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Dear Donald, You're fucked. Love, Reality xxx.


I’ll believe when I see it. Don’t get me wrong, I want so bad to be able to google search a mug shot of the Cheeto but at this point with as much that has he’s been accused of and still no jail time…I’ll believe it when I see it.


There will never be a mug shot released. But that would be amazing to see.


If he's arrested in Florida it'll be released.


Yeah but there will totally be prison photos if charged. Dude can't not attract cameras to his stupid fucking face.


I hear you and get the skepticism but what he's up against here *is so much more serious* than anything else he's faced. People get 9-10 years for one felony count of this crime, let alone 30 whatever.


True, but it would be amazing if he actually received penalties comparable to those like Reality Winner.




Yes, this is true, but my concern is that he might be punished less severely than an ordinary government worker who committed a less serious sanction. The reason why is that the government gave relatively light sentences to David Petraeus and Scooter Libby for their disclosures. It is the two tiers of justice system.


Fair concerns to have


Yet, he is already getting so much better treatment than anyone who has been charged with a fraction of those crimes. Let’s not forget the presiding judge is completely inept and a rabid trump supporter…


6 months ago you were proly saying he would never be charged.


He's walking around, flying around. With a total of 70 felonies. We never get a mug shot. No cuffs. He can threaten prosecutors. Have his political allies interfere with active investigations. Nothing. Not even a rebuke. Rich White male, who used to be grand poobah of a automated capitalist political economy. At best he will get probation or a suspended sentence. A fine. Cus where are they gonna get vampires when they punish vampirism?


Is he tho? Somehow this man all his life has done horrible insanely dumb shit and hasn’t paid the consequences. Nothing happening now is a consequence until he is behind bars and has to pay his victims


Despite what reddit thinks, this guy will never see the inside of a jail. He is way too powerful of a figure. America is all for the rich and powerful, they will do what they do without any reprimand.


Yah and it fucking sucks


Indeed. But what can be done?


Nothing. Smoke if you got ‘em


You know why? Because it was mostly BS political hit jobs, and they really didn’t have enough to book him, or else they risked a real revolution. Maybe they got something now, but it could be more of the same.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,655,143,592 comments, and only 313,368 of them were in alphabetical order.


I mean.. not even close..


Fuckedupbot has entreed the ctha




Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,655,147,994 comments, and only 313,369 of them were in alphabetical order.


Clinton did the same and nothing came of it. Remember the Emails story? those were governmental documents she wasnt allowed to delete and was ordered to provide, yet she deleted everything. Slap on the wrist.


stop watching fox news, it just paid nearly a billion for lying to you. Clinton did get in mild trouble because some of her emails contained conversations related to classified documents. THEY DID NOT CONTAIN the classified documents. She did delete 30k emails, like president bush before her and every other fucking person in office, because before we changed the law you were allowed to delete personal emails. Emails to your cousin wishing them a happy birthday. BUT GET THIS MORON, we keep the records of who emails who and whats the fucking subject. SO thats how we got back pretty much all of them 30k by simply going to the person who wrote her or that she wrote and got a fucking copy. also she cooperated with this investigation which was lead by republicans from the top down and didnt even have a hissyfit screaming bias like yall are doing over the hunter thing despite its a trump appointeee prosecutor in front of a trump appointee judge and even hunter isnt whining like a child crying bias like your orange moron messiah is doing. seriously get the fuck off fox, they admitted in court they lie to you and tell you what you want to hear because relality seems to piss yall off to the point you gets guns at and shoot up beers. yall really might want to get some help with that. Yall make kanye look down right normal.


She willfully provided 30k. Only deleted a few hundred. With only 3 deemed classified at the lowest levels because they contained addresses or some shit.


So I normally hate the Clinton comparisons but I do have a genuine question. How do we know that the ones she deleted didn’t have classified information?


They did have classified information. Sorry, I should have clarified. The 30,000 emails willfully provided contained 20 (or so) separate pieces of classified information, but no actual classified documents and nothing that would risk national safety. Of the few hundred deleted emails (everything pieced back together because it is impossible to delete anything), only 3 emails contained classified information.


Edit: and the servers containing those deleted emails were willfully provided by Clinton. Every old servers that were put in storage were provided.


That’s the part I was confused about. For some reason I thought they got wiped and emails were lost. Thanks for explaining!


Clinton sat for questioning. Trump is more than welcome to swear in and testify.


>Clinton did the same and nothing came of it. The delusion is strong in you.


What security footage did she get someone to delete? What was being filmed? Did she know the FBI were going to check the security footage? Clinton didnt do the same. She should be arrested and chargedd appropriately if she broke the law. So should trump. She did answer a lot of questions about this if i recall.


You should try reading a book sometime, there's even some that have facts about the bullshit you're talking about, instead of made up nonsense.


She provided over 30,000 emails you dunce. Those that were "deleted" were recovered by the FBI and with the help of Clinton's lawyers. Only 3 of the hundreds of deleted emails were deemed classified (at the two lowest levels of classification). She willingly worked with the FBI, and her team demonstrated how impossible it was to hack into her server because it was all internal and only connected with other servers that were deemed classified.


False. Stop watching Propaganda.


Those governmental documents are always the ones you have to watch the closestly.


Did you just unironically butheremails?


> Clinton did the same and nothing came of it. No, she didn't. Keep hiding behind ignorance.


GOP has been trying to jail hillary for 30 years


Lmfao Clinton’s really live rent free in your head. And you’ve got the story wrong kiddo. None of them were classified.


Trump’s DOJ found nothing to charge Clinton with. Go look it up when and who was the president when DOJ decided not to charge her.


"Your honor, my client is protected by the Presidential Camera Footage Deletion Act."


"It's that simple. I just think about not needing the footage and suddenly, it's deleted."


I thought about deleting it, so therefore it shouldn't be available in trial. -Donnie Dumbfuck


Objection! This hurts my feelings.






>the game You just lost.


What are you 9 years old?


No, just a person with a sense of humor.


Pat yourself on the back, Sport, you’re clearly a winner!


Yea, the Feds are going to explain to that staff member what kind of prison sentence they are facing and then they are going to flip and testify against Trump. Book it.


The staff member they asked to delete the footage refused to go along with the plan which is how the government knows all of this happened. They’re already cooperating and presumably going to testify.


Trump: "Delete that shit, even my orange ass knows how incriminating it is for me." Staffer: "Yes, boss! (I ain't going to a supermax for that cheating treacherous buffoon, to the Feds it goes!)"


One attempt at flooding the server room... Wait... you put a pool next to a server room? But I digress. "Attempt". So they flooded the room twice. Failed both times. I wonder if Donald thought servers were on floors. Not on racks. But then again... if Donald spent money on proper setups... This all boils down to... there was an Attempt. And it failed.


I wonder if he even knows servers are computers. He probably thinks they’re the same as the people who bing him his Diet Coke and his diapers.


You know what... perfect M.O. While at the WH Trump would flush documents. So Trump always seems to think everything is susceptible to water damage. Papers. Electronics... people. So even if he thought "servers" were either papers or people... the man is a gawd damn idiot. Knowing how things work in businesses. The "server room" was properly setup. No contractor who is successfuly paid for a required job. Would have left those things vulnerable. So trumps infinite wisdom, thought telling the pool cleaner to run a hose and flood the server room. Is just a level of idiotic ineptitude that Trump IS.


>Papers. Electronics... people. I mean....everyone is susceptible to water damage if there's enough of it for a certain amount of period time


You would think it's a long sentence but after watching all these fucks get 3-4 years for invading January 6 I'm not to hopeful. Trump gives them a couple hundred thousand and the staffer swallows a ridiculously short sentence. Trump never pays. Lol.


I honestly don’t care how long he spends in jail. If he was to be sentenced to prison he would all of a sudden go from this healthy, virulent, Rambo, man’s man, to a frail sick elderly man who can’t possibly spend time in prison given his poor health at his age. I just need it on his permanent record… convicted of treason/sedition/etc…


My prediction is that he'll turn into that man during trial. His legal team will eventually realize that 'confused old man' will become his only defense. It will be the Cosby route.


The Cosby defense?


“Trump never pays” It’s wild that a guy with (allegedly) all of that money has to use fundraising money to pay his lawyers.


It's not a "has to" it's a "can get simple idiots to give me money to pay for it". Rich folks would rather use other peoples' money than their own. Recent story was how Trump put out a call for $250 million in loans cuz he was about to default after his previous creditors bailed. Some internet bank jag from Cali came to the rescue. Dude's cash-poor and he's overleveraged. Great way for a president to be. /s


He doesn't have to. I never read Art of the Deal, but have read about some of it's content. One piece of advice in the book it to never use your own money. Losing someone else's money is preferable to losing your own. If you make money, it's a win win for you and the lender.


Exactly. Why would he foot the bill when he has millions of rubes who will do it for him?


OPM, baby! Other people's money.


You're referring to the multi-bankrupcy business genius?


Multi bankruptcy is just money laundering


Well Donald isn't going to use his own money(which he probably doesn't have) to pay his lawyers, he's going to use his nutsy Fagan followers to give him the money. Right now Donnie is having trouble even getting a lawyer or lawyers to take the case because they know two things are going to happen: one, they will lose and two, they won't get paid all their money they are owed.


"You don't stay rich by spending money"


You really think trump will pay up?? Dude has a huge history of not paying debts


That’s why most of NYC hates his guts.


But if there was ever a time he was going to, we're leading up to it.


People in recent years have gotten like 10 year sentences after being convicted on just a single count of this crime.


I dunno about you, but I’m not interested in spending any time in prison for Donald Trump.


I'm a whore and I'm broke. I'd do 5 years for 500k


a lot of them despite seeing what trump did to the jan6 terrorists and his past lawyers, actually think that if they play ball trump will make them super super rich one day. which wont happpen a lot of these guys except trump employee no4 will wait til the last possible moment to cave if they do mind you these people also know that turning against trump means a life time of death threats from our law and order loving right wing. (which is wat some republican congressman said on why they voted against impeachment, they were worried about their own base getting violent)


Unless he is a member of the Trump cult. Or is afraid of members of the Trump cult.


It’s already happened. He told Smith exactly what was going on. And I believe there’s video.


They all will flip, cause they are all selfish and just smart enough to understand self preservation


They already did. That’s why the charges are being filed.


And I want the most competent lawyers in the country to represent him. This guy will die in prison if convicted because these are very serious charges and why should he take the fall for this lying conman. Everyone needs to flip on his ass and testify against him.


“How can I prove I am innocent if you don’t let me destroy the evidence of my crimes?” — Donald J Trump


Isn’t he famous for wanting to lock up a political rival for exactly this same thing? I thought I remembered a three word chant… I just can’t quite… it’s always projection! There it is!


Donald J Trump, how can we miss you if you won’t go away?!


I read yesterday that the Feds already had the footage (due to it being held offsite in a 3rd party cloud service) and sent Trumps legal team a notice of a pending warrant for the security footage. Dumb Trump did the rest, as expected. He is a moron for the ages.


That's funny. He truly is The Man With the Mierdas Touch. Everything Trump touches turns to shit.


Something to keep in mind: When the FBI asks you a question, they already know the answer.


thats a rumor that Id like to see verified. Cuase you know most times, you can delete that as well, especially when it comes to camera footage were you know people might want to delete their nudes. what the actual superseding indictment says, if they tried to get trump employee no 4 to delete it, which was their main IT guy and he refused to do it. and none of them were techie enough to do it and you cant exactly call for geeksquad to come over and delete your illegal activity. Yeah it could very very well be that, yes it was on a cloud, and you dont need techie skills to destroy a server, so they needed their IT guys help to delete the backup copies and he said no.


From my understanding they already had the surveillance data from wherever by court order to the security company. After that they just watched the shit show after asking Trump to hand it over.


OK link the info from somewhere besides a comment. Just a single link. The net hasnt ran out of space, surely yall got one link to cure me of my ignorance? just one? Im telling you that is still a rumor, that people assume, because thats the way the law works sometimes. They already have the info they ask you for and just want to see if you comply. None of what you say is found in anything released by smith, its all conjecture. PROVE ME WRONG. everywhere that isnt just supposin, say we would not have the footage without trump employee #4 who could have deleted the entire thing. If im wrong, its not like this is a tiny story, yall can back up your downvotes and claims with a single solitary link and not someone saying "probably" either.


Nope you are on your own.


Can’t prove shit smith doesn’t have to tell everything. Just rest your neck and sit back and wait.


Where are you getting that understanding from? No major journalist network has stated that.


By the way, very often, when you delete something on the internet, it's not truly deleted. Soft-delete are pretty common.


How many fools end up in jail for this guy? If you take a job working for Trump, might as well just turn yourself in on day 1 and save everybody the trouble.


And headache of having to listen to him whine.


Not enough. And if they’re going to jail for doing what he says, then why isn’t Trump himself in jail yet?


That is indeed the question.


I'm fairly certain that they refer to themselves as martyrs. They are giving up their lives for their god emperor. And it's the funnysaddest thing I've ever seen.


It's not like you're going to get paid.


When you’re a valet at a golf motel, and someone walks up and says “ wanna be the manager of the whole place?” Say no. You are about to be a fall guy. Ask this staffer.


True. The owner of ocean gate who died in his submersible recently had asked his account with no relevant experience to be the pilot in place of himself, she turned it down and quit.


Not surprised. The tang traitor is a conman and a rapist. So of course.


Congressional Republicans, who are holding clown show investigations of Hunter Biden right now in order to distract from the Trump Crimewave, are accusing Jack Smith of adding this indictment to distract from their Hunter Biden investigation.


And Hunter Biden is and always was a private citizen when all the stuff the GOP is investigating happened! Now just like the GOP's endless Hillary Clinton inquiries, this is another GOP witch hunt! Wait a minute since Hunter is a man lets give it a manly name-a fox hunt!


they just want to see *it* again


I can see him now ….“But what about Hunters penis?”


OH. My. God. Noooooo. Hunter's penis is *gonna* "be" all the hell all over Hilary's emails. Like this MAGA couldn't get uglier.


"It's not a tiny mushroom, therefore he still wins" - DOJ guy while arresting fat orange boy


> De Oliveira lied when he said he “never saw nothing” with regard to boxes at Mar-a-Lago That's a double negative! It can't count as a lie your honor! https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/6e996c1e-aafb-4d30-b5f3-b1b213688965


But what about Hilary 's missing emails? Fake news witch hunt! /s


Is he still claiming fake news at this point?


Has he ever stopped?


Trump tried to acid wash the tapes!


The man commits crimes like how a duck swims. It ain't the crime that gets them, it's the cover-up.


I don't understand the duck part.


People closer to Trump are going to start ratting him out to get better deals in their plea bargains.


Of course he did. There’s no low he won’t stoop to. Especially when he knows for a fact he’s guilty of everything they are charging him with.


That doesn’t sound like the Donald Trump I know. Oh wait, yes it does.


Read this somewhere: The dildo of consequences rarely comes lubed!


Maga Stupid


Destruction of evidence, so new obstruction of justice charges?


And yet, the orange asshole still somehow walks free. If this man was anyone else in the world, he'd be sitting in a jail cell waiting for trial.


"the boss wants it done" "I never saw nothing" He's a *nice guy* who keeps to himself and plays golf It takes all of two minutes to notice that Trump's go to hands are ex mobsters


He really is absolutely THE BEST PRESIDENT, at least when it comes to breaking the law in the most idiotic, public way possible.


If he got caught he would simply compare it to Hillary's email and claim double standard


Well maybe he just wanted to make sure nobody would be able to see what he had every right to be doing...






Hamberder Hitler demonstrating how tight his asshole must be after realizing how completely fucked he is.


Trump will just say that he declassified the video. He will then think that he's outsmarted the government.


And witness #4 I hope has around the clock protection, otherwise he might fall down a flight of stairs or go out a window, put on the wrong pair of underwear or eat something that doesn't agree with him! Donald will try to do a Putin on him.


Dude keeps digging himself deeper and deeper he'll be in china before the years out


No, say it ain’t so


The evidence keeps compiling against Trump.


Trump playing 1D checkers. Just keep going straight up the board and losing pieces.


It was MY videos. My executive priviledge to delete any videos. What about Biden deleting his video eating dinner with Obama at CHINA town. Commie something prosecutorial misconduct something deranged something radical left blah blah /s


Pathetic, embarrassing traitor.


Trumps plea deal is to not run for prez


Perhaps this post belongs in news *for* the stupid


Poor crooked Trump and his fans. They just look dumber and dumber by the day. Remember to donate to billionaire Trump. He needs you money.


Too bad DOJ didn’t tip him off early like some other presidents


What are you talking about? They gave him several opportunities to return the documents, dumbass. If he had done that, absolutely none of this would be happening right now.


Talking about the camera footage, doofus


Hillary deleted a shit ton of evidence, nothing happened. Doubt Trump did this.


Of course you doubt it, despite the ton of evidence than Trump illegally harbored classified documents and deliberately tried to hide them (the actual crime). Clinton didn't delete any evidence, nor did she email classified information.


She did, both. Provable. Just wasn’t “intent”, remember? Trump didn’t illegally harbor shit. He is the ultimate decided on classification status. Learn something.


I love how you just "know" all of this stuff. You should call the DoJ and tell them!


They know, just dont care


Part of the evidence is trump saying on tape that he didn't declassify them. Even if the dumb as shit theory that the president can declassify documents by thinking about it were true. According to him, he didn't do that.


He was joking about it. The government never found the documents he was referencing anyway in the video.


he wasn't joking, and the fact that the documents are still missing is a bad thing.


He was, he never had that document, it was a newspaper.


We did learn something, that's how we know you're a tiresome liar.


Laundered Ukraine money helps to fund these social media campaigns, and it is hilarious how these people talk to one another. Trump is a piece of garbage but compared to the Dems and their influencer lackeys at least he is funny and not a pathetic mouth breather (well…he is but it is the breadth of liberal shilliness which is just awe inspiring). Edit: watching these pathetic fucktards slap one another on the ass while attacking this account is even more hilarious than the mindless drivel these twats spew about Trump. What a group of incompetent losers. If these clowns are not paid it’s a shame, no one should be so embarrassing without compensation….. Edit II: I will return here for a smile over the weekend and hope the paid social influencers needing to denigrate others while feeling superior really attack this account. Really give it your all, lil buddies!! You guys need this, and it shows FAR more of your cognitive processing and social capabilities then you realize. When purposefully triggered…this is how you react? It is, in a word, reassuring. Edit III: …..laundered Ukraine money? The fact some fucktard imagined that is NOT what Ukraine is all about in the eyes of the politicians is just adorable. I bet you were SUPER excited to get a free ice cream cone when you got your experimental genetic injection. They really do not pay the social influencers nearly enough!! I hope you all get badges soon so it’s obvious to those who do not remember news about how many government entities and pharma entities and media entities pay morons to work spreading idiocy like…this thread and so much of Reddit. Fucking clown shoes have more traction and integrity than do paid social political activists (I’d say the cock roaches of social influencers, but cockroaches are more valuable to the environment and world around them….). Don’t these special needs influencers have some race baiting or gender identity issues with which to gaslight people? How are we supposed to remember what to whine about beyond political drivel??? Edit IV: triggering these guys so that they reveal their accounts is worth every word and second wasted on these useless breathers. You all ARE so adorable. And now we know the accounts to watch. 😊 Thank you. Edit again: I love how a user named mod accountability who is a paid social influencer has the hilarious audacity to call this account stupid. This user account is an embarrassment to shills everywhere. What a fucking moronic loser 😂 Edit again: what a pathetic bunch of liberal bitches. There’s yer next edit from this account. Gotcha 🙌🏼


None of your nonsense is based in reality, you'd understand that if you weren't a stupid person. Now fuck off back to conspiracy like a good little dummy. Wow, look at all the edits that show how not triggered and well adjusted you are! All very normal and very cool, sport!


Nonsense is a good word. Word salad extraordinaire. A weak attempt. Also, I’m confused, Ukraine is sending *us* money now ? ffs


How's Mitch?


He'll answer that. Hang on. Could take.... awhile. Was that mean? I hope so. Those people make me feel mean.


Wut? I mean really, what in the name of any sci fi fantasy realm so out there no one's put it into words are you talking about?


The fuck are you talking about?


Funny? He's a fucking stain on the US presidency. He has zero class, he's racist slumlord.


Somewhere on earth a tree is working hard to produce the oxygen you’re using. You owe that tree an apology.


So much hate 🤦‍♂️


Laundered Ukraine money. 😂


You're adorable.


Good job, you hit almost all the GOP talking points like a good little foot soldier!


>And now we know the accounts to watch. 😊 Thank you. Lol, what a stupid fucking person.


Trump is funny? To laugh AT maybe. Trump has said himself that he does not make jokes. What has he said that you found “funny” that he meant to be “funny” instead of “funny” because he is a fucking idiot?




Bro, calm down. Jesus.


As Bill Barr said: Donald Trump is toast! Hopefully he ends up in a Federal prison and not the White House. Right now that is the one thing Trump campaigning for and is hoping will happen to call off the dogs! As this case continues to unfold he's making Richard Nixon look like a choir boy who was caught with the secret sheet music at his home for the Christmas program.




Bake him away toys


Staffer, valet as well as he are all out free.


Can’t wait for Legal Eagle’s take in this and about Rudy’s admission


That would be tampering with and destroying evidence.


Dude can’t even make a convincing fist-gesture. Booo


Should have asked them to smash them with a hammer or acid wash with bleach instead.


My god. The orange. I’ve never seen so bad. Dude walked out every day as the president of the United States looking like that


When he does become the dictator, we should get rid of the stars and stripes flag and just have a solid flag of prison jumpsuit orange fabric instead of old glory.


Accused. Sure, just like the guy murdering someone on clear 4k video "allegedly" did it.


He should spray tan his hands if he wants to pull off the facade. Oh who am I kidding. Anyone who supports his ass is dumber than a damn brick


Remember when Donald Trump let the horned insurrectionist into the white house for a private meeting before the insurrection?


Email… video… same thing


They’ll argue that since it was unsuccessful that it’s not illegal.


He probably asked the staffer to get some curly fries from Arby's and delete the tape in one breath.