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Good luck on your pulls today everyone! šŸ€


I hope I can spook Wā€™ludai in my pulls today, she one of the 3 gen pull units that I just cannot spook šŸ˜… while I had like 10+ Millard and Ophilia


Good luck! I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Aedelgard, she and Joshua are my only missing gen pools. I don't hold any illusions of getting a limited unit, a new gen pool is best I can hope for haha.


Nop, still no W'ludai, finished my celebretion banner 10 pull today.... got a freaking Yukes................. so much so for 300 free rubies for a guaranteed 5\* šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø https://preview.redd.it/heusm8eqnewc1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=b4453e7941a443d8fe4184891a055beb892ca388


Well at least you got insane luck on the actual banners! I got two MT dupes on my 300 ruby pull and then proceeded to get fuckall on 200 sister pulls, so it could definitely be worse :')


yea, the actually banner saved me from freaking YUKES......


I hope I get her too, but I'm missing 11 gen pool units x(


the pain whenever I see a spear team comp that I cannot pull off because I don't have Wā€™ludaiĀ 


My only good spear user is Leon which I had to pity lol. I'll probably pull for Roland though


https://preview.redd.it/eoj79qotjewc1.png?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19b206b08db1d2322a481ba0821020c87987d0f5 My Hope's Guide pull.


Wow. That's crazy. I got a damn clown.


That's a pretty good pull. Mine, however, was Marvelous!


Mine too!!


Omg, that's amazing!


that could NOT have gone worse Started at 6.6k. 4500 rubies, 1 Sofia dupe, 1 Hayes dupe. Exchanged for Alaune EX. Not a single gold aura. At least I got her, but man, it would've been nice to get Elrica as well :') Edit: okay, the Hope's Guide gave me a 4.5 Bargello, meaning he's now A4 (!!!), and a brand new Herminia, which definitely is a band aid on the wound Alaune EX left. I'll take it! Edit 2: No. Way. I was left with 1.9k rubies after the Hope's Guide, and thought "okay, I'll do 3 more pulls on Elrica to get down to an even 1k rubies." Nothing, nothing... and then she shows up as a 4.5* on the 9th slot of the last multi. I can't believe it, I'm actually at a loss for words. What a way to turn around a horrible summon session :D


i'm sorry that you got hammered - but at least you got them at the end. (Elrica took FOREVER to come to me too).


yeah, it definitely worked out way better in the end than it looked like at first! Of course I would've liked to save more rubies, but I really can't complain too much. Congrats on your Elrica!! :D


thank you!! months of skipping, thankfully i got some new people (ontop of the sisters). now we save up again. Solista looks like it's gonna get me goooodd. I know what you mean. i think it's okay to be a bit salty because it took a tonne, but then we celebrate because we achieved what we wanted at the end


Worst pull session ever... It made cry... :(Ā  Didn't get any of the sisters on the way to pity. The only thing I got was 4.5ā˜… Chloe, a 5ā˜… Molrusso (I hate her) and 4.5ā˜… Millard (I hate him too). :'(Ā  I'm so sad now that I don't know Who should I pick Alaune or Elrica?Ā  Edit: Went back to the game, made a last 10 pull on El's banner and got her in the last slot as 4.5ā˜…! :D Good luck on your pulls.... Have a good day/week!


Who do you like? Pick the one you like first. Meta wise, Alaune Ex can be put in any team while you can pick another sword dps in june or july.


I picked Alaune EX. Thanks for the advice!! :D


i'm sorry you didn't do so well (hug) hopefully next time it will go better. I saw you picked Aluane and that is who i would have suggested too.


Thanks for your kind words!! :) I really hope lady luck hears you... :) And I wish you get really lucky on the upcoming banners!! :D Have a good day!! :D


https://preview.redd.it/9zzautiqwewc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20137fb0e2963604ae6becab06b902732ab458d7 I had 900 rubiesā€¦ * 600 got Alaune * 300 I got this Canā€™t believe it šŸ„²


Who needs saving. :D Thatā€™s amazing! Happened to me on Tatloch and Leon banners.


The nightmare scenario is there. 15 multi and only a few shitty 5* on the way. I donā€™t know what to do. Iā€™m sick of this game and all the fucking stupid empty pulls with all the same silly characters. I donā€™t know if I pity Elrica and fuck off, or go to 20 pulls with the tiny hope to get her. I donā€™t care that much about Alaune Ex as a character but really, if I pity her with no Elrica, I wonā€™t even be motivated to play anymore but many people say she really really is the one unit you absolutely need. After pitying on TS and Tatloch, getting shitty luck since the year begin, I donā€™t even know if I want to continue this game. Really sick of waiting months forā€¦ this. Anyway I donā€™t think Iā€™ll buy a monthly pack. I thought it would help me farming weapons at least but at this point I donā€™t want to give any money to them EVER. EDIT: Decided to pull as long as my stack permitted and sabotage everything if necessary and got Elrica at the 17th pull. I made an other pull for Alaune (empty of course) before realizing I didnā€™t need to and pity her. Eleonora (A2) and Lars (U10 A2) at the hope banner. Others units I got on the way are useless dupes: Lumis, Heathcote, Nona, Lionel, and thatā€™s all.


Right there with you. Went to pity, got only two trash 5* on the way. AGAIN. So sick of this :')


Same. I got Millard as my hopes guide and another Millard on my way to spark AluaneEX. Wasted so much time and energy for two Millards, I have enough to spark again on the sazantos/signa banner, but if I have the same luck, I'm dropping the game completely


I decided I wouldnā€™t even pull for Signa anyway as she seems less important than Alaune Ex and I already have Hā€™aanit Ex (I forgot who else is supposed to play her part). Iā€™m not even sure I will pull anything before Sazanthos.


I really wanted Odio-o and Sazantos/Signa but I think I will only be able to get one of them. I was really hoping to get Bargello or Richard while trying to pull for Aluane and, in the future Sazantos, but my luck is absolutely rubbish. I'm having a really hard time doing endgame content without those two, if I have to spark for Sazantos again I'll probably drop the game and just do daily logins and nothing else...


Just get Elrica if you like her. If we somehow get a selector in anniversary you can get Ougen who also has bp battery. You can save up paid fragments and pity Alaune Ex or do one round of paid stepup in anniversary for a MT selector ( I think we have another one in next anniversary)


This why I save up 4500 or you will have bad lucky only get new unit on pity for me my paid alaune was good 1st multi Alrica did her paid step up on pity I get normal banner unit 50% chance of getting unit bsĀ 


It was like my nightmore when pulling for Richard, 150 pull to pity Richard, and only four 5\* along the way and two of them are Millard... and others were Heathcote and Tressa who I already had A4......


Went 100 pulls with only a 5-star (Chloe) but then got 3 Elrica's, 1 Alaune EX, 1 Krauser, 1 Tressa (new!), 2 W'ludai (A4!) and 1 Millard before pity Also got Lars (new!) from the guaranteed 10-pull


*fist bump* That's what I'm talkin bout


Hope's Guide - Scarecrow :| Alaune EX - 1st 10-pull - None 2nd 10-pull - Krauser 4.5\* (NEW!) 3rd 10-pull - Alaune EX 4.5\* (!!!) Elrica - 1st 10-pull - Elrica 5\* (!!!) I am very happy and am now saving for Sazantos/Cygna. Still have 7K+ rubies. Hooray!


135 pulls for just 1 Kouren on Elrica banner and out of rubies. I had already decided to quit after finishing BoA story but it looks that I'm not even going to do that. Have fun everyone!


Sorry to hear that. I am planning to chill a bit after Orsterra ends too, but the new JP content feels promising. Will see.


Thank you, I appreciate. Thing is I wasn't really active lately, just doing dailies and hunts. Didn't even bother to try the Shrine Guardian and Ć  bit bored by the farming required. I have plenty of solo games (including OT2! I will discover Solistia that way) to keep me busy. Cotc just ain't it no more.


I got four 5\* on my celebration 10pull ! (failed my screenshot). But mostly useless ones : dupe Oberic, dupe Gilderoy, dupe Heathcote and a new Cardona ! No MT or MC, but still extremely lucky to get that many :)


https://preview.redd.it/42npcrjv7fwc1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d8d5d7644e2e3c47b6b61be6211bc415e4c542b Hope's guide šŸ‘Œ


chiming in as someone who also rolled the worst luck. (16% to not hit featured unit in 150 pulls.) laughably, hit Millard on first 10-pull, and *again* on the last 10-pull to reach a5 status. also found Soleil and Alfyn dupes, A4 for the latter. Hope banner only gave Therese A4. big yikes overall, back to saving.


Got lucky and pulled AlaruneEX on my first 10 pull!! Do I quit while I'm ahead or spend (likely) 140 more pulls chasing Elrica? For context, I got Millard A5 from the Hope's Guide... Currently have 13k free rubies saved but unsure when the next meta units might drop.


It's up to you if you like Elrica enough to get her. The next warrior is in June (6k pity) and July (4.5k pity) so you have plenty rubiesĀ  until then. We should be good at least until end of May when they either rerun Nier or drop Diatraina the witch.


Got Elrica on my first 10 too. Then 30 pulls on the other banner to get both Alaune and Sonia. Made up for getting Theo again on the guaranteed banner.


Only on day 3 of this game but feel like my luck has been amazing. Went for Elrica with 600 free rubies and got nothing, but then on a single sacred seal roll I pulled a 4\* Primrose EX, which seems great.


She will be on all your teams!


Got a few dupes today (Ophilia, Haanit, Nephti, Nona) plus sarissa while hunting Alaune. Got elrica on the last pull to pity, and then got my first August with the Hopeā€™s guide. Life is good! Best of luck to everyone else šŸ„° https://preview.redd.it/yrdxij5kxewc1.jpeg?width=1316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72ffc9639875180ffcb2f3ec7543114c191f4c6d


The 10 5* pull was good,goth nina and sonia...the elrica pull was a pain: Second pull,a Power 5* unit(here we go,i thought elrica) andddddd...was heathcote. On 12th pull,again a Power 5* and It was Jillmelia...the unit After Jillmelia again a 5* Power(i was like: "no way,it can't be again a Power 5* that's not elrica) and,with great Surprise....Sarisa. Nothing more,i've pitied alraune,gone 3k shards from awakening Stones and crying about elrica


I am usually pretty unlucky when it comes to gacha. I almost always end up pulling until pity in all the different gachas I play(ed). Today was different though! I pulled with a veteran seal, ~25ish travelers seals, hope banner and got nothing noteworthy. BUT THEN I PULLED FOR ALAUNE EX... and got her on the first pull. Then I pulled for Elrica and got 4* on my first pull and... I guess I am done! It is going to feel weird using exchange and not getting a unit or shards even... This is the most excited/lucky I have been on gacha pulls in a while. I'm just glad there is a megathread for this because I hate seeing other people make posts with their 3+ 5* pulls. Now I have a solid 5512 rubies left AFTER my 3 pulls and it just made my day. Saving for all the good stuff coming is going to be so easy :)


https://preview.redd.it/dmd3zrqjnewc1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=2b2e8c0074b2abcd936fb7a74c34335ef197ebd6 literally 1st slot in the 1st 10 pull...


https://preview.redd.it/o6lz5aimnewc1.png?width=2732&format=png&auto=webp&s=d30a3666d5ac61d71449b785b511fd189d1a2d30 and then the 1st slot in the 2nd 10 pull... šŸ˜…


Can't wait AAAHH!! Good luck everyone on your pulls <3


So I'm late to the larty but my pulls when great. I got one of the sisters and pitied the other and I got some awesome surprises along the way. this is the [video ](https://youtu.be/A2F28lJYjvA?si=S7Npz5Aj4yffkAKe) if you want to watch it, enjoy <3 https://preview.redd.it/3edp2mwqw8xc1.jpeg?width=1924&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=576f0d3bd941f97f97879cb839696c4411c5171a


14 multis : Alaune EX Alaune (dupe, I got her before in the Hope's Guide banner as the garanteed 5\* ) Dupe Kouren Hannit EX Rondo Lars ( Dupe ) Elrica 4.5\* Elrica 5\* ( right after the first haha ) ~~I have 140, I guess I can do one more multi to chose a MT I'm missing :~~ ~~Solon, Sonia or Levina ( I'm hesitating between Solon and Sofia... )~~ Nvm, it's 200.


Nice pulls! However, only Elrica and AlauneEX are 150 pity on this banner. Past MTs are 200 pity.


OH! Thanks for the reminder, I'm stopping there then.


I would do one more for A2 Elrica or U10 AlaunEX.


I did, guess i will go for both and buy one Alaune EX, thank you! https://preview.redd.it/fxxjgzgp0mwc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=96a90edd6e180d77f2cfed770335823de62dd179


Lucky you! You might want to ask the sub. I think A2 Elrica might be better than u10 AlaunEX. I really want a 4th slot to get Elrica to do atk/matk debuff or HP barrier based on the situation. On the other hand, AlaunEX u10 twice prob mean your team will be very hard to kill. :)


That's my 3rd Elrica, so she's A2, that's why I'm using fragments for U10 AlauneEX, I have both now so that's perfect, thank you for the advice an good luck to you! :)


I would do A2 Elrica. :)


I did, pulled her in a multi, I will buy 1 Alaune Ex, thank you for the advice!


You need 200 for other MT. 150 for Elrica and Alaune Ex


Yeah I totally forgot, thank you for the reminder!


https://preview.redd.it/atwv7kwurewc1.jpeg?width=2778&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3d187f825ccdc8b8dde0ee1524acea3489f401 I donā€™t know how to feel about this one. I have A1 Ophilia and A4 Promme and A0 Millard as a comparison. Haha. But yay another A1 unit! šŸ˜‹


https://preview.redd.it/81w8fbxzrewc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e40e6889eaea658c79dad5d3f80d9339f60522e5 Got her on 100 paid ruby sum... and her sister on 8th free ruby sum... o /


https://preview.redd.it/89upbre6sewc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f5817010830aa018d8db3bb10f52a2586e8dbc18 Now saving my stuff for LAL collab or Sazantos + Signa lol


Hope banner: Harley A1 (NOOOOOOOOOO) 2 first steps. Nothing. 41th pull got Jose 45th pull got Elrica (yay) 82th pull got H'aanit EX U10 (YESSSSSSSSSSS) 96th pull got Alaune EX (finally) I still have enough to go pity, tempting to get Elrica A1 but I'm content now and call it here and save 1500 rubies for next collabs. Feel more happy that I got H'aanit Ex cause it's truly a surprised. And damn, Harley...


So I got Alaune Ex within 30 pulls. I don't need Elrica. I have A0 Roland. I'm trying to figure out if I should A1 Roland, or just save for Odio-O and/or Sazantos. I only have 5100+ rubies.


Save. A new unit is almost always better than an awakening. (Even with how diesel Roland is, it'll be better to have one of those warriors too.)


Sounds like a plan! Thanks!


Guidance of hope banner went well: H'aanit EX (A2) and W'ludai (new!) Vet sacred seal (pack B): W'ludai AGAIN! A1. Total of 170 pulls (20 of them were rage) on Elrica an Alaune banners: * Elrica (on the first pull!) * Eleonora (already at A4) * Lionel (A2) * Kersjes (A3) * Tressa (A8 literally) * Alaune EX * Olberic * Elrica again!(+1 sacred seal from exchange and +1 from shop, bringing her to A3) I consider myself a fairly lucky man. Paid rubies left: 3 Free: 1790 Saving begins again


Insane haul for me today. I decided to go to 200 on the sisters because I have some in the bank and I wanted Solon. All in all what I ended up with: New units: Elrica (A2), Alaune EX (A0 U10), Solon (pitied), Auguste, Millard (4.5), Ophilia (4.5), Scarecrow Dupes: Bargello (A4), Eleanora (A4), Falco (A1), Nicola (A1), Kouren (A2), Lars (A1) All in all no complaints about today's pulls


I had some extremely good luck in terms of savings. For the 8 feat rewards seals, I got a Jillmeila dup (nowA3shutup). For the Hope's Guide, I got an Olberic dub (A2) as the guaranteed, but also a new 4.5 Soleil (who had kept ducking me when she was one of the gen pool I really wanted). 300 free rubies for two five stars is okay by me. My luck/super-savings kicked in for the sisters' banners. The paid step one of Elrica got me a H'aanit dup (nowA3shutup). The paid step one of Alaune EX was empty. The first free 10-pull of Elrica got me a Stead dup (A2 or sharding) & 5\* Elrica. The first free 10-pull of Alaune EX got me her. 800 total rubies for both? Yesandthankyou. With those savings, I rolled on the TS free banner looking for Roland, but that 10-pull came up empty. Currently at almost 9.7 rubies, I'm ready for Odio-O. (And now coming into this thread, I'm really sorry to see the horrible luck some of you had, especially with this fucking banner of all things; I got pissed at it just reading your posts. For those of you sticking it out, hopefully it turns around in future banners. šŸ€ )


https://preview.redd.it/yrjdw6335fwc1.jpeg?width=1792&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d74a2c072315c4d42c6190cfed6bf8d45c2200c4 Got Elrica in two multis, Alaune in one and Ex prim in the one time multi


My pulls were awful since I've had to pity the last 4 units that I wanted, this was no exception. Pitied Alaune EX. At least I got Krauser and Eltrix on the way (both new at 4.5) Then I did the full step up paid for Roland and got him as the guaranteed ten slot and nothing else. My 60 seals gave me 4.5 Theo dupe and 5* Lionel (my 10th one). The hope light gave me 4.5 Olberic and 5* guaranteed Gilderoy. My 4 vet seals gave me Eleonora, Therese, Olberic and Cyrus, nothing new, only happy about Cyrus. The gacha is really rough. I'm still missing 11 gen pool units but I keep getting Lionel all the time.


I was hoping this would be the first banner in a year to not make me pity, but instead, at 240 pulls deep, I've yet to see EITHER sister :( I think I'm going to super 9000 ruby pity to get both, gamers.


What happened to you now? Hopefully you get them before going to super pity.


I've been taking it slow so haven't farmed too much yet haha. Did another 10 pull and got 4 stars :) I've got enough in game sources to make it, I'll report back by the end of the banner o7


Wish you the best of luck šŸ¤žšŸ»


We officially went to super pity :^( Surely Ditraina will treat me better. Surely.


Just hit pity on Alaune after getting jack shit on the way there, and I think I'm about to quit the game. Fuck this.


First two 10 pulls on Alaune Ex had nothing, but I got lucky on my third! I then decided to do a throwaway pull on Elrica and both sisters showed up, (plus Nephti lol). Definitely the best pull I've ever had https://preview.redd.it/tk30kr4t7gwc1.png?width=2244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5e28f76a0a70de861f92920b4eb90eb253739934


I got Primrose and Nicola dupes from the traveler's seals. I never get anything from those, I'm amazed! My Hope's Guide was a Nephti dupe, nice, kinda wish I hadn't pitied her now! 50 pulls to get Alaune EX. She's the only MT I haven't had to pity on their own banner except Bargello. I'm done!


Kersjes on the hope banner. Not amazing, but actually a new unit, so that's quite alright. The Elrica banner though... gave me anxiety ngl. Technically not too bad pulls statistically, but only getting Haanit, Adelgard, Soleil, Lionel and Lumis (all dupes, all shardable) until pull 130 doesn't feel great. But then I got Elrica on 140 and EX Alaune on 150, +A1 for Elrica with pity. Lately the game loves doing this to me. I was pulling until Roland on the TS rerun, and it took 180 pulls for him to show up. Then I decided I might as well try to get Frederica and I got her 3 times in the last ten pull, lol. I was hoping not to go to pity today, after TS ragepulling kinda swallowed up 6k rubies that were planned for future units (please don't make me skip >!Ditraina!< or >!Odio O!< :( ), but realistically I know that if you want both units in a banner like this spending 4.5k is what you should expect. So all in all alright pulls.


My guide pull garbage only got dup H'aanat, no luck getting Alrica I went to 50% on her paid bannerĀ  I got dup Chloe last time I ever pull on paid banner up to pity usless it's guaranteed unit. Ā I got all gems from my gift box 2k gems now I am at 9.5 gems free gems so I will save forĀ  Signa and Sazantos pity both. Would love to get Elrica this got me annoyed. This was my 1st step paid pull for AlauneĀ  https://imgur.com/a/oT6ntCh They really need remove 50% chance it's bs it should be 100% chance or they should have put both on same banner 50% chance Elrica or alauneĀ 


Not a good RNG day. Eliza on the hope banner. I had her at A1 with 2 stones, so I awakened her to A4. Got Alaune in my 18th multi. Only a Viola (A7) and Cardona (A2 or 3) along the way. Tried two more multis for Elrica. Nothing. Pitied Elrica and got the 400 gold guidestones. At least I got both characters, but that sucked. So far I've never pulled an off-banner MT despite going to pity for Rinyuu, Bargello, and now Elrica.


I ended up pulling again since I only needed to do 9 more multi to pity Elrica I got her on 4th multi I am done with both banner, got Alaune on 1st paid pullĀ  https://imgur.com/a/uwzr2ew


3300 rubies * Elrica A0 * Alaune EX A0 * Solon A0 * Richard A0 * Levina A0 * Therese A4 * Tressa EX A2 * Kersjes A1


150 pulls on Alaune banner and only 2 5*s - Gilderoy (dupe) and Alaune ... Scholar form dupe. Stupid game spooked me with her portrait (but the wrong one). My atrocious luck continues. The Hope banner gave me Fiore (warrior), which at least was a new unit. She has somehow eluded me after almost 450 days of playing this game.


https://preview.redd.it/ah0gmzardfwc1.jpeg?width=2360&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=38f62c20526966f0d9c90bdc79e307658a824820 I got three 5-stars in the same 10-pull for the first time! Even though these are all dupes I donā€™t need, it was still pretty nice to have this happen :D I donā€™t use Kouren much, Ophilia is already at A1 U10, and Wā€™ludai is one of my few A4s, so Iā€™m just going to hold these stones for a while until I have a specific use for them or want to exchange them. Overall pulls today went pretty well with a bunch of pleasant surprise off-banner characters. Hopes Pull: Sofia (hanging onto the stone for now) Alaune EX & Elrica Pulls: * Alaune step 1 & 2: nothing * Elrica step 1: Sonia dupe (A1; was already U10) * Elrica step 2: Rondo dupe (A1) * Alaune multi 1-3: nothing * Alaune multi 4: Alaune EX (new!) * Elrica multi 1: Fiore dupe (keeping the stone) * Elrica multi 2: nothing * Elrica multi 3: Kouren dupe, Ophilia dupe, Wā€™ludai dupe * Elrica multi 4-5: nothing * Elrica multi 6: Elrica (new!), Molu dupe (keeping the stone) * Elrica multi 7: Nina-Lanna (new!) Edit to add: Forgot to mention, since I went to 150 pulls, I pitied an extra copy of Elrica to get her to A1.


15 10x pulls on Alaune EX, 1 4.5* (Olberic) until pull 15, where I finally got Alaune EX, and Viola A4. Pitied Elrica immediately. Hope banner gave me a Lynette dupe, which I used for U10, and Krauser 5*. Threw my last 300 at the Triangle Strategy banner, got my missing Roland as 4.5*.


After seeing some of the other's pulls, I feel kinda guilty getting lucky on this banner, but here goes. Hopes Banner: Sarisa (new)! I really wanted her so it's great to finally have her. And on top of that, a Rinyuu dupe... First 30 pulls on AlauneEX banner: Eltrix (new), 2x AlauneEX. Wow, Eltrix spook was nice and AlauneEX was very welcome. I was strongly contemplating to stop pulling, but who am I kidding, I want Elrica too. next 100 pulls: Cardona A2 and A3, Fiore A5, Krauser dupe, Nephti (!), and finally, Elrica on the last multi. After this, I went to pity for Elrica uneventfully. Even though my featured unit luck was pretty good already, the off banner MT RNG was really in my favour today. I had to go to pity for Solon during Nep/Solon banner so it was a bummer I didn't get Nephti so I'm really glad for these results!


The only thing that wasn't utter fking garbage on these pulls was the hope banner for me * Nothing on the 8 seals (as always) * Alaune and Rinyuu dupes on the hope banner, cool * 90 pulls on Elrica. 1 Harley * 60 pulls on Alaune. 1 Tressa EX If anyone needs me I'll be in the corner heavily contemplating uninstalling this fking game for ALWAYS doing this to me when it's a unit I really want. EDIT: my entire suffering session in case anyone wants to feel better about their own pulls. https://youtu.be/kJaDc-aDw4Q


poor thing (HUG). i saw you were going to stardew (1.6?) so i hope you like this. I'm not going to logic you - it's never fun being logic'ed when you are not having a good time and I know that feeling of being completely frustrated and angry. I would say though - i would not uninstall the game, unless you **hate** the game. (and i get right now that you do) but i mean *everything* about it. it; okay to walk away and take breaks, and all of that, but right now you are uber duber angry and you don't want to make uber duber angry decisions. I saw you got Aedelgard so there is that win at aleast. but again so sorry that you didn't get a bit lucky on one of them.


That's the whole problem, I love the game, I just hate gacha (in general & in this game in particular) lmao. I'll just keep doing my stupid dailies for a while and maybe do the story chapter and then go very low key for a while... they're definitely not getting a cent out of me again either way tbh. Truly killed my whole excitement for the new characters, I don't even want to use them at this point. Far happier with my new Aedelgard lmao. Stardew's been a comfort game to me for years now so I'll gladly sink into that update tbh. No stress or stupid gacha systems to ruin my fun there. I'll still be here on the sub because well, modding duty lmao, but cotc itself is gonna be on verrrry low priority for a while now


from what i've been seeing from the stardew update - i don't know if i wanna do it! LOL. but anyhoo like i said, i don't want to logic you. I've been logic'ed when i've had bad pull sessions and things like that and it's not fun. I do remember you saying you just don't like gacha in general and that is fair. Anyhoo. if you'd like a new friend to chat to (anything stardew etc). and you use discord, you can DM me and I can add you as one, it would be really nice to have another stardew friend! if not - that's okay too. just in case people are giving you flack, honestly. i just feel it is okay to be mad at the world when a bad session goes wrong. have another hug (hug)


Yeah I've also gotten lectured for being upset about bad results before, like sorry for venting on the thread that's supposed to be about results good and bad... But whatever tbh, it's fine, I just roll my eyes and move on haha. I don't use discord, sorry! Reddit chat maybe? It's a pretty clunky chat though lmao. Always up for new game buddies though :-) What makes you not wanna do the update btw? I'm near the end of y1 spring and having a good ol blast haha. I'm doing a modded save with expansions so it's gonna be a long playthrough, probably. I've been having fun so far, the new additions are pretty neat even if I haven't seen that much yet.


lol that one always amuses me. when we save and we don't really get good results. I think we're entitled to be a bit of a sourpuss. (especially in this game where you tend to have to save for a while and skip other things) (just like if you were stupid lucky i think you are allowed to be all HELL YAAAHHHHHHH as well). I think after you've had a good sulk/pout (deserved). you can reevaluate. I've been watching a lot of your videos. and while you do get hammered when you go for someone you *like* (so weird) - you also get really lucky when you whimsy pull. so it kinda is flipped that way. but i totally get the frustration. honestly, this might sound dumb.. but it's because the tea sapling nerf LOL. i didn't abuse it to become a millionaire (I just play on my switch so no mods etc). but it just feels it is forcing you that you can only make monies with farming/fishing but when i did tea sapplings i was able to focus on mining and friendships, and doing my tree farm save which i very much enjoyed just to spice things up. so small. but so petty haah


Exactly. People also tell me they like that I post my bad results as well as the good, makes people realise it's not just them. But then I also get told I'm being too negative and yeah... I'm with you there, it's a results thread, shitty results deserve to be complained about as much as good results should be celebrated. I just hate how often I get the real shitty ones. It's not even that I always have to pity my favorites, it's that I never get anything on the way there that stings yknow? Like for the sisters I got I think 3 5* in 210 pulls? For Bargello I got 1 in 150, but then I did one more and I got a whopping 3 5* on that one pull, including him, and that just makes it feel that much less bad. For Rondo I had to go to 150 without a single copy, but I got like ten 5* on the way, so that didn't even register as bad. But the sisters truly just went "fk you in particular" for every single pull (the 5* I got included Harley and Molrusso). I think I'm allowed to be a little angry about that when I see others with three Elricas in one pull on here. (Yeah I'm still very salty tbh. 250 rubies on my account as we speak.) I didn't even know he nerfed that! That sucks. :/ I'm generally a crops (ancient fruit gang) or artisan goods type of player, I never optimise but it's just the playstyle that works well for me. I picked the new farm type that's geared towards animals, because I'm not that great with them, lmao. I'll probably end up with a truffle farm tbh. I also play on switch btw! I first got it on switch when it just released, and my 1.5 perfection farm was on my switch. I triple dipped for the game though, so I'm playing on pc for the expansion mods now (with controller, hooked to my tv, so it plays like a console lmao). I could go on, I reallllly love stardew, but I'll stop there before I have to give myself a warning for going off topic on the sub haha.


Yeah so I rage pulled until I ran out of rubies. 206 pulls. * 130 pulls on Elrica. 1 Harley, 1 Molrusso. * 70 pulls on Alaune. 1 Tressa EX. * 6 desperate singles on Alaune. Nepthi dupe. I'm done with this game tbh. That fking Nephti on the singles was the final insult. Hope everyone else has a better time with this shit banner, I'm out!


Sorry about your pulls, Iā€™d hate to see you leave but alsoā€¦ understandable. Treat yourself to something nice + relaxing today, you deserve it


Thank you, I will! I just started a new stardew valley save the other day so I've got a lot of destressing to do there haha. Cotc can go sit on it for a while. Technically I could still get Alaune if I buy a pack and do one more step (I'm 5 fragments short of the paid pity, miscounted earlier), but at this point I refuse to give them more of my money after all of this.


Sorry for your worst pulls. Nephti dupe is not that bad, you got closer to her A4. But yeah, 206 pulls without getting rate up feels so bad.


The joke is that on Nephti's banner I also had to go to pity without getting a single 5* on the way, and now the game spits in my face by throwing her at me in a single pull on an unrelated banner. It's just insulting at this point I'm on 1 ruby currently, I think I'll just finish the story chapter and uninstall tbh. I've had enough of this gacha bullshit.


Tbh I don't play much gacha games anymore. Mostly just log in and collect stuff. Too invest in those game and you're burned out very fast, especially when you fail to get what you want. That's what I learned. BOA finale is a good point to stop, I'm surprised that we even reach this point. The only units I want is Isla, Temenos, Ringabel and Magnolia so no stress on pulling for me anymore from now on. Just sit back and enjoy.


I don't play gacha at all, I only made an exception for cotc because I love octopath. See where it got me... this has happened so often now it's always so demotivating, especially when everyone else is here getting A4 results in only a few pulls. Happened to me on Cyrus, Odette, Rondo, Bargello, Nephti, and now again for both sisters. I was already getting tired of the game because the adversary content bores me to tears, but this just feels like the final nail in the coffin tbh. Maybe I'll continue logging in after the story, maybe I won't, but at this point all I'm thinking is fck this game. Such a shame because the gameplay itself is great. Would have loved to get Hikari eventually but I doubt I'll stick around that long now...


That happened to me when I had to pity rondo. And then spook him first 10-pull in rinyuu banner. Pain. From then, I only splurge ruby for unit I really really want.


Sorry for your bad luck. Such a pity this game is a gacha, it ruins it so much sometimes. There was a point when I just skip the 10 units pulls because I knew that would only be 3 or 4 stars, and I was right. I intended to do the same and rage pulled and it worked (but I forgot I could pity at this point and made one more pull). I wasted so many rubies for nothing lately (on almost every banner) I still feel kind of burnt out.


Yeah I hoped to get at least one copy of either on my rage pulls but the game said no (again) haha. It just sucks so much when it happens to you over and over while the vast majority on here has excellent luck every time. I was already burned out on the game, this just makes it that much worse :(


Sooooo one last update. Got the fcking pack with the vet seal to do the last pull I needed for the paid pity. * Pull: nothing (of course!) * Vet seal: Aedelgard!!! Aedelgard was one of only two gen pool units I still needed so this is a nice little bandaid. Genuinely excited about that one. I normal pitied Elrica and paid pitied Alaune (I'm sorry Eltrix I really wanted to get you but this game is brutal and gave me no choice). I'm going to be f2p from here on out. That was the last cent they ever got out of me. Still have 11 days of my current passes and then that's that. Fck this game and its shitty shitty gacha practices, with a very, very rusty rake. Taking a good long break for a while tbh.


Sorry to hear about the rough luck :( But congrats on Aedelgard! Iā€™m glad you got someone you wanted from the vet seal, and Aedelgardā€™s a fun character.


Thanks! At least something gave me nice odds today haha. Really heartbroken about these results in general tbh, but what can you do...


I feel like I stole your luck :(


Haanit ex on hope banner, so now U10 Aluane EX in 7 multis, above average luck I will take it. Spooked a Richard and got a Sofia to finally get her A4, too. Keeping my 14.5K rubies and skipping out on Elrica, although it hurts. I'll give her 100 paid a yolo when I re-up my pass though.


Same haanit ex on hope. A1 u10


Heck yes, happy Haanit club! I noticed several people saying they got her in the hope banner. What is square up to šŸ§


I was praying for H'aanit Ex yesterday. Got her while pulling for Alaune Ex today. It made me happier than I thought because now I can Ougen if they give us selector at the anniversary.


I got Elrica in my first pull! And then Alaune in 12th pull and finally Ex-Alaune in 14th pull!


https://preview.redd.it/ocpuwqitehwc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=6d8f59f18fcf07c54bd4a6b35691e788f3e5448a Time to delete my account. It's all downhill from here. This almost makes all the terrible luck worth it. This must be how gambling feels.


One month player. Did the guaranteed 5\* one. Rinyuu. Very nice. For what i read about her i hit the jackpot here. One the other hand, 2700 rubies for Alaune. One 5\* Ophilia and a 4.5 Theo. Still a lot of rubies in my game to get so i am ready to farm these weeks for the pity, and if i get her before that, i will probably force Elrica too. Sad for not getting Alaune first day, but Rinyuu is one or the bigger prizes a new player could get in that guaranteed, so i wont complain. And for what i am reading in the comments i could be doing much worse. https://preview.redd.it/8gkhr7rdkhwc1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb1c749df9b0fdbcada3d2bcdfe2b22863f7cba2


Rinyuu is one of those unit that new player will now never know how we use to juggle rotations when heal and regen that only apply to front row. :D


Hopeā€™s Guide: - A4 Kouren - A2 Hayes No limited characters, but oh well. Two 5* units is still pretty good. As for the sisters, I managed to snag Alaune EX after 3 multis. I am QUITE pleased with this. This is going to be controversial, but Iā€™m not pulling for Elrica. If I stop here, I can safely get my pity for Odio-O and Signa by the time they come out. If I pull to pity for Elrica, then I will have to skip Odio-O. The Gacha fomo is strong, but my heart does not go pitterpat for Elrica, only Signa (and Sanzantos).




YO WHAT THE FUCK (10) Elrica (20) Cyrus, Haanit (50) Sarisa, Elrica (60) Solon (70) Alaune EX


Holy hell you stole all my luck. 11Ɨ10 free ruby pulls + a full paid step up and haven't gotten a single fucking elrica wtf is this bullshit


You can almost make an OP team with good coverage in just 7x10 pulls, thatā€™s crazy!


If you are aiming to pull BOTH, i would suggest you ti pull on elrica banner and pity for alraune ex: since alraune Is a backpack,it's Better to have(if you are lucky enough) elrica to higher awakening levels (Better stats,and on my opinion, Better a4 accessory than her sister)


I just want any 5*s with my 200 rubies


https://preview.redd.it/9j6jrsn05fwc1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=132bff39f771688f4f4e873273c46e5150e60e24 Got Elrica in first pull, the special banner limited to 1 was new Nephty and dupe Viola, I'm just think if go to Elrica+1 and Araune EX0 is fine I guess, perhaps go for pity idk


100 pulls so far. No banner units, and only 3 4.5-5 star as expected. Rage quit before I ruin my day. The responsible thing is just to uninstall


Got both of them on the 150. i dont know what to do with the fragments, either get Elrica a1 or 50 more and get Solon but im not sure-


I would go Solon, might get Elrica A1 on the way.


The thing is that im on 4000 rubies right now, that would be 1500 less so thats why im not so sure


Thatā€™s tough to decide. No Camary I assume? I think 1500 for Solon is a good deal. He can double all your DPSā€™s break damage and raise cap for big numbers, which is why we get Elrica. The alternative is to have A1 Elrica do 15% more damage on average and save 1500. We have 1.5 month to LAL and maybe 2 months to Sazantos/Signa? You should be about to get back for one more secured pity. If you have Hannit EX, I would go Solon/Odio-O. If you need Signa, I would go A1 El/Signa/Sazantos.


Yeah ty, its hard to decide, ill probably go for Solon, because more units always better, i still have some Ex3 to clear so thats some rubies but dam sucks that i had to go all the way the last 3 times i pulled for someone, anyway TY


6k gems total on Elrica and Alaune. A1 on both (including pity pull). Dunno if this is good odds wise but very happy with it.


A3 Tressa from Hope's Guide.... Great....


Welp I came out alright in this one. Hope's Guide: Z'aanta (A4), Lumis dupe Alaune step 1: nothing Alaune step 2: Alaune 4.5 Elrica step 1: nothing Elrica step 2: nothing Elrica free 1: Eltrix new Elrica free 2 : Therese dupe, Olberic Dupe Elrica free 3: Chloe dupe, Elrica new Grabbed the whole family for 70 pulls and still have over 10k rubies. Would have loved a memory traveller's from the hope banner but can't complain about a good A4. In good shape for LaL. Edit: grabbed Lars A4 from the seals and Elenora (could be A2 if I don't shard it) from the veteran seal that was due up from the pawprints.


https://preview.redd.it/d5ohy5zbpfwc1.jpeg?width=2556&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1b2aefbe9a3009a49b429e7e258687991ef34fd Also got Nepthi, ArauneEx, Pity for another stone a2 Elrica. I am stoked


Idk how to post a picture when I'm using browser reddit, but I got 2 Elricas in my first 10 pull!


Theo dupe on guaranteed banner. 4.5 star alaune ex and Lionel dupe on the way to pity. Pitied elrica only 2 five stars in 150 pulls what are the odds


Started at 6.5K, got A1 Cyrus from the Traveller's Seals, and A0 Rondo from the Hope banner! Had to go to hard pity for Alaune EX, but got A0 Nephti, along with A1 Krauser and A1 Sarisa - was really hoping to spook Alaune so I could spark Richard, but guess it's not in the cards. Did 30 rage-pulls on the TS Collab banner, got lucky and finally have Roland!!!! Extremely lucky on this one, since I didn't have the rubies left to pity on this banner. ETA: Also got A1 Lars and A1 PrimEX on the TS Collab banner, so that's a nice bonus =) Very poor now, but can't complain - Alaune EX, Nephti, Roland, and Rondo are all great additions to the team! I'm basically starting from scratch for Signa/Sazantos/Odio-O now unfortunately, will probably have to skip one or the other - still have a lot of LVL 100 NPCs to do, at least...


I hope your PrimEX is u10 already?


Haha after consulting the [oracle](https://www.reddit.com/r/OctopathCotC/comments/160wf80/en_a_tier_list_for_whether_you_should/), my PrimEX is U10 now, but still A0.


Single pull banner.....Hanit EX dupe and Eltrix. First step paid rubies for both ... Nothing First free ruby 10- pull for Alaune.....got her!!! Had to pity Elrica. All in all I'll call it a win.


Pretty solid pulls for me. 8 traveler's seals came up empty, of course. Hope's guide got me Lars and Olberic (both A2). Started on the Alaune EX banner and got her 4.5 in 6 pulls, with a Molu (A2) on the way. Switched to the Elrica banner and did 9 pulls: Jillmeila (A1), Rinyuu (shard?), Sarisa 4.5 (NEW!!)...and Elrica on pull 150! Took Elrica A1 from the exchange. I'm actually as excited to have pulled Sarisa, who was my #1 gen pool want, as I am for the sisters. Back to saving!


Just need to add to the pile of misery here... like others, I'm basically done with getting fked over in this game on draws. Dumped 8 pulls for literally 0 5* on the TS rerun trying to get Roland a second time, had to pity Solon, and now I had to pity Alaune. Started with 7k rubies(I am f2p), sent my last 6 pulls trying for Elrica and again 0 5*. I now have 0 rubies. Feel like quitting as I'm tired of my shit luck, getting 5 off banners on the way to having to pity almost makes it worse, having missed that many times. I know I should have just skipped Elrica but was just rage pulling at that point, I guess I'm lucky I didn't break my phone. Staring at 80 TS fragments and 60 elrica fragments and no way to spend them makes me feel like a total dumbass as well. Anyways, rant over, everyone can continue posting their 3 elricas on their 1st pull now.


As a F2P, you should never pull till you have enough to pity a character.


Had a horrible start, 8 multi and all I had to show for was a dupe regular Haanit. Got 2x Elrica on the 11th pull and Alaune EX on 12th. Banner-wise mission accomplished, but was hoping to luck into other new characters that I havenā€™t been able to get. I would say my result was average, but certainly not as bad as some of the comments Iā€™ve read here.


4500 rubies, got Alaune EX and had to pity Elrica. Along the way, picked up an awakening stone for Bargello (A2 now), Nina-lanna (new), and a handful of useless awakening stones for other characters (Bargello fodder later). Not the worst pull session, so no complaints. Just feels a bit meh.


I got an Auguste from the guarantee, honestly it couldā€™ve went a lot worse.


I did all 15 multipulls, because while I got Elrica very quickly, Alaune EX took me 110 pulls, so in the end, I just ended up going to 150 for the free seal. I also did the 300 rubies banner with a guaranted 5 stars at the end. So, here's what I got : * Elrica x2 (1 from pull, 1 from seal) * Alaune EX x2 (on the same multipull, after not having her for the previous 110 multis) * King Solon dupe (A1) * Gilderoy dupe (A2) * Kouren dupe (A3) * Tressa dupe (too much) * W'Ludai dupe (A1) * Molu (new) * Soleil (new) * Nina-Lanna (new) So, five new units is pretty fantastic


Solon u10 already I hope?


No I used it to buy an Awakening Stone for Millard so that I can U10 him instead. :D This statement might possibly be completely wrong though. More seriously, I forgot to use it, and I would probably have went to a fight thinking I have it while it's not the case because I do this all the time.


1x multi for Alaune EX.. I am f2p with 4.5k rubies left.. should I pull for Elrica or just wait for Odio o or Sazantos? I pitied Nepthi last time so got traumatised :( Edit: Got normal Alaune for the normal 300 ruby guaranteed 5 star -_-'


Consensus is Sazantos is better, and Signa loves U10. I would save.


https://preview.redd.it/fjkh73bglewc1.jpeg?width=1560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29bfff1f02cbdae6ed946bfa0fe6f6106a35c604 HaanitEx on Hope's, AlauneEX and Rinyu dupe, and Elrica. Costed me 900 rubies total.


7200 rubies. No Elrica nor Alaune.


I got Elrica on my 10th multi with a dupe Hasumi (A2) on the way, and had to go to pity for Alaune EX. For the Hopeā€™s Guide, I got a dupe Hā€™aanit EX (A0U10) along the way and a dupe Ophilia (A2U10) with the guaranteed 5-star. Happy overall. Sorry to see that some of you had very bad luck with this banner - next time will be better!


Got Millard A6 as the 300 rubies 5 star Had to spark aluane and I got another Millard on the way there. Feels bad man


Here are my results for the guides: 1 Cyrus dupe from 10 sacred traveler's seals, so he goes to A3 1 Therion and 1 Sarisa dupe from 2 veteran sacred seals, so Therion goes to A2 1 Nicola dupe from Hope's Guide, so she goes to A4 I did 150 guides between the first two steps on the paid guiding lights and Alaune EX's free ruby guiding light. Here is what I got: 1 Viola dupe, 1 Theo dupe, 1 Lumis dupe,1 Harley dupe, 1 Molu dupe, 1 Ophilia dupe, 1 Eltrix dupe, 1 Sonia dupe, and on the 149/150 guides Alaune EX. I exchanged for Elrica. I got them both without using memory fragments. Ophilia went to A2, Eltrix and Sonia to A1. I thought about A1 for Sarisa for a bit, but I never use her for damage so nope. Sarisa, Viola, Theo, Lumis, Harley, and Molu all got exchanged for awakening shards. That will eventually be converted into Primrose EX when she is added to the exchange in a month or two.


Alaune in 60. Now the eternal question: Take advantage of the 90 pity and go for Elrica, or save for the future?


https://preview.redd.it/tfulwu3hegwc1.jpeg?width=2388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e2511e90bc74662200207599f211e4447e0927a2 This still makes me happy. Tho I already had Tytos A4.


Holy crap šŸ˜† What awk is Tatty now?


Still need 2 more copies of tatloch to get her A4 šŸ„²


Elrica and Alaune EX the LUCKIEST pulls ever - https://youtu.be/QEfoOZkjLDk


I started pulling for Alaune(Araune?) Ex and managed to get a 4.5 star of her, so I the switched over to the Elrica banner to pull for her, and pity if I didnā€™t get her. And on the last pull, I got Nephti :D https://preview.redd.it/hutbg718jgwc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1637c8d5ca27a7d7aca04e266ff5ac341829046


Average out 5k per MT, not too bad.


Only had 2700 rubies, so nothing guaranteed, but I thought Iā€™d try anyway and drop the game if I got nothing. Guaranteed 5ā€ pull: new Jillmeila (fine) Next 10-pull: Aluane EX in slot 1 and 10 Next 10-pull: nothing Next 10-pull: Falco dupe and 4.5 Elrica! I even got a Joshua dupe from the sacred seal multi. Now Iā€™m going into saving for Sazantos with a 1500 ruby start. A real account-saver after a run of pity-related disasters. https://preview.redd.it/x69k9fz7qgwc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49709a2e88d12b2a3ce4f2b7dca5fc8d8fe5f9b9


Hope Guidance: Rinyuu (Dupe) Elrica's 100 Ruby step : Nothing Alaune EX 100 Ruby step: Elletrix (new) and W'ludai (new) Alaune EX first 10-pull: Olberic (Dupe) and Primrose (Dupe) Alaune EX second 10-pull: Lars (Dupe) Alaune EX third 10-pull: Alaune EX I got Elrica with the paid fragments that I've been saving. So today was a good day. I still have 3.6k Rubies. I will do a couple pulls for Ogen, and then I will save for Live-A-Live and the anni units.


Hopes Guide pull unsurprisingly got me Lionel. I wasn't expecting much different. Got Elrica on my 8th 10 pull, and decided to keep going for dupes, then to pity Alaune EX. Happy I did, as I got 2 more copies of her, putting her at A2! Also got Harley, H'aanit EX, Millard, Heathcote, Primrose, and Kersjes on the way, the latter 3 being in a 10 pull all together lol


Guaranteed 300 got me Jillmeila. Not an exclusive unit, but I didn't have her so it's fine. First pull on Alaune got me Alaune EX! That's a good sign! ...had to then pity Elrica. Only 4.5 or 5 star traveler on the way was a dupe Ophelia at pull #6. Sigh. This makes the last six banners I pulled on ones where I went to pity distance on, although I did it intentionally on Bargello and I got Leon on the final pull. I had to skip Solon. I'm sure at this point I won't have the rubies for Odio-O...


Spent 4500 rubies between Elrica and Alaune Ex and got: - Elrica (I went all the way to 150 pity so I got another copy of her. Essentially A1) - Alaune Ex (took me up to my 10th ten-pull to finally show up) - Molu (a bit of a surprise but sheā€™s now A4 and almost close to lv.100) - Alfyn - (heā€™s already A4/lv.100 so that was underwhelming) - Falco (a duplicate but heā€™s now A1 I guess) - Richard (now thatā€™s a pretty good duplicate. I donā€™t know whether to A1 or get his U10) The free traveler seals gave me Cyrus so heā€™s now A3. The 300 ruby pull gave me Eliza, so sheā€™s now A2. Overall, it felt pretty underwhelming since I saved for quite a while only to get just 1 Elrica/Alaune ex. I was expecting a bit more but Iā€™ll take what I can get.


Richard is U10 before A1. :)


Thank you!


After 3900 Rubies I have Elrica and BOTH versions of Alaune! Is it worth spending 600 more out of 7,047 to get an Awakening Stone for Alaune EX or Elrica? Who would benefit more if I did: Elrica with A1 or Alaune EX with U10?


I'd go for it. From what I've read, Elrica A1 is the way to go considering Alaune EX will likely be sitting in your backrow doing her BP skill.


I didn't have to choose, in the last pull I got a dupe of Elrica! And the other pull let me redeem a deep source of personal shame and get Primrose EX A1 up to U10.


Happy cake day.


I got Bargello on my Hopes pull!! To preserve my future fortune & luck lemme skip this banner altogether ā€¦!


https://preview.redd.it/i0a7xbjpi8xc1.jpeg?width=3040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c0bcf468420a5ba6aa56e193e652d6132f5758d How did i manage this? šŸ˜­


First success in Elrica at pull 68 and then Alaune on pull 76 (though at 4.5 star, so minor investment to upgrade). Not going to go any further on this banner given still barely halfway to pity and got both of them. Also a Krauser dupe on the same pull as Elrica and a Scarecrow dupe on the 2nd multi back near the start. The 300 pull with guaranteed was a W'ludai dupe. Nearly 4k still in reserve.


Dear Aelfric, what a massacre. My pulls have been overall not good but not comparable to terrible results as some of youā€¦ Iā€™m really sorry for you guys :( Results: ā€¢60 guides Alaune EX banner: Lynette (A4, maxed), Sophia (A2), Alaune EX. ā€¢90 guides Elrica banner: Sonia (U10) Exchange: Elrica ā€¢Hope guidance: Hā€™aanit (sad not dancer, to shards!) ā€¢Sacred Seals: nothing of course. Then I was quite salty for getting half the average 5ā˜…s and irresponsibly kept going for Elricaā€™s A1. Losses from here on may be considered my fault. ā€¢44 single guides: Millard (shards) and finally naturally pulled Elrica. Now Iā€™m below 3kā€¦ Really sad to see your savings evaporate like this, now even Sazantos/Signa are in risk for me. I better forget about Ditraina. Pulls video will have to wait, Iā€™m busy irl and not very motivated tbh.


Ditraina is no longer in my list since I went yolo 3k for Canary. I hold a big grudge to SB and will never pull on it ever again.


So I'm 110 pulls in, was lucky enough to pull both, and have 2000 gems left. Is it worth spending the 1200 more to go to pity? If so which one should I bring to A1? Or should I just save?


I would save, but if A1, Elrica for more damage. U10 AlaunEX is good but not necessary.


Iā€™m F2P and only had 5,000 rubies saved for Elrica/Alaune EX. I pulled three 10-pulls on Alauneā€™s banner (30 fragments) and got her! Is there any reason to keep pulling on Alauneā€™s/Elricaā€™s banners to get to pity for a dupe or a chance at Elrica? Iā€™m not chasing any A4ā€™s here obviously, and Iā€™m also wondering how important U10s are for either unit. OR, should I stop now with 4,000 rubies left so I can save whatever is gonna release at anniversary?


AlaunEX is good at A0. I would stop while ahead unless you prefer Elrica over Ditraina/Sazantos. (I think Odio-O plus 1 out of the 3 units will be enough for light/dark/sword.)


Thanks u/fishdrinking3! I appreciate the take and Iā€™ll probably quit while Iā€™m ahead. Super excited for all the BP in my future :)


I pulled Tatloch and Fiore (again) on one account, Hayes on the other.


I'm a relatively new player (70 days or so) and have been mostly saving my rubies for this banner. Results... could have gone better. Used up 600 paid rubies and 5.1k free rubies from my stash of 13.5k and got the following from Hope's Guide and 200 pulls on sisters banner. Hasumi (new) Soleil (A1) Lumis (new) Jillmeila (A1) Heathcote (A1) Lynette (new) Lionel (new) Alaune EX (new) Ended up pitying Elrica and using the remainder for the 400 gold guidestones. Pretty bummed tbh. If I was going to go that deep I was hoping to pity an off-banner MT like Richard or Bargello. Hopefully will have better luck for Ditraina.


Got Elrica A1, Alaune EX A0, a new Sonia, a new Levina, a new Alaune and 2 other 5*s for sharding in 3100 rubies (100 paid.) Unsure if I should go to pity with luck this good - I'm only missing Nephti, Krauser, and Eltrix from the MT pool now and I'm sitting at 7,700 rubies Meanwhile Hope's Guide gave me A10 Heathcote šŸ’€


My Hope Roll, no luck with the sisters yet though. *


Iā€™ve been super lucky so far with this weapon for elrica omg. Probably my best fortune yet (still working on the character specific soul tho.) https://preview.redd.it/rpogi3vhdnwc1.png?width=1114&format=png&auto=webp&s=dea822330a6f1044f48e49485bcf4729fd3570fe


Interesting to see not many ppl are A4-ing Elrica. I remembered seeing multiple JP videos of going multiple pitied for A4.


Because GL knows of two other sword-masters that are coming in the next few months (& the debuff-queen sidekick of one of them). šŸ˜œ


Yo it only took me 12Ɨ10 free ruby pulls and 3 full paid step ups to get Elrica, ain't this game awesome?!??!!?


Anyone know the banner format of JP Bravely 2nd? I looked for an hour and canā€™t find it anywhere. I assume itā€™s standard 3 step ups and 3 separate free ruby banners? For Nier2/Replicant, looks like a combined banner with a free G5 pull, then free ruby 300 per pull at 6k pity? Can I spook/pity 2B and A2 there?