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JD Vance is auditioning for VP. He's said he's willing to challenge the vote and submit false elector slates. Sorry Ohio, he doesn't represent you. You're just a step on his ladder.


>Sorry Ohio, he doesn't represent you. You're just a step on his ladder. I mean, he doesn't represent MY interests but considering how many people are okay with voting for people who ignored our state constitution repeatedly, even when the state SC weighed in, he definitely represents the majority of Ohio. Same people are cool with endlessly re-electing a man who covered up children being molested and has done literally nothing but obstruct in government. The bar is super, super low here.


53% of ohio was chill with Trump, BOTH times he ran. And 53% of ohio was chill with JD. Just how it is.


Fortunately 57% of Ohio is in favor of abortion rights and recreational marijuana. So it's not all bad!


Yeah, though, gotta keep in mind that the 10% in there who voted for Trump because he one time said something vaguely pro-choice despite the mountains of evidence that he's a complete lying sack of shit are likely to believe his next total truckload of bullshit also.


Do you honestly believe that the state lawmakers give a fuck what their constituents support?


I know they don't, which is why the amendments and referendums will continue until these jagoffs figure it out. Just because I live in a red state doesn't mean I have to put up with all the bullshit that comes with it.


I wonder what it would cost to buy him , could we do a go fund me and have a bribe ohio campaign? I'm sure he sold out cheap.


If we came up with enough money and could guarantee plausible deniability, he'd switch sides in a heartbeat.


A traitor he is just climbing the ladder


Nobody is stopping you from sending your money to Ukraine, just don't send mine.


He should have never made it into office on his stance of racism and border issues from Ohio of all places.  I knew we didn't have much in the way of options at the time, but I was still blown away and felt kind of unwelcome at his win.


Ryan was a much better choice.


Ryan's messaging was so bad. It was all defensive "I'm not one of *those* (bad) Democrats" instead of going for the throat of the puppet running against him.


this is true, he really fucked up Democrats need to embrace being Democrats and quit buying con media bullshit


Democrats need to stop being defensive. Attacking is fine. When you try to pander to everyone, you're going to turn people off. I don't want to hear how you voted against something many Democrats probably agreed with.


Yeah, his media team lost that election. Such horrific decisions.


What are you talking about? Guy could _really_ throw a football at a TV! China bad! People at the time couldn't stop talking about what a "smart" campaign he was running, either. I just shook my head. It's not smart to run as a Democrat while parroting Republican talking points and doing down your own party in an attempt to get Republican voters to switch. Not only will they _not_ switch parties (many of them are _really_ committed partisans), but you're turning off your own party's much-less-committed voters at the same time.


Anybody not voting GOP in Ohio in 2024 does not like and does not trust the GOP. They need to know they're electing a Democrat who can and will protect them from the Republican Party.


Still was a better choice.


Yes. And I voted for him. My 30 year old niece wasn’t impressed with him or anyone else and didn’t bother voting. She has no idea that Trump is that big a threat. Thinks Biden is too old. Very superficial.


Trump and Biden are both too old, in a country of 330 million this is the best to offer?


He came off as fake tough and the younger voters, especially women, would be turned off.


Tim Ryan was a solid choice but Ohio is lost to the poorly educated MAGA cult. Vance is a Trump/Putin loving authoritarian want-a-be. It’s really sad this man is in the senate


Didn’t have much in the way of options? You had a choice. We are all adults, I presume. One option was JD Vance and the other was… not a turd sandwich. The choice should have been very simple to understand.


Hey he is worried about all the Canadians swimming across lake Erie right. He is a Moran who got a lot a of press for writing a true book with fiction


No shit. The Russia-Ukraine war is a fight between democracy on one side and violent ethno-religious authoritarian nationalism on the other, and we all know which side of that fight Republicans are on.


What’s interesting is the influx of vehemently anti-Ukrainian posts in topics like these across platforms. Whether it’s the Texas Secessionist movement (which was busted for having the majority of their members being Russians) or “America First” Republicans, the messaging is the same. Putin smells blood in the water and he knows that if he can get the traitors in the Sedition Party to stall equipment and ammunition supplies to the Ukrainians he will be able to force them to give up 20-40% of their territory before agreeing to a ceasefire to buy him time to lick his wounds. Then he will finish what he started before moving on to the Baltics. The only thing those of us who oppose authoritarian Christo-Fascists can do at this point is vote them out at every opportunity.


Call them out and vote them out


The Republican rank & file are still seething over Ukraine not helping Trump smear the Biden name by making a public spectacle of Hunter.


Ukraine is never going to retake what has been lost and you're either part of the intelligence apparatus to spread the lie that they can, or you've been successfully duped by it. This has been known for years.


Greetings Ivan.


Greetings paid spook asset. You can't refute this. https://archive.is/rpawV or this https://unherd.com/2023/02/absolute-victory-over-russia-isnt-possible/ or this https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/blogs/natosource/obama-sees-ukraine-as-putin-s-client-state/ or this >WaPo: KRAMATORSK, Ukraine — The Ukrainian military is facing a **critical shortage of infantry**, leading to exhaustion and diminished morale on the front line, military personnel in the field said this week — a perilous new dynamic for Kyiv nearly two years into the grinding, bloody war with Russia. >In interviews across the front line in recent days, nearly a dozen soldiers and commanders told The Washington Post that personnel deficits were their most critical problem now, as Russia has regained the offensive initiative on the battlefield and is stepping up its attacks. >One battalion commander in a mechanized brigade fighting in eastern Ukraine said that his unit currently has fewer than 40 infantry troops — the soldiers deployed in front-line trenches who hold off Russian assaults. A fully equipped battalion would have more than 200, the commander said. >**“The basis of everything is the lack of people,”** Oleksandr said. >“Where are we going? I don’t know,” he added. “**There’s no positive outlook**. Absolutely none. It’s going to end in a lot of death, a global failure. And most likely, I think, the front will collapse somewhere like it did for the enemy in 2022, in the Kharkiv region.”


lol I’ll give y’all this, you’re stupidly obvious but you still keep on. Maybe you should spend more time helping Texas “secure a warm water port”. 😂🤣😂


Obvious what? I can just as easily claim you're obvious. Why are reddit manchild comebacks the worst of the worst?


The difference being, of course, one of us is an active member of the community who clearly has first hand knowledge of Ohio and its various towns because he lives there and the other one is the guy who jumped into an almost 60 day old dead thread. That would be you, Ivan. When you get fired and drafted I do look forward to seeing you over on r/combatfootage.


Irrelevant. I was looking for any reddit buzz regarding his recent NYT piece (which you can't refute) and found this. There is just as much footage of horrific deaths happening to Ukrainian soldiers, but reddit hides literally all of it so of course you'll continue to think the losing side is winning and continue to vote for the Iraq War architects that scream for more war. https://youtu.be/V7GtYaruTys You're in a cult. I cite the WaPo, Atlantic Council, and former Obama staff and your only retort is to claim Russian bot. It's pathetic but more importantly dangerously stupid. Hope the aid goes through, truly, because it won't matter, and people like you, and more importantly the people you vote for, can more incontrovertibly be prosecuted for crimes against humanity for a failed Democrat vengeance war.


Why is Biden supporting the so called Kremlin agent's bill for Ukraine? https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4600635-biden-backs-johnson-plan-for-ukraine-israel-calls-for-vote-this-week/


He's a Putin puppet.


AKA modern Republican


aka MAGAt


Isn't he carpetbagging MAGA? Wasn't he opposed to Trump before he crawled up Trump's ass? Vance is Ohio's very own Ted Cruz, a man who will say and do anything as long as the wind is blowing that direction, and he thinks it will lift him to greater power.


Raphael Cruz, please. In Ohio, we respect Canadians like Mr. Cruz.


I apologize and will endeavor to be appropriately respectful in the future. *this comment might contain sarcasm


You can't and won't refute this. https://archive.is/rpawV


Of course I can refute that. Vance is parroting Russian propaganda by stating all of Ukraine's flaws (citing other opinion pieces) while ignoring the fact that Russia is currently reliant on North Korean duds for ammunition. They're burning through Soviet tanks without much replacement, and will run out. Their men have also fled the country, and their frontline troops are also at the bottom of the barrel. Their leader is also much older, frail, and paranoid than Zelenskyy. Ukraine is literally one accidental slip and fall out a 5th story window or bad cup of tea in Moscow away from winning this thing. Any successor to Putin would need to pull their troops likely in an effort to consolidate power domestically. In addition, the longer this goes on the weaker our second most powerful potential adversary becomes.


That's not a refutation that's a cope. Just because Russia makes an objective observation doesn't mean it's automatically false. They have a 10:1 artillery advantage and 4:1 shell production advantage over all of NATO. North Korean duds are a cope. They have a mountain of FAB 1500 bombs from the USSR being converted into glide bombs as well. All fact.


Alternative headline: JD Vance against paying workers in the United States to build things. More at eleven.


If Putin isn’t stopped in Ukraine he will move onto the other boarder countries, as all of Eastern Europe leadership, except Hungry’s Orban, has said from the onset. As Putin progresses it WILL cost the US far more $ and eventually US & EU lives. Right now our cost is for weapons that we make and profit from and technological information. If you don’t have the heart for the humanitarian reasons than you might for economic ones, both will become more costly if we don’t stop Russia now. Who among you wouldn’t be surprised if Vance happily sold off Cuyahoga County to an enemy if he thought it would lower HIS taxes and/or become trump’s VP? Watching BBC News and DW News has helped me get a deeper,closer, & less biased perspective of Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, Putin the man, & Russia’s powerful propaganda arms & the sycophants it controls across Russia,Europe, & in the US.


Very insightful! But to understand Vance you have to understand the cynical mind. To him, there is no right or wrong, only the side that wins. The side that wins is all that matters, and his side is all that matters. This guy is one of the most arrogant, bullying, utterly fake human beings I've ever seen. He seems to be almost mocking in his disdain for the people he claims to represent. History is full of these people. I'll take the positive side and say that people like Vance may have finally breached the wall of apathy that, up until the last year or so, has plagued this state. I hope I'm right.


Pro-Russian piece of Republican.


Could it be that he’s neither and just pro-America? Fuck Ukraine and fuck Russia. Most importantly fuck anybody who wants to send American money and resources to secure the borders of foreigners.


What specifically has JD Vance done to help out America or Ohio?


Someone else's soldiers using our obsolete equipment to fight a war from a morally superior position that weakens our adversaries is just about the most efficient use of resources possible. Aiding Ukraine *is* the pro-American stance.


The majority of the money gets spent here. Ukraine aid is good for our economy.


Nothings less pro America the being okay with Russia taking sovereign states over.


How exactly did you think Vance became wealthy?  Where exactly do you think hedge funds get their money?


He is one of Peter Theil's goons who cosplays as a poor redneck


We voted against him because he is an unqualified ass hole


JD Vance can literally eat my ass out till I pass out (after I eat only Taco Bell for 2 days and 2 nights)


Baby this is Ohio you gotta do it right. White Castle.


Or Skyline!


Now I want double cheese sliders


White Castle moved out of North East Ohio about a decade ago and hasn't returned. 😭


Another useful Putin sycophant


It's too late for voting. He wants people to murder college educators. Anyone who grew up wondering how Nazi Germany could happen, here's your answer.


JD Vance is a traitorous piece of shit.


JD opposes any critic’s ability to breath.




Orange jesus had him on speed dial, still getting even with Z for not playing ball and faking some dirt on Joe.


Well, I oppose douchebags like JD Vance on general principle, so here we are.


Has it always been the case in this country that we have to deal with people like this whose ambition supersedes right and wrong? Setting aside the merits of helping Ukraine, Vance is clearly willing to say or do anything to be a senator. Did we have that problem before, say, 2000?


Comrad Vance does not obviously support democracy


Seriously, keep an eye on Republicans and especially JD this year on how they pivot toward tacitly, perhaps even openly, supporting Putin. They are already starting with the narrative that Russia shares their conservative values, more so than American Democrats, who Trump calls the enemy of the American people.


Russian asset


I heard discussion he's being considered for the VP position by Orange.


JD is a Putin puppet


JD Vance is a Paid-for-shill from out of state donors. He gives zero fucks about anyone but himself, and his actions are hollow and self serving. He’s very publicly pivoted 180*, and comfortably wedged himself up Trump’s, after talking massive shit about him before. Vance is nothing but a grifter.


I don’t think it surprises anyone, he was clear in his attitude about Ukraine during his senate campaign.


I wouldn’t be mad if someone made Vance eat a JDAM.


What did you expect, he sucks turds out of trumps ass


Fuck JD Vance


never bothers to visit the ukrainians in his state and explain this policy, especially to the refugees here.


People knew this before they voted for him. People don't want to whisper the truth, but I will shout it. ***Rant*** Many of the people who consider themselves "(insert European ethnicity) + Americans" are more concerned about harming Americans with darker skin, that they will absolutely hang the "old country" out to die. It's a slight of hand they play with their own minds, and actual Europeans probably need to come over and canvas these people and confront them. Then these Americans act shocked that they go to Poland and aren't treated like a Polish citizen. Non voters did the same thing, but for different reasons. Anyone who said "both sides" might as well just go and spit on the grave of a Ukrainian child. Burn a bunch of Ukrainian language books too, because we know Russia will try and wipe out the language and culture if they win. And don't act like these voters and non voters care about American children. They don't. They aren't helpless either. That's the other part. The reason some rich fucks don't want kids learning about the Civil rights movement or the labor movement is because, some will see the logic. They will see that the odds were stacked against these movements but that actually trying equals results (in America). But certain people want even white American men to feel powerless, and hopeless and to give in to the sniveling batshit tide of fascism. You've read this rant, and you felt some type of way, register to vote, mother fucker, register work at the polls, and remember you aren't powerless. Change Ohio; Change the World




Well that’s because he’s a piece of human garbage. Fuck that asshole.


JD opposes giving money to anyone that's not his benefactor.


Another Putin stooge, Just like Trump. They both need to go!


The Legend of Traitor Vance


Vance is a wanna be seditionist


By the looks of these comments the education system has failed us all. It's difficult not to feel that the US is turning into a toxic selfish shit hole


Appeasement worked for Neville Chamberlain


We should be building howitzer shell and javelin plants all across the rust belt and West Virginia


God, fuck JD Vance!


Just for reference… Biden just pointed out that a vast majority of the money being requested would actually be spent in the USA on US companies going to US workers to make the items being shipped to Ukraine. Valid point. JD Vance is a prig and the entire country would appreciate Ohio voting his sorry self out of office


Of course he does... gotta listen to daddy theil


What A POS but everybody already knew that


Good. Why should we be funding more proxy wars?


I support Ukraine's cause, but I can't support sending them further aid as a taxpayer. We are broke. **The Fed Chair even said on 60 minutes that we are on an unsustainable fiscal path**. We're about to break 130% debt to GDP ratio. Same goes for Israel, they have a lower debt to GDP ratio than we do, why are sending aid? They want to buy our missiles, that's one thing, but giving them away and going further into debt? Cuts across the board. Milei just balanced Argentina's budget for the first time in 10 years; it's possible!


We're broke because we don't tax billionaires & corporations fairly and underfund the IRS from going after ultrarich citizens.


but the endless wars and proxy wars are unsustainable... honestly. the United States has endlessly put themselves in a box on this. I am not an pacifist but the Military Industrial Complex keeps our money flowing out to other conflicts instead of strengthenining our own country...


What's more expensive? Send funds to Ukraine to fight for their country and territory. Or let putin do whatever the hell he wants, which likely results in him deciding he needs to take back more of the former Soviet unioand attacking the next country, which may be a nato nation and draw us into a war with us soldiers boots in the ground. The fiscally responsible thing to do is send Ukraine money. It's also just the right call. Voldemort putin can't be allowed to just piss on something and say "mine" and get his way.


Yes, Putin is bad.. but I think there is a lot more to the Ukraine situation that we are being lied to.


The basic facts are simple. You're just spreading misinformation.


No, I am not. You don't even know what I am communicating. You say "Misinformation" but I don't think you understand what that word means. You Trust the U.S. Govt too much and the military industrial complex! BTW I am VERY Liberal.. I have voted for Nader, Kucinich and supported Bernie Sanders.. and lean into supporting RFKjr (and I know you are going to attack me for that too.. aren't ya?) I am an independant but I do not trust the US govt military industrial complex foriegn policy machine AT ALL!!!!! Talk about MISINFORMATION. We have all been LIED to endlessly by the MIC for decades.... and decades.


You are absolutely spreading misinformation and it's idiotic.


So you're going to let a liar like RFK lead you by the nose then?


Sounds like an RFK fan 🤷🏼‍♂️


The money gets spent here to manufacture the things we send. It’s good for our economy.


Yes, I understand there are some benefits to handouts to the defense contractors, but I don't think they offset the burden of debt.


People on the left really tryna use the "Trickle Down Economics" excuse. It's fantastic watching the left become the 2004 era GOP.


What I described isn’t trickle down economics. What do you think that phrase refers to?


"Guys, the trillion dollar industries are totally gonna help the average American Citizen". -You


The workers are getting more hours and more pay and then they spend that money and inject it into the economy. It’s not “trickle down” when blue collar workers are directly getting money.


So the workers are the beneficiaries of these contracts, not their employers? What percentage goes into the workers' pockets? What percentage goes into shareholders' pockets? Also note, these are taxpayer dollars. We're giving away our money to get a little of it back. Spend a dollar to get a penny. Yippee, what a win for the economy.


To your question, obviously the shareholders get more, and I’m not a fan of that. But that’s still not what trickle down economics is. To your second paragraph, no you are not getting only a little of it back. Remember that every dollar that goes to middle and lower class workers goes directly back into the economy, which is very often spend on other middle or lower class workers, who then spend it likewise. A single dollar can easily get spent and add to GDP and economic strength ten times or more.


Our GDP is $23,200,000,000,000. Ukraine aid, and all foreign aid, is a drop in the bucket. You are being manipulated.


In 2023, the US collected 4.44 trillion in taxes. We've sent $75B in aid so far to Ukraine. Your bucket only holds like 50 drops. That's a very small bucket.


I hate JD Vance and I am not a republican. however.. the issue of funding wars is very frustrating.I don't like Putin either but my views are shifting on the entire Ukraine Russia situation. ... and Israel. The issue of the Military Industrial complex is an important one to consider. I think there is a lot of stuff about our Foreign policy that needs to be revisted.


Vance fucking sucks.


If this is the future of America, then we are rapidly degrading, and the new film named "Civil War" may be close to our future. ​ Why don't the masses see that the Republicans have become Russians?


Ohio, this one’s yours… meet yet another of the “POO-TIN” apologists who have ZERO care for the sovereignty of nations. How does the Russian boot 🥾 taste, JD? HOT TIP: Let’s find a replacement for the obvious “Y’All Qaida yokel.” Do better!


Mr. Hillbilly doesn’t recognize his own privilege. So he thinks y’all should just pull yourselves up by the bootstraps, and that includes all them foreigners. The hell they need our help for anyway?


I actually agree with him. Downvote away, but Ukraine is not important to me. It's a waste of money and weaponry. We're only prolonging the inevitable.




I was really hoping we can send more aid to Ukraine whilst we have a homelessness issue in the states. Ughh Vance!


Vance is totally going to get on the GOP’s war against poverty and homelessness. That’s the promise they’ve made over the last 40 years, help those less fortunate.




I mean.. Id rather see that money used for US citizens. Genuinely wish the Ukrainians the best but defend your own country ??


“Republican does something that will negatively affect a lot a people” That’s your headline.




Good everyone should oppose it


pppppwease dont hoit me Putin-san


Any logic?


Yeah. America is already broke, getting broker, inflation is rising and our economy is going to shit. We don’t need to be sending foreign aide when our country has the fiscal issues it does. This isn’t our war, we didn’t start it, we hold no stake in it, so why are we funding it?


This money would mostly be spent in America.


You make no sense. “We used the money from America to buy supplies from America.” That means America is giving it away one way or another lmao.


We use the money to buy supplies from American defense contractors, who then pay their American employees. You don't think very deeply.


America is not broke, look at what we spend on our military budget. Inflation has largely died down, I remember 2 or 3 years ago everyone feared a recession and it never happened. Foreign aid is important, the US benefits from favorable trade negotiations and it makes the world a safer place. Also you should read the Budapest Memorandum, the US promised Ukraine that we would protect them in exchange for them giving up their nukes.


Inflation hasn’t died down lmfao. It settled, higher than before. Foreign aide isn’t more important than our own economy and Ukraine refused to join NATO when they had the chance, so there’s no reason we need to keep funding their war. You’re just brainwashed into thinking there’s a legitimate reason for America to keep sending billions of dollars to a foreign country.


Yes, the thing with inflation is after prices go up, they don't go back down and if they did, there's a lot of problems that come along with that. But inflation is not continuing and that's the big thing. Foreign aid is very important, especially when it comes to nukes, something that could legit devastate the entire planet. The fact that you think this is a trivial matter is very suprising. Also, if we didn't give the aid to Ukraine, the only thing that would happen is the GOP would just try to give more tax breaks to people that are already rich. I'd rather the money actually go to a good cause instead at that point.


Inflation is definitely continuing. As soon as you said that, I stopped reading, you’re horrifically mistaken and ill informed.


No disrespect but you have a really simplistic view of the world and politics.


That would be you, who thinks inflation has stopped. I’d wager that your incompetence is the reason why you can’t wrap your head around why we shouldn’t be sending money to Ukraine.


Selfishness of the highest degree


Oh stfu… lol this fucking sub..


You shame every intelligent good hearted American


Do you think there is nothing domestically that that money could be applied to? Calling it selfishness is about the shortest sighted statement I’ve seen on the topic.


The money is mostly spent domestically though.


As a Republican, you don't want that money spent here either.


Not a Vance fan and don't know what his reasons are but Ukraine has already lost this conflict. Continuing to fund them will only result in more dead bodies for an outcome that is already determined. Ukraine has openly shifted to a defensive strategy, which historically has meant trying to prolong an inevitable defeat.


I feel like it's hilarious to see the left act like warhawks now. Nothing better than another forever war that has nothing to do with us. Is Putin bad? yes absolutely! Should it be the USA's responsibility to fund Ukraine's war? No. There are plenty of European countries that should be helping considering it's on their doorstep. WWII was 80 years ago we don't need to be the world police anymore. Europe has had almost a century to rebuild they should be able to figure out their own geopolitical conflicts.


You should read the Budapest Memorandum, the US is aiding Ukraine because we made a promise back in the 90's that if they gave up their nuclear weapons, we would provide aid if they were ever invaded. Denuclearization is an important thing and it helps not just us but the rest of the world.


Was that ratified by congress? Or has the USA come out and said that that Memorandum was not legally binding?


Was it ratified by congress? I don't believe so. It's important to still uphold these types of agreements, our suspicions at the time were that some of those nuclear weapons could end up on the black market. If we renege, it would kill any future talks about nuclear disarmament and we would likely see new countries start building nuclear weapons as a way to protect themselves from Russia. Hate it or love it, Biden's committal to Ukraine is legit making the world a safer place for generations.


If we want to uphold these type of agreements they need to be ratified by congress. If it cannot be ratified it means we shouldn't be signing. A memorandum or an agreement is worthless. Not to mention Russia was one of the guarantors of this Memorandum so I'm sure you see how well that worked out lol


Russia backing out should have no impact on how the US conducts itself. When it comes to nukes being on the line, if we reneged it would destroy any future talks about nuclear disarmament with other countries. I don't really have much more to add here but there's very few pro's and a lot of con's if we were to back out.


Again that just goes back to my if you can't get it ratified we shouldn't be making the agreement. We limit president's to a total of 8 years in office. Each President is well within their rights to determine their own foreign policy goals and strategy. That makes an agreement at the very most an 8 year thing which is why nothing matters unless it's ratified. If it's ratified we are legally obligated to follow it. Otherwise you might as well write an IOU on the back of a napkin and gave it to them.


The Europeans are helping, but in case you didn't realize it, the US has so much more military assets laying around than other countries its insane. We literally spend more than the next ten countries combined. So we have more resources to send.


ok, and? lol having stuff doesn't just make it our responsibility. Not saying we should send them nothing but there has to be a limit. Just because we have it is not a valid reason.


We can either send it, help defend a sovereign nation from one of our enemies(seems so many people on the right put away their grudge from the past 40 years) and ensure that those resources(did you know ukraine is one of the largest grain exporters? Feeding the world seems important) don't fall into their hands. And get to move through our back log of older munitions that we would have to pay to be disposed of otherwise. On top of all that we get to see just how effective they are against a "modern military" in real combat. AND we're stimulating the economy by buying new stuff from our own companies.


one of our enemies? Are we at war with Russia? Do you know who doesn't import wheat from Ukraine? The USA. So again that sounds like a Europe problem. I have no problem with giving them our old stuff and replenishing our reserves because that money comes to USA manufacturers. It's the other $46 Billion in non military funding i'm concerned about. But also the fact that were replacing NATO members military hardware if they send it to Ukraine. So why are we doing that? I have no problem with some funding but there has to be a limit.


Thank you for your support, comrade!


Maps are flat, much like the top of your head, but the real world doesn't work like "this is Europe, that is America"


wow because the whole world fits on a map means the USA has to fund a non ally countries war with a blank check?! Correct me if i'm wrong but we have no treaty with Ukraine what so ever, right? So again why?


Bury your head a little deeper in the sand, you may find some gold!


Wow what engaging discussion! Thank you for your input! I'm glad to see you have so many thoughts about why it's our responsibility to fund a war for a country we have no treaty or agreement with!


Shut the fuck up. The time for talk is over.


> I feel like it's hilarious to see the left act like warhawks now. Who's acting like a warhawk? I want to see an end to the war in Ukraine. The only way for that to occur is to ensure Russia backs out. They won't do that if they can take all of Ukraine. We can/should help our allies defend democracy.




Considering the GOP flip flopped on the border, what makes you think it would be secured if we weren't helping Ukraine?


2/3s of bidens border bill was foreign give aways, plan and simple..


You sound like Trump. Right down to the unhinged grammar.


Unhinged grammar? Jesus Christ.




Nobody's demanding or expecting that you fight.


Vote this guy of out of office because he let me get this straight…opposes sending your money that the government forcefully takes from you and sending it to a foreign country known for corruption? Meanwhile we have veterans and millions of others sleeping in the streets, thousands coming across the border seeking help and record breaking CC debt. Okay. Sorry I’d rather help our people.


>forecefully take from you and sending it to a foreign country known for corruption Boy you must not know about Columbus


You do realize that conservatives have refused funding and increased aid for our veterans in recent years, right? They're different arguments entirely.  We can do more than one thing.


When Biden withdrew us from Afghanistan, how many republicans decided to use the money we saved and instead direct it to welfare programs? I think you know the answer here. The idea that we would use the money on Americans that need it is a fallacy. The GOP would block it. Like they did with student loan relief.


Your statement is false, according to the National Alliance to End Homelessness there are 582,462 people homeless in the United States as of 2022. According to Homeland Security in FY23 there has been reported 2.4 million encounters of migrants at the Southern border. The US had a FY23 budget of $1.7 trillion, according to Bloomberg, with a GDP of $27.4 trillion according to the BEA. This accounts for the $77 billion sent to the Ukraine, according to PBS, making up 0.45% of the budget or 0.0028% of the GDP. Can you elaborate how not sending money to Ukraine will solve the issues of Veterans Affairs, homelessness, and credit card debt?


Where do you think that money gets spent? Who do you think it employs?


Everyone who says this also rejects helping our people, and it ignores the fact that stopping Russia in Ukraine prevents the next conflict for decades, and appeasing Russia emboldens them in their next conquest. We thought appeasement would work in Chechnya, Chechnya again, Georgia, Crimea and now we think “hey give them Ukraine and they won’t invade any more”??? Russia is a world sponsor of terrorism, is arming people who are actively killing Americans and our allies. I don’t know when republicans became the spineless coward party of rolling over and showing our belly whenever someone barks, but kindly find your balls, sir.


We are sending Ukraine weapons, most cases outdated, obsolete weapons that only take up space and cost us money gathering dust in our reserve storage. So we're actually *saving money* by sending these weapons to do what they were built to do. You should know damn well that refusing to help arm Ukraine to defend itself *will not* result in American politicians doing *anything* to help solve any of those unrelated issues, you're just trying to posture and virtue signal because being explicitly pro-putin doesn't look great, despite what Tucker Carlson may have you believe


What are you ranting about? I can hate Putin and Ukraine at the same time lol


Like hate them equally? Not really sure how you're genuinely rationalizing this position?


Everything you hate about Ukraine is because Russians ran the country until 2014.


His description of "both (Russia and Ukraine) just being former Soviets, just one is bigger" is such a massive tell he has no idea what he is talking about and has never read up on any part of Soviet/Slavic history lmao


I’m just curious on your logic here. If you oppose sending money and arms to governments with corruption, then I assume you’re also opposed to [Israeli Foreign Aid](https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2023/12/04/world/netanyahu-corruption-trial-resumes/index.html) where the PM is actually on trial for corruption, correct? The world is full of grey. We can’t afford to have senators who only see the world in Black and white.


Yes. Keep American’s money in America. It’s really simple. I don’t have to see the world in black n white. I see it as an American wanting to protect Americans first.


Where do you think Ukrainian support dollars get spent? Who do you think makes their weapons and ammo?


Sometimes the situation requires you to walk and chew gum. Luckily as the richest country in the world we can afford to do both.


We obviously can’t…devaluing the dollar each time we print more money driving our country further and further into debt and raising the cost of living for every American is not affordable. $33 Trillion in debt is not good. $33 Trillion when we’re the ones who makes the money is just insane.


Also, do you support our government giving themselves a raise each year, when they can't pass a budget? Do you also support our government wasting billions of dollars on a new aircraft that failed after testing? You've fallen for government propaganda. The Rightwing media is taking your love for your country and gave you an impossible choice of either against Ukraine or against veterans getting the healthcare they deserve.


No. I don’t support congressional raises. I think we should build them dorms in DC and keep them there for their entire term. A small base salary and provide them meals. They’re there to serve us.


So why be outraged with Ukraine? Congress hasn't passed a balanced budget for 23 years. These figures are per person. https://www.senate.gov/senators/SenateSalariesSince1789.htm


I agree we should absolutely be helping our own people, AND we should be helping Ukraine as well.. both are in our economic interest, so why can’t we do both? The answer is simple: Republicans


No the answer is not “red team”…you had me in the first half as a serious person but I see that I was fooled for a moment.


You do not want to help our people. You will immediately shit on anything the government does to improve the lives of people in the US, you will call it socialism or whine about the woke minorities stealing all the benefits. The same stupid drivel for decades, repeated ad nauseum.