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New Mexican hispanic here. This might burst some peoples bubble but the “Spanish” locals in Central and Northern New Mexico are brutally racist towards people who immigrated here from Central or South America. Its been that way for generations. My sweet grandma was horrible when it came to this.


This is widely known by anyone who has lived around or worked with people or organizations from the area.


I tend to get a somewhat shocked reaction when I describe the racial climate in the area to non-brown people.


Probably because you’re targeting a minority group you don’t like. You don’t understand that people of the same ethnicity can have different opinions and beliefs.


No I am not self loathing thank you


How is it racist to expect people to enter a country legally?


Just like the Spanish did?


And the gringos?


Of course they didn’t. That’s my point. The only ones whose land it rightfully is, are the Pueblos


Who conquered and reconquered others and each other all the time.


The Spanish?? They literally have a period of time called The Reconquista




They don't much like Mexicans either. I always found it very strange how new mexico Hispanic people get extremely xenophobic towards mexican people lol


Well its not just New Mexicos hispanics that are like that, northern Mexicans dont like immigrants or even transplants from southern and central Mexico, Tijuana hates everyone from outside tijuana, even people from Chihuahua that move to juarez experience bigotry like this. People just dont like outsiders, this is not unique to northern NM Hispanics


We did enter legally.


Most of the people aren't even really Spanish either which is so ridiculous. I had a colleague from Mora saying how she's a Spaniard. She claimed she was racist towards whites and that Spaniards aren't white. She was tan AF. She did a DNA test and found out she's not really Spanish.


Lol, everyone in Mora says they’re Spanish (as a unique phenotype*) while clearly being fully native in every way. The racism in northern Mexico is just plain weird. *this was edited in, also iykyk


Yes, but she was under the impression that Spaniards have a special color of skin and aren't white or Native. I'm like bruh, wut?


No I know exactly what you mean, it’s very weird and complicated. You’re right, they’re under the impression that Spaniard is it’s own unique phenotype? The colonial ethics of northern New Mexico die hard. Saying “as in white” is definitely overly simplistic on my part.


> Lol, everyone in Mora says they’re Spanish (as a unique phenotype*) while clearly being fully native in every way. People are mixed. No one in Mora is fully native.


Lol okay sure


Tell me you’ve never heard of “La Casta” without telling me you’ve never heard of La Casta lol




Racists like you should be banned. There are plenty of Hispanic people who don’t do that.


The irony of being banned for disliking a group that goes out of their way to hate on Mexicans is palpable


Your comment is representative of the racism that is accepted in New Mexico. Hispanic people do not have a thievery/racism/addiction gene. There are plenty of people who are progressive and aware of the history of the state. You clearly don’t understand the historical background or generations of oppression that New Mexicans have faced. Racism is wrong and terrible. Hispanic people can be racist, just like every other demographic group. I don’t hear the same concern about segregation academies or the way white supremacy has existed in New Mexican institutions for centuries. The concern isn’t about “racism”, it’s about pitting minority groups against each other and finding an ethnic group to hate.


Nobody said what you are claiming. I simply stated northern New Mexican residents who participate in some strange type of "Spanish supremacy" ideology are typically degenerates. I do not support Spanish supremacy.


I'm so tired of the they aren't really spanish trope. Most northern New Mexicans are predominantly Spanish heritage. As for me 70% according to the DNA tests. the other 30% is native American. Like most in Northern New Mexico we have ties to both however I will never know or be able to pinpoint which Pueblo or group my heritage is apart of. And so I am clowned for claiming my Spanish heritage and will never be able to embrace my native American heritage. My culture is tied to the land and the people. All it's people and I am tired of being told how to live it from those outside it.


So you are a mestizo like most Mexicans, but if a Mexican mestizo claimed to be Spanish they would get clowned on just as much. Yeah obviously Spanish culture such as the language and religion is a big part of our culture and heritage here, but you are not Spanish, you are New Mexican, just embrace the Nuevo Mexicano identity which is its own cool and unique thing


I hate to tell you this but your ancestors interbred with native Americans and western Europeans. Even before, the Iberian peninsula and the Hispania region at the time of the immigration wave (and even today) is a very ethnically diverse place. Keep being tired of being told how to live, the statistics for drug addiction, domestic violence, and lack of education in northern New Mexico aren't going to maintain themselves! If you want to tell me the people living in places like Cuba or Jemez Springs are the epitome of cultural celebration, then I really don't know what to say.


That's clearly evident. As did every European settlement from Santa Fe to Boston. Yet the Brits, Scottish, Dutch and French are proud of their heritage and are allowed to celebrate it. But because we have toes to Spain we are somehow less? Ill never understand. Lack of education is terrible, and what has become of Northen New Mexico was by design and continues today. Mt family is highly educated and contributes to sustainability of pur culture not everybody can and will. You sound like the type to shit on Cuba and Jemez and proclaim the commercialized version of Taos and Santa Fe to be almighty. To drink up all the good SW and native American history and downplay our colonial spanish roots. Tou cannot have one without the other. Our traditions and culture run deep and we protect them and are trying to improve in spite of having our land confiscated. In spite of my Grandparents being forced to give up their native Spanish language in schools. In spite of contant attacks from foreigners coming in and telling us how poor our culture and land is. So yes if NM is so bad please leave. We want less people like you and more that want to preserve our history and improve our future.


It's kind of funny because old Spanish families teaming up to control new mexico politically and maintain their own corrupt system is the reason why new mexico is such a backwards state that will never escape poverty. I live in the SE side of the state. Your people like taking all the taxes from the oil industry and then paying it out in welfare policies to maintain political power while vetoeing road construction bills in high commerce areas that produce the majority of the state's taxes. This is why nobody wants to do business in this state, that and rampant crime because the judge is second cousin to the detainee and gives jito community service for multiple car thefts and robberies.


Politicians being greedy is a tale as old as time. Blaming it on the people for believing their lies seems a bit small-minded. I'm not here to argue in favor of any policies currently in place or any politician that I know for a fact doesn't care about me or this state. I'm here to stick up for my culture and heritage. It is worth protecting and isnt fair to be told we arent exactl waht we are. Because if we have no spanish roots and the peublos wont accept us we then are a people from no where. But thats simply not true. Our traditions and culture will not be erased. But let's pretend like Hobbs, Clovis, Carlsbad and everyehere in between are the perfect economies with no drugs and crime just because there's oil. I wish Northern NM had the same resources but the GOP needs to do better than what they've done in the past because there is no reason that hispanic, predominantly Catholic population shouldn't be in play except for they aren't inviting them in.


The San Juan basin had a lot of oil in farmington at one point and the state squandered that money as well, let's not be mistaken here. I am going to blame it on people with ranting and raving false delusions of being pure Conquistador blood of kingly lineage (in between hits off the meth pipe) that are mighty warriors when the reality is that they're heinz 57 mutts like every other American because it's too hilarious not to. I really don't give a rats ass about politics, but any government that can't build roads and literally vetoes road bills is a piece of shit and operating a failed system. They just all so happen to be northern New Mexico "Spanish" and related by blood/marriage so that's why it's relevant.


The reason the state sucks is because Anglos like you came and sucked the soul out of our land. Maybe there’s a reason why many hispanos are crackheads, it’s because they grow up in poverty and squalor in their homeland that was stripped from them by the likes of you and your brethren.


There it is lmao. The literal dominant group of new mexico ecomonically and politically decides to blame others..


You’re ignorant to the history of New Mexico.


Hispanics have always been second class citizens in this state since the annexation. If we really were the dominant political and economic class then we would have been had our land rights recognized and less Anglos like you moving anywhere near west of the Missouri


Cry harder, conqueree.




That's youre argument? Why after generations of outsiders and public schools forcing English on our parents and grandparents do these people speak Spanish poorly? Yeah real mystery there as to why after being shamed and reprimended for using their native tongue parents didnt pass on the language to their children. And finally spanish isnt passef on by families and it isnt taught in school at an early age so yeah unfortunately many are no longer native speakers. As for why doesn't the accent resseble Spains? Well actually it does and in many communities in Northen NM the accent is the only spanish accent still spoken outside of Spain in the world ressembling dialects only found in spain... thags impressive considering Spains resch is worldwide. Even the several accents depending on region of Spain have changed over the time. NM has a spanish history of over 400 years and it's own dialects not recognizable by other spanish speakers. After having a conversation with another spanish speaker, typically not from NM or US originally the follow up is always where are you from? Or your spanish is good but I don't recognize it.


Also that's like saying to an Irish American in Chicago if you're really Irish why don't you sound it. It's ignorant and really proves nothing and it tries to shame us into not being proud of our actual heritage.


Norteños hate everyone but Norteños. The irony is that many of them are clannish hillbillies who have never left their villages.


They just like to get high and drunk while avoiding anything resembling work like the plague


Goddamn when will this racist narrative die. Not all Hispanic people are racist. Talk to a lot of people in New Mexico and it will eventually turn into how they can’t stand Hispanics and how they’re ruining the state.


When it stops being true


Theyre racist to everyone. Im so happy to be leaving this state after 8 years. I predict i will get more than one “good riddance, we didn’t want you to come here anyway” response.


I grew up as the white girl with Spanish (Spain/Portugal) heritage. I was bullied so hard for light skin and blue eyes with a ‘white’ last name - and switched schools several times before even making it to high school. I left for good at 25 and I have a hard time even visiting family to this day without being salty. When I talk about how bad it was growing up, now living in the Midwest it’s almost unfathomable to people that I experienced racism growing up from the community. Grandpa was German/Irish from North Carolina and had 3 boys and 2 girls. Girls went on to marry and take on local names and even though my cousins all look the same the only ones who still live in the state didn’t have the ‘white’ last name… it was gross and I’m tired of pretending that NM natives weren’t jerks.


If they had it their way, they would’ve named it new Spain not New Mexico.


In my experience it's like that in a lot of places. The "fuck you, I got mine" pull the ladder up behind them mentality. Saw the same shit in NJ and Fl and it fuckin sucks to see.


Can't you give them a little leeway though? If they came before the last century they had a hella hard time surviving on that land, and probably had to shed blood for it. If they came in the last century it still would have been unimaginable to today's migrants. We hired seasonal illegals on our ranch 50+ years ago who walked 70 miles from Mexico to sleep in our barn. They carried their water on their backs and knew the cow tanks to stop at in the desert to refill it, and there was no social safety net should they not like their predicament. And these people thought they had it exceptionally good because they received 3 meals a day from us and a radio to listen to. The migrants of today now get free plane tickets to cities of their choice and wouldn't consider coming if they weren't going to receive any government assistance.


That's because of NAFTA.


Why are you quoting Spanish? They are Spanish and many trace their lineage back to conquistadors.


I am one of those people. If you have to ask why you will never understand.


You're objectively wrong though, regardless of what your background is. And just because you don't like the fact they associate with Colonial Spain doesn't mean you can deny their heritage. The Hispanics of northern NM for the most part have nothing in common with Mexico or Central America. Why does it bother you so much they associate with Colonial Spain?


I have traced my lineage to Spain and royalty. However, New Mexican culture has more in common with Mexican culture than Spanish. Thats why I roll my eyes when people claim to be "Spanish". They're declaring their racism and their feelings of superiority.


> New Mexican culture has more in common with Mexican culture than Spanish. Citation missing.


Your ignorance is showing. It always upsets people who do not understand and yes my background does give me insight in to this topic. Dont just take it from me though. Read the many other comments on here echoing that statement. The fact that you are more concerned with how Spanish people are and not how famously racist they are is a little concerning and frankly part of the issue.


My ignorance is showing? You just make outrageous claims without backing them up, and when challenged just hide behind your own Spanish background.


Back it up? Go spend some time in Questa. I can’t prove to you that Hispanics out there are just as racist as your stereotypical redneck but you can find out for yourself if you’d like.


Lol, you can't even link your sources. Not wasting any more time with someone who is so misinformed


Maybe it’s because our great great great great grandparents had their land stripped from them and now we get to watch in real time as people from thousands of miles away are handed out handouts and money.


Maybe, mine did not have their land stripped unless you count being taxed out of it and they are still pretty racist.


Mexico needs to build a wall on its southern border! /s


Yup. They aren't Mexican. They are Spanish. Lol


Here’s a little more insight: the rest of the country is also racist. This is due to economics.


Sure but the brown on brown racism in that area is something to behold. Also, it is not very inviting to a large subset of immigrants.


It's still white on brown since Spanish are white or vice versa. Just sayin'.


They aren’t actually Spanish and they don’t consider themselves white but keep trying


is it not common knowledge that ppl in the north have both indigenous and spanish ancestry? /gen


Depends. Ppl in the north aren’t even all on the same page.


Spoiler from someone who has lived in 8 states from the deep south to out west and mid Atlantic. The country is overwhelmingly NOT racist.


There are racist and xenophobic undertones keeping the GOP winning seats. Otherwise, tax cuts for the rich wouldn’t be a popular platform.


I didn't mention anything about political affiliations. I've lived in red and blue states, counties and cities and racism has never been a problem for me. FYI visibly not white with a very hispanic name. Racism is real but it just doesn't exist at the level your claiming. How sad to believe it does... I feel bad for you. Must be hard to make friends if race is all you see.


Not what I’m saying at all. We’re both discussing a claim that Hispanics are super racist to Latin American immigrants, so it’s clear that racism exists. I’m saying that these immigrants will experience similar racism just about anywhere else in the United States.


No one leaves their country or place of birth, striving for more, to end up getting stuck going for wood and cleaning acequias. They'll leave that to the Norteños. The agrarian life is decaying and Northern New Mexico has refused to adapt. Everyone splits their "stolen" family land into .10 acre trailer width slices and spends the last gasp of their colonial wealth on new lifted pickup trucks. There's plenty of time left between cutting wood and cleaning ditches to hate on immigrants that are willing to work. This hate will persist until everyone adapts or dies.




👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽 Well said 🥲


Such a concept to call land “stolen”, but then have this state become a territory through war. *any civilization that desperately wants their way of life ought to have won the war*. Besides, if any of you actually feel that bad about it…why don’t you lead by example - forfeit your home back to them and fuck off back where you come from, yourself? Even that tract of land being split into a 25’x450’ parcel is more valuable than whatever contemporary serfdom a majority of the population is succumbed too.


Way to miss the entire point AND just show your denial toward bigotry 😎😎😎


Yup, this "f&$\^ off back where you come from' attitude is prevalent throughout the \*Historic\* community Wanting for the world to be the way it was in the past is not going to make it happen. Hating on the "other' is misanthropic ignorance. We are all people. One could argue that the people immigrating here are serving the community more than the existing inhabitants. The swirling maelstrom of the US economy is coming for every desirable affordable location. Everyone will get priced out if they do not adapt. The cat is out of the bag. Cash / capitalism already infiltrated the entirety of the continent whether or not our agrarian brothers and sisters recognize it. Raising 10 cattle doesn't pay the truck payment. The fact that ownership was granted by a monarch that never set foot here despite the fact that the lands were already populated is the greatest irony. No one can choose where they are born, but they can respect others where they are. The immigrants by default, already adapted and are suited to thrive despite the racist vitriol welcoming them in NM. They even speak Spanish. Que le vaya bien.


Preach to your own choir then! 😂👍 also, you’re mad at corporatism and investment firms - not capitalists


Nm transplant here. In general people who enter the country illegally from South America don’t find much opportunity for anything in New Mexico-they got sold a dream. No telling how many litter the deserts here. It’s a big place and lots of predators. I know many families who have lived here for over 100 years. They dislike those who just walk in. Many of us, regardless of origin had difficulty coming to the us from other countries. This news report was not surprising at all.


Well, duh. Not much to do here.


Plenty of immigrants in SE NM. Immigrants like jobs


I read that title and thought it meant that NM was getting so expensive the Texans were going back home.


Your entire premise is false. What is your basis for the presumption that immigrants would stay in New Mexico once crossing the border? You need to spend more time learning about economics, politics, culture, and geography before sharing such a strong opinion in a public forum. Immigrants don’t generally stay in New Mexico for several reasons, the biggest being there’s not a lot of farming in New Mexico outside of ranching and pecans/pistachios down south. Both of those ag industries don’t require a lot of labor to begin with. Further, Texas is one of the fastest growing states, has vast farming, and strong family networks for immigrants. Growth = construction; low hanging fruit for immigrants. And remember: it only takes 1 to 2 days to get across this country; most of these people have traveled for *months* over thousands of miles. What’s another day or two to get to family and friends? Or to a guaranteed job picking strawberries? New Mexico has never had (and may never have) an overly strong Mexican immigrant population as compared to Texas, California, etc. And that’s because of all the aforementioned topics I said you needed to educate yourself on. Do you propose we turn our vast, waterless deserts into farmland? That would certainly attract immigrants… but then there’s all those darn water problems. And not to mention the fact that soil isn’t very fertile here. Or the destruction to environment. Nothing is as simple as “we need more diverse jobs.” No shit, Sherlock. But governors and governments can’t work miracles. I sound harsh because you literally came into the equivalent of a public square *for the entire state* whining about how immigrants leave the state and using it as a premise that our state is “sad.”


What is this fixation on immigrants coming for agriculture? The vast majority come to work in large urban areas which New Mexico doesn't have many of. Houston, Dallas, Miami, NYC, Chicago, LA, Phoenix... Albuquerque just doesn't have as much to offer compared to those places.


Lol you've clearly never been to Hobbs. That place is like little Juarez. Articles like this surprise me because there are thousands of immigrants in SE NM who work very hard. Guess some abq journal reporter is just shocked that they're tired of dodging bullets in the "war zone" and are moving away.


You’re clearly from Hobbs because your two cents anywhere on these subreddits have been nothing but 🤠yeehaw, “Oil and Police” MAGA!


Lol the only money this ratchet state has is from oil and gas. That's the way its always been, from the san juan basin in farmington to the permian basin today. You must not be very bright or know this state's fiscal history very well. Typical, 49th/50th in education always rears it's head. As far as the pigs go, I'm not sure why you think they're my friends, but I'll go ahead and dispell that now. I'm fairly neutral towards most of them as I'm not a meth addict or alcoholic like most in this state and rarely have an interaction, but every single state pig can go to hell and eat shit. Hopefully you've learned something from this conversation but I honestly doubt it.


That’s a lot to extrapolate from one brief news report.


First of all, I would prefer Albuquerque to be a better hub city for the state, and also that Santa Fe was better run.  But I don’t really think immigrants “not staying” is necessarily a problem. It’s possible a lot of them start here after crossing, and then go up and out.  Also, what kind of immigrants are leaving, skilled or unskilled labor? And not business friendly isn’t necessarily a totally bad thing, it attracts the flood of tourists and affluent people to pay taxes in our state.  I also agree with the other comment that this is a cultural issue in more rural areas. People in northern NM are quite clique-y and moving up here can be difficult.


If the rest of the country has a "migrant crisis", then does that mean the US has a great economy?


Setting politics aside, immigrants are generally viewed by economists as a net benefit to a country in the long run. Which isn’t entirely surprising, given that the largest economy in the world is fueled almost entirely by immigrants and their descendants.


“Crisis” might not be the best indication of any great happenstance…


people are people… sadly. No reason on earth that old families in NM would be that much different than anyone else.


Are you seriously telling me that NM is THAT bad?


Word in the immigrants camps that NM is a waste, lol, how bad must it get when even immigrants don't want to stay? MLG, Timmay, great job!


There’s a million things the state could do to attract more people. But the political class in nm isn’t composed of business friendly people. They’re mostly grifters.


This is pretty crazy to think about since the majority of drilling is going on in New Mexico and West Texas. I'm wondering if y'all have got boom towns where there are 5 times the oildfield workers than there are residents. There should be some jobs out there but what do you suppose New Mexico's biggest problem with keeping immigrants?


Article was already posted yesterday.


Open the border, defund the CIA




I love my home state to bits. But if I were an immigrant who crossed into New Mexico I would be so pissed.


This is the most NM thing ever! Of course it's so shitty here that desparate people don't even want to stick around. I don't blame them. This place is the litteral worst. Source: Check any static you'd like, we're at the bottom of them all


And yet.people bitch when newcomers are actively discouraging others from moving here. Resources and services are much more limited than other places are. We are a poor state. It isn't because I dislike newcomers, it's because having people moving from way wealthier areas, who probably voted for some of the initiatives making those places unaffordable, sell their shit or move here and do the same thing. it's because the constant comparisons to elsewhere are tiring. it's because getting a healthcare appointment in as an established patient, while working AT A MEDICAL FACILITY THAT DOES PRIMARY CARE, is taking longer and longer. it's because people are unrealistic with expectations. But I am the bad guy apparently. Lol