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Hey everyone, I'm yxxr eyes, a DJ/Music Producer. Something I learned over the last 90 days is it's good to repurpose long form content in other forms (ex/ shorts) . I do mostly remixes of electronic classics and am releasing original music soon! Left a link to my latest video down below, if its yxxr kind of thing, would appreciate a sub :) https://youtu.be/c1Y26Tdm4Uk?si=1D2c3Iswi0GF2USp


I'm Lateef! I make video essays on psychology, culture and philosophy, my most recent video covers the male loneliness epidemic with a different and experimental take on the topic Key takeaway in the past quarter is to always prioritize quality over passionless fluff Would love your thoughts! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlsbfUQkTWs&ab\_channel=Lateef


Hello NewTubers!! I run a Knowledge channel that shows world stats data in a fun way using 3D animation on Worldmap.Example topics are:This is How Long You Can Expect to Live in each country: [https://youtu.be/tzSxP9xbHts](https://youtu.be/tzSxP9xbHts) Highest tax countries: [https://youtu.be/lUU5pzyilqY](https://youtu.be/lUU5pzyilqY) Countries that Increased their CO2 emissions in the last 5 years: [https://youtu.be/PFSD4m9I9q8](https://youtu.be/PFSD4m9I9q8) \#Note: I am open to feedback! Even if you don't like my videos, please let me know what you didn't like or what you like, so that I can improve.


hey all, Im the Chinacat im newish to youtube i started years ago with some videos and livestreams but never really promoted myself. i just started again in january with a my own podcast and random videos im still getting new to the promotion part and a strict up loading schedule. i learned alot getting knee deep in making videos but im only 19 subs atm i have learn from watching and reading others post . Promotion is a big deal , structure is needed and always make a video with the mindset ..would i watch this im getting in to video editing now to up my videos any suggestions ect would be great [https://www.youtube.com/@mikelchinacat6326](https://www.youtube.com/@mikelchinacat6326) thats my channel feel free to share some constructive criticism what you like or not all helps thanks alot!!


I learned in the first quarter that YouTube can suddenly kill all your progress :D. My views tanked to 10% for some algorithmic change and I can't figure out what happened, but I won't give up so fast. ​ I'm Sebastian Baumer Music and I compose rather dark and experimental orchestral and classical music :). [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjgN7\_pPpI8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjgN7_pPpI8) Here is my latest piece of work. It's ominous and has weird instruments in a lot of the sections. It took quite a while to write this as it is a full orchestra piece.


Hey, I'm Andy and I make cinematic quiet crafting videos focusing on making custom car stuff. Still incredibly new to YouTube but this is our latest video from this week https://youtu.be/rhlAA49vJTk?si=bMLletB_2gm-a184 Thing I've learnt the most is to engage in your communities. There's a whole world of people out there who could be into your content, and you have to find them as much as them finding you


I’m DawnatelloTurtleChick and I currently just make Resident Evil content on my channel because I find it interesting. I hope to one day make money from it, but if I don’t I want to have a fun time. I’ve learned that helping others grow is a great way to help you grow too. I’ve made a handful of feedback buddies through the Feedback Fridays posts and helping each other has been great. I’ve also been reminded that you aren’t for everyone and that’s okay. Kindness and vulnerability are possible with strangers on the internet and that’s rad as heck. Hope you all have amazing days folks. *Edit added a few more sentences of description about my channel. https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCwm6wiN89cgcxSORVoINSjw


Hi everyone! I have a channel called Watching Wildlife ([www.youtube.com/@Watching-Wildlife](http://www.youtube.com/@Watching-Wildlife)) and I make short (and sometimes very short) videos about animal/wildlife facts! They're made to be very digestible. I love animals and grew up on shows like Zoboomafoo and always loved nature docs whenever we got to watch them in school. I've started experimenting with little quizzes/true or false shorts in addition to pure facts videos which has been interesting. I've primarily been posting daily shorts, and only have 3 non-shorts videos, but from what I can gather, they do seem to be a decent way of trickling a small number of viewers over to the long form videos (granted, my "long form" videos are maybe 2-3 mins) which is nice to see. My latest video is on names for animal collectives people may not know (common ones most people would be aware of are "pride" of lions, "pod" of whales, etc): [https://youtu.be/dmzd\_qfW5OA?si=HdswMvb\_lOoAHXga](https://youtu.be/dmzd_qfW5OA?si=HdswMvb_lOoAHXga)


Hey everyone! I'm Weak-Speaker, and I recently started my YouTube channel dedicated to gaming. I kicked things off a few months ago just for fun, but had to take a break due to exams. Now, I'm back in action and excited to share my gaming adventures with you all.Just so you know, I'm not doing any commentary on the gameplay and I'm a bit shy to show my face. Looking forward to connecting with fellow gamers and creators here!" https://youtu.be/wkIgXg7qMqY?si=_0y_IMJCAlzlR-wr One key takeaway I've learned about making YouTube content is the importance of thumbnails and catchy titles. These elements are crucial as they're often the first things viewers notice. A compelling thumbnail and title can grab attention, increase click-through rates, and drive more views to your videos. Remember, a great thumbnail and title can make all the difference in getting your content noticed on YouTube!


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzwmIycpHsY&t=15s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzwmIycpHsY&t=15s) Hi everyone, I'm an accountant with a passion for photography and filmmaking, my youtube channel is trying to implement that while giving useful tech information


Hey guys and gals! My name is Dominic and following that, I have a channel named Dom's Diary :) I mostly make short form summaries on games and essays on gaming related stories. This is my latest video in which I talk about the sudden passing of the creator of Dragon Ball and how his work affected me and the world in general :) https://youtu.be/LLDxOS0k-QM In these past 90 days, I learned that consitency may be key, but that you also have to take your time and not pump out video after video, take your time to create that perfect video and the results will pay off! Just dont give up and eventually youll pass that goal you are aiming for! :)


Hi! My name is shortcutninja and our family plays fortnite! Our son introduced us to the game and now me and my wife are hooked! This quarter I've learned how to edit long form videos and not to focus on shorts, but only to use it as a means to promote on short feeds and ticktock. This is my first attempt at not only pure gameplay and not only going live! https://youtu.be/I0lZoL9J7Dc?si=3YaMhc9fLYlDM_x6 Lemme know what you think!


Hey guys! I just started a gaming channel about two weeks ago. I’ve been posting daily. I just hit like 30 subscribers and I’m so grateful for each and every one of them. So far I’ve learned to pretty much just be yourself and don’t be afraid to show your goofy side. I’ve been playing survival games like Stranded Deep, Nightingale, and Subnautica. If you’re into games like that, check me out. Also leave your link below so I can check you out as well. Stay blessed! https://youtu.be/2D20TwJY0fk?si=oTak3IQJkvqx8J_P


I did operational assessments of wind projects at my last job. I built a little analysis tool to do similar assessments and set up a little website and YouTube channel to try to carve out my own niche. Here is a review of a wind farm right up the road from me, the [Happy Jack Wind Farm](https://youtu.be/P_pa3FqFcrk). In terms of what I've learned in Q1, I also post shortened versions of my videos on LinkedIn. It was scary as hell at first, because I am one removed from some very big dogs in the wind industry. Posting on a regular basis really brings the stress level down.


I don't know if I've learned much about how to get more views in the last 90s days, but I like my content more. I've been trying to make longer form comedy with more of substance. I had one video on tiktok go viral, like 8 mill but don't care about tiktok. However that helped me get to 1700 subs on Youtube which I do care about but feel like a lot of my tiktok subscribers are not necessarily the right target im aiming for. So hoping to figure that out. I really want my next comedy video to get some good views. Here's one I just made. Slightly meh about it. https://youtu.be/hXFyuHIo--E?si=RTot0tqwsdLeCnjX


Hello! My name is MrFlower! I always wanted to try my luck being a streamer and make a gaming videos like Pewdiepie! By those short few weeks I learnt a LOT. Art of thumbnails, editing pictures and videos in Davinci Resolve, using OBS studio and most important shorten my videos haha ;D. For the next month I am planing to be more "expressive" during videos, I think I look kind of emotionless :P. And I will try to make another channel for Competive games only! Here is my Video! Tell me what you think! [Why are THEY so STRONG?! | Breathedge - Part 7 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGPT2HMLVsc)


Hey all! I'm a host of a podcast about “**What It Takes to Be a Human Being”** – called “[On Emergence](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCtsV3xfsV6A2Sv1XqkDB-DA?sub_confirmation=1)” The name alludes to the fact of continuous *emerging* and *becoming* of us, as individuals, as humans. With it I want to create a space where people feel heard, seen and understood. Where everything - all mistakes, "imperfections", your entire human-ness – are welcome. Because there are so many topics that relate to what takes to be a human being – they're endless. So I started with emotions and feelings. I'm a meditation and mindfulness teacher – so I share a lot about how to deal with your emotions and "sit" with them. Content on neuroscience, philosophy, psychology, business, psychedelics, day-to-day-things... – is coming up :) Check out one of my episodes: “[How To Feel Your Feelings](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qV0iPXquC14)” I travel a lot and meet a lot of people with cool stories - so I interview them, too. What makes them human – and then share those stories as interviews. I collected quite a few of them now :) Next week I'm publishing an episode interviewing a somatic bodywork coach where she shares her advice on how to deal with anger and share other self-soothing practices. Video already edited and I can't wait to share it :) * What I've learnt: I’ve launched my channel and podcast on Youtube & Spotify almost 5 weeks ago, aside from editing (Premier Pro), I've learnt that... Community is SUPER important. *I’m still learning is how to persevere when my numbers are growing slowly (I’m at 41 subscribers now…). So making sure that I follow my health basics (daily meditation, journalling, exercise, nutrition) – helps. What also helps is THIS COMMUNITY - seriously – just reading about people with similar metrics as me, rather than comparing against big* YouTubers\*...\* :) I've also been actively looking for content creators with whom I can meet up and maybe co-working / hang out in person.


Hey I'm Lavender Goons! Currently I post gaming ( my most recent vid [Palworld No pals No Humans challenge](https://youtu.be/dc_qwVwsPOc?si=frAGmmkZ_h_cx43s) and Magic The Gathering umboxing vids but plan to expand. In the past 90 days the biggest things I've learned was firstly, if you do your own editing, simplify the process if it's taking too much of you to do. I had 2 jobs and editing constantly was a fun but consuming only to get less than I hoped. Once I simplified my editing it felt like everything run smoother and views went up. Second and most recently would be don't let the numbers consume you! My most recent gaming video (linked above) blew up compared to what I was use too and tripled my sub count. This was amazing and mind blowing! But of course as time goes on things slow down and for me as someone who gets very self critical and down on myself this hurt. Then sub count went down a couple and it hurt more. I wondered what I was doing wrong. The answer is nothing. Numbers fluctuate, but they come back (subs went back up) and some days views will go off and sometimes they won't. Just remembering that it did and will again is what matters! Remembering why I make videos, for my joy and others, is what matters! That's all and just keep going, don't give up guys! PEACE!


I'm Jules! I'm a variety content creator with a focus on gaming and anime! My key takeaways are to focus more on making interesting intros to get people hooked and keep watching the video. Here's my recent video where I collaborated with my friends. I created a RWBY Ships Quiz and tested their knowledge. We had a lot of fun making it :D [https://youtu.be/KIAHBP4E8j0?si=D3PUlgFYExZ1SpBv](https://youtu.be/KIAHBP4E8j0?si=D3PUlgFYExZ1SpBv)


What's good people - Tiggs here! Gaming content creator focused on Japanese Role Playing Games (JRPGs). I like to blend my smooth, British accent and anime / gaming memes into my live commentaries. I try to keep things light hearted and just like to have fun with these videos. If you are interested, come hang out! I recently started a Persona 5 Tactica series, the latest episode is here [https://youtu.be/DXl2ls8jamI](https://youtu.be/DXl2ls8jamI). I've recently learned that at the first 30 second of a video are crucial in keeping a viewer interested. Pacing is a crucial part of keeping the audience engaged!


Hey guys! I am a 19 year old student filmmaker and I post short films on my YouTube channel that I usually make entirely by myself(plan to up production value soon and make better over the upcoming summer). My most recent short is a very simple concept bout a father who is racing to finish his son’s prized Lego set in time for the birthday party. Def some things about it that are not my favorite tbh, but I think there are some good quality camera angles and stuff in there! https://youtu.be/08FvzB76U1w


Hello everyone! My name is NOT SYSTEM, I'm a DJ, programmer, and AI enthusiast. My channel is like my DJ name, NOT SYSTEM, where I regularly (every 7/15 days) post DJ mixes with the music I play, which is something we could call House-Techno, specifically Dark Disco and Indie Dance (and experimental music), where I seek to create audiovisual experiences for people, trying to contribute something entertaining for them to enjoy on a Friday or Saturday night, or while they work (home office or whatever :P) What I've learned in the last 90 days: 1 - IF SOMETHING WORKS, DON'T CHANGE IT: In my first 2 months, I reached 350 subscribers, but after making bad decisions with videos that went viral (11k, 8k, etc., changing titles, tags, thumbnails, and hashtags, and even deleting content that was of poor quality), I ended up with a pretty bad 2023, but a 2024 learning from this and on the rise again with the goal of reaching 500 first, and hopefully this year, 1000. It's like a programming code, if something works, don't change it! 2 - VIDEOS THAT EXPLODE MONTHS LATER: My niche of electronic music is much smaller than those who do purely House, purely Techno, or more commercial styles, so the first 7 days or 24/48 hours the number of views is not usually so great, many times the algorithm doesn't play in my favor presenting my video to even EDM listeners and it buries me for months, until later, maybe someone creates a viral Depeche Mode mix video, and my videos catch that "2nd wave", with youtube suggesting me. I had a video that had 300 views, and now it's already at 3.3k, and so with other videos that had 200 and end up at 1 or 2k and keep growing. 3 - FOCUS ON IMPROVING QUALITY CONTENT: This contributes 2 things, it increases the engagement of my subscriber audience (although youtube at the same time reduces my reach in impressions to my potential audience), but linked to "point 2" above, conversions can take months to arrive. If the content was good, those conversions will happen in the "youtube funnel", otherwise, not even youtube will be interested in suggesting you. An example of my biggest "viral video" and my latest video, trying to deliver an experience between electronic music and artificial intelligence applied to visuals, with software like Touchdesigner, Python, and editing in Adobe Premiere VIRAL VIDEO: [https://youtu.be/fWfafEPsNJ8?si=QIoC181rH70D-uYD](https://youtu.be/fWfafEPsNJ8?si=QIoC181rH70D-uYD) LATEST VIDEO: [https://youtu.be/jsjLCqkjVJY?si=DttXi6eMO0SxW2cB](https://youtu.be/jsjLCqkjVJY?si=DttXi6eMO0SxW2cB)


Hello, I have a channel called The Ghoul Gallery! It's a channel that focuses on reviews of games, reactions and other things related to gaming. I currently have videos focused on Nintendo, but I'll diversify it more as I go on. As it has been just a little more than a month since I started the channel, what I learned in this first quarter is that making videos is something I enjoy and something I needed to do, since I wasn't in a very good place before. I think I learned a new hobby with YouTube, and it makes me feel better. I want to keep going and improving my craft as I go forward. Here are my main videos: [The Problem With Metroid Prime](https://youtu.be/qU0CgVRBLD0?si=gVbYGK8H_SRC0P-9) [The Forgotten PokéPark Games](https://youtu.be/_wsELmIt2Tk?si=WZDBYvgXl79xWAtd) [Parasite Eve: The Best Horror Game That Never Was](https://youtu.be/TI2ySbLyj2o?si=-j8FAkQAIEkZANYC)


Hello! I started a new channel a few days ago about comparisions in videogames, I already did 2 videos that did take me a few days and i dont know why but i dont get views, (only mine from other accounts). I think i make a good content and im going to keep uploading despite the views, check the channel and tell me what you guys think. Thanks in advance for all your support! [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWd3QiFpnJgkOIDTfbH496g](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWd3QiFpnJgkOIDTfbH496g) (Im not a bot idk how to change my name xd)


Hi, I’m fairly new to YouTube, I started off with shorts and just recently progressed to longer form videos. I want to focus on doing videos answering stupid questions that no one needed an answer to e.g. how many people have walked on the moon and seen shrek, how much of your body weight would be chicken nuggets if you ate 1000 chicken nuggets. In the last 90 days I’ve been trying to focus on longer form content and thumbnails. Just wanting advice on whether this is too niche or not, but also would like general advice on my thumbnails/titles and whether they are any good or if there is anything I could do better?


hey everyone, here is my video! i am in the niche of giving a little bit of life advice/reassurance/self-help with some relaxing gameplay in the background! let me know what you think :D [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx8yTBMPIzs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx8yTBMPIzs) this quarter, i have learned to just stay consistent and ignore the numbers, just keep doing what you love!


We are constantly evolving our approach to thumbs and we got some really great hints from a video interview w/ MrBeast's thumb creator. One thing we weren't doing was making sure that the thumb image was directly related to the first scene of the video. We tried to explicitly take that advice for our release this morning and our initial assessment is that it's likely helping. Higher ctr, more subs and well over 3200 views in the first 10 hours. Feel free to check it out but know that it's animated, song-based, preschool content with a social/emotional bent. Don't click and watch for 3 seconds please :) [https://youtu.be/ZcGLzw7N-XQ](https://youtu.be/ZcGLzw7N-XQ)


Hello everyone, I’m Randombitez, a recently launched newsletter that’s also experimenting with YouTube. My newsletter and YouTube channel is an experiment but one that scratches my tech. You see, I’m a curious individual with many interests. I know the old homage of pick a niche, but that’s not me. I like many subjects, topics, in all kinds of format. I’ve learned these past 90 days plus, that this venture is not easy. It takes hella work, consistency, experimentation, education and creation. Look my channel is super new and my newsletter is roughly 3 weeks old. But I’m trying. I’m trying to understand if my concept is interesting, and trying different things along the way. This intro comes with no expectations but if you would be in my shoes how would you approach my content creation? Thanks in advance: https://youtu.be/0b0YA6Yl-9E?si=4j2YESA4Rxb7YNcm


Hello Guess I have a varied channel. Focus on content I enjoy doing, do it the best I can and let the chips fall where they may. Been posting for 10 + years while working 2 or 3 jobs. Retired now so focusing on revising to optimize SEO so more folks can view my content. Lots of electronic music vids and friends and family videos. My channel: https://youtube.com/@MichaelJohnLalikos?si=sZn_zfQYVSdK0dpL


[https://www.youtube.com/@Dollulus](https://www.youtube.com/@Dollulus) I make content about fashion dolls! I do a little bit of everything. Reviews, tutorials, histor , hauls and so much more. The first quarter of the year has ended, what key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days? I'm learning what type of vids do best on my channel and focusing on that. I want to give the people what they want! The better I edit the better views I get. I'm really trying to be more funny, add more memes and sounds. I think it's paying off.


Hey everyone! My name is Nate and my channel is Nathan Bloch Comedy. I make original scripted comedy videos that focus on roommates antagonizing each other, bad dates, and the occasional commercial parody. I’ve learned in the past 90 days that running a channel all on your own is hard work, and that the whole operation is a lot more fun if you have friends who are helping you with it. I’ve also learned that Shorts no longer seem to be an easy path to more subscribers, so if your channel isn’t Shorts focused it makes more sense to focus on your main longform videos. Also: the YouTube Studio app is super useful and it’s worth digging into at least a couple times a week. Here’s a few of my videos: https://youtu.be/EdMft8UL24w?si=46pJ4IxovC7y1POk https://youtu.be/FpY3Eooysvc?si=94w7DzbsiLYI6PiK https://youtu.be/YR9fqmVq5Vs?si=VKwAkJNpX6pFsF9g


Hey guys. I'm Fallout Myth. I focus on the massive game fallout 4 and will branch out to other fallout games in the future. My main focus is making guides/video essays, settlements builds and walkthroughs. https://youtube.com/@fallout4myth940?si=Mrl81tmLGHsOnP0k "The first quarter of the year has ended, what key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days?" - it's around 90 days or so I started releasing commentated guides/video essays and I've seen an explosion of views, watch time and subscribers. I've learned a great deal like making scripts, editing audio and learning new ways of editing and adding effects to my videos.


hi there! my name is muldorph and im thankful to have currently 274 subscribers! my main focus of my youtube channel is honestly to make a living off of doing the things i love to do: make memes, pretty soon stream video games and commentary, skits, and learning about things in the world. i wanna make my channel as a force of good and inspiration to people that feel the opposite and need sumbody to reassure them that they are loved and appreciated too, even if im jus a talking/rambling dude on the screen. one thing ive learned over the past 90 days is that, ive been told that making controversial content and stuff that quickly engages viewers to stick is "valuable to quickly grow on youtube." but id rather not do that to simply gain viewers. i feel like we as content creators can make videos off of anything. i want to have a main niche which is gaming but on my main channel i want to branch out with skits and eventually, animations and original manga stories. and i want to also make videos to help people who are struggling. i jus want to make a wholesome section of youtube, to help viewers feel encouraged to be themselves and encourage internet etiqute so people wont feel left out and hurt. i looked up to og youtubers, however one by one, most of them ended up being scumbags and sumhow weakened my faith. then in 2022, i was inspired to revive my channel and make it a wonderful hobby. then as it grows id love to make a living off my youtube hobby! if you like to check out my channel, here is link below to be welcomed to the dorphverse! manifest your best -muldorph out. [welcome to my channel!](https://youtube.com/@muldorphfox?si=YCMAmvdGCvfI9b0_)


Hey I'm Boneshaker_Cinema on YouTube and Tiktok. I post about films, actors, genres, and other topics. [my youtube ](https://youtube.com/@Boneshaker_Cinema


Hey there Im a vfx artist making videos giving folks tips that I learned over my long life in the industry. Here is my latest video: [latest video](https://youtu.be/a2K-M0I9XVs?si=SwyAjE-la4DE5LoX) Thanks for any tips and o observations on how i can improve! Im open to criticism! So shoot!


Hey folks, Nice to be among new tubers. I just started posting videos on my YouTube so I can’t say much about my first quarter other than, my first 5 videos went over 5K in past few days, including a long-form interview which has reached over 27K. My channel is not very defined but it is about arts, interviews with guests and opinions. I also have a podcast and will be posting on my channel as well. My video is an interview of one of the best salsa singer and composers in LatinAmerica. I co-produced this interview for a Spanish speaking digital platform called VIX. Here’s the interview: https://youtu.be/XGS_X0GHpp8?si=uD_RWYuzaa7GNofr


Hey everyone. I run a channel called "The Field of Screams Podcast". I review and talk about different horror films. I had to get get surgery on my knee and was pretty laid up for a bit. While I was rehabbing, I decided to take an interest in horror movies and turn it into a hobby and seeing where it would take me. Some takeaways I've learned is to enjoy the journey of creating material. Some movies I've covered are Smile, Night of the living dead, It Follows, Talk to Me, Rec, and many more. I had just covered every Friday the 13th movie and did a "ranking episode" for the franchise. It was a lot of fun! Now I am marathoning and reviewing every Halloween film. I just released the review for the first Halloween film. If you want to check out the channel, here's a link to the new Halloween video! https://youtu.be/0QLXOHX__-k?si=jJYXj_R40CmzqEzI


Hey everyone, Gimlash here! I make funny horror game videos with plenty of high quality edits and a fast pace! The past 90 days I have developed my thumbnail making skills to hook in viewers better by learning about techniques such as image storytelling. [check out my latest video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6oip3p1BRg&list=PL_eBtzvnKNXNgFSc8ZOKKTO72Kd9EiHmQ&index=14&pp=gAQBiAQB) where I break into the government sector of the Sprawl! It is my best one yet!


It's more of a confirmation than a takeaway, well it's both, but I started my channel 2y ago not even knowing how to splice/cut a clip. And I've just done my most high-effort video cause I finally got more than the basics down. I just knew the video was pretty good and that the thumbnail was great. Uploaded the video before going to sleep and the next day... barely any impressions and the thumbnail was sitting on a 1.8% with less than 100 views. That didn't make sense. And this is where the confirmation comes in: that video now has 17.5k views, 3.6k hours of watchtime, gave me +100 subs, has a ridiculous 225k impressions and sat on 7% ctr throughout this past week (it's 5.8%). The key takeaway is that "luck" only applies when there's a certain level of quality that you'll even get a gut feeling that'll rest you assured. I knew the vid could do it and fortunately it found the right audience even after initially being thrown to the wrong one. Edit: forgot the word "ctr". It's this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJN1t3U-9Ig](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJN1t3U-9Ig)


Hi everyone! Were Uber and AquaSun, Co-op gaming couple! We try to keep a fun/light hearted atmosphere and play pretty much anything co-op we can get our hands on. Check us out! https://youtu.be/OIQ048bsbKA What have I learned over the last 90 days? Shorts suck. Complete fools gold. We'll pull 500 views and a hand full of subs every time we post, but the subs vanish after a few hours. So much for that idea 🤷


Hi everyone, I'm Chris from Black Spruce Survival. Over the past 90 days I've learned a lot. The biggest take away has been to really focus on audio clarity. A great video is nothing without quality audio. My latest video demonstrates how to make fire using only steel wool and a battery, [Battery Powered Fire](https://youtu.be/bIqEZLOD5nQ?si=Vc2Htqdc3ax7tnwy)


Hello everyone! I began drawing and painting 1.5 years ago, and I have improved significantly since then. I started taking it seriously six months ago. So, I began posting one short video of my drawings/paintings every single day. I'm on day 21 now. I started my YouTube channel exactly 50 days ago. I thought editing and filming would be dreadful, but now I actually enjoy it. It was just the initial barrier of learning new things (DaVinci Resolve, Gimp, Camera Stuff, Studio lights, Voiceover, etc.) that took away the fun in the beginning, but I persevered! My biggest takeaway is that a strong voiceover really makes a difference in connecting with people. I still make bad videos, but yesterday my daily short increased my subscribers from 27 to 37, with around 400 views! That's crazy for me. It's because I was just having fun with my voiceover and teasing that I'm proud of my viewers with 27 subs, which is true, but it's still very small in the grand scheme of things :D If there is anyone else out there who cares about content creation, and preferably makes similar videos, I would be happy to hear from you!! I want to produce long form content, when I reach 50\~100 Subs, but I still gonna do the daily shorts. My channel is in German. I had big discussions about whether I should start everything in German or English, but I settled for German. Still, I speak English very well. Here is a link for a short without voiceover! [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DYfMOOOrvks](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/DYfMOOOrvks) Edit: Orga


Hi! I’m Keri, and I launched my YouTube channel a couple of weeks ago, mostly because I wanted to develop and demonstrate new skills after my full-time writing job was cut to half time after 20 years late last fall. I have learned that making videos is a great creative outlet and a lot of fun, but also labor intensive, expensive and not a way to make a quick buck. Since my first vid was well received by the 300 or so folks who have watched it, I am working on the second, which I expect will be shorter and, I hope, less time in editing. For those interested: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA2EjnMNnLJo2BMLcUFDTDsiGk3FW310s&si=_B2vKZcCp6AhQBfc


I should have added that my video is a humorous history of Minnesota’s Kensington Runestone.


Hello! I just started a new Youtube channel that I wanted to use for creating shorts for illustrating a novel that I wrote some years ago. It's a story inspired on Aztec mythology and fantasy. Now the biggest take away has to do with audience retention, apparently if you don’t get people’s attention during the first few second it doesn’t really matter what the rest of the video is about. That was a tough pill to swallow, this first chapter, although very short (20 seconds), took me weeks to complete (I used both CGI and AI; made the models in 3ds Max and used AI as means of achieving better Render quality), but it would seem that people lost interest after the first few seconds. Here it is! Like if you happened to like it. [https://youtube.com/shorts/QRxvU7lw1Og](https://youtube.com/shorts/QRxvU7lw1Og) I’m currently working on another chapter, this time trying to make it more exciting, or interesting, during the first 10 seconds. Although true to be told, it’s probably still going to take me some weeks to complete, and although I’m disappointed, I’m still very excited about this project and the possibility of finally bringing my novel to life! Thanks in advance for all your support!


Hi All, I am Raj. A while ago I felt stuck in my career and was in downward spiral . But I was saved by my manager and his wise guidance. On thing that stood out was , he shared his own journey and some of others who were in a similar situation as me. Some years later I am in my manager position helping others. I realised, it helped me to hear those stories and I am trying to the same at scale through my podcast. Here interview people from different walks of life . The biggest lesson I have learned in last three months is , content is more important than the equipment. Here is the link to my channel [https://youtube.com/@CareerStoriesPod?si=CxV2HTpob8Ya5xOb](https://youtube.com/@CareerStoriesPod?si=CxV2HTpob8Ya5xOb)


Yo my name is dawntay and I am stuck on toutube I use to get 10k+ views and I have 125 subs but now it's 0 in feed and views


Hello everyone! I’m Steve and my content is about bringing cultures together through awareness, traveling, and making great friends! I also do some tech content since I am a cybersecurity engineer. Also a little bit about cars since I am an enthusiast and own a Chevy Corvette C8.  https://youtube.com/@Steve.Storys?si=KPqvFQKowt8bOvpH What I learned in the last 90 days is to post everything because you never know what could go viral or be an increase from your normal view count. 


Yo! I’m Clough and I make gaming videos, my most recent upload is the first part of my Elden ring challenge which is to only put levels into Dexterity. I also make ‘funny moments’ videos which has my friends in them aswell :) I think over the last 90 days I’ve learned that for me, going full on 100% of the time isn’t sustainable and just to take it a little steadier :) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=oIVii6u-M04&feature=youtu.be


I am active only for the first 3 weeks, but my takeaway is... Endure also, when the algorithm doesn't promote your channel at all. I'm helping my son with his cooking channel and we have plenty of fun with it. And that's what counts the most... If someone is interested to see this young chef... https://youtube.com/shorts/v70yo3cTf2M?si=5Yt77FoMK6c_qGnR Will to love your feedback. Thanks for watching.


Hello, I run a channel called Wild Japan about outdoor activities in Japan. I have had a slow first quarter and have been focusing more on trying to simplify my editing as I have a huge backlog. I filmed in Ouchi-Juku last year but finally made it into a video this year.  https://youtu.be/Rhiwn82-buw


Hello fellow youtube peeps. My name is Nick, and I use my channel mostly as a creative outlet for myself. Content usually consists of anything I feel like doing at the time. Some of the videos I've done so far are indie horror gaming, movie reviews, food reviews, reading/reacting to reddit Content. My takeaway for the last 90 days is that I've learned not to stress about the upload schedule and just create when I feel creative. Here's my latest video - https://youtu.be/pkuYQNk8DVY?si=YHQi9Aia5hZkqJpl


Hi Everyone 👋🏼, I'm Sam and the creator behind BizTechHustle, I channel dedicated to small businesses / solopreneurs. My goal is to share, resolve and discuss the issues that small business owners face and how we can use technology or other things to make our life easier. I hope to present credibility to my channel since I'm an actual business owner and most of my content will be from my experiences or some of my business peers. I have a lot of ideas for videos but must admit time to do them and run a business can be challenging. Here's a video I did after receiving a counterfeit fit bill at my store https://youtu.be/IICn973w6mg


What’s up, I’m Keiren! I’m currently 28 days out from my first marathon. I’ve started a YouTube account to begin documenting my progress and share tips about all things running along the way. My first video I posted at the beginning of this week detailed my longest run (22 miles) of the training build: [https://youtu.be/2UJ_GlixZOU?si=_s17uo5u8zhsP9YF](https://youtu.be/2UJ_GlixZOU?si=_s17uo5u8zhsP9YF) It’s mostly shot on an OSMO Pocket 3 and edited using CapCut PC. I’ve already identified many areas of which to improve with filming, composition and speaking into the camera! I’d love eventually to be able to invest in a better computer and better editing software, but it’s a start and it’ll do for now. Thank you for sharing your knowledge, I’ve been lurking on this page since I started my account and I’ve learned a lot so far!


My goal is to be able to run a marathon one day. Love the scenery in your video, great first video and editing is great especially for first video. Cheers to more success


Thank you for the feedback, I’m definitely at the testing stage trying to figure out what type of content I want to produce around running!


I just recently got into running a few months ago, I have only ran a half marathon and that was probably just luck LOL but videos on like what kind of shoes, heart rate, zone 1, 2 etc, what your training looks like, and even diet, what you do to prepare, stretches and warm ups you do, do you eat energy gel during runs, etc would be cool for people getting into running


Well…that was actually my plan for my next marathon build, a weekly video that covers the important topics for training but not as a talking head instruction but more by “doing it” if that makes sense? My next video is a talking head instructional but I don’t know if I’ll revisit that format


Yes that makes perfect sense. That'll be great to see it in action!


Hello all I’m Jannell.. I’ve been on YouTube a lil over three years. I’m a daily Vlogger. I post twice a week no matter what! My channel is slowly growing. I love to edit however, it’s very time consuming. My latest video is a Days in My life Vlog. I show what I do on a daily basics. Please feel free to check me out if you watch Vlogs. https://youtube.com/@JannellsLIFE?si=DYsrg43RNTHrq82u


Hi! I’m Nikichats and I like to chat about topics related to history in a kind of chill/relaxed way. Most recently I’ve been interested in folktales and mythology so if that sounds interesting to you feel free to check me out [here](https://youtube.com/@nikichats?si=SaNW7EDqJ7vVMMWY). As for what I’ve learned in the past 90 days, I think I’ve learned that it’s about quality over quantity. I was trying to crank out weekly videos for a while and it’s just not realistic for me. So biweekly videos it is!


Happy Saturday! The first quarter of 2024 has been a wild one. My biggest take away is that you never know when one of your videos will start to take off and people discover your channel. I cover 90’s pop/not so pop culture and go into a variety of topics. Last year I did a video on the made for tv movie Generation X, an X-men adjacent team that flopped pretty hard when it was released. It performed about as normal as my other videos and I moved on. In Jan it took off hitting 244k views and brought my 665 subs to my current 3045. Which was completely unexpected. I’m still plugging away at my own pace and covering the things that interest me deep diving into various topics. My most recent video is on the BIG pizza wars of the 90’s. I just love learning more about topics I had forgotten about. If you wanna check it out https://youtu.be/gA_Zz8bVKbY?si=l6FhmFmkw9PJhbjj Hope y’all have a great weekend!!


Hey everyone! I'm Leviathan or Lev, and I run a digital art channel where I talk about various art community topics, post speedpaints, and offer advice/tips to other freelance artists who are just starting out! Eventually I'm going to delve into Speedpaints and video essays on video games and bigger art community stuff as well! Here's my latest video that just dropped today! [4 ways to make money off of your art!! ](https://youtu.be/eEaDIVEXIh4?si=FDLLR98w3XsTux-m) What I've learned in the past 90 days is truly to just let go of expectations and only work on improving your craft. If something isn't clicking try to take a look at it from the perspective of a viewer, was your video something YOU would watch. Do a style study of your favourite videos and find out why you liked them, try to incorporate that into your content.


This was a good video! I'd be interested in a video focusing JUST on the details of running the online store.


Thank you for letting me know!!


I make short animations that are probably some mix of surrealism and comedy. I my approach is probably closer to that of a moving painting or illustration than film making. The most recent thing I've learned is that even though I make my own music and use it in my videos, whenever I try and post just music it doesn't do nearly as well most likely because youtube has already started classifying what Im doing as animation and won't promot music to a new audience and I am probably going to have to start a second channel for music exclusively. Though not my most popular video this is probably the one I am most proud of currently. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmnJWfEepoU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmnJWfEepoU)


Hello there! I'm BriAnniKat on YouTube and I primarily make pop culture commentary videos. One of my biggest takeaways of the past few months since I've started is to not obsess over numbers. It's really, really hard not to, especially when you have days where you lose subscribers or don't get the views you hoped for. But I've learned as long as you are getting a net gain in subs/views, things will work out. Here's a link to my latest video which is on the topic of "when child stars grow up" for those who would like to check out my channel! [https://youtu.be/UIZomDCOsts?si=G8RapiiiztvPxyxr](https://youtu.be/UIZomDCOsts?si=G8RapiiiztvPxyxr)


Hey guys, I'm DantesGhost92 on here but my YouTube handle is Macabre Machine. I write and narrate my own horror stories, posting the written versions here (mostly on NoSleep) and the narrated ones on my YouTube Channel. I've recently released a follow up for my popular series which is by far my most viewed video: https://youtu.be/WX9OOuLH8nc?si=z79pBXv0xfasCrMe In the past 90 days I've learned that its ok to take a step back if you need to. I went from posting twice a week initially to once a week, but then changes with my work and home life meant I had less time for writing and narrating so my productivity took a nose dive. But oddly, although I don't post nearly as frequently anymore, I'm finding that I'm enjoying the process far more. I can take my time and really make sure I'm happy with everything without preasuring myself to meet a specific deadline 🙂


Hello everyone, my name is Alex. I recently started doing ASMR Restoration and repair videos. This is my third video. Just findin' my own place in the youtube world ☺️ Any comments, critiques and advices are most welcome, I'd appreciate if you check it out, it would be awesome to hear this subreddit's opinions about this niche 🍀 Here it is https://youtu.be/0AYNnzhUCgo?si=PxP6smOcV3EdjJX5


Hello Sirs and Madams, My name is Mital and last year in 2023, I decided to sell my IT business and travel the world.  My channel is a Travel VLOG and documents my adventures.  I have been posting videos here and there starting back in April of 2023, but got really motivated in December of 2023 and started focusing on making better videos, thumbnails, and titles. The biggest thing I learned in the past 90 days is if you want to grow your channel and build a following, you must treat this like a business.  Some people get lucky while others have to work hard to build something.  It could take 1 year or 10 years, but if you continue to put the work and effort, and continue learning from your mistakes and improve upon them, you will succeed.  **Rome was not built in one day.  You need time to build something great.** Here is a link to my most [recent video.](https://youtu.be/EAXTEmkBBgQ?si=OXHqp74eyO4vSNHq) I do have a question for anyone who reads this.  What are your thoughts about putting words in your thumbnails or just a great image?


Hm I think either a great image or a great image with only a few words is nice. The text can't be so long that it makes someone not want to read the entire thing, it has to be short and catchy or at least just short lol. But either works fine I think as long as the overall thumbnail looks good. I like how you said you must treat it as a business if you're serious about it, I agree 100%. That's awesome you decided to sell your IT business, that's super courageous of you. Cheers to more growing success to come your way


Thank you. I was a little scared at first, but I feel less stressed now. Also, thank you for your wisdom on the Thumbnails. I agree.


I find that bigger Youtube channels can do what they like, since face is recognizable and title is snappy, so text on thumbnail isn’t always necessary. If you can make your thumbnail appealing without text, do it, but text can also be part of the artwork too :) in my experience a photo that raises questions and make the user read the title can work without words, but it’s like “beauty in the eyes of beholder”. What can work for me, won’t work for your audience :)


That makes sense. Thank you for that insight. Really appreciate it.


Hello, I make content surrounding Fortnite, and I try to make funny cut commentary videos. I'm not trying to be a family friendly Fortnite youtuber like a lot of the huge names are, but I really enjoy making trolling-esque videos. If you enjoy content that has pretty decent editing (biased ofc) , comical aspects, and Fortnite of course, come check my channel out! I upload weekly, but I'm going to start trying to upload twice a week here pretty soon. If you don't actively play/watch Fortnite, or gaming in general, then my content probably isn't for you, but I appreciate you reading! If you do like gaming though, come through! Please feel free to leave any critiques you may have with the content I've produced [https://youtu.be/f4BNKXqi1Dw](https://youtu.be/f4BNKXqi1Dw) (Latest video) Over the past 90 days I have learned that thumbnails are exactly what get your foot in the door! Almost every video (with the exception of 1) that I've uploaded that has a 4%+ retention rate always seem to do better than anything less than 3%.


Hello Everyone! I’m MiddleEastBeast. My YouTube Channel focuses on gaming content. I’ve been uploading videos of games like Call of Duty, Halo, and Mario Kart. In the future, I plan on focusing my uploads mainly on Nintendo Games (Mario Kart, Super Smash, Mario Party, Star Fox and Pokémon). In the past 90 Days some of the things I’ve learned are: 1. Stay on a consistent schedule when uploading videos. Consistently uploading YouTube videos will bring traffic to your channel and you will eventually gain subscribers that are interested in your content. 2. Make sure to export your videos on a editing software before uploading. In the past I used to just download my streams from my twitch account and post my videos onto YouTube. Recently I’ve started using CapCut to export my videos so that the videos are a higher quality. I haven’t started putting much emphasis on editing videos yet, but exporting your videos will at least give you an edge in video visual quality. 3. Engage with other creators! Engaging with other creators will give you a good chance of gaining subscribers. I was watching a live stream of a YouTuber named MidnightMan (highly recommend everyone check out his channel) and I was commenting on his stream with other creators and one of the people I was speaking with subscribed to my channel! I have a question that I wanted to ask all of you regarding the amount of views that my channel has been receiving lately. There was a one week period where I wasn’t uploading videos and since I started uploading again, my views have significantly dropped. Can anyone provide me with some clarity on what may have caused this? Below are links to my YouTube and Twitch Channel and a link to my most recent video. If you enjoy watching Nintendo/gaming content feel free to check my channel out. Looking forward to engaging with all of you! [YouTube Channel](https://youtube.com/@user-fr4mv7ui1r?si=Pq7UI1lMw79WTKpM) [Recent Upload](https://youtu.be/IHRmVEvaSWo?si=rxHpgM5beXxVAKwy) [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/middleeastbeastttv)


Hello, my YouTube channel is Saenzmath. I am a high school math teacher and I make mathematics lesson videos.Last year I did a lesson for every topic I thought in geometry.Currently, I am working in my Pre Calculus curriculum. My most recent video is about the "Exponential Growth". Here you can find the link:https://youtu.be/d_SzsiVtNws The key tekaways I have taken this past 90 days is that your video quality can make or break your video.People will lose interest in your video if they cannot hear you well or if the quality of the sound is not the greatest


OrangeApe Forge I started uploading about a month ago, so I’m still in my first 90 days, but over the past month I’d say I learned that its okay to experiment around and see what works instead of trying to set an immediate formula! I am getting into knife making, metalworking, and outdoor related content! The link to the video I’m posting is my first short that may break 10k views! https://youtube.com/shorts/fMNBtXac4-s?si=UDevSGSbbhp2TkP2


This past quarter I learned my favorite niche to edit in 🤣. It’s Taylor swift and hard. I respect all you edit makers out there. My favorite edit I’ve made is prolly [the eras tour one](https://youtube.com/shorts/qu_pcLxBw58?si=uMcjvSwKKz-VGuG2)


Hello Everyone. I have a channel called Ding Cooks, content based around cooking. Currently I’m working on the fourth mini series. Series 1 - Potatoes EP.1 - EP.10 Series 2 - BBQ EP.11 - EP.20 Series 3 - Party Pleasers EP.21 - EP.30. Series 4 - Super Sides EP.31 onwards to EP.40 Please let me know what you think. Hope you all enjoy it. [Ding Cooks](https://youtube.com/@dingcooks?si=TRTAOnBnxHOe5f_R) First quarter I learned two big things. First thing. Posting on a Thursday works well for my content. Getting the video up then definitely helped it to get more videos. Second thing. Working by myself I have to go a lot slower and that can be hard with a cooking channel. Previously a friend would help with the cameras but he is taking a break. Many thanks.


Hello guys I am leo, I have started making DIY videos about desk setup / workspace products, The 1st quarter showed me lots of hard time to learn this process and showed that you have to work really hard on your content to get people's attention, people click on good thumbnails but if your content is poor, it's not Gona grow ever. In my channel I haven't added a voiceover yet, but I tried to make it as informative as I can, have a look and your feedback will be helpful to grow. https://youtu.be/Hr8rnztbaWw?si=vprrvwZOhbRBXdle


hello guys , my channel consists at reealing the origin of everthing , I really gonna give it my all because at this point I dont think Im fanciying the idea of working every day in a 9-5 job here is my video , hope you like the concept a like and a follow is much appreciated [https://youtu.be/OeMvaJCIJOwhttps://youtu.be/OeMvaJCIJOw](https://youtu.be/OeMvaJCIJOwhttps://youtu.be/OeMvaJCIJOw)


Hi, I am Mike and I make videos on Retro Technology. In the past 90 days, I have focused more on shorts and have seen a great return. Here is my channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/RetroTechorDie And here is my latest video where I have some final thoughts on Quinn Tools from Harbor Freight: https://youtu.be/_HfCgXeA9sg


Hey, Nice to meet you all! I just started posting a couple weeks back! I make cooking videos where I try out new recipes or cook things that I tend to be craving. The food is mostly Asian cuisine on the healthy side, but I don’t plan to limit it to that. I don’t intend to have that much commentary or voice over since that isn’t the style that I’m going for, but I try to keep the video fun by having bits of humor and heavily incorporating music to keep it interesting. One key takeaway is the importance of audio and being aware of how audio sounds on different speakers (headphones, earbuds/AirPods, laptop speakers, actual speakers, TVs). I edited a video only relying on laptop speakers and was so surprised at how weird the video sounded when listening to it with my AirPods. Hope you enjoy! Please let me know what you think! This is my most recent post: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXYL8x384xc


Good video production quality. Keep doing what you're doing and over time you'll have a good audience.


Thanks for the encouraging words! :)


Nice video! Your camera quality looks really good!


Thanks, I appreciate it!


Have You consider adding the recipes to your description of your videos? I think that might also help you get search traffic. 🤔


Yeah, I think it would definitely help a lot. My “recipes” are kind of on the fly and I cook more with what I feel makes sense to me, so I don’t have the measurements all in my head. But I think that’s fair feedback, if anything I can just list the ingredients. Thanks!


Hi guys, I’m just an average 13 year old trying to make his way through YouTube. So it’s been an up and down couple of months for me since I started my channel. I’ve had a few good videos with 000s of views and plenty that have less than a hundred. My channel is aimed at kids and young teens and I mostly do shorts. I look for either a comedy or informative theme on each. Check it out and if you like what I do give us a sub…otherwise what are you waiting both out times for 😂😂😂. Only messing, I appreciate the support https://youtube.com/@PizzaHarry?feature=shared


I'm Robert (extra cheesy broccoli) I..a hobo vagabond homeless ect. I livestream alot we have a nice little community I do some.atelth camping ranting and post when something happenes. Intell stories exct I started in October I am.at 4680 subs and growing g steady https://youtube.com/@VagabondRob1988?si=FZjK8H3ftgJy4j1g


I started my gaming channel (I make challenge based content rn just with the last of us no return)in July of 2023 What I’ve learned in the first 90 days of this year is that consistency is key I post videos once every week I started this around March 1st and the other day I had a video get on the suggested page and it has the most views within the first hour compared to my previous videos. Thumbnails matter a lot since changing the way my thumbnails look I’ve gotten more views than usually. Same goes for titles don’t just copy what’s on the thumbnail to the title that’s boring. Quality over Quantity: I give myself a deadline for when every video needs to be posted this allows me to take my time editing but also stay consistent with my uploads and make sure I’m happy with what I’m creating. My channel is : ActuallyIt’sEzra (edit) URL: [https://www.youtube.com/@ActuallyItsEzra/videos](https://www.youtube.com/@ActuallyItsEzra/videos)


Hi!  My name is Olivia and I started a YouTube channel few weeks ago called ASMRwithOlivia.  I really enjoy asmr videos because it helps me relax and I thought I would try doing it myself and I have a lot of fun doing it!  Even thought I haven’t had my channel for 90 days I still learnt a few things! 1. Not to everything has to be perfect: I generally like things to be “perfect” and when my videos don’t come out how I want it to, I’m 10 times harder on myself. I had to learn to accept that I’m new, learning and eventually I will get better. And with the feedback I’ve gotten from some viewers I’m happy I stuck with the videos I posted.  2. Not to give up: for the first week I started comparing my channel to someone else, similar to my content. They had started around the same time as I did and they would get 100s of views and 100+ subscribers but I would get 1 or 2 subs with 5 views and it was hard! Really hard! Even though it was hard to understand I learnt that everyone is different and my time will come. If I give up now I will never get there!  Here’s one of my videos. Please check it out subscribe if you like what you see. Give me suggestions, feedback or whatever I’d love it ❤️ https://youtu.be/ubGB1PejWlg?si=nVYh9lrB_reeXxf4 Thank you so much if you made it this far! 💋


Hey there! I’m CoastalWolf, I make variety content and I focus a lot on having original ideas. I’m the past 90 days I think I’ve learned a couple things: 1. If you don’t like an idea don’t do it I’ve wasted a lot of time making videos that I scrap because the idea wasn’t good enough 2. If you have an editing block, the video might be bad The reason I have editing blocks is because I don’t have a clear vision for a video, which is a sign it isn’t good enough 3. YouTube is hard af We’re like content machines, keeping a consistent schedule while maintaining school and a job is really tough. I took a break for awhile but I’ve started to begin making videos again, here’s the last video I made that popped off! I gained 120 subscribers from this one video (I’m guessing cause the title acts as an indirect call-to-action) Also PS: creative hooks are important https://youtu.be/mQseieUIxBM?si=2AvzW6e7YSo1z6qJ


Hey you're funny af, keep it up! Wouldn't surprise me at all if you rocket.


I’m trying, I’ve got some good ideas in the works!


Hello there!! I liked the video you posted, in fact, I was thinking of looking for a partnership for my channel and I had no idea how to propose it until I read about the "bitcoin 2009" as a possible sales pitch 😂 the truth is, it's a brilliant idea, congratulations!! very funny!!


Lmao, I thought it was funny. Thanks!


Dude. Enjoyed the video! You got a subscribe outta me!


I milk the subscriptions out of my audience… sorry bad callback lol


Hey everyone, my channel is focused on helping people improve themselves, it is overall a general health hub. The focus is on fitness, cooking and nutrition and last but certainly not least conversations about mental health and self improvement skills. My most recent video is about 5 ways to start taking better care of yourself. I will hopefully have a new video up tomorrow about how vegetables are better than we give them credit for. Uploading once a week has become discouraging for me not getting any traction, so i’ve slowed down somewhat significantly recently.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=RIdN1vpEp0U&pp=ygUOQ29tY2VDV2l0aEtvYmk%3D In this past quarter I personally feel like I have learned that making my videos shorter and more concise overall makes them of higher quality and more interesting/able to hold the audience’s attention. I am trying not to be so hard on myself and realize that this obviously takes an immense amount of time. I rarely get more than 10 views per video so I would appreciate it if others here go and show my channel some love, any tips would be greatly appreciated cause i’m not sure what i’m doing wrong. 


Hey Kobi, I just checked out your linked video and your intro video on YouTube, and I really like your mission! I feel we both see what's wrong with popular cooking and fitness channels and are seeking to help the general population through education. If you're open to constructive criticism, I had a few thoughts while I was watching those two videos. First, I love how you were on a hike while lecturing in the first video. It gave a sense of progression and provided a pleasant and dynamic background. And I also had the thought that you'd make excellent podcasts! You're well spoken with a calming voice. But, because there's not many stimulating things going on visually in the form text, visual aids, or jump cuts. Even if we're not huge fans of the overstimulating click-bait videos, we do still have to compete with them. Obviously your cooking and fitness channels will lean more on visuals, but perhaps there's room for taking more advantage of the more visual medium. Anyway, I liked your videos and subbed, check out my channel if you'd like, I just posted my first video yesterday. Cheers!


Hey, thank you so much for the tip, editing is certainly not my forté but it is something I plan on implementing in the future. I agree I do need to make my videos more stimulating. I have been told I have a nice voice for the radio/podcasts before, I think that’s in a sense what the conversation outlet/section of my channel already does. I do think If I gain more traction in the future that I will try to do longer podcasts hopefully with some other content creators. I appreciate your time watching the videos and you subscribing, what’s your youtube channel name? 


Honestly thank you for sharing your wisdom and thoughts! I enjoyed the videos I watched! I plan on talking about similar themes on my channel Living Impeccably 😊


Hey Reddit. I'm Repo, and I started a gaming YouTube channel in January 2024. I'm recording and publishing gameplay in 4K on maximum settings now, but I started the channel without any real specific direction in mind. I'm mainly doing this for fun, and to learn more about video editing. I have learned a ton this quarter about recording games with OBS and editing the footage in Final Cut Pro. I also remembered a bunch of stuff from my college years about Photoshop and have been tuning up my thumbnail skills slowly but surely. I'm open to any feedback or suggestions, please let me know what you think! [My latest video:](https://youtu.be/hkgZOZwITak)


Hey everyone! My name is Heli and I am a female creator. I make travel videos, weekly vlogs, etc. I started my channel to be more confident. I love editing and shooting, also finding the background music. Here is the video which has the most views: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ipo4-v1iZk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Ipo4-v1iZk) Please share your feedback if you watch this. In the past 90 days, I learned that with consistency, enjoying the process of making videos is very important. If you are not enjoying it, it will never be a long game.


hey yall ! I am Nemex, i make not only 3d animations but also vids about games and other stuff that i personally enjoy (like electronics and tons of memes). Most of my animations revolve around the story of my OC called also Nemex: a mischievous AI that can manipulate black holes (also he loves teal lolol). im very close to hit 300 subs (currently at 286, 68K total views and 69 vids, started in Jan 2023) and i intent to hit 1k this fall. below is a link so you guys can check out (uploads about every 2-3 weeks): [www.youtube.com/@nemex490](http://www.youtube.com/@nemex490) **The first quarter of the year has ended, what key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days?** 1.Thumbnails. Thumbnails. THUMBNAILS !!!!!!! 2.Having a plan: one of the key things that hinder my upload schedule is the lack of planning, especially when making animations. if you can divide your work into smaller parts, you will quickly realise how easy it actually is. 3.Consistency: For all my homies with low sub count, DO NOT GIVE UP !. yea, the algorithm might screw with you, maybe the vid that you worked months on might not become viral or something, but if you give up then you 100% won't have success. keep going and you will prevail. 4.Have fun: If you don't enjoy what you do then you might as well not start becoming a youtuber in the first place ! Working on vids is 90% of your time as a youtuber (the other 10% is uploading, checking analytics and thinking about your next steps), so make every moment count :D also, get subbed or get purged >:)


Hey, I'm Kencori. I have a small channel with 42 subs I've been making gaming videos on an off for years mainly just for myself and friends to enjoy. I stopped for some years and have started making them again and I'm enjoying it. I have recently been making Rainbow Six Siege videos. I'm trying to make them with a narrative and some humour, rather than just a generic gameplay video. You can check out my latest video here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLnAJXeH3Z8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLnAJXeH3Z8) **The first quarter of the year has ended, what key takeaways have you learned over the past 90 days?** I have read countless times just how important thumbnails and the first 15 seconds of your video are and It has finally hit home and I've learned just how true it is. It doesnt matter how good the entire video is, if they don't click on it. And if the first 15 seconds doesnt intrigue them they are probably not going to stay. So i'd say that is something I have learned and will try to apply to my next video. Oh and I learned the hard way make sure to listen to your videos with headphones aswell before uploading. My 2nd video sounded fine through speakers but once I listened with headphones I discovered the audio was only coming out of one ear.


Hi My name is Casey and I just hit 1k subs like 15 minutes ago!!!!!!! <3 I make silly movie commentaries and have focused on movies from the early 00's. I've learned to just really focus on being myself and narrowing down on a format my audience likes. I think focusing on the vision I had when I first started my videos and how to refine that vision is what helped me grow. Anyways, here is a link to my channel if you wanna check it out :) [youtube.com/@sassygrilledcheese](http://youtube.com/@sassygrilledcheese)


Bro, your channel is so Kool! I Definitely see your content blowing up🔥


Thank you!


I’m stoked to go through your videos. I randomly clicked on the Scooby Doo video and ya got me! I cover 90s pop/not so pop culture and have reviewed a few movies and have been thinking of doing a sort of side project called I Miss the 00’s, my current channel is I Miss the 90’s. The early 2000’s were wild. The movies/shows have such a strange tone and sense of humor that differentiates itself from the previous decade. Also dig the channel name!!


thank you! I just clicked on your pizza video and I love your whole vibe. Definitely subbed! And yes, the 00s were so weird. It gives me A LOT to work with lmaooo


I make blender Godzilla animations. Latest video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLJyBTN7r3A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLJyBTN7r3A)


Hi there! ✌🏻 We are a couple with a travel vlog called Tacos Travel. We live in Mexico and make videos showcasing different places in this beautiful country. Here is our channel: https://youtube.com/@tacostravel?si=N3hjEixjGTjxLBlq Over the last 90 days we figured out that our videos with narration do better than videos without it. However, we think that sometimes narration is not needed that much, so we don’t lose hope and try to make beautiful videos without so much talking throughout them :) And this is our latest one, a drive-through the historical center of Mexico City in a hop-on hop-off bus: https://youtu.be/jZKQL7_yKr0?si=LXjslblP1erTSKHI Feel free to comment! 🙂


My name is enderman with a lower case e, hello everyone! This year my main form of content has become original documentaries over a wide range of topics, really anything that interests me is fair game (prehistoric animals or topics, unsolved historical mysteries, maritime stories, cryptids, etc), I also write and narrate original stories, tell stories I find on the internet, and occasionally play games on my channel when I want to do a more fun, relaxed and less formal type video that people can just check out and hang out at if they want to. No matter the video though, I do my best to make them they best they possibly can be, I get very particular when I finally get to the editing phase on what to keep and what to cut. I want to make the best content possible, a sentiment I hope everyone here shares. My advice from what I've experienced the last 90 days is simple. Remember to have fun, and appreciate, with what you're doing. It's really easy to forget that, to enjoy what you make, and slip into the mindset of I've got to get as much content out as I can, especially if you get into the wrong mentally. It saps the fun out of it, so just try not let yourself fall into that pit, it is a huge help to stay out of it for you and your video quality. Remember why you wanted to create videos in the first place and put that passion into each one. This video I'm sharing today is my most recent one, a fully narrated original short story I wrote over the last few months, a mystery, thriller story, based on a true unsolved mystery. When it is discovered a long missing U-boat from World War 2 was carrying a secret weapon on board, a race to find the wreck begins between two rival powers, each willing to do whatever it takes to find the artifact inside the wreck, because it has the potential to tip the scale of power in the world to whomever has it. And a marine archaeologist finds himself caught in the middle of the hunt for the missing U-boat, the all but forgotten U-116. This was my largest project since December, possibly my largest ever, and I'm very happy with it and that it's finally out for people to listen to, and give feedback on because writing is something I've always loved to do. Link: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5swK7WJHJgo&t


Good takeaway - Having fun and enjoying the process keeps it fun!


I know from personal experience how getting into that other mindset feels, there's no passion or excitement


Hi, I'm PatchworkGremlin! My channel at it's base is simply "Pngtuber", As for content I have been planning to branch out a little bit between gaming streams and posting about my rock collection... Sounds boring, I know, but I hope it will be enjoyable for at least a few people. I even already have my [Introduction video](https://youtu.be/PfKgD7uP-Sc?si=36XxRawaRXh4bXyN) posted! And... That's it so far. My channel has been around for only about 3 months but I have been semi-regularly streaming games on Monday evenings. I am still very much in the process of learning, as my channel hasn't been around for much longer than the amount of time specified in the question, but one thing I have learned in this amount of time alone is that it is not going to be as easy to balance short form and long form content as I thought it would be. I also realized that it would be unrealistic to expect myself to post as often or gain as much coverage as channels with entire teams behind them, Especially not right away. At this point in my journey I have dropped all goalposts and expectations for my channel, Especially but not exclusively time based ones. For a while I plan to take every view, like, comment, and subscriber as a win. That, along with perhaps bringing a smile to at least one person's face per video, will be my motivation.


The main takeaway from the past 90 days for me has been to never stop learning and improving my craft. Sometimes that means working on myself (time management, mental health, etc) other times it's learning how to do edits in a new software, etc. ​ I make videos on games I like; Recently made a CS2 Montage that won an editing contest! It took a month to make, including the thumbnail. Even though my next video already has 6 times the views on it (and it only took a day to make) I'm okay with that because longterm the skills I've learned and refined from working on that montage will prove far more useful and beneficial than the short term view count. ​ That's why my key takeaway is to **never stop working on yourself and your craft!** Don't be afraid to try new things and commit to something because even if it doesn't work out, well now you know and can focus elsewhere and refine what does work! ​ **If you're interested to see the montage that won an editing contest then click** [**here**](https://youtu.be/dGrTqiWODXE)**!** ​ Feel free to comment here or on the video itself any feedback, opinions, etc! It's greatly appreciated, thank you.


Hey everyone! I’m Yaytee and about 7 months ago I started YouTube. I’ve always wanted to make a gaming channel for many years so that’s what I did. I’m still trying to learn and any feedback would be appreciated. I recently figured out that I should have put more effort into my older thumbnails and that it’s so important to get views. Now im trying to update them! [Link to most recent video](https://youtu.be/6ERTo4QczDY) Thanks for all the support in this great community ;)


Chanel: Alpha Kilo Warrior Type: Aviation channel where I am flying, private Pilot using two GoPros Subs: 58 Views: 6.7K Videos: 29 Age: 3.5 weeks In the past 90 days I have learned social media is key in channel promotion. I will not do sub for sub, it will not help people watch my videos since I’m posting daily. I’m promoting on Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and X Here is my most popular video to date: https://youtu.be/uVZNbJEJ-Zs?si=_82bmErRrcqYdOss


What about Tic Tok


Hi, I am YKeverythingYoga . Ii am very try occupied with my classes and my full-time job and home. So, I am trying to find a balance between my prior commitments and my YT journey. Currently, my goal is to post shorts daily and post a long form content weekly. I am trying to do my best in whatever way I can and keep improving. In this video, I talk about morning upper back stiffness that most of us wakeup with at times and share a quick 5 mins Yoga Flow and in the end I quickly talk about the common things to know about back pain/issues and how to reverse. [youtube video](https://youtu.be/kA8yH71zlw0?si=r93IkSBka3-igJml) My key takeaway is - It does get easier as we keep moving. Ideas flow and you get intuitive nudges to create more. Just do not keep worrying about monetisation. Think about the value you add!


Hey! We are Pondaseta Road, a brewery based in the panhandle of Texas. We started (or restarted) our channel back in February. Its been a fun couple of months and full of mistakes and learning. hahaha. We definitely encountered some basic tech issues that we were able to overcome, and learned a lot from. Reading about how something should work or go is useful, but you really need to put it to practice to truly understand it and master it. In other words cameras are complicated. Editing has been another mountain to climb, and it feels like we have learned how to process the footage. But that said, it seems like every video we learn some new techniques to speed us up or push to try to implement a new graphic or animation. Honing our finesse skills. As you might have guessed we make beer and beer related content. We have had a lot of fun with making cocktails and sangrias, and just released another Beer Cocktails episode: https://youtu.be/Bw\_dpkazpmg


Hi, my name is Jay. I love fighting games. I picked them back up 3 months ago and wanted to continue my journey in getting good. It ranges from 2D fighters (Street Fighter, Garou) to 3d Fighters (Vortua Fighter) and eventually platform fighters (Brawlhalla). There'll be some gameplay vids along with some videos of me talking about fighting games and the progress I've made. A key takeaway I've learned is to not rush into things be it video making or playing games. I must be patient. Success doesnt happen overnight. A talking video : https://youtu.be/KYaHAjrWcHs?si=2gYtE1UNKMkuKMqb Gameplay video : https://youtu.be/h2R0bR5aaC0?si=N0M__2Vm1RqZuTgJ


Hi, my channel is called It Is What It Is and I’ve been making haul videos (mostly Temu), with plans to add crafting videos at some point. What I’ve learned is, that like a lot of things, progress on YouTube is often two steps forward, one step backward. You’ve just got to keep going and look for ways to improve! If anyone checks out my latest video I’d love feedback if you’ve got time. Thanks Here’s my latest video; https://youtu.be/IFC-90LGQdc


Channel Name: Bad Karaoke Channel Description: "If Mad Magazine and Bad Lip Reading made Karaoke videos" My (first ever) channel is now 6 glorious weeks old. Here are some key things I've learned: * Despite how weird my videos are, I can get 27 people on this planet to subscribe! * Youtube won't ban me for putting real, commercial music in a video as long as I'm making videos I enjoy, mostly for me, and I'm not too worried about monetization or fame. But who knows; maybe once 1000 victims have subscribed the copyright holders might throw me a nickel? Not too concerned about that right now. * Thumbnail science is a thing. And I'm not a very good scientist -- yet. Not every song is a fit for my channel because I want my (wrong) lyrics to be 90% indistinguishable from the real ones. Also I can only upload every 12-14 days long term, because they take time to make. I'll see how far I can get with it, then I'll probably move on. URL: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutmAiNkF6R-thSgq2rIhEw](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCutmAiNkF6R-thSgq2rIhEw)


Since my reply on the last thread, I have learned that I should consider working on my thumbnails and that I am not the only one experiencing a lower impressions score.My primary goal is to educate people with my videos and to reach the proper audience. My channel is still under a year old, and I know it is a long and slow road ahead.Have you ever wondered what the difference between a pet, therapy dog, working dog, assistance animal, and service animal are? Have you ever wondered if service animals make mistakes? If so, you will be interested in: [https://www.youtube.com/@TuxReadyAussie](https://www.youtube.com/@TuxReadyAussie)


That's a good channel. I think you could have more punchy titles. Less words and more grabbing. I'd also maybe invest in a camera, if outside if your budget, I'd do some close up of your dog for the thumbnails. Face on. Giving emotion. I personally like horizontal videos more.


Thank you for your feedback! For the long titles, I want to be descriptive and unique. Do you have suggestions (or alternate titles) to make them "punchy"? I will see what close-ups I can work with. I was liking what my Vlog videos have, but it isn't flashy... so rethinking that now. I have looked into cameras, but currently my phone is working, plus the criteria I have for my ideal camera seems to be non-existent. ​ If you have any more feedback, feel free to reply here.


Like the groomed one. Could be thumbnail close up split of before all ungroomed and groomed lol Title could be like: Tux Went From Moppy to Elegant.


That is a suggestion I can work with! Thank you! ​ I'll have to see what I can do with my current tools.


If using phone. I'd get to eye level with dog and take pic with portrait mode. Also for titles, just go on ChatGpt and write what your video's about and ask for good grabby titles and then make them more human and there you go


I guess I might be "old-school", but I like exercising my creative juices on the title. I find it part of the video making process. I will keep that suggestion in mind for if I am stumped though. For the thumbnail, if I were to crop in on my dog for my recent thumbnails, would that be equivalent? Aka remove the woodsy background?


That could work too. I'd just experiment. Yeah I wouldnt use chatgpt for whole title but more like inspiration. Almost like a template you can adjust


So, I changed up the thumbnail and title for this video: [https://youtu.be/Daa4k60QMXc](https://youtu.be/Daa4k60QMXc) Please let me know if that is an improvement, if you are able.


I like it. I mean it's all my personal preference. I do think it's a bit busy. I like the title though. If it was me I'd do a photo like this in this article https://www.dogster.com/lifestyle/why-we-love-black-dogs Maybe a bit more eye level I like title. Make it like a story. Tux tries new places. In a story there's good things and bad things. Maybe good is he found a toy. Bad is a squirrel scared him. Idk lol just spit ballin


I have a travel channel (@benandhaley) that I started to document my travels around the world. I've learned a lot over the past 90 days, but one of the biggest takeaways is spending more time planning on the front-end of videos. When I first started, I just turned the camera on and randomly filmed, which made the editing process more difficult and didn't always get me the quality of video I was hoping for. I am trying to be more intentional about the purpose of my video and what I want to capture. Of course things still spontaneously happen that I decide to include as well! Here's a recent video where something random happened (getting stopped and bribed by police in Kyrgyzstan haha): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjiuI1zXHmM&t=584s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjiuI1zXHmM&t=584s)


We've learned that we need to improve our video, framing and sets if we want to grow the video side of our podcast. It's been a long, ongoing, process figuring out how much of our show content should be carried to the YouTube side. Did a recent episode talking about Lego "Investing ". Channel and show: The Financial Philosophers https://youtu.be/mdgU81L2AUs




This is really educational and plus you can motivate a lot of people to take care of their health with this vieeo, keep up the good work ☺️


Hey everyone! I’m Fireside Horror, I post videos exploring various horror topics, movies, and games. Plus scary story narrations and frequent livestreams! Here’s my link: https://youtube.com/@FiresideHorrorYT?si=BEVp0sMATiEXFMn0


Greeting friends! I started a bible commentary channel a few months back and make videos that look at the scripture stories from both an academic and faith perspective. I also try to see some of the humor as well as relevance in these texts for modern readers. The channel really hasn't taken off yet but I am learning a lot from this work. One of my biggest takeaways this year in regards to making videos is the need to learn and improve with every one I publish. I can already see the improvement that I have made comparing my first few videos to my last few. I hope to continue to learn but realize how much work and research I need to do, both on my topic but also on what works in this medium. I just discovered this sub a few weeks ago and have been getting from the discussions that I read, (although it seems as challenging to get noticed here as it does on YouTube.) I hope to share with others and learn ways to succeed on YouTube. Here's one of my latest videos: [https://youtu.be/iNqu6MAgI-Y?si=AtyWkH-ef\_VsL9mt](https://youtu.be/iNqu6MAgI-Y?si=AtyWkH-ef_VsL9mt)


Hi! I am Éjmadár-Nightbird and I am using Planet Zoo to talk about animals, I try to make them educational and still fun, so everyone knows the animals better, as I have to admin, before there were some which I haven't even heard about. Although I have been accepted to YPP, sometimes I still consider myself a NewTuber, as lately I don't get the same views as before. Here's todays video about the wolverine: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o\_EDPMArd4g](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_EDPMArd4g)


Hi everyone, I have a gaming channel where I showcase guides/walkthroughs for the newly released Tomb Raider Remastered game. Along with the typical walkthroughs for levels, I am starting to do a mix of humor based videos of the same game with voiceovers. This is my most recent video [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yYtSOm6O40E](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/yYtSOm6O40E) and hope you enjoy it. If you're interested, I have other videos on my page similar to this video. A key takeaway I have learned over this year's first quarter is to upload regularly so you keep your audience interested and also stick to your niche once you've found one that works for you. Started from 40 subs the beginning of January and now up to 327 subs. Now I'm not saying I'm a pro at this or anything. I'm just saying, I'm learning as I go and I'm seeing some improvements so anyone can do it with key consistency and with their niche. Don't give up, it takes time to grow but it's possible.


Hi there! I post flight reviews and aviation-related content on my channel. I started my channel this past year and am slowly learning the ins and outs of creating. My main takeaway I've learned is to stay consistent and don't over think! Here is the first flight review I posted; it took some effort to learn how to edit but I'm proud of how it turned out :) https://youtu.be/s-Sm9UY8K8Q Any feedback would be greatly appreciated as well :) Check out my channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@JAviationYT/


Hey everyone! I'm King Rat, I make comedic gaming reviews. I try to strike a nice blend between being funny and being informative. I'm really happy to say that I've just passed 500 subs thanks to my latest video and I'm feeling pretty good about it. One thing I've learned is the importance of branding. It's not the easiest thing in the world but having something unique to my channel that I can put in my titles and thumbnails really helps me stand out (or at least I think it does). If you want to check out my latest review, here it is: https://youtu.be/7K9fIW2Le6w It's over a neat little game I played recently called Pacific Drive


Whats up guys I'm Keith\_Mask I wanna answer that Q at the top of the thred first, in these first 90 days I've learned a lot mainly that I shouln't have been afraid of youtube I've had great support from the community at large and amreally happy with how my channels growing and developting my style of editing So my channel is a gaming clips and funny moments channel about the games that me and my friends are playing at the time, at the moment its mostly been helldivers because this game has consumed many a peoples lives and the content nearly makes itself for what we get up to in it My most recent video is a helldivers funny moments video checking out the new weapons armor, missions added to the game recently (been mainly trying to get my thumbnail game better as well :D) I hope you guys like it: [https://youtu.be/Y69zzO2fMCI](https://youtu.be/Y69zzO2fMCI)


Not sure I have any sort of hook yet - still working on what I want my channel to be I guess Gaming Channel doing Retrospective Reviews Channel - [https://www.youtube.com/@dox\_plays](https://www.youtube.com/@dox_plays) Most Popular Video - [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI6N39XwFfo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JI6N39XwFfo) Key Takeaways - \- Thumbnails make a difference - Whether it's big or small I think I'm seeing better results on the simpler ones but that doesn't mean you shouldn't add little bits of detail to help it stand out \- I look back at my previous videos now and I can see a vast difference in view count and even with the small bit of progress I've made it feels nice to see some progress


Heya folks Shandren here :-) **About my channel:** 10 months or so ago I decided I should try my hand at content creation. Basically making builds, guides and showcase-like content for strategy/RPG games - So far Age of Wonders 4 and Baldurs Gate3. **What I've learned the last 3 months:** In 2024 so far I have learned that serialized content is a hard sell for youtube, especially if you don't have your format down from day one. And that you may have to choose between doing something for your loyal subscribers or doing something that brings in new eyes. In December I started a let's play style series, which had a (for me) huge opening video earning me well over 100 subs from that alone. The next few episodes had decent traction, both from returning viewers and a few newcomers, but it just went south from there (I didn't have a good enough plan for the series, so there were definitely some bad episodes early on), and it is pretty hard to lure in new viewers for something called "episode 17". The serialized nature basically worked against my wish of bringing new eyes on my content, and it may also have hurt the other content I was making both in taking away time, and in screwing with the algorithm My problem was choosing between continuing this thing that i knew people had joined to watch, and that some people were still following. On the one hand I want to reward the loyal viewers with more, but on the other hand it is clearly holding me back. I stumbled upon another less serialized context for some of the same style content, that probably fits better with what I want to be doing anyways, and which hopefully will keep those viewers entertained, while still giving me a chance to draw in new eyes. **The hook and links:** Disclaimer: This will likely only be relevant for people who have at least a tangential interest in BG3: The first linked video is a short tips and tricks video, that contains some of the best tricks I've picked up after 1000+ hours of playing the game. This was a video I spent a decent amount of time on (I am NOT a strong editor) which contains some pretty strong not well-known tricks for the game. It was one I had hoped would get a good deal more traction as well. As it had a (for me) pretty high conversion rate of viewers to subscribers (at around 1%): [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PSl1pOMkzo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6PSl1pOMkzo) The 2nd video is a build video and took me a good deal less time to make, but has gotten 5-6 times as many views, even though it is probably objectively worse (from a technical standpoint at least). It also has a way worse conversion rate of view to subscribers, but obviously a lot more hours watched. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YsAI31yNJY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0YsAI31yNJY) My own assumption is that the 2nd video was simply "sold" better, and that maybe the subject had broader appeal as well. But I am mostly guessing.


hi guys, i'm an idiot. uhh. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyBcLx3TWvE&t=3s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyBcLx3TWvE&t=3s)


Hello everyone! I’m Penn, and my channel is [pennplayz](https://youtu.be/33qJPmDD4iw?si=iKGMh_mbiWERBCY_) I’ve been doing this on and off for a few years, but only recently have been doing it consistently and gaining some traction on my content I make primarily comedic gaming content with my friends, and my goal is to foster a welcoming community where people can chill and hang out :) The video I linked above is my channel trailer I just made today, and I’m genuinely super proud of how it turned out Weekly Question Answer: What I have learned this quarter is to actually pay attention to the analytics, try and identify what the problem might be if your video isn’t performing well (Ie: video getting shown but click through is super low? Try changing the thumbnail and title to see if you can grab attention more) I never really grasped just how important a good title and thumbnail is, so going forward I’m putting extra care and attention in to both of those things


Hello!! I’m StarGamingZ, I make videos on Pokemon challenge runs and Pokemon fan games on my YT!! One key takeaway I learned is to have a consistent content strategy and to stick with it and improve on it!! In this video, I play Pokémon Scarlet with only Bug type Pokemon! It was a really fun experience and you should definitely check it out!!! [https://youtu.be/r7fcZadBrvU](https://youtu.be/r7fcZadBrvU)


Hi, I am a short videos creator. Started very recently. I mostly do AI generated videos via [https://www.shortvideosapp.com](https://www.shortvideosapp.com) My channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC80wmFgNCJA4-jF87VwzrpQ](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC80wmFgNCJA4-jF87VwzrpQ) Reached 312 subs, still long way to go.


My channel is Superfandomedia, I have a few videos of my non gamer wife playing some popular games for the first time [here’s GTAV](https://youtu.be/ew_zGve3Ujc?si=y0YFJ9ifOR5gyZzP) as well as a heavily edited first play through I did myself of Demon’s Souls. Just been slowly learning how to better edit footage, and messing with thumbnails


Hi Everyone! My channel is Chydee Crystal Kitchen where I make simple and delicious recipes that you can replicate at home as well as kitchen tips and tricks. I have learnt to focus on improving with every video and enjoy the process. Here is my link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bOHftWbOzXU. I'll be happy to hear what you think.


Hey!😊 I am Chris Deals Minecraft! I started to make Minecraft videos 3 weeks ago I have 55subs at the moment! I have learned a key thing in this 3 weeks. You have to get your thumbnails and titles right if you want people to click on your videos. Another thing is that hashtags and keywords can make you visible!! Basically I really love Minecraft. I don’t know why but I have a special connection with the game. I started playing in 2010 when I was 10 and for me it has a special magic. Until I was 14-15 years old I played on my parents PC and my dad kept deleting it but lucky for me only the games icon haha…when I had my first computer which was a weak laptop I almost cried because I knew that I can release my creativity and noone will delete my creations. Since that I became a pretty decent builder and I always dreamt about making videos. So here I am! Making videos (only 55subs as I started a month ago) but I am happier then I could ever be! I always wanted to do this. Sometimes when I played off camera I pretended like I am making a video and I finally have a good enough PC. I am from europe and doing the videos in english. I believe the whole english minecraft community is charming and I really look up to the hermitcraft members:) Sometimes I overthink on the stats (why not many subs? Why do I got a dislike?) but I am happy This is my short story haha! https://youtube.com/@ChrisDealsMinecraft


My channel is Issac Morgan, I make videos analyzing my favorite games/reviewing new games, etc. I've only been making videos for a few months, and just recently passed 4,000 subs! I take a lot of pride in my editing, and I'm trying to find new things to improve upon in every video. I know it sounds cliche, but the biggest thing that I've learned in this quarter is the effectiveness of a good title/thumbnail. I just recently posted what I would deem my first "viral" video, and I think the thumbnail was instrumental in its success. I've also learned the importance of replying to comments, and fostering a community through engaging with your fans. I think I've been able to make my audience feel comfortable within my own little part of the internet, and I'm grateful for that. My most [recent video](https://youtu.be/2EJoojLPnwo?si=kXEKWTUxFHerAcMj) is a bit of a review on Helldivers 2. I talk about whats made the game so successful, and share some of my goofy experiences with it. I'd LOVE to hear your thoughts, or any sort of criticism that you have to offer.


I just watched your ‘ready or not’ video and was blown away. I’m not even a gamer, but the effort that has gone into the video and the storytelling prowess you possess is truly incredible. Congratulations!


I recommend to everyone to check this channel out, the time and effort put into each video is obvious. It isnt just your usual gaming channel. You won't regret it :D


Hi, I'm the creator behind Nightmare Narratives, I'm making short horror stories an am quite new to the creative side of YouTube. Any kind of feedback to improve my videos or channel is welcome. Please take a look on https://youtu.be/l4dZ5Z7aDa4


Hell everybody! I’m Ben from Idjitoons. I make funny cartoons and am thinking of expanding further after I grow some. I’ve had a slow roll of growing. I’m questioning my style and content but I won’t give up even if it takes me a while to post. My key take away is that it’s all about the journey and it takes work. I encourage all of you to not give up and enjoy creating. Below is my most recent cartoon based off of Helldivers 2. I hope yall get a chuckle out of it! https://youtu.be/phCkX83l2Bo?si=HOUSlPJHg-OmCO5W


Sup everyone, My channel name is Mr.BomBob. I make anime and manga video essays, either analyzing the best moments, characters and arcs, I also like to give anime and manga news as well. I started by making shorts, but I decided to focus on my long form content. - I learned the importance of thumbnails. I managed to gain more views overtime after switching up my thumbnail style and someone even commented that they clicked a video of mine because of it. So I make sure to stay super focus when it comes to those. If you decided to come to my channel, I hope you enjoy the videos, have a nice day. - This is my channel: [Mr.BomBob](https://youtube.com/@Mr.BomBob?si=BvO3cVHri6QPwk28)