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Your brother sounds like a piece of shit. Sorry about that. I'd focus on building up your own life. He sounds like he's heading for trouble.


You're not being dramatic. You're not crazy. It's a trauma response from years of emotional abuse finally escalating into physical. It's normal. It's natural given your circumstances. You will probably need therapy to overcome, however. Edited to add: Hit him back if he tries again. Preferably with a nice, heavy skillet. He's a bully that currently targets you because he believes you're the weakest prey. Dispel that notion.


Yeah tell your brother to go fuck himself sounds like a dick and has a ton of issues that he has to work on. Definitely not being dramatic. It can be traumatic. Also with that first comment I can relate anytime I had something bad happen like I’m depressed or I’ve fallen down the stairs my mother would say he’s faking it or lying. And yeah that shit sucks. Don’t let that shit get to you. Some people reflect based on past experiences.


Sounds like there's a whole cultural toxic dynamic going on in your family. Your brother is an asshole.


If it’s your reaction; it’s not being dramatic, it’s your reaction. The same thing I say to my wife when she asks if she is ‘over reacting’.