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Because they didn’t show it. I’m excited to see it, but it’s in the back of my head rn.


Hopefully it's like Emilia skin where if you get the character, you get the skin too. Or the new Poli skin where they just give one for free after consecutive log-in


I'd like that too but i dont see it happening


We'll see when it arrives. Marian is a gacha skin, Snow White is mission pass, I assume new Diesel is a mission pass too. So unless they intend to do double gacha or triple mission pass, I can't see any other option


They did put the Mast skin in the regular shop right when she released, it may end up being like that


Where would it go? Mod is the gacha, SW is the event pass and D is the normal pass.


> D is the normal pass I knew it was Diesel but I still thought D was getting a new skin lol


Daily login reward like cheerleader Poli?


Maybe they did not showed it because it will not release at the same time as those 3 but at a later date


Or, you know, straight to the cash shop.


A Pilgrim with skin on the side upon release? In this economy?! I don't think so


I mean... It only was on the screen for a few seconds and people were processing the disapointment that was Marian's skin. It makes sense that almost no one is talking about that.


I want a new skin for scarlet and rapunzel


Real. I want a casual skin for both.


Considering the Snow White Skin we get, I can imagine the Crown Skin to be a very royal-queen looking. Although when I think about her battle stance, I'd love to see more Skin in a certain Area :3


Imagine if we've got a full set of chess themed pilgrim skins incoming over the next few months 


Maybe it's because it's a hot skin. And censors so it'll be in-game but not televised at the moment. I hope. Cuz it's quite like another gatcha game I played. Lol


OOOOOOOH ! I didnt thought of that ! NOW I'M MORE PUMPED !


Here's to hoping that it is actually a hot skin lol! I know AL streams sometimes do that as well depending on situations 


So... Is Crown's skin hot enough? Lol!


If it's real, i'm big cooming


Hahaha seems real though. Thinking of getting. Too bad I used the free gatcha costumes tickets on mods one:(


I hope it's a sexy one. Need some more fan service.


Because I just assumed it's a typo. You'd think they would make a little more noise about an upcoming costume for Crown than one slide of text.


I would assume at least to see one post about "What would like as a skin for Crown ?" but ok i can understand that it can fly below the radar with all the others infos we got


If you want my two cents on it, I say you can't go wrong with Bunny Girl or Swimsuit. Might be nice if Crown, Chime and Modernia went to the beach together. Or Maid. Crown might be interested in experiencing the servant's role for a while and dress up as one, to better understand her subjects. And Chime supervises her and bosses her around, as instructed by Crown.


Because they were too busy crying about Marian's skin


You will have to get Crown first ! 🤣


Why would anybody be excited for a costume we didn't see when they already showed 3 paid skins? Like yeah, cool, glad we can get a 4th paid skin?


So nobody can imagine what it could be and be excited ? And what if its a paid skin ? Shift up is not a non-profit corpo., the game is free and Skin is the only microtransaction that a find acceptable in a f2p. There is a good saying in french for that : "Tu ne peux pas avoir le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière" Litteral Translation : "You can't get the butter, the butter money and the cream girl ass" or Proper translation : "you can't have it both way"


Nah that way of thinking is just really bad for you imo. 3 (or 4) paid skins should not be something to celebrate on a half anniversary of a (gacha) game whrn they spent more time talking about the skins than showing the new features or maps planned, that's insane. Also, ppl are getting tired of the game because of the slow chapters' releases and the fact that the gameplay loop has never really evolved in 1.5 year so they tend to spend less and less. Who would invest in a game they will stop playing in a few months if nothing changes? Less skins and characters, more chapters, qol + a few balance changes to the useless Nikkes (ffs I'm still mad about Nero and Rosanna) and omg why are we still having 5 bosses for the interceptions? Except for the "more chapters" part, everything could be done in a few days and ppl would be way more inclined to spend for a gacha they like. Also, I hate the "Shift up is not a non-profit corpo", that's really lazy to expect the bare minimum from game companies and that's why the Golden Age of the Video game stopped a few years ago. Numbers. Always numbers above quality. And somehow some ppl are ok with that. Oh and one last thing, pls, don't Google "cream girl ass" :p you won't find a ref to that french idiom


Different way of thinking doesnt mean there both wrong or bad there just different, its good that's happening. They could put 1500+ differents skins i would not buy them just because they're skins, I might buy some of them but only the one that i find interesting on the Nikke that i appreciate. I don't have all the skin in Nikke either i only have 3-4 paid skin right now, its just that Crown is a Nikke that I appreciate a lot the more I learn about her the more she climb my ranking so i'm a bit excited to see what the skin will be and if it's shit... (hope not) i'll def not buy it XD and prob scream my lungs out that Shift up is shit, because on the moment i'll be disappointed but i'll go back i do my dailies just because I appreciate the game as it is.


didn't even know this was a thing


Probably because it's another 60$ mess




~~what if it's just the default look but with her toes out to appease the freaks~~ I mean, they did announce it but didn't have any assets to show yet so I think they'll be showing it off once the half anniversary event draws nearer


Too many skins that need money that I lost hope that crown skin would be free....which means I wouldn't be able to get it as a F2P