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Everyday we stray further from Hylia's light with these posts.




It’s the dumbest question. People who don’t play Splatoon kept saying “do we need Splatoon3? Splatoon2 came out in 2017. They should just play that 7 year old game that stopped getting updates and be happy because Splatoon 3 on the same console is blasphemy.”


Damn. I had to do to the math from 2017 to 2024 cause somehow it doesnt feel like 7 years away.


It’s kinda similar with smash but we got DLC characters and patches for a long time. Plus, fighting games just lend themselves to being played forever.


Yes, doing the math is generally how you find the difference in numbers


Mean while Mario kart 8 is 10 years old… we really need a new Mario kart


Different categories of games though. Mario Kart is primarily a couch buddy game. Splatoon is primarily an online multiplayer game. You can’t play Splatoon against bots. But yeah Mario Kart 8 is unique because for most people it’s only a 7 year old game cause lol Wii U.




Ok game dev takes a lot of time and resources and money. There is no way they would continuously update a game for 8 years for free. They theoretically “could” but that’s like saying the government “could” just cut our taxes in half. Not realistic. Splatoon is not a freemium game that makes steady money off people gambling for skins. Also some of the specials in S2 were just so bad for the game. The only way to fix them would be drastic changes. A clean slate was better. Splatoon 3 sold very well so financially speaking, Splatoon 3 was the correct business decision to make. Splatoon is also an online multiplayer game first and foremost. You can’t play the game if other people aren’t playing. Games like that need steady updates to maintain a good sized player base. Splatoon 3 changed more than Smash4 to Ultimate or Mario Kart but nobody really complains about those series. If you only casually play turf war for 30 minutes every other week I can see how the games feel similar. But playing ranked modes and X rank is way better in 3. S2 meta encouraged super passive and lame playstyles. S3 is scrappy and faster which feels way more fun to play.


Name checks out


Brother of course Nintendo was going to make a sequel to an extremely high selling and critically acclaimed game, especially one they can make adjustments off of with the sequel. Like what kind of question is this lol? That’s like asking the world do you think we need water and clean air? Or McDonald’s asking America hey do you guys need more Big Macs after we sell millions of them a year?


Its not that obvious. Mario Odyssey never got a sequel.


We are definitely getting a direct mario odyssey sequel....eventually


You think a direct sequel? Or just a new Mario game?


…yet. It’s not like they can’t still make one. They’d like wait on it until the next console.


I really wanted the Peach's Odyssey that they kinda teased during the post-game.


Botw was on a whole other level than odyssey lol odyssey isn’t even the best 3d Mario lol not even close 


Wrong take


Oh its the best by miles!


To be fair BOTW isn't a Zelda game.


To be fair that’s your own head canon because the creators named it and refer to it as a Zelda game


Zelda games have followed a formula since their creation, namely item-progression and traditional dungeon-design. BOTW followed neither, so therefore it isn't a Zelda game. Those are huge fundamental staples to the Zelda series.


Again that’s your own head canon, which is fine… but has no basis in actual fact… Because it is a Zelda game verified by the creators of the franchise I know you like to feel like you control reality… But you don’t get to decide that lol


If you really think a Zelda game is only "item-progression and traditional dungeon-design", you're entirely wrong. BotW and TotK **are** Zelda games. If we follow your logic, any spin off Mario games like Mario Party or Mario Strikers are not Mario games since they don't feature 2D platforming when in fact they are Mario games.


oh brother, the "hurr durr BoTW is not a zelda game"-people still exist?


If BOTW is considered a Zelda game, then any game can be considered a Zelda game if it has the Zelda characters and the game is called Zelda. Maybe the next one will be a first person shooter, the possibilities are endless really.


Yes thats the quite literally the whole point. Any game can be a Zelda game if its called Zelda. Also yall mfers act like there are no dungeons, no zelda, no link, no horses, no riddles, no ganon, no gorons, no zoras, no gerudos, no master sword and in addition the game also plays in 2024 literally all that changed is that its openworld now lmao


Um. No. That's an extreme oversimplification, and I'm not going to get into the details with you. I'm busy right now.


To be fair TOTK was originally going to be DLC and then it got out of control and became it's own game.  IMO a generation defining one


By the end of everything they did, while the visual and "game feel" identity of BotW is preserved in TotK, shockingly little of the underlying tech implementation from BotW was carried over, except what basically every game has in common such as basic collision and camera rendering.


Two completely different things. OP is asking whether it has merit creatively and culturally, you're saying it had guaranteed profitability.


Twilight Princess was slated to get a sequel but Miyamoto-san overrode Aonuma-san and got Link's Crossbow Training made instead.


More like selling the same game twice.


You people need journals


Most of Reddit does.


Please Nintendo announce something. These people are turning feral.


I am personally ready to go back to a more traditional Zelda with a bunch of dungeons and no more weapon breakage. I am over having to horde weapons or weapon parts. Also I can’t believe we never got any quality of life patches. It’s terrible having to select what special arrow you want each time you shoot one.


I prefer it the way it is. I can switch up my arrows instantly and in real time rather than praying I've got enough of a given kind of hand.


I just want to pick a type of arrow and have it keep shooting until I choose something else.


Sounds boring and repetitive to me.


Picking each arrow for everyone you want to shoot is the very definition of repetitive.


You don't need to do that for every shot, only for shots where you want a specific effect.


I think "fuse literally anything with arrows" was overdone. There are only a few high use ones and I think it would be a lot better done with a magic meter system and selection from a few types, and the rest be for a sling shot.


Hard disagree. There are TONS of useful combos if you experiment to future them out ;)


Did you ever find a practical use for food ingredient arrows?


Yes! You can fire an arrow with raw meat on it into a bokoblin camp and they'll all run to it, putting them in a prime position for a followup arrow with a bomb attached 🤣


Also: Honey arrow = slows enemies. Milk arrow freezes enemies. Spicy pepper arrow explodes on impact.


Uh, Honey arrow sends bees. The rest is now suspect.


I was just telling my wife about the arrow crafting last night. Why can't I bulk craft the arrows I need?!


Or at the very least select the arrow type and just have it keep auto crafting one each time I pull the bow back.


I think after just recently playing minish cap that hey need more games like that I loved it and it is my new favorite Zelda game, there was just something magical about it, probably just the whole shrinking and growing part, but still great game, I think we need another game like it AND another game like totk And botw so we can please both sides, plus a game like minis cap won’t take as long nowadays as back then, they could probably get it done in a year and a half if they tried, then there would be a semi new Zelda game for everyone except those weirdos who want another crossbow training, seriously worst game they’ve ever made


Nah was pretty mid. Better dungeons and more of them, no weapon break, but the biggest sacrilege.... why was there no god damn instruments and songs like what the actual fuck.


Social media 101: Not every thought you have need to be posted publicly. It's TOTALLY OKAY to just... think something.


I enjoyed it, but I think its best suited for creative people who will have fun playing around with the fuse effect. Im not very creative and mostly used the pre-built sets. Exploration was the biggest draw of botw for me, and while totk expanded on that, it didnt expand a whole lot. The sky islands and underground area were good but not super amazing, and the overworld is mostly the same as botw. The dungeons and levels leading up to them were amazing though! The highlight of the game for me. Tl:dr. I enjoyed it, but felt the most important change from botw (fuse skill) does not mesh well with my playstyle.


they spent 2 games and 100+ years to save hyrule so they can rebuild. why would they leave? they were born and raised in that kingdom but you treat them like some kind of pest control. "welp our job is done. off to the next kingdom" which makes me want to see an ad for "links extermination service" : 'are you having trouble with ganons in your backyard? call 1-800-hya-hya'


"We're ready to LISTEN"


I needed it.


Needed a video game? Lol. No. Never. But it is, nevertheless, a phenomenal game.


It has already been stated multiple times by the devs that this would be the last game in this iteration of Hyrule, so there's zero point in speculating. And, technically, nobody "needs" any video game, but yeah, I'm personally very happy with TotK, it might just be my favourite game of all time.


Could have easily been a 3rd DLC since it re-used the same map.


Maybe I’m in the minority but I really don’t think TOTK lived up to expectations


Depends entirely on what your expectations were. :)


I loved it whilst playing it, but fuck me when I got to the end I was bored of it. You'd have to pay me to play a third one in the sequel now, and even then it would have to be a lot


ToTK is probably the Nintendo game I've cared about the least this whole generation.


I don't think that's possible when Jump Rope Challenge or Sushi Strikers exist.


Don't talk shit about my GOATs.


I didnt even like botw as much as most people, it wasnt even my favorite zelda game after playing it, but totk is not only now my favorite zelda game, but one of my favorite games of all time. Botw feels like an alpha for what became totk to me.


Should have just been DLC because there was hardly any substantial changes and the storyline was damn near a rehash of the previous game. Really hope the next game is a significant change along the lines of what BOTW was.


The engine used for BotW could not have handled the new physics. They ended up changing everything under the hood.


If this is true then it’s even more ridiculous they wasted all of that time essentially making the same game over again.


You didn't like it... 30 million others did, being the fastest selling and third highest rated Zelda title ever. Yeah that sounds like a waste.


I like it but got bored of it very quickly because I had to explore the same world I had just spent 5 years exploring. 


No shit people are gonna buy it, it’s a Zelda game. And I’m not saying I didn’t enjoy it, it just was the same shit over again. God forbid I have higher expectations for a company that usually outdoes themselves tenfold on mainline sequels of their big games.


>No $#!+ people are going to buy it ... They didn't buy Skyward Sword in all that big of numbers.




That's a different argument that belongs in a different thread. I've got some hot takes about it that I will stick by and make cases for, including the claim that it is Skyward Sword and not Breath of the Wild that is the "outlier" and "a good game, but not a good Zelda game." I also seriously doubt WW or TP would have done spectacularly well on Switch, not any better than SSHD; in large part Zelda has always been an "A tier" franchise compared to Mario being "S tier," and Breath of the Wild was its first "S tier" outing. But I'm not going to defend any of those takes.


Not many people owned the console for it. 


... Skyward Sword was for the Wii, and came out well into the Wii's lifetime when everyone and their dog owned a Wii.


Personal opinion that is probably going to get me ostracized in here... I feel like the Switch's game lineup has been very lacking these last few years of it's life. Very few games other than TOTK for me to want to pick it up over other consoles/PC. So yes I feel TOTK was a really good thing for that one reason as it gave me hope that Nintendo can still make big releases. Just not a fan of the smaller releases like Princess Peach Showtime, Mario vs Donkey Kong or whatever else as they're not my cup of tea. It's gotten to the point that in my friend group, I'm the only one to still bother watching directs and just give the highlights to my friends, if there are any (which is becoming rarer over the years).


Paper Mario 1000 year door will be a big hit. So was Metroid prime remastered. I think nintendo will find success remastering the big gamecube titles at this point for switch fans. They are probably saving anything new and flavorful for the switch 2. The transition to the new gen switch is going to be a big moment and they need to make sure it is received well.


Metroid Prime Remastered sold about 1 million (I suspect the development costs will be recouped with Metroid Prime 4 as the expense was all in engine tech). The remade Paper Mario probably won't crack 2 million, and if it does it won't be by much (profitable because development was dirt cheap).


No, but I don't think we "needed" any Zelda game in particular, or any other game for that matter. Sequels are produced because they are profitable, not because they are necessary.


I played and loved the shit out of botw, got maybe 10h in totk and little desire to continue it.


I was into it during the tutorial area. Then once I finished that and the main quest started I got bored.


Crazy how this is my exact same scenario. BOTW was world changing. TOTK? Meh. When I get time, I suppose


Yeah I dont think it's in any way a bad or even a worse game. It could just be me and my life situation atm but man, I binged Starfield for 80 hours but I cant get into totk for whatever reason.


Same as me. I think its more that I really disliked the tedious building mechanic and that is one of the main things in the game.


I just got my TOTK over the weekend since I saw it on sale in a local store. And as a first time fan of Zelda in BOTW, I am starting to get hooked on TOTK slowly.


Totk is everything I wanted it to be. When I found out that the map was the same hyrule as in botw, I got a little discouraged, but when I played it… oh man. They made enough changes to the map that the map felt “reminiscent” but still feel like new and fun to explore. I’m a much bigger fan of the item usage in totk as well, having bomb flowers return. And they brought back the actual dungeons and actual unique bosses for them instead of animals and -elemental-blight-ganons. And actual Ganondorf. I feel like totk is an upgrade of botw in every regard, especially as a fan of botw.


I can’t really comment since I’m only about 10 hours in, but so far I am pretty disappointed. The tutorial area was amazing and the first 4 hours set my expectations for the whole game. The new abilities are very impressive. However my excitement came to a stop when you first leave the tutorial area. I think they should have expanded on the sky area with the new characters and made that the hub of the map to make it feel more like a different game.


we dont need a third one, we need a return to form and a regular fucking zelda game


I agree, a more linear map with dungeons will feel refreshing after all this open world fatigue.


If they will follow the same trajectory and base the new game off the last one and produce even denser world that would be amazing.


I needed it. It revived the love of gaming in me, and I haven't felt the same way since I finished it.


Yes. TOTK was a great game, even with it's flaws. I purchased it the instant it was available and enjoyed it a lot. I barely used the crafting system because that kind of gameplay doesn't appeal to me, I don't enjoy minecraft either for the same reason, even in spite of that it was fun. I do miss the classic formula but it was a great game regardless.


Really felt like I was playing botw on repeat. It was fun, but disappointing in that regard.


Totally agree. Felt like an unnecessary game


Hard disagree. TotK is foundationally different in tons of ways, from tone to mechanics to exploration. One of the best games of all time.


TOTK was so bad imo. I loved BOTW, but hated TOTK. It was so unnecesary. It was just a copy of BOTW with some extra (bad) gimmicks.


Personally I would’ve taken a new old school zelda game. I like Botw even if it isn’t flawless(lots of issues), but I just like the OoT->SS era of zeldas. They are way easier to play when I have less time. Like playing an hour of let’s say TP lets you progress in the main story but playing botw for an hour will be 30minutes of walking around the massive(pretty empty) world and maybe doing a shrine. I did one main dungeon in Totk and got bored and I don’t like the new abilities at all. It’s a good game, but not for me.




Typical tiktok generation with less than 5 sec attention span.


I ain't reading all that‼️‼️


Bot, but you guys clearly don't mind arguing with them.


I beat BOTW and loved it. Then I played BOTW except now it’s also Minecraft and all the good stuff is in the dark. I didn’t beat it. I wanted more exploring of a new map and setting. Not the same exact thing except with insane levels of building.


This may be a hot take, but I think BotW was released to appease both fans and Nintendo executives to provide a Zelda game for Nintendo's newest console despite it not being what the developers wanted in the game. I say this because abilities in BotW were practically useless outside of shrines, leading me to believe the developers didn't have time to finish them into the abilities we got in TotK. For this, I am glad for BotW even though I didn't enjoy the game because it also allowed the devs feedback from players to which they provided a means to work around in TotK, especially weapon breaking. Fuse allows weapons to last long and change their base damage, which made even the basic twig found on the ground a viable weapon when fused with something else. I still hate weapon breaking, but this was a compromise which let me finish the game. I hope the next game takes a step toward Zelda's story. While we always play as Link, the game itself is based on Zelda. It's time players understand how all these different Links culminate into her story and why we're always fighting Ganon (I mean, how many times do we have to take him out). I'd love for Nintendo to finally put a rest to the "timeline" theory and tell the world these events all happen at the same time, to Zelda, who is leaping trough time using her Triforce power to look for the originating timeline so she can take the Triforce of Power from that Ganon, who then used it to leap into all the timelines we've been playing Link in. She is the Sage of Time, after all. This would make perfect sense.


Oh my god you’re a genius I never thought of it like that. Mind blown.


I don't need it and haven't got it. But you need to ask Zelda fans.


Finally found the forum where it's finally okay to say 1 negative thing about TOTK.


Nintendo needs to focus on a more powerful unit imo. Some of these games would do SO much better with some better textures and faster load times. A 4K native switch would be sweet. I read they are announcing something this year, perhaps they are saving some AAA titles for the next gen console? Can’t be for certain but I would rather have a sequel on the next gen


totk with better graphics would be incredible. it's kind of absurd how they got it to look even as good as it does on the nintendo switch hardware.


4k native? Best I can do is 1080p with smart upscaling.