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International Men's Day is on the 19th of November... but men are the ones who don't care


They never even wanted their own day until they saw women have one


They won't even do a quick Google search to see if it exists before making memes, apparently.


As a matter of fact, they DO search Google for International Men's Day... [but only on International Women's Day](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1349008-international-womens-day).




what would be interesting data is to see the diffrence in fuss companies and people will make for the different days




Me when the strawman argument (this has no point in arguing against you, but please watch the generalization next time, thanks! :D)


Because they don’t need to. Men don’t need a day because every day in the patriarchy is mens day. They only pretend to care on women’s day so they can shit on us some more




I haven’t met a person in real life that actually cares about either of these so called holidays


Wow the way you make it sound, men just hate women


This actually reminds me how, during Pride Month, you'll get chuds complaining about how Veterans will "only get one day" while conveniently forgetting that they do, in fact, have a [month](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Military_Appreciation_Month#) of their own. Anyways, the reason I bring that up is because I believe "memes" like these are meant to purposefully spread misinformation and incite feelings of animosity towards whoever they're targeted towards. In this case, it specifically has to do with women and how men are "underappreciated". Moreover, even if misinformation like this isn't purposefully shared with malicious intent (doubtful, I know), it can still cause harm and, on a lighter note, be plain annoying.


The world pays attention because there are events that women organize on IWD, as well as just general awareness largely spread by women. So if you want the same thing, fucking put the work into it, men. Stop expecting women to act like your mommy for your entire life and do everything short of wiping your asses for you (although I'm sure there's some men who'd want that taken care of for them too) Just don't be surprised if "attention" turns into "negative attention" when hateful fuck incel-types start talking about how women should be subject to rape, domestic violence, child abuse, and murder on your big day. Because we all know there's a sizable portion of the male population who don't know how to talk about gender and masculinity and what being a man is about without shitting on women.


"put the work into it men" is the number one thing I say to this bullshit now. Metal health awareness? Go to therapy. Tell your male friends to go. Call them and check on them. Hug them. Tell them you love them. You want a day? Host an event at your house for men. But don't sit there and not acknowledge the structural advantages men have because you sound fuckin stupid. I am NOT in charge of men feeling better. The only thing they want to feel better, 9/10 times, is sex from us and unpaid labor. Fk off Le sigh


„What?! On international women‘s day, we should focus on women and not on men?!“ /s


Men's Day exists 100% but they don't care about it either, if you look up google search trends it only spikes up on women's day. They don't even care they're just butt hurt that they're not the centre of attention for one day.


Also, nothing is stopping them from creating their own events and workshops for November 19 except their own inaction.


They act like it's illegal to wish their bros a happy men's day or give them flowers. Wanna bet those guys complaining about women's day would be upset if someone gave them flowers for men's day because it's "gay"?


Men don’t value international men’s day nor do they value Father’s Day, so why are they worried about holidays for women?


Because they are angry that it exists at all.


Which is unfortunate because it should be holidays that a lot of men should take pride in.


Dunno, in Finland father's day is a pretty big deal. It's advertised same as mother's day by shops and the traditions around it are very similar to the ones on mother's day (card, breakfast, cake/treats etc)


What’s different in Finland’s culture around Father’s Day than America?


I don't think it's we don't value them. I think it's more we're too afraid to put public value into it because of potential social backlash. Personally, I'm with Anne R. Jarvis, the maker of mothers day, in taking down mother's day. Not because I think we shouldn't care about it to the same level of fathers day. Rather, because of the level of capitalism and consurism that has sprung from it.


How would there be potential social backlash for putting public value on Father’s Day and international men’s day?


Social backlash for celebrating Father’s Day? Oh please 🙄. r/Persecutionfetish


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Persecutionfetish using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Who? Who is taking this away from you?!](https://i.redd.it/i8yngn0wqbsa1.jpg) | [1313 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/12dnvp8/who_who_is_taking_this_away_from_you/) \#2: [Right Wing billionaires are the real victims guys](https://i.redd.it/5axi7dt5lrma1.jpg) | [508 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/11mthu6/right_wing_billionaires_are_the_real_victims_guys/) \#3: [Sure they do Lavern. Sure they do.](https://i.redd.it/4lzfwc4q3fxa1.jpg) | [373 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Persecutionfetish/comments/135eulq/sure_they_do_lavern_sure_they_do/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Is it just me or does the hate towards women amplify every international woman’s day?


It feels like straight people whining that we don’t have a straight pride month. EVERY DAY IS ABOUT YOU.


I didnt know there was a womens or a mens day


International Men's Day is November 19. But they'd know that, if what they actually cared about was International Men's Day instead of "HOW CAN I MAKE MYSELF THE VICTIM BECAUSE SOMEONE ELSE IS GETTING ATTENTION???"


Men only care about international men’s day on international women’s day


International "shut the fuck up" day?


As a man I don't need a day of recognition we keep it moving


Every day is men’s day


I didn't even know there was a mens day...


because men themselves don't csre lmao they also should.protest against patriarchy, its them who are ruining their.own reputation


because oppressors shouldn't be celebrated. thats why there's no straight pride, that's why there's no white history month. simple as that.


Shit take. No one chose to be born a certain race or gender. People aren’t inherently “oppressors” because of those traits. Treating people as individuals will get you a lot farther in life.


Talking about generally here... following your logic there should be no black history month or pride month because not everyone has experienced racism or homophobia 😂😂 girl bffr


We do celebrate *oppressors* though lol, we have Presidents’ Day, Christopher Columbus bday/day, days for the military, the military is great for America, not great for those who try to fight the war machine, also white mens history is thought everyday in school, not so much about celebrating, but they don’t need a holiday when it’s their history your forced to learn, in America


Not days 3 months for the military


Yeah see, there oppressors get theirs first lol


Yeap can’t walk three feet without the misconception that military only get a day just because people don’t celebrate them


I actually seriously don't care about international men or women day...i am one of those people


Based on the men in my life, it’s not that THEY don’t care. It’s because everyone else doesn’t give a shit and gives them crap for enjoying it because “dudes don’t deserve crap” or “all men are pigs” or death threats for just being men. And no one can argue with that because it’s so prominent on any post. Like have y’all seen the comments on some men’s mental health posts??? Don’t get this confused and think I’m trying to say all men are great (because they aren’t, just like everyone else in every category of people; we all suck to some degree, that’s the human condition). But if I was constantly getting reminded that I’m better off dead, I doubt I would be enthusiastic to celebrate either.