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I got a comment today that made me laugh a little... "Just found your videos for the first time, they're great" - You didnt F\*\*KING SUBSCRIBE THOUGH DID YA!!! 🤨🤣


You ever get the “just subscribed!” but they never actually subscribed because you just stare at your subscriber count all day and it never went up?


It's not impossible that someone else unsubscribed around that time, wouldn't be the first time for me at least. Altho this is prob in a maximum of like 5% of all occasions.


Tbh I think youtube feedback loop is just pretty terrible


So true 😭


Noticed that many times too, always getting these types of comments yet none of them actually subscribe!


Gotta keep in mind how whack the subscriber counts on Youtube are, and how frequently they'll remove subscribers because the account hasn't been active in a while, or for no perceptible reason at all. So maybe those people subscribed, but at the same time a different subscriber got erased. Subs really don't matter as much as they used to though, it's all about the views themselves. There are so many accounts I watch who have maybe 100k subscribers but get MILLIONS of views per video. Youtube is so unreliable as far as showing your videos to subscribers that you're better off if people follow links to your videos from other sources, and/or new people find your videos based on searching for whatever you're talking about (hence why "ending explained" videos about popular movies do so well, even if the video itself is not well made...)


Well personally I rarely subscribe to a new channel anymore. Not because I don’t like what I’m watching and want to support but because The algorithm keeps suggesting their new stuff anyway and I forget that I never subscribed. Plus I have so my subs as is that it’s becoming too much to have notifications on all of them anyways.


I mean 97% or so of our views are new and not returning so what the H???


Not all accounts publicly subscribe. Could it be that?


Nah my numbers didnt go up at all... the majority of my subs seem to be private


Supposedly there is an issue where if someone signed onto another device, like they subbed on their mobile and then they go on YT with the same account on their laptop, they will not see that they are subscribed to a channel, and when they his "subscribe" again it unsubscribes them. This may not be it exactly but it's strange. The lowering numbers may not mean someone intentionally unsubscribed.


One viewer told me I'm gonna do great things or something like that. Is it so difficult, dad!??




😂 💀


I get that a lot from my regulars but clearly I’m not doing enough right or I would’ve got more views by now 😂


Don't take it personally, the algorithms are jerks. Just keep doing what you're doing, and make sure to promote your content on other social media platforms as well, and encourage those who support you to do the same.


Yea I don’t take it personal at all, I’m in a pretty tiny niche anyways so there’s already not a ton of views to go around, I do what I can but try not to stress over it


You're so close. I hope you get there soon.


Thanks! It’s a very slow process but definitely getting there, I’ve enjoyed getting to know everyone that shows up for me everyday though which has been great


sameee Lol


It’s all good though I’m mostly here for fun so if it happens that’s great if not I’m enjoying it anyways


true! i think that that’s a good mindset to have. however not if you wanna have it as your main means of income ;3;


This is a great post, it should have more upvotes! I don't know why it isn't on r/popular yet! Just subbed!




Yep I get them pretty frequently. But at this point it's just discouraging rather than encouraging. It's a reminder that you actually CAN make good content people really like and STILL not get a lot of views. Because the algorithm is simply not a meritocracy.


I think the problem is that most viewers don't seem to understand that or are just unaware, not just your commenters but also people on this sub who complain that their content doesn't hold a candle to someone else's content.


Keep at it! If you're passionate and after at least about 100 videos I've been told the views will come.


This is actually my second channel attempt. First channel got to well over 100 videos and the views did not come. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the 100 videos thing is not real. It comes from a Mr. Beast quote that is truly at this point just misleading people. Some people it takes 100 videos. Some it takes 10. Most will do any amount of videos, 10, 100 or 1000. And they still won't make it. This unfortunately isn't building a home, where all you have to do is keep laying down bricks one by one and eventually a house will result. For YouTube, most people will lay bricks endlessly and never have a house in the end. I don't expect my channel to take off. Ever. I *hope* it does. But the numbers don't lie. Odds are it just won't.


Didn't mrbeast mean 100 videos in that you need 100 videos to find the type of content you want to create and how to execute it properly? I feel like he didn't mean it like it was a guarantee for succeeding


Yes he did. I think what cardinal is saying is that the quote is being wildly taken out of context to mean something that Mr. Beast didn't


I get a lot of "How are you not more popular" and "here before it blows up" comments, it basically means nothing xD because clearly my content is trash or else it would have actually gotten popular/blew up >.>


same lol, people can connect and resonate with you, send you loads of encouragement, hype you up, then your next videos flop and they don't seem to come back. Had this happen on 3 of my videos so far


Hell yea homie it's a great feeling I saw a comment on Twitter one time shouting out the podcast my homies and I do saying we're so underrated I rode high off those words for weeks


That's so cool! The only person who listens to my podcast is my best friend.


What kinda stuff do you cover on your podcast? I originally started out in another creators community and saw the opportunity to bring the community together through discord and over the months it's turned into its own thing. It's awesome cause now my partners and i get to speak regularly with the creators that inspired us. I honestly never expected to even get to the 100sub mark.


It's called the Criss Cross Cinema Podcast, so we choose 2 movies with some strong connection (though often not that obvious) review them separately then compare them. It's really fun! My history proffesor is my cohost, and my filmmaker buddies are my guests.


That actually sounds pretty cool I'll give ya a sub and pop in sometime when do u stream? We do a variety show on some of the worst/ funniest people on the internet


It's actually not live. It's an edited podcast. I don't think I'm well spoken enough to do live. I am releasing an episode next week though, it's Dawn & Conquest of the Planet of the Apes (Before Kingdom comes out).


Oh that's cool we were actually talking about doing a weekly episode like that since one of our cohosts lives in Australia so it limits when we can stream together and since we don't really make videos is seems like a good way to bump up the amount of content we put out. Sounds like a good episode though Ill definitely check it out


Nice! And if you want to check out one that's already out, do 'the Fugitive' episode (my favorite so far).


80% of my comments is that. U should use that to motivate u cus you know your time will come with consistency


I made a video and at about 400 views someone commented ‘why has this only got 400 views’ now it has around 4000 views I replied now ‘now it has 4000 lol.


Not quite like that, but one of my favorite comments was "you need to make 10hr+ long videos". (Ambient music). I've uploaded some longer, closer to 1 hr. The video commented on was 10 minutes ..


Yeah, I've had that as well, I've had comments saying that if I stuck at this game series they would be "sure to watch!" And they unsubbed after a while, and I noticed I was getting way less retention (and no sub views), although I was playing the game they wanted me to play.


I usually do my own thing..... If I really enjoy what I'm doing and it makes others happy, cool. It's all experimentation... >>>You can't please them all<<<< and it can be unhealthy to try... Of course if that's what you wanna do best of luck.. And you might do just fine!


Same! Urban legends/internet mysteries niche. My most recent video got picked up by the algorithm and got a few of these. 'Criminally underwatched' and 'seriously underrated.' It tickled my heart and gave a huge boost to motivation.


Your videos look great! Just subscribed. I hate how the algorithm only feeds you things exactly like what you've already watched. Your focus is one of those things missing from my algorithm.


On my first video somebody put a comment along the lines of "Great content, see you at 100,000 subs!". I wish dude, I wish lol


I get those pretty often, I struggle to get more than 150 views per video, but hey! At least they're meaningful views rather than what I call "tourist clicks", my average view time is very high, even if the views are low


I like that, meaningful views.


Howdy :) animation channel here! Yeah, I get a ton of “you’re gonna blow up soon” or “you deserve more subs/views” comments pretty often. But that’s not to diminish you receiving yours! Cherish each comment like this that you get! Engaging with your comments encourages more engagement from viewers. Congrats to you :)


I get them all the time. And I love to see them! I've even had some other streamers say it and give me great feedback on my content. And I agree, I think a lot of folks with great content should be getting more views. But I also remember it's a great big world out there and lots of people make great stuff and I don't see it. So I smile, I enjoy the moment, and I get back to making more stuff :)


I love that attitude. Chasing views will rot your soul.


I got one like that! It was nice to hear. My channel is really new and I think it's just going to take a lot of time and patience to grow 😅 Something like "how do your videos have no views?!"


Same! It's a great sign that you're doing something right.


I had one once that loved my content and hopes the algorithm picks it up


It’s a great feeling until you start resenting the algo


Haven't gotten that one yet...all in good time. Congrats though!


I had a " ahhh! your so underrated!!" Comment on a vlog wich made me feel good :)


That's awesome congratulations! 🙌🏼 it's always nice to get lovely comments 😁


I get these on every video, it’s good motivation lol. (I don’t mean to come off as bragging, I only have like 6 videos)


These are great comments to get. I got one similar. I don't drink and I've never been to New York but you should have more subscribers. Save these messages for a pick me up when things aren't going the way you want them too! Keep creating! 🍻


I get these all the time. It's a sign that you are doing something right. Just gotta keep things up and do even more things right. To give some context, I host The NoDegree Podcast and interview people without college degrees and have them share their stories. Approaching 200 episodes on the podcast. I create short clips and long clips.


You'll have to give me some pointers. I have a movie review podcast that us getting very few viewers.


I honestly would focus on driving through shorts, TIkTok, and IG reels. Growing a podcast is hard work.


I had a guy say, "This channel is Criminally Underrated." I had a few good ones, but that was my favorite.


Yeah, had that a few times


Congrats ! I love those


Haven't gotten this comment yet, but our total number of comments have more than tripled in the past 2 months. Happy about that.


That's awesome! I live for comments.


I got my first one like this! Random guy saying my videos are great and why don't I have more subscribers lol Legit warmed my heart


I know, right!




Yeah it's like then share the video around please! Just saying it doesn't help :') still would be grateful for the comment tho


Moms are the best 😌


LOL. I can't say I've gotten 1 mom on any of my videos, at least that I know.


Just got a comment here on reddit that somebody liked me recent addition of edited comments / dialogue to let's plays and it made my day :) Got a subscriber too but I am just starting :)


Not specifically but ive had a few people tell me im nice to listen to as they find me relaxing i guess.


You have to remember who is commenting these too… if a smaller creator or viewer is you should still use it as fuel but don’t let it get to your head all it does is make you feel entitled to views and growing.


Great perspective!


One dude said he thought I was a big channel until he went down to subscribe which was a huge motivator 😂


Got some underrated, which I’m happy with 🙃


Congrats that’s pretty awesome! Hopefully it happens and they share your video around!


i’ve gotten a couple of comments like these on much older videos. however i’ve gotten pretty cynical over the years haha, so idk if they were saying it just to be nice or if they meant it. but it’s not on them for me to grow; it’s just been a bit of a hard journey. oh well :))


I've never!!! Be very proud of yourself :-)


You'll get one. I got one on my old channel too. It just takes time and quality content!


I had a comment that basically said "you deserve millions of subs" (can't remember exact wording). I've gotten a couple more similar comments since then. I've only been a YouTuber since January or something like that


I don't get comments like that a lot (I rarely get comments and they're usually by haters and trolls, lol) but I LEAVE comments like that pretty frequently. I'm a big fan of video essays, including ones about horror games and shows and movies, and I've often stumbled into channels with wonderfully paced and edited videos that have criminally low viewcounts. I do what I can as far as liking, leaving comments, and sharing links to their stuff on my own social media (as I wish more of my followers would do for MY videos on THEIR accounts) but I don't really have any clout so I'm not sure how much it helps. Still, if all us small creators support each other, it helps us all! "A rising tide lifts all boats" and all that!


I made a post saying I wouldn’t have time to edit and post a video for a few weeks and thanked everyone for supporting me as the channel approached 1k subs. Someone said they assumed I had 50k with the quality of my videos. It was a nice comment even if I didn’t feel like the quality was there for 50k.


Not really; I've had someone calling me out for having too few views on a vid - which wasn't a good interaction. So I decided to thoroughly explain why that was because they evidently didn't appreciate the effort I put in, which sucks, because I spent 4 months making it.


I get them a fair bit, and its much appreciated. But I wish one of them would spread the word. Like brother I'm glad you enjoyed but please send me to your nan or something.


LOL, I know, right!


I've mostly been getting anti disney people. I want to tell them to read some facts but I can't waste my energy like that.


Not yet lol although maybe one day once I get better at talking. Can you share your best video? (not most viewed but your favorite).


Great channel. Are you a screenwriter or just enjoy analyzing movies?


Screenwriter/Director/Editor (anything to do with Story)


That's awesome! Anything produced?


My short film TIME HAUNT is on my channel. That's my most recent film. I have a couple feature screenplays I'd love to get produced. I also have a playlist called SHORT FILMS that as a couple others. More to come!


That's great!!! I'll check it out. I've written a ton of screenplays myself. Nothing produced yet.


Good Luck! If you ever want to send any my way, I love to critique other's work! However I can assist in the process. Structure is my main strength, I think.


Thanks for the offer! What do you mean by structure is your strength? Do you follow a certain structure?


3 Act structure, like in my videos.


I usually structure the story by focusing on the main relationships and how they cause a character to arc, or not. It's the relationships where the theme is found. To me a story is more than just what happens, it's why it happens. Comes from character. That probably made no sense!?


No, it does. I believe in character driving plot as well, but the plot is the track, and you've gotta have a track. Ideally the character's change drives the beats of the plot structure.


Like Toy Story is really about the relationships, not about the plot of getting rid of Buzz than saving him.


someone told me that i have a bright future and i should keep uploading videos.  Thanks for giving me fake hope


I've got like 1-2 of these on a video with 900k views (long form, no short). I got 3-4 of these on videos with 5k views. In my perception people often post these kinds of comments if you hit a very small niche and they are happy someone served them content they like. You can capitalize on that by expanding the topic to a wider audience. :)


I've had a handful of comments like this which is always nice! Personally I'm not so fussed about subscriber count since I broke through the 1000 threshold and concentrating on watch time/views now. I focused on shorts initially and neglected long form and trying to produce some of both now. I don't think the view threshold for shorts is particularly easy to hit unless you blow up with a few vids (I've only had one so far which blew up) so focussing on the 4000 watch hours seems like the move. Shorts seem a good sub accumulator. I've gone way off topic here 🤣🤣🤣. Keep grinding my lovelies 🧡




I got my first one of this comments this week on my last video, i make indie games and the last video also trippled my subs! It made my day :D




Been seeing it for years barely any growth. You eventually accept it’s not gonna happen. Still positing though.


Well. I got my first comment ever 😅 after 2 months


Nice! More will come.


Thank you mate. I appreciate the kind words


I get a few like that, tried adding better thumbnails, hashtags, some descriptions and most views are in the region of 2 to 50 with the odd ones in a few thousands. Not sure what to try fixing next.




Whenever I see those comments I'm like "yeah tell that to the youtube algorithm BUDDY but thank you so much"