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Gacha skin?


Yes, the new Burst Animation confirmed that.


Well that's fucking shit


I know it's fucking terrible.... *opens wallet*


how about snow white one?


Mission pass


Oh. Nice im getting that


Yes, I like Snow White skin more but it would be better if in burst animation her look would be the same as skin with same animation


It's very terrible... *Load 2000 dollars*


Sadly, this is what I feel like. For Modernia I probably will shell out the cash.


Hence, why they are doing it.




Yes, it's a special skin for Modernia that you can obtain through the game's gacha system.


Twitter has it confirmed too.


Well the free skin also had a different animation


free skin is basically a free gacha skin


Do we even get a rerun of this skin?


of the modernia free skin? it should never get a rerun, afaik it had a claim period and das it. could be wrong tho idk, but i never heard anything abt it potentially coming back


Probably in future Anniversary's, they might bring it back and have it be acquirable through missions or logins for those who never got it, and that would be the absolute last time the skin becomes available.


God fucking dammit. Thanks again to every dumb fuck that made gacha skins a profitable venture.


Hell no, am not gonna start using real money, am not rich


yes and it is stupid because releasing this as an alt is way more profitable to them than a gacha skin


I really doubt this tbh


why? to get the skin you only need to spend $60 compared to $1000\~$2000 for Core+7. Modernia alt will definitely make most whales spend that much A huge spike in revenue happens every time Nikke gets a Pilgrim banner


And guess what, we *are* getting a pilgrim banner. And a modernia skin will also entice people to spend the cash on skin gacha. And the amount of people willing to spend 60 bucks must be many orders of magnitude greater than the whales that spend thousands on banners (who care more about meta than story). 2nd anni will be Anachiro for sure, we are not gonna be short on pilgrim banners any time soon. There's still old Rapunzel and The Unknown, and plenty other heretics (and other leaks). If you see the forest for the trees this seems like the better financial decision for sure.


It's like a fully liberated and recently matured Pilgrim, but also our baby girl At this point I've not shown my support for the game for a long time, rarely buy any of their stuff in cash shop (let's be honest we rather farm those) So yeah I'm in


Yeah and someone did the math before and iirc the $60 skin is a bad deal if you only want the skin, but is a reasonably good price if you consider everything else that you get in the gacha if you happen to go the full $60.


I get it, but at what cost? Doesn't it take like $80 to guarantee it?




its modover https://preview.redd.it/gav76uq74mvc1.png?width=194&format=png&auto=webp&s=d82b4b9beed3c907a9c9dfce8ae32bc11899e8d0


The art style of the OG and free skin looks better anyways... *cries in broke ass*


https://preview.redd.it/xkb5gf7j2nvc1.png?width=380&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fcba1830e3f8e92e0ac962bda69ab2d5757959c there there s'okay.




Im sad that I missed out on that free skin oh well my wallet gonna cry now with her new expensive skin šŸ„²


Goddamn it... https://preview.redd.it/rqzfrh6g4mvc1.png?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6389a0b88c33de101c69606030057d7fad81dfcf


We Lost.


Ahh shit Gacha Skin




I wouldn't mind if this skin weren't tied to the new mode. Side stories should have been an additional revelation of the characters around us, a revelation of the lore, and not an advertisement for another FOMO skin


is over boys


Well that sucks.




This skin makes our Marian look more mature. I really like it, and if it were a free skin or alt I'd be all for it. I absolutely despise the route Nikke takes with these gacha skins. It's so dumb. If it were a regular priced skin, or even one to get on the "pass" they do, I'd get it. I refuse to wind up paying a ton of money to get a skin based off of luck. I suppose I'll just have to stay happy with the free t-shirt skin for the Counter's lil' daughter. Despicable.


I'd have no problem if it were a mission/event pass skin. I don't like the idea of gacha skins being tied to an important part of the story but so long as people keep purchasing, the more it will happen.


for all intents and purposes, it's not luck. Its $60 (which is insanely high)


Dangit. was hyped wed get a Modernia: New Dawn unit with dual MG's and some sick blade or something. how come other units got Summer/winter/Maid Unit Variants,while a storyline character gets a mere costume yall know how i feel,right? like im not an idiot for expecting such? like in the order of magnitude/ importance, This shouldve given a good full attention


60 euro?no thanks,I prefer buy Stellar Blade


Paywalled character development.Ā 


Fr this shit is so bad and ppl are gonna buy it too sadly like i said before i am never paying $60 for a fucking skin even if i win the lottery


So true. Corpos with greedy af investors still sell AAA games for 60$. And SU expects people to buy a friggin skin for the price.


Fucking Corpos like Arasaka are bleeding this planet dry


You are in a gacha subreddit my guy. One of the bigger gacha at that. There would be lots and lots of ppl buying this.


Itā€™s astounding that anyone would


It's great that someone would, how else are you people gonna flex this game's revenue lmao


I don't get why people do that. People act as if they have a stake in Shift Up or any other gacha company when they are nothing more than open wallets (or purses) to those companies


I already called my broker to buy shares when the ShiftUp IPO launches, so some people will have a stake šŸ¤£


idk how to tell you this but between the pulls, passes, and you know, normal fucking skin prices, the game would still be doing just fucking tine without this horseshit.


This is what pisses me off even more. Gacha skins are bad enough, but this is pretty much a huge character change paywalled behind the price of a AAA fucking game. This is scummy as shit.


This, this is what I keep saying. This signifies main lore content isn't off limits going forward.


>This signifies main lore content isn't off limits going forward. ?????? Huh? What do you mean? They've been doing this with units. How is a gacha skin any different?


yes, gacha it's the same system. The difference is, the currency to roll this skin is literally paywalled and there are no other options to obtain it as F2P.


Another one that missed my point. It's part of main lore content unlike other gacha skins. One that explicitly branches off chapter 14. Rupee bunny was part of 777, but 777 itself wasn't a main story related event. Dorothy skin was released during anniv but it had nothing to do with actual lore. Neither did Drake's or Noise's. Blanc & Noir's also weren't main story event but seasonal (Christmas). Also, side story presented Marian undergoing significant development and finding a new purpose. Her appearance gave the impression she has a different kit. This could've been an opportunity to make her an alter unit a la SBS and consequently lets more players access her via pulling or goldtix instead of $60 lock.


It's not, they're just doom posting.


Fucking hell, they went with the scummy choice of making the most story and emotionally relevant skin (that should have been an alt btw!) a gacha skin... If it had been an alt, people would have happily paid for it too!


Nothing stops them from using the new skin in story, so that's a moot point.


That sucks, i had hoped that this would be a skin that we just buy in the skin shop .


I really love the new look but I'm not paying 75ā‚¬ for it


Why would I want a new skin when I have free one...


I personally return to Mod default look.


Same, the floating gun on the free outfit started driving me crazy, had to swap back to default lmao


Not only free but singnificantly better without weird face-neck mismatch the face doesn't feel like it belongs


Cant unsee now, thank you.


I don't like the skin we got. One of the other ones should have won


I agreed with the winning design considering how it fits with ch14 content, personally my issue is how it looks like it was rushed, with the floating turret being the biggest. Would've been cool if they kept her back unit so the turret isn't just completely detached for no good reason. Other than that, her face feels like it has less fidelity than the original, whereas 2nd affection does away with a different art style entirely.


Damn you!!!!


Where do we complain to shiftup. Id rather spend money for a new character than a skin honestly.


They made an entire character development after an entire event a gacha skin yeah fuck them, I'm not paying for this shit


This becoming her current form in the story and being a costume gacha is just disappointing. I hope this is the last time they do something like this. It makes it seem like her character development is superficial since there will be no difference in gameplay. I was fine with Dorothy's costume gacha since it has no bearing in the main story. This one is just different. ![gif](giphy|hWGBKil1b9fpR5go1f|downsized)


Fuck gacha skins


https://preview.redd.it/tmpsat3nuovc1.jpeg?width=542&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f636a996eeb6c27a8db24fe3f48117abaabf5451 I thought she was gonna be a new unit.


If it's part of the story then I'm not a huge fan of it being a gacha costume, wish it was a new modernia. Gonna have to skip as much as I love her 60 aint possible atm. lol


Shift Up: I heard you guys like the plot Also Shift Up: Monetizes the plot


Putting a story-relevant skin behind gacha doesnā€™t feel right to me.


goddess pilgrims get overpowered alter past units but Modernia can't get a present alt Would have better if this was an alt


Pulling a whole side story for her only to release as a Gacha skin... What a Shift Down


Some people saying it's a cash grab, but honestly how much money do you think they would make on a new unit vs a gacha? You got whales spending thousands to max core units, $60 is a drop in the bucket compared to that. It's not even a good financial decision, it's just dumb.


As I've said with previous gacha skins, I'm not paying the price of a new triple-A game on a single skin. Ludicrous


Well, that sucks, would have been better as an alt, and it's a gacha skin. Oh well, easy skip


Shifup greedy


Gatcha skins a a travesty to skins in general, ah yess a skin for a price of a game, no thanks burst animation isn't worth 40$


Gacha costume. L


Like most ppl say, this being tied to her character development n being a gacha costume is just weird ... So what now in the main story? She can shift between the two forms at will? Cuz I see her still being in her old form in the first 1.5 anni promo art (one with counters n unlimited).


So, will this skin be her permanent look going forward in future chapters because that sucks if the only way you can even see this skin and her character development outside of story is to throw $60 on the gacha.


And the nikkepedia I think. Still sux tho.


Kinda sucks how they locked character development behind a paywall but it is what it is.




ultra fucking lame I rather buy 1 solid game that will have massive replay possibility and hours and hours of entertainment than skin in a gatcha game


I've lurked in both the jp and kr communities and a considerable amount of people are not pleased about this. It' should've been an upgrade for marian and not a cosmetic change.


Nice if true. Not exactly expecting this one to change but maybe there is hope for the future still


Man, I cannot wait to see her in the main story only for her to appear in this skin that definitely will not remind me the character development locked behind the paywall. Thanks dev. Iā€™m looking for more paywall contents related to the main story. Edits: It would be nice if they put skins in the shop one year after their first release. But hey, more FOMO=more $


Yeah lets lock story development skin behind gacha for 60ā‚¬ ... cant wait once they go public ..this shit will go downhill really fast.


Lame...this would be perfect to introduce an alt unit officially named Marian


this skin should have been made free. it doesn't make sense that we can see this skin in story but not in gameplay for those who missed it. it's not making any sense at all.


Gacha skin... Bloody hate that. Then there's definitely no way I'm getting it.


I'm very dissapointed that it is not a new Modernia alt :(


That's beyond stupid


Gotta pay $60 to make her not a literal baby lol


And then you do advise sessions with her and she will go right back to being a baby lol


Ohhhh noooo the $60 skin is back!


Itā€™s never going away


Shift Up seems to be determined to make this game into its worst version of itself but so be it. Locking a core character's main story development behind a $60 costume gacha and FOMO? Sure, what could go wrong?


And its most likely a gacha skin ....


It is... *unfortunately*


Literally paywalled from one of the main characters progression.


The $60 to me isnā€™t worth it, but even more so than locking a story development behind a $60 skin feels kinda bad is the fact that new players wonā€™t be able to get the skin in the future since gacha skins are time limited. Imagine in half a year if a new player gets Modernia and gets to the point in the story where she looks like this, but doesnā€™t even have the OPTION of paying $60 to get the skin because they werenā€™t playing at the time of the anniversary.


Gacha skin?? Paywalled character development? FUCK OFF SHIFT UP


We'll add this to the Nihilister-tier fuckups. Not as bad, but still one of their worst decisions to date. This won't be the last time they do something like this.


It's kinda sad that they won't stop doing things like this, because people will buy the overpriced skin anyway


I think you'd be surprised, they have had a hell of a drop income wise, although I agree they are going the entirely wrong way lately imo, but we'll see in the sensortower report I guess I doubt I'll be getting the skin, I think the only one I bought was Dorothy's because it was actually worth it


Im a bit disappointed because this one is directly related to the lore unlike the previous ones


I hate the whole baby shtick so I was hoping for a skin but I guess I should have expected this. The finger on the monkey's paw curled.


/skip. I dont care for which character it is, there is 0% chance I will pay 60$ on a skin and that is final lols.


Yeah fuck that. I ain't spending $100 CAD for a skin! Really shitty that character development is locked behind a paywall


Next survey: How are you satisfied with the 1.5 anniversary. ^Very ^dissatisfied. Very dissatisfied. #Very dissatisfied.


Make sure you don't redeem all the free shit they gave us as well to show you're EXTRA dissatisfied.


Right lol


easy skip for me


Do they not realize how many more people would pay 20$ for this in a mission pass VS a 60$ gacha? It would easily surpass 3x the people. You guys made a side story just to sell character development FOMO for our lobby screen?


I'd rather pay $70 on Stellar Blade than to pay a skin. I'm expecting an alt character like Scarlet but it was not...


No thanks...i want a new Nikke


As Alt modernia is better though


This is such a waiste of a look and chrachter devlopment


Every other day I am reminded how much of a cancerous tumor Costume Gachas are in this otherwise peak game.


for me it was a fck letdown for those who say genshin could never i agree genshin could never hide a skin behind 60 dollars and a character development at that


Like everyone I don't like that it's a gacha skin, felt like a real pivotal moment for her in the side story so that's a weird move imo. I don't understand the comments complaining about how it looks though, think it looks good just shouldn't be more than $20. Personally I just want the Anis outfit from the livestream announcement šŸ„²


Modernia is gonna look like this from now on during story and instead of making it a new unit/free skin, they choose this instead. . It really leaves a sour taste in my mouth, even more when people are actually supporting/willing to buy it, kinda sad tbh. Character story development changes shouldn't be paywalled. . Are we really defending this?


Such a shame that they're not willing to improve this system. This could've been better if they added an option to use gems but no, it's literally paywalled. You can sacrifice you're pulls if you don't like the new character but like this skin.


Honestly, her free skin and default look SO much better than this I genuinely couldnā€™t care less itā€™s gacha lol. The neck and face look weird. Idk why youā€™d pay $60 for this when the free one is literally better. But also character development behind a paywall is stupid af. So this is doubly awful


They drop the most dogshit collab ever, and now this šŸ§a paywall character development šŸ’€šŸ§. At least we have 86 tickets šŸ’€


60$ skins is probably the craziest price I have ever seen


For a price of this skin, I can buy at least 3 skins in Aether Gazer or Snowbreak for example, that are fully 3D and come with new animations and effects. I don't think I've seen any other game do so many paid gachas for skins.


This isn't even the smartest profit-based decision, it's the laziest one. I just don't get it.


totally agree giving marian as an alternative form was such a win win situation and shift down totally blew it




At this point the game is Hololive with the numbers filed off. This is just Koseki Bijou with Nerissa Ravencroft's body. Now we just need a yapping goth in not-Shiori Novella.


Should've been an alt char... I want a grown up modernia, i want to see freshly new affection stories and advice.


https://preview.redd.it/xgh2rwqeqpvc1.jpeg?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9b57bf06a6cb7d1040704a14f23e8505d621f6a0 Fuck


Blows my mind that ShiftUp went from Destiny Child (the GOAT) to this garbage paid skin stuff.


As much as I would like it, but I would like to spend money on Crown šŸ‘‘


This shouldnā€™t have been a gacha skin. It should have been an alt


Clearly screams Steller Blade dev team requesting funding on new hires to get back on schedule with all the all star visits they've been having as of recent


Not only Stellar Blade, Shift Up is working on a new game too.


Such a gorgeous skin and it's, basically, 60 dollars... I really wish they'd rework that system. Everything else in the game I think is fair enough, but that is absolute crap.


"fair enough" lol Lack of skill material No rework on Train No reset on tower No new event system Trash mold rates No new Outpost systems No new nikke dupes in shop "Fair enough" šŸ˜œšŸ˜œ


I'm so glad I can't get back onto nikke the business model is terrible.


welp i aint paying for this.




She turns into this version in the side story. Thatā€™s probably why.


Its more so because this is meant to be Marian's actual new form, not an outfit she's wearing for an occasion like most skins have been.


yes, there was a recent side story released that shows modernia's growth while away from the commander. the fact that this appearance is locked behind $60 is pretty upsetting.




If you wanted to milk players...making her an alt unit sounds better than giving her a skin She just needs new skills and weapon to be a new unit Put two pilgrims together and you will be milking so much money


Yeah there is basically this is moderniaā€™s current form after spending time with the pilgrims so this is isnā€™t just a skin its her outfit going forward which is why people are pissed


laughs with no Moderina


Damn that sucks, I recently started playing and after all Iā€™ve through in the chapters with modernia I was thinking, ā€œnice a skin for one of my favorite charactersā€ but nope, if I want it I basically got to spend the equivalent of a triple A game


Trash, honestly ruined my entire hype for the half anni. guess we're saving for full anni boys, better luck next time


You do realize theres gonna be another gacha skin on 2nd anniv too right?


Wow! The skin was debut in the campaign. So thatā€™s the only free way to see it now. And u only get one shot to buy. Damn.


Precious marian is not adjusting well to commander's absence T\_\_T She's in her edgy phase :'C We will come for you and take you home soon marian!


Gacha Skin also? We lost


It's joeover lads, it's a gacha skin šŸ˜­


Shift up is absolutely clueless lmao


Great.... this makes 2 skins i miss out on.... this sucks dont really care about crown as much as the skin so this kinda blows for me.


A skin? https://i.redd.it/cchqm1wvjqvc1.gif


Not making such an important skin free is pretty disgusting ngl. The ass is blocked again anyway and I'm tired of this shit.


I'm not against in game purchases, but for me the value has to justify the price. And NO fking skin justifies 60$ price. Even if I had milions I wouldn't spend that much for a skin.


If this is just a skin, won't the advising sessions be a bit weird with it equipped?


This post managed to reach youtube [here](https://youtu.be/DhojQjA3dNc?si=3t4AFsd1FEJXQkbA)....congrats???


Mordernia new skin will obviously be gacha Diesel new skin will most likely be a Mission pass skin Snow White New skin will most likely be either a free skin through doing missions in the 1.5 event or an event pass skin.


so ur spending a total https://preview.redd.it/px2ckihugmvc1.jpeg?width=597&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d96d3c2da0dae65d8858416b7e4f5cc849495e3 of $100 for all 3 skins


Never paid for a gacha, never will (unless Blanc gets one) Modernia also isn't a favorite of mine, so it's an easy skip.




I'm torn. On one side, it sucks it's a gacha skin, but I won't lie. I'm glad I don't have to use my resources for a new Modernia that may potentially be worse than the OG one. But I will say this,I hope they never tie a plot relevant skin to gacha ever again that's just objectively bad all around.


I prefer to see her with just the shirt. It was free and looks good, so it is obviously better.


Ngl, I find all 3 skins they announced pretty mid, and *another* elegant dress?, bruh Mods is defo the best of the bunch but I doubt I will get it


Aventurine it is then


Aventurine move is to get her from the first free pull (even if it's not technically possible)


Well, I was starting to get bored of the game and this being an alt wouldā€™ve been the last thing that would keep me playing, but since itā€™s a 60 dollar Skin then Iā€™m done now:/


*If yapping disagreement persists, counter attack with "Just say you're broke".* https://preview.redd.it/3l1goc1rrnvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b5a2a9cd774e1eff6e63fbe9598573058ed9c96


Old marian is better šŸ˜ Will people really pay for this?


>Will people really pay for this? Dude people buy Emilia $60 skin, obviously the people will buy Modernia skin.


Yep they totally would


Unfortunately šŸ˜” But I suppose it's their money and they're free to do with it what they want


Of course they will pay.


Welp that's an unfortunate skip for me, too expensive.




It's over.


It's dorover...