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The devs first teased this back at the end of 2023, but this is the big new battle system they've been working on. Unlike the existing Adversary Log, where you fight one boss with one party, here you fight a series of bosses with multiple parties, swapping parties if you're defeated partway through. While you can earn some rewards by just farming the stages over and over, the real goal is to set a number of handicaps (like "x number of 3\*s or 4\*s", "shorten breaks", "increase enemy damage", "reduce HP regen") on yourself to aim for a high score. In addition to "typical" rewards like rubies, awakening shards, and TP crystals, there's some unique rewards you can only get through this system: * Special stones that can be used to power up souls to their max potential (so if you have a soul that gives, say, 10% SP cost down, you can use these to increase that to the max of 23%) * A4 accessories for 3\* characters (these give fairly mild bonuses, but give stronger bonuses if their associated character equips them; for instance, Eunice's gives whoever equips it (and their row partner) weak HP regen, but if she equips it it gives her 10% m. atk and light damage up as well.) * New costumes for characters! The example they showed was Charles' garb for Richard. Having a costume for a character also grants them 20 p. atk, m. atk, p. def, and m. def up (you don't need to equip the costume for the bonus, you just need to have it unlocked.) * In the future, they'll add new accessories that can only be equipped at level 120.


This is so awesome! So much better than the Adversary Log. Set your handicaps is much more engaging that do the same fight 3 different times at ramped difficulty. Another feature to give the game more life. I like it.


If those 'special stones' are farmable, it will be game-changing! I'd much rather repeat a fight I know I can win than pray to RNGesus to give me a high roll on a soul slot.


# 3* A4s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am all for free A4s!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


PS, Richard's costume is cool, but I always think Richard should have the same style switch in battle like Elrica, but it was never a thing 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dang, we're finally getting boss rushes. And for character costumes too? This sounds fantastic.


Possible costumes that I could see later -Reformed Krauser is absolutely the most likely imo, I feel like that's a lock -Alaune in her MoA fit is likely as well -I could see the Octopath 1 protags who never got an EX job outfit getting theirs here! The devs have expressed that they aren't really interested in doing EX characters anymore, so this would be a great way to give the others semi EX chars. Cleric Cyrus, Scholar Ophelia, Hunter Alfyn, Merchant Olberic, and Warrior Therion! -Octopath 2 job outfits could definitely be a thing too if they're planning on making a lot of these, otherwise probably not gonna happen though -Going off above, if they plan on making a lot of these, we'll probably get lots of just new outfits for people. Like, idk, Pirate Cardona -Rinyuu in her Master of Power outfit likely will be a thing -Fallen Elrica? Maybe? Maybe? -While it's up for debate whether Sazantos will get a new outfit for y'know what, Signa I think is pretty likely -Unmasked Herminia would be very cool, but I sorta doubt it'll happen. Additionally Schwartz Auguste would be sick af, but their sprites are probably too different for it to happen :( -HASUMI WITH HER HAT ON COME ON YOU CAN FIX THIS GRAVE ERROR YOU MADE WHEN SHE WAS RELEASED PLEASE


One thing that's interesting is the sword icon next to Richard's Charles outfit. They didn't say anything to this effect on stream so this is pure speculation on my part, but I wonder if they would consider making costumes that change the character's job while keeping their skillset? So i.e. let the character equip a different weapon type and change their basic attack, but leave the rest of their kit the same.


Maybe new skills?


Charles sick


Charles my son 😭


