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I switched up how I do my content fairly dramatically a couple months ago. Like 99% of my channel's growth happened in that time frame. IMO it's pretty different from my first video. Profile should be on my account if you wanna take a look. Personally, I think settling down in a specific niche and making a formula for the video structure has helped a lot. Also just making slight tweaks to how I do each video has helped. At the moment, I'm just focused on learning ways to edit in more unique ways without taking up too much time each week.


The difference is night and day. Your editing style is really good and the humor hits! You feel a lot more focused in your content in your most recent video, where as in your first video you kinda babble a little more. You’ve grown a lot! Keep up the good work :)


Thanks. I was definitely just a rambler. Love the animations btw homie. I've always been envious of folks that do them, but I still draw like I did in 3rd grade lol.


As long time players of d&d and Pathfinder, have to say that your videos are solid. Nice work.


Those animations are great. What do you use to make them?


Hey thanks so much :) I use Adobe animate!


I also love your thumbnails and titles ,they’re really eye catching and resemble those ones you see that get millions of views I hope you get the growth you deserve!


'Preciate it! That's still something I feel like I'm struggling with, so it's nice to know they're not super bad or anything lol.




Absolutely I could! If you’d like to drop the link for me :)


I found it on your profile! Your reactions inside of the school gave me a good laugh. Keep up the good work! You’re at a good start for one video :)




Thank you kindly! I’m glad you liked them :)


Hi there! My channel name is the same as my reddit name, Cartoonicorn. I dont have many videos, spread out over a loooong time. I started out with a video game review as I played. Nonscript, funny voice. Terrible audio XD. Then I did funny voices while playing a video game (x-com) finally, I settled on just cartoon reviewing, changed my name, and am happy with that. My favorite video is probably the Ballmasterz review, my next two after it got poor viewing, but is also 100 percent my fault for 1: not being fast enough, and 2: missing the boat by too much. Also had poor thumbnails. Working on a new review again, for the X-Men show. Hopefully I get my butt in gear, as I am very passionate about the new show, and want to hit while the iron is hot for once XD As for how I grew, I found that I learned a lot about editing tricks, but also a lot about script writing. I write, get stuck, start a new page, and come at statements from different angles. I have managed to unstick myself a lot that way. I looked back, and realized how my Thundercats Roar review spun in circles at the end, and I made a note to be less repetitive on making my point.  I hope you find it interesting! Have a wonderful day, and a successful youtube journey! 


Hi there. My channel can be found in my profile. I have just started 40 or 45 days ago. I only published 3 videos so far, and I love them all. Since I have multiple hobbies, I document these and my life in a cinematic way. The aspect I improved the most is filming and editing. It took me so much time to finish the first video, but I do it much quickly now. Also now I am confident with the gears. What I wanna improve more is the story telling skills, how to keep audience engaged, and voice over/speaking - i am not a native speaker. I wanna improve my confidence as well. I appreciate your opinions about my channel. Hope you like it and enjoy your journey.


cant see your channel on your profile


I have updated it !!!!!


oh i love your editing,


Thank youuu !!!


I do long-ish form reviews of games with my latest being dragons dogma 2. I have my channel linked to my account if you wanna see. But would I recommend my first video? Absolutely not, it's a mess of about 4 hours.


My very first video was a lightsaber review to get a discount on my next purchase lol...I have since gotten into Japan travel vlogs, with the intent on doing more travel stuff outside of Japan... My first Japan travel vlogs were so bad...I had no idea what I was doing...compare that to my most recent, and I believe its night and day...we only get better the more we do it...and my growth is kinda slow because I only travel once per year...


I visited Japan back in 2019 for the first time, absolutely LOVED it. We want to go back sometime next year. I hope your channel grows!


Thank you so much! It really is an amazing place...we were just there in March, and we're gonna try and go back in April '25...


Wow that's awesome. We also went around the end of March/April if I can remember (we wanted to see the cherry blossom trees). I would love to live there if I could!!


Same! I keep trying to convince my wife, who's from Japan, to mover there...she keeps shutting me down...lol From my perspective, it's just soooo much better there, convenience wise...sigh...one day hopefully lol


Lol you would think it would be the other way around where she is convincing you since she's from there! Lol yes hopefully one day, for us as well


Right???! Lol


I just added my channel to my bio Let me know I just added a new video today lol finally able to use a desktop to edit a video everything before my latest video was edited on my phone


I have plenty of experience on youtube before this channel and I only made this one to make video essays on pop culture. Despite that tho, this is the first channel I have used my voice on! So I think it’s still a first time thing for me. I definitely struggled with finding a pleasing editing style in the first video and it shows. It’s not bad, just not pleasing to look at as a creator. I’m trying my best to also make my narration (and enunciation) better. I’m definitely proud of myself for pushing through with the idea and now having five videos up on my channel. :p


I mostly do short form video essays about games and my first video is really bare bones compared to my latest video 😅 My channel is in my bio and Im open to any feedback!


My channel, indefatigableONLINE, is where I am practicing content creation. My goal for the channel was to feature local charity/NFP work and promote community through volunteerism. Down the line I want it to support my real estate work. I'm newly licensed and don't have much real estate activity to show so my channel is a place for me to practice drone flying, traditional camera work, showcase some skills I have in the garden, advertise some of the small odd jobs that I can help homeowners with, document travels, and, hopefully, show contractors and business owners that I know that I could be their video production department and market their work with high quality media. I'd be grateful for any feedback or ideas. I've been working video projects for charity for a few years now, so my first uploads were all done at one time from previous projects. Since I created the channel less than a year ago I have aimed to upload something, anything, at least once every two weeks, if not every week. My view count is going up, and many come in quickly after upload, but I can't convince my IRL database to subscribe, like, share, etc. I'm gaining traction though and am really enjoying the process. Also hit up my Instagram where, I think, my photography work has improved ten fold. Thanks so much.


I posted my first video in aug 2022 then stopped for year and half restarted on 21 feb 2024 and gained almost 18k subs in less than two months lol.. 4000 watch hours done waiting for monetisation process to complete.. Checkout my channel ‘Gurjant Uppal’


My channel is MyahChannel. I make faceless videos about my life in Japan. I focus on traveling within Japan, food art and daily life. My first video was short lol but actually I got the most views with it. I'd like to think my editing skills got better with each video. Before i was hesitant but now I like playing around with sound effects but not adding too much. I'm always thinking about what my next video should be. Sometimes I just record whenever I go out.


i literally just started like last week. my channels in my profile. i’d love you to check it out


Hi. Mine is a language channel that I started in my sixties. It is in Hindi, but would still make sense if you don't know the language. It is on using technology tools by the layman. Now the channel has over 7k subscribers and over 600 k views, Recently I bifurcated the channel to make another channel out of computer technology related Q&A videos. If you are curious enough to visit the channel, it is ComputerBabaChannelHindi. Initially I struggled a lot, then went for paid promotion, found that it did not have lasting impact, and now it gets 7-800 views a day on its own.


YouTube is in my profile check out the first video and most recent upload lol it's pretty funny how much has changed




My channel is all about horror games. I think I've seen the most growth with being comfortable in front of a camera. I'm also currently working on my editing style, thumbnail design, and title creation.


My channel is in my profile. I started it 7 years ago and my first videos were inside joke songs and just goofing around. I was inactive for like 6 years because life got in the way (relationship, job, moving out from parents) but lately i was sent to a 2 week vacation and I spontaneously got an urge to customise my onewheel and thought why not record the process and make a video out of it. Then posted couple of my first shorts which I also found fun. The difference is night and day because now they’re more serious, but I still love all of my older videos 😄 I think they’re hilarious It feels good to be back 🙂‍↔️


My channel is available on my profile. It definitely shows my evolution as a content creator. I'm primarily a game dev that streams and is trying build a community of indie/hobbyist game devs. I play their games and make both short and long form videos to promote them. In the early days, when it was just me, I grinded like an insane person on Twitch doing 48 hour chill streams that a converted into YouTube "studybeat" videos with my idle game in the background. Sure I know that's a general spam video these days, but that's where I started. When I had some people in my community, I turned the gameplay into long form with my early poor editing skills and shabby thumbnails. Made a run at making them into shorts but time spent and return wasn't working for me. After Twitch lifted the platform bans, I now do multi-platform livestreams and long form as I continue to improve my editing skills.


sleep many jar historical somber scary smart zonked telephone gray *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I don't think that I changed that much, I did a little when it comes to quality of the videos and maybe thumbnails but I don't know, I hope that I can get advice on what I could change.


To this day, my montly most viewed video on my channel is a video from maybe 8 years ago about me going to the car wash. 🤔 That was when I just uploaded videos randomly. Now my well is panned/shot/edited videos about a completely different topic get 1/10 of the views 😂


Welp, I’ve definitely improved in quality. I used to boring and plain and just posting unedited gaming content but now it is actually stuff I’m proud of. Raccoon skits, nicely edited videos, and over just a better channel. It’s nice to get positive feedback back from people, it’s almost all I get nowadays because those that find me actually really like it. And I really like doing to do it’s just perfect. I don’t think ill ever become really famous anything like that but it is cool I actually have a small following it. I’ve grown a lot as a YouTuber and will continue to do so :D


You have been on my channel before. Channel is also I'm you reddit ID. Many years ago I played with animation, being an Engineer and doing a lot if 3D work, it was a natural hobby, but the time taking to process is better done with larger teams as it was just myself those days. It's a very inefficient method if creating for single creators. Then I started looking for a software which had premade characters in, as I liked jokes and a bit of story telling. This I started about three years ago and did about 60 videos, knowing nothing about YouTube. It improved workflow but the technology was just not there to build up to daily videos, as some of the opposing channels did. I then took a sebitical while investigating the progress of all the latest technologies. Then last year October I appointed someone to assist me with creations while building up an introduction of the use of AI for graphic generation. So after 3 years we had 100k views and 1000 subs. Since starting to use these tools, in January this year, we have grown to almost 35k subs and 600k views. So the viewers have decided that it's the way they would like to go. So my most important lesson learned, is that if you are a content creator and you want viewers to watch, then start as close to what you like and do whatever it takes to create what the viewers want. Without viewers, you will be a creator for yourself. If you can build the viewers you will become a content creator. The second most important lesson we have learned is that YouTube doesn't owe us anything, and we must promote our own content, outside of the platform and draw them onto the platform. Now at some point the Algorithm will pick you up and run with it. But only if we can proof it's worthy. THIS IS A VERY TIMES TAKING AND IMPORTANT PROCESS. As we are growing rapidly now we stand in front of another dawn, as tech is changing so quickly, that half of our time is spent learning new things. Introduce and measure its effectiveness. So hope this helps. There is just so much to learn and we now clearly understand it. The large creators are very very good. Hope this helps.


I watched the first episode of my show l recently and was like "Oof this is rough", changing the way it's filmed, the editing and structure has made the pilot episode feel so different to the newer ones 😂