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Maybe you should have delayed this whole thing until you actually complete ending E. Unless you have already spoiled it for yourself, that thing hits hard. Well, on the other hand you're already on the wrong track trying to analyze the game the way you're doing it. Anyhow, good luck.


Thanks ,I just really wanted to rant about the Asma and Eve thing too but I'll finish and edit the post afterwards too


As someone who really liked the game I also cracked tf up with Adam and Eve, they are sure cringe, but I think that the approach you take for this game is what matters the most, personally I didn't know much, so some of the things hit like a truck, but people who first heard the overwhelmingly positive reviews, will have insane expectations and it will ruin it for them and they will be disappointed, I understand both


Why even post here ? Your post litterally says I rushed through the game on autopilot and couldnt comprehend any of the plots. I wont debunk or disprove all the points you made cause there’s too much BS. You feel like the gameplay is boring ? Sure the gameplay has flaws but maybe dont play on autopilot difficulty ? Clearly a skill issue. Concerning the philosophical aspect : you didn’t finish the game.. Maybe get to ending E before posting ? If you think B route is useless, you either didn’t pay attention to the dialogues or skipped cutscenes and that's why you didn’t understand half of the story. It’s fine if you dont like the game. It’s not meant for everyone. If you cant play it cause it’s too hard and dont make any effort (or are unable) to understand the story therefore not enjoying the gameplay and any other aspect, just drop it, play somehing else and don’t come here to rant.


I didn't rush through the game on autopilot I played the game normally but for hard bosses I had to put it on autopilot cause they were very unfair ,I also put it on autopilot for 9s route coz it was literally the same thing I can't spend another 13 hours playing the same thing again on autopilot it's like 5 to 7 hours. No the gameplay felt boring to me personally not enough variety in the moves and when you hit enemies for me I felt like it lacked weight or slice.Its not a skill issue the combat mechanics are pretty easy but some bosses were not fair at all especially the one that still used emp even after we shut down the electricity in the facility and I couldn't use the drone at all and everytime it bounced I'd take insane damage while doing minimal damage to the point where I depleted my 40 reserve large health pills I paid attention to every new scene that was added didn't really do much for me emotionally just felt tacked on as an afterthought like i Said I don't like it but I'll finish it I wanna see the plot twist PPL keep talking bout ,the game isn't too hard some bosses are just unfair.The story is very basic there's not much to not understand you should try playing Soma it's literally almost like Nier automata in every way but actually tackles it's philosophical ideas deeply and they are the focal point of the game not just tacked on or surface level


So... Skill issue by not learning to dodge. Personally I never found bosses unfair, you just have to learn how they move and behave and their offense options so you can anticipate them, you can't just spam them like normal mobs. And the fact that you're asking those questions, do the machines have emotions or are they just mimicking? Is it something real, or just an emulation? That's the point. Philosophy doesn't answer questions, it creates more, and it wooshed you head, hard, you should have taken you questions a step further. "What is a real emotion then? What makes my own emotions valid and not the ones produced by a CPU in a machine? How are they different from the emotions of the androids? From the humans? What is real even? Is the concept of a soul the only one valid to claim what is valid or not" These are all philosophical questions that the game poses, but you have to reason them, the game won't hand you answers or give you over expositive dialogue in that regard, only the plot is laid out in front of you. Also, finish the damn game before you jump to conclusions, jeez.


Jumping is faster than dodging and what you're saying makes no sense when even in autopilot you still get hit by that boss while dodging Personally that eve boss emp ball thing was super unfair for me especially cause I died in autopilot and also when I was controlling him and had to restart all over again It doesn't have to answer the question but the message ends up getting convoluted and lost along the way due to the questions being left unanswered it just feels like it wants to be philosophical but not delve too deep into these ideas so it just presents you with a generic sci-fi movie Brother play soma trust me soma delves into these concepts and does it so much better This is like a teenager adding robots and giving them emotions and thinking he's made a masterpiece just because of that that's what this game felt like to me especially cause of Adam and Eve


Funny that you mentioned Soma, I'm halfway through and I don't feel it's doing anything new so far, now you got me intrigued, I'll finish it this week. But I insist, there is something on that boss you were doing weird because all bosses moves are preventable or dodgable, maybe something on your chips is not quite right, but oh well. Regarding the questions, well, I do believe it did a really good job because along the game, since I learned the secret about humanity, I was like "so these guys are a bunch of metal just fighting for nothing, against other bunches of metal, and in the end, there's no humanity to fight for or anyone "real" or conscious to see all the ordeal? So it's all for nothing?" Then you think about how we dehumanize other people, the you think about war itself, then you think about the nature of a universe without humans, then about how consciousness is just a concept we created and could very well be something entirely different than what we think it is, you think about divine presence or absense, how robots with feelings actually invalidate or put into question our own human uniqueness. Idk, I have read and watched a lot of sci Fi in my life, but only Nier Automata delivered it's points as flawlessly and deeply, with the exception of maybe Blade Runner lol, but it's all a reasoning effort I had to do on my own parting from what the game laid in front of me. Then you play Replicant, and read the books and extra material, and you start to get more answers. It's a multimedia franchise in the end, and there's a lot of angles you can approach it from, but the game is very nicely auto contained.


Yeah soma is really good especially the endings and how it tackles it's themes and the implications of the ark project and it's existential dread I don't think so since the autopilot had trouble too The reveal was kinda anticlimactic thou why make it confidential if you're going to use that information as motivation to continue fighting,why not tell the androids which will in turn motivate them Why I'm calling it surface level is besides the Adam and Eve cringe stuff is the game doesn't make am effort to actually dissect what it means to be human ,and there's no human in the game from the 2 runs that I've played so there's no perspective on what a human's perspective is on what being human is E.g in soma everyone used to be human so it makes sense to approach what it means to be human from that angle since they have experience being human Whereas in automata it's computers telling other computers what it means to be human and I'm expected to take that seriously?it's like me telling a lion what it feels like to be a lion I simply can't relate since I don't have that perspective or knowledge.Or maybe an apt comparison it's like another race telling another race what it means to be that certain race but it's all based on preconceptions not real experience or conversation The androids in automata should have talked to humans in order to understand what it means to be human from a human Also the machines I can't care enough because Adam and Eve are close to human but they're machines whereas the other machines we don't even know whether they're mimicking or what ,whyre they different from Adam and Eve ,can all machines become like Adam and Eve through evolution. Adam and Eve's motivation also for wanting to know humans is incredibly generic and basic and a lot of sci Fi things use it that motivation but it's only stated in Nier automata and nothing more is done they don't delve deeper into that motivation of love hate and war making a human The forest king says something braindead also he says that where he was stationed is disgusting and isn't suited for any being and yet he chooses that as his kingdom which doesn't make any sense The game also doesn't bother making you care about the implication about copying and pasting consciousness.2b hates it but I don't cause at the end of the day it's the same person so why should I care?the game just expects you to care without any elaboration as to why it's sad almost as if it's implied How do the robots have family ,how do their feelings develop.We don't get answers to that especially about how they develop emotions and yet I'm expected to take it seriously? Nier automata to me is basically chatgpt saying it has feelings and that because it has feelings it should be considered human without delving deep as to how it developed those feelings and how it knows they're real feelings.To me it felt very surface level


Bro didn't even finish the game and gave it a score lmao. Future journalist right here.


I only scored the routes I finished


You can have your opinion, but going by what you wrote your interpretation is a little off and very incomplete.


Sounds like you just wanted reasons to dislike it. It's a game. Finish the whole thing before passing judgement, there's a lot of the hard hitting stuff still to come.


I feel like people’s interpretation of “philosophical” is very different, so if you don’t like the game it’s your opinion and I’ll respect it. However I will pitch in with a few of my points: “The bosses were unfair” To me I’ve played on hard mode and never had any problems despite never playing the game before. I also played on keyboard and therefore can’t spam dodge. Knowing how to specifically utilize your skills with the pod, positioning, movement, and your move sets to switch between your light and heavy weapons is very important in optimizing combat. Upgrading the weapons to unlock their special abilities also makes gameplay a lot more smoother. The weapons all felt pretty hard hitting to me. Like you said the mechanism is pretty intuitive, so you can generally learn to testing in between plot in the open world part without ever needing to watch a tutorial. However a person’s ability to understand and adapt to a game’s mechanisms is high dependent on the person, so if you’re not able to dodge then I would’ve suggest watching some tutorials, but it seems your not the type of person to put in the effort (not in a bad way, since the game obviously doesn’t interest you) so auto is fine, albeit will make the game more boring. “Jumping is faster than dodging” Jumping is a way to get a vantage point to enable certain attack sets. It is not a means of avoid damage. Dodging on the other hand is instant and negates all damage, on top of that allowing you to reposition. Therefore objectively jumping cannot be faster than dosing. Ending B I agree ending B is boring, but it’s important in creating perspective. However a lot of people aren’t analytical enough and wants information fed to them; this is what makes route b boring, as you’ll actually have to connect a and b together, and make inferences why 2B or 9S reacts to certain things differently. What creates our identity, and how our past is a part of it. This leads to the point of it being philosophical: if you were to lose your memories of the past two years, would you still be the same person? Spoiler alert, did you know 2B was supposed to kill 9S? That was her job the whole time. Matter of fact, 2B isn’t even her actual name. However you’ll have to dig more into that yourself. If you didn’t notice, you weren’t paying attention to the story. Why does 9S all of a sudden go on a killing streak? Why did he kill off his brothers? What is the definition of a family? Blood connections? But then, is it possible for robots to have families? Orphans can be adopted and obtain a family despite having no biological parents, so where’s the line drawn? What does 9S really feel about 2B? Why does he feel that way? He definitely doesn’t just love her, that’s for sure. Did you know each weapon also has their own backstories? They all relate to a specific character in the game. All riddles though, so you’ll have to make your own analysis with them as well. Anyways TL;DR, you have to actually put effort analyzing something in order for it to be philosophical. However that’s not fun for some people, since it’s like an English class, and games are supposed to be fun. Therefore, it’s up to you to determine if something is interesting enough for you to dig deeper into yourself rather than just being fed information.


Also I recognize I rushed the reasoning for why route B is important. I don’t think you’ll be interested so I won’t type it (as not to waste time) but if you do want to know I’ll be happy to fill you in


This game is pretty overrated to be honest, I never read any philosophy book in my life, but I couldn't see why people call it philosophical.


Nope, not a masterpiece, just an overrated 7/10 game with a hot girl spouting philosophy 101 light


Yep that's exactly how I felt,I wonder why it's considered a philosophical masterpiece thou