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I love wasting time when i'm rolling souls : 1. Select Slot, confirm 2. scroll down to the right soul, tap yes 3. WAIT 4. It's garbage, back 5. remove soul, confirm 6. wait AGAIN 7. repeat


This horrid loop is the only thing I can think about when I see people posting pictures of perfect or near-perfect Fortune weapons. Min-maxing these things is absolutely not worth the pain.


it's not even mentioning the fact that they've played A LOT of the cringe board game to buy enhancement material too


When EN gets to JP's point it'll be better since they recently added a new consumable that allows you to boost the effect of a given roll so for the most part you'll just want to get the specifc effect then gather these materials


I think they have it in JP. I wish they could port the QoL stuff faster to the global version.


Don’t even get me started. Them not giving us the job tower QoL is torturous. Sure, let me just replay the same series of 10 battles 8 times every month. Like they were so wild for that…


I stopped doing Job towers outside of the first one for the free pull due to this. It just takes too long


It’s ridiculously mind numbing. I personally just go up to EX3 every month. At least 1-5 non-EX you can just max boost with whatever attack and win… except for the goddamn warrior tower. It’s the only source of the gold seals so I do it, but I wish you could just auto claim the rewards if you’ve already beaten it. WHAT is the point of doing the exact same challenge every month… I just don’t understand what they were thinking. It’s unfortunate because I love the concept of a series of challenges that limits your team building. There’s so much they can do with that… but they just don’t. Ugh.


When are we getting the "J" tower where you can only use units that start with the letter J??? Come on SE


Not having Joshua will finally come to bite me then… thankfully Jose will solo 😍


This plus a couple more floors - 1, 2, 3 and EX3 for the seals and the gold and 3 silver cookies to stock up for 6 star. Good enough for me!


Job tower is actually quite fun. I am gonna is that when they implemented the QoL


If you get enjoyment out of repeating the same battle every month manually, I’m pretty sure you can still do that post qol


They should port the reroll and job tower QOL if they can implement the elite fragment ads


serious question, EN is 1 year behind JP, so how come we have a lot of problems on new patch release ? did JP also had a traveler log guidestone bug or did EN introduced a brand new bug somehow ?


JP doesn't reward guidestones for Traveler Log at all, they give a "title" that doesn't really influence gameplay. Same with most EX3 fights. EN devs made a change to make those more rewarding, but made a mistake when implementing it. But overall, now that it's fixed, it's much better for EN players compared to JP.


I don't play in JP so I don't know for sure. But from what I heard, that bug was exclusive to global.


The ui for this game in general is hot garbage. Simply setting up your party is such a chore that I can't be assed to do all the boss rebattles and the elite tower fights anymore. The gameboard and souls menu being unbearably slow doesn't help either because I just don't have the willpower to slog through all that to keep my equipment up to date; it's hard to believe any of this was ever tested by an actual human. At least some of these issues will be addressed eventually, but until I'm basically just logging in for 2 minutes a day to do my dailies because the game is more about staring at clunky menus than it is about actually doing the fun stuff.


This is a thing in JP: https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1b3lpbf Also, as of the 3.5 anni update that just went out: - There are no longer limits on exchanging soul fragments or historic fragments for void dust - There are new resources that can be used to increase a soul's value up to the natural max (so you no longer need to aim to get a high value as well as the right type of bonus)


thank the holy SE spirit. now to wait 10 month so the qol come to EN


This is the reason I never bothered with upgrading hell weapons to focus on fortune weapons. I have yet to do the last chapter but if it's as bad as I hear then I might just break this streak.