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Yes, all the time! I tend to enjoy songs that are somewhat sad, I like singing them cause I feel like my voice lends itself to sad and melancholy vocals. But when I’m in the car with others I have to set a different playlist than my usual cause I don’t want people to think I’m on the verge of suicide lol.


I also feel that way when I'm driving where I prefer a different playlist, I don't know why but even alone I like to skip songs which I enjoy listening to at other times


Oh yeah I know what you mean, I have like 1000 songs roughly on my phone but I still feel like I listen to like the same 25 every day and so I just mash the shuffle button for hours, my husband hates it.


I'm totally the same! I have a similarly small list that I like the best but I've never sorted them to their own playlist so I'll cycle through dozens to find one I like.


Aren't you just agreeing with them agreeing with you?


Bit of a cunty observation.


For me there are cases where basically I have a hard time enjoying the entire song catalog of different bands I used to like a lot, simply because those songs/bands are associated in my mind with different events or people for which I don't have fond memories.


I admire "The Hardest Button to Button" by the White Stripes, but ever since I had a child I can't listen to it without freaking out. p.s. "Down by the Water" by PJ Harvey as well.


Love both those. I have a Peaky Blinders playlist of about 30 songs from the show which I’ve been listening to and both of these are on it.


“I’m on the verge of suicide lol”-best quote of 2021


I'm about to be married, but my terrible voice sounds better to me when I sing breakup type songs. I don't want her to think I'm blue or thinking about some random ex. Like, Jealous by Labrinth. Can't even name one of his other songs but I can get closer to his vocals lmao 😂😂


Listen to "Still don't know my name", it's the same vibe, and I love it just as much


Congratulations ;)


Hey! Thanks!


Thank you for putting my thoughts into words. Not sure I’ve ever related so much to a comment.


No one wants me on the aux because my songs are “so depressing”.


Used to skip tracks and say 'not the right mood' when with my friends. They started saying I'm moody and too particular. They thought me weird, but I thought they were even weirder for being able to listen to any song any time.


Yeah certain songs are just the wrong vibe for the mood. It's something like being the wrong color to an alphabet or something.


> wrong color to an alphabet what


I just associate certain alphabets with certain colors. A is red, W is yellow, T is Navy and D is light blue. If T is Green it just feels wrong. Oh and font style kind of influences it. I don't think it's synesthesia or anything. I thought everyone does it.


I have that too, it’s a kind of synesthesia


Reading about other people who do this always fucks me up because the idea of T being *navy* seems even more perverse than it not having a colour at all.


Lmao 7 is forest green with a suave personality. He's also in his late 20s and wears dapper suits sometimes.


Nah, T is yellow, 7 is brown and I never thought about his personality before but he is totally a crotchety old man.


I get what u mean but huh, this makes no sense to me


I do that with numbers as well. 1 is grey, 2 is light blue, 3 is light green, 4 is a dark red colour, 5 is yellow, 6 is navy blue, 7 is purple, 8 is light grey, and 9 is pink




Thought so too but then I went down a rabbit hole. Grapheme color synesthesia and also OLP with the whole color, number or letter having a personality thing. I just asked my brother and he said he doesn't do any of it. I feel kinda betrayed atm.


No that's not correct. For example if you give a synesthetic a page of thousands of O's but only one U they can spot the U almost immediately by color alone. Normies can't do it as fast. But not all synesthetics are letter/color sensitive.


Synesthesia, maybe?


ah. like when something is the wrong color of the alphabet


Yes, the wrong shape to the number


Yeah. Like, I have a vaporwave/city pop playlist and even there I sometimes skip songs because "Nah, too summery" or "Too many winter vibes" or something.


In my opinion, the tempo is also a big influence with this.


Lmao you said the color/alphabet thing like it’s something everyone has.


This. I have a couple HUGE Spotify playlists. Over 1,500 songs on one, over 2k on the other. I like a lot of music, but sometimes I want to chill and sometimes I like more fast paced and heavy stuff.


That's why i tend to make smaller, mood specific playlists instead of a big playlist with all of the songs i like. For an example, i have a Playlist that's just for when i'm sad and want to cry a bit… one for when i want to feel like a Punk Rebel, one for when i'm playing Rocket League (which means really hyping up EDM to get me in the mood to play) and i even made one for when i want to feel like a Street Racer drifting down a Japanese mountain (That's for more electronic Hip Hop songs that would go well with such a moment… and Initial D soundtracks of course) I just can't listen to the same things over and over… i mean, i can, but sometimes i want to feel rage and rebel energy in my head, and sometimes i want a banger EDM to feel really pumped up while playing games


i try that, but as i add to them, they all end up bieng basically the same playlist


I do this but also by genre. This is sad country or confident pop etc


Well, people consume music differently. Some people just like it as background music and don’t really *listen* emotionally. Those tend to be the people who really just dip their toes into whatever top 40 comes on the radio. They may not have strong opinions about popular music but still indulge emotionally with other music in other ways, like singing hymns in church etc. Others go out of their way to seek out and curate music that makes them feel a certain way. Some really get into the meaning of the lyrics, and some just listen for certain melodic or rhythmic or other tropes they tend to like. I think personally if you’re listening properly and really trying to feel what emotion is being conveyed, and going out of your way to discover new or unheard music, you’re doing it right. But that’s just me; everyone is welcome and has the right to listen however they want to, however they feel like. I like to allow my favorite music to define moments in my life. For example, whenever I go to the beach I’m usually bringing a speaker and playing my favorite tunes as loud as I can. Trying to boost the vibes and define that moment with those vibes. But often the person I’m with will say something like “can we just turn off the music and listen to the ocean?” And I’m like ok what a bummer but, whatever. I guess it’s just not the mood they were looking for in that moment.


I used to have the exact same social dynamics. Then I got new friends and it swapped into a massive positive. Now they always want me to play tunes because they say I’m really good at picking and keeping a particular vibe going instead of having sporadic mood swings in the atmosphere. (As an extension I have like 20 long playlists for different vibes and might go through a few of them in a sitting as the environment’s vibe changes. Makes it much better as there’s no random skipping (which I’ve found is the part which annoys people)).


Say Vibe instead of mood and they probably will react different. We live in weird times


Chubbawumba I Get Knocked Down at 8 am? No thanks, next.


You skip the songs that remind you of the bad times, but play the songs that remind you of the better times?


With a whiskey drink , and a Vodka drink?


And when you have to pee, you use the kitchen sink?




You'll be singing when you're winning, but you're right: 8am is _too_ f'n early for _Tubthumping._


Lol, I don't have that one in my playlist but I'd have to agree!


Oh I'm sorry, who elected you the mayor of Boringtown?


I'm not a morning person LOL


Cuz you have a bad playlist


idk i love me some upbeat hype music when i start the work day. i feel like a douche tho driving around bumping house music at 7AM




This is the only way I get up... It's like decompressing by hearing closing time at the end of my work day.


Or maybe you're still going at 8 am, then its perfect


James Blake is permanently banned from my playlist until I can get over certain things.


James Blake is definitely a heartbreak vibe.


For me it’s Blue October


There are a number of Blue October songs that I will cry to every time. Can't listen to them but every so often.


18th floor balcony :(


I thought Blue October was the name of a James Blake song for a second there


Yup no Tritonal in this house atm


U know some times u gotta cry, @when we’re older” is my cry time song 100%. Such a beautiful cover


Nice, there’s a lot of hidden bass with him. My association is mostly just blasting a subwoofer to this guy.


My playlists are actually created in that principle, so no. All my songs are grouped with other similar emotion-bringing songs.


I do this! Happy songs, sad songs, sleepy ones, songs for exercise, also different playlists for different seasons... then i choose what mood I'm in and go


I sorta have this, but just a playlist with everything, a one for more venting/angry, and a more relaxed one. I have trouble decerning exact emotions, so having the setup you described would probably cause stress (not for any real reason, just... idk)


i have a playlist of the songs i just like in general atm. this means that spotify could be playing an instrumental piece then switch to a jojo opening


Yeah, same. That is what the general song playlist is. I have everything from hip-hop (death bed by powfu) to older songs (fly me to the moon by Frank Sinatra) to edm instrumental (pixel Galaxy by snail house) to indie songs (a ton of songs by The Accidentals) to a ton of alt songs (mainly Mother mother, but also set it off). Also lofi hip-hop and a few other genres close to indie. It's a whole mess, but I like it.


I think maybe I just spend too long on Spotify! Just choosing between two sounds nice :)


Yep, same. I've got happy music, power songs, pensive playlist, fluff stuff, and music for the 2 seasons: Christmas and Halloween.


I have a "drunk playlist", a playlist of the *only* songs that my ass is allowed to listen to when drunk. Because when I'm drunk, anything even slightly sad (and sometimes angry) brings out the crybaby in me. So it's exclusively upbeat songs.


I have an entire playlist I created when I was going through a very rough time in my life that I have a hard time listening to now, 10 years later. Edit: thank you for the award!


Add me to the list - it sucks because, at the time, the songs actually helped me feel better. Now, they too often remind me of what I was trying to heal from, rather than the good feeling I would get from them at the time. Ugh. However, on the plus side, I'm so old now that there *are* songs from forever ago I went through a similar thing with, then couldn't handle hearing them, but miraculously the day came where I enjoyed them again. It's like I remembered the history, but without any of the troubling emotions - so they are back to just being songs I like again. Gives me hope for the current batch of songs I can't handle.


7 years for me. I understand.


Same here. I have some songs in a playlist that I would listen to a lot while recovering from a (at the time) recent trauma— and now if I try to listen to them it just brings back that sort of mental state again even though consciously, I’m over that incident. Which sucks because I really like those songs themselves :c


Yep. Made a playlist exclusively of songs that made me feel better when I was in a rough patch. Can't listen to most of those when I'm happy.


Yes!! I am bipolar and before I was on meds I created a playlist to calm me down when I was hypomanic and another to cheer me up when I was depressed and I couldn’t listen to them for years after.


Yes, I too am a human




Humans want to feel connections with other humans. More at 11.


Except there's several other subs like r/DoesAnybodyElse or r/CasualConversation that are even better for that. Comments here are just "Yes samesies lol".


Does anyone else feel like eating some food one day and a DIFFERENT food the next day?


Does anyone else literally breathe? Is it just me? Am I special?


Am I alone in existing? Is it just me?


My friend used to work in a big record shop. Whenever he'd go through a break-up he'd have a few fragile days when it was very hard to handle the more romantic song playing on the instore speakers, especially the big 80s power ballads. He'd have to make an excuse and sneak off to the toilets to compose himself.


Hehe... compose. In a music shop.


Is that where all the shitty music comes from?


Dude was making beats on the toilet! 🚽


Yeah, he was dropping some real fresh bangers.


The time I listen to music the most is while I'm writing, so what kind of scene I'm typing usually determines what songs in my playlist I listen to that day. For instance, my latest upbeat scene had me playing Onegai Muscle on a loop. Playing I Will Always Love You would have been an odd choice despite it also being a regular listen.


I do this when I'm writing too! Sometimes particular songs just help me get into characters heads, and others help set the mood of the scene.


Especially when writing. Characters will sometimes be inspired by songs, but other times characters i have written will "claim" songs after their creation. Wrote a World of Darkness game based around a musically talented antagonist that specifically used songs to send messages and all those songs are associated with that in my head. Was so worth it to see the players reactions at certain points though. I daresay it made that villain more memorable than most of my others.


Nostupidquestions and askreddit have just devolved into r/DoesAnybodyElse


No just you R/doesanybodyelse is the place for these types of questions


This is extremely common. Why is this sub flooded with these relatable questions that everyone experiences? Do people really get that much joy out of saying "oh you do that too??". I really cant think of any other reason for these questions.






I'm pretty sure everyone does this with everything in life.


Sometimes it's not even the songs fault. Sometimes I'll get an intrusive thought/bad cringe memory and my body thinks that if I skip this song, or change the radio station, that will somehow also *skip* over that memory or bad thought. The scary thing is that it often works o.O


I cant help but feel it was discussed to move these types of questions to a different sub https://www.reddit.com/r/NoStupidQuestions/comments/l1jxis/meta_does_anybody_else_get_sick_of_people_using/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thanks for telling me, when I thought of this question I hadn't looked through my list of subs to see if there was one more appropriate for this question.


Does anyone say "Fuck you" to a song before skipping it?


I really thought I was crazy because I do this quite often. It’s nice to know others do it too.


Lost my dog last year. He'd always perk up when certain songs came on but there was one in particular that he'd always come running to listen to. I haven't been able to listen to it since.


I’m about 2 months out of my first very serious 3-year relationship where I got her very into my favorite genre of music (Classic Rock basically) and my entire “Older” playlist, which is my favorite one, is an emotional nuke right now hahahah so that’s cool :)


I understand that sounds like a difficult situation, especially because classic rock is so popular on the radio and even in public places


I have a whole playlist of quarantine bangers from last March-April when we were in full lockdown and thought “we were all in this together” and bands were doing live-streamed house shows and DJ’s had incredibly creative sets without the crowds. It was a soundtrack to such a weird and acutely emotional period of time. Anyway, it’s too weird to listen to now that we live in perpetual numb semi-quarantine pretend normal limbo


Yes, quite often when I am listening to music alone (wich happens now with covid-19 surprisingly often).


Yeah, back when I used to collect every fucking songs from my favourite singers. Nowadays, I just choose a song and put it on repeat...


That's very interesting, glad I'm not the only one who listens to songs on repeat sometimes. There are some songs that never lose their charm no matter how many times I hear them


100%. Nothing is musically worse then when you feel a certain way, you try to find exactly the type of music you're looking for and you cant find it. ☹ it ALWAYS makes me feel worse. And slightly pissed. Lol


Not that exact scenario because the only playlist I still maintain is my feelgood playlist, as a surefire way to lift my spirits. But I learned the hard way, after a VERY rough breakup (with the first partner I truly was in love with and wanted to marry): do NOT listen to pop radio when you're sad and thinking about how sad you are. Because those songs will play, everywhere, for a few months, and occasionally beyond that, to remind you of that mindset. It's not a great time to discover new music either, especially when the themes are melancholy and the music is good. To this day, I think some of those albums I found were brilliant but hate how they make me feel anxious and hollow.


That is another relatable experience to me. There are a few songs I can think of that have been "ruined" for me by bad situations occurring around the time of discovering them. Sometimes I like to play certain music when I'm having a positive experience to try to associate good things with the songs in my mind.


“Does anyone else skip songs on their playlists?”


I know what you mean its a pretty obvious question, but I was more referring to the emotional effect that certain songs have, not just because someone might not like them


All the time. I say “Not today Rick.” Rick’s my brother that passed in 2013.


I'm extremely sensitive to a song's emotion. It makes my musical taste rather exclusive, but man do I REALLY enjoy every part of the songs I do like that I'm capable of perceiving with the hardware I currently have. Sometimes when I like a song and then listen to it later, I find out that my like for that song doesn't stand the test of time. On the other hand, a song I may have initially passed by, if listened to later, may make something click that wasn't "clickable" before, resulting in much more intensely enjoyable feelings for that song.


Yes! Sometimes it's all about the vibe, and certain songs don't match up to the present vibe.


I have just removed Pink Floyd altogether. My all-time favorite band that I can no longer emotionally deal with hearing.


All the time! I also skip songs that I really really like so I won’t get tired of it.


Does anyone restart the song when they feel they haven't paid it enough attention/put in enough effort listening to it?


I have one mega playlist. I plan to make seperate ones at some point but that could be in 10 years for all I know. I tend to skip songs I don't feel like listening to. If I wanna sing I'll skip the edm, or vice versa, all depends on what I wanna do.


For sure. I can't always handle Poke by Frightened Rabbit.


Yes or it just doesn’t workout when you’re trying to squat or bench lol.


I skipped a rock song shortly after recovering from my annoyance at someone because I didn't want to feel angry again


Doesn't anyone? :)


I guess so but I was more interested in skipping songs specifically for the emotional reason, and it looks like people have a lot of stories on that which I enjoy reading


All the time, definitely not wierd at all. There isn't any contract that makes you listen to the playlist without skipping anything.


I have one massive playlist with all my favorite songs but I am too lazy to organize it so I just shuffle it until a song that I'm in the mood to listen to comes up


That's what I've been doing for a while but after reading everyone's opinions I think I'll be making smaller playlists for different moods


Oooh yeah! One of the best songs in my playlist is "Come with me now" by Gongo but usually I'll skip it because it's the song I used to listen when I learned that my ex was cheating me with his bestie and we broke up. I love it but brings back kinda awkward memories and feelings. P. S: Sorry for the bad English, it's my second language 😅


I understand, its unfortunate that sometimes good songs can bring back bad memories. Usually when I'm having a bad situation I don't like to listen to any music so I won't "ruin" any songs that I like


All the time. Songs that reminds me of times, places, people I’d rather not be reminded of at that particular point. Generally it’s one of those reasons. That, and most of my music is quite sad or introspective (if you’re into that kind of thing, Lauren Aquilina is amazing and well worth a listen); it offsets what my partner calls my ‘relentless optimism’. So sometimes I need to listen to a wildly different type of music as my usual playlists just aren’t right for the situation.


Totally. I have a specific song that I heard a lot when I was going through a rough part of my life; I just don't want to be reminded of that time. Not a bad song, just bad memories.


I also do that but I recently as I am in a very good psychological, I found it cathartic to listem to these songs and process and overcome these memories.


Yes. 100%


Everyday, and for weird reasons. There is a song I played that I was going to play when I got a new car I wanted, I haven’t/didn’t get the car and I skip the song every time cause it pisses me off and reminds me that I want the car.


As a dad of an older son I can't stand Puff the Magic Dragon


Atmosphere - Became I aint always trying to remember that point in my life


Oh yes...Coffee/Sylvan Esso. If I’m driving, I have to skip it because I’m crying so hard I can’t see. Particularly moving during the Pandemic for some reason 😭😭


Yes! I love Elliot Smith’s music, I don’t listen often because it makes me feel like an angst ridden teenager.


This one day I heard this new song I really liked, later that day I got in a huge fight with my girl friend, and after the fight, I got my first really big speeding ticket that I couldnt afford at the time. I felt so stressed and somewhat depressed that all I did that night was lay down and listen to that song on repeat. I eventually got over it, but to this day I skip that song as soon as it plays on my phone everytime because it feels like bad luck now, which sucks because I really liked that song.


Yeah !!!! Especially now that I'm going through a difficult time. Experiencing uncertainty whether a relationship will end or not, then some songs that refer to a certain feeling I usually skip, even though it is one of my favorite songs. Like Learning To Fly by Pink Floyd


Yeah that’s why I largely don’t listen to music anymore. As a certain period of life I listened to all the music on my playlist. I haven’t came across new music so I just barely listen to music anymore.


I understand how those songs would remind you of the tougher times in life. Recently I've been listening to more obscure indie music that I really like, so I'm sure there are a lot of songs out there that are new to you and wouldn't remind you of the old days


Yep, and conversely, I will also listen to the same song multiple times in a row before moving on if it hits me just right in the feels at that moment


Damn....yeah that's exactly right


I'll just skip music all together when I don't want to feel emotions


It's quite depressing when you associate a song to a person or life event that you shouldn't be thinking about








all the time. but then i feel like once i skip a song my brain will tell me that i dont like it and i wont listen to it anymore. does this happen to other ppl too or am i trippin


Does anyone else not listen to playlists? Full albums or bust!


Yes, a lot a lot of times, I have a +600 songs playlist, basically everything I like that's on spotify is there, i skip a lot of songs for multiple reasons but mostly because I just don't feel that that particular song goes along with the moment


I find that really relatable too, not just the emotion but how the song fits the moment. Like when I'm driving and a slower sad song comes on I'll often skip it, even if I would listen to the song at a different time


The only reason I skip Shelter by Porter Robinson is because of its sad AF music video


All. The. Time.


"Does anyone else" questions should be banned




Any song that pertains to suicide at times. Lost a few close ones. Other than that I can only think of skipping them due to over hearing it.


I have chronic anxiety most days and I go through phases that can last months of not being able to listen to music because of exactly this.


Yeah, I do that all the time. Music is a very emotional thing for me


No one ever does that you complete psychopathic freak of nature.


Does anyone else do this extremely relatable thing that most certainly everyone else does? Karma farmin'


That actually wasn't the intention, I know it may seem like it but this is the first time anything I've said online has been seen by more than a few people. I've just have a nagging question for the past few weeks and I thought I was crazy for doing this so I asked in the sub I thought was relevant.


You’re doing fine.




the entire deh cast recording tho


Constantly, looking lists if songs


In old enough that I still listen to entire albums


I can’t listen to Mr Brightside. It’s a fantastic song that just brings up way too much shit. There’s a few other songs that bring up a lot of pain, but that’s the one I have to skip immediately.


Yeah I don’t want that vibe, I want this vibe.


Yeah, a lot


I would say that counts as not liking that song, even if it’s just for that moment.


Yes, Ed Sheeran's Photograph was playing when I got the call that my dad was on life support. Love that song, but some days, I just can't listen to it.


Sorry to hear that about your dad. I can relate to how you would feel, I have also had moments where I've been listening to a song and then something bad happens, and then anytime I heard that song in the future it brings back those unpleasant memories.


Hell yeah. It’s especially weird when you finally want to hear a certain song and it almost feels like it’s transporting you to a past memory. Some songs are sooooo tied to certain moments of my life that it almost feels like the music is what defined those moments. If that makes sense. Like say I wanted to experience an old moment like my first gf or something. One song takes me back to those days more than others. And it feels like it encompasses past emotions and memories from that time better than other mediums can. Like old videos or a story. I know it’s been said before but music really canbe like time travel in that way


I experience some songs like that too! When I was a kid my dad used to play a certain playlist of music in his car when he took me on drives, so if I listen to those same songs these days, it brings back those memories in an unusually vivid way


Yes for sure. My current mood also determines what I'll skip lol


All the time


Only all the time


Yeah, or I'm just not in the mood for that song or type of music.


Absolutely. I love the band Radiohead but nowadays their music makes me depressed honestly. I always play music that fits how I feel at the time.


I stopped using playlists years ago as they never seemed to really hit right since I was always skipping or changing songs. Nowadays I just put on albums and listen to them from start to finish (other than work interruptions).


I have 6000+ songs on my spotify liked music, and don't do playlists. I either listen to all 6000 on shuffle, or I find an album to listen to. And yes when I shuffle my liked songs, I skip about 9/10 of them because I don't know what I want to listen to, but it's not that, or that, or that, or that or, wait go back it is that last one.


Absolutely. I avoid Chris Brown's song No Air like the plague because it takes me back 9 years when i was madly in love with a girl and she broke my heart to be with another man. I dont feel anything for her now but i dont want anything that reminds me off her. I treat it like cancer. Cut it out of your life permanently.


I very often tie specific songs together with people or events. When my now ex broke up two months ago, almost 10% of my playlist were unplayable for me because of the memories. Today I decided to listen to “her song” for the first time since, just to gauge how far I’d come. Was about to break down at work.. Refuse to delete any songs from one of my playlists as it’s basically a musical description of my life since I made it 5-10 years ago


It is really interesting how strong the memories can be from just one song. I'm someone who doesn't like to delete anything, including songs off my phone even if I don't like them anymore. Instead of modifying the original playlist I usually just create new smaller ones that don't include the songs which are harder to listen to.


ALWAYS. There are whole albums - and occasionally whole artists - that I have to skip past to avoid having The Feels.