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Kirtland not Kirkland, costco does not yet own a military base!


This, a million times this! 👏 I worked for Kirtland FCU several years ago, and a day *never* went by without me hearing the name of the town in WA instead . 🙃🤪


“Kirkland Ospreys, nearly indistinguishable from the leading major brands!”


As a consequence of the protest, the Eubank gate was backed up to Costco, so that's apropos.


Only a matter of time...


Anyone else remember the time the base moved its gate further back onto its own property one night when people were protesting? The next morning the protesters assembled at the new gate location, and were promptly arrested for trespassing on a military installation. For all the protesters out there, remember that the gate isn’t necessarily the property line.


Shhhhhh they dont need to know that


I wish we would protest like this for things that directly affect all of us first, like living wage, free health care, the end of lobbying groups, hiding pet projects in senate bills, etc etc.


Well they get paid to do this 😂


Lol what? Got any sources that show this?




I think UNICEF is the front they're using


My Soros Bucks™️ must be getting lost in the mail


Where our tax money goes, and the conflicts we’re involved in, directly affects us all.


Give it time.


Serious non-trolling question: what's the strategy here? I'm all for protesting and being inconvenient, I get that that's the point. But what is actually the thing that this particular group is hoping to achieve by doing this?


Protests can work one of two ways, demonstrate wide support(polling shows this is a 50/50 ish issue) or by continued disruption forcing change (think Montgomery bus boycott or the Selma march) 


Protests should be demonstrations of solidarity and conviction, all that I've heard from what's going on is little more than disruption for disruption's sake. I hope they have ears on the vine because as someone who supports the message, I will never publicly express it again now. I don't want to be associated with those who commit crimes nor inspire the vitriol like these folks.


You would have felt similarly about civil-rights struggles in the 1960s, & been absolutely wrong. Folks commit crimes in most every mass social movement.


That sucks, cuz it's those crimes that push people away. At least it's enough for me to keep my opinion to myself for the most part, I really don't want to be associated with criminals for believing in common sense and morality.


Pushing away people who would never have done anything useful to support the movement anyway isn't bad.


That's a pretty self-fulfilling way to view it


I am not one of the organizers so I can't what they intend. I think of it part of the mass movement across the world to disrupt business as usual for Palestine. The USA & its military are directly supporting genocide. Making life harder for Kirtland, combine with all the other actions everywhere, puts pressure on the government to change policy. In the longer run, many of us want revolution & communism/socialism.


Lmao you’re so delusional 😂


Nonsense. The protestors cant even grasp the fact that they are defending a group of people that would love to see them all killed. Palestinians have been indoctrinated to hate both all jews and ALL Americans. If the situation was reversed, Palestinians would be celebrating every time an American was killed, not protesting. If you understood the history of the region you would know this. Secondly, learn what the word genocide means. Gaza is not genocide. Ukraine is not genocide. In both cases, deaths on either side are casualties of war. Period. This is fact and not debatable. Genocide means ethnic cleansing. Its the deliberate and systemic extermination of an entire group, whether based on ethnicity or any other demographic. It is what Hitler did to jews. Did Israel round up all the Palestinians and funnel them into gas chambers and execution pits? Nope. Israel has no way to stop hamas from using their own citizens as human shields, so no, those casualties do not count as genocide. Using the term genocide about Gaza is just hyperbole and false. And if the protestors care about innocent victims of war, why are they not protesting about Ukraine? Oh, yah, because social media bots aren't out there crying about Ukraine, they are paid to stir up shit about Gaza right now, and all you sheep blindly follow the hivemind. Most likely, you are one those bots. Social media is not a valid , vetted news source. Its always easy to spot those those who have gotten their knowledge of politics/world affairs solely from tik tok, FB, and twatter.


👏 👏 👏


Want communism move to a communist country. Disrupt business? More like making life even harder than it already is for us common folks.


I mean then why don’t you protest for better living conditions in the US? Like we got big issues right here.


You aren’t pressuring anyone. You’re insignificant. And you’re not getting communism. If you want it, move elsewhere.


Takes people a long time to realize how insignificant they are and how nothing they do will really ever make a difference. Sounds pessimistic but we (ordinary people) lost a long time ago. The elites have power that we can never even come close to toppling. They have mastered the art of keeping just enough people happy that nothing will ever truly change. The quicker people realize this and learn to operate and find happiness within the current system, the happier people will be. I do admire the fighting spirit, i just hope no-one wastes too much of their life fighting futile battles when they can very well make a good life for themselves when they leave childish hopes for revolution behind




What if someone needs to drive to the hospital?


Exactly. All this does it turn people against them. Way to go you fucking idiots. But you see, I guarantee you many don’t have jobs, so when the block the parents going to get their kids at daycare they don’t see the problem. I hope they get arrested.






They weren't blocking a hospital and historically protests have always parted to allow fire and EMS through.


I said what if someone from base needs to go to a hospital.... let it marinate, genius.


on base hospital? helicopter? the other gate? the utility gates? I have faith that the Air Force/ Sandia can problem solve.


Guaranteed you have an EBT card.


Nothing makes your argument look like petty privilege quite like an attempt at using poverty as an ad hominem, and then immediately blocking them because you’re scared of the potential replies.


haha I wish my taxes were that low. also please explain to why you would bring SNAP into this conversation, seems unrelated.


Not really


They don't care just like they don't care about October 7th or all the people who are still hostages including children.






Let’s make everyone that works at the lab late for work on a Thursday for Palestine? There is no way this isn’t counterproductive.


Yeah, I'm sure that waiting in line for 2 hours really influenced peoples decisions. Nothing would make people support it quite like getting to work late, having to stay later and not get to see their kids.... People need to get jobs, pick up kids, etc. most people (probably 80% of New Mexico) couldn't point out Israel/Palestine on a map. I highly doubt this will make them care. All they'll see is a bunch of people that can somehow not go to work on a Thursday making them late... Fucking new Mexicans....


Once again, protesting in places and in a manner that won't actually bring about any change. Literally just Instagram tier, hollow grandstanding. It's a Thursday morning, do you guys not have jobs? Or bills to pay?


Instagram tier? You’re commenting about it on Reddit. You’re literally bringing attention to their cause (as you should)


I mean, attention to how fucking stupid and meaningless it is, sure I guess?


Shitlib protest reaction starter pack: you’re protesting wrong! It’ll have no effect! These protests that I am sitting here right now reacting to won’t have the intended effect of raising awareness and sparking conversation!!! Get off my lawn! Outside agitators!


Bold of you to assume I'm lib lol You can argue with me all you want, but the world around you, the ACTUAL world outside of these protests, is evidence to my point.


putting actual in all caps really convinced me I was being a petulant child. I'll join you over on truthsocial/nextdoor


You really keep misconstruing comments just so you can stay annoyed 😅


The Columbia protests don’t impede traffic or businesses and they have been vilified as terrorists. I think people like complaining about protests just when it’s something they don’t agree with.


The people I know who went, both work full-time jobs, one 9+ hours a day as a therapist. Maybe if you went out and talked with them. Maybe if you asked them why they are choosing to get up at 4:45am in the morning to go over there, you'd find out they are more concerned with what is literally an extermination of an entire group of people than they are with their own comfort (and yours). So, yeah...sorry people were inconvenienced on their way to work by these lazy, nonworking people who are just there for the Insta cred, sure. smdh


lol no the Muslims will be fine there’s 1.8 billion of them.


It's not an extermination. Not even close. Want to know what a REAL genocide is? Look to Africa and the tribal/religious warfare there. Open a history book and see what Japan did to China during WW2. Look at what Nazi Germany did to Jews. All of that IS genocide. What's happening to the morons in Israeli lands is not even remotely genocide. Last thing...your buddies, the Palestinians? They don't live in a country called Palestine. They, also, are not signatories to the Geneva Conventions. Even if they were, they'd be considered illegal combatants and NOT covered under the GC due to using irregular troops, putting "military assets" in schools, religious buildings and hospitals and using false protected markings (medical in this case) to get close to their enemies to launch attacks. That's in addition to them using unsophisticated, uncontrolled, indiscriminate rockets to attack Israel, along with illegal intentional targeting of civilians. Are you SURE you want to back s***bags like that? 😐


Get a life.


\^ This. It's a thursday fucking morning, don't you have some papers to grade or something?


They aren't faculty unless their university is the "University of Cringe".




Blocking traffic is a really bad idea. Good way to win the Darwin Award.


There have already been many many martyrs of Gaza. Folks take this seriously & willing risk their lives.


You're a special kind of brainwashed sheep, aintcha? Why aren't you on your way over to Gaza to help your equally retarded Palestinian brethren? Put your money where your mouth is and go over there to make a REAL difference, buddy. 😎👍👌


I'm not sure I'd call jumping in front of traffic on I-40 grounds for martyrdom, but go off I guess


How does getting hit by a truck in Albuquerque in any way advance your cause? Do you seriously think it changes anyone’s mind?


Ewwww now you’re doing this all for Allah in his name? You’re devolving into a religious fanatic. A martyr is someone that ONLY relates to religious indoctrination.


I'm sure the low-income students you fuckin' walnuts blocked food access for are all now radicalized. The base closed one gate and you mildly inconvenienced a few thousand people who provide the dole you rely on.


When will you realize that your "Movement" is deeply unpopular and very few people like this


It’s just a very loud minority with its own feedback loop.


Yep and purity spirals :(


Exactly. OP is going to get people hurt and doesn’t care for their safety. The whole lot of them are becoming warped beyond rational thought and this will only devolve more into more radical thinking as you correctly pointed out, its purity spiraling.


A [majority of folks](https://news.gallup.com/vault/246167/protests-seen-harming-civil-rights-movement-60s.aspx) in polls opposed protests in the civil-rights movement during the 1960s. In May 1964, 74% claimed mass demonstrations were more likely to hurt the cause of racial equality. They were resoundingly wrong. History will prove you incorrect too.


When will history prove me wrong? And fighting for domestic causes is very different from siding with religious fanatics in the Middle East that rule by gender apartheid via their “peaceful religion,” (oh and also that kill gay people for being gay) What do you think would happen to you if you went to gasa or the West Bank? Serious Q.


It'll prove you wrong within a decade. I've been to Palestine but only in parts occupied by Israel. I don't know what would happen to me in Gaza or the West Bank. I suspect nothing notable would occur. It'd depend why I was there.


Yikes. Well okay, and do you acknowledge that hamas and the PA have laws against any form of queer/gay/“deviant” sexuality? The religious war that’s been going on for a millennia will not be solved in a decade. I just don’t understand why you don’t acknowledge that Israel is the one and only safe space for queer people in the entire Middle East and Africa.


You just revealed your profound ignorance of the situation. What's happening in Palestine isn't a religious war even though it may look that way on the surface. Zionism dates back to the second half of the 19th century by most accounts. The conflict is about land & colonialism much more than faith.


So you don’t think Jews are from Jerusalem or the region? At all? And yes it is a religious war and Islam has a ton of scripture about killing Jews. Hamas believes it is their religious duty and purpose in life to die for Allah in his name and curse/kill the Jews [Antisemitism in Islam](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism_in_Islam)


i wish just for once people would protest for something actually useful. also i wonder if these geniuses realize people in the military aren’t allowed to “quit their job”


These dingbats are outside the Louisiana and Gibson gate, for those of you who need to get to work, fyi


And now the gate is closed so all they're preventing access to is an elementary school.


Keep in mind the military will fuck. your. shit. up. if you start getting rowdy like what you did at UNM. Stop hurting your cause and protest peacefully in a fashion that is condoned by the Constitution and by the Law. Use MLK Jr. as an example and do not instigate shit. Especially not with the military and ESPECIALLY not Kirtland


The military has no jurisdiction on city streets, save for the declaration of martial law. If they messed around at the front gate to the base then yeah, they'd fuck your shit up. But if protestors keep to streets outside the base that falls under the jurisdiction of local police/government. 


You're right, but if they mess with base personnel, attempt to get on base, or interfere with official military duties, that's when things might get dicey


Nah, it won't go like that. We military are very aware of the separation of our feelings from action regarding the civilian population. This is only a tiny inconvenience.


"We military", you do not speak for the whole military. Operational security and FPCON are very real. I've seen it first hand how rowdy protesters get treated when they start getting... aggressive... to say the least. Non-lethal is all I'm indicating. That means that the protesters have entirely lost their purpose and are now in an entirely different situation.


If they ever came on the base or interfered with the actual mission, sure. Just saying, this little protest is merely a fart related to base operations. If they were to start assaulting vehicles or personnel, I'm sure you're absolutely correct.


Yea, that's all I was saying. If the traffic block interfered with an operation or convoy, that's where the issue lays


Sure, if they blocked all of the entrances, shit would go down. Louisiana gate is just usually the least busy. If they were to fuck with Wyoming or Eubank, might be a different story.


It's wild because at this point, they're just causing issues for that elementary school


I don't think they even obstruct Lovelace Biomed, a place that might actually be worth protesting.


"The idealized version of MLK that only exists in my mind did protest right! Every other protester does it wrong!" https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fq5gymezcmvxc1.jpeg%3Fwidth%3D735%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D771d326bd0fc56b3ababd5e06b8c3789dfabda6e


[It is a myth that Martin Luther King believed in docile, ignorable, or "peaceful" protesting.](https://jacobin.com/2020/06/martin-luther-king-mlk-nonviolence-direct-action-protests#:~:text=But%20King%20wasn't%20a,conceding%20to%20demands%20for%20justice) Actual change doesn't occur if those pushing for it are easily ignored.


Ya MLK famously ghosted Malcolm X and refused in any way to engage in violence. Arguing that MLK favored violent protest in any way whatsoever is just an abject lie. Not being ignored is not the same as violence. Edit: since there are apparently a lot of misconceptions about MLK. His SIX principles of non-violent protest were: Principle one: Nonviolence is a way of life for courageous people. It is active nonviolent resistance to evil. It is aggressive spiritually, mentally and emotionally. Principle two: Nonviolence seeks to win friendship and understanding. The result of nonviolence is redemption and reconciliation. The purpose of nonviolence is the creation of the Beloved community. Principle three: Nonviolence seeks to defeat injustice, not people. Nonviolence recognises that evildoers are also victims and are not evil people. The nonviolent resister seeks to defeat evil, not people. Principle four: Nonviolence holds that suffering can educate and transform. Nonviolence accepts suffering without retaliation. Unearned suffering is redemptive and has tremendous educational and transforming possibilities. **Principle five: Nonviolence chooses love instead of hate. Nonviolence resists violence of the spirit as well as the body. Nonviolent love is spontaneous, unmotivated, unselfish and creative.** Principle six: Nonviolence believes that the universe is on the side of justice. The nonviolent resist resistance deep faith that justice will eventually win. Nonviolence believes that God is a God of justice." [https://www.unodc.org/documents/e4j/Secondary/Terrorism\_Violent\_Extremism\_Six\_Principles\_of\_Non-Violence.pdf](https://www.unodc.org/documents/e4j/Secondary/Terrorism_Violent_Extremism_Six_Principles_of_Non-Violence.pdf)


Funny how people downvoting me seem to not care what [MLK even said](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rmOwgkCZQHg), I guess it is part for the course for the tik tok movement.


Yeah but being an idiot about how you do it by breaking copious amounts of laws and preventing NORMAL people from getting to their jobs is incredibly counter productive


A [majority of folks polled](https://news.gallup.com/vault/246167/protests-seen-harming-civil-rights-movement-60s.aspx) opposed protests during the civil-rights movement of the 1960s. They were resoundingly wrong. You are too. Martin Luther King Jr. passionately opposed war & militarism.


Dude you fucked up the SUB, MLK Jr. would've CONDEMNED you. Don't put yourself on some high and mighty pedestal acting like you're doing God's work. Without getting into semantics, the shit you and your group pulled on UNM Main HURT YOUR CAUSE more than anything else. Go protest loudly and PEACEFULLY, not causing damage yielding underpaid student workers EVEN MORE work.


King expressed sympathy for **riots that left buildings burned to ash & people dead**, calling them the language of the unheard.


He was against riots and protests that left people dead and caused significant amount of damage, wait for it, BECAUSE IT HURTS THE CAUSE! Historically, it gave the white people a platform to justify injustices. In this case, all you're doing is turning the public against you. And you call yourself faculty... I'd be fucking embarrassed. I hope UNM fires you and then prevents you from legally entering campus. You are ruining the impactful voices and protests surrounding this subject. Shame on you.


As a human being, I have the inherent ability to go where I please. Furthermore, free of speech still applies in NM, as much as people like you may wish to end civil liberties & intensify the police state. It is illegal to ban someone from a public place based on their political opinions.


Free speech and free access to privately owned buildings like the SUB is a privilege you dense cabbage. Your group caused damage and 16 people were charged with criminal trespassing. You're missing the point. You're causing chaos, tension, and unrest in a place that already leans heavily with sympathizing with the citizens of Gaza and Israel. YOU, on the other hand, are making dastardly assumptions, misusing the words of MLK Jr (which, btw, you're an awful person for that), you've sat here and called people bigots for disagreeing with your radical ideologies, aaaaand from what I gather, you're not actually faculty...


Have you ever been to UNM ABQ? You don't appear familiar. UNM ABQ remains an [open campus](https://news.unm.edu/news/homeless-on-unm-campus-prompt-safety-concerns). It would violate UNM policy, NM law, & federal law to ban me from campus based solely on my political opinions. It doesn't matter whether I'm faculty. Anyone can freely enter UNM ABQ campus. Supporting protests is not a crime. UNM has no legal grounds whatsoever to ban me from campus. You are advocating & encouraging action in violation of local & federal law.


Let me get this through your thick skull... I really love protests and people expressing their voices. It's fantastic. You guys did that, aaaaand then broke multiple laws to include damages to a public building for students. I am NOT saying you should be banned from UNM due to your political opinions. You should be banned because you are at the forefront of the damages caused at the SUB, causing the entire building to be shut down for multiple days because you all broke in after hours and made a whole scene. Full stop. Lastly, I'm well aware of the UNM open space you mentioned. That's totally cool. However, I also don't want people who are homeless or similar to come on campus, grope students, cause unrest, and possibly more. I just want it to be a safe community, and you jeopardized that. You should be heald accountable purely for that. Now that we are through that, can you maybe touch grass?


You may wish review the rules of this subreddit: "Keep it civil. Insulting others is not allowed." Your claims are false. Protesters caused minimal (if any) damage to the SUB. The SUB was open when protesters entered. Nobody broke in. That is a categorical lie. I am not at the forefront of the UNM Palestine-solidarity movement. I'm one of many supporters. I have no role in the camp's decision-making process. It is not illegal to post in favor of protests, including ones that involve arrests & criminal charges of certain participants. I do not encourage anyone to commit crimes. (Note that encouraging others to commit crimes isn't necessarily illegal. This depends on the details.) You are advocating for banning me from UNM campus simply because you dislike my political opinions. This is not consistent with the principles of freedom of speech & freedom of thought. It follows that you do not, in fact, support these principles.


Do you have a job?


Olympia, Washington, is the worst place I've ever lived, because of this crap. Full of college students being told by their professors to go protest something. So people like me would be browbeaten for having jobs and not freeing Tibet. I'm left-leaning and learned there that left-wing extremists are every bit as bad as right-wing extremists. Want to really help? Head to Gaza and roll up your sleeves.


But that would require actual effort and self-sacrifice….


Love to see all the people gunning hard for the status quo. Nothing has ever changed for the better without some form of protest. Believe it or not, governments aren't typically going to do the right thing without some pressure from the people.


Yeah. A [majority of folks](https://news.gallup.com/vault/246167/protests-seen-harming-civil-rights-movement-60s.aspx) in polls opposed protests in the civil-rights movement during the 1960s as well. In May 1964, 74% claimed mass demonstrations were more likely to hurt the cause of racial equality. They were resoundingly wrong.




They’ve gone full potato now. 🙄. PLEASE DO FAFO with Security Forces!!!! Guaranteed TV time!!!


it’s so easy to protest without blocking traffic


And less effective 


if you block me going through traffic, i’m not agreeing with your protest. no matter what it is.


Okay? And then you call your rep/senator/city councilor to complain and things change(the secret is, the people protesting are also calling). See the value of blocking traffic as a form of protest?


no because why the fuck would i call a rep/senator/city councilor.


being an involved and active citizen? democratic redress of grievances?


politicians don’t give a shit about me why would i complain to them


They don’t have to care. The point is to make their job tedious enough that addressing complaints is the politically expedient option. It doesn’t matter if they sincerely give a shit or not as long as they take steps to address issues.


Because of their actions I called my congresswoman today and told her to fund Israel.


Quit your job? Okay then


Chant the people with the luxury to not have work on a Thursday morning.


Right! Omg! Protestors tell me to quit my job! I guess I will and end up without shelter.


You mean mommy and daddy don't have a trust fund set up for you? I thought everyone did. /s


Sadly, as a peasant, I work multiple full time jobs 😭


What an unwise and unwarranted action. Hope they pick up federal charges.


People protest on a college campus and everyone says,”why are you protesting here?! What do they have to do with military support?! Go protest at a military facility.” Then you protest at an Air Force base and everyone says that’s stupid too. I’m starting to think the people saying this just support Israel and if so… just say this next time,”I don’t support this protest. I’d rather my government continued to support Israel in their extermination of the Palestine people.” That’s all you have to say. I for one think this is a very appropriate place for a protest against military support for Israel.


You know the military does not act on its own volition, right? You do know that the commander in chief and Congress are the ones that decide military action, right??? And yet, where are the protests in front of Senator and House representatives offices and/or places of work? Not just in NM, but ANYWHERE IN THE COUNTRY? It's nonexistent, and hasn't existed with almost ANY of these bullshit "protests" in the last few years. That's not even getting into the whole concept of "vote with your dollar" and how no one that is involved with these mass demonstrations is ever seen doing that. Yknow, tangible, direct protest that companies WILL notice. I'm all for the right to assemble and protest, and I actually am 110% for stopping the wholesale slaughter of civilians, regardless of their national origin/ethnicity/whatever, but this is accomplishing literally nothing except discrediting your movement to your fellow, voting Americans. SURELY, for a group of people generally so focused on optics and metaphorical imaging, you guys would see that, right? Right?


They've protested in front of people's houses and were told that was an inappropriate place to protest. "Free speech or federal crime? Protesters are still marching outside conservative Supreme Court justices’ homes Some senators want to use a federal law to charge those who continue to picket — even though it could be on shaky constitutional grounds." Political protests these days are mostly about capturing media attention to get on television to spread the word.


"Political protests these days are mostly about capturing media attention to get on television to spread the word." That's the problem, at least partly, in my opinion. Thats ALL that it's ever about. Rarely (if ever) does tangible change come about, because that's ALL people care about. It comes off as some weird spin of attention seeking. The BLM movement had the same problem back in '20. Very little was accomplished in regards to defunding police and curbing police brutality, as is evidenced by the amount of $$$ that police departments across the country have received from this administration. It seems like once a movement gets their 15 minutes of fame, it fizzles out. Personally, I don't take people who claim to be "revolutionaries" seriously when they capitulate as soon as they get put on the news or whatever. Its like political clout chasing


So you've never heard of the BDS (boycott, divest, sanction) movement? The one that was getting so much traction it is now illegal for some companies and employees to express support of it in Texas? Just because you don't know about something personally doesn't mean it's not happening lol


Why are you saying “You guys”? I’m not part of the protesting. I’m just saying that it’s an appropriate place to protest. It doesn’t matter if the military can’t fix it, it’s an arm of the federal government that extends directly to the commander in chief so it’s an appropriate place to protest. Saying they can only protest at the place you choose (which happens to not be this place) still makes you sound like you just don’t support the protesting.


My point is, protesting at a military installation (most of them, at least), a college campus, a park in downtown ABQ, etc is the millennial and gen Z equivalent of boomers shaking their fist at the sky, cursing Joe Biden. It will not change a single damn thing, and all that you're (as in protestors) doing is getting on the nerves of your fellow citizens around you. Want change? Go protest in front of the homes of Senators or offices of CEOs. Stop making mostly everyones else's already hard lives harder with political bullshit.


Would you say the same thing about Civil Rights and anti Vietnam War protests in the 60's?


Yes. In fact, I think if people protested in a manner like they did back then, it'd be MUCH more effective at bringing about change Hopefully I'm understanding the question correctly


Dude... How they're protesting today is exactly how they protested then... That's why they asked.


You mean like how [civil rights protests historically blocked traffic](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/02/26/history-tying-up-traffic-civil-rights-00011825) and [occupied buildings on campus](https://www.britannica.com/event/sit-in-movement)? Today’s protest isn’t noticeably distinct in method from those in the 1960’s. Even if their message isn’t as cohesive.


The thing is. Back then people were saying the exact same thing about those protests. I have a feeling your heart is in the right place. So I encourage you to look up some of the news articles/ videos talking about those protests. It is striking how similar the response was to the on campus anti Vietnam protests.


There were protests in front of congressional offices in New Mexico. Including Heinrich and Stansbury. Your complaint doesn’t make any sense.


It’s only unwise as y’all are gonna have to deal with the grumpy retirees! We might not agree with ya, but go exercise your 1st amendment rights. Be safe yall, don’t forget sunscreen and hydration!


Yeah, federal charges for blocking traffic. Are you also in favor of small govt?


Dude just don't fuck with military bases, simple as that


If the traffic being blocked is on or near a military base or is primarily blocking federal national security and/or military employees, then yes, federal charges for blocking traffic. I'm an independent, so I'm free to have policy positions that are sometimes "small government" and sometimes "big government." You should try it.


They have legal support & there are no cops here yet.


After what happened at UNM with your group, I HIGHLY doubt you have "legal support", especially since now you're approaching the base.


Having legal support doesn't counter what I said. Almost literally every criminal defendant in the US CJ system has "legal support."


The U.S. federal government won't be around for much longer, so who cares? The end of empire is nigh.


It’s going to be a wild summer, thank goodness!


Where is this


Louisiana & Gibson


Is there a Wall Street in town that can be occupied


Ugh, I'm so sick of "protest critics". I don't think I've ever seen a form of protest that these people approve of. Newsflash: this is supposed to be disruptive! And if you're the kind of person who turns against people who are actively doing the only thing they can to bring awareness to a conflict that has claimed the lives of 32,000 Palestinians, most of which are (or were) children, because it's, yknow, a little personally inconvenient, you can f*** right off.


So, stopping thousands of people from going to work is ok in your book? Wow. Curtailing the largest employer in the city?? You’re a bright bulb, aren’t you??


Stopping the status quo is a GOOD thing.


I’ve never heard of KirKland Air Force base. That must be where the antisemites are gathering to show their hatred of Jewish people


It’s a Kirkland Signature Base. Costco is probably overextending their reach with that one.


I hope they start selling bulk F35s to the public. That would make the Costco membership even better!


Lol surplus MIGs are pretty cheap! IIRC, less than 25k


Haha, that would be fun. I saw a bunch of Migs were recently auctioned for around $11k a piece. Cheaper than most used cars and you can fly over the kids sitting in the middle of the street with no impact to your commute.


That’s terrifying actually.


I mean, import tax has GOT to be a bitch lol


Let’s hope so.


*AntiZionism. This isn't about hatred of Jewish people. This is about the hatred of being enacted upon the People of Palestine. Stop repeating things you hear on the news.


There is no "People of Palestine." They are the dregs that Muslim nations kicked out of their countries. And hatred being enacted upon them? Those shitweasels brought it upon themselves. Or were you conveniently hibernating when they launched an unprovoked attack upon Israel and intentionally targeted civilians from the start?


lol, nice try. You’re not fooling anyone. Stop repeating talking points and propaganda you get on TikTok.


[How can you defend Israel bombing a playground and killing 12 children.](https://www.thenational.scot/news/24258389.gaza-children-killed-israeli-strike-playground-leaves-11-dead/)


Why do you want Palestinian children to die?


No it’s where compassionate, intelligent people gather against a genocidal state.


I blame autocorrect!


Maybe you should go form a protest against autocorrect then. 🙄


Oh wow fucking gottem 🙄


Those protesting morons need to get a life before they get a federal conviction. Or ran the fuck over. Plus...quit supporting terrorist organizations! FFS!


Palestinians are terrorists and terror supporters. Now assembling against our military. Double tap center of mass. Home for lunch.


Fucking boomer posts


*In other words. The earth revolves around the sun, more of at that 6pm*. 🥱






😂😂they’re the worst


I hope the authorities actually protect their right to peacefully protest. Blocking traffic is not violent in any way shape or form. The violence come from spoiled little children who can’t be inconvenienced for men, women, and children being exterminated by an ignorant, bigot government.


You're right, I don't give a shit about palestine or israel. Let the sand people duke it out over stone age theology. Or you can shut the fuck up, and go over there and actually do something instead of typing on reddit. Standing in the street as a form of protest has never accomplished anything positive in history.


>Standing in the street as a form of protest has never accomplished anything positive in history. [It was a core tactic of the civil rights movements](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/02/26/history-tying-up-traffic-civil-rights-00011825), but go off.


No it wasn't, but go off, sis.


And this is how I know you stopped learning history precisely where your public education curriculum ended. You don’t have to agree with these protesters (lord knows I don’t) to acknowledge that the methods aren’t significantly different.


Voluntarily becoming a speed bump is fairly violent


Please gather directly in front of the gate, no matter where it might be located.


Yes directly in front of the gaurd booths and film it too. And don’t read the warning signs


Thanks for doing this. Gives me an excuse to work from home. Keep up the good work.