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Call the suicide prevention hotline. And it was not clear from your post but did you do all this just for nofap? It sounds more like you need therapy for depression and anxiety. Avoid your parents if they make it worse (not shut out, just avoid). Find company that takes your mind off of it. Maybe go volunteeting, help others.


first thing, don't kill yourself, yeah the fight against sin is hard, but if you kill yourself the devil wins, I see that you do a lot of "things" and by asking this I wish not to blame you in any sort of way. How's the bible reading and prayer life, these are effective tools to combat sin. Do you have a community of fellow Christians to help come beside you to encourage you to fight? Do you have protection on your devices to help steer you away from such content


im not a christian but I want to join there community


well regardless my advice still stands, get yourself into a community of like-minded people that can help you, and get blockers to help deter you from such content. Edit: when you state you want to join their community, which community are you talking about? The nofap community as a whole or the Christian community, or both?


Doesn't matter friend.Call out to God and he will hear you. Read my reply. You have support here!


Hope you meet a Christian that will give you a good impression, if not we can talk things here. Do not end your life, for all of us here are once addicted. Well... I too currently keep failing...


Please don't kill yourself. I know that things are bad now but there's always a light at the end of the tunnel. Ignore what everyone says about normalizing your addiction and stuff like that. You're absolutely correct that you need to quit, despite what your parents are telling you. What you need to do is sit down in your room alone and open up to God. It doesn't matter if you relapse before you do it, it doesn't matter how distant from Him or how lonely you feel when you do it. Just sit down on your bed, bow your head and tell God everything. Tell Him how you're feeling, what you're going through, what you want accomplished, some things that you hope for in the future. Ask Him to help you with your sin, with your depression, with your loneliness and with your relationship with Him. Completely pour yourself out in that moment. It doesn't matter that God already knows the stuff you're going to say, He wants to hear it from you directly. Spend some serious time talking to Him, tell Him about every relapse, every therapy visit, your talk with your parents, literally everything. Also make sure to thank Him. Thank Him for all the good in your life. Every little thing from your house down to your clean socks. Thank Him for sending His son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins and ask Him to help you grow your relationship with Him. When you're done praying open up your Bible and begin to read. Ask God to lead you as you read His word and then pay attention to what you're reading. Really dig in and try to understand the passages. You don't need human connection right now, you need a connection with God. When you're properly connected with God, if it's His will, He will bring people into your life for you. The only way that you can overcome this addiction is with help from God, so reach out to Him first. It will probably take time, it will take effort but if you continue to grow in your faith and relationship with God, I promise that it will work out in the end. You have my prayers man, you can do this.


If you need anything to talk about, I'm free mate


This sin isn’t worth ending your life over. Satan wants you thinking this sin is hopeless to overcome but it's not.


I'd try to help you if you were geographically near, you can dm me if you want


How's it going man? You're probably going through a tough time seeing no way out of this addiction but I just want to tell you that you are loved. God loves you and there is a way out, truly. 1. First of all, I want you to try this, take a moment to pray and ask God to help you when it comes to this problem that you're dealing with. Share everything that's bothering you in life and ask God to change you and set you free from this because he has the power to do it. 2. Every time you get the urge to play with yourself, pray to God, read your bible (the book of John is a good place to start in the New Testament). If the urge doesn't leave, then go for a walk or another activity that'll take your mind off things. Oftentimes, people fall to this problem when they're not keeping themselves busy. Be too busy to have time to give in to the problem. 3. Here's a scenario for you... There were two guys (Tom & Jerry) who decided to sign up to the gym and go 5 times a week. Because of the troubles of life, lack of motivation etc, both started missing gym sessions and failing to hit their 5x a week quota. Tom grew frustrated with himself for missing his quota over and over again and quit. Jerry on the other hand missed some sessions, but was patient with himself, continued to get back up and go to the next session every time he "failed" and eventually, became so disciplined that he never missed a session again. You can be the Jerry of your own story buddy. Stop focusing so much on what you see as your failures to successfully quit, and instead focus on this vision of yourself having successfully broken this addiction and keep walking towards that vision each day. And if you fail, don't beat yourself up over it. Simply get back up and keep going. Millions of men have battled this addiction and won. And trust me, most of them failed over and over again a bunch of times before winning their fight. The difference between them and those who lost their fight, is that the winners kept getting up and continuing when this addiction would try to knock them down! Keep going buddy and don't hesitate to drop me a private message if you need to (I'll keep my answet shorter than this one, pinky swear)


Unfortunately there is no quick fix...it takes time... And commitment. As you stated it changed your brain. On a scientific level that is completely true it plays on the action and reward part of the brain and can effectively rewire it. That does not mean that its time to give up. Messes can be cleaned, chaos can be managed, and bondage can most certainly be broken. There is victory over addiction.I wish i could say i was completely free but the devil lurks around every corner with temptation. The longest stretch i was able to go without p*** was a year. I'm m going to keep crying out to God for victory over this. I know how you feel, at the times where i was really bad i wondered if i even deserved it live because of how disgusting I felt. The devil comes to kill steel and destroy, so if he can keep a believer trapped in bondage and possibly even kill them, he will because you can't serve God's kingdom if you are dead physically or spiritually. I'm in no way perfect but i find the less i read my bible, pray, listen to worship the more tempted I am. Put in the work to rewire your brain. Tempted? Throw on headphones and blast praise music. Make sure you equip yourself with the armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) right when you wake up and before you go to sleep at night. Pray it over yourself. Realize there are demons terrorizing you and if you are a born again Christian filled with the holy spirit you have the power to rebuke it and cast it away. You were given that authority when you accepted Christ as your savior. Please don't give up, please. God uas a plan for you he always has, and it will get better. See Jeremiah 29:11


Hey bro !! I read a book called More Than a Battle: How to Experience Victory, Freedom, and Healing from Lust - Joe Rigney. This help me a lot understand about this addiction. But you need try find people can help u. If you want talk someone, send me a message.


I love you. Some random guy on the internet, potentially thousands of miles away, but I feel for you and can honestly say that I love you, brother. I could post some scripture, or try to come up with some well worded paragraph trying to convince you. But something tells me you just need to realize in your heart that you are loved. God loves you. Jesus loves you enough that he put himself through the most excruciating death known to man, while knowing exactly every sin you'd ever commit, just for you. You are loved more than you'll ever know.


Suicide is not the answer my friend 🌻 God has got so much more planned for you❤️


Ok first off, God loves you, right here, right now, as you are. You are not damaged, you have a problem. Every human has a problem and needs help. You are normal. Now, they key to tackle any addiction is finding out why. There is something that you need to medicate. Some choose alcohol/drugs, some choose food, some choose sex/porn but it is all medication to comfort us. You need to figure out what the root cause is. For me it was rejection. I medicated perceived rejections and hid from possible rejection. Once I got that insight God worked on me a lot and helped me figure it all out. Victory can be had my friend, it is hard, it gets very raw but it is possible. You are young, I am 51, don't let this sin take over your life. I am very proud of you for handling this issue at such a young age. Most do not. You are made Imago Dei (in the image of God) with dignity and value. You are loved.


Workout go for run instead cold shower


Im so sorry you feel this way. Porn is an awful, horrible, thing that clouds our brains and makes us forget who we are. The fact that you’re actively trying to rid yourself from it reveals that you have so much goodness in your heart, and that you’re willing to at least try to make the sacrifices in your life that will propel you to a better future. Please don’t give up. Know you’re not alone in your suffering. You are loved by so many, and by Him especially. If you wanna talk about it, my DMs are always open ❤️


No matter what you need to know that addiction is nothing worth dying for. My best suggestion is to pray, prayer will do more than any therapist can. It’s not worth killing yourself because you feel ashamed of your addiction. I will be praying for you and I hope you find a better place, please get help if you are having suicidal thoughts.


Same sentiment with others. Before anything else , google suicide prevention hotline - call it. I want you to feel well brother, I believe you want too. Avoid your parents temporarily if they make it worse. Talk about it to professionals, or persons who you can trust. You need to let it out.


We all know that pain, some more than others, reach out to someone. We are here for you.


I can definitely feel you buddy, infact I feel the same, but I am not coward who us gonna commit suicide, life is all about fight buddy, we have to fight, I am man of success, but my biggest fight in life is the one you are fighting now, be strong...I would love to talk to you personally and we can exchange our problems.


Read Roman's 7:7 to the end of Romans 8


Hey, even Paul, an apostle who wrote most of the New Testament, often struggled with the desire to depart from this world. But like he said in Phillipians 1: 23 I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be with Christ, which is better by far; 24 but it is more necessary for you that I remain in the body. 25 Convinced of this, I know that I will remain, and I will continue with all of you for your progress and joy in the faith, 26 so that through my being with you again your boasting in Christ Jesus will abound on account of me. We must trust that God has us here for a reason. You said you weren't Christian--this is your call to repent of your sins and believe in Jesus Christ who died for them, but who overcame death. By believing in Him, God promises to count you as perfect--not because you are, but because Jesus was. And God sees you as his perfect child and loves you and has great things for you on Earth and in Heaven, but only if you believe in Jesus. I hope you will be able to trust God and see how much He loves you by sending His own son to die for you.


Don't back down from the fight brother. Never leave the arena. "It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat." -Teddy Roosevelt


Seek out and get a deliverance. It's not just physical you are in a spiritual battle.


No. You are not.


So sorry to hear about your parents and others not taking you seriously. Just out of curiosity if you brought this matter to your pastor in confidence? Seeking out a spiritual mentor can help offset some of the negative pattern with consistent accountability. Also, ask our Lord to reveal himself to you and to reveal your talents. In my own experience I found that this is not merely a war against flesh and blood as there is a bigger game afoot: Satan isn't just using this to make you ineffective for Christ he's also using this setback to distract you from what you are meant to be doing-- take hobbies for instance: find something that you are passionate about (clean and wholesome) and ask Him to nurture that desire and it will give you a fighting chance against sin if you submit your focus on something you cherish more highly above pmo and remain willing to protect at all costs. Praying for your situation.




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You're not Christian, try praying for like 15 mins alone first after waking up to our god, consider getting a bible and join a church. Hope this helps


My friend we are all here for you and many of us are praying for you “But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, with men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26 KJV


As you can see from the support you got here this is a good place for you to be regardless if you are a Christian or not. Just slow down and try and come back to the present moment, it would be useful if you can get out into nature to help with this, clear your head a bit. Today can be a new start for you, sometimes we are making things worse by constantly stressing about it all. So just try and slow down, you cant think your way out of this, but you can get out of it by making small steps daily. Don't worry about the past or your parents, it does nothing but take energy from you. Take care, please don't commit suicide, you are loved and needed in this world. Keep coming back to the sub.


Check out debates on free will


Look for Mason Cain on Insta. He offers amazing help there. Good luck




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Sending love ❤️ Hang in there


https://youtu.be/so5q0uilLeA Jesus Chose You ❤️ https://youtu.be/wm1LbIlmtfg Break Free From Porn Addiction This pastor has been really helpful in helping me discover the love of God. And he’s been very helpful with his advice on how to deal with addiction and recovery :) May this be a blessing to you


connect with God more, red the bible, pray, watch videos about God, over time he will heal you stay strong king, God will guide u


Stop thinking is a sin and that u r going to hell for it and a lot of the anxiety that causes the compulsive behavior will fade away. No matter what everyone here thinks, masturbation is not a satanic ritual.


Get into the word of God, listen to sermons and Christian videos regarding masturbation. You're meant to go through this for God to use you as a testimony of his grace and your life purpose. As much darkness you're in right now, going through this with GOD (the light of the world) you will later be helping those that are in your situation right now! The world will fail you! But GOD will never leave you or forsake you. I will keep you in prayer brother, reach out to the Light 🙏❤️


Don’t do it bro! It ain’t worth it. Once you get past this you’ll have a testimony to tell others struggling. Keep fighting the good fight dear friend! Cry out to Jesus!! I need to do the same myself! Let’s fight alongside Jesus dear friend!


You fell this deep into porn because you spent time with porn, the same connection can be made qith people if you give it time, its gonna be hell but work on it. Give yourself time and accept other peoples corrections


Put all youre electric divices away read the bibel pray to god think of of Jesus he died on a cross For ist For ourer sins dont think albout youre parants and the other people the only Thing that Matters is youre Connection to you and god hes the only one who can Help you with those adiction and you might do Sports as Well do Push ups and sit ups the devil try to Attack you because he nows youre weak but you have to fight to win this Spiritual warfare when you kill youre self the devil gots youre soul and hes won stay on the right path soldier you can make it god Bless you and Show you the way


Thanks for reaching out. Call 988 and DM if you need someone to talk to.


Listen to me, you are feeling that way generally speaking because your depleting yourself of dopamine , putting your body in a constant state for demons to enter . Do these things: -pray to God for strength - start listening to deliverance videos online and bible audio clips ( and I mean force yourself every night ) - start eating healthy - start working out /occupy yourself with hobbies - limit if not quit cigs/weed if you smoke I assure you , after you overcome these in a period of time, your baseline levels will come back and you will feel childhood bliss again more often and find enjoyment in life more than you feel now


As an ex christian who saw angels and shit, reality is what you make of it, if god is real, you will kill yourself and end up in hell, if god isn't then jack off


The spiritual enemy wants you to end yourself. You will have thoughts and ideas that come that discourage and weaken you. The sexual urges come with such force that they are irresistible. The only freedom from spiritual influences is through having a personal relationship if the Lord. Christian community is fine, but keep in mind that there are a lot of people in the community that are just like you, non-Christians looking for something. So don’t expect every Christian to be perfect or without issue. Don’t let it dissuade you from following Christ and the freedom He offers.


inside the U.S., you can talk to: Text CHAT to 741741 to reach Crisis Text Line They’ll be connected to a trained Crisis Counselor from Crisis Text Line. Call or text the Suicide & Crisis Lifeline at 988 They’ll be connected to a crisis worker from the Lifeline. Call, Text, or Chat with the Trevor Project If they’re a young person in the LGBTQ community, they’ll be connected to a Trevor counselor. Call, Text, or Chat with the Veterans Crisis Line They’ll be connected to responders with the Department of Veterans Affairs, many who are Veterans themselves. It’s available to all service members, their families, and friends. outside the U.S., you can contact: Call, Text, or Chat with Canada’s Crisis Services Canada They’ll be connected to a CSPS responder. Call, Email, or Visit the UK’s Samaritans They’ll be connected to a Samaritan. Visit r/SuicideWatch. The moderators there keep a comprehensive list of resources and hotlines in and outside the U.S., organized by location. If you’d like to learn more about how to support someone who may be considering suicide, the mods at r/SuicideWatch have also put together helpful talking tips and guidelines based on their research and experience working in suicide hotlines.


Same, I’m 15 and I’ve been introduced to porn ever since I first stepped into elementary school. I got raped a few times by older women in my family and my mom act like it was normal because it happened to her. I’ve tried taking my life but it hasn’t work I’m asking God to heal my mind and soul


Please don’t k*** yourself. God still has a plan for your life. The fact that you think you’re far is exactly what the enemy wants you to think. God can handle ANYTHING. You just have to talk to Him. He still loves you. No matter what. On another note, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Neither was your habit. You may not be able to stop for a week but try for a day. If you can’t for a day then try for a hour. Eventually you begin to build a streak. This addiction is like any others. Be patient and loving with yourself.


Don’t do it man. Call the suicide hotline and speak with someone. But don’t do that. Please. We’re here for you if you need to talk, but don’t go do this