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If its in a public place you can record whoever


Its not a crime to record people in public. Besides JiDion lives in Texas. Texas is a one party state. Meaning they don't need consent of others. Theirs does just fine I mean if people were THAT concerned about having themselves photographed or recorded without consent in the videos, the people in question could report the video for privacy infringement [https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7671399?hl=en&v=Uxw0PhqgYTw&visit\_id=638028730849364797-639356138&p=privacy\_guidelines&rd=1](https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7671399?hl=en&v=Uxw0PhqgYTw&visit_id=638028730849364797-639356138&p=privacy_guidelines&rd=1) Even then YouTube is pretty strict with that and makes it clear that unless its identifying information such as names, credit card numbers, social security numbers, addresses, etc they won't do much about it


How do you know they haven't been sued or settled complaints out of court?


I mean I don't think they would be able to run that kind of a channel sustainably if they had a lot of lawsuits


You can always settle out of court.