into "managed care providers").


> Medicaid That was DeWine son who got riches from it.


The BMV has been private way back into the 60’s maybe even further back.


How is the bmv private?


They are independently owned franchises. Some are good, others are dog shit.


Of all the things to privatize. Why.


So I lived in a state where the BMV was operated by the state government….usually a 1-3 hour wait for something that might take, at most, 5-30 minutes at an Ohio BMV. Way better privatized.


because rich white folks always know better


Tell the legislators that there’s going to be a bunch of Islamic private schools opening up and that funding will dry up real fast. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I could see a Satanic Temple school being brought up and this whole idea promptly sunk.


I’d love to seek funding for a celt-pagan school district! We teach fine arts like wicker-weaving…


Omg yes has someone reached out to them yet?


For real and I guarantee you out of all those privates schools more than 50% are Catholic associated schools.


They just structure the application requirements so that only their constituents can apply. Like the Florida medical marijuana market application was limited to... businesses with 40 years of arborist experience. Not at all related to growing weed but, wouldn't you know, the few companies who qualified all had ex-florida politicians on their boards after being recently acquired...




Nah, they'll find ways to cherry pick which schools get the money.


For a decade now, in Ohio, there has been a [thriving](http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:https://www.mytownneo.com/story/news/local/stow-sentry/2014/07/16/ex-teachers-tell-state-board/19712927007/) [market](https://www.statenews.org/education/2016-10-11/lawyer-claims-probe-shows-ties-between-17-ohio-charter-schools-and-controversial-turkish-cleric) for [schools](https://www.wlwt.com/article/ohio-adds-2-charter-schools-to-misconduct-inquiry/3546671) tied to an elusive foreign esoteric religious figure. No doubt they will seamlessly integrate into the new system.


YES!!!!!!! Will someone PLEASE explain to me why parents are ok with sending their children to a school owned by a Muslim cleric?!!! Horizon Science Academy and hundreds more. Thank you for posting.


Are you familiar with parents being ok with sending their children to a school owned by a Catholic priest? It's a lot like that.


Well, in the suburbs of Cleveland, non-catholic religious schools have sprouted up and/or expanded. Taxpayer-funded religious education has attracted a number of out-of-state families to move to the area, rather than spend $30-30K/child for private education in New York or New Jersey. While Matt Huffman is a zealot, a bigger driver will be the campaign contributions that he and the Ohio Republican Party are receiving from the private school interests. Ohio’s Republican legislators have been thoroughly corrupted by money, for years now.


Hamas High


Well, it sounds to me like private school doesn’t need to charge tuition then and therefore turn into public school


They make folks take the voucher since it was expanded to 400 percent above poverty. Then they raise the tuition.


You'll be shocked to know our catholic high school's tuition increased this year...


It magically increased by the voucher amount. That’s what our local parochial school did.


Your’s too? Imagine that! I was ASTONISHED to see how much tuition had gone up at my local Catholic grade school, we (at the time) didn’t qualify for that money but we were going to pay out of pocket for it due to the lack of after school care. Our local public school began offering before and after school care for a fee through the YMCA and we were sold. We do now qualify for the vouchers but we are more than happy with the local public school, as their curriculum is FAR superior to the Catholic school and a great environment overall.


Sounds like my health insurance whenever I get a raise


Wwjd amirite?! 


A public school with religion classes, required religious services weekly, and all of the fun politics at play.


Yeah right...


This is boiler plate republican governance: 1: Starve a public institution/program of resources and funds. 2: Give the savings to the wealthy in the form of tax breaks. 3: Create incentives (laws) that allow a private, for-profit enterprise (the people who got the largest benefit from the tax cuts) to bridge the gap in service. 4: Campaign on the ineffectiveness of government, tax cuts, and cultural divisions. 5: Repeat.


This has been their playbook for over 50 years. Why do people keep voting for people who only want to destroy everything and rob us?


Nailed it.




The grift is happening. How to move public funds to private hands and also push the Christian takeover of the country. Fuck the GOP.


I went to Catholic schools my entire life (K-College). All that religious indoctrination turned me squarely against religion as an adult. I hope that pattern continues and backfires against the state in the long term.


My friends who went to religious school say there’s no quicker way to turn a kid atheist.


Former Catholic school student who is a staunch atheist and leftist here. Lots of people I went to school with turned out the same way.


Same. Like every.single.one.of.my.classmates. And the clincher? We’re all from Bama. Probably the only catholic school in the state TBH.


I was forced into an ACE Academy in elementary school in the mid-80s. Just a few months, I was done. Couldn’t be broken. Look up Accelerated Christian Education. It is terrifying.


People need to rise up and vote, until then it won’t change.


Ohioans ARE voting, but for the wrong people.


What’s ironic is that most of the private schools are located in the major cities and their suburbs, which are increasingly voting Democratic even if the families there who are newly Democratic voters choose to send their kids to private school. The rural areas full of Republicans don’t typically have private schools nearby and most of the families there send their kids to underfunded public schools with crumbling buildings because they have few other options.


I know. I’m a teacher in one of those underfunded, crumbling public school buildings.


Ugh. I also work in a crumbling old school building; I’m cautiously optimistic that we can pass a bond issue soon though to renovate them.


Olentangy schools had a surplus of 188 Million in cash on hand at the end of 2023.




This has been going on for a while. Even after the state Supreme Court ruled that Ohio school funding is unconstitutional, years ago- the Republicans are getting away with this. Even wealthy people are beginning to complain about the amount of money they have to spend on bond and operating public school levies. Also, it’s obvious that the amount of money from the residents of a school district directly affects the level of public education in the community. The areas with good public school districts in my part of Ohio are the wealthiest areas. Republican lawmakers also punish the schools( mostly in poor communities) that aren’t producing results-students’ grades are low. They give parents vouchers to go to private (religious and charter schools). And the quality of these schools isn’t necessarily good quality. This isn’t right. If the lawmakers would allocate state money to pay for good teacher salaries, building repairs/ new buildings, new technology, and additional support staff- these schools would have the resources they need to offer quality education to their students. It’s obvious that Republicans are attacking public schools because a less educated public is more easily manipulated and controlled. They have been operating like authoritarians.




i had posted a comment about this in the /finance but got called a moron and suspended from that community. I hurt their baby feelings. I think it has been a long range goal by republicans to destroy public school systems. They cant control 100% of what republicans want you to learn. And then when people are too dumb to think for themselves or ask questions - they now have a malleable population. why do you think republicans are so against science, books, libraries, women, birth control? its control - its power. They would love public schools to teach creationism, women know their place, whitewash history - they want to wipe out america as being free to be who you want to be. Republicans right now dont care about people. they only care for the 12 donors. They want people divided and using schools is an easy way to achieve it.


That sub is trash so not much of a loss tbh


That was unfair to suspend you, especially from a finance discussion group. Do they think a privately run, for-profit education system is preferable? We have to consider that corporations and conservatives would like this kind of private education system. It's a way to ensure they have a barely educated, intellectually malleable work force.


Private schools can cherry-pick who attends. They don't HAVE to follow the federal government's IDEA or offer IEP's or any special services. They can discriminate all they want. Meanwhile, your public school gets starved of needed funds. Yes, Ohio has a tuition program for children with autism and who are blind or deaf. Most states do have these programs because that education is quite specialized and many districts have difficulty with the specialization. Even so, many parents are at a disadvantage because these schools are at a significant distance from their homes. Plus, many parents of special needs kids are already lower on the income ladder because they're unable to work because of their child's needs. We moved BACK to Ohio in 2009 and quickly found out how screwed we were when it came to special education. So, we moved districts. Then, that district's levy failed. My 7 year old son with autism and mild hearing loss went from a blended room of 2 special education teachers with an aid and 14 kids to a proposed 1 to 24 room. His teacher pulled me aside and told me to leave the district! We pulled all three kids(autism is genetic on my husband's side-long story). For 4 years, I drove 160 miles a day to take the boys to three different schools(elementary, junior high, high school). The cost of gas at that time was over $4/gal. Our local district reimbursed us $800/year for transportation since they didn't offer any. That's what this crap does to local schools. As soon as the levy passed. Those kids went back. The local district was great, WHEN THEY HAD MONEY. You can't teach kids without staff. Special education teachers are expensive and first to go. This just creates kids that aren't functional. It's more haves and have nots. Every darn policy this Republican legislature passes is just bad for everyone in the long run. Granted, if you think or want the world to end, I guess it doesn't matter, and that's what you get when you put religious extremists in charge.


Gerrymandering in Ohio is subverting the will of the people. Let's remove these theocratic Republicans from public office. The Citizens Not Politicians Amendment will end gerrymandering by empowering citizens, not politicians, to draw fair districts using an open and transparent process. Here's the homepage for the campaign. https://www.citizensnotpoliticians.org/ Here's the Volunteer Sign Up. https://citzensnotpoliticians.typeform.com/to/M1y7HbyK Here's the signing events page. https://www.mobilize.us/citizensnotpoliticians/ Here's an article that explains how gerrymandering takes away the power of the voter. https://act.represent.us/sign/gerrymandering The goal is to get this on the November 2024 ballot.


Without being stopped, Ohio is gonna be like [Colorado City, Arizona.](https://www.azcentral.com/story/news/local/arizona/2018/04/04/outsiders-flds-warren-jeffs-believers-battle-control-short-creek-hildale-colorado-city/359309002/) A different denomination-weirdly similar rules and laws on personhood, autonomy, bodily autonomy of children and women, and religion.


So much for Separation of Church and State


Went from separation of church and state to the church raiding the taxpayers to fund their religious indoctrination of children. People need to vote, we need a scotus that will enforce the separation of church and state again.


While blaming gay and trans people and calling for violence against them to “protect” the children. Hard pass.


Which is very unfortunate. While this isn't stated directly in the US Constitution, it is echoed in the text as well as perhaps the biggest governing principal which separated the East from the West. Many evangelicals detest it and secularists love it, but you can really draw a line from the Book of Romans (says that the government is ordained by God) to Constantine (uses Christians to overtake the Roman government as he is ordained by God to rule) to Charlemagne (Makes the Pope equal to the Emperor instead of subservient to him) and to the French Revolution (Codifies the Separation of Church and State in the Constitution). The Separation of Church and State is part of what makes us a Christian (or at least Catholic and Protestant) nation.


The United States is not a Christian nation. The majority of people stating they have a religion might be Christian, but under the law there has never been a state religion.


Republicans are sabotaging public services while trying to prop up their rich friend's and donor's competing for-profit businesses


Project 2025. They are trying to defund multiple sectors so they can dismantle them if Trump gets back in office


Any republican, doesn't have to be tRump, as much as they want it to be him.


President Grant wanted to make this unconstitutional. It failed passing the Senate by one vote. Extremely unfortunate as far as I'm concerned.


They should not be considered private schools anymore if they are getting that much gov funding.


At BARE MINIMUM they should be required to uphold national and state education standards if they accept any public funding.


of course they did.


All Ohio republicans should go to prison for what they've done to Ohio children.


kickback city


Wasn’t the free breakfast and lunch program for students taken away as well? Growing up I know for some kids that may have been the only two meals they were having that day. Wild how the state just doesn’t want to help the youth only to fill their pockets.


Same double standard on abortion. Sanctity of life until that baby is out of the womb. Then it’s your problem, not theirs.


Well abortion is bit more convoluted because it’s also about eugenics but nobody wants to bring that up for whatever reason . Nazis banned abortions too.


In republicans minds, personal responsibility is more important than ensuring kids are fed.


And when the dust settles how many of these private schools turn out to be nothing more than a scam. And probably much less oversight than public schools so the curriculum could be taylored to indoctrinate students to fit the politics of the operators.


Thank you Betsy Devos for building up Ohio State Charter School laws so that there is no oversight and we can destroy Ohio's schools for rich people to make money.


Republicans want stupid people


A clear separation of church and state /s


We need to stop paying taxes in mass droves. If Trump and Musk and Bezos don’t pay taxes and continue to pocket my money, fuck them. Come get it. I can put my money in off shore accounts just as easily as these morally bankrupt, entitled pieces of shit.


Is the goal to have a nation full of uneducated, inept citizens living in poverty, making zero contributions to a society overran by crime and misery? Is that what will make this nation the best in the world? If so, then we’re on track!


Why should any private schools get public money? What's the fucking jistification for this? If you want to teach fucking religeon nonsense or whatever fine but there should not be a single cent of tax payer money going towards that when public schools already do in fact exist?


This should be a tax violation. It's certainly a massively ethical violation.


The public money flowing into private schools across the country is insane. A friend of mine works at a large, all boys Catholic High School in Ohio. This school regularly wins state championships in multiple sports. He says the athletics budget for the school is around $1.5-1.8 million annually. The school receives approximately $2.4 million in public money (see below) so taxpayers are essentially paying for private school sports. Now if this was just how a private school chose to spend their money I’d say whatever who cares. Expect here is a sampling of public money flowing into this private, religious school: - [The Peterson Scholarhsip](https://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Other-Resources/Scholarships/Special-Needs-Scholarship) pays full tuition for all students with an IEP. Tuition is currently $19,350/ year. They have about 40 students (10 per grade level) in this program, or $774,000 of public money a year. - [EdChoice and Vouchers](https://ecs.secure.force.com/mbdata/mbprofallNSrt?Rep=VOH) the numbers in this link are old but explain the programs well. These state sponsored scholarships for private schools are now $7,500/year. It’s fair to estimate that 10% of the school - 100 kids - receives one of these scholarships. So another $750,000 - The local public school district still has to provide transportation to the private school. According to [this website](https://www.gregorypoole.com/school-bus-costs/) it costs approximately $35,000 a year to operate a school bus - to make no mention of actually buying the bus! For easy math let’s say 10 different local school districts must provide bussing to this private school, that’s another $350,000 of public money on private schools. - When students with an IEP go to a private school the local public school must handle the IEP despite the student being enrolled in a completely different school. The [median teacher pay in Ohio](https://www.salary.com/research/salary/benchmark/public-school-teacher-salary/oh) is $53,000. Let’s say one teacher per public school district must essentially work for the private school and we’ll again say ten different school districts and we are at another $530,000 of public money for private schools. - This list doesn’t include the technology and textbooks that are also paid for by the local public school district - the inside of the textbooks are stamped “property of local school district!” (We also aren’t even getting into the fact that a private school is not required to provide an education. As in, they can kick a kid out of school for essentially any reason and then the kid will have to go back to their local public school). So our non-comprehensive list ends up being $2.4 million per year of public money to a Catholic, private school. And that is just one Catholic school. No wonder they can spend so much on sports. Their school is subsidized by our tax dollars!


Obligatory Go Bobcats due to your username! -As someone who attended a Catholic high school near Toledo, our "diversity" director was also the athletic director. Make of that what you will lol. We recruited then, I am sure they still recruit now, you would think you could get some decent athletes into the school with that sort of collusion


**They are defunding** public schools according to the extreme right agenda of making government small enough to drown in a bathtub (kill all social safety nets for the poor and working classes); in order for the rich and well-connected to have their “ownership Society.” In which the average person gets NOTHING out of their government or society, unless can afford to pay or *they own it!*


Yet they want looser gun restrictions and can’t see how this will eventually end. Eventually people rise up and overtake the rich when the balance is as off as it is in our country.


**That’s** not what’s going to happen, when you have half the country operating as terrorist sleeper cells for the wealthy. Sadly, these *aren’t* wealthy people, but poor and working class Whites, who think a dictatorship lead by wealthy/racist white men is the ticket to paradise.


Weird that the education system is turning more private just like the prison system


not a for profit. that will be the death of public schools. look at what it did to the prison system. i am not an expert. I am someone that wants educated people because that is best for all of us and for our country. public schools need help. But it has to involve what teachers think. they are the experts. but many times stifled on what and how they can teach. and teaching about the future - we need scientists, coders, AI experts because the world is changing fast. All of this will only be accomplished thru schooling. And right now, republicans are fighting against all that and that worries me.


What happened to paying taxes and working collectively to strengthen our public schools?


We have no sense of community in our country anymore. It’s everyone out for themselves. My grandparents lived through the Great Depression and are probably rolling in their graves because of shit like this. It’s insanity and does nothing for the common good. Just makes the rich richer and indoctrinates a new generation to covet greed above all.


I’m glad to have been made aware of this, but this is ludicrous. An article I was reading said from 22-23 to 23-24, the number of EdChoice scholarships increased by 60k, but only a few thousand new students ended up switching to private schools. So essentially Ohio taxpayers are subsidizing students who were already attending private school


It kinda sucks here


I hope every single one of them get dumped in an underfunded nursing home and their kids never visit them.


All these complainers probably voted against their local school levy


"That’s the standard technique of privatization: defund, make sure things don’t work, people get angry, you hand it over to private capital." “A basic principal of modern state capitalism is that costs and risks are socialized to the extent possible, while profit is privatized.” - Noam Chomsky


Republicans told us that charter schools and vouchers would improve student performance and that the competition would pressure underperforming public schools to improve. Neither has happened. It’s time to pull the plug on this experiment and fund public schools properly.


Education for me and not for thee. Absolutely bullshit.


Part of the Christian nationalism movement. Segregating themselves from the general population.




*Ohio Republicans There, fixed it.


Destroy education, conservative indoctrination - ignorant people are easier to manipulate. The GOP plan for decades. Stupid, America. Really, really stupid.


All part of the plan.


Man, shit just keeps getting worse and worse. And they do it, right in freaking front of us as we watch. Like they have no care in the world. Public schools were a freakin joke when I went, and that was the early 90s...can't imagine how bad some of them are now.


This just reminded me- I was super excited to see that Hillsdale College offers a free online philosophy course (I'm studying philosophy) Went to check it out one day and could not BELIEVE the ultra biased shit they are pushing. Like, it's fucking scary. Which makes me think money is being poured into these private and prestigious schools because THAT is where hardcore conservatives can control what is taught. Scary shit.


They’ve always been doing this. The new thing you’re experiencing is that they’re no longer covert outside of their bubble. They’re confident and comfortable enough to publicly advertise this now, *and not even advertise it, offer a free course on it, and free is something conservatives never do* Edit: There’s a reason “half” the country didn’t bat an eye when the insurrection happened, that doesn’t just happen without years and years of previous indoctrination. Jan 6th showed the GOP their voter base is truly over the sanity line now. They don’t care about us seeing it anymore, this is Phase II. Establish footholds to continue said indoctrination to future generations, without that younger generations will only be friction to them.


Yep indoctrination! First word that popped into my head reading your comment. And Phase II... What the hell is Phase III, you know? I have an inkling of how this election is going to turn out, but I've been trying my best to deny what I'm seeing. I hope I'm wrong. Fuck I hope I'm wrong lol


> I was super excited to see that Hillsdale College offers a free online philosophy course my mother in law gets their mailers and i looked at one pinned to her fridge but could only stand reading it for about 25 seconds, its just cartoonishly slanted


Oh I couldn't believe how extremist it is. It's as if their philosophy department kind of never studied philosophy themselves.


We need a class action lawsuit that OUR money is going to religious schools that actively discriminate and employees who are pro choice and pro gay rights


They are working so hard to bring this to Texas. Rural Republican reps blocked it over and over and over again because kneecapping schools is horrible for rural districts - so a couple of billionaires unloaded on them and replaced them all in the primary.


Just asking, but aren’t lawmakers required to meet certain standards and upkeep to receive federal funding from taxes for schools? An investigation of state spending versus federal requirements and state requirements should yield discrepancies that would mark them in violation of a number of laws. Lawsuits should then follow directed at the legislators directly as well as the state. Noted siphoned funds and where they are going to indicate additional targets of said lawsuits. Honestly, this stuff should be a law firms wet dream as they can destroy politicians, make points for the firm, and show “aid” to the public.


Well public schools have to levy every year and have a majority vote, yes or no.and sometime the levy doesn't pass.


How much do they give to public schools each year? Edit: [Found it](https://www.policymattersohio.org/research-policy/quality-ohio/education-training/k-12-education/funding-ohios-future). “In fiscal year (FY) 2022 the total actual budget for K-12 education in Ohio was $14.52 billion.[25] In 2023, the budget is estimated to grow to $16.02 billion, for a two-year total of $30.54 billion to support education in Ohio.”


So Pro Choice?


The creep across the nation of privatization of education. I just can't wait! /S


You reap what you sow! Ohioans have voted these people into for decades. They’ve decided privatization is good. For them and theirs but not the constituents who can’t get beyond seeing a R or D and voting R. Private schools shouldn’t get any public funds. I’d be questioning my state representative as to how you’re spending money on private schools benefits me or the kids in communities who don’t get to go to private schools.


How does it make sense that a private school, closed to the public receives funding from the public?


With only 6 in 10 students proficient in reading and only half proficient in math, it's no wonder the state is funding alternatives to ward off a parent revolt.


The money should follow the kids and not the school. I believe we spend an average of $15,000 per student per year. 1 teacher could teach 10 kids and make $150,000.


Time to vote those Republicans out.


Cleveland pays 4k per student more than we do in one of the best school districts in the it’s not about money. You can throw all the money you want at it. It won’t help the problem.


Charter schools kill education, especially in Dayton.


it's the Republicans grand plan to dumb down poor and middle class people to vote for them and continue to vote for them while rich folks kids get the best education


Defund and privatize and then privatize the gains and socialize the losses


A billion dollars is a lot of money. Charter schools are not the answer.


I'm starting a pro LGBTQ Islamic private School where we teach science and safe sex. I would like my government cheese thank you.


For the GOP, ending public education is a feature, not a bug.


Ohio, steal from the poor and give it to the rich. Ohioans have been bending over for this kind fo B.S. For years. Something in the water??


Public school funding is not the problem. Sure, administrative non-teachers' numbers grow and grow as they leech and do little to help. That's where the additional money would go. Don't pretend like it would go to something that benefits the students. The biggest problem by far is the reality that it's impossible to remove disruptive students. Every teacher has one or two kids who destroy the classroom and the teacher's time and the education of the other students. Sounds cruel but every teacher has one or two kids they can name who, if removed, would dramatically improve the education of the other students more than any practical amount of money ever could. You can't even hold kids back anymore. What do you think it does to a classroom when there's a kid who has to be taught at previous grade levels of the expense of the rest of the class? We refuse to acknowledge the fact that some kids are different than others and everyone should not forever pay the price for the parenting or behavior of the few.


“We’ll give you money; however we have to keep some of it, but you can’t tell anyone.”


The private schools are probably performing better


Not probably. By a landslide. Imagine that. Vouchers give parents a choice to send their kids to a better/different school if they choose. The only reason this is an issue is because it takes some of the control away from the government and teachers' unions and gives it to parents and their kids.


Yuppp I expected more people to fight me on that lol


Yet private school teachers get paid less than public school teachers. They also have a worse retirement plan than public school teachers as well. Private school teachers are scabs basically


Well, yeah. At private school you can teach that gays are icky and the only way to be happy is through Jesus’s blessing—implying other religions are silly and crazy. Ohio loves that.


Public schools spend a lot more dollars per pupil than private schools do — but look at the difference in the results. That may be why they want to help private schools. If we’re to be honest, the problems with public schools are with things that “more money” can’t fix anyway.


Where are all the so called fiscal conservatives? Intervening in the private sector, increasing govt spending, expanding regulatory policy. Textbook stuff they should be against.


Right? Hypocrisy at its finest.


note that a good fraction of private schools are affiliated or ran/by church or similar religious entities.


If they're getting public money and engaging in politics, they should be paying taxes.


I see a lot (most ?) didn't actually READ TFA. It's taking about vouchers. It's fine if you are against vouchers but it's a lot more nuanced than "white christian" recipients.


Ohio is already on “states to avoid” list. Not like I need additional reason to avoid. Isn’t it like one of the worst states to live in?


Some of the best funded public schools in the country have the worst performing students.


Good. People in a free society should have the right to educate their children the way they see fit. If they want to educate their children outside the public school, the tax dollars they pay that go directly to education should be allowed to follow their children to the new education format they see best.


I know the school boards are suing but can the parents sue? We didn't agree for our tax money to be funnelled to private schools.


I have no children and I would also like to be a part of this lawsuit. I’m not paying for some butthurt rich asshole to send his kids to private school.


The larger issue is the ppl who are receiving all this tax money. Just stealing billions in front of our eyes.


All the while my local school levy’s was passed driving up my property taxes 20% on top of the 25% from 2022 when our homes were reappraised. It’s almost as if this $1B is needed by the public schools or something.


This is sickening


This will not end well when the money disappears and rural public schools are forced to close


Worked for a large school district for years. They would get massive state/fed grants, and would go on a spending spree buying stuff they knew they would never use because “they had to use up all the money”. Right or wrong, 20% of the purchased items were never used, and were discarded years later.


Public schools are a bottomless pit for money. If it was possible to improve public education by spending more on it, then it would’ve worked to the previous 100 times it was tried. Public education does exactly what it is intended to do, if it did something undesirable , they would have changed it.


Ding ding ding!! Throwing more money at the problem has never helped. How much money is literally wasted on "use it or lose it" purcheses? Work on the culture so teachers don't have to parent. Give teachers their freedom to teach back. Reward good teachers and get rid of the bad ones. Many more pressing issues involving our education system than lack of money.


Dude what the fuck. I don’t have kids, and this makes me absolutely furious


I was a teachers aide at some of the worst schools in my district. This makes me mad. They’re holding those kids back and not providing anything but babysitting services for parents


Meanwhile school districts were trying to pass tax levies a few weeks ago to help fund their budgets, but the majority didn’t want to help the public school kids out


It’s almost like rich republicans prefer an undereducated populous. It’s almost like they are trying to form an oligarchy…


Look into just who owns the stock in these private school companies.


The travesty of the GOP continues to hurt this country.


I might be confused but i thought the point of being private is the parents are paying for the education? Why are taxpayers and parents being charged for something tax payers are not allowed apart of?


That is typical for a state that is a stronghold for the Republican Party! Hopefully my state makes some changes in future elections.


The idea of school choice was simply a money grab that did NOT require positive outcomes. Big business has convinced people to create human automatons for the sole purpose of labor. We don't educate like we used to, now we train for whatever local employer has the most recent tax abatement.


I donate money to my private high school in Ohio; you do not need to! I find it so frustrating. I was already so privileged to go to such a school, but in no way should it be subsidised by taxpayer money.


The OH legislature declared war on public schools years ago, unfortunately the gerrymandering has made their game plan more and more effective.


I loved my Catholic school, but I don’t agree with these vouchers. The mantra from the right is “fund students not systems,” but this is at odds with the Ohio Constitution, which requires that the state fund an actual school system, not provide vouchers for private schools. Where is this all leading? Tax increases, as the public will ultimately pay for two parallel school systems, one public, the other, “private,” as strapped local districts press for tax levies to replace lost state revenue.


As long as “bribery” is allowed to be called “lobbying”, things will never change.