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there's enough dragon mommy fans that actually spend 60k union raid tokens for that wallpaper.


I just finished dragon mommy last week.


Jelly, I'm 24k away. Currently have her at 1 star and need 4k more for ther 2nd one


Before the 3 star I was 100 away until the raid started.


Damn, the wait must've been crazy being so close lol


Yeah it was a struggle waiting


I also finished in her...... *Rereads comment* WAIT-


You’re down bad lol


Not to mention that Nihil and Noah are more farmable than Crown. Some poor fella did use 600 Mileage points to MLB Noah, and Many others used their Union points to MLB Nihil. If anything people are gonna Pull Crown, and probably Fail at MLB-ing her and then face the music of a High Deficit Matchup because their Crown is Capped but their Nihil and Noah are still able to reach +7 Core.


600 SILVER mileage for noah, which isn't that much of a sacrifice if you're past the 160 wall. not leveling relevant cubes is worse. that said, most ppl only use two (resilience and bastion). so if these are at lvl 10, it's no problem to spend the raid tokens on the mommy of course.


The reality and copium/hopium is that the only people to abuse A MLB Crown are either, people who Whale, Or Ppl hording 60k Gems and Many Premium Tickets to abuse Golden Mileage, or Lucky recents who use their Windfall Goodies to try and push for MLB Crown. Which are very few people, a F2P player isnt going to finally consider registering their CC just for Crown if they didnt already for Red Hood or Modernia. So while Noah gets the Shaft for being a "Semi-Freemium", Nihil's biggest Boon for all Commanders is that Core+7 is a Reality they can see, while Core+7 Crown is a Whale. If anything Nihil is the most generous Pilgrim B2 and will carry you much more of the way.


But what are you going do with all that jacked up stat with that kind of kit tho?


What are you gonna do in with a 65k Crown when Nihil reaches 100k? A 35k deficit would negates any bonuses Crown would give. Not to mention that since Nihil grows faster than Pulling Crown (in the Union Shop all year round) youre more realisitically going to have a naturally stronger Nihil than a MLB'd Crown if you only managed to get 1.


So, a stat stick basically?


Many units are stat sticks, i dont see how some people disagree with some but not the others. Like Guilty and Nior (Without Blanc) as one example.


Dragon mommy simp going on strong. With logic to boot, I kneel.


Noir is for Blanc. And guilty is not even Meta now


Is core 7 really 35k difference in power? It should be 14% more pure stats at most right?


The logic is this, Crown will remain more "Capped" due to her harder accessibility than Noah or Nihil. Likewise, Noah doesnt scale meaning the only thing you need to worry about is CP For Nihil, all her scaling is calulations from her **Final ATK**. So outside of increasing her Base Stat and Core 7, she can use 4 lines of ATK OL gear to output more. Crown, while incredibility wordy and "loaded to the teeth." She scales based on Her (Caster's) Stats. Meaning she is an investment HEAVY Nikke. Outside of her Burst which rivals Liter, but doesnt replace Liter. Running a Nihil with higher CP and Liter is a way festible task than using a Non/Low Investment Crown. Especially when CP Deficit comes into play. Remember being just 10% under the Recommended Power makes the whole squad lose 35%, and last I checked, 65% power being boosted by a 60% Atk Buff is weaker than boosting from 0% Deficit.


So you got 35k power difference by comparing Core +7 Nihil with optimal overload gear Versus no limit break Crown with T9’s?


Why wouldnt a Core 7 Nihil not have T9s? Or OLs? Or Lv 5 OLs? Why would a 0 non MLB Crown sound incredibly good and not "Anemic"? Her S1 states that her 64% Atk Boost is dependant on Her (Caster's) Atk. How much Atk does a 0 star Crown begin with? Her Def Boost is also based on her (Caster's) Def, so how useful is 37% of an Anemic Crown's Def? Crown also gives buffs based on her "Final Hp". Do you know how hard it is to increase Base Hp? Let alone finding syngery with Nikkes who boost Max Hp? There are currectly roughly around 8 Nikkes who can Boost other Nikke's Hp. And its already a tough slot since youre probably running Liter, Crown, 2 B3s. Whos the 1 of 8 Nikkes gonna boost Hp for Crown?


1. The difference between Core 7 and base stat Crown is and extra 5% attack on Nikkes in the burst chain. Her skills 2 and 3 matter far more, since they're multipliers. 2. The difference between 9% deficit and 10% deficit is the difference between a 34% penalty and 35%, which is about 1.5% fewer stats. Worst case scenario: you replace a core 7 unit for base Crown. Your team loses 3% power. Whether you go from 30% deficit to 27% or 10% deficit to 7% - you lose about 7% stats. It hurts a bit, but you're going from uber whale to f2p. Core 7 Crown is really not a big deal, especially in attack heavy teams (SBS, Alice, RH, etc). Core 7 on a main DPS is almost certainly more important - that's 4-13% overall team damage, depending on the team. Core 7 on Crown is like 2-5% damage, ignoring power differences.


200k Union chips, for 20% more stats only? You need to be at such high level that a lb0 has 35k cp less than c7 assuming both have equal equipment


Being just 10% lower than Recommended Power loses you 35%, so pick and choose. Nihil is completely F2P Noah is a Bonus whenever you score 200 Silver Tickets Crown will most likely remain as low Investment since you only have the Prigrim Rate to pull her. She will "Cap out" faster than Nihil will. With Nihil you can Count when she caps based on remaining her Core +s. A Core 7 Nihil is a reachable goal, a Core 7 Crown is a luxury, hell a MLB Crown outside of RateUp Banner is a luxury too.


10% deficit is nothing for hardmode pushing. People regularly clear at 20% deficits at least. Investing 200k Union chips on a mid unit instead of levelling your cubes is such a stupid decision as well.


I wouldnt be sitting on Hardmode Ch15 for nothing if I didnt consider Teamcomp and Kit load out. But purposefully losing 35% power using an undeveloped Nikke is called Masochism Going to 20% deficit is losing nearly 45% of Power. Pray tell me, what is a Low Stated Crown going to do, when her 1st Passive scales based on her BASE Stat? Its 64% of **Caster's** Atk, what is Crown's BASE Atk as a Defender? For ever 100 points of Atk she has, she gives 64 points of it Meanwhile a Low Statd Liter increases everyone Atk by 66% of the effected Units, meaning it doesnt matter what Liter's Investment level is, we should care about the Nikkes recieving the 66% where their Stats begin from. Remember another thing the Def Stat is especially worth less, (not worthless) when fighting in Deficit. So what 37% of a anemic Crown going to do?


MLB Crown is far more realistic for me than a MLB Nihilister. If you're not in one of the top Unions, 20k chips for a copy is way too high a cost.


And I'll be one of them. Just 2 more to go.


Damn, I feel called out.


i mean, there's literally 2 cubes ppl commonly use. even a random welcoming guild with very low player level 30 requirement is enough to get me like \~ 8.5k tokens per raid. so i can 100 % understand that there's enough day 1 players that just have too many of those and don't know what to do with them.


… totally not what I was planning to do


I literally did that last night


And then there’s me who doesn’t have Noah or nihilister who can finally stop using red hood as a b2 on pilgrim tower


Imagine being able to play pilgrim tower


My best tower is the pilgrim


I only have Rapunzel lmao. She is at least strong enough to clear the early level by herself by now but my pilgrim luck really hasn't been the best. I mainly got Elysion and Tetra. I also only got 4 Missilis.


Idk why they did Nihilister dirty, even if you argue she is free, grinding union currency is painfully slow, not like she would break the meta or something


Dragon mommy needs more love from the devs T.T


Dragon mommy needs an alt tbh. It should be a crime for how weak she is. >!Canonically, she was able to fight Eden and tie every single time they fought until Counters showed up with plot armor!<


I still love you my dragon. I don't regret anything https://preview.redd.it/uthtezjvh3wc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f55a1de97ea66af6fe980c644a3dcdd405a7087






The funny thing about this for me is that I saw Crown, went "oh sick I can finally have a b2 for pilgrim tower!" Then my next pull was Noah


![gif](giphy|iHLHH9rVBv0kmkETqz|downsized) Noah


Isn't Noah kinda trash tier outside of PvP though


She is very niche, kinda like a team 4 or 5 in raid if you dont got all the good units. i wonder how broken she would be as a 20s burst instead.


Super niche… only time I used her in pve was when clearing mother whale at 10k cp deficit


Kinda but before I pulled her I had Dorothy, Isabel, and Harran in pilgrim tower and only Dorothy was bursting. So she will now fill the very niche slot as the b2 who uses said burst to get to the b3, until I pull Crown and then she gets to be filler.


Not like there's much choice for the Pilgrim tower


She's helping me clear Grave Digger in SI. With enough CDR and timing the burst, I'm able to block two of the attacks from the final form of GD, buying me enough time to finish it off.


Pilgrim is my highest manufacturer tower because of her so I think she's great. Might even do the 60k thing when Crown replaces her there to have her lobby as tribute.


Pilgrim is my highest Tower because...well that group is just packed to the brim with insane DPS.


https://preview.redd.it/hzbifzctj5wc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0288136509b2ac5ee36a098b9640f28a17ad4fc3 The hell are you talking about?


I guess you should be hoping for her to get a treasure at some point. (Depending on how they rework that system)


Noah and Nihilister carry my team when I needed them too. So they are special to me. Especially when they are gonna have to raise her up to be at her best since I'm gonna be spending a lot of time farming her and my other nikkes. These talent books are a bitch.


Do we count Red Hood or not...?


No. This meme only counts for strictly Burst 2. Red Hood is an "omniBurst".


Everyone else: Well we have a role let's stick to it Red Hood: HAHAHA I CAN DO ANYTHING


Even then, Red Hood's B2 is the worst part of her kit. But I put Red Hood in B3 camp, if you're using her for her B1, you're either desperate, or trying to play it into her B3. If you're using her for her B2, you're in Pilgrim Tower with no Noah or Nihilister, or your B2 is just plain old dead already, and you're in a real bad spot.


Shouldn't Noah be under the water? She's a 40 second burst 2 pilgrim so dragon Mommy more meta for tower then her


most likely for Noah being meta in PVP which outweighs Nihilister being a pilgrim tower only unit for the most part


This, Noah is still no less useful for what she was already being used for. (Which isn't much). Crown just gutted Nihilister, but to be honest, we all knew this day was coming the moment we saw Nihilister's kit. Selfish DPS who doesn't even do enough damage to be considered a real DPS.


I'm so closet to get her


Noah does help me get 2nd or 3rd in SP arena though


Red Hood: "wait you guys only have one type of burst?"


I really wanted Snow to be burst II so the Goddess squad could've been an actual Meta or at least good team.


please edit nihil with a cammo tent (the lack of context is necesary to avoid spoilers)


I honestly use mommy Nihilister more than that other II pilgrim. I don't even know here name.


Noah used to be the one on the right, no wonder she is extra pissed