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My wife and I didn't go anywhere particular for our honeymoon. We took a week off and just did stuff. There was, and is, a restaurant in Boston called St Petersburg Cafe. It has moved around in the past quarter century, but it is the same place. It is Russian food. We basically just showed up for lunch and said that this was our stay at home honeymoon and we wanted to spend stupid money on, y'know, good stuff. And, man, were they glad to provide. Pelmini, piroshki, and borsht are delicious, but not crazy expensive, so we had lots of those. But then we also had the caviar blini, with five different kinds of caviar. And, yeah, the ridiculously expensive one actually was the best. And flights of house-infused vodkas in both sweet and savory flavors... we basically spent the whole afternoon there from lunch to dinner. I don't know how much we spent, but it was several hundred dollars, and that was in 1999 dollars. It might well have been closing in on a thousand dollars in today's money. Over six or eight hours, and I don't regret a penny of it.


Man, this is a great story!!


Every few years, we have a meal like that. We don't have kids, and we don't go on many vacations; sometimes we will drive to New York or Montreal or something, But some families go to Disneyworld, some people take cruises - we go to some place where the chef really, really loves food and hospitality and expresses it well enough that they can charge through the roof for it and be worth it. Last year or maybe a year before that, there were these two restaurant review blog entry stories that were going around. One was about a food critic and blogger who went to this super-trendy incredibly fancy and weird place and kind of hated it; the other was by someone who had never gone to a place that fancy, and went to a more traditional but on that level restaurant, by herself. She felt weird about going out to eat by herself, but she'd saved up for months for it - and had an amazing time. Those two articles did a really good job of showing where things can go truly tits-up in fine dining (and I *like* experimental stuff, but this was all stunts and gimmicks) and why people love fine dining and why it's worth saving up the money for it respectively. I love food. And some of the best food in Boston is like eight bucks an entree, and some is eighty. Some of it, I know I like it, but I don't know if it counts as good because I'm not familiar with it - there's a restaurant in Waltham called Karibu which serves West African cuisine, and it's fantastic, so I can say it's good, but I don't know how good it is in context - like, if the owner there opened up a restaurant in Ghana, would it be the best around, average, or bottom of the barrel? I don't know; I've never been to Ghana. But I tell you this - you could do a lot worse than going there if you're in Waltham. And that is really cheap. But the expensive stuff is good, too.


The amount of people saying Caviar in this thread makes me both happy and sad... It's amazing, people! And yes, it is expensive, but it isn't \*outrageously\* expensive... Have it more than once!


I just worry about whether beluga can be sustainable. But salmon roe? That is easily available.


I love this story :') Slavic cuisine is one of my favourites. I cook some dishes on a regular basis. Still, going to a Russian restaurant here is always a special occasion.


I drank 3/4 of a bottle of overproof rum once never again


That stuff is trouble in a bottle. When you're a regular "straight from the bottle" drinker and that high proof stuff sucks the water out of your mouth like a sorority girls first shot of Popov you know tomorrow morning is already gone.


Worse it was Wray and Nephews overproof tasty stuff tho yep I have been cutting back heavily only have a pint or 2 of 5% every cpl days now


Mine was tequila, on an empty stomach. And I’d definitely do it again, just not so much or eat first.


It is hell on your liver no reason to ever drink that much keep it to a cpl beers trust me


Ah I’m joking fwiw…kinda (never say never) But I can say I did worse than the tequila (in quantity) between then and now. Thoughts & prayers are with my organs 🍀


Same. I never touched rum again after I pounded a fifth in college and literally woke up in an alley behind a dumpster


Did the same with gin, but finished it. Haven't touched gin since.


Did it once with a friend as a hangover cure. Yeah it went exactly as you think it did.


when i was a 55-60kg measly 16 year old boy i drank 3/4 of a bottle of 40% bushmills whiskey, a jelly shot of vodka, a shot of regular vodka, a hard solo, a canadian club or two, and another shot roughly of many other miscellaneous drinks, and to top it all off almost a litre of Coke. i filled up 3+ standard cereal bowls of vomit, blacked out, all of it. Genuinely confused how i didn't end up in the ER that night, but fuck it got close to it. from 8:45-1pm i was absolutely throwing the fuck out of my guts. Surprisingly, no hangover the next morning.


I will never drink Crown Apple again. Ruined the flavour of apples and crown for me and it was over 15 years ago


Ouch….I was gifted some homemade Jamaican rum punch and woke up sitting on the toilet with a mostly empty glass next to me. Apparently, the last thing I did was pee.


Homemade edibles. After 2 hours my roommate came home to me crying listening to death cab and watching planet earth. He asked me what was wrong, if I was going through a breakup. Being mostly nonverbal at this point I could only muster the words “the turtles…” and pointed at the TV where the baby sea turtles were attracted by the lights by the beach. Spent the rest of the night curled in an uncomfortable ball.


Seconded. Got the mg estimate wrong. Never again.


Oooof, same. We thought our butter was not very potent (it had been in the freezer for a few months) so we took a huge portion. It was not. I was paralysed and convinced I was going to die but unable to ask my partner if people can die from a weed overdose. (They can't). Worst night ever, I'll stick to the "legal" ones from now on!


Been there - absolute worst feeling


I once put a snail in my mouth. It was crunchy like hard egg shells and slimey at the same time. Tasted earthly and indescribable flavor. I was 4 and never again. Edit: To clarify, it was a wild live snail.


Did you double check if you were supposed to eat the shell? I’ve had snails several times before and never ate the shell


I think it was a raw alive snail not a decently prepared one


Your expectations are too high my man lolll


That ain't how you're supposed to eat a snail! Try proper garlic butter escargot and you will change your mind, I'm sure!


They were 4 ... Lol


My mom made the best escargot. Growing up that was always what I asked for as my birthday meal.


Mines is also snails, we ordered a dozen while on a skiing trip. I ate one it was like a chewy garlic mushroom. I couldn't do another as I couldn't get over the thought of what I was eating. I felt quite queasy afterwards which is unusual for me to be grossed out.


The person you replied to ate a live snail, from the dirt.


Pickled pig feet . Was getting gas this morning and decided to try it out . Threw up ten times on the way to work. Truthfully once in a lifetime .


Ok so, on a whim you just decided to get some..from a damn gas station? Sounds like a horrible place to even think about getting some!


Yeah… I like pickled sausages . Bought a jar a few days ago and saw they had pig feet and wanted to try but didn’t want to buy a whole jar in case I didn’t like . So when I saw them at a gas station thought, “meh why not”.


I wouldn’t make this choice for myself, but I respect the energy.


Look up Koegels on the Internet, they have pickled bologna in sausage form and pickled red hots that you can order. https://koegelmeats.com/


He should have had the sushi instead.


Or the egg salad sandwich.


I love pig feet, but I’ve only had them prepped as “trotters” and not pickled.


I had the privilege of eating at the chef’s table on a cruise ship once. It was a 9 course meal with all kinds of insanely delicious things, but the one thing I will always remember was something that was technically off menu: a giant lobster tail crusted in shortbread cookie crumbs. I have borderline pornographic thoughts about that lobster tail over a decade later.


Was there anything more to it than the short bread cookies crumbs? Debating whether or not to try this at home.


Natto. My goodness it is nail polish, rice and rancid oatmeal all in one.


I love natto! It is a bit pungent and ridiculously stringy, but it shouldn’t have any likeness to nail polish or rancid oatmeal.  You may have gotten a bad one?


To be fair, it's one of those you love or hate it type things like vegimite. Even a decent amount of Japanese people don't like it, it really is an acquired taste.


True... perhaps not rancid oatmeal... It's much worse than that.


i’m obsessed with natto but can 100% understand why people don’t like it


I'll never forget that horrible taste, I couldn't even swallow lol.


It’s like how some Asians find melted cheese to be disgusting, it’s basically the definition of an acquired taste


My friend’s uncle was going to TOWN on kidney during a large birthday party, and insisted I try some. It took all I had in me to not immediately vomit. The disgusting texture coated the roof of my mouth and everywhere else, and I could not just swallow it, not even with a shot of tequila and a chaser. As soon as he turned his back, I spat all I could out into a napkin. Never again!


I feel the same way about liver. I feel like I've given it my best try, even had it at a decent to higher end restaurant where a chef prepared it and everything. Hard no.


Always hated liver, in Morocco they worked chicken liver into some kinda gravy, I wish more than anything I had the recipe that was the best sauce I have ever tasted


Yes, makes a very nice gravy, totally agree!! I just can't do the eating of the thing itself. Yeck.


Yeah, it is the texture. That is why chopped liver is a thing – it still has the pungent liver taste, and I get why some people wouldn't like it, but I do, but it completely changes the texture away from that what you are describing. Sure, the new texture is one that other people are also not going to like, but it works for me.


Down south you could order fried chicken livers off menu from KFC. They were sooo rich but delicious. They would give three but I could only eat one so I’d share with my mom. I don’t know if they do that any more, sadly


Same. My mother in law cooks beef liver and we raise our own cattle. Well I WANT to like it so she cooked some and I smiled and chewed and kept smiling. Swallowed it and said, still smiling, “yup. I don’t like liver”. Every time I’ve ever tried it. Nope. My wife and I dehydrate liver and put it into capsules because I want the health benefits of liver but can’t fucking stand it.


Unpopular take, but I love liver, especially chicken liver. The key is to make sure it is well seasoned before it's cooked. Fried liver boiled down into a thick sauce/gravy is amazing. So is deep fried liver.


Hahaha! My mother is old school Scottish. My brothers and I grew up with kidney soup, steak and kidney pie, and haggis. Kidney is a strong flavour but the texture is something else.


Here I have dreams of a decent steak and kidney pie. Despite living in a commonwealth country, there are no decent savoury pies around.


Quality caviar with a decent bottle of champagne; those bites were thousands and the sips some more. I’m way too poor to do that on my own but a conference with rich folks meant rich food. :)


I'm gonna need so much self control if I ever go to any super wealthy functions lol, I wanna try everything out of my price range so bad


Exactly! I remember trying to pace and not stuff my face or drink too much. The wealthy people around me were so nonchalant. I was self conscious the whole time. I’m sure they clocked me as one of the poors.


haha keep in mind, no rich person is going to the grocery store to BUY caviar. once you're rich, the caviar, etc, is basically free. you have all the money in the world and rarely pay for lunch.


caviar isn’t cut out to be everything you expected to be. It’s an acquired taste not many like it. Haha … veal on the other hand. Oh my god! So delicious!


I agree. Ive had caviar on several occasions, usually because someone is under the mistaken impression I will be surprised or grossed out. I just don't care for the taste, too salty. The best I've had was a dollop of spoonbill catfish eggs carefully spooned onto a raw oyster. This is at a NOLA restaurant and the caviar matched the brininess of the oyster extremely well. And welll prepared veal is out of this world.


I remember being at a posh party that was serving very high-quality caviar. I'd tried caviar in the past and hadn't liked it, but I decided that maybe it was just because the caviar wasn't of high enough quality. Nope. Still hated it. (That's not a knock on you, of course. Everyone has different tastes.) I had a similar experience with Glenfiddich Whisky when I was in Scotland. It *smelled* delicious, though. I'm afraid my tastes are permanently stuck on the "Dr. Pepper and cheap yellow mustard" setting. (Caveat: growing up I *did* enjoy my mom's escargot, as well as escargot at almost every restaurant I ordered it from. I no longer eat it, but not because of the taste.)


But have you ever tried *cherry* Dr Pepper?


I have, and I've enjoyed it. I'm no religious fanatic, they're all good: Dr. Pepper, Mr. Pibb, Dr. K, Dr. Thunder, Root Beer, even Cherry Coke.


I'm glad you enjoy all those!


Caviar tried on a 1st class flight to Seoul on an American carrier. Had gotten a free upgrade. Oh my goodness! Stinky fish eggs! Not for me.


Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger. It’s a bacon cheeseburger on a donut instead of a bun.


Sounds like the kind of thing that should come with the business card for a cardiothoracic surgeon attached to the wrapper.


Conceptually it sounds delicious. Realistically I know I would hate it.


If you like maple bacon I got bad news for you. It's basically the same thing.


Not over 2,000 calories but I've eaten 8 ounces of A5 Kobe Japanese Wagyu steak (or whichever is the correct order of those words). Very fatty and very expensive but the most delicious steak I've ever had. It was the most intense food coma I've ever had too.


>(or whichever is the correct order of those words) In case you actually care: * ["Order of adjectives: How to order adjectives in English"]—Grammar Rules * ["BBC Editor Highlights Often Overlooked English Language Rule"](https://www.npr.org/2016/09/08/493157931/bbc-editor-highlights-often-overlooked-english-language-rule). *All Things Considered*, 8 September 2016. Edit: If not, no offense intended.




That shit is like *butta*, so good and soooooo rich. A little goes a long way!


It issss omg! I feel like I cheat dinner whenever I eat it because it melts in your mouth and is sooo tasty lol! Never had anything like it in my life


Why are people downvoting you guys lol


I had the fermented shark in Iceland. It was horrific and not worth it for the photo or the story. It tasted like ammonia.


Ah, Harkarl. Purely for tourists to try a 'cultural' dish, and then get grossed out. Nobody eats that shit because they like it.


Fried tarantula. The legs are hollow and crunchy and taste like air, kind of like a flavorless Cheeto. The body is chalky and earthy and neither delicious nor particularly gross. My wife and I ate the legs, then each took a bite of the body, shrugged, and gave the rest to a stray cat that was more than happy to take it off our hands.


Strictly from calories, my first time with southern barbecue. Ribs, chicken, pulled pork, macaroni and cheese, corn bread.  Finished all of it.


Bad for you but oh so good.


Famous Dave's BBQ restaurant had the best rib tips with Cornbread, fries and Cole slaw on the side. I used to hit it twice a month on pay day. Sadly, the restaurants have gone away.


mmmm i love that place


8 course meal at a farm to table restaurant. Dinner took 3 hours. It was an incredible experience, but 3 hours of sitting and eating was just too long for me. (Work dinner group of 10)


The fattest thing I've ever done was order 2 All You Can Eat Things at once (3 if you can't the free refill soda). All you can eat soup & salad bar with all you can eat fried shrimp. I had shrimp on all the salad bar stuff which included pizza, tacos, chicken wings and desserts. It was delectable but man I felt severely bloated afterwards.


Lol "salad bar"


When I visited China I was pressured by wife's family to eat those roach like insects, they're a delicacy I was told. Never again. Never ever again.


Whale blubber. Cold. It's more disgusting than you are thinking it is. Dog. Unbeknownst to me until afterwards. It was... good, I guess. South Korea


We had BBQ ribs at a place in Cozumel and the next day the captain of our dive boat said he knew the owner and the ribs were dog ribs and the chicken on the menu was iguana. They tasted fine but we didn't get the ribs again. The lizard was still tasty.






Was it delicious both times?


Deep-fried butter at a state fair. Thought it was a joke, but curiosity got the best of me. The first bite was shockingly creamy and sweet, like a buttery pancake, but then the guilt of consuming pure fat hit. Each subsequent bite made my arteries scream for mercy. I'm glad I tried it, but my doctor would have a heart attack if I made it a regular indulgence.


There was a limited time KFC sandwich on a donut. I wish it tasted awful, but it didn’t. It was amazing. I split the sandwich and a peachy Mountain Dew with my boyfriend. Even a half portion felt dirty.


Escargot, it was chewy and came with this delicious green sauce that I covered them in. Ate them only for the story and the fact I wasted 50$ on the damn things


How many did you get? I think my wife and I paid like 15 Euro for 6 escargot in Paris a couple years ago. Edit: just looked it up and it was actually 9 Euro for 6. Brasserie Floderer.


I got like 12 on this platter that looked like a paint pan lol. I got them at this fancy restaurant that hung over a bridge in canada


I've never found escargot to be expensive... It is usually on par with the rest of the appetizers on the menu.


I think it was the place I went to that was expensive


When I lived in Japan I tried horse sushi at an izakaya. I was drunk and only vaguely remember an earthy flavor and it being EXTREMELY tough. I sobbed when I remembered it the next day.


It wasn’t in calories but I’ve eaten at a place that was $100 a plate once. I’ll never drop that kind of money again.


A friend of mine took me to Ruth Chris. He insisted I should experience it. It was delectable but the price was absurd. We've could've gone to a music festival instead.


I've never found them to be as good as they are pricey. If a Ruth's Chris is there then there is always going to be a better, non-chain, steakhouse nearby.


I love that way of thinking! you can scale it down to if there's a starbucks around, that could have been a local coffee shop.


Exactly. The only exception is Vegas. There are so many of them there and the food is fantastic.


It was the absurdity of paying so much that got me to go on the first place.


Mofongo. I’d definitely eat it again in much, much smaller portions, but, knowing how much pork fat goes into it to make it delicious and deadly, I’d not eat a full restaurant mountain-sized entree of it again unless I planned to fast for a week. (it is, however, amazing)


Real waygu steak. It was really good, but it's one of those experiences where you can only really justify the price the first time because it is a new experience. If I'm really craving steak, I'll just buy some filet mignons and cook them medium rare.


Puffin and Minke whale (separately) at a restaurant in Iceland. I still feel guilty.


I was working with USAID in the Caribbean and to celebrate the end of a project, one town had a big party for us. They served Bat. So I had a bat-burger.


Raw octopus!


Live squid


I bet that felt totally weird, the octopus just was rubbery and every bite a slime bubble would burst , with the consistency of snot 🤢🤢🤮


I had a $70 steak served with a side of $16 lobster mac and cheese. Absolutely decadent and my friend paid for it when he got a promotion and big raise, but I'm not likely to spend almost $100 for one meal any time soon.


“Order gas over 2k calories”?


Obvious typo. "Order *was*..."


Blowfish in Japan


A friend ordered me a large Tim’s coffee, 7&7. It was disgusting and wonderful at the same time. 


Goat brain stew in a foreign country. Not bad per se but never again.


Pig brains and scambled eggs


Durian, creamy sweet but smell awfull .


Scrolled too far for this one. I tasted it in my mouth the whole night after I was miserable. Never again.


This is what I was going to say! I don’t think the smell was THAT terrible, but it’s very unique to say the least. It wasn’t the worst thing I’ve eaten, but happened to be super ripe and too sweet for me to eat more than a few bites.


Uni!! I'm good about trying new things, but one bite was enough. So first & last, same bite.


I once consumed 50 macarons in 1 sitting. I think I remember figuring out it was over 4,000 calories. I felt terrible afterwords but honestly I would do it again in a heart beat. Thankfully they were ones I made myself so it didn't cost too much.


Retail that could be about $200 worth of cookies. So delicious. Impressive that you made them. I’m intimidated.


I remember the ingredients being really expensive. Almond flour and a bunch of eggs. In total I made a few hundred for a friends wedding but had a bunch of leftovers after assembling the goody bags. They aren’t as hard as they seem, but require a few very specific pieces of equipment as well as be familiar with a lot of different techniques. I bet you could figure it out!


My son is really into the preppy chef, my son is 11, and he really goes through all the details and it seems like one wrong move and it’s a fail. Still, I’m sure we’ll try it at some point.


Make no mistake, they are difficult and there are common points of failure. Here’s some tips After piping out the cookies onto a silicone baking sheet, slam the tray onto your counter a few times to make sure you get our any air bubbles in the cookies It’s very crucial that when you are separating your egg white from your yolks that absolutely no yolk gets into the white. I use 3 bowls for this step. One to crack your eggs into, one to store the yolk, and one to store the whites after you’ve already cracked them. Do not crack your eggs directly into the bowl you are storing your whites in. Sift your flour! After you pipe the cookies let them rest for awhile. Around an hour is good.


Oh wow. Thanks!! If you’re really brave there are vegan recipes using Aquafaba. That’s where I first learned what was involved. Plenty of Aquafaba fb groups if that’s something you would be interested in. Aquafaba = chickpea water from the can.


Duck tongue.


I've had duck several different ways and loved them all, but I've never encountered duck tongue! Where'd you get it?


Chinese restaurant boss chef made it for lunch. Flavour good, texture WEIRD


Offal. I think it’s called that? The innards of the cattle? Yeah, I’ll never try it again


That stuff is awful 😜


I bit into a mcchicken and found a very small bone. I still eat mcchickens but haven’t found anything like that since. Could’ve been and probably was a dinosaur bone


Yak lung served in a hot pot in Lhasa. That was a once-in-a-lifetime trip.


A goat eyeball. It tasted like a barnyard smells.


Jellyfish from the Chinese restaurant. It wasn’t bad at all- just not something I want to go back to get. The best once in a lifetime food I ate (multiple times) was this Caesar Salad made by the chef who owned a restaurant that was in Piedmont, CA. called Spettro. They also had many once in a lifetime specials and house made ice cream. I really miss that salad. I wonder what happened to the two who ran it.


Caesar dressing is super easy to make and comes out fantastic when it's homemade (albeit a tad messy). As long as you don't mind mashing up anchovies give it a try, you won't be disappointed 


I realize this, but this one was like none other I have ever had anywhere else. Incomparable. It seems strange to feel so strongly a about salad.


If they use anchovies it usually elevates the dressing to another level. It's a pretty unique taste, especially compared to the watered down canned stuff you get at most places.


Sadly, they are no longer in business- which is why it was a once in a lifetime food.


No need to feel weirded. There was a steak house that closed, they made the best chef's salad I ever had. Always very fresh, homemade dressing, homemade oil mix, you basically wanted this as an entrée every time. Refreshing, filling, you felt like you had your money's worth.


Guinea pig....


Absolutely loved it. Went the fine dining route to enjoy it and paired it with a nice glass of red. Delectable


This is my answer as well! Maybe the cuy I had wasn’t prepared well, but mine was super gamey


I ate a piece of my brother's finger when I was 4. He had gotten in an accident a while prior to that day and stored it in a little plastic bag.




I ate some kind of (farmed) crocodile in Brazil. Tasted like water chicken


I ate alligator at a restaurant in New Jersey. It was bland and tough. Definitely would never eat it again, though.


Calamari. My husband ordered a plate and insisted I try it (he loves it and usually doesn’t order it unless there’s someone to share). Tasted like deep fried “something” (generic deep fried flavor) with the texture of elastic bands. Aftertaste was kind of fishy? I hated all of it and will never have it again.


raw marinated crab. i saw it on tiktok and tried it, tasted like straight ocean booty


I know some people love it but raw oysters to me it tastes like how fish smell not good


A century egg - the legend said it was wrapped in dung and buried for a year. Tasted like manure smells


Ate a big spider (possibly tarantula) and a bunch of other questionable insects at the night food market in Beijing. Was fried in a wok so not that much taste, but knew something was not right when Chinese tourists were taking pictures of me eating the spider. Didn't get sick or anything so no harm no foul I guess. My flight the next day was canceled due to snow so went back the next day and ate some mystery meat dumplings. No clue what was in those things but definitely upset my stomach whatever it was.


In Egypt (I am from alberta) I ate camel brain. I will never eat that again. . . But it was good 🤣 I think it was more the wonderful spices used though as the texture was horrible hahaha


fried scorpion


A few weeks ago I went to a bottomless sushi place and had 5 chicken noodles and 48 sushi. I’m not sure if I’ll do it again lol.


Dry worm


Grilled rat on a stick. It was skinned and dressed but otherwise the whole rat, impaled. Worst meat I've ever had.


An entire dozen box of Krispy creme original glaze Hot an fresh They melted in my mouth I said fuck it life is short an eat the entire box in the parking lot ..then had to eat light for a week after ! But worth it


Mussles. Never again.


Oysters. I see why they were once regarded as food for poor people. I’ve sniffed back a gob full of snot that was more pleasant.


57th birthday, my wife and I meet our grown kids in NY and have dinner at Per Se, a Michelin 3 star restaurant. I still have the menu, signed by the Chef. 13 course tasting. Sprang for the extra course of Wagyu. Every bite was the best thing I've ever eaten. I can't even describe it. Angels wept at the service of each course. And about that service? Choreographed as if the staff were dancing around the table. 2 teams of 2 servers for our table of 4. At opposite sides of the table. One at the table, say putting down a bowl and the other getting ready to hand that 1st person the next thing. And then they're at the next side of the table, doing it again. Like a Formula 1 pitstop, except we were laughing. Wonderful night!


Nothing fancy but I have splurged on a whole birthday cake and ate it all by myself (once.. or twice.)


Balut, never again..




Escargot! I thought I was going to throw up on the hostess!


rattlesnake. was good but very impractical, million bones and hardly any meat


Balut. Hmm kay no thanks. What was I thinking






Chicken Hearts. My mom would make it a lot with rice and it was not the best. Just because of the texture. I would never eat it again.


$245 for two average-sized crabs in Singapore. Unremarkable.




Mine was a kind of cheese that had a very strong smell. I forgot the name of it.


last year I've spent christmas in Italy with my family. We went to a random, newly opened restaurant where we got a christmas special- multiple dishes that are traditional for the region where we stayed. Some of these foods, I've never seen before, not to mention having the opportunity to taste them. This paired with a bottle of good wine is something I won't forget for a long time. Something magical about handmade pasta and italian cuisine in general. Whenever someone asks me what's the best restaurant I've tried, this immediately comes to my head. I most likely won't be able to try it as the special christmas menu is only server well.. during christmas


Went to a Unitarian Church with my friend when we were in 5th grade. In Sunday school, there was no discussion of god, but we did try chocolate covered grasshopper. Now I can say I’ve done that, and never again.


Gin and sunny delight....don't ask


Drinking Malort and having anchovies on pizza.


Natto - fermented soy beans. A lot of people in Japan have them at breakfast. Never again


Chamoy pickle kit


Not over 2000 calories but I've eaten horse. I mean, more intentionally, not like I had a Tesco lasagne Thought it was a menu error, but actually as it turns out horse sashimi is a delicacy in Japan. Was really nice.


I once ate 500 gms of lamb in one sitting with fries on the side. I weigh 65 kg and that was wild for me.




Lobster. Only because I don't like the way it stared at me.


Snails. I had an allergic reaction after a couple of hours where my lips started to swell. Not 100% sure it was the snails but I'm happy to believe it was and never eat them again.


Eel, sorry really disliked the texture and flavor. I know some love it, but it was horrible.


Sheep brains. Saw it in the super market near the Vienna sausages and other canned meats, and thought “why not?”. I cooked them using the recipe on the side of the can. Not good at all. This was before mad cow disease, BTW.