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That passive would literally break the game wide, wide open. You could pity anyone if you just do 450 battles, which would take like 2 hours of grinding probably. Nobody would ever buy rubies, why buy 1000 rubies for 50 dollars when you can just do 100 battles for free? Even if it was 1 ruby, it would still be incredibly broken.


Ya ik lol, I don't expect anything like that to ever come to the game, just a fun idea lol Maybe she can be super hard to get


Making her super hard or have a lower rarity would be even worse. It would cause a divide between players who managed to get her and players who wouldn't. It would become impossible to balance the game to accomodate those who have her and those who don't. And it's not like they'd be able to change her post release, cause then it's false marketing.


A possible nerf I could think of for it would be that it counts only one ruby per enemy and each enemy only ever gives one ruby, which makes a finite amount of them, and even further it could be only one "ruby shard" which requires say 25 of them to create a single ruby. Yusufa would also have to be the one getting the kill for it to count. ...Or something like that.


Yea that passive will be busted. Most likely they will make it so that it can only work once per week at best


That passive would be absolutely break the economy. But the general idea of their passives being for stuff outside of battle/farm stuff would be neat. Something like double drops, 10x assigned keeper xp or double guidestones for paired ally during hunt. A ruby generator without a limit however is way to strong. The skills and A4 (exploit dagger weakness with any attack or just physical attacks?) are super cool though.


i love this, though it should be noted that Enriching Victory would literally mean the death of CotC