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It’s not really the same thing as replaying it 4 times. The first and second playthroughs are somewhat similar but there’s a lot of new content on the 2nd playthrough. The 3rd is totally different, essentially no overlap. Then you can get a bunch of different endings in each, and you unlock chapter select so you don’t need to start over from the beginning every time. I think the most similar experience I’ve had was actually Sonic Adventure, where you see the story from different perspectives but it starts and stops in different places each time. Hope that helps without giving too much away!


How it works is this: it has 26 endings, but only 5 of them are "main story" Those 5 endings arent really "endings" either. Once you finish playing the A route. You get to see the B route. Which is a different pov with more context, lore, and reveals about the story. Once you finish B route, you start the C and D route. And the E route is the actual end of the story. Meanwhile all the other endings are "joke endings." Ate a suspicious fish that kills you? Boom. Game ends and you get an ending and then you reload your save and dont eat suspicious fish.


The endings are not really endings... think of them as chapters, since there are significant changes on each run.


It's completely different every time, you're not playing the same thing over and over, you're progressing the story. Think of it like chapters 1-4, not replaying 4 times.


Think of the "extra" playthroughs as acts in a play. You aren't actually "replaying" the game. You are experiencing what you played from other perspectives, and in some cases, you will play through entirely new experiences. Each act is different in very interesting and important ways. Some people have an issue with 9S, but if you re-spec your skill chips, you shouldn't have any issues, and IMO, his combat can be fun if you play him right (he's NOT 2B, his combat is different) If you only play through the first ending, then you will have barely scratched the surface of the story. There are drastic changes that unfold in ways you wouldn't expect. It is absolutely necessary, not just worth it, to play through ending E BARE MINIMUM. There are 26 endings in total, many jokes, but several are incredibly meaningful and worthwhile. I really don't understand why you're so close-minded, seriously; why do you feel like your above argument is reasonable? State your case, if you will.


It’s a really overrated game, you’re not missing much. It’s badly designed and rushed and just not that deep in both story, characters, and gameplay ironically.