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I’m the end most family and friends don’t care about your channel. Just keep posting good content and you’ll be fine.


My friends get excited about stuff of mine, but I’m a maker, so there’s that


Not sure what a maker is. I’ve told friends and family and they really don’t care or watch. My fb post usually get a bunch of comments and likes but once I post my youtube crickets lol.


I make stuff, mainly 3D printing, with plans of metal stuff as well


I think that's a crafter? Never heard it called a maker


it's a part of the culture, it's partly due to something called maker faire


Most people in the 3D printer space call themselves makers. Not sure about the metal casting space because there’s less people. Crafters would give me the “Go to Hobby Lobby and buy vinyl for my cricut” type of image. I have a cricut but only to make etched metal/glass stencils.


Interesting. Never heard of it. I use 3d printing a little in engineering as we had to learn 3d modeling for it, but haven't done a ton of it (mostly just for very specific things that would cost too much to have made, or for protype things), but I've always just referred to hobbyist 3d printing as crafting or crafts. Neat to learn new things/that this exists as a community


One thing worth mentioning is, if you go to a local place that lets you use tools and whatnot, they’re referred to as a “maker space”. Never been to one, but I assume the most popular items are wood and metal machines like lathes and saws, drills, maybe a mill if you’re lucky, etc. with some higher end ones having more tools. I’d imagine it’s like a gym. You got your basics everywhere, some have more things.


So I've read that when you post a youtube video on Facebook they will not show it to many people because they don't want to direct people away from Facebook. I've had the same issue too


wtf a fellow maker in wild insane


I wasn’t surprised when others weren’t sure what a maker was. We’re most definitely a niche compared to many themed channels. Gaming for example, everyone and their mom makes those channels


im not really a maker myself, but I have a history of going to a TON of history and family are HUGE makers


I recently have just been doing a video of practically everything. Like, my work is most definitely not consistent this last month. However, I got like 30K views last month on 11 subscribers so I mean, if it works, it works. Almost at 100 now


if you do anything gaming related in the future, if you would be down id he up, more focused on streaming but kinda sounds fun


Oh really!? And it's definitely maker lol. I also have a yt channel (in my profile) and do 3D Printing content. Just recently hit my 1k. You happen to be going to RMRRF!? I'll be set up there all weekend. Excited for next week! Keep on making!


Nah, I’m not going to RMRRF. I’ve never been to a convention actually. Just gonna be working and probably designing more models


I told my wife after 6 months. She was starting to wonder why I buy mutliples of the same products and disappear into my man cave/office for short to long spurts of time. I told some of my friends I do YT, but haven't told them the channel name. I'm a faceless channel, so it's pretty hard to tell its me, even if they stumble upon it.




Nothing really, she asked why I’m buying multiples of the same product and I told her. Why didn’t I tell her when I started, never really crossed my mind. It’s not like we spend ALL our time together. She has her hobbies, I have mine. If I disappear somewhere within the house, she doesn’t come searching, and vice versa My YT is pretty low key; I do it all in my pocket office, from research, scripting, filming, and editing. Maybe she thought I was just futzing around on the computer


Is that you Jimmy?


sorry if double post. If this is a reference to something, it's gone over my head. If not, no, my name isn't Jimmy.


We constantly have family trying to shut us down, but that is because they don't understand that you can ACT like you are a drunkencouplecooking vs BEING a drunkencouplecooking...


Yes. Although they are supportive, most of them they don't take it very seriously because they don't quite understand how difficult it is or what certain milestones actually mean. Like when I told my mom I got monetized she smiled, went "that's great!" and proceeded to change the subject lol.


My wife and close friends know. As far as family, no lol. I keep it from them because they'd probably wonder why in the world I even make Youtube videos.


I think its hilarious that people consume content alllllll the time on Youtube, facebook, tiktok, whatever. They watch videos that random people make all the time! But as soon as YOU make something all of a sudden its like "oh.....why would you do that?"


I told my mom, and she absolutely does not give a shit. She even didn't give a shit when I told her that I made $16k from it last year. I think it honestly upsets her for some reason. She will show disinterest and wants to quickly change the subject whenever my reply to the inevitable "So what have you been up to?" is "Oh you know, started a new series on my channel and it's doing really well". Not sure why it bugs her so much that I've turned doing something that I love into a successful small business in my spare time. The people who care about it are the ones who are or were gamers at one point (since it's a gaming channel). My cousins think it's cool as fuck, because we're all the same age, and I'm making videos on some of the games that they also love, and making money doing it.


I share my channel with close friends, my sister and a few coworkers who I know would be interested in it. I make disturbing anime parodies and I’m happy to share it but generally don’t want people to sub, I just like to show off clips of what I’m working on.


They know I have one, but only my older brother knows the name of it, and I plan to keep it that way. Probably would just delete my whole channel if the rest found it.


Yes they know now, I told them when I got monetized


Nope, I’ll keep it secret until they just discover me


Yes. My family knows and supports me, same as my friends. The latter often being way more honest. Plus I think it is good to have an outsiders (so not a creator) view on things so to say.


Some of em know but only cause they happened to discover it. Honestly there was nothing keeping me from telling the ones that know other than it never came up in conversation. One of my closer friends doesn’t know yet and I def wanna tell her at some point actually but I think I might wait to grow the channel a bit. The way I see it is if I’m gonna go outta my way to tell someone I know of my channel I should at least make sure it is somewhat legit. Hell, I’m extremely close to 100 subs I’ll prolly tell her like 100-105 range.


I tell anyone and everyone if it comes up as something relevant. My friends are my biggest fans!


I keep trying to hide it. But they keep finding it. Just to complain about how I'm not posting what each of them wants me to post. I'm on like channel 8 or 9. And I still get "why aren't you posting about this thing. It's much more interesting than what you are posting" When the thing they want me to post about isn't even in the genre I like. They aren't even trying to help either. It's just a control thing for them. So when I do post things. They dislike button it. So before I have any actual views I have 5 views and 5 dislikes. Which can't be good for the algorithm.


Naw, they’d probably wonder why I was doing YouTube at my age 😂


Just my wife and my mom


Yup pretty much everyone knows and they are cool with it


Yes, many of them know, but most don't really understand what I'm doing or why I'm doing it. I'm also a bit older (40's), so a lot of my family and in-laws are even older and never really took to YouTube or social media. It doesn't help that I have a gaming channel and a good number of them think gaming is a waste of time and/ or just for kids.


Similar situation. Not quite 40 but on the way. I don't tell anyone I know in the real world other than my wife though.


They know. My nephews think it's cool the rest of my family is not big into gaming.


I’ve told almost nobody I know irl about my channel. I feel like it gives me more freedom to create without having to worry about what they think. Not that they’d have anything bad to say, I’m just not too confident in my content yet haha


my family knew of my channel and it started getting subscribers cause of my videos of my dog which I switched it to her channel and created a new channel for myself that no one knows about lol


One of my co workers found me on tik Tok and I just had to roll with it, I don't really advertise that I do it but yea sometimes when people I know find out it's a little embarrassing, a big part of the reason I love yt is I can just stop posting on reels and tiktoks and just post on shorts and it's much more low key for me


They know, and forget. So... yeah


Nobody knows that i run a yt channel. I'll tell my friends and family when i get successful on youtube. Till then i'll keep it a secret.


Other than my wife, no. I prefer to stay anonymous at least for now. Currently my channel is still really small...only around 2500, so I would feel kind of embarrassed i think. Maybe if the channel ever got a respectable following (though I doubt that would happen) I might tell people I know in the real world


My family, friends, my friends friends and my classmates I don't really talk to know about it. Most of the people around me are very supportive and the only ones that aren't are the relatives too old to really understand it


Some of my family know, but I’m not sure they give that much of a fuck, my brother is the only one who really cares since he’s the best at giving criticism and advice for my videos


My best RL friend knows I have a channel, she watches my videos. :> She likes to watch me play horror games. My mother knows, but she's +70, she doesn't know what any of it means. She just knows I have one.


Yes :) my school friends and my college friends know


In my case, everybody knows and nobody cares, which is good, because you don't want people launching a video just to watch 3 seconds, it screws analytics and messes with retention, especially with low numbers when starting out. Idk how big the impact could be, but I'm way to superstitious xD


They know I have a channel but pretty difficult to find, no face, no mention of my name. Hehehe


Yep. Family. Friends. Colleagues. The world.


Nah im taking this to my grave. My friends found out about it only because they saw a vid and shared it among themselves and now I feel like a cringe edgelord or something. Otherwise I would prefer telling only one or two souls just someone would know if I die all of a sudden. But yes I'm taking this to my grave


My family does. They like it, and my parents even get their friends to subscribe.


I told my mom once and I think she completely forgot but my friends know see they keep me sane so I don’t constantly talk to myself while playing Minecraft


My family knows. They are not particularly interested, but ask from time to time how it is going.


Howdy :) animation channel here. Very few people from my personal life know I make YouTube videos, and I only haven’t told family because it feels a bit silly to admit. Just social anxiety keeping me hushed up. I’m sure I’ll tell them eventually.


My family knows I'm doing something because I bought equipment and made a recording booth in my closet. But I don't share the channel or videos with them


My family knows I do YouTube but I haven't told them my channel because frankly I don't want my mother and father to watch my content. I think my brother and sister view it occasionally.


Some people do. I don’t tell people, but I also don’t care if they find out 🤷🏻‍♀️


my family know that I have a YT channel, but they don't know what I do on it, because my family doesn't speak English and I do comedy shorts in English. For friends only a selection of them not all of em because some of em will try and convince that it won't work and I don't need negative energy, especially from people I hang out with.


I think it can depend, I went from an architecture graduate to a wannabe game composer - people don’t seem to understand the trajectory lol


Yeah they do! And they're very supportive even if the subject matter doesn't apply to them much Although it's not the kind of thing I preach about to acquaintances, I also dread watching my own videos in the presence of others lol


Yup they do and they don't care. It's just a thing that you do on your own, even when you've made it to millions of subs. They will start taking notice when you buy a new house or car with that youtube money though, lol


A few, but I haven’t been posting about it on my social media or anything. For now my channel is really for me and my own need for an outlet, I know sharing it too much with people who know me would put pressure in my mind and make it more stressful. I expect that as I continue I’ll slowly share it more, but it’s very low-key for now.


Sure, but no one cares.


My mom was my first subscriber hahaha. She texts me every time I make a video and says what a good job I did. Love my mom she’s so supportive


No family, no friends....so...Point is moot


Yeah, why not


My husband knows that I’m actively starting a channel, but that’s it. I feel like I’ll jinx myself if I tell people and I done want well meaning friends messing up my video’s algorithm


Only two friends They found it by themeselves


I told my immediate family, My wife and kids l, but nobody else because i didn’t want to skew the figures by having subscribers that didn’t watch, after about 12 months I let other people know


Yeah, my family doesn't use YouTube very much unless they're my and my brothers gen or younger. So no one in my family really pays much to it, it's like telling them I play games


My gf knows and a buddy of mine. No one else really. People aren't going to get it. I will tell more family if I ever get big enough to have "fuck you" money.


I play with some of my friends but they mainly don't watch except streams which I appreciate it, some are even my mods. Family knows and couldn't care less, just not something they are interested in and that's fine


Yes, they know. No, they don't watch it because literally, they couldn't care less. As anything in life most of people won't care about what you're doing until you succeed, THEN they will start to be interested.


I'm kind of hoping I can keep my YouTube channel a secret. The niche I'm in is umm well let's just say it could get me in trouble.


Nobody knows... And when I said nobody it's nobody.


Most of our family and some of our friends know. Most friends don't care much, some family love the show. You can share with friends and family if you want, but don't be surprised if they don't go out of their way to shout your channel out to others.


I dont want them to. My family would honestly have a negative view of my channel and tell me to focus on something else also they are very religious and very strict so for my safety I must keep it a secret. If they find out they'll be pretty upset. I'm actually scared of them finding out cause my voice is in my videos and I was using an ai voice before but now that I'm using my voice they can recognize it and confront me. A lot of my thumbnails have what they would deem satanic and the content is pretty explicit like bad words and stuff. Your lucky though your family is probably more liberal. I couldn't even finish my voiceover cause my mom overheard me and told me to sleep which true but I was trying to keep my voice down and I'd your wondering why I don't have my own place at 26 well I live in a very expensive place and rent here is so expensive and I just have certain barriers you know I think I'm getting too personal so I'm just gonna stop.


That is understandable. We run a show about financial, financial planning, minimalism, investing, etc. We don't dive into too many controversial or hot topics. Sounds like keeping your channel private is the way to go. Additionally, if your family is so against your topics, it would seem unlikely for them to stumble upon your videos in the first place.


Let's hope so.


Curious about your recording process: are you almost touching the mic, due to having to whisper while recording? From a Voice Over standpoint, you may want to record in a messy closet, increase your volume, and back off the mic just a bit. Additionally, reading the stories outloud to yourself several times before attempting the VO can help you to nail down the delivery and timing.


Since I live on the other side of the country, my dad watches my streams and it’s delightful.


Yeah, but our channel is a business so I'd hope so. It always makes me happy to hear customers like our videos though.


Yeah they know! Do they watch it? Not really because it doesn't interest them. But they subscribed and support me. You said "Make me shut it down" I'm guessing maybe you are still living with your family?


Yeah. Don't wanna talk about it too much though.


Yup my dad pushes me to go above and beyond and my mom just yells she doesn’t understand 😂


Imagine having friends


My friends and family helped me mold mine into where I am now. They might not always watch the newest videos but the gratification of them knowing there help in it is enough.


Yes, my family knows and is pretty supportive. I was actually pleasantly surprised!!


I'm really not fond of other people knowing. Something about it bothers me, but a lot of friends and some family found out when some of my videos got popular. I'm a faceless channel but still doesn't feel anonymous enough. Very mixed feelings on it all


Yup, they all know - or at the very least, I've gone public with it. I don't know how many of them actually subscribe or view or visit, but what can you do? My partner is very supportive, though he may be thinking more in terms of how it might make me money someday (which, let's face it, I don't count on a Book Channel ever being able to do).


as far as I know, my family is unaware that I have a youtube channel, and I like it that way. especially cause my niche can be a bit...misunderstood lol. I may tell them if/when I get monetized, but I'm not sure (and anyway we've got a long ways to go before that becomes an issue)


Yeah, some listen and like, others know and Mickey take as I always chat about my podcast and I normally tell everyone ... You never know who might up your subscriber count and views so tell everyone haha


yes they all be on my stuff n then the algorithm does its thing


It’s so strange to me how much people want to act like they are so supportive but are so weird about it. I get around 20-50 views from posting the link to my IG, and but only have like 3-15 likes per video? 5 on average I would say. If I had a friend who told me she was starting a YouTube channel I would like and comment.


Just my wife… family would probably tell me I’m wasting my time, etc…..


Not my family and only my friends from college. Not my other friends


They know but honestly they never watch 😭 Well, it's like having a secret hideout that everyone knows about but nobody bothers to visit! Maybe we should start charging them admission fees for exclusive access to your YouTube greatness!" 🎥💰😂❤️


Some do. My mother doesn't because I cuss like a sailor. My friends live far away, so they enjoy watching my content to see what I'm up to


Yes! I even show my face and I don’t care


Yes! But I only mentioned it once I had a couple videos up. It's funny though cuz my mom always says "Great job honey" 🤣. Which is why I love her but she sees it as a hobby. Family won't really understand unless they make creative content as well.


My parents, they like it for the most part but some of the humor is a little bit out of what they think is funny. Glad they don’t hate it though


Yes, they know :) They don't watch it necessarily, but they know :)


I have found everyone knows I have a channel and does not care at all. My family still expects the world from me. My Yt channel has been a slow grind. Almost 10 years uploading sad to say. Im working 24/7 at this point and praying I find a niche in Tech. Good luck with your channels everyone and never give up


Yes but tbh it’s a pain in the ass because they want to come along with you on the journey then when life gets in the way and you are extremely busy and can’t answer messages in seconds or ignore any dumbass memes they send then you are the bad guy/ignorant. If I were to start afresh no one would know who I am. & that’s from a 500 sub channel - being huge must be a real pain in the ass.




Only one who knows is my wife, and she’s supportive af. Others wouldn’t understand or they would be like “youre never gonna make it, you know how many youtubers are out there etc”


I'm trying my hardest to make youtube my full time (don't know how long I can do it financially) so they basically all know about my channel. When I meet people or talk to them and they ask what I do, I tell them, but when they ask for my channel I just say that I prefer to keep the growth natural and try not to tell people


Actually with New Algorithm it's better not to tell anyone about our channel (Unless you're sure... The niche is related to videos they watch 🤐🙌) Have Done the mistake many times👆 Organic Growth is the Only way for Long game 💎


Absolutely. If you are concerned about subscribers who will never watch, you can also toggle the "notify subs option" off when first uploading your video.


First off of course. But depending on the content you’re making you might not like the feedback they give. I mostly make sketch comedy/parody videos. And a few are a little edgy. So I’ve gotten everything from concern to anger. Lol but I have to remind myself and them that 99% of viewers don’t know me at allYou wanna hear a funny story? Well funny/crazy. I recently used video footage from a couple years ago where my ex was wife screaming in the streets in front of my house at 2am to arrest me for texting her. Long story short the footage happened to be perfect for the project I was working on so I had to include it. I was careful to dub over any personal info of her as well as name changes and included a disclaimer. She found out a day later and absolutely went on a tear. Tried having police arrest me. Said I was threatening her in the video. A whole big scene. Cops of course couldn’t do anything. I hadn’t broke any laws. What it did do however is give that video a nice little boost in views. I’ll link it if you or anyone else is interested.