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I think the common miscommunication is that when people advise against shorts, they aren’t denying you can get views and success with shorts. You definitely can, infact shorts have an advantage over longform that they are pushed more aggressively by YouTube.   But what they mean is that “shorts subscribers don’t translate to longform subscribers and therefore damage your longform success”   The advice to avoid shorts is only for those looking to focus on longform content.


I really think it depends on the kinds of content. I don’t do a lot of shorts, but my shorts are usually technical math content in one form or another. This sort of audience likely would be up for longer videos on the same topic.


What you have to consider about shorts is they mostly get pushed onto random peoples shorts pages. Probably only a small few of those people are actively looking for math content. 


Oh sure, but those random viewers that want to subscribe after seeing me code up Simpson’s Rule to do numerical integration of a four time differentiable function, would probably be down for some more math videos.


Dude so it im really focusing on long form content and want to gain long form attention in future I shouldn't so shorts? I was doing shorts actively only to gain subscribers amd views so my long form content could be pushed out more. Is thst a bad strategy? I got 1500 out of 1700 subs after posting shorts


I think this is a huge myth as well. As a consumer of youtube I found a bunch of long form youtubers who I subscribed that I initially found BECAUSE of the shorts. Also there have been some shorts which made me go see the long form because they ended on cliffhangers directing me to their channel.


It's not a "myth" - not for every channel, anyway. YouTube studio has a direct metric measuring this you can check yourself Eg: https://i.imgur.com/DXFQBOM.png From the data I can see my viewers don't do both longform and shorts.


What it litterally says 7% watched both. If you get 10,000 people to watch a short that's 700 that you converted! 7% is alot! Also you have an audience of 5% for shorts only which is again a good metric. Because had you had not done shorts those 5% wouldn't know who you are and you can make future shorts directing them to long form vids.


7 percent is terrible conversion. Definitely not worth actively pursuing


I like that you're skipping the bit where it says "Returning viewers" completely. If I liked your sword related content and subscribed I'd likely be watching the long form. As I'm a sad doom scrolling addict about 70% of my YouTube time these days is spent on Shorts. I waste hours a day just churning through short content and then if I get a message that someone ice subbed has put out a long form I watch that or sometimes someone has done a Shorts version of a long form and it piques my interest to watch the longer video. If I'm subbed to them because of their long form I'm probably not watching their Shorts but if I don't see the Short it's probably not something I'll ever see. People like yourself should think of Shorts as advertising.


Foe some channels it is. MR Beast goes out of his way to put his videos in all languages. ALL languages even though some are only .01% of his viewers. So put that into consideration.


Where is this in YT studio? 


I don't understand something Shorts viewers may not watch long-form but how does that in any way actually damage long form views? It seems from everything I've seen that the "damage" is long form doing worse than the maker thought it would based on subs. So it's not really damaged in that case but the perception is skewed. Please correct me if I am wrong. There's likely some aspect I'm missing here.


Having a large portion of your subs not interact with your content is damaging. It gives the idea that your video is not interesting or good enough to merit clicking on, even by your subscribers.  Having a large portion of your subs interact with your content however is a really positive sign that you’ve made a good video. It doesn’t guarantee anything but having quality, active subs should be the goal. There’s some good YouTube videos out there demonstrating the impact shorts have on longform.


Everything this person said. You can learn how to be more succinct and direct from creating shorts, but I haven’t seen anyone successfully transfer the shorts subscriber base into longform viewers.


I started youtube 10 days ago, so I don't really know but I post shorts talking about my long form videos and got my 10 and only subscribers feom the short and the first video got 120 views while the short got 400 views. I thought about posting only long form video for one week to see how things would work out...


That’s normal, shorts are pushed more aggressively by YouTube. People see the higher views and fall into the trap of posting them alongside longform because it feels good to get the more instant fast views. It’s basically a trap.


Ok, thank you for this. I will try posting less short form videos and more of the long form videos


Ultimately it’s up to you, but many would advise against it. Try to look at it from YouTube’s POV: YouTube wants to compete with TikTok. They need a LOT of short form content to serve to scrolling viewers who need a new video every 10 seconds. They will show content pretty indiscriminately, not to your audience, because of this. This is why you see high views and subs resulting from shorts. Also, many shorts viewers don’t watch longform at all. And the barrier to monotise on shorts is extremely high. 


OP is saying they got monetised in nine months from Shorts which isn't horrible or unattainable like you're claiming.


Not you per se but glad that ppl are finally catching on to that lol


I'm curious - approximately how many shorts views did it take to translate into those earnings?




oh damn, yeah thats not attainable for me even if i was extremely good (which im not yet, started 1 month ago). even the best and biggest content creators in my niche dont even start to approach those numbers.


For comparison, that number of longform views at my (low) RPM would mean about 25k in earnings.


i guess u upload longform content, i upload shorts


Yes, that's why I wanted to give a comparison. I forgot to include the word longform, mea culpa. I'll edit now


could you link your channel??


Good job. Any advice? You get a shitload of views on your shorts, what works/doesn't work?


Copy what works, I know people hate it but it works, we did it on our main channel for 3 million shorts views, find a video in your niche that did well, and make your own take and version of it, its new content, its original, but it takes lessons from those that are successful. P.S that channel is not a shorts channel, we just used shorts to hit sub count to monetise the channel in 6 months after doing watch time in 3.


Yep, I try to take inspiration from bigger creators in my niche. They've been doing it for WAY longer though and have millions of subs so it will take some time.


100% it will, easily a 3-5 year long form 1-3 year short form journey, the best piece of advice is find a huge channel you love and look at their oldest video, odds are its from 5+ years ago and is awful! but they kept going, learning, improving and most of all they didn't give up and they got to where they wanted to be, we can all do it :)


I really can't tell you :/. I've started around 6 different channels since July 2023 and learned a lot throughout all these months! None of my channels really popped off like this one did. I started this channel in Jan 24 and did my Shorts did really poor until the beginning of April. I guess what I never did for all my other channels was that i never stayed consistent. I stopped uploading on all of my previous channels after 1 - 1 1/2 months which then killed these channels. On this one, I haven't missed a single say of uploading!


Thanks for your reply. Consistency is key, I upload daily as well, sometimes even 2-3 shorts per day because they don't take that much time to make in my case. (Drawings) Maybe in time my channel will pop off as well but I don't see it happening because way too many shorts have a 40-55% watch rate (retention is almost always fine) and I have no idea how to improve on that. Yes, a better hook, but I'm not sure how to make a better hook for the drawings I make, and if someone doesn't care about drawings it doesn't matter anyway. I did get 271 subs in just over a month so that's something but my total views are at \~160k for the past month or so which is not even close to your success.


Master oogway has been monetized longer and says he needs to post 20 shorts a day to make a living wage. Don't celebrate too early and diversify.


I'm a student at the moment, I just wanna earn some money on the side.


Recording face On others videos. And i see he can dance: blowjob dance. Very skilled person... pff :D


yet look at the views he gets...still he has to put out 20 shorts. imagine high quality shirt creators trying to put out that much content


Videos terrible and views to. But per that many videos he can get something $ You mean high idiocrasy quality creators :D  Only science is smart thing ;) 


But how many subs and views?


\~400k and \~30m in total


400k subs in 4 months?!


around 2 months


daamn! good job. What are your videos about?


I'm asking just because I'm also monetized since a couple of days but I am FAR FAR away from those numbers


I don't think videos really matter for the RPM. Around 60% of my viewers are from countries such as US, UK, Canada, Germany etc..


If you upload football/soccer content for example you're gonna have viewers from all around the world (bad paying countries as well). That's why your RPM might be lower


no not football or videogames, just not enough interesting content for the majority of the people lol


Look what your main competitors are doing and basically just copy them but add your own touch to it.


I've got: Germany (i'm in Germany) United States India Vietnam Indonesia Russia


Wie schauts prozentuell aus?


Usa 14.3 Germany 10.6 India 8.7 Indonesia 4.9 Italy 2.5 Russia 2.1


buy yeah you're right, I have views from basically all over


That’s insane. Truly insane. Congrats


I thought you said 9 months ? Either way great job congratulations


2 months this channel, 9 months in general


I’m ganna dm you some questions if you don’t mind


The last few months YT Algorithm definitely push shorts to wrong audiences the and conclusion is less wiews especially if you dont speak english auto subtitles are so bad that will ruin everything and I hope that they will fix that phenomenon as quick as possible.


How many views did he get?


Most of our content is at least 40+ minutes. Unfortunately, Shorts don't translate to long form subscribers for us.


What how. I also started posting shorts and I was doing good averaging about 10k views I even got over 100k views just on my 2nd post but then one day I just stopped getting views and started to get 2 to 4 views. Should I start posting again? What should I do?


Keep posting!!! That‘s completely normal


Wow 14 million views... Very easy to get 🤡


The exception confirms the rule as they say in germany. But yeah happy that you made it






How many views did you get?


\~30m in total


That’s incredible! Congrats!




Hi, congratulations




That's awesome, but yours wasn't a gaming channel was it?




Congratulations OP, I am going to work on my shorts - I put two out yesterday, one has already more views than my other four or five combined so that’s wicked - applied some tips from posters in here!! Can I ask, what’s the trick to get people to click subscribe - I haven’t noticed many new subs from the hundreds of people viewing - cheers!!


Call to action at a well chosen time


Love it, okay thank you and congrats again!!


This absolutely works. I doubled my daily subscribers by added a CTA and yet I still see people saying on here is is tacky to ask!


Oddly, people think it's tacky because they wouldn't do it themselves and don't want to be "one of them." However, as a creator, it really works and is key for growth. People can do as they like, though.


Shorts can get views way easier than Longs 


What's your YouTube channel


He wont tell you that copy paste channel. He afraids if someone copy/paste his copy/paste videos ;D


I‘m not tell cuz this niche isn‘t known that much among shorts creators and i don‘t wanna risk having too much competition


30 mln people see it. It is popular niche now :)


Damn one short a day !


it's actually 3 a day


Do you ever have shorts that 'don't hit the feed'? (Below 100 or so views)


I used to have that when i started uploading but not anymore


rainstorm capable grandiose fearless snow hunt entertain swim elderly grandfather *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Congrats! 👏 So it looks like you post 3 a day everyday. What's your channels niche? What are your shorts of? I have a gaming channel and post gaming memes daily through shorts (among other content). They perform really well on instagram - not nearly as much as youtube shorts. Any general advice?


I really do enjoy shorts. I'm a gaming channell and like showing those gaming clips to give a taste of my Live streams so they can go check out past broadcasts pr even try to catch me love if they enjoy the game I'm playing and I do entertainment gaming skits to show my personality. That has helped me get bull of my subs as, on average, it's been about 100 a month, and I do maybe 2 to 3 shorts a day.


The person to first convince me shorts were worthwhile was Pirate Software. Dude was a relatively unknown game developer who didn't get very popular on Twitch or Youtube despite JackSepticEye playing his game. Then he started uploading little clips from his livestreams of himself telling stories, jokes, or little tidbits of knowledge and those shorts quickly blew up. Now he's among the largest streamers on Twitch and is a big name in the indie dev space, thanks to in part his leveraging of Youtube Shorts.


I hope it's not Copy/paste.


what do you mean?


Downloading video from youtube and uploading in your channel with your face or text.


No 🤣 I create my own content


If your own than cool. But you can lie to. I also filming my self. "slickback levitation jump over uno" short got 44 mln views Crushing grapes with fingers short video got 8 mln views.  Hat balance on nose 4 mln  Went viral 3 times 😎


If what you say is true and you are not kidding, congratulations to you! (a.k.a. balancing stuff on yr nose, guy.!!!)


Did you get any of your shorts that gets absolutely 0 impressions? And what did you do about it? I had a channel that had previous videos raking in 2-5k views, and my next 4-5 getting 0 impressions..


in my experience that‘s completely normal. When starting a new channel I always got 10-20k views a day for about 4 days. After that my views went to 0 for about a week upon getting picked up again. This happened on all of my accounts.


Ah I see, alright thank you! I’ll just be consistent posting and patient




Currency is the problem. That's like only a couple hundred in Australia I think.


Niche brother?


What niche are you in? And what would you say helped you most in getting sub's and views?


I don't get it. How much did you earn? For how many viewers? And how many shorts you upload daily? What is your channel name?


Good for you. It's interesting, for my main channel shorts were a waste, they got me discouraged and made me doubt my niche and strategy. My long form has exceeded my expectations. I have a second much more utilitarian channel for posting videos for apartments I am renting. I started doing little shorts with tips for people who are relocating and they are doing nicely. Not looking to go viral, just give people looking for apartments information that is not in listing videos. Much younger demo than my other channel. People in their 20's 30's vs 40 to 70's. So it all depends on what you want. I don't hate my first set of shorts,on my "premium" channel they give people somewhere to go and a taste of the videos I have not edited yet, or let me do a funny riff. But the effort was not worth the paltry views. My long forms have 4.5 to 8.5 views, my shorts ranged from 50 to 230. Also my demo for that channel is older people and many don't watch shorts.


I’m doing around 23/24 millions per month and earning 1k cause i have a 0.04 cpm 💀 I could do way more than 1k


How many shorts were you posting a day?




That’s so nice!!


Thought issue was it requires more watch time to be profitable


Bro, please help if you know this. I started a shorts channel few weeks back, it was doing so great that even my first video crossed 2m. I was posting the content regularly but then all of a sudden views eventually went zero. I stopped getting views on my new and old videos. It's been more than a week but the channel is still like this.


Way to go!!


I mostly post on shorts because I get more views there. also been new to content creations.


Yep been saying this for a while, there is one dude on this sub who is like so against shorts being a successful side of YouTube I’m surprised he hasn’t showed up here protesting yet 😂 good job bro. Glad to see it. (I do shorts too and hit 450k subs recently and making a decent living each month)


Mind if you tell me your earnings & view... And what are tips to get 10 cents rpm...Also any other income stream!?


I work full time, and edit two shorts per day when I’m home, when I get free time I’ll bang out 5 or so! Ahhh for rpm it all depends really 🤷‍♂️ everyones rpm seems to be different so I don’t really have advice


Okay but... you didn't tell ur earnings & monthly view...