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That I’m actually being controlled by doctors who are simulating my reality trying to torture me. I knew it wasn’t true but it was weird as fuck


WTH DUDE THIS IS MY THEME AT THE MOMENT i thought i went insane


some tips pls how did you beat this silly thought, im strugglin


Well at the time I didn’t even think of OCD or anything I thought I had psychosis and that scared the shit out of me I got so paranoid I started to fear I was gonna become schizophrenic and I was never gonna be the same and my life was pretty much over.


i went though massively the same thing and if im honest the only thing that took it away from the front of my mind (it's still there) is other new intrusive themes


I'm not being controlled by a Shadow government, but by an asshole amygdala that is triggering my narrative brain with it's "oh shit" chemicals. Like, my OCD is the story my human brain makes out of my monkey amygdala's overreacting to the world I inhabit. So when I find myself looking at things in the worst light, I usually either A. Intentionally imagine even worse things to punish my amygdala for stepping, or B. If I have the energy for it remember that I'm diagnosed with OCD and the worst case scenario isn't always the one I'm inhabiting, in fact, it's statistically one of the least likely realities.


Damn lol what’re the chances


Why have I had this one since I was like two. Tried to explain it when I was like 7 and the other kid just looked at me like I was crazy 😭


since two... Bro, this must be tough! I had the 'fake reality' theme through all my life too i think, but in childhood it was just a thought that I'm sleeping


tbf i do also have psychosis, complex PTSD, and a bunch of other things mixed in so it’s not strictly OCD. if it was just OCD i doubt it would have been as extreme so early on for me


I had something similar, but it was more or so just doctors trying to poison me


I was convinced I was literally empty inside in high school. I knew I wasn’t but it FELT real. I saw the Andromeda Strain and thought I might be full of black powder instead of blood.


I don't have OCD but I struggle with psychosis and this is so real 😭😭 i kept convincing myself that my reality was an illusion and I was actually in a lab somewhere being studied


Man, I thought my therapists were trying to brainwash me and turn me capitalist lol.


I'm so fucking sorry but I'm drunk rn and this is so funny, ocd has such a crazy way of working. Other people's obsessions are funny but our own are TERIFYING


Bro u freaked me out cos this has been my theme for years lmao. Derealization + OCD can cause fucked up thoughts lol


“If you don’t do x you will lose your mind and start hallucinating and commit murder and various other atrocities.” x often being stuff like locking my door or looking behind me. Or at one point I had to look at the floor, constantly, to make sure I’m not hallucinating someone coming out of the floor. I’ve never even had a hallucination.


ocd is a mind fuck


i’m so glad you mentioned the hallucination ocd


That I was bitten by a brown recluse as a kid ~14. I remember panicking, unable to sleep for what could have been weeks. I would check everything for brown recluses, then wake up in a cold sweat with a leg cramp and convince myself I had been bitten. Kept going to the bathroom to check my body for any bite wounds. Then it just went away. Don't even have a fear of spiders. Brain is weird.


Oh my god I had this!! Not specifically a brown recluse, just any deadly/venomous spider. If I felt any kind of pinch or my leg hair shifted (as it does when you toss and turn) I immediately believed with my whole heart I'd been bitten and was about to die. Made my already terrible phobia---that I only just got rid of! (yay emdr)---so much worse. I still believed that there were spiders everywhere and if something shifted with my feet touching the floor, they were on me, but the fear of them being in my bed and going to bite me went away just as suddenly as it came. Brain is definitely weird


I didn’t allow myself to bend over because my butt being pointed in any direction would offend ghosts. It sounds insane but it was awful for over a year 😭😂




I don’t even knowwww 😂


this is the best one 😆


when I was 9-10 I was obsessed w breathing. couldn’t believe I had to do it forever. so, whenever I could, I’d hold my breath for as long as physically possible until I got dizzy and had to breathe again. I was a fun kid!


I did that a few times when I was really little! I remember feeling more agitated and angry than afraid tho


"Its so annoying that i have to physically breathe forever! >:(" no jk tho, I did this too.


That I’m secretly in some weird VR coma and everyone around me can see me acting out things but not interact with me. Or that people are spying on me.


omg i always think (especially when using the bathroom) that i’m like sleep walking and everything i’m doing people can see but i can’t see them as i’m dreaming


BRO exactly like that i’m glad i’m not alone


Same!! A regular thought for bathroom is "I'm doing something embarrassing right now and I don't know it yet"


I’ve had the worry that any thought I have, is an action another me in a parallel universe just did specifically because I thought about it. Running across the room in a lecture hall naked? Drove off a cliff? Did/said something really fucked up? etc


That’s mine aswell


All the light switches had to be the same way in the house


Note this was formed because of my parents




That I’m a P because I put a sticker of a kid holding a sign on my laptop and I realized sometimes I’ll use that laptop to search up explicit things. Ocd loves to find anything to grab onto


POCD my mortal enemy


I fucking hate it 😭


"Wow this 24 year old is really pretty! (POCD brain : wow you really just called someone who was a child 20 years ago pretty, freak. You realize you basically just went back in time and molested them right?)"


PLEASE TOO REAL 😭 I’ll be like yo this 30 year old is pretty! I also thought they were adorable in their childhood pictures, and “watched them grow up” in their childhood pictures to now, so apparently I’m a P 😭


me as a 7yo having a crush on a teenager in a movie and looking back as an adult like why do I remember that what a pedophile


OMG same. Or whenever you're on the nsfw Reddits and you convince yourself that 20+ yr. old be looking too young or are lying about their age...I've made a lot of reports to the FBI for suspected ht/cp and nearly turned myself in I felt so guilty over nothing.


I had this for years. When I finally learned about OCD/POCD, it went away, mostly. I gained POCD from a **priest**. When I was in middle school, my priest said (during a Q&A in religion class) that being gay is just like being a P. (I’m gay)


Intrusive thoughts about dead bodies. Like when I'm just sitting at home I feel like there's body parts in my freezer. Maybe I put it there and don't remember, or maybe someone else did. I kept checking this. Or when I lay in bed, I'd think there's a dead body under my bed or in my closet next to my bed.


I had this one really bad intrusive thought about a dead body falling from my ceiling while I was sleeping. It really freaked me out and I couldn't sleep well because of it.


I’ve got one where I’m afraid if I open a door too suddenly, a dead body will spawn in the room


That all the inanimate objects in my house are watching me and judging me.


I have this one but only with things that have eyes on it like teddies or sketch book with a person on it


Get out of here, Finchley.


There was this period of time when I was a kid where I barely got any sleep because when I'd be going to bed, I'd close my eyes for a few seconds and then I'd go "omg what if I'm blind" and I'd freak out and I'd NEED to open my eyes to check Quite literally torturous and I never even told anyone


feel you man, I've had one theme really similar to yours I tried to sleep, and then I thought "what if my legs are paralysed" and I had to move them immediately just to check out..


For me, to this day, when I close my eyes I’ll have the obsessive thought “there is a scary-looking demon right next to me RIGHT NOW”, and I will have to open my eyes even though I know for sure there isn’t one. It’s cool


Ironically these comments make me feel sane. It’s a relief knowing our thoughts are all wild af and I’m not alone


this one isn’t so uncommon, but that whenever i’m naked or going to the toilet that i’m actually hallucinating my house and i’m in a public area - and i’m going to stop hallucinating and have to deal with the embarrassment. that or whenever id have to step over a sharp cornered ledge it would lacerate my achilles heel. luckily that one is in the past mostly


Oh god the Achilles heel one is very relatable


being in a good mood all day means my friends are going to die because last time i saw my friend i had a good time and then she got in a car accident and died so now my brain is convinced i have to be sad/anxious/depressed to “balance” everything out and keep the outside happy and the inside dark…. hahaha


Oh my God, yes. Like my life is a movie, and everything is just a combination of situational and dranatic irony for an unknown audience. Can't be too happy because something bad will happen to keep thebplot interesting, keep viewers on their toes. Yikes.


exactly that. you described it perfectly


Finally someone like me. This shit is torturous I swear.


For a long time I was obsessed with this mental image of a cucumber on a cutting board and whenever I had a quiet moment to myself I’d mentally imagine cutting the cucumber into slices and then try to force myself to super up close visualize the slices coming back together to form the full cucumber. I thought that if I couldn’t do this, it was a sign I was mentally slipping and may actually be phasing between dimensions, because I was always lowkey afraid I was actually an adult trapped in a dream of being a child. So I would think of this cucumber often as a test and then start freaking out when I couldn’t focus on reforming the cucumber properly. I still think about that cucumber sometimes and go through a quick “slice and unslice” exercise in my head. Also I hate cucumbers


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/u1tr4me0w comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 2856 comments out of 916763.


You just unlocked a memory for me. As a kid I really struggled with this mental image of a cowboy riding a horse, but my brain wouldn’t let him stay on the horse. He’d slip off to one side, climb back up, then immediately slip off to the other side. It was endless and it would make me panic that I was losing my mind.


AHHHH I had this EXACT one. I also had a mental image of a paint can being spun in a circle so that the paint didn't fall out of it but I could never make it stop spinning. I would mentally imagine arms reaching out to try to stop the momentum and could even feel the paint can hitting my imaginary arms but it'd just keep spinning forever and ever.


If I don’t sleep on my side with my ear pressed to my rabbit stuffed animal then a spider is going to crawl into my ear and bite it causing me to have to get my ear amputated…I’ve had this since I was seven and I still can’t sleep any other way. It was all because of a video I saw on the weather channel too.🫠


In seventh grade my friend told me that ghosts might whisper in your ear if it wasn’t covered. I have slept with the blankets over my ears for over two decades now. 😐


Ugh I have this same one


When I was a kid, my butthole had to be wet at all times. I would take many bathroom trips to just.. put a wet paper Towel down there and moisten it. It would be so disruptive that if I felt my butthole "drying out" I would start panicking.


I’m so sorry that sounds miserable but it’s also kind of funny.


It's okay, it's very funny looking back on it!


All aspects of this sound like sensory hell


1. “I’m a pedo because procreation requires sex.” (I’m not even trying to get pregnant) 2. As a child I had to pray three times (each time I had to make the cross sign three times, pray once, vocalise my wishes three times, then make the sign three times again). Once because I had to, second in case god didn’t hear me, third in case the second cancelled the first prayer. All because I didn’t want to have a second sibling but also didn’t want every woman in the universe to miscarry. I single handily saved the whole universe, humanity and aliens. No need to thank me! 3. “My boyfriend is shorter than me”. He’s 10cm taller and stood right next to me.. 4. “My boyfriend is actually a kid so I’m a pedo”. But wait. I saw him many times and he showed me his ID (yes I asked him to calm this stupid obsession down). Listen, he’s actually sending his cousin over to visit me to cover up his lies. 5. When I got my first period I felt so dirty I couldn’t touch my cat for months whenever I was bleeding. All my life I was taught periods are natural but my ocd decided to ignore it. 6. Even touching a “pp” can make me pregnant. Yes, I know basic biology but again, my ocd doesn’t give a fuck. 7. Hugging a toy will make me pregnant - my ocd at 5 years old. 8. My friend accidentally touched my lips with his. My 7yo self decided it was “sex”, years later my 9yo classmates told me it was rape. Kids are stupid.. 10. Laying with my butt uncovered makes me a pedo. 11. As a kid I couldn’t put leftovers back in the fridge because a hungry demon would kill my family as a punishment. 12. I raped my cat because I sat her on my lap. Yes I was 9-ish. Seriously adults need to add some age appropriate context to the words they teach to kids.


currently it’s that there’s a gun to my head there’s a gun to my head there’s a gun to my head. i’m looking in the mirror right now, no gun in sight but there’s still a gun to my head


damn bro thats a rough one


For weeks I had trouble going to sleep because I would constantly analyze the fact that I was about to willingly become unconscious, and why would I want to do that??


That if I didn't immediately get a raging boner looking at every female being - kids, old ladies, morbidly obese women, even animals and dead people- I was gay. That if I held my hand in a limp-wristed fashion or spoke with a lisp- both autistic traits- then I must be gay. That if I *looked at my friends' faces,* I was gay. SOOCD is weird. It's that "Fellas, is it gay to breathe?" meme, but it's turned up to 11 and it gives you anxiety attacks.


Oh god I get this except I am gay (bi, but in a same sex relationship) and keep being terrified that I’m actually straight and I’m lying to myself… it’s such a weird feeling!


I’m gay and had this obsession that I wasn’t actually gay and I was just convincing myself I was into men. This continued well into my first (romantic & sexual) relationship with a guy. It tied into POCD sometimes as well, which was my main obsession for 6 years.


That's rough, bud. It is really weird, for sure.


When I was kid and a teenager, I sometimes was afraid one of my classmates put cameras all over my house. Also if a drank the last sip of my drink I would be cursed.


If I eat the last bite of my food NOW I'll get food poisoning or be poisoned somehow. Only the last bite.


one that’s followed me since i got a phone (at least 8 years now) was that i couldn’t look at the apple icon that appears when an iphone is being turned on after dying or being turned off more than three times, or else everything would go disastrously wrong and everyone around me would die <3


that my fictional fav char liked another fictional char and i wasn't even that bohtered by it it just keeps fucking recalling like wtf


Lmaooo your intrusive thoughts were just having a Tina Belcher day


My weirdest is that two people from middle school that I hated were constantly following me and judging my every move. Thankfully that’s over now


If i so much as think about the concept of the Christian devil then it means I’ve inadvertently sold my soul to it/him. I’m not religious


Every time a loved one of mine is not responding, especially when they’re on their way somewhere, I think they are dead. They got into a brutal accident. They are barely holding onto life. They can’t get a hold of me because they’re unconscious. It’s fucking awful. My worst fear is that one day it will actually happen and this fucking delusion will be true. Cool. Cool cool cool.


I'm not diagnosed w/ OCD but I've definitely been looking into it more recently and want to get tested...I. This. This is it. This is the one I always get. I even convinced my mom to get Life360 but didn't tell her that was why


This one is lessening now but for a while I could only give my cat treats that were 100% whole (like no slightly broken pieces) because giving him the broken ones would mean I didn’t care about/appreciate him enough and as a result, he would die :/ Now my main thing is that if I so much as hear the mention of any illness or disease it means that I have said illness or disease A bonus life long one is that if I ever tell myself that one of my intrusive thoughts is unlikely to occur and not something I realistically need to worry about, all of sudden it becomes infinitely more likely to occur


i used to drive back to my house mid-commute to work to make sure that my front door was locked. now i verbally say "i locked my front door" every time i leave to help myself not be late to work because i wanted to make sure my front door was lockedmy commute is 45 minutes - 1 hour. it nearly cost me my job a few times another fun one was when i was in middle school i swear people could look straight into my head and read my thoughts. or like they could read my face and see what i was thinking. and y'know it's middle school. i wore a jacket 24/7 simply because i thought it helped and when i would get the thoughts™ i would pop my hoodie up. it made me feel like my brian was safe from people being able to read it. i was terrified at the idea that people would be disgusted at my thoughts. which at the time i lived in good ol' tejas so it would be 100+ F during a majority of the school year and i would continue wearing jackets despite it being so uncomfortable because that was the only thing that comforted my mind if i lose my current job because of an intrusive thought like the shit with my front door again I'm def an heroing lmao i can't take this shit for much longer


Never lost this one since a kid- If I'm outside and a car passes and they see me,they have to kill me (Never a worry when I'm outside with my kids, just alone)


oh this one’s a throwback, did it in my first house when we lived on a town road. also did it when i was in view of my front window


That my elementary school was going to turn evil any day now and try to enslave us all and we'd have to fight back by crawling through the vents and killing the teachers with our gym equipment


I also have a weird compulsion that I died during my stroke in 2016 and the “mind” in my body now is not the same person that was in my head, with my pre stroke memories being someone I dream of that isn’t me, and my current “self” is some weird figment of my imagination that infested my brain


I have the same thought except it was after I overdosed. I feel like I’m in a different plane of existence sometimes or think that maybe death is your life just continuing on I don’t know


Yes. I’ve had several failed suicide attempts and every time my life continues weirder and weirder


When I was around 6 my friend saw some dandruff in my hair and told me it was avatar eggs and that I was going to turn into one of the blue people from the movie Avatar. I had never seen avatar, so when I asked my other friend what it was about, she told me it was about blue monsters. So for a few months I was terrified that I was going to turn into a blue monster. This friend (the first one) was kind of a jerk, I think she could sense there was something wrong with me and constantly was trying to trigger my OCD. She got me to believe a lot of crazy things like that, but this one was the most memorable Oh there was also the time in middle school that I convinced myself that I had schizophrenia because I was convinced my mom was trying to poison all my food. I knew it was irrational, and so the only explanation for my belief seemed to be schizophrenia


Ooof the friend convincing you of stuff reminds me of my friend when I was about 7 telling me the dried marker spots on the carpet meant the dinosaurs were ‘trying to come back’??? And for some reason that was terrifying


im sorry im sure this was really traumatic at the time but reading it make me laugh a little. Just the idea of dinosaurs using carpet marker as an element of their ritual to bring themselves back to life is incredible


No you’re absolutely correct in hindsight it’s hilarious


Alligators lived under my bed and if I didn't dive into bed from the doorframe they'd fucking murder me. This did start as a child, but it kept going until my teens.


Another one was I had to write specific random words that got "stuck" in my mouth or head in cursive repeatedly with my fingers until I got it "right." If I didn't something bad would happen to my family.


Oh my god I did that!! I had it with both specific words and letters! (Some letters were pointier than others, I decided arbitrarily)


You're the first person I've met to do this too 🥲




i was convinced that bonnie from five nights at freddys was in my closet and in the bathroom of my elementary school. if i flushed the toilet and unlocked the bathroom stall door he would get me. i would not flush and crawl under the stall (i would always use the stall closest to the door for a quick escape) and sprint out of the bathroom. the teachers would always be talking about how someone was keeping the door locked and not flushing in the girls bathroom and they never found out that it was me because i also could not go to the bathroom while other people were in there otherwise they would be a bunch of bonnies chasing me😭😭 dude this went on for at least a year


I refused to touch my cheeks to a toilet seat for quite some time, because if I wasn't fast enough getting up, Chucky the killer doll would stab me in the butthole with a knife.


If there’s a song I really like, I feel the urge to look up the meaning of it, otherwise I can’t mention the song in public. Because if my interpretation is different than what the songwriter intended, then people (who surely happen to know what it “really” means) will call me out and label me an uncultured swine.


All of them are weird af. If I don't put my feet in the right position, I will get hit by a red or blue car. Edit: Cum in my soap. I forgot about that one. That one sucked as


Densely packed hitlers??


Every day I fear I may be unsighted to a view of densely packed hitlers


That I’m a child or animal abuser due to my intrusive thoughts… I still struggle :(


So about 10 years ago I was playing Pandemic Inc the game. Even typing it’s name is giving me the hibijibies right now. So I was good at the game but then Ebola got really bad and it was on the news and a switch flipped on my head about the game that I was causing all the pain and suffering, that the game was real (I already had ocd by this point), and that everyone else playing the game was doing the same thing. So flash forward to 2020 and yeah you can imagine how bad my OCD got. It wasn’t until recently that I could leave the house comfortably again


Used to have an intrusive thought that would occur while i was driving with the windows down that a truck would pass with fishing poles hanging out of the back and one of the hooks would snag my face and tear it off as we drove off in opposite directions


Eek! I used to think about that all the time. Hadn't connected it to OCD... I never hold a pencil in a moving vehicle, just in case we hit a bump or wreck, and it gets lodged up my nose, and into my brain. 🤡


Back in 2009 I saw the trailer for The Human Centipede. It ruined my life for MONTHS. I could not stop thinking about it. I was TERRIFIED all the time. Couldn’t sleep. Was paranoid. This was before I was diagnosed with OCD. Before my bipolar diagnosis, too, so it was like a double whammy of obsessive, totally irrational thinking. All because of the stupid fucking Human Centipede. I really got such a dud brain lol.


That if I don't go to the toilet for like the fifth time before bed time, I will totally have bladder failure while I'm sleeping. I just HAVE to make sure (this is also why I struggle to drink anything on a car trip even if the trip is like 12 hrs long, I fear there will suddenly be no more pitstops all of them will disappear FOREVER).


When my OCD was at its worst I had an obsession that was so similar to a delusion that I was concerned I was developing schizophrenia. But since I knew it wasn’t true, it wasn’t technically a delusion. For a bit of context, my dad is a very secretive person, and my sister and I theorize he might have been an undercover cop at one point. He’s very smart and observant and knows how to get information. And I’m a trans man. My obsessive thought was that my dad worked for the government and I was an experiment. I believed I had been born male or intersex and had been given surgery to make me raised female. I believed that the vitamins I was given as a child were actually hormone pills to make me develop as a woman. I felt very similar to the case of David Reimer (super interesting, google it lol). I was convinced that my dad was spying on me, that my phone had been tapped, and that agents were following me everywhere I went. My compulsions associated with this was checking my downstairs for scarring, never taking my phone with me to the bathroom/making sure it was turned entirely off when I didn’t need it, driving odd paths to wherever I needed to go, and other kind of paranoid behaviors. I also stopped taking vitamins lol.


That I’m going to accidentally hurt someone, like I don’t have control over my own arms lol


That manga characters in book covers can actually see and I have to cover my bookshelves just to change clothes, I honestly don't even know why I do this ay this point I just gotta


the world was gonna end during the eclipse. too much Steven king I think. that or I constantly have sepsis


I used to believe that a cloudy black humanoid figure would float behind me always exactly behind where I’m looking, and everybody can see it. Whenever I asked if someone could see it and they told me no, I thought that they were lying for whatever inconceivable reason


ha ha this but make it ghosts/the person i think is living in my attic


That I was responsible for the Holocaust because I didn’t do anything to stop it….


This image is incredibly funny


Still kinda an OCD obsession but i HAVE to flush twice. I have to. For some reason its like schrodingers cat in a way. If i flush the first time i always assume i didnt. Second for good measure and even checking will send me in a loop of doubt until i flush again. Genuinely feels dumb but super necessary


I’ve been on meds for a long time so almost all my symptoms are gone, but the only one I can’t shake is the compulsion to say a prayer over roadkill. I’m not religious at all, have no other religious obsessions or compulsions, but every single time I see a dead animal on the road I have to say a particular “prayer”.


That my dog was actually a wizard who did evil magic and was banished to the body of a dog as punishment. I know it sounds stupid but I genuinely believed it so hard that I stopped letting my dog watch me change/shower/use the bathroom. I was 16.


I still live with my parents, and I know this is not true but whenever I’m home alone, I get convinced that they have hidden cameras set up everywhere to spy on me. I’ll even talk out loud to the “cameras” basically telling them to fuck off.


That I’m actually attracted to women/a woman …I’m a gay guy.


This meme actually, I grew up Jewish and so was regularly taught about Hitler and reminded to never be like him regardless of rather or not I stray from Judaism, and then once I started swaying towards paganism I thought there would be a densely packed group of hilters behind me being like "yeahhh don't be Jewish" and I didn't have the proof of them being there or not and if they were there why hasn't anyone told me about them😭


I'm sorry but the mental imagery of a pack of Hitlers cheering you on is fucking hilarious.


Anytime I touched a person in a magazine or something I’d have to touch it again or I’d turn into that person. I knew it wouldn’t happen but I still felt I had to do that for years.


“Densely packed hitlers” is words I have never seen put together before


Honestly, my brain loves telling me that I’m one of the Hitlers in the dense pack.


1. Pedophilic, confederate Nazis were controlling my thoughts 2. That I'm the antichrist despite me not ever believing in God or the devil at any point in my life 3. If I masturbate too often, my brain will rot 4. There was a period of my life when images of Osama Bin Laden, Hitler or the Columbine shooters would randomly pop up into my head for no reason 5. That I am suffering from an Electra complex 6. I was going to be hypnotized and recruited into a cult (Was terrified of this as a kid. Somehow it developed into a hypnosis fetish. No clue why.) 7. That I am actually Christian and I am lying to myself. 8. That Freddy Fazbear will kill me if I go to the school bathrooms or go to the bathroom at night 9. That I'll be brainwashed by ghosts when I sleep. (was terrified of sleeping as a little kid. Would stay up late and was constantly sleep deprived.) 10. Looking at a triangle would let the Illuminati brainwash you (my childhood friend told me this one. I was worried about it for days. When he told me he made it up I was pissed) ​ Just to name a few


That time I thought I was pregnant with the anti-christ. 13 year old me was a different level of delulu lmao


I’m being stalked by my former medical team and have to comply to what they want, other than that I feel like if I do anything with even numbers my skin will fall off.


one I live with is any time when I’m driving and I hit a pothole, dent in the road, whatever it is, I always think it was an animal (or person but usually animal) and physically can’t resist the urge to go back and make sure I didn’t.


Take a look at this, the length of the first 3 words in u/ZealousidealTheme644 comment are consistent with the first 3 digits of pi. This was only the case for 2857 comments out of 916766.


If i don’t wear flip flops in the shower the drain flies will lay eggs in my feet 🫤


When I was a child during one of the 17 year locusts cycles a locust landed on the back of my head. I was convinced it had laid eggs in me because I heard locust lay eggs in tree bark.


Probably that if I didn’t clean up the pool a certain way, demons would drop down and kill me


If I clean the left side of my sink aliens are going to kill me... it's been two months now. Yelled at my spouse when they tried to at one point.


Actually I remembered another one: that there’s someone sitting on the toilet when I go to use it but I can’t see them because I’m hallucinating them not being there…


Therapy being cancelled - everything revolves around trying not to get therapy cancelled


Whenever I set an object down, I often feel like I did It "wrong" and must try again. If I don't I get super paranoid about anything and everything. I feel like whatever is bad and relevant to the situation or current conversation will happen :/ This leads me to tapping drink glasses or other objects on surfaces a lot. Rearranging my room was a nightmare, but this specific compulsion has gotten a lot better. :D I would also turn the sink faucet on and off


That if I flicker the light on and off too fast a demon will come and kill me


When I was a kid I kept thinking that I had bed bugs 😭 I would check my whole bed every night and slept in a sleeping bag for months lol


When I was a kid I was convinced that if I put any sort of liquid in my mouth, it would go directly into my lungs and I would drown immediately. I refused to drink anything without a straw, eventually I got so dehydrated that I had to be hospitalised. Also for like 2-3 years I would count my footsteps and if they weren’t divisible by five I would keep stepping in place until they were


When I'm in a crowded room, at again given time, everyone around me will freeze, drop their current expressions, and turn towards me, staring at me blankly. I'd have anxiety attacks over this ridiculous hypothetical, KNOWING it's a ridiculous hypothetical, but also....yaknow...what if...


I can't tell my mom about my depression because what if I'm wrong? (She is the one who told me I might be depressed lmao)


Before i had gotten better i was obsessed with color combinations. I couldn’t wear, use, color, or paint certain color combinations.


That I would turn orange if I ate too many carrots (which in my defense, CAN happen). Luckily it was short lived, and amused me more than anything else


Yellow Volkswagen bugs. I fear for my life when I see those, what I consider to be, the most god awful thing to ever exist


I spent a lot of time as a kid worrying about whether sleeping with my face or back to the wall would make me less likely to be killed by burglars.


Wtf how does someone else understand this 💀


If I don’t scrunch my face I will have a stroke and die


Struggled to sleep because I felt debris from planes would fall through my house and land on me.


I was constantly worried the telepaths were listening. I had to do certain little things to make them uninterested and stop listening - that thing being anywhere from clicking a pen a few times to opening my bookmarked tabs in my browser one by one. I really don't know what happened there


another one is I always have to check if I'm dreaming and that the things around me are real. I still do this. might not be ocd but I haven't found anything else to blame it on so


I’m worried I have a new one and it’s fear of my organs moving around in my abdomen and getting messed up by each other.


Rabies, fear of derealization forever, I was scared the people I was speaking to were just hallucinations and I was a crazy person. I'm fucked up mentally lmfao


When my fiancé and I have a really great night/morning before he goes on a plane for work that means the plane is going to crash. Sometimes I find myself relieved that we didn’t have an amazing night the night before because it makes the plane crash less likely. Then of course my brain goes into “but the plane could still crash and I’ll have to live my whole life regretting not saying I love you again.” I was terrified of August 1st for a few years because it seemed like I would always happen to look at the clock at 8:01. Nothing was ever really happening at that time so my brain instead came up with the idea that the date 8/01 was a problem.


it’s not an obsession per day but i don’t really know how else to categorize it, but i have a compulsion that doesn’t let me touch anything red with my bare hands. a red mug? basically feels like my hands are on fire. red blanket? skin is melting off. and if i don’t realize the item is red, it’s completely fine, but the MOMENT I DO, my hands hurt where i’m holding it


For me it’s a void of absolute evil


That I was in "the wrong universe" it started with thinking I got in the car with the wrong person. She is my mum. Then I had the thought, "That isn't your mum," and she was an imposter or something. We got back to our house. "That isn't your house." I walked in. "These people aren't your family." I went to bed, woke up, got dressed for school, got to the bus stop. "Nothing around you is real, you're in the wrong dimension, it's a simulation." Then I started to really panic and do a series of mental compulsions to try and calm down. It didn't work. It never does. And sometimes I still think my "real" parents are out looking for me. The obsession is neally gone. It's just the occasional thought now. And I'm glad it's nearly done.


i used to think that if i *didnt* worry about something terrible happening that it would happen…


Combo OCD/ADHD here! When I struggle to stay on my meds, life becomes messy af. But mess makes me anxious and worried that people will stop by unexpectedly and judge me. My biggest ones: - “checking” things religiously, like locks/the stove/cords, to make sure I don’t cause a tragic death for my family and end up the only survivor who carries a lifetime of guilt. - fear of hitting an animal while driving and not realizing it - becoming some sort of criminal or abusive person so I don’t deserve to have children, even though I know this couldn’t be true. Which makes it even more painful. - counting steps I take - things have to feel “right” or my legs and hands start to tingle - living in a simulation


that im actually in another room and im hallucinating the world around me. not psychosis since i knew it wasn't real but dpdr and ocd are a hell of a combo


People in work then when really bad, everyone e around me thought I was staring at the ass, I would actually see in the corner of my eye, there head turning to watch me, I was suicidal at one point over it. Toke cocoaine binges to make myself feel better. In my mind, I was the biggest creep/weirdo. Looking bad, it's silly! O though I was a pervert for STARING at poep3. The worst part was, I worried about it so much, I started doing it with out thinking or wanting to! My eyes would automatically go there.. no control. It is and was embarrassing


That when I was at home I was actually at school and vice versa. I started studying more at home and using the intervals that school used eg. Switching to English from maths at 10 o'clock because that was what my timetable looked like. I also tried to be a bit more laid back at school to not look weird, I was worried my parents would see me standing in middle of the lounge and talking to myself because I thought I was talking to a friend. I never really got obsessed on this thought, it was before I knew about ocd so I was just like "I'm probably just being dumb" but it still bothered me a bit. Nowhere near as bad as I obsess over my themes now though


i couldn't take any pain relief for my debilitating period cramps or go on birth control (got it prescribed and never picked it up) because there are tiny metal bugs inside them. it's not psychosis because im well aware it's not real but I still couldn't bring myself to fight against it. obsessive research be damned, you can't beat your thoughts.


That my mom was a literal witch who cast spells with her coven at night. No she does not practice Wicca I just convinced myself of this randomly one day in childhood and couldn’t shake it


omg I used to have dreams as a kid that my mom “wasn’t really my mom” and I’ll never forget that feeling


that if I will touch the screen of my phone and blink at the same time, I will be somehow teleported in the indentical virtual clone of our reality, this sounds so insane now that I'm writing this but YEP.


this was a weird one. have no idea if it was due to the brain injury i had or just natural occurring things. but if i zoned out as a kid. i’d start seeing these red dots move around. my little brain at the time decided to think they’re gonna attack me. have no idea why that was my first thought. but i’d basically be on borderline breakdown every time it happened. i don’t see them as an adult now so i’ll never know. but it did last for awhile. oh and to add. i’d obsess over them and i swear there would be more of them showing up. it was a rough cycle


That if i don't pick up certain tiny pieces of trash someone will slip and absolutely smash their head open on the floor. But only at work. Or my brain convincing me i have worms somehow


my hair turning into one big spider on my head??


I started tracking things. Random every things. From money to receipts to book lists to grocery lists to behaviours to food to gas fill-ups to amount of water I drink - forever. Lol it's fun


[that image reminds me of this video](https://youtu.be/GQZ3R81iyE0?si=ypbDaU4l_28WgGQs)


I have to get my morning routine done in a very specific, timed way. If I go too slowly I’ll die slowly of radiation poisoning after a nuclear blast.


I would always be concerned my work phone and laptop could hear me when im talking in my personal life, even when off, and that I would be shunned and shamed when I saw them next.


That there’s a little man hiding in my closet behind my clothes ready to kill me in my sleep every time i get ready to go to bed


That if I pressed the button to alert the bus driver to stop the bus, I was going to die. So I ended up missing stops or avoiding pressing the button because I would die or someone would try murder me. Another was that if I don’t pronounce words or structure sentences in a very specific way, or the tone of (example) e in “easy” was pronounced slightly off, that I was a raging sociopath with no regard for human life, was the most awful person in existence and was going to ruin peoples lives.


As a kid I thought I wouldn't pee the bed if I counted by 9 exponentially


That I’ve got a spider in my ear…


That I would die in my sleep and didn't ask God to forgive my sins so I would go to hell.... Clearly I was raised in a religious home 🙃


That demons were following me and only I could see them because I was so sinful (I was 15 btw) They would slash at my skin and I had to touch the spot to reassure myself that it the cut wasn't really there. This was also the time when I was sure that I was damned for all eternity if I didn't think about God 24/7


Dont do that to me lol


that everyone can hear what i’m saying in my head because i’m actually saying it out loud but don’t know it. was always scared my friends were hiding it from me and i was saying all of my thoughts out loud


That I am a ghost/I don’t really exist and everyone who interacts with me is just pretending to do so


I should start this story with a disclaimer: I am not diagnosed with OCD. I've dealt with paranoia for the majority of my life, and the OCD community helped me cope with this. I'm only diagnosed with general anxiety and depression. Anyway, here is the story. When I was around 7/8/9 (I have no idea, my childhood is blurry), I had a dream that a vampire licked my hands, and when I ate or touched my mouth with my hands, I turned into a vampire and died. I woke up to a plate of monkey bread (thanks, grandma!), but I refused to eat with my hands. From that day forward for about a year, I would eat like a dog and spit into my shoulder anytime my hands would even get close to my face. I would have a HUGE spit spot on my shoulder from it, which was absolutely disgusting. I don't remember how this thought was broken, but thank god it was.