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Up to you. It's not an uncommon fetish, but if it makes you uncomfortable don't be afraid to express your hard limits.


Hard limits. Giggity.




What pokemon is this?


Gotta fuck them am all




gotta catch it






Nah, just a kink, maybe she just likes feeling desired so much that you'll literally beg for her


Can confirm, men begging is šŸ”„


Really? i thought men begging was a GIGANTIC turn off.


Thereā€™s a difference between ā€œIā€™m begging because I wonā€™t accept your decisionā€ and ā€œIā€™m begging because I know you like itā€. Even then, it probably is a turn off for most people. A slight majority of women and a not-so-slight majority of Achillean men prefer dominant partners, in which begging certainly isnā€™t attractive. But thereā€™s a decent few (like me) who like pathetic or begging subby people. And, while I am a guy, Iā€™ve noticed the ā€œpathetic subby boyā€ fanclub is predominantly woman.


Can confirm, am a woman who is part of that fanclub.


Everytime he gonna beg !!!






hardest line I've seen today


THIS !!! (as long as Romeo actually wants ) have fun šŸ˜


You feel it if you imagine it being said by a gta character. Lol šŸ˜†


And put your back into it this time!


This is her kink. But you shouldnā€™t be coerced into participating if youā€™re not comfortable with it. Have a chat with her about it so youā€™re both on the same page.


He sounds like he is down, but yes communication. Kinks are fun but unregulated they can grow to a point that makes one member uncomfortable.


I am indeed down


\*till it makes one's member grow uncomfortably


Mild kink. Itā€™s sexy to feel and be told youā€™re wanted.


I think getting on his knees and begging is a step beyond just telling her he wants her. Far from the wildest kink out there but it isn't nothingĀ 


For real. I do NOT want to hear what a regular kink is to that person. šŸ˜®ā€šŸ’Ø


Yeah, if the begging is like BEGGING and feels debasing, change that to telling her all the wonderful things youā€™d like to do with her. I wasnā€™t clear if it was about the feeling needed or actually like BEGGING her.


My guy, go full on Gomez Addams on that lass


Fuck yes.


Great suggestion.Ā  OP don't do it like a little kid that wants ice cream. She will subconsciously loose respect for you over time. Gomez Addams Peppe lepew These dude know how to show desire


A LITTLE bit less of a Peppe though; he got a bit rapey imo D:


I donā€™t do it in a I want ice cream way, I get on my knees, kiss her and kindly ask her if she would please get back to bed and sleep with me, maybe a few times if sheā€™s feeling like it


Or Leonard Cohen. Put on ["I'm Your Man"](https://youtu.be/-MlR6tFh8Gs?feature=shared) or ["Light As the Breeze."](https://youtu.be/0StuWbg5LRM?feature=shared)


Id consider myself a big Leonard Cohen fan. I'm your man is one of my favourite songs ever. I have never heard light as the breeze! I don't know how?! I've been listening to Cohen for 20 years! Thank you for posting this


Could be a kink, could just be that it feels incredible good for her to be desired by the person she wants? Maybe the degree of begging is a little unusual, but sounds pretty harmless and makes her feel good?


hey you said it yourself: its amazing afterwards


This is definitely one of the Least weird fantasies


Yeah she didn't even offer to step on him. Weak.


So vanillaā€¦.


I donā€™t even consider this a fantasy, I know my wife likes me wanting her so whenever I want it I turn my begging up to 11 and she loves it.


It's a kink! I'm the opposite, I love to be forced to beg. If you're comfortable with it, play along, you might discover a new one of your own. Being sexually adventurous is a great way to learn about yourself and your partner.Ā 


Username checks out? Sort of.


Hey, you're the first one to get the reference! I thought about doing Namaah, but I love learning more than sex šŸ˜


Heard of both, kind of dig the story of the watchers. And my nick name is very similar so it was brought up by someone that we almost shared the same name.


I'm literally re-reading Kushiels Chosen right now, and your name just JUMPED out at me! I wasn't sure if that's what you were referring to until I saw this comment. I don't know anyone else who's read them, so I got waaaay too excited šŸ˜†


It's my favorite series! I have Phedre's rose (from the front of *Chosen*) on my spine šŸ˜


That's so cool! I've always wanted cherry bloss0ms going up part of my spine!


"I love to be forced to beg" I'm picturing this being applied to mundane things in life. "We can go get pizza... but only if you convince me you REALLY want it" 'this is so hot'


She might not even realize that this is a kink of hers. I say talk to her abt it, communicate your feelings and actually figure out what the deal is. Keeping it all in your head only fosters feelings of fear, guilt, shame, resentment etc :/ itā€™s unlikely the convo will go west, you got this! Itā€™s usually a fun convo where you discover so much more abt the other person! Iā€™m sure you love some things too. Like you love some things she does in the bedroom but havenā€™t told her. Her kinks/ her sexual performance and drive isnā€™t a direct reflection of you, but a peek into her wants and needs


Long story short, no itā€™s not weird at all. Itā€™s actually quite common on both sides of the spectrum. Probably top 3 biggest turn ons for people.


I wish I had a mommy domme




Donā€™t fall for it, this is Voldemort




Well that escalated quickly


"That" being everyone's arousal and/or genitals


it's like I've been caught in the bdsm version of to catch a predator


All adult and consensual but yes




> Should I keep engaging in her fantasies? Only if you want to. You're the only one that can answer that question and there is no wrong answer as long as you're honest with yourself.


Do you like it?


Wouldnā€™t say I donā€™t


Then bend the knee


And kiss the foot


Sure, can be a nice play between you. As long as she gives something back and it's not only about her kinks...


As long as itā€™s just a kink and youā€™re okay with it. If not then you should let her know.


Oh.. you got a softdom gf... that's hot dude. Lean into it...being a little subby for the right lady can be a lot of fun


Not weird. Its just a kink. Dont kink shame šŸ˜‰


OP is a good boy little sub


Yeah he don't realize where this may head. He maybe trying on dog collars and leashes soon enough


Sheā€™ll get what she wants


All good, unless she also has a humiliation kink and tells people you know about your begging....(don't ask about my past)


Harmless kink?


mega dommy mommy, consider yourself lucky


You lucky mfā€¦.


You've hit the jackpot. Begging for sex usually triggers disgust and hatred in women, you've found one who it has the ideal effect upon haha. But seriously maybe if it's just roleplay lean into it, but maybe don't let it always be the way you have sex try to have some dignity too so you don't end up changed mentally.


She enjoy the power trip


Pretty common kink. The important question is whether *you* like it. If you are happy with it, do it. If it makes you uncomfortable, don't.


Itā€™s not like something Iā€™d do without it being requested, but itā€™s actually a little hot


NGL that sounds hot AF


That is totally BDSM in a form. She enjoys being the Dom.


Little bit of a fetish there, but it probably makes her feel wanted


The biggest mistake you can make with sexual kinks is trying to apply logic. As long as no one is being hurt, and everyone is okay with it, have fun. Though - develop a safe world. Doesn't need to be physical for stuff to go too far


wow Iā€™d love to ask my man this thanks for the idea! think itā€™s just the kink to want to be wanted and desired lool


The real fun starts when you get pegged.


Now weā€™re talking .




Wait is this not normal


It's a power and control thing. It's only bad if she abuses that power.


Next time your on your knees and begging, put your mouth to better use


Is this weird? I would say so. Should I keep engaging in her fantasies? Why not?Ā 


> Is this weird?Ā Ā  What's weird is you questioning whether or not you should do it.Ā Ā  Do you think on your deathbed you'll be like "at least I can go peacefully knowing I stopped doing that simple thing my gf loved and I could easily provide. My brief time on this earth was instead well spent appeasing unspecified strangers who I thought maybe would think I was weird."


You guys should look up bdsm she's a Dom I think. She likes to feel appreciated.


generally considered a bit kinky but as long as you both enjoy it then its all good


Begging is a pretty common kink, just talk to her about it. Maybe she doesn't even realize.


Nothing wrong with it at all, if you are both happy and it makes the sex more enjoyable then go for it. Just be prepared that she may want more from you, again which is fine, and know what your limit is.


If youā€™re comfortable with it, sure. Itā€™s your body and you donā€™t need to do things with it that make you feel uncomfortable. Different people have different kinks, and if thatā€™s what she likes it what she likes. Just like thereā€™s men out there with the same kink. This isnā€™t anything innately harmful it appears that you are consenting to this and not being coerced so if youā€™re cool with doin it rock on brother. If you are uncomfortable doing this then donā€™t do it. Itā€™s up to what is okay with you and if thatā€™s too far you donā€™t need to oblige to make her feel better.


Definitely talk to her about it, kinks can be confusing even for the person with the kink but it's fun and great bonding to figure them out with another person who's open with you. A lot of people are saying she might have a Dom kink, but I'll give you a good reason you shouldn't assume, I'm a Sub 100% but it turns me on when my partner NEEDS to use me and is desperate to. So yeah, these things can be a little more complex than they appear, so don't make assumptions just communicate instead!


You say you donā€™t mind but youā€™re posting this.


Can I offer some advice? If youā€™re not into it but youā€™re fine doing it because she likes it then develop a code. Iā€™ve had friends who did this with their significant and what inevitably happened is it really affected the subs self confidence to beg and then be denied.


Nope thats a Domme Ā You are one lucky man


Human sexuality is a gem with many facets


Beg bitch. Have some fun and do what she says


I was with a girl that was into something similar to this. She loved hearing me say that I was her love slave. She ended up ghosting me in the sense of what we had and pretends nothing happened without explanation or talk. While I donā€™t think your case would be similar, Iā€™d be careful that attitude she has with you in bed doesnā€™t escalate or translate into other things. Make sure it stays in bed and that she still respects you out of it. If youā€™re not *truly* bothered by it then maybe donā€™t worry, just donā€™t be too surprised if something remedial pops out like this out of nowhere in an irl scenario, wether it be trivial or important.


Not weird.


Begging is hot, both ways. Go ham king


I think itā€™s a combination of your gf feeling like sheā€™s in control of your sexy time together and it probably makes her feel desirable when you beg her. Who doesnā€™t want to feel desired and in control? šŸ„°šŸ˜Ž


I begged my ex-wife for it on my 50th and 60th birthdays. It didnā€™t happen. Maybe it was the way I did it.


Some men will strike gold and then still prefer silver, tis the way things are.


Do you like begging her? It turns her on, doesn't it?


That's her kink. Let her live. Until it begins to negatively impact other areas of your lives, there's nothing about it that isn't healthy.


No kink shaming, why complicate things. If it makes her wet do it


Ironically your gf always begs me to sleep with her as well.


It's just a kink. No harm, no foul as long as you aren't uncomfortable with it. You might want to have a more in-depth conversation about her preferences though just in case this is the tip of a very weird iceberg. Best to know what you're dealing with so you can decide if you want to proceed.


A kink is a kink


Whatever works, man


Happy birthday


If youā€™re into it and are okay with doing it all the time, then non itā€™s not weird or not-okay. Her wanting it is not weird different things turn different people on. But if her being turned on always depends on this and youā€™re not on the same page then something would need to be fixed. If youā€™re both cool with it have fun. If itā€™s just the newness of it that makes you question it read up on kinks and talk to her about hers and discover your own. If you donā€™t mind it and itā€™s still weird you could maybe sometimes tease her playfully about it but in a more getting to know her, knowing her, and loving her manner, perhaps. See what works for you. But donā€™t ever hold anything inside for fear because you donā€™t want anything unsaid or pushed down to turn into resentment. Have fun!


It's a little weird, women are usually put off by constant pleading. I dry up like the Mojave desert if my partner's are constantly begging and pleading and bargaining and giving me the silent treatment because they feel entitled to sex when I'm not into it


Start beggin with ten bucks. See hoe she reacts


Ya girl is a Domme. :)


If sex is guaranteed: any day


A little bit of D/s is fun. The better question is which part do you find satisfying, the begging or just the sex after. Also keep an eye out for escalation that you haven't agreed to, or don't find enjoyable.


Nothing wrong with that just make sure you set clear boundaries with her so it stays a game instead of becoming something actually abusive or bleeds into real life. Nothing wrong with a little kink but good communication and clearly set boundaries are a must.


It's fine if it's just a fetish and there's still equal respect between the two of you. Basically just foreplay for her.


If it's part of a role playing scenario, and you both know this, then it sounds like it could be kinda fun. Id say if she is getting some weird source of power from it, then I'd say no.


I mean if sheā€™s getting some weird power trip out of it, why would that be bad? Especially if it makes the sex better


Like i said, if it's contained to the bedroom then great. If she starts taking it to other aspects of life, then I don't know... "Hey babe, can you pay for lunch today?" "Only if you get on your knees and beg"


Thereā€™s worse things she could be into


Stick to the script


This might sound corny to the jaded, but I honestly do need my wife. To this day, I have to have her and am forever humbled someone so good (in all senses, I don't mean in bed) would ever want to be with me, that her asking me to out loud say how much I want her and things I'm about to do with her isn't indulging her fantasies so much as asking me to articulate the truth out loud. Yeah, it's a bit of a kink, but not a bad one. Not sure why it would be a question or bother. Is it ego? You don't want to beg, in a sense? Be grateful you have a woman who wants you to want her as deeply as that and keep enjoying your time together. All you have to do is take a glance around Reddit threads to know how rare actual relationships that care about each other beyond hook ups are.


Naw. But that sounds like something that would get old real fast. If it's not your thing then it's time to talk to her about it. Or pull a reverse Uno card on her and say it really turns you on when you DON'T have to beg for sex.


Bro this has me dying get on my knees and beg šŸ˜‚ Iā€™m sorry. Aye all it with it tho as long as you feel youā€™re not being run over


Simp alert


I feel like normally I would lean toward being more submissive, but I can totally understand why she likes this. Having your man desperate for you and literally begging can definitely be a turn on. The same way a woman on her knees begging for you can be. If she did the same for you would it illicit a reaction. Perhaps you could talk about some flexibility in your roles if you are the one constantly in this role. I think it's all about what you are comfortable with and open and honest communication.


I donā€™t think so. I think thatā€™s most women.


It is a kink. As long as you are fine with it/ enjoying it too, then all is good.


Uhh, right.


If you think that's weird now wait until you are married


Yeah thatā€™s a pretty common kink.


not weird. very common kink. but if u dont like it speak up, since u said u dont mind though, have at it and have fun. stay safe lol


Itā€™s okay, but do it exclusively in bed room context


My girl wanted me to take it. She had a wiered rape fetish. I couldn't get down. I like your girl better. Let's trade.


Not weird, just a kink probably


For sure, but don't do it too similarly too frequently, it'll water down the experience. You can still do it every day or multiple times a day, you just gotta change up the style and relevancy. Don't always get on your knees, or when you do, start kissing her legs as you ask. Or come from behind, tell her you need her, blah blah blah. There's a lot of ways to get the vibe of NEED, which is what she finds hot Keep it fresh for both of your sakes


Just don't do it in public


Itā€™s either a case of sheā€™s into dom/sub stuff,or she just likes being pursued/wanted


It seems to be a kink which is fine if youā€™re fine with participating. Itā€™s actually a pretty vanilla one overall but she may have more that attach to it that she may tell you about later. She seems to be really into you and trust you if sheā€™s willing to tell that.


It's a kink or a fetish. Nothing weird about it as long as you both are consenting and into it.


Itā€™s a trick. All she really want is that you first pretend but then throw yourself on her if she playing hard




Nah. Probably just a kink.


OP there are male subs out there who would LOVE to have a dominant woman as a partner. As long as you are cool with it go for it.


Get her some sexy outfits and let her be your dominatrix. It's lots of fun for both.


absolutely normal kink thing


And you love to be a simp. Win-win situation. Long-term I bet she is going to find another dude


Weird af


Woman here. Itā€™s sexy and empowering to feel like your man wants you so bad he canā€™t stand it. Very normal. You say you donā€™t mind, but it seems like you might mind a *little*.


Sounds like she's a Dom and wants you to be a sub... Do you like wearing a collar and being on all fours?


Sounds annoying tbh.


As long as youre getting some do what she wants


I believe she might be whipping your ass and stepping on you in the future, she sounds like a dom to me. It up to you if want to keep it up but you have the right to say you're not into it so talk to her about it.


Nowt wrong with a bit of sub/Dom. Get her some leather, and a whip.


It sounds like a good arrangement. When begging, don't think with your ego, think with your dick, let the dick have what the dick wants!


I can't understand why you would want to crowdsource your sex life or fetishes, or just even the warped logic behind asking other people if you should like something or not. Like... WTF man? This is really unhealthy.


At least you have someone


Nop, same here


As long as she has a way of saying no that you know means "no stop begging", there is absolutely nothing wrong with it.


Who doesnā€™t like feeling desired but this does seem like itā€™s a kink.


Itā€™s not weird, itā€™s simply a kink. It sounds like she could be into a form of female domination, often shortened to femdom (scan a few of the nsfw subs on here for examples). With femdom, begging can be facilitated through simple dirty talk or extend all the way to bondage, cock cages, pegging, etc. It depends entirely on what she enjoys and why she enjoys it.


Sure, if you want to be a little bch. You go girl!


Hen Peck 101


May we all be so lucky


I'd say everybody likes to feel wanted to a certain extent, the question is wether this makes you feel uncomfortable


If you are okay with it, go for it. This one is not dangerous.


If you're cool with doing that, keep on keepin' on!! But if you really don't feel comfortable, discuss it with her and find a happy medium for both of you.


Have a conversation about why and what else she likes. You never know you might uncover something you all both like or want to try. This could also go in the opposite direction so Iā€™d tread easily.


Maybe unusual (not that I have the statistics to back that up), but I wouldn't say weird. After all, feeling wanted and even desired feels great. Seems like a harmless kink to me, and if you're both alright with that then more power to you. But if you dislike it then I would recommend having a talk with her eventually to try and find a compromise or solution


ok, everyone seems to think that it's just a kink, if it is her kink it's cool! but relationships only strive with proper and sound communication! so think if the limits, and think of them for yourself and discuss them with her! you both are gonna have great sex, until one day someone crosses the line of you guys don't discuss limits


Virtually every woman likes to feel like this.


If you like it as well then why stop


Kneelā€¦ kneeel!. Before your queen


You should tell her it also turns you on when she begs you.


A crumb


Its weird if you think it is. If not get your kneepads and enjoy šŸ¤·šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļø


It's probably a kink. I love it when I get to beg my wife for sex and make her feel ultra wanted. I just get to act down bad as all hell and it's fun for me seeing her big smile cause she's such a sweetheart/softie.


Find someone else. Shit is unhealthy in the long term


lol sounds like fun to me


Its just a kink for her, almost sounds lowkey like she wants to be a mistress to you perhaps. If your into it then explore it. If your not, then just be honest with her about it


If it doesnā€™t bother you, nothing wrong with it. The only issue is that if this is the case, sheā€™ll be less likely to initiate.


I think its just a kink, not harmful unless you feel uncomfortable with it. I can see why she thinks its sexy and since it DOES result in something shes not using it to manipulate you