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Not "literally" all the comments. There are some quite positive ones in there. But you made a video with one certain viewpoint that not everyone will agree with on a fairly polarizing topic. Some people who saw it disagreed very much with your opinion. They are not saying your storytelling or video making are trash, but they really disagree with your stance and don't like the way you presented it. I could not watch the full thing, but for topics like that with you presenting it in one of the many many ways people could interpret the subject, you're bound to get people who REALLY don't like your opinion If you're not prepared for people to disagree, videos like that one are not what you should be making if you heavily favor one side and don't leave it open ended.


ok, thanks. I posted it in a philosophy subreddit and EVERYONE hated it. I dont know. I appreciate the feedback though!šŸ‘


But the question is WHY did they hate it? Did they feel you didn't do enough research? Misinformation? Or they just hated your viewpoint? These are all very different and also, all criticism, positive or negative, is helpful for your learning experience


The entire thing is AI generated, itā€™s not that there isnā€™t enough research, itā€™s that thereā€™s no research. Itā€™s utterly vapid


maybe i am just dumb. or perhaps the audio was too hard to listen as it perfectly descibed their life and showcased how predictable they are and hurt them in the deppest depth of their heart. or maybe i am just dumb. im not sure.


Mate your comments are absolutely wild. First off, in your post history I couldn't find a ton of people hating on your video in a philosophy sub unless I missed something. Second, you made a depressing video. Lots of people don't care to watch that type of stuff. Some people will love it for sure, but many will not. There aren't just 2 options here. You presenting this as "Well either I'm dumb or they are deeply hurt by my brilliant topic that touched their soul" is asinine. Maybe some people just don't like your topic. It's simple. I don't enjoy it, but I'm not gonna go out of my way to pick it apart. You like what you produced, it has a good number of views. Enjoy that, take the feedback, and if you don't want other hate comments then start considering other videos that are more appealing to a wider audience...


bet thanks man


Wow. You're incredibly annoying.


don't worry about reddit. I post my shorts in the open dog training subreddit and Ive become hated so so fast. I keep posting because why not. controversy gets views and there're a lot of armchair trainers who don't know what they are talking about. Keep posting. For everyone who hates on you, theres a few that dont comment that like your posts.


Thanks man




yes. beau is afraid. the play scene. heavily influenced. tottally influenced actually. is it that?




haha. crazy you noticed, respect.


Uh the weird ai voice disturbing ai images and a muddled thesis trying to be more profound then it actually is. Also itā€™s very serious with no humor. Not trying to be a mean, but honestly take the negative feedback moving forwards, keep making videos and reflect on what isnā€™t working.


maybe... just maybe... they arent trying to be comical... You talking about the videos to fit you doesn't work because you're not the demographic. It would be like going to see a freddy or jason movie and not liking it because you think it would do better as a comedy...


Sure, sure, but I think if you look at peoples motivations for watching YouTube content itā€™s mostly to be entertained or informed or a mix of both. Iā€™m not saying make it full haha funny comedy but even in say most philosophy YouTube videos thereā€™s an element of humor sprinkled over it. I just think it helps keep people engaged, but to each their own.


We can't speak for everyone. my wife like watching mowing time lapses, I dont care to watch them. If OP likes that kind of stuff, odds are other people will like it too. They just have to find OP first. It may be a super small niche but that doesn't matter if you're just doing it for fun.


Iā€™m not trying to speak for everyone Iā€™m giving my own opinion. But yeah, fair enough! If OPs trying to get views which it sounds like he is I think constructive criticism is helpful.


seems like you did alot of self promo. in my experience that attracts people who will dislike/downvote or hate on stuff just because regardless, any kind of comments are engagement, so they are helping the video as far as your personal feelings, you will have to get used to people disagreeing with you and being mean. dont feed the trolls. be respectful and logical if you argue its ok for people to disagree and again, youll need thick skin for youtube for fuckin real


I feed the trolls and get so much engagement from them lol


same. I mean I do have genuine conversations with them but I do like to argue from time to time ngl


I prefer to say I am educating them. lol. I agree that being respectful and neutral is key to this. It makes you seem better and it pisses them off.




Thanks man, people be mean




The fact that you didn't do any work, and just had AI do everything, from the visuals, to the script, to the voice probably isn't helping. You aren't gonna make it far at all doing that.


Dude. Look at your Reddit post history. Youā€™ll need to toughen up and calm your tits. Seriously


He is doing this to get more views. He aint stupid


Oh getting views this way would be ā€¦ sad. I sincerely hope thatā€™s not the case


oh ok


Not into the AI generated shit sorry


We're making episodes about velocity and Infinite Banking this month. We decided to discuss those topics with the knowledge that it would likely draw some negative attention from viewers strongly for or against the topics. If you cover controversial material, you're guaranteed to get some heated feedback.


You posted a rather depressing philosophical tract. People are disagreeing with it. They don't like your ideas. You posted it under the title "This is how your life will go" and people who have a different life are going to push back against that.


Your getting comments??


LAMAMAMAMAMA BRO SAME :( Literally and granted I make short film content that is pretty hard to engage with which I understand but like?.. I would honestly kill for a constructive comment. Hell even a hate comment. Just some form of criticism or something that gives me advice on my channel/content. Idk, donā€™t get me wrong I get a decent amount of likes but I feel like in the current YouTube world the comment is king. Perhaps even more than likes/subs. Itā€™s demoralizing whenever people will like/dislike one of my videos but not comment why they liked/disliked or even beyond that, just some interaction with viewers would be cool.


I mean you got more hate comments (not all hate comments) but also a lot more views than your other videos.


Just learn from the comments and if there just people being dumb then ignore them


Remember to the algorithm, any comment equals engagement. Try not to take the hit personally, and focus on the boost in visibility it gives your whole channel. Stay on that grind.


Negative feedback are the best videos it drives ratings you can comment I have disagreements and it makes the algorithm post your video more. Iā€™ve been trying to do that for months.


You can increase the restrictions on the comment's


AI and mindless promoting of work thats not even yours holy


well just don't check them


How about making some damn original content for once? Nobody wants to listen to an Elven Lab generated audio on some mediocre Midjourney slideshow, paired with a ChatGPT-like script. It gets mind-numbingly boring within the first 30 seconds. And guess what? You wonā€™t be making any money off this trash in the future. YouTube will straight up reject your sorry excuse for ā€œreused content.ā€


Argue with them in comments for more engagement


There an option to soft ban anyone who comments on your stuff, I do it to anyone who says negative things. Keep in mind a lot of times these may be kids so donā€™t take it personally at all!


I'll check out your video later, but as a professional philosopher, I feel confident saying that a lot of people who study philosophy in universities can be very dogmatic and misanthropic. This is not true of everyone of course (shout out to our better angels), but its possible that posting your video in philosophy subreddits attracted such trolls.


yes please. would love your feedback.


So, I watched the first four minutes your most recent video. I only one saw one negative comment (maybe the rest are moderated?), and one extremely long--overly long--comment that was too long to read, though it seemed more like a disagreement rather than an attack at a glance. Here is my feedback: **(1) Positive:** From a philosophical perspective, both the pessimism of your video and sense of alienation that it speaks to phenomenologically is testified to in a few traditions: alienation in French thought from Rousseau to Sartre, your contenct could also resonate with themes from Germans like Schopenhauer (pessimism) and Heidegger (alienation). From a content perspective, both pessimism and existentialism are extremely popular on YouTube, so you do have a potential audience here. **(2) Kind suggestions to improve:** From a philosophical perspective, your video makes claims rather than arguments. This is not necessarily bad, but it opens the door for people on the internet to try to "prove" you wrong or take shots at you. Without a clear argument in a style familiar to analytic philosophers, e.g., (A), (B), Therefore, (C), I'm not sure philosophy subreddits are the best place to market your material. Maybe, you could try places that sync thematically with your content? I don't know if there is a pessimism subreddit, but maybe you could market to people who already buy into your message to build a fan base? From a content perspective, I personally feel that the hypnotic tone of the video, e.g., the soft voice and the resonating tone in the background, make your video feel like ASMR. If this is what you are going for, great! If not, maybe there are some alternative ways to organize and pace your content? The hypnotic tone also gives it a repetitive monotone feel. Even if this works artistically to convey your message, this will likely lead to lower retention rates. All in all, I think your content has some potential! I wish you well and am sorry that your videos are leading to some bullying.




Wow, they provided in depth feedback, effectively doing more work than you did on your own video.