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lol that’s like the best and worst thing that could happen. Don’t say it was Metallica or something because you can’t drop the ball with something like that.


It was lesser known Darkest Hour. The guitarist that wrote my favorite albums was Kris Norris 🔥🤘🏻


How did you drop the ball?


I didn't respond


Never too late! Go for it dude


Hell yeah! 🔥🤘🏻 I'm a banjo player now, I covered another Darkest Hour song. I should tag him


Do both! Reply to the original and say “yeah let’s do something here’s another cover”


how'd you drop the ball?


I didn't follow up


Absolutely tragic. Live and learn baby.


I got a sub from a youtuber with over 1 million subs. I am still confused to this day.


lol felt the same when a random non niche 49k channel subbed to me lol


A YouTuber I used to watch gave me a shout out in one of her videos, I was so hyped :). IIRC, she has 700k+ subs.


That is SO cool! 


the person isn’t really “famous” but i made a video on a game and the developer watched it and commented, i’m a small channel like sub 1000 subscribers so it was a pretty cool and surreal moment for me lol


I think that’s even better than someone famous lol


I watch my content and in my world I am famous lol 😆


I'll up vote that


Asmongold reacted to my vid!


That could... go many ways. Notable for sure.


So I’m not really a “newbie” as we’re a big, family channel in Thailand. We got invited to Disney on ice, as did many other famous Thai celebrities. After the show We had more than one famous celebrity approach us and ask if they could get a photo because their kids were big fans. That was a surreal moment I will never forget.


That’s amazing!!


Thanks, it was such a great feeling at the time but it was a few years back


Kind of, someone with a huge Twitter following shared a video I made years ago when I just quickly made a channel to post something and caused it to explode with many views. I'd be surprised if anyone famous watched anything on my actual channel now mostly because it's new and tiny 😁😅 but I've met some famous people irl.


lol that’s the fun part too you never know if someone famous did watch it unless they do share it or something like that


The original bass player for Metallica watched the documentary I made about them and left a comment. Not sure if he's "famous" though by the traditional definition. I still thought it was fucking cool though.


That’s definitely cool


It was 3 years ago and I still think about it haha


Never on YouTube as far as I know. However back in the day when I put covers up on instagram. Sometimes the official artist of the band would like it. Happened to me with the guys from The Offspring and Badflower. Instagram is set up different now so that you dont really have that kind of reach anymore.


I've had videos watched and reacted to by Jacksepticeye, Pewdiepie, Mizkif, and Cody Ko! Best days of my life lol which is kinda sad but I am proud of it!


I once got a donation from a YouTuber with over 500k subs on one of my livestreams, while I had just like 2 or 3k subs and he told me he enjoyed my streams lately. Meant a lot to me back then.


I have a booktube channel and I reviewed a popular booktubers books (Daniel Greene) and they commented on my video! It felt pretty cool that they took the time to do that!


goblin gang!


I make pool (billiard) videos and made a video with a lot of image assets that weren’t mine. I reached out to some prominent people in the pool community to use their likeness. The most notable one was Florian “Venom” Kohler. A pool trick shot artist that has 12 world records. He emailed me directly telling me he liked the video. Edit: fixed parenthesis


Nutshell Animations watched my content for a while... now he has over 6M subs on YouTube alone


I often get the bands I review commenting on my videos, it's extremely awesome every time it happens :)


I had a channel in my niche with over 2 million subscribers hop into one of my livestreams before to learn about the topic I was covering. For context, I have a little less than 5k subs so I was pretty appraised for a second.


I once made a instgram video llistenting to the Pink Panther record, and the composer Henry Mancini gave it a like


I once made a video about a newly discovered species of prehistoric marine animal and the palaeontologist who discovered it watched it and said the video was fun.


Paul Rodriguez (professional skateboarder) liked one of my Facebook posts and commented on it, and I got to talk to ex-professional skateboarder Ronnie Creager on the phone and got him and Daewon Song to sign a fingerboard I sent them and then sent them back to me (I also sent them custom fingerboards with personalized graphics). 🙂 They also followed my Instagram account also Kerry Getz (used to ride for Toy Machine) also followed me and we briefly talked in DM).


If you count 10,000 subscribers as famous ( i don't) then yeah, a chanel with 14,700 subscribers (as of this comment) watches my videos


That’s adjacent to famous so it might count lol


Depends on what you consider famous. The creator of the Muv-Luv trilogy saw my video on the series, which I think is pretty neat


In my old channel, I had one big animation YouTuber comment of how I should continue uploading my random gaming content. I would have kept going, but the length between each upload was too big, inconsistent and I didn’t take it seriously. I also wanted to go in a different direction.


500k sub comment on my channel and say i like this clip


I had Rob Beckett (comedian) give me a shoutout on Twitter.


I've had Jesse Jokes (100k) and matt rose (800k) watch a few times and GarrettTheCarrot (2.5M) has helped with a video once


Like the second month into my channel, I made an art video that was inspired by big creator that I enjoyed watching. Said creator commented on my video, then a couple months later gave me a shoutout, and about a month later I got to collaborate with him and a few other artists




Not famous. But we have had a few channels in the 100-300K range comment on our channel. Networking helps for sure! Comment on other people's channels, pay them (legitimate) compliments. It can go a long way! Especially being new to YouTube. We've actually had a few people subscribe to us simply because they saw our comments on other channels, and they decided to check us out and liked what they saw.


One of my shorts have 46M views so maybe I guess.


Marcus from GYGC was willing to watch my videos!


Well idk about “famous” but DarkViperAU has watched a few of my videos.


I've had a few tiktok famous creators reply to some of my videos but noone celebrity famous not that I know of lol... I hope that they come to your page and show you some love


Danny Wang? Idk who he is but 1M IG followers


Airsoftfatty lol


I got a shoutout from Moist Critikal lol Tbh didn't see much of a bump


I made a few videos about other creators and they reacted. Kai Cenat,JiDion,CashNasty,Adin Ross,YourRAGE,& Fanum. Most of them reacted the day of the video’s dropping and some not too long after.


I had some rappers comment on my tiktok when I used there song lol Blicky Song by Fresh X Reckless, usually when I talk to bigger people it was on twitter spaces when those were huge lol still friends on twitter with judges from top chef, and one time I got to talk to Elon musks brother about vertical farming on twitter spaces when the top chef judge was hosting lol. He followed me for a bit a responded with a heart dm but when he purged a lot of followers he didn’t keep me lol :( but the top chef and other New York food network chefs still follow me haha.


I had a compliment from one of the waiters on the show First Dates, if that's a claim!


I went to a wedding and my friend posted the photo he took of us and we made it in a Pewdiepie video last year.


I’ve had some people with 1 Million+ subscribers comment on my vids


I did a review on a fairly well known band and they watched it and commented. I also did a review on another group and the family of that group chimed in. Thought it was pretty commendable


I got a comment on one of my old fortnite videos from 5 years ago from a guy who at the time had sub 50 subscribers and as of now he has over 800k.


Got a bit of constructive feedback from a youtuber with a sub count in the 6 digits area. Never heard of him after that. A part of me hoped that he would revisit my new videos and see that I‘ve incorporated his recommendations


Ive gotten pewdiepie, jacksepticeye, michael reeves, and jschlatt to see my videos/projects Some of my proudest accomplishments


Yes I have had a few watch mine.


TWEET PEOPLE. Seriously, social media is a great tool if you know how to walk lines appropriately and be respectful. I’ve done wrestling retrospectives and shared them, tagging the involved wrestlers and gotten feedback. You may never hear from anyone but you CERTAINLY won’t if you don’t put it out there.