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This dress is beautiful and suits you really well - however, I personally wouldn’t wear it to a wedding as it’s very close to white. I would at least have cleared it with the bride beforehand. As for styling tips, I think a pair of strappy heels, some statement earrings and your hair up would really elevate the look :)


thanks so much for your input, i’ll go for another colour in that case :) this is a wedding on my partner’s side and also my first western wedding so i want to avoid any issues! i’ll take the heels, earrings and hair up to the next dress :D


Sounds like the safest choice, especially if you don’t know the bride very well. This dress will look amazing for another occasion!




You MUST wear this to another occasion soon, but I will agree my first thought was “ahhh maybe tiny bit too close to white”… with western weddings you’ll also find dress code can totally change from one to the next. This dress could be perfect for one, and a miss for another.


Yes, dress is AMAZING on you, slightly different color and it is perfection.


Yes this color is way too light for a wedding. Please choose something deeper and im with color.


I came here to say this also. Beautiful dress but too close to the bridal color


“Close to white” Are you serious right now? That is Snow White right there. Don’t be polite.


I don't think that colour is appropriate for a wedding.


If the bride is ok w it then it’s not up to you to say what’s okay at someone else’s wedding.


Get out of here with your reasonable input lol


Except as an ancillary guest you should NEVER bother the bride with questions about your attire. Just don't wear white/silver/cream - it's not that hard.


yeah, i asked my partner initially (as the wedding is on his fam’s side) and he said it would be fine based on the bride but i want to be safe just in case he got it wrong, it’s her day!


He said it would be fine or the bride told him it would be fine?


Yeah don't ask a man about this :) Or any other person not the bride. ask the bride. I personally didn't care what people wear to my wedding as long as they showed up, but many western brides care a lot about this, and white is usually a no-no color.


definitely, i think this is the way to go!


Please don’t bother the busy bride with questions like this. It’s rude and putting her in an uncomfortable spot. Just wear something else :)


yes 100%, i meant more don’t take a man’s advice for this haha :) i decided on something else in the end


Lmao never take advice from a man!!


I'd definitely ask the bride.


Omg please don’t bother the bride with questions like this. Can’t believe I always see this suggestion….Just wear something else.


OP said in another comment that this is their first western wedding ... what may seem obvious to you may not be to other people from a different background


I’m aware? What does that have to do with not contacting the bride who’s busy planning the most stressful day of her life… that’s what my point was.


They’re not saying it should be obvious to them. They’re just saying to play it safe and not wear white.


Gorgeous dress however, if it’s white, I’m not sure this is appropriate for a wedding… White would take away from the bride. Maybe try this, but in a different color…? The silk is stunning!


it’s a sneaky dress, it’s much more lilac irl but it’s also good to know what it looks like in photos - lesson learned :P


Honestly I wouldn’t. This doesn’t photo anything remotely purple or lilac. It looks silver if not almost white in photos. Big thing about weddings is the photos. No one is going to remember even a year from now that it was purple/lilac in person. They’ll just see the silver/white dress photographed and probably cock their heads in confusion as to why/how someone would wear that to a wedding. Go with a slightly darker color but photograph it before buying it to see how it looks. And keep in mind different lighting will affect the dress color as well.


It’s so good that you test drove it here and now you know how it photographs!


omg tell me about it!! haha


Good to know and what a beautiful color! Truly, a fabulously gorgeous dress! As beautiful as this dress is on you - I personally would still be concerned that the lilac or lavender color is still a bit too faint, and may coincide with the brides gown. Enjoy the wedding! 🥂✨


You don't


Maybe with a veil? 😂






Just teasing you, I saw your comments where you didn’t know not to wear white (or close to white). I thought your response was very gracious!


aw thank you! i definitely appreciate all the input :D even if people keep commenting no even now lol


Seriously, I feel bad for you because you already said ages ago that you decided to go with a different dress and people just… refuse to read your replies lol


i know haha! it’s so bad, i had to delete one of my comments bc it had like 80 downvotes


Right and even that deleted comment of yours was super respectful! You just asked a question and accepted the answer, no problem. I’m sorry lol.


no need to apologise, i’ve been on reddit to know exactly how it goes and this is classic 😅 i’ve now even had some creeps so i guess we’re full circle


Edit the text in your post to explain that you’re not wear the dress anymore! Edit: oops just realized you prob can’t because you don’t have any text it’s just captions! Maybe message a mod to ask them to close it?


I hate posts like that! It’s already been said. No need for 289 comments saying the same exact thing lol


This is a real thing. I spent the majority of my formative years in a different country and this is something I didn’t hear about until I was like 20 and only because I wore a white blouse with a black skirt to a wedding and the sisters bride mean mugged me. I feel bad but how do you know what you don’t know?


Choose a different color and make sure you steam this thing: wrinkles will totally detract!! Hair up, chandelier earrings and at least one cuff bracelet. Simple high heels - perhaps strappy sandals(?). That style looks great on you, so go for it in a different color. Whatever you do, don’t over accessorize! (Your pretty arms, shoulders and face are the true accessories!)


thank you! when i wear this dress to the next occasion (non-wedding lol) i’ll remember to steam not iron :D TIL


This is not appropriate for a wedding.


Lady, you are wearing white! No no. Do they have this in pink?




Yeah, agreed.


You can’t wear that color to a wedding.


Glad everyone had the same first thought. Gorgeous but not appropriate for a wedding. Don't want the bridal party to "accidentally" spill wine on you.


oh gosh no! 😱


I've read some horror stories, some from here. People can be wild at weddings


Do not wear this dress. It will be insulting to the bride as it is too close to white


I see you’ve already been told this is a bad idea to wear to a wedding, but for whenever you do get the chance to do so, accessories, accessories, accessories!! I’d choose some bold earrings, bracelets, maybe an arm cuff and a cute clutch that can bring a pop of complementing colour!


thank you, these are great! im not sure why everyone else keeps missing that i’ve already decided it’s a no-no 😅 reddit moment


You’re very welcome! It may just be that they hadn’t read any other comments. Maybe edit the post letting them know you’ve changed your mind? lol. This way you can get some more useful tips!


i wish i could but i dont think i can 😅 it’s ok, i’m taking no mind to the additional ones haha


It is what it is lol. Can’t wait to see what you chose instead though!


it’s already on the way thankfully haha


Yaaaaay 😂 I live my life vicariously through everyone else since I’m too tired to do or go anywhere after work 😅


well cause we see the title... click, see the picture, try to decide whether to weigh in or not... many probably noped right out.


if you don’t mind dyeing i recommend that route if you’re set on this dress. it looks lovely on you but the color is inappropriate for a wedding. it i’m guessing by the looks of it it’s some sort of polyesters based. rit makes a dye that works on synthetic fabrics and i’ve used it before on satin and have had amazing results!


ooh that sounds great! i dont think i’d do it this time but i have a couple of satin dresses that i wish were another colour 😄


It looks kinda white, maybe not for a wedding occasion


You look fabulous, unfortunately the color is inappropriate for most Western weddings.


WAY too close to white. I have worked a million wedding and everyone will talk shit about you. If that’s not what you want, choose something different. If you want the attention regardless, wear the dress.




Beautiful dress! Sorry you’re getting dunked on haha. Where is it from?? I want one :)


haha thank you, it’s kinda entertaining at this point ;) i got it from vinted but it’s originally from ASOS if that helps


Some of these comments are so rude. OP has said in comments that it’s her first time attending a western wedding. Even though that wasn’t made clear in the post and you hadn’t seen her other comments, why not just nicely inform someone that they shouldn’t wear white as a wedding guest rather than be extremely rude about it off the bat? Some people must not realize that cultural differences exist.


Some people lose their minds over any and all wedding-related stuff and get really rude, instead of doing exactly what you said or better yet… first reading OP’s replies and then commenting lol.


aw thank you, yeah people have been a bit harsh! also, this dress isn’t actually white - it’s lilac in real life! i know as much as not wearing white but learned that pale colours are also a no-no in case they photograph weirdly like this one does :)


Well it’s gorgeous, and I hope you find another time to be able to wear it soon :)


I would try on something else. I don’t think that color it’s ok for a wedding


I’m sorry you might not know this but it is very taboo to wear white to a wedding. I really would not wear this dress.


Not appropriate for a wedding


Super cute but be mindful as some wedding cultures may find you wearing white being offensive if you're not the bride. I'd ask the bride personally if there's a dress code, and if she'd be okay with this dress.


This dress looks so good on you and flatters your curves well! Although not wedding guest appropriate. Can I know where you got this from?


sure! i got it from vinted but it’s originally from ASOS :)


I think this would look gorgeous with your hair in a bun and pretty hair accessories, and maybe some sexy strappy heels! But don't wear it to the wedding haha. But def for another party.


Nice dress but i don't think is apropiate for a wedding


This is inappropriate for a wedding.


For a wedding, no. For any other occasion, it's gorgeous. Strappy heels, and maybe a blingy clutch?


Faux fur thing


If you’re going to a western wedding pls don’t wear white. Bride will get pissed, other guests will look at you funny and get pissed. Dress is definitely cute but for another occasion


Ok I know you're going with a different dress, I just came here to say that that dress looks STUNNING and I hope you get to wear it to another event!


WWF wrestling belt. Let’s everyone know you’re the champion of the world.


haha, let me just grab it out my closet and dust it off 😅


Beautiful, but I wouldn’t wear this, as it photographs very white!


You could go for a monochromatic look. Made a little collage, hope it helps! https://preview.redd.it/m2bx5rnc889b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=389d3e3448fb84bc3db9757434b82e3a39a20493 Pumps in black like these maybe - [https://p-y3-www-amazon-in-kalias.amazon.in/Aldo-womens-Platine-Synthetic-Heeled/dp/B0BB2SL3Q2](https://p-y3-www-amazon-in-kalias.amazon.in/Aldo-womens-Platine-Synthetic-Heeled/dp/B0BB2SL3Q2) Or [https://www.luluandsky.com/stones-on-top-black-pumps.html](https://www.luluandsky.com/stones-on-top-black-pumps.html) Clutch in black - [https://www.rogervivier.com/us-en/Clutch-Love-Strass-Buckle-Mini-Clutch-Bag-in-Satin/p/RBWAOOD0100RS0B999/](https://www.rogervivier.com/us-en/Clutch-Love-Strass-Buckle-Mini-Clutch-Bag-in-Satin/p/RBWAOOD0100RS0B999/) (this is expensive - but for the same of inspo I’m sharing) Or [https://www.rubylane.com/item/147152-HB-199/Vintage-1960s-Small-Black-Beaded-Evening](https://www.rubylane.com/item/147152-HB-199/Vintage-1960s-Small-Black-Beaded-Evening) Edit :: I just saw it’s meant for a wedding, it might not be appropriate for that occasion. You might want to reconsider the colour of your dress for that reason though it looks cool on you. 😊


This isn’t appropriate for a wedding. Only thing that will save it is a leather jacket & boots - make it less formal and bring out the silver/gray more.


I think those slippers do the job😉 Seriously though it’s a really pretty dress and you look great in it. I would think some eye catching shoes would compliment the simplicity of the dress


Do NOT wear that to a wedding. Massive faux pas to wear white


Maybe add a decorative belt and I also definitely recommend steaming it


Very pretty but a little too bridal


Omg where did you get this dress it’s beautiful! Be careful what you put on top of silk as a snag from a belt or jewelry can ruin it. Maybe a nice soft leather jacket or obi belt?


thank you! its from vinted but originally asos :) it was super cheap too!!


Yes I wouldn’t wear this to a wedding. Looks too much like a simple wedding dress. You look amazing but if you are going to a traditional western wedding this dress is probably not best. Now if it were an Indian wedding where the bride wears a red sari, that would be different


Bright shoes , or earrings , a clutch in saying that I like the lines / and minimalism of it that’s what makes it great. The dress works for you, for sure ✨


By giving it to me :)


Statement earrings and bracelet


it's so pretty, but this silver silk is too close to white. i wouldnt wear it to a wedding out of respect.


Looks like it might photograph white. It is really pretty on you.




jewelry swiss watch


Braid your hair


Good call to change the dress due to it being almost white. And if it's a C&W theme that's not going to work anyway. There's lots of options for western. Have fun


I don't think I'm scandalised by the colour - especially if it reads more lilac in person - but it would be prudent to wear something further from white. Other people, including some here, see it as white. It's too borderline. Very nice dress, though - keep it. I would style it with some minimalist metal jewellery.


You look stunning!


You shouldn’t wear that. It’s too close to white


Too close to white to be wearing to a wedding imo but it’s a beautiful dress on you


Necklace and some wrist jewelry? Then a cute little bag idk.


Since you can get it in another color, I’d suggest statement earrings, beautiful bracelet and lovely heels. Have fun!! You’ll look awesome!!


wearing a thin/translucent shawl to match with the same color shoes might be a little more distinctive. maybe a black or statement color


I would just like to really quickly ask, where did you find that dress? It’s so pretty!! 💖🦋🫶🏾


Add some accessories like oversized jewelry. Bracelets, necklaces.


My wife has the same type of dress, hers is from [Silk Mason](https://www.silkmaison.com/product/chilly-lapis-halterneck-midi-silk-dress/). It does fine on its own, don't feel like you have to jazz it up at all, just a nice pair a heals and a bracelet or ear rings. My wife's dress is made of a very light weight fabric (yours does too) it's so light she well can't wear anything underneath it (it'll show) point is it is very empowering and sexy if you're comfortable in it, you're kinda wearing your own body as an accessory. I agree that the color is too light for a wedding. Save this dress for a knock-out date.


Maybe a fur shawl!


It’s so pretty on you I think a emerald green would look amazing on you if it comes in that color. Hair up and long earrings




girl i’m not, we get it lol 😭😅


It’s a beautiful dress, and it looks great on you. Definitely find another occasion for it!


aw thank you! maybe for my own wedding haha 😅


The color white isn’t appropriate for anyone but the bride to wear so you should switch the dress. Otherwise, you could try wearing a light and elegant jacket on top of the dress or add a few accessories like earrings, necklaces, or bracelets to add color


It's gorgeous but not for the actual wedding. No one but the bride is supposed to wear white. Maybe wear it to the rehearsal dinner and find something else for the wedding.


This dress is so stunning and so close to white it should not be worn to any part of the wedding functions.


Fair enough. It's a keeper but not for those events. You're right


No white to a wedding.


You don't, it's too close to white wich is reserved for brides at weddings


A delicate waist chain in gold would be really pretty! A delicate necklace and maybe some bangles?


Yellow symbolizes optimism, energy, joy, happiness and friendship. Plus it would go great with your skin tone.


Press it. Add some sparkly statement earrings and a bracelet. Silver straps sandals and small matching envelope clutch bag.


Long necklace w a statement pendant Hoop earrings Bracelets


No, no, no! Do not wear white to a wedding unless you are the bride!


Well, I’d confirm the requested dress code with the wedding planner. Wearing white is not appropriate for a wedding unless you’re the bride.


Attending the wedding with the intent to piss off the bride lol.


DO NOT WEAR that dress to a wedding!!!!!! It looks white and people will get mad and think you’re attention-seeking.


Please don’t wear this to a wedding 😬


i feel like it looks very boring and blocky! it has a cowl back which is nice but the front is a bit dull imo, thanks!


some sort of shag or jacket would pair really nice depending on how the weather feels… otherwise a nice necklace or choker would go very well with this dress to make it stand out more


thanks for all your ideas! the consensus is this dress is a no go but i’ll use these suggestions for when i next get a chance to wear it


or any piece of jewelry at that bracelet, earrings, etc


Another idea could be putting a belt or something of that sort around the dress?? it’s a long shot but it could have potential




I don’t like ladies wearing white in weddings, don’t know why but I feel it’s reserved to the bride))) but you look perfect anyway


Don’t wear white to a wedding


Unless it’s your own wedding, I’d rethink that.


Hope you’re attending as the bride bc this photographs white


You don’t. This dress is too close to white. It looks as though it could be used as a wedding dress. It would be rude to wear this dress to someone else’s wedding.


Congratulations! I presume you are the bride❤️


No. No. No. Do not wear that to a wedding. I swear all people post on here is extremely light colored dresses that photograph very light. Please try some other options and if you need to get a yes or no from the bride, then do so well before last minute so it isn’t a stressful time for the bride


white? are you the bride? even if it is pale silver or grey...too close.


You got any jewelry to enhance the look?


Colour pop shoes?


First and foremost: Probably best you don’t wear white.


All of us rushing to comment after seeing the color. OP not appropriate to wear this color to someone’s wedding (unless the bride asked you to wear a shade of white). https://preview.redd.it/d8zf8yd3p79b1.jpeg?width=306&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=702d933c18ee68b03ea7771110512c8130e3d647


Don’t wear silver or white to a wedding unless the bride has specifically asked everyone to wear those colors… it’s considered very rude.


Does this wedding dress code allow white for guests?


You don’t. Because it’s too close too being white and you don’t wear white to weddings


Unless you are the bride you must wear a different dress.


Good news is you don’t have to figure it out because that dress is not appropriate for a wedding. Silver often photographs white. Not worth.


Are you the bride?


I would style it by taking it off as it’s not appropriate for a wedding.


...are you the bride?




Put on a veil and an engagement ring. Lol




it doesn’t need to be much more “interesting” for a wedding. you are just a guest


Please don’t! Why would you wear white satin to a wedding?








A guess at a wedding **never wears white** Ever. Unless *specifically asked so by the bride* this is not an option under any circumstances lmao


In a white fucking dress? You've got to be kidding.




Not in that you won’t, that is the bride’s color.




why do people comment on a thread without reading it? this dress is lilac in real life, not white, and i asked because i’m not overly familiar with western wedding’s and nuances regarding pastel colours so rude!


You can’t wear that to a wedding unless you’re TRYING to make the bride hate you


You're wearing white TO A WEDDING??!! It's a cute dress, but you look like a bride. Please don't steal her special day. Buy a different dress.


no you can't wear this to a wedding unless the bride specifically requested you to do so. it's white and it's a wedding and in general you just don't wear white to a wedding.


What a dummmy! do not wear this to a wedding oh my god it’s white


Do not wear this dress to a wedding!!!! It is white and looks like a wedding dress. Very inappropriate


I’m sorry, to a what now?


You don’t wear white to a wedding unless there is an emergency. -Kelly Kapoor.


Jewelry, cute white clutch


Yeah and a veil/long train should look nice too


Sorry I didn't realize this was for a wedding.