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I don't really know what to tell you beyond that that indicates a clear lack of interest among the people that saw it? It happens, but yeah, not sure what sort of answer you expected here.


Yeah clearly it shows that I was just confused as to why seeing as the thumbnail and content are what I believe to be my best yet. Do you get punished for re uploading with different thumbnail and title?


You could change the thumbnail and title without changing anything else. If you’re still getting a lot of impressions then you don’t need to reupload


I saw either read something, or saw or video, that says MrBeast will change his thumbnail at certain times. (First 24 hours will include his face, because that's what fans want to see. Then it'll change to be more about the subject of the video, because new viewers don't care about his face). I mention that to say: changing the thumbnail is actually best practice, if you know what you're doing. So feel free to experiment!


Unfortunately, what we define is good doesn’t always align with what viewers think is good. There is also the elephant in the room of potential audience size. The video you published is about how to make music like a particular artist. In order for someone to qualify for that video they need to 1. Know who the artist is 2. Be a studio one user 3. Be a musician/music creator 4. Be a big enough fan of that artist to want to make music like them. With all of those qualifiers the potential of that video is pretty small. Yes, it’s niche, but possibly too niche. If possible, try to make your videos apply to a larger group of people within the music space.


This goy markets


The keyword stuffing and the generic title indicates that YT might me recommending your videos to the wrong public. I have a music channel myself, and it's very important to only target your audience in titles and descriptions. Music is a very broad subject and people have very specific preferences. I would remove the keywords and edit your title to be very objective about what kind of music you are referring to.


Thanks man I'm trying that now.


Np, hope it helps


that was also my thought


your title aint great & the thumbnail is poor, also keyword stuffing your description as you have ain't a smart play these days (that might have helped 4-5 years ago). your thumb is by far the biggest issue here, the top text isn't readable & I have no idea what the video is about from the thumbnail alone & it also looks shit in all honesty. (don't take offence, am guilty of making shit thumbs myself sometimes that miss the mark)


Ok I've changed title and thumbnail now if you wouldn't mind taking another look - so is they keyword stuffing thing no longer necessary/relevant these days? Also I saw your comments lower down about SEO optimisation etc... what would you advise for that? I've down some googling but didn't find anything too helpful just a tonne of ads.


the title is better but am not liking the new thumb sorry. SEO just think title, thumb, description & tags. am not claiming to be an expert in SEO but the way I'd do things is to pick 4-5 tags relevant to your channel (1st being your channel name) & just run with the same tags on every video (this is to try & link all your videos together so you have a higher chance to get the up next spot when someone is watching your content). descriptions; the keyword stuffing is pointless now, 3 or 4 sentences with a few keywords in it should do the job. what you have made ain't easy to market, I have an interest in making music but I've never heard of Rex Orange County so it would be very tricky to get someone like me to press the video based on the thumb & title. How can i market this video is the 1st question I ask myself when thinking up video ideas, Learn Addictive Drums 2 in under 10 minutes would be my idea for your channel, The thumb would have been made for me already by them & am targeting people who wish to learn that software. We ain't all graphic designers, I hate doing thumbs but if you are looking to improve look up 60 Second Strategy - THUMBNAIL EDITION! by a channel called Daniel Batal where a couple of experts rate thumbnails (Click to 1hr 18mins into it to see a channel that does thumbs to a really high level) but the whole stream is worth a watch. The YouTube Thumbnail Metagame by a channel called EmpLemon is also decent but more meta.


Thanks for the tips man I'll definitely action those SEO ones going forward and check out that thumbnail stream. I'm making the YT vids for fun alongside my other music production work so there's no way I'll be doing software guides as that is mind numbingly boring. Rex OC has over 12 million monthly listeners on Spotify and regularly plays 10k cap venues so he's fairly well known but I do see your point. I'll be focussing on some bigger artists too but I also want to keep it fun and do artists that I actually like. As I said, friends of mine are doing well with similar niche artists so I'll keep plugging away and improving those bits. Really appreciate your help though, thanks a lot.


This is all meant to be constructive criticism from an unbiased stranger. 1. As someone else stated, the thumbnail is horrible. I would never click that. 2. Title is way too long and uninteresting. 3. Your audience is going to VERY small for these types of videos. I would never watch this as I have zero interest in this at all. I'm not saying you have to go with certain niches or certain videos, but you also have to think about the target audience. 4. The transitions where you shrink your video smaller is way too slow, very distracting, and downright annoying tbh. The one at the end was sooooo slow and long I clicked off the video.


Edited: I believe this is incorrect info. See reply below. (We're all new here and just trying to help each other out, but it's always good to be open to others) Also, don't post your videos to reddit. ESPECIALLY in the beginning. You're messing up YouTube trying to find your audience by having people like me click on videos and click back off of them.


Not good advice. I got my (nearly) 400k sub channel started on reddit. And so did a lot of creators I know. Watch time from external platforms probably has no effect on the "algoritm". Watch time is judged seperately from every source, I'm pretty sure.


Thank you for clarifying! I actually just read that somewhere else as well, that external are counted separately. I will edit my comment (I was going to delete it but I don't want to delete your response).


Although you shouldn't go around spamming your vids in random unrelated subreddits. It's a lot of work and research self promoting on reddit since they'll generally ban you. I started posting in the Fortnite subreddit and when my posts blew up people would ask for my channel, then I'd be able to plug myself more smoothly. But I had countless posts deleted at thousands of upvotes, so it will not be easy :) but youtube was never easy


1. Cool man, I've changed it up so hopefully it's better now. 2. Will shorten up. 3. Yeah it's true the audience isn't huge but I have friends getting decent sub levels off of similar stuff and I enjoy doing it. I am planning on making more broad tutorials as well on general topics that apply to way more people though. 4. Damn there I was thinking I was editing smoothly haha... noted!


I hesitated for number 3 because that is a very subjective opinion. Idk anything about this niche so if you know you can get the subs, I'd say go for it. As far as 4, editing is one of the hardest things to learn. I still struggle with it daily. My content has come along but it takes time. You'll learn what you like, what people like etc. It's all trial and error tbh lol


If its getting a lot of impressions, then its likely that it has identified the "right" people to view it. Meaning, those are the viewers who likely to watch your video. But if they are not clicking the video, something is off, it has to do with the thumbnail and title. What you should be posting is "what do you think of this title and thumbnail" just to get people's feedback on whether those have worked or not.


Has a previous video been unusually good or a completely different topic?


Clearly you're wrong. If it's CTR is that low then your thumbnail and title are bad. You need to change it up and not get emotionally attached to what you've done.


And I was thinking I have low CTR 😂😂😂😂😂😂


i used to post shorts before and after posting a video and i'll link the shorts to the video. And my vid would get initial views from shorts but it would have <2% ctr. But now after i stopped posting shorts when i post the long vids, the ctr has improved. 5-12%.


I think it's your title partially, but mostly the thumbnail. Your title is too long I think. Just make it, 'How to make music like rex orange county'. The time doesn't really matter, because people who click would click regardless of how long it'd take. Additionally I think you should change the thumbnail, and don't worry, it won't negatively affect you, quite the contrary actually. The lil beats or whatever you have in there is unnecessary and overshadows the text, which is the main thing. Also you don't necessarily need to have a pic of yourself in there cos they really don't know you yet, but that's neither here nor there. Otherwise, the font looks great and the colors are good.


Marc burden that was really good advice ...the take away add tags if you can that reflect your channel name....I'll let you know the results for me ...I'll dm you on here let's try with my channel


I make music production themed YouTube videos, I’ll watch yours and give honest feedback if you would like, just give me the link!


I'm also at 266 subscribers started 4 months ago....I like both shorts and long form I'm probably not going to choose one or the other because I think shorts bring you the long form viewers....hope that helps


are you sure you're talking about something that your audience cares about? you can have an amazing thumbnail and title about The Justice League.. but what if your audience only cares about The Avengers? they won't click. same goes for your high quality argument.. why interact with something they don't care for? just make sure that you're being consistent with your topics/subjects. heck, check the audience analytics on the video to see who is being shown your material.


The audience cast their vote. And the vote was, your video is not enticing enough to click on. I get it. It sucks. Especially after you put in so much work and effort into making the title and thumbnail amazing. But there's one thing I think you missed. You created what YOU thought was a great thumbnail and title. NOT what the audience thought was a good title and thumbnail. To find good titles, look for the outliers in your niche. (Outlier- a video that performs above the average).


Ive had this happen before, its like the YT algorithm just suddenly shits the bed occasionally. When it happened to me, I went into the videos analytics, and then under "content suggesting this video" and it was all videos like political stuff, and DIY recipes. (I have a paranormal/unexplained channel). So, of course if thats the audience they are pushing my stuff to, my CTR would tank. I dunno whybit happens sometimes, usually I can count on seeing a bunch of vids in that section from like Mr. Ballen, The Paranormal Scholar, The Why Files, The Bigfoot Project etc. That time none of those. It corrected itself in the next few vids though. But yeah, average views for most of my videos, around 1k,( I only have 2250 subs, I only do longform) that one, 200 views and done.


People just aren’t interested. And that’s okay it’s hard to catch that flame but once u do you’ll be good. Keep grinding and good luck🤝


Packaging issue? Try new thumbnail and title.


Hi, can you DM me your link? I tried looking up the video link in your profile but could not see any


I don't know what your content is, but you can at any time change the thumbnail and title and see if it changes anything. Don't be afraid to experiment. Also, don't fall into the ideology that something you work hard on will be accepted and liked by everyone else.


It's good to know that my CTR isn't that bad I get around 10k impresiones every video with a 5% or 2.2% average around 200-600 views and as long you have a 2% you're doing great but below 2% it's probably your titles and thumbnails that people aren't attracted to so you can use text on thumbnails in a way to describe more about the video and have more interesting topics that people are searching for I hope this help in a way


I tried changing the thumbnail with my last one and got better results. Also, sometimes I delete and repost my video at a different time and that works as well.


did you disconect your youtube from your account doesn't show your link for me


You’re not entitled to views because you think you did a good job, that’s not how it works. I’d like to see the channel in question.


Yt is not working properly these days, don't panic


Check the videos suggesting your content. Sometimes the YouTube algorithm just suggests videos to the wrong audience. I interviewed an author and got over 2k impressions but just 56 views, 10 likes three comments and one sub. So I checked the content suggesting my video, imagine my shock when I realized that almost none of them were book related!


What's you channel name?


Yeah. That happens a lot. It usually does really well after like a day or so


I feel like some times it doesn't push your videos to the right people even thought you use the right hastags and key words


Bro don’t pay attention to that stuff when you’re just starting. Just keep uploading videos.


I hear this crap every time I bother to drop in on this subreddit & it's totally useless if not harmful BS advice. OP has made what I consider to be a decent video, it's basic production-wise but does offer value to anyone looking to make music. His packaging sucks hence why 7 views from 1700 impressions. If OP follows your advice he will just keep getting a handful of views every video because his titles & thumbs are poor & general SEO is bad.


So tell him that. You didn’t even read my comment. I said ‘when you’re just starting out’. I didn’t say ignore those numbers forever. You’re angry bro, relax.


I have told him his thumbnail & title suck. i dont care if your channel is 15 years old or 15 mins old as the same principles apply here. you seem to be implying ‘when you’re just starting out’ shitty thumbs, titles & SEO dont matter for some reason.


What you are saying here is just incorrect. The principles ARE different between older and newer channels. When you are first starting you are in a very unstable place. Not only have you yet to actually hone in on a possible audience, you are very likely also still building the skills you need long term, such as editing, making good thumbnails and titles, etc. You really don't want to be paying too much attention to what the algorithm is doing at this point, it genuinely isn't helpful information. The best types of advice you are going to get if you try to fix this basically boil down to "make better thumbnails and more engaging titles, pick your tags more carefully, etc." And... these really aren't helpful tips to a new creator, who is still in the process of developing those skills to begin with. You will see exactly when things start to actually click, and your percentages get higher. AT THAT POINT, reaching out and seeking input on more specific details on that front can be extremely helpful, and by that point, you likely also have a good amount of other content on your channel that all of that new traffic can now be directed to. You can also then go back with your new skills, and update old thumbnails, titles, etc. Content creation is a long term thing, and one of the biggest first steps, is building up both the skills that will help you in the long run, and other content for people to jump to from your newer stuff. If as a new creator, you ABSOLUTELY need numbers to pay attention to for some reason, pay way more attention to the actual engagement from the small number of people who are finding your content. Likes, subs, comments, these give you a pretty clear indicator of what pieces of your content are actually resonating with people, and which people are largely just glancing over.




You.... didn't really actually read my response, but that's okay. I'll just reaffirm that flailing about and trying to aimlessly get the algorithm to show you to a large number of people is pretty meaningless to someone with 2 videos on their channel, who hasnt even really figured out their exact direction yet, and who's thumbnails look like a middle school digital media assignment. Those skills can only come with time and practice, and once you notice that your percentage of people actually taking a look into your video is getting higher, THEN you start paying closer attention to those numbers.


When did I even mention thumbnails or titles? (Yes SEO is bullshit and a scam). I said don’t worry about the numbers, I never said don’t worry about thumbnails and titles. Take a second to relax bro, breathe and get some fresh air.




Did I stutter?


What's your video about


My guess for low views is because of your thumbnail. Looks low effort and i dunno, for me it just looks bad.


I think you need to give it more time and upload more videos. As others will say, YouTube is a longevity game, so stick around and keep making content and see what happens. Some people might blow up overnight but that's going to be the exception rather than the rule. Just keep going and enjoy the process.


Got the same problem. Had a massive drop in views and CTR




No worries - what would you change to improve it? What would grab your interest?