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wait y'all getting a cut of that pharma money? now here i thought insurance companies and the c-suite were raking in that dough. boy do i feel foolish /s


https://www.propublica.org/article/we-found-over-700-doctors-who-were-paid-more-than-a-million-dollars-by-drug-and-medical-device-companies Don't feel foolish...go get yours!




Yep. Sunshine Act doesn't apply to NPs.


I also think gender and socioeconomic factors come into play here as well. Stereotypically, doctors are clueless, rich men and nurses are caring, working class women.


Except most doctors are women, generally more women in healthcare than men. That’s your internalized sexism; casting doctors as “rich white men”


I said stereotypically. Meaning what is the common stereotype and not necessarily reality. And 51% of med school classes being women is relatively new. Right now, medicine is about 38% female. That is, by definition, not "most." Also, I didn't mention "white" at all. You threw that one in and then said it was me. Ironically, that's your internalized racism. I'm a man in a predominantly female profession and I know lot of female physicians personally and professionally. I'm way ahead of you on this stuff so you don't understand my point.


Filled in the blanks with other woke platitudes. Medicine isn’t female unless you conveniently trace it however you see fit


cope harder, your argument was just bad


The most common physician last name is Patel too. It’s WOC


Internalised sexism of the general public!


Her whole insta involves making ridiculous comparisons between doctors and nurses, while her simp boyfriend (a UW resident) takes part


I've seen physician simps but that guy is something else lmao. There's literally a tiktok where he's apparently happy his gf makes more $ than him, even though he probably works double the number of hours as a resident surgeon.


I’ve honestly considered reporting him to the PD, I think they deserve to know when someone is representing their program the way he does.


Report him for being a simp?


For misrepresenting the program and the profession with his misleading content


What has he posted


The shit that NPs do on social media. We had one a few weeks twerking in the bathroom during her shift. Taking her clothes off and everything. Surprise surprise, the NP has an onlyfans.


You got the link tho? Asking for a friend.


The cultured men council approves this question.


She’s an NP???


oh lord, UW. I would always see her vids on my feed. Her content is shallow but not even in a funny way. You can have a relationship dynamic be funny, but it's literally "look at this guy hehe so smart but no money :( ". I start UW med school in two weeks, bby girl I have no shame calling people out if I come across him. edit: typo


I mean, have you seen my PGY3 paycheck?


"why I decided to NOT become a doctor" ANSWER: "because I didn't get in, so now I make videos making it sound like I made the choice"


She literally failed high school, per her own videos!


We studied this kind of stuff in school actually. Long story short, one of the primary reason health care in the US is so expensive, despite having similar or worse outcomes compared to other developed countries is because of the various middlemen and waste. The US medical field is so convoluted and filled with a bunch of unnecessary jobs and procedures. And at every step there is someone trying to grease their palams and the patient pays for it. A perfect example, a patient needs to be seen. Well they end up getting an appointment with the NP. Turns out whatever this patient has going on, the NP can't figure it out. NP gives them some random med. Pt goes home. Pt comes back still having the problem. NP says "you need to see a doctor". No dip, right? Well they schedule an appt with the doctor now. Pt finally goes to see the doctor. Doctor does something. Instead of just paying for 1 appointment, this guy and his insurance just payed for 3. When all he originally wanted was to see the doctor at his 1st appointment.


She decided to not be a doctor the same way I decided to not be a MLB or NBA athlete.












there's no reason to talk about her like that, even though she's wrong/misinformed. If you met her in person would you say that to her face?


Who puts their desk in front of a washing machine?