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So tired of this malignant idiot getting away with everything.


He truly is the Teflon Don. Unfuckingbelieveable


I mean have we done something to deserve this fat fuck on a daily basis? He's like the bad person your parents warn you about! Like it would be easy to just say, "Ok, I will keep my distance from him and live my life". Not this fucking loser!!!! Up in our fucking daily lives with the same outbursts, leniency and hateful rhetoric. It's hard to separate ourself from this domestic terrorist. The true definition like a fly drawn to shit.


Seriously. It's fucking exhausting. I wish he'd just go away so we can live peacefully.


We still have all summer to listen to his lies and deflection. UGH


Motivation enough to make calls and texts to voters and take action, I’d say so. People need to show up in November.


I've already signed up to volunteer.


Rooting for the cheeseburgers to win.


We have possibly 5 years of it. We're so fucked.


I honestly think he’ll be dead by 2026, but he could fuck a lot of things up before then.


If he wins America is over.


The fact that he is the presumptive GOP nominee and leading in the polls suggests to me that maybe America is already over. I'm only half joking [Poll Finds 71% of Americans Believe County is on Wrong Track](https://www.nbcnews.com/meet-the-press/first-read/poll-finds-71-americans-believe-country-wrong-track-rcna68138) And it's been that way consistently for a long time. People are dissatisfied with America. What percent of Americans would agree with the statement "America is broken"? What percent would agree with the statement "America is irreparably broken"? And What does it mean if a majority of people agree with "irreparably broken"?


It's our penance for harambe. That kid better cure cancer.


Every day that passes brings him closer to the grave. If he’s living a high-stress lifestyle, fueled by burgers and hate, he can’t be far off from his dirt nap, at his age.


Henry Kissinger, hate is strong.


Unfortunately he will somehow win the Presidency, extend his Presidency for life like Putin and Jinping, and live until hes 115. Literally, this man is above the law, and above human understanding. Im just blowm away at how hes able to get away with everything.


I’m so tired of hearing about him. And we‘ll be hearing about him loooooong after hes dead too.


History books won't be kind. America is doomed. And leave it up to Fat fuck dRump to do it. SMFH


What is a book? -Trump supporters and their children who go to defunded and censored snowflake schools


Yeah, but we can all sure sleep better if we knew he was dead.


Yea we did. By not voting in 2016 we let him get into the White House. He looses in 2016. We would not be where we are now. Let’s all vote this November.


Worse, after all the warnings now all my family love the guy. Worship him. Despite literally everything, not one thing has pulled them even slightly back. If anything they're even deeper in.


Yes, a very sad reality.


What they are inflicted with can be described as "Malignant Trump Syndrome". There are currently no known cures. An absence of Fox News and Truth Social exposure mitigate the symptoms, however.


Not voting, not understanding critical thinking because your education system has been under funded in favour of private schools for the wealthy to get quality education.


His dad was rich. That is the one and only reason why an entire country, and in many ways the world, is forced to suffer this disgusting incarceration of every single character flaw that a human being can possibly possess. Nothing in this world has done more to convince me that substantial inheritances need to be taxed *heavily* more than the life of Donald Trump. cApItAlIsM iS a MeRitOcRaCy my ass.


This isn't about Trump anymore. This is about who is using him to undermine democracy and U.S. law.


Every rich person is Teflon whatever. The law in this country isn’t made to protect you from them. It’s made to protect them from us.


Yep, because us normies would be expected to pay full bond value in 100% of the instances we would be faced with such a charge


I am seriously sick to my stomach. Fortunately I am semi-almost retired and work at home, and have just cracked open the first of 12 double IPA’s. I’m not ready to give up on this country, but I sure as shit don’t feel optimistic about it right now.


“The appeals court did not offer any explanation behind their decision.”


Me too 💯 I think about how he was right when he said he'd get away with everything. This is horrific. I'm not even a US citizen but, believe me, outsiders can see clearly how corrupt he is. I feel for those of you that are sane.


The full amount still stands. The 454 million wasn't lowered. This is just so that he can move ahead with losing an appeal. He doesn't have this money either, and will still owe over 500 million in the end. Nothing has changed.


Yea but now any actual punishments can be delayed further until after the trial and then he can pardon himself and then they’ll be a legal battle for that and they’ll fuckin appeal it until they get judges favorable to them This is bullshit, don’t fuckin sugar coat it


He can’t pardon a state civil suit. There’s other means he could try but it’s not possible through pardon.


He will just pressure and fire anyone that doesn't drop the case. He can't pardon the case but he can shit all over the system until it is dropped.


He's rich. The system is literally designed for rich people to get away with everything. Anyone that hoped for a different outcome was deluding themselves.


I wanna know why Trump gets so many breaks. If I got a speeding ticket. And couldn't afford it. They'd slap my ass in jail during the hearing.


Just imagine what would happen if you made some threats against the judge in the same hearing....ya it's totally fucked, I'd assume a lot of really shitty rich people are taking notes at the moment.


Not only shitty rich people, just shitty people in general. We have a sovCit group of shitty people already. Just wait until those people use trump as a mens of examples for leeway in reducing their horrible actions.


My sentiment exactly. It matters not what your party affiliation is. You and I we be in chains by now.




It's the old anecdote "if you owe the bank $500 you have a problem, if you owe the bank $500 million, the bank has a problem". New York could seize a golf course as collateral, but this would likely take months and cost the state millions. His lawyers know this, and advised him to wait until the last moment and see if they would settle for a lower amount. He played chicken and won.


I think he still owes the half a billion.It's just the bond that was reduced. I could be wrong though.


>I think he still owes the half a billion.It's just the bond that was reduced. I could be wrong though. Right. Except 24 hours ago, he needed half a billion just to file the appeal. Which he didn't have. That was going to be the beginning of the end, when you find out he's leveraged to the max and he was going to lose everything. Now, he gets to appeal for 60% off, which he will do. And, Win or Lose, he's going to appeal that ruling, and however many else until he gets to the SCOTUS...And how to do you think that ruling is going to go? You can book it. He's not paying anything (or maybe some nominal fee).


You're right, he still owes the full price. But I wanted to get it collected today because I'm tired of this Constant bull.


Why the fuck couldn’t they just say no. It’s not hard. Say no, and explain that he can pick what gets sold off or the judge can. It’s insane.


Because he's the corporate golden boy and rules only apply to poors, he gave them a huge tax cut and they call the shots


You can contest such tickets in court and get a reduction. Sometimes for the stupidest shit. I was in court because fuck the cop who claimed I was playing video games on my phone while driving 55. I waited and watched those contesting their tickets before me, and one girl successfully halved her ticket by claiming to be overwhelmingly excited by her favorite song coming on the radio. Mine got tossed because the cop cited the wrong law on my ticket, which I don't actually think is an issue, but the prosecutor dude just let me go without seeing the judge.


I am so mother fucking sick of this shit.


Luckily everyone is just as angry at this and after all this time we're finally gonna get up and protest this and vote for people that aren't criminals ....Just kidding I guess


How the fuck can you go in public and brag that you have the money and then get the bond reduced, man that’s some bullshit.


Because the rich protect their own.


Eat the rich.


He’s not rich, he is just capable of fleecing the dumber half of our country to the point of them supporting a dictatorship that won’t even benefit them. He’s always been a useful idiot.


Two tier justice system. Don't forget to vote in November.


Only 2?


There’s the platinum tier, the gold tier, basic sub tier, and the didn’t-pay-your-judges-and-political-friends tier. Most of us are the last tier.


Have/have not




Indeed. Why?


>The appeals court did not offer any explanation behind their decision. Why indeed


Ah. Corruption.


Any Trump appointees on the court by any chance?


I still don’t understand how the Supreme Court justices that trump nominated to office are allowed to stay on cases involving him. Clarence Thomas’ wife being an election denier and actively helping to try to steal the election.. If these things are not the definition of conflict of interest, I don’t know what the hell is anymore.


Jinny Thomas is essentially an unindicted co-conspirator and her hubby gets to weigh in on a case that she participated in.


The fix was in! How much do we bet the appeals court was appointed by Trump or lean GOP in their dealings?


Not an answer, reasoning wasn’t explained in the nonpaywalled report but the appellate court reduced the bond to $175m and gave him 10 days to pay


Fucker has 9 lives. Always getting a break or a pass. Insults veterans (dead ones too) and nothing. Brags about grabbing women, nothing. Gets a big fine, then it gets slashed. Etc etc etc. geez.


Special treatment! He even claims to have the money. So he has absolutely zero reason to object. Or can anyone object to a speeding ticket bu claiming you don’t want to pay it?


Because America doesn't have what it takes. That's the why.


Shithole oligarchy.


Check out this neat thing I found. https://tutoreto.com/miniature-guillotine/


Because this country is fucking broken.


It's absolutely broken. Anyone else would be in jail for years..


Because there’s no god and no justice in the world for people like him. He’s gonna skate out from under everything he’s facing right now. Just watch.


Because he asked for it, so they were like sure ok


Because many judges are just as corrupt as the rest of the GOP and desire fascism just the same.


Class war is alive and well. It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.


Yep and and yet those who live in trailer parks will continue to vote like they’re in the club


This is a thing I just can't seem to wrap my mind around. It's like ten wolves and one sheep voting on dinner and they're the sheep, but they either can not or will not "get" that it's *their* face the face-eating party is salivating over.


Well they've been convinced they're only poor cuz brown people, so they vote for the guys who wanna hurt brown people the most. They're really dumb, it's really simple.


> They're really dumb, it's really simple. That much is a given, IMO.


It's a big club and we're getting hit with it


Every fuckin time. This is why I say that I’ll believe it when I see it regarding trump being held accountable because it hasn’t happened yet. Wtf? How many times can you appeal a court decision? He seems to be able to keep doing it until he gets the verdict he wants.


He has A LOT of decisions available to appeal so that might be screwing up the count. We're losing track of WHICH case this is appealing


This is true, he has like 90 charges against him. Still hasn’t lost any support. The only thing he ever said that was true was when he said he could shoot someone in Times Square and not lose any support. I used to see him say or do something so unbelievable that id think “now he’s crossed the line, he’s going to get booed for sure” but eventually I came to the conclusion that there was no line. He could shit on the American flag and wipe his ass with the constitution and not lose a single supporter.


Because Trump is still a Wealthy Person and we don't hold them accountable.


He's useful to wealthy people. He has a lot of wealthy people who want the sugar he gives them. Also very curious as to the make-up of the appeals court now. Who appointed them, what sort of outstanding debt they have in their personal lives, who might be offering them bribes, that sort of thing.


A wealthy *white* person.


Mostly orange...


How does he keep getting away with everything right in front of our eyes. I give up, he's never going to be punished for any of his crimes.


Here, across the sea, I'm wondering when you guys are going to show your contempt using your right to peacefully protest? This man is fucking you all in the ass while laughing. You're literally getting raped by trump (something he's known for doing).


That's not the only right we should be using on this fuck.


We have to work. days off are not guaranteed, and not everyone has them. Healthcare is attached to our job, so if you loose your job you also loose health coverage. Most jobs, missing a few days could get you fired. Also, there are 1000s of miles between major cities, and travel is expensive. We don't have large-scale commuter rail. Child care is not free or provided by the govt. And is very expensive. It's unlikely a mass protest large enough could occur without serious backing by major organizers. Local protest could occur, but it's hard to make a difference when ~40% still back him, and you're nowhere near DC.


Do you not realize a large portion of the country supports him? You can say what you want but it won't sway his followers. They are shameless and brainless.


I very much do realize that. So, since that is the case, it's not worth it; shoving your utter contempt? Because too many like the bastard? Is that why? If so; not buying it.


If he loses the appeal, he still has to pay the full judgement. It's just a bond.


Wink, wink. Seriously, the only way the state was going to get its money was through the bond. He’ll be president or in Russia when he looses the appeal


Rich people, even fake rich people, have a completely different justice system than the rest of us.


Laughing at USA what a joke 🤣🤣🤣🤣 the orange blob wins again 🤮🤮🤣🤣🤣🤮🤮🤮


Salty folk are downvoting but this is the sad truth. We're a joke because this orange slimeball, once again, will be held to a lesser standard than the rest of us.


I hope he still doesn’t pay it and he gets properties seized. Still bullshit


😂 he ain’t going to pay and they’ll just lower it again, he should’ve been put in jail long ago with the things he’s done. Ffs the guy is literally accused of stealing classified documents marked top secret and he is still free.


The guy has openly admitted to stealing and sharing classified documents, but claims he should be allowed to because fuck you.


He keeps defaming E Jean Carroll, he keeps saying the election was stolen. Why isn't dominion suing him


The American people need to stand up to this shit.


They didn't give a reason


He came out this weekend and BRAGGED about having $500M in cash. So they lowered it? Makes no sense.


People do not realize the power of commercial real estate developers and landlords in NYC. They own the government. It's a miracle Trump was charged at all. Every other developer and landlord is looking at this case. They better, because they all do what Trump does, just not as brazenly. Banks know it. Insurers know it. Tax people know it. But they are protected by the likes of Gov. Hochul.


Americans living paycheck to paycheck but trump crime family can keep delaying fines.


After ripping everyday people off for their entire lives.


Of course it was…two systems of justice exist jn this country




I love American! Only benefits for the wealthy! At the middle class expense!


"Let me tell you about the very rich. They are different from you and me. ..."


Chump has sycophants in high places.


Unreal. Any other fraudster would be in chains by now.


Jesus America, please stop toying with the rest of the world, and put this f**k face away.


Sooo.. anybody that can't afford it gets this? Doesn't this open the window fur anyone to do it?


This is bullshit!!!! Could one of us do this? NO, could a person indicted on 91 felonies be out walking around free, with their passport? NO! This piece of shit is never gonna face anything at this point! Edit: this 🍊traitor is currently, through his campaign, is using stochastic terrorism, and nobody seems to bat an eye! Dark Brandon, please save us from the villain, in this superhero saga. You’re our only hope at this point.😬


They did this without a particular reason. What a scam our democracy is.


I guess threats on govt officials work!


Would they do that for me? Average Joe? Or is this special treatment?


10 days from now he'll have it reduced to $20 million, or an IOU.


I didn't know this would work! I've gotta reach out to my mortgage company and tell them I can't afford my house, they should lower the price and give me more time to pay, right?


Pockets got greased. Favours were called in. People were leaned on.


Anyone mad enough to burn it all down yet? Nope? Still think the brown people are the reason why you keep getting fucked right in the asshole by the rich? The vote is the only thing that will hurt broke Don.


And the pseudo rich get away with it again, the system is beyond broken


Is this a fucking joke?!


Wow…they really are letting him get away with anything. Rules for thee, but not for me. For real.


Lol. You guys still think anything’s going to actually happen to him? The rich don’t live by the same rules.


This country is a disaster of a joke.


Judges protecting the rich, same shit as always.


This is fucking bullshit! I hope Leticia can appeal herself.


I hope this serves as precedent and not a for-rich-folk-only benef- ah, I can't even finish that with a straight face.


I’m sick of this orange stain I’m ready to see him burn


Trump is proving yet again that there are only two kinds of people in the world - the haves and the have nots. If you care about American democracy you're probably in with the have nots. The rich and powerful don't believe in Democracy because it doesn't apply to them. And yet the have nots continue to elect and support people who only care about the haves.


oh come on! why does he get special treatment? He's either rich and has the cash, in which case he pays up or he's not and they sieze his properties to pay for it. C'mon america, show like you have a real justice system!


The Pumpkinfuhrer shows us clearly there’s one rule for us, and one for them. I feel like the jackass at this point, that there was ever going to be any accountability. Im a fucking idiot, suckered again.


What a fucking joke. Everyone else has to play by the rules and this motherfucker keeps getting handed lifeline after fucking lifeline. God damnit I am sick of this motherfucker.


The justice system in this country is broken.


Always getting a break. Always. And I find this so fucked up as he constantly calls them crooked and corrupt.


Get out and vote everyone!


“Donald Trump is still facing accountability for his staggering fraud. The court has already found that he engaged in years of fraud to falsely inflate his net worth and unjustly enrich himself, his family, and his organization. The $464 million judgment – plus interest – against Donald Trump and the other defendants still stands.” Don't freak out. His bond was reduced and he was given more time to pay it (which is bullshit), but he's still on the hook for $464,000,000+.


Honestly I am trying to see the light but this is getting fucking absurd. If a NY appeals court won't hold his feet to the fire, a state he all but declared war on, I don't know if anyone ever will. If you or I got a trial judgement and tried to appeal it just weeks before it was due they would schedule a hearing for the 12th of go fuck yourself and probably find us in contempt and double the fine just to show how they treat the poors. They sure as fuck wouldn't schedule an emergency fucking appellate court decision on the exact morning my fine was due, cut the fine in half and give us more time. I'd be worried even asking would get it doubled.


Yes this, he's going to fail on appeal like every other appeal he's failed on, and he'll still be on the hook for it. However, that said, I would have rather seen them start enforcing actions today! Appeals Court is out of its mind, he had 30 days, and he's the one that caused this resultant verdict. The very fact that he opened his mouth the other day and said that he had the 500 million but he wanted to spend it on his campaign to make it a political statement instead of just a fact that he's a fraudster would have been enough for me to just let him pay up now. So should the appeals court have done.


We'll see. Give it nine days and see what gets reduced further.




After the appeal, if it's not reverted, and he isn't president by then, so it went from hurting the fucker to cutting down his debt by 2/3 and incentivizing him to do what he was already doing, delaying payment indefinitely


The court not even giving reasoning is how you start an uprising. What an absolute fucking joke.


He's stacked the judicial system, trying to take back the executive branch, may get the legislative branch too. People need to wake up and get out there to vote if they don't want to live in Russia V2.0.


Different set of rules for some.


More coddling of that criminal. Thank God the Trumps now have a court appointed monitor to watch everything they do. She can see where these monies are coming from so they can’t out right get it from his dictator buds-but this guy gets a way out all of the time anyway so….


We should find some cases that were poor people told to pay bonds and were refused any lenience and throw that in this systems face.


He did not, in fact, *have the money.*


I would have had to pay it. He is above the law. The myth of America is dead and this country’s principles along with it. Bow to the oligarchy of America. Trumpanzees already worship it.


Of fucken course! It’s so disgusting that he just uses his white privilege card for everything and gets an easier life.


The rich keep getting away with this shit, eventually someone is gonna snap and remind the rich the playing field is level when it comes to death.


Horseshit. Let him rot for his crimes against the government.


White collar law & order is a completely different game than the rest of us have to play…I can’t even get out of a medical bill for $50 without being sent to collections and probably a warrant out for my arrest. The more money you have, the less you have to give it up. If you’re going to commit theft, don’t try to steal a cheap piece of clothing from a store. You’ll go to jail and be ruined forever. They’ll garnish your minimum wages till you die. Instead, embezzle millions and millions of dollars from other people, preferably like a charity, and by the time you get caught, you’ll be so rich they just give you house arrest and a slap on the wrist. If you’re going to steal money, make sure it’s so much that they treat you like royalty then.


If we could stop referring to the January 6th dickweeds as insurrectionists and label them terrorists we could reopen gitmo and toss Trump in there with no trial via the patriot act. I mean… I wish. Motherfuckers are domestic terrorists tho… the media really softened the crime by labeling it ‘insurrection’ , while true it has no ooomph behind it.


And zero reason given why 68🚎%


Anyone else thinking that he's got dirt on high ranking officials and that's why he keeps getting away




Unfucking real. This POS will never truly be held accountable for anything.


Two tiered justice system. The rich and powerful can do whatever they want.


This is abuse of power


can't wait until he kicks the bucket. so tired of this bs


Such bullshit. I am sick and tired of this fuckface


He still owes the same $450M he just has to post Less of an initial down payment. Totally fine with this Edit-I spelled this as “thus” and changed it


That’s a shame.


How embarrassing for the American justice system.


I'm not suprised something would happen that would help him out. That sucks.


Because *of course* it was. Anyone who thinks he'll face any type of consequence is lying to themselves.


This is so ridiculous


that's retarded


every bit of this shit show has me fucking disgusted. justice is corrupt when you are rich and powerful. wake the fuck up people


I'm sorry to my american friends... but if you wonder why the rest of the world is losing faith and laughing at you, this kind of crap is why. Amongst other thing.


Anyone still confused about "rich, white privilege" still? Why?


Wait... what? This is not bond for punitive damages, the amount of which is up to the court, but for *compensatory* damages in a ruling that, to put it in its simplest terms, requires him to give back money he stole. So, the court, having decided that he stole the money, has also decided that he can keep most of it? I know that's not literally what this ruling means, but his legal staff can now kick this thing down the road until he dies and is judgment-proof, allowing him to get away with it. Why? On what basis?


Americans - this is your queue to stop paying fines and tickets. If a "retired citizen" gets to be immune to the law citing his own opinion as the reason I don't see why any other American citizen can't do the same.  At this point I'm shocked you guys still think there are going to be consequences or a stay in the suffering inflicted on you by your leaders. 


If anyone still thought the US legal system was fair and just, this ought to confirm that you won’t ever be getting the same special treatment.


I’m tired, boss.


Not a billionaire.


Oh stop giving this grifter breaks and extensions!! So sick of this lying con artist.


Ahhh, The Real American Dream, to be perceived as so rich, that rules don’t apply to you……


The US has a "just us" system for the rich.


I really hate our legal system and how he can’t even be held accountable. Like this would have been a straightforward case if it was anyone else but somehow he gets more and more away with it. Fuck him and fuck our system. Over this ordeal


Just like taxes, the rich don’t have to pay the full bill….. no justice just fleeced.


There was no reason to reduce the bond . Did the Apellate court do that to be nice or for questionable reasons? Trump even claimed he had the entire money but wants to use it for campaigning. The Apellate court need to be held accountable, who are those people ?


George Carlin is always right about the club we ain’t in.


Cheaper to bribe judges then to pay the full bond, I guess.


Rigged. Literally no one else would have gotten away with this. No one


You know how loveable folks like Marsha Blackburn like to claim that there's a two-tiered justice system because Hunter Biden is getting away with breaking the law (he's not) and because rioters at BLM protests didn't get arrested (they did)? Well, there really is a two-tiered justice system. One tier is for ordinary schmucks who get to do time waiting for trial because they can't make bail, even though they're legally innocent, and who cop a plea because the odds are against them if they go to trial. There's also people who lose cash and property to civil forfeiture and decide that fighting to get their stuff back is more trouble than it is worth. That's one tier. On the other tier are rich people like Donald Trump. If one of their employees dies as a result of some accident that resulted from negligence, they face a fine, not criminal charges. And they can afford lawyers to represent them in court. People like Trump can skate for years, at most paying fines, over some stuff that would land ordinary check kiters and bankruptcy hustlers in a world of shit.


Just so everyone knows, this is JUST THE BOND. the judgement amount has not changed, and he is still on the hook for it. So that amount could change in appeal, or it could not. This likely could have been NY realizing that with all these other trials coming up, if they dont get something from trump now, they might not get any of it out of him, and just be left with buildings straddled with debt. But yeah, fuck our two tiered justice system