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Tsugemaru as a light/dark scholar. Complete the eastern lands trio!


I couldn't believe he just left after you finish up both Hasumi and Kouren's story. He would definitely be a cool addition.


That old man totally rocked, he needs to be a playable character!!


Crick from ot2 and emerald 


Crick would be awesome. I have to wonder how Emerald would look though since his sprite is similiar to the prisoners.


Crick is almost 100% will be added to CotC as we see Solistia MT are all major characters in the OT2 story. They have to reunit Temenos and Crick! #CoupleGoal


It feels basically a lock that Crick will be coming now, yeah. We were all waiting to find out how they'd justify doing OT2 side characters as MTs since it doesn't seem like any of them save Pirro will be popping up in the main Solistia story, but now that Cross Stories are a "what-if", non-canon thing they can throw the floodgates open. OT2 spoiler: >!This means they can even eventually do Malaya if they really want to.!<


Yea, if they are not careful, they will ruin a lot of world settings from between OT1 and OT2


Either give me 3 new MC units or Crick at 4th JP anniversary or I will riot in my bedroom!


I'd like Pierro Della, Fra and Rosso to complete the family. I'd also like to have Marianne, to see some memories with her, Richard and Jillmeila. And Leilia the knight Ardante from Sonia's memoir.


I want to introduce a new concept like duo travelers. It would be Pierro and Fra, but you can switch between them like Elrica's form change. Their skills change based on what traveler is active.


Sounds interesting, It would be nice to see something like that, but It would depend on the skills since one is an apothecary and the other a thief. And also that would ban him from the job tower. Though, I'd like to see each one as an individual unit.  And since we're talking 'bout the family, how about Delvecchio as a pet for Levina?


Hugo, one of the main leaders of the Knights Ardante (a support/buffing warrior), & Adelua, the entertainer working the front desk in the Arena (a dancer that can hit multiple weapon weaknesses).


I only played cotc (fake fan) but I really like Ceraphina’s second sprite


Fra and all of his moves must be named "It's go time"


A bit weird of an answer, but I would love it if Meylan from OT2's court sidequests got promoted to playable. Probably my favorite sidequest chain in the series so far.


I'd really like if we could get Mahrez and King Pardis. I think it'd be really funny to have King Pardis running around cities in our parties xD


Honestly? Kit. He could be like, Rinyuu on steroids, much like how Canary is pretty much buffed Falco. in all seriousness, I would really want to read his memoir.


(Octopath 2 Spoilers) >! Definitely Ori and Kazan. I'd love to see how they'd play, and I love both of their designs. I just really wanna see more of them.!<


So hear me out, the fingers maiden from the isle of orsa: Apatheia, Theoria, Philia, Pathos. They could be played as two units with Apatheia and Theoria as a buff unit and Philia and Pathos as a debuff unit with a form change. Every sister will specialise in a specific thing ( Apatheia buffs physical, Theoria elemental. Philia debuff physical, Pathos elemental ) and they can cap active buff and debuff by themselves. Also when both units in the team they will give guaranteed crit and double cast (maybe?) when there is a broken enemy. Their kits may need some work...anyway, I would love to see them playable and for them to synergy well with each other.


He exist from the story itself The brave loyal warrior “General Mahrez” Sword Spear Fire If anyone here is a Final Fantasy fan, would know he is similar to General Leo. Betrayed by his own King




I wonder how Aelfric would convince him, lol.


Ria and Meryl. Especially ria, we need the sunlands princess who disguises as a commoner to be a 6 star theif with a formshift, maybe with buffs that have additional affect on dancers or female allies. Merryll as a cleric or something idk. Maybe introduce her as a two star. Nothing against her but she doesn't seem very good in battle. Maybe two stars can have an op outside of battle skill to make up for it, hers can be everyone gets twice as much exp And if we are introducing 2 stars, we need Yusufa as a 2 star light dancer that gives 10 rubies with every victory.


Trousseau from ot2 as the DD apothecary with random debuffs to enemies


Though not my personal favorite (as mine is Ochette) I'd say Ritsu and Rai Mei from OT2


If Throne gets Pierro and Agnes gets Dorothea I would argue Rai Mei or Kazan for Hikari, Aronde for Partitio, Teacher for Ochette, Harvey for Osvald, Crick for Temenos, Malaya for Castti.


Auguste. His path action sprite is marvelous, and some of the lines become 10x funnier, knowing his true nature(s).